HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141208 UC Minutes UTILITY COMMISSION
December 8, 2014
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of
Rosemount was called to order on December 8, 2014, at 5:35 p.m. in the Conference Room of the
City Hall, 2875 145`h Street West, Rosemount.
President Speich called the meeting to order with Commissioners Mulhern and Harmsen, City
Administrator Johnson, Council Member Demuth, Rosemount Mayor Droste,Assistant City
Engineer Olson, and Recording Secretary Kladar attending.
Motion by Harmsen. Second by Mulhern.
Motion to approve the minutes of the August 11, 2014 Utility Commission meetings.
Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried.
Motion by Mulhern. Second by Harmsen.
Motion to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2014 Utility Commission meetings.
Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried.
6.a. Maintenance of City Owned Properties
Assistant City Engineer Olson provided a summary of the staff report. In October the Utility
Commission toured several sites to review specific issues as well as those common throughout the
City ponds. As a follow-up to the tour, staff would like a recommendation from the Utility
Commission as to which projects to move forward next year. A city wide plan to manage volunteer
tree growth around all the ponds in the City is currently being developed and will be brought to
Meadows of Bloomfield Pond—Removal of Volunteer Tree Growth
Olson advised that the City has already moved forward with removing the volunteer growth around
the pond. The work started today and should be completed by next week. The Mayor asked
Harmsen how the City of Apple Valley handled their ponds and he advised that the street
department took care of maintaining those areas and worked on them during down time in the
Bacardi Avenue
Olson advised that the Bacardi Avenue project should be completed by July 1,2015.
Well 16
Olson reported that the trunk water main and raw water main have been extended to Well 16. Work
will continue on Well 16 pending council approval of the alternatives to resolve the radium issue
found in the samples from the test well.
Stillwell Pond Outlet
This pond has had flooding issues and the water has come up to the back of the house at 12785
Bacardi Avenue. The City has pumped in the past couple of years. It has been proposed to install a
permanent outlet to this pond to prevent flooding. An outlet is now possible with the recent
improvements on Bacardi Avenue.
The necessity of easements and construction costs of an outlet to Horseshoe Lake may potentially
make pumping a better option until this stretch of Bacardi is improved. Dredging the pond has also
been suggested.
Olson advised that survey information is needed to determine the best design for the outlet from
Stillwell Pond to the low point south of 128th Street. Ultimately the water will end up in Horseshoe
Pond. Bringing the water directly south would be the least expensive. The City could move forward
with recommending design plans or continue to treat as a pumping situation.
Mulhern wants to move forward with design plans. Johnson stated that City Council will want to
know the cost of pumping versus moving forward with design changes as it may be cheaper to keep
pumping. One problem with pumping is that the pump may be needed in more than one area at a
Demuth added that the house she lives in was flooded through the walkout in the past. The
homeowner had to change the walkout and put in a retaining wall at their expense. Demuth
inquired if we could ask the homeowner to make changes to their home instead of the City paying
the bill. Johnson suggested that the City discuss this situation with their attorney to determine the
City's obligations. Olson advised that the next time to address this issue would be when the road is
extended north as the water will have to be moved somewhere.
The Utility Commission determined that they would like to see more information on the various
options including costs, consult with the City's attorney as noted above and possibly get a survey
McAndrews/Shannon Parkway Storm Outlet
This is a similar situation as Stillwell in that it is a basin that doesn't have an outlet. It has been
proposed to install a permanent outlet at the low point along the north side of McAndrews Road,
west of Shannon Parkway. The City has also spent time pumping this area in the past. The outlet
pipe is proposed to be extended to the pond on the east side of Cobblestone Lane. A connection to
Lift Station 6 along Shannon Parkway could help alleviate the flooding but it would cost more.
As with Stillwell,there is no survey information available yet but the water needs to be moved
through the existing low points to the basin east of Cobblestone Lane. Putting a trunk storm line
along the side of McAndrews could also be an option. There is no plan for a formal lift station.
Digging out catch basins has also been suggested which would involve requesting Dakota County to
address the issue and potential county funding.
The Mayor advised that there is a possibility that the county will change McAndrews Road into a 3
lane road with turn lanes. The Mayor advised there is a traffic flow issue on this road and
alternatives are being discussed. More research is needed to determine the county's plans and
consider potential funding for the project.
Mulhern thinks the City should look at the different options and provide more information and cost
estimates. This project could potentially be postponed if Dakota County has plans of making
modifications to McAndrews Road.
Innisfree Park Trail Replacement, Clearing and Revegetation
The City is moving forward with trail improvement fund to clean up the growth along the trail and
repave the trails in Innisfree Park. The trees have damaged the trails and clearing is required prior to
replacing the paved trail.
Diamond Path Trail Replacement/Wensmann Pond Slope Clearing and Revegetation
It is proposed that the City remove volunteer growth and vegetation along the paved trail on
Diamond Path. This would involve cleaning up the evergreens and pulling out the willow trees that
are growing up and then repaving the trail area. This area needs to be aggressively maintained or the
City can install concrete sidewalks. This expense would come out of the trail budget. The City has
an 80/20 split with Dakota County if the City has a trail maintenance plan in place.
President Speich did not have anything new to report.
8.a. City Projects Update
The attached project report was reviewed and Olson provided a quick summary. Olson advised that
most of the projects are now on hold for the winter. Ryland recently submitted Greystone 4th
Addition and Lennar is planning Prestwick Place 11th this winter which will finish everything south
of Connemara and west of Akron Avenue.
8.b. 2014 Well Pumping Report
The attached report was reviewed and it was noted that pumping was still down 7.6% for the year.
The Mayor shared some information recently provided by Director Brotzler regarding the City of
Woodbury and their conservation efforts. The Mayor stated that the City needs to do more
conservation or we will be forced to by the Met Council. He also believes that we need to design
parks for better use of grey water and the City needs a plan regarding water use. Further,he thinks
we need more data on the use of second meters for irrigation and conservation. Johnson suggested
that the Woodbury plan be discussed in more detail at a Council work session.
The Mayor then raised the issue of sustainability and UMore Park which has a lot of opportunity as
the City would be building from the ground up. He noted that effluent water could be used for
irrigation. Discussion ensued regarding a potential water treatment facility. Demuth inquired what
would be the deciding factor for moving forward with a water treatment facility. She noted that
there is no health concern to iron and manganese which are treated through a water treatment
Johnson added that the resident survey pollster noted that he sees no differences in complaints
between cities with water treatment facilities and those without. Demuth discussed water softeners
and the discharge that has to be treated from those. She wants to manage the brine from the
softeners so it doesn't travel to Empire where they have to deal with it. Demuth advised that the
Met Council said there could be a potential cost benefit to the City if we reduced the salt use on our
The Mayor brought up the groundwater issue in the metro area. A ruling came out last week
regarding White Bear Lake. Five cities have to agree to the plan and the state legislature has to come
up with money to remove the cities from the aquifer. Demuth inquired whether the City should
wait on drilling Well 16 if things are in flux. Mayor said it needs to be drilled before City gets into
trouble with needing more water and the well not being ready.
8.c. Set Next Meeting Agenda for January 12, 2015
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned by President Speich at 6:26
Respectfully submitted,
Karin Kladar
Recording Secretary