HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140310 UC Minutes UTILITY COMMISSION
March 10, 2014
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of
Rosemount was called to order on March 10, at 5:38 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall,
2875 145th Street West,Rosemount.
President Harmsen called the meeting to order with Commissioners Mulhern and Speich, City
Administrator Johnson,Assistant City Engineer Olson,Bill Alms and Todd Hubmer of WSB &
Associates, and Recording Secretary Harrington attending.
Motion by Speich. Second by Harmsen.
Motion to approve the minutes of the November 18, 2013 Utility Commission meeting.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried.
6a. Proposal for Program Development and Implementation of the City's 2013 MS4
General Permit
Todd Hubmer provided a summary of the WSB proposal for services including the development
and implementation of the City of Rosemount's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)
General Permit in accordance with the revised permit application. Also included within the
proposal is the continuation of the city's current infiltration and evaporation monitoring and the
addition of water quality monitoring and the direct purchase of monitoring equipment by the city to
improve the efficiency of data collection for surface water elevations.
Bill Alms reviewed the scope of services includes all activities associated with or in support of the
MS4 Permit into one work plan instead of breaking each into smaller proposals. The three main
areas include:
1. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Annual Program Management
(Estimated Fee- $5,000)
This includes program management and administration along with assistance
in documentation efforts, compilation and regular updates including any from
associated governing agencies, and assistance completing the MS4 Annual
2. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Development and Implementation
(Estimated Fee - $33,450 + SWAMP Program Cost- $6,000)
Twelve areas of minor ordinance updates,procedures,and enforcement
responses are included along with the organization of maintenance activities
for the Stormwater Asset Management Program (SWAMP). This allows the
city to anticipate needed management and maintenance of stormwater ponds.
A stormwater pond assessment program is a requirement for the MS4
3. Additional MS4 Program Services—Water Quality Monitoring Program
(Monitoring Equipment- $13,600, Sample Testing Cost- $4,100, Estimated
Fee- $17,750)
This water quality monitoring program includes evaluating infiltration and
evaporation rates,discharge and pollution information on future discharge
and support for this monitoring.
Items 1 and 2 include bare minimums required by the MS4 permit. Item 3 is an area that WSB has
already begun by the monitoring of infiltration and evaporation monitoring,but also includes
monitoring of water quality as well.
Commissioner Harmsen inquired about section 2.8 Staff Training. Alms explained that WSB will
provide training facilitated by MS4 experts and using programs supported by the MPCA. Training
would include public works,building,and engineering staff. Standard operating procedures for
implementation will also be included in training. Hubmer added this ensures continuity when in
cases when auditors ask various departments for information regarding our procedures. WSB
University is another option offered by WSB, for training of staff when an in-house training session
cannot be attended. Alms mentioned the use of quick cut sheets as training guides for seasonal
workers. Training documentation will also be included within the annual reporting. Commissioner
Mulhern approved of maintaining the city's relationship with WSB to provide needed consistency in
It was noted that there are approximately 350 stormwater ponds within the city. Some basins are
constructed to receive water from culvert drainage, and some are natural wetlands receiving
stormwater from runoff. Delineation between wetlands and constructed stormwater ponds and
updating pond inventory with most accurate data will be included within this program. Mr. Olson
explained that the program will likely be expanded to include the UMore area when construction of
that development occurs.
Alms presented screen shots of the SWAMP software program included in the proposal, currently
used in Burnsville. It identifies the health of ponds throughout the city and subsequent reporting
that can be used by city staff. The software makes use of spreadsheets, GIS information,and links
documents and validation of results to locations. Water quality testing provides historical data that
can be used as a predictive model to assist maintenance scheduling and associated budget
development. WSB plans to create a five year program, not only to monitor the pond levels,but to
identify trends in water levels, and identify maintenance needs for the City of Rosemount.
Another dimension of this program is cost benefit analysis associated with pond maintenance and
the extraction of materials like phosphorus when performing maintenance. It also allows for the
identification of problematic ponds, creating opportunities to more readily resolve issues, providing
cost savings over time.
Hubmer added that since WSB currently provides this service for approximately 20% of the cities in
the state of Minnesota,when potential audit issues are identified;WSB proactively corrects those
issues and all cities programs are subsequently updated to assure compliance.
The Commissioners agree that there needs to be a budget for pond maintenance,to maintain and
have knowledge of contaminants, and be ready to proactively solve issues in areas where we know
there is a problem.
Motion by Mulhern. Second by Speich.
Motion to recommend City Council Authorization to Provide Professional Services for
Program Development and Implementation of the City's 2013 MS4 General Permit.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0.Absent: 0. Motion carried.
6b. Set Meeting Dates 2014-2015
A brief discussion held regarding the schedule for Utility Commission meetings from April of 2014
through March of 2015 noting that the November 2014 meeting date was moved to the 17`h due to
the proximity to the Veteran's Day holiday. Potential conflicts noted on June 9th,July 7th, and
August 11`h
Motion by Harmsen. Second by Mulhern.
Motion to set the 2014-2015 Utility Commission Meetings per attached calendar with
possible amendments to come.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0.Absent: 0. Motion carried.
President Harmsen reported he received notice that he has been reappointed to the Utility
Commission for another three year term.
8a. City Projects Update
The attached project report was reviewed.
Olson also reviewed the current map of frozen water service lines and noted a current map depicting
those locations can be found on the City's website along with recommendations for preventing
water service lines from freezing. Notices have been hung on doors in the neighborhoods hardest
8b. 2014 Well Pumping Report
The attached report was reviewed and it was noted that pumping still down for 2014.
8c. Set Next Meeting Agenda for April 7, 2014
The Annual meeting will take place on April 7, 2014 at which the election of Utility Commission
President will occur, however if nothing other items are presented the election will be postponed.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned by Harmsen at 6:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Je. Harrington
Recording Secretary