January 28, 2015
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Youth Commission was
held on Wednesday,January 28, 2015 at 3:46 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 '
Street West,Rosemount.
Chairperson Dennis called the meeting to order with Youth Commissioners Corrigan, Hinderaker,
Munson,Radosevich, Revanur, Saal, Schalliol,Wick, and Wuellner present. City Council member
Mark DeBettignies, former City Council member Shoe-Corrigan, Staff Liaison Foster, and
Recording Secretary Kladar were also present. Commissioners DeMuth and Mohamed were absent
and Commissioner Yambing arrived at 3:47 p.m. City Council Member Jeff Weisensel arrived at
3:54 p.m. Radosevich left at 4:34 p.m. and Wuellner left at 4:40 p.m.
Motion by Dennis. Second by Corrigan.
Motion to Adopt the Agenda.
Ayes: 10
Nays: 0. Absent: 3. Motion carried.
Motion by Dennis. Second by Wick.
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
a. Minutes of December 17, 2014 Youth Commission Meeting
Ayes: 10
Nays: 0. Absent: 3. Motion carried.
5.a. Star Wars Event Follow-up — RAAC
Commissioners Radosevich and Corrigan volunteered at the recent RAAC Star Wars. Both reported
that it was a successful event with good attendance.
5.b. Swing Dance Event— RAAC
This item will be placed on the February agenda when a representative from RAAC can be present
to provide details about the upcoming event which is scheduled for March 20, 2015.
6.a. Goal Setting Session
The Commissioners reviewed the Youth Commission's goals from 2014-2015. Dennis provided an
update on the resume writing class which was one the Commission's ongoing growth goals. The
subcommittee is focusing their attention on getting this class started this year.
Council Members discussed several current issues in Rosemount including the status of a YMCA
and the possibility of putting removable domes over the turf fields so they could be used in the
winter month. Council Member Weisensel advised the Commissioners that many of their ideas
from last year were used by Council. The Youth Commissioners should try to focus on goals that
are quantifiable with a specific timeline.
The Commissioners held a brainstorming session facilitated by Council members. There were three
goal setting stations consisting of the areas of Grow,Live and Manage. The Commissioners were
then given five stickers and asked to identify their top five goals. The chart below is a summary of
the goals and corresponding number of Commissioner votes for each.
Votes Area Goal
9 Live Charity 5K Run- designed and sponsored by Youth Commission;
possibly part of Leprechaun Days or Spirit Week
8 Live Feed My Starving Children—Youth Commission Bonding Event
7 Grow Turf/removable dome
6 Grow New businesses/restaurants
5 Manage More Student Body Activities
4 Live More Activities at Central Park
4 Grow YMCA
3 Grow Promote Teen Volunteerism
2 Grow Bonfire—Night to Unite, after Football Games
2 Manage Recruitment/Activities for Middle School Kids to Promote Youth
Commission; partner with schools
2 Live Film Festival—partner with RAAC
1 Grow Job Fair
1 Manage Increase Shopping/Fast Food Restaurants
1 Live City Photography Contest
Grow Youth Influence/High School
Grow More Houses/Communities
Manage Partnership with High School and Middle School
Votes Area Goal
Manage Recognition through Social Media
Manage Partnership with RAAC
Manage Community Involvement
Live Promote Activities to Different Age Groups
Live Young Adult Music Groups
Live Activities During Leprechaun Days
Live More Charity Events
Council Member DeBettignies inquired further about the restaurants desired in Rosemount as he
has an upcoming conference which will cover this topic. The feedback from the Commissioners
was a desire for more unique and upscale restaurants and potentially Chipotle,Ruby Tuesday,
Carvel, and Red Robin. The Commissioners don't think we need any more pizza places. Weisensel
said that they will talk more about this at next month's meeting and bring this information to the
upcoming conference.
The group further discussed their top goal of the 5K run which would support a Rosemount charity.
This event could be incorporated with Leprechaun Day or high school spirit week. Munson advised
she could help with advertising in Pioneer Press. Foster suggested a color or costume run as a
possiblity to spark interest.
Parks and Recreation Director Dan Schultz will be invited to the February Youth Commission
meeting to provide information on some of these topics related to City Parks and Recreation events.
Weisensel advised that the Youth Commission goals will be worked into a statement and brought
back next month to refine. Some of the items will have more involvement and others will be more
of a policy.
7.a. Commission Member Reports and Roundtable
Dennis advised his association hockey team is doing well and was ranked 7`b. Corrigan and Wick
recently went to a dinner theater where they dressed as favorite authors. Wick advised that the RHS
Concert Choir is heading to a festival at Wartburg College in Iowa on Saturday.
Munson advised that she is going to Paris with the RHS choirs. Hinderaker has been offered early
acceptance into the St. Kate's doctorate program. Saal was on vacation last week and went to a
music industry show. Yambing stated that Saturday was the start of the speech season. Revanur has
been accepted at Madison. Schalliol is excited to work on this year's Youth Commission goals.
Foster talked about Treehouse which will be opening at Easter Lutheran Church in Eagan soon.
Treehouse is a safe place for teens to go for help and support. Foster encouraged the
Commissioners to share this information with anybody who may need such services and will send a
link to the website. Foster also advised the Commissioners that they could submit their Youth
Commission applications for next year and start recruiting other students.
7.b. Next Meeting Date
The next meeting of the Youth Commission is scheduled for February 25, 2015 at 3:45 p.m. at City
Hall. The Youth Commission will review and refine goals from the goals setting session.
There being no further business to discuss,it was moved by Dennis and seconded by Wick that the
meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 4:52 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Karin Kladar
Recording Secretary