HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121008 UC Minutes Ros�MOUNT
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October 8, 2012
Pursuant to due call and norice thereof the regulax Utility Commission meeting of the City of
Rosemount was called to order on October 8,2012 at 5:26 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City
HaIl by President Don Harmsen. Those present were CoiYUnission Members Mulhern, Speich,
Mayor Droste, City Engineer Brotzler, Finance Director May and Recording Secretary Dorniden.
MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the July 9,2012,xegular Utility Commission
meeting. Second by Speich. Ayes: Harmsen,Mulhern,Speich. Nays: None. Motion carried.
. No Old Business.
6a. Wellhead Protection Plan Amendment Part 2 .
Executive Director Brotzler apprised the Commission that the City had oxiginally completed Part 1
and 2 of the City's Wellhead Protection Plan in early 2003. It is mandated by the State Health
Department that this Plan be updated every 10 years. Now with the proposed gravel mining,
dredging below the water table,it is especially important than to protect and monitor the City's
groundwater. Eric Zweber, the Senior Pla.nner,has been working closely with the consulta,nt on the
UMore—Dakota Aggregate mining,which includes a groundwater monitoring plan. The mining
permit will be discussed at the Council Work Session this week.
Nancy Zeigler,consultant with WSB &Associates,was on hand to answer questions and point out
the highlights of Part 2 of the Wellhead Protection Plan Amendment. Part 1 delineated the
Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) and Drinking Water Souxce Management Axea (DWSMA) and
completed a well and aquifex vulnerability.The 2003 Plan included Wells 3, 7, 8,9 and Rural Wells 1
and 2. For the Amendment,Well's 14, 15 and 12 were added and Well 3 was xemoved from service
and sealed. The City's amended DWSMA is largex and includes poxtions of Apple Valley,Lakeville
and Empire Township. The discussion revolved around how the Plan can be justified when the
aquifer supplies a xegional area and the plan should really be a regional plan instead of a City plan.
Ms. Zeiglex noted that the City's completion of the Plan is governed by Minnesota Rules and the
• Minnesota Department of Health who pxovides a report template.
2875 145th Street West• Rosemount,MN 55068-4997•651-423-4411 •TDD/TTY 651-423-6219•Fax 651-322-2694
October 8, 2012
Ms. Zeiglex passed out Figure 10 from Part 1 of the Amended Wellhead Protection Plan. It shows
aquifer vulnerabiliry and boundaries of the WHPA and DWSMA.
Part 2 of the Wellhead Protection Plan inventories potential contaminants, evaluates several data.
elements and prepares a management portion that includes goals, objectives and a plan of action and
evaluation. Changes from the original Part 2 includes a largex DWSMA area,consideration of future
mining operations and developing plans of action that are more specific to all for obtaining wellhead
protection grants from the Minnesota Department of Health.
Ms. Zeigler went thxough the Plan and made comment that the identified goals are the same as
those identified in the 2003 plan. The objectives and plan of action have been updated and revised.
The different responsibilities of the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Department
of Natural Resources (DNR) were discussed.The MDH is xesponsible for protection of drinking
water quality and the DNR controls quantity.
The City's next step in the process is to send the Plan out to local units of government for review.
The Metropolitan Council would be included in that group. A public hearing will be held aftex the
60-day xeview for comments and then the plan will be submitted to MDH fox final approval.
• MOTION by Harmsen to Authorize the Release of the Draft Wellhead Protection Plan Part 2 for a
60-day Public Review and Comment period. Second by Speich. Ayes: Speich,Mulhern,Harmsen.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
6b. Watex and SeweY Rates
Executive Director Brotzler opened by reminding the Commission that the Citq had gone to the
tiered rates two years ago,prior to that there had been no increase in 10 years. `I'he memo outlines
what the rates are and what is suggested. Within the figures Commission discussed the development
of a water treatment plant which has been noted for 2016 within the CIP and xate study. That is
when the e�visting debt service will be paid off,however not a defuutive date as to when a water
treatment plant would be built. This is an item which could be brought to the Council November
woxk session as to the when and how.
The when generally revolves axound the drinking water quality. Currendy,Rosemount's water
supply is treated with chlorine, fluoride, and polyphosphate at each wellhead. Executive Dixector
Brotzlex handed out a memo that Ms. Zeigler had prepared regaxding water quality. The finished
water is not in compliance with secondary drinking water standards for iron and manganese.
Excessive ixon and manganese concentrations can cause red,black,brown,and yellow colored water
and are a source of customer complaints. High iron and manganese levels are an aesthetic concern,
not a health concern. Polyphosphate is added to help the iYOn and manganese stay in solution.
However, some iron and manganese setdes out in the distribution mains and watex towers and
increases the need fox flushing and cleaning.Aesthetic concerns with drinking water often lead Cities
• to construct water treatment plants.
October 8, 2012
Concentrarions of radium in the City's wells approach the primary drinking water standard •
maxirnum contaminant level (MCL),but do not exceed the standard. If radium levels in an existing
well or a future well exceed the primary drinking water standard for 4 consecutive quarters, the
Minnesota Department of Health would notify the city of a violation and require that the source not
be used or a plan be developed and implemented for lowering the radium to an acceptable level.
When the test well for Well 12 was constructed the watex quality test showed radiuxn levels
approaching the limit.When Well 12 was constructed it was below the limit.
A treatment plant could be constructed to control aesthetic concerns of ixon and manganese and
with some modifications could remove radium in the future,if needed.
Finance Dixector May explained that with the treatment plant being a future issue, the proposed
rates should be looked at now. Staff recommends that the reserves do not go below two million
dolla.rs. The Commission had questions as to how the salaries are reflected within the rate study.
The word surcharge has been used for paying off debt since the Chippendale tower. Now surcharge
is related to infrastructure improvements and is consistendy left in the budget. It helps to buy down
the debt on Wells 12, 14, 15 and East 5ide and Bacaxdi Towers. Well 15 debt will be xetired in 2017,
the other ones can't be called and will still be used.
MOTION by Mulhern to recommend City Council approval of Water and Sewer Utility Rate
changes for 2013. Second by Harmsen. Ayes: Mulhern, Speich, Harmsen. Nays: None. Motion •
8a. Project Update
Executive Director Brotzlex briefly reviewed the projects with the Commissioners:
• MVTA has started the Park&Ride across the street.
• 145`�Street paving is done.
• Diamond Path Trail Improvements will be having a ribbon cutting next week.
• Brazil Avenue Improvements which included the Erickson Park parking lot has been
• TH 3 Trail Extension in front of the Communiry Center going to Connemara Trail is
progressing. The City received a$100,000 DNR grant toward the project.
• TH 3 Underpass starts south of the south driveway of the Community Center by the shot
put/discus area and comes out into the Glen Rose neighborhood tying into the Koch Trail.
Design is being worked on.
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October 8, 2012
� • Girl Scouts toured Well 14 and Bacardi Tower and then had a technical overview of the
drinking water. Mary Owens organized the tour for appro�mately 60 Girl Scouts.
Commissioner Mulhern received some very itnpressive feedback about the tour. Executive
Directox Brotzler apprised the Commission that there will be approximately 200-300 Girl
Scouts participating in a clean-up and stenciling storm drains within the City this Saturday.
8b. Informational Attachments
No discussion on the Interim Financial Report
It was noted that water consumption was up 17% from last year. A brief discussion took place and
it was decided that educating the public is the best way to get the word out and an axticle should go
out regarding conservation in the spring.
The scheduled meeting for Novembex falls on the Veterans Day holiday. The only item that will be
coming before the Commission at this time will be an amendment to the Sprint Antenna Lease
which expires the end of the year. The Commission unanimously agreed to meet November 19`�if
this item is xeady.
• MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Second by Harmsen. Meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, `
Cindy Dorniden
Recording Secretary
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