HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150225 YCRM Minutes ROSEMOUNT YOUTH COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS February 25, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Youth Commission was held on Wednesday, Februarys 25, 2015 at 3:47 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 h Street West,Rosemount. Chairperson Dennis called the meeting to order with Youth Commissioners Corrigan, Demuth, Hinderaker,Munson,Radosevich, Revanur, Saal, Schalliol,Wick, and Yambing present. City Council member Staff Liaison Foster,Parks and Recreation Director Schultz,John Loch of the Rosemount Area Arts Council (RAAC), Shoe-Corrigan and Recording Secretary Harrington were also present. Youth Commissioners Mohamed and Wuellner were absent. City Council member Weisensel arrived at 3:50 p.m. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA Motion by Dennis. Second by Wick. Motion to Adopt the Agenda. Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 2. Motion carried. AUDIENCE INPUT None CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Dennis. Second by Corrigan. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Minutes of January 28, 2015 Youth Commission Meeting Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 2. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 5.a. Swing Dance Event John Loch first spoke to the success of the Star Wars event and thanked those volunteers present. The Swing Dance will take place on Friday,March 20,', 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Rosemount Community Center Banquet Room. There will free dance lessons from 6:00 until 7:00 p.m. for those who wish some instruction. RAAC would again like to partner with the Youth Commission 1 to get the word out to the youth in Rosemount and will have a variety of volunteer opportunities the night of the dance. If you wish to volunteer,please contact Mr. Loch or RAAC. NEW BUSINESS 6.a. Parks and Recreation Department Update Director Schultz the Parks and Recreation department advised the group of recent updates within the department. The Activity Center will soon be added to the Steeple Center. Many groups and people of all ages will be able to enjoy using the space. Currently the space is expected to be available to the public in August of 2015. Facility improvements at the Steeple Center including: air conditioning,blinds to control lighting, and thanks to an $11K grant applied for by RAAC,a curtain for the stage will also be installed. Resilient Communities Project (RCP) is a group of professors and students from the University of Minnesota partnering with the City to help with public engagement. The goal of the project is to receive a professional presentation of recommendations developed by students to accomplish certain goals. Some of the students involved are from The Humphrey Institute currently studying to obtain law degrees of various levels. On Saturday, February 21St°2015 the Parks and Recreation department invited athletic organizations within Rosemount to submit needs. The Rosemount Area Hockey Association (RAI-IA) would like to see another sheet of ice. The Rosemount Area Athletic Association (RAAA) requested additional indoor courts for volleyball and basketball. Dakota Rev would like to see an artificial turf field similar to the current dome for expanded season play. The City Council asked to meet with each group once they have refined their requests and then discuss recommendations. Chairperson Dennis asked where the Parks and Recreation Department stands with respect to the requests from athletic associations. Schultz replied that while the department is very supportive of all requests, due to limited resources those requests will need to be prioritized according to needs, operational costs,and funding available. Due to the limited funding available for projects, those such as the proposed artificial turf field may be easier to accomplish since Dakota Rev has indicated they would finance the project. Shoe-Corrigan also noted that several facilities are half built and need funding to be finished in order to make them usable for tournaments. Current resources are not enough to do everything at once. Schultz explained that Residential developments fund neighborhood parks when they are platted with a dedication for building public parks. This can be made in cash,land or a combination of both. Because of park dedications,partnerships, and donations,we have been able to add and improve parks without a bond referendum (which ask voters to pay for projects) and that the last bond referendum in 2008 was rejected by voters. Summer Parks and Recreation programs are being set up now. There is significant planning that goes into each season's programs. 2 This spring the opening of four new lighted tennis courts will take place at Erickson Park and as well as a playground in Prestwick Park. Prestwick Park, on the east side of Rosemount,will include playground equipment that was popular with the Youth Commission when park options were presented last year. Council member Weisensel reminded the Commissioners of the goal presented at the Goal Setting Session of sponsoring a 5K to benefit a local charity. The Commission expressed the desire to create and participate in a charity run that would become a tradition aimed at supporting a local charity. Various local charities were discussed. It was also suggested to vary the route through different areas of Rosemount each year to highlight different those and potentially have the sponsored charity be within the route. Schultz stressed the level of commitment and work necessary to bring this to fruition. Events such as this are time intensive and present challenges in regards to funding for operating expenses and recruiting volunteers. Often,when Parks and Recreation put on a race they make little to no profits in order to appeal to more citizens by keeping entrance fees low. Schultz offered the following suggestions: volunteer to assist with a race such as the Leprechaun Days Run for the Gold to learn what is involved in spearheading a race;partner with the RHS Cross Country team since they would have access to needed supplies; find a suitable place as the base, such as RHS, the Community Center, or perhaps 360 Communities; limit the number of road crossings which will also limit the amount of police needed; and refrain from making the course too challenging by having few hills. OLD BUSINESS 5.b. 2015 Goal Setting Weisensel suggested drafting a letter of support for the Parks and Recreation Department to forward several of the Youth Commission goals established last month. A draft letter of support will be reviewed at the meeting next month and will include support of. a 5K run, artificial turf(with removable dome), Central Park activities (bonfires and movies), a film festival,photography contest, and a YMCA. Schultz is again planning for a bonfire event during the football season, although no dates have been set. Shoe-Corrigan added that the bonfire event was something that began with the Youth Commission. Loch explained that RAAC has promoted a photography contest for the past six years in which all photos must be identifiably taken in Rosemount. The contest occurs during Art Blast at the end of June. RAAC website has information including categories and encouraged the Youth Commissioners to participate and spread the word to RHS art and photography classes. 3 Loch also advised the Youth Commission that they would be interested in partnering on a film festival. He noted that getting the films played at Marcus Theatres can be difficult since they require a guarantee on ticket sales prior to the event and the last film festival only received ten films,but RAAC is always open to putting on a film festival Goals and Leadership Development Groups reviewed long and short term goals, changes in bold. Increase Youth Job Opportunities Commissioners: Dennis, Radosevich, Saal,Wick, and Yambing Short term goal: Resume writing class for youth—Spring 2015 Long term goal: Sponsor a jo —removed due to lack of support Increase Youth Commission Community Presence Commissioners: Hinderaker, Revanur, and Schalliol Short term goal: Promote Youth Commission in Rosemount Middle School—completed in 2014, continuing with distribution of Youth Commission applications Short term goal: Feed My Starving Children—Youth Commission bonding Short term goal: Charity 5K run Long term goal: Create a long-term relationship with the Robert Trail Library Increase Youth Gathering Locations and Activities Commissioners: Corrigan,Demuth,Munson, and Wuellner Short term goal: Movies in the Park—Summer 2015 Short term goal: New restaurants Short term goal: Charity 5K run Long term goal: Partner with RAAC on young adult theater—anticipated the end of 2016 It was noted that the Charity 5K run would fit into two groups and that they should brainstorm in partnership. 5.c. Restaurant Suggestions The group made the following restaurant suggestions for the City of Rosemount: Panera Ruby Tuesday Potbellies Buffalo Wild Wings Noodles Red Robin Qudoba Panda Express Sonic Carvel Roscoe's Chicken D'Amicos Five Guys Green Garden and Waffles $5 Pizza Jamba Juice Red Lobster Smash Burgers Dave and Busters Chipode Olive Garden Baskin Robins 4 Commissioner Wick suggested adding something unique to Rosemount instead of having the same restaurants that neighboring communities already have. Shoe-Corrigan suggested adding restaurants that the youth would support on a regular basis instead of just occasionally. NEW BUSINESS 6.b. Youth Commission Recruitment Foster reminded the Commissioners to submit their applications and to recruit friends for the upcoming 2015-2016 Youth Commission. Applications are due by Wednesday,March 18d', 2015. Vice Chairperson Schalliol will bring forms to the Rosemount High School office and Commissioner Hinderaker will bring them to Rosemount Middle School. The May Youth Commission meeting will be a joint meeting between the 2014-2015 Youth Commissioners and the 2015-2016 Youth Commissioners. Weisensel reported that he has invited the Mayor to attend and that he has accepted. 6.c. Roundtable Discussion Chairperson Dennis reported that RHS Student Council will sponsor a dance on March 14"' similar in style to a back to school dance. Vice Chairperson Schalliol added that to encourage attendance it may be advertised as a White-Out and have glow sticks for effect. Commissioner Munson is excited to be going to Paris soon,while Commissioner Hinderaker is excited for the upcoming softball tryouts. Commissioner Revanur is excited to meet the Professors at the University of Minnesota. Commissioner Demuth advised the group that if they are looking for volunteer opportunities to contact her because she has an organization that could use help. Vice Chairperson Radosevich recently obtained a job teaching swimming lessons. Commissioner Saal reported having free time now that basketball season has ended and he is also looking forward to warmer weather. Commissioner Yambing got into the Honors finals at the Eastview Speech Tournament. Commissioner Wick reported that he and Commissioners Corrigan and Yambing auditioned for On Stage and all have received parts in the performance that will be taking place April 30d'through May 3Td. Tickets go fast so Wick suggested getting them early. Commissioner Corrigan also reported that she and Commissioner Wick will be involved in a RAAC play on February 26"'in which she plays a secretary. REPORTS 7.a. Commission Member Reports Chairperson Dennis reported that staff has contacted Commissioner Mohamed and she has resigned from the Youth Commission. 5 Foster reported that Chairperson Dennis will address the City Council at an upcoming meeting to report on Youth Commission activities. Chairperson Dennis reported that the Sub-committee working on a resume writing class will be meeting next week. They will be asking Mr. Macho to mentor/sponsor the event which will make it a school sponsored event and allow the posting of signs within Rosemount High School. The focus of the resume writing class will be focused on both job and college resumes. Weisensel suggested notifying the local paper to advertise and Shoe-Corrigan suggested asking the paper to do an article on the event as well as checking into advertising on the local cable channel. 7.b. Next Meeting Date The next meeting of the Youth Commission is scheduled for March 18, 2015 at 3:45 p.m. at City Hall at which the Volunteer Coordinator will update the Commission on needs and opportunities. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss,it was moved by Dennis and seconded by Radosevich that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 5:01 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Jean Harrington Recording Secretary 6