HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140924 YCRM Minutes ROSEMOUNT YOUTH COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS September 24, 2014 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Youth Commission was th held on Wednesday, September 24, 2014 at 3:48 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West, Rosemount. Chairperson Dennis called the meeting to order with Youth Commissioners Corrigan, Hinderaker, Mead, Radosevich, Revanur, Schalliol, Wuellner, and Yambing present. City Council members Weisensel, Shoe-Corrigan, Staff Liaison Foster and Recording Secretary Kladar were also present. Youth Commissioners DeMuth, Mohamed, Munson, Saal and Wick were absent. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA Weisensel requested an addition to the meeting agenda. The Park and Recreation Department has requested feedback from the Youth Commissioners on proposed designs for Prestwick Park. Motion by Dennis. Second by Corrigan. Motion to Adopt the Agenda. Ayes: 9 Nays: 0. Absent: 5. Motion carried. AUDIENCE INPUT Weisensel brought with him seven boards with design proposals for Prestwick Park. He asked the Youth Commissioners to rank the designs and make notes of the items that they liked. The Commissioners briefly discussed some of the items contained in the proposals. Weisensel thanked the Commissioners for their feedback and advised that their votes would be tallied and given to Parks and Recreation. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Dennis. Second by Radosevich. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. a.Minutes of August 27, 2014 Youth Commission Meeting Ayes: 9 Nays: 0. Absent: 5. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 7a. Goals and Leadership Development The Youth Commissioners gathered in their small groups and reported their findings back to the Commission. Radosevich reported regarding increasing youth job opportunities in Rosemount. The group determined that small businesses should be targeted. Secondly, a resume writing class for youth would be helpful. Lastly, the group suggested the Youth Commission sponsor a job fair at the high school or Community Center. Revanur reported regarding increasing the Youth Commission presence in the community. The group would like the Youth Commissioners to be more involved with high school groups. The group’s second 1 suggestion was for the Commissioners to connect with younger citizens from the middle and elementary schools which could be accomplished through the teachers. Lastly the group suggested getting involved with the library and other small businesses through volunteering and attending their events. Wuellner reported regarding increasing youth gathering locations and activities. First, the group would like to promote activities in Central Park and the Steeple Center. One idea was to have movies in the park for teens. The group suggested partnering with RAAC for more activities regarding theater and arts. Weisensel asked the groups to determine one specific goal they wanted to accomplish. He requested the groups to come up with one short term and one long term goal and include a timeframe for the goals. Dennis reported that the increasing youth job opportunities group’s short term goal was the resume writing class next spring. Dennis advised that a high school teacher currently teaches a resume writing class and could be approached about teaching this class. The long term goal was the job fair and they would begin to look into this once the tree lighting event has been completed. Different options would be explored as to venue, which businesses to approach and how the event would be advertised. Hinderaker said the short term goal for the increase Youth Commission presence group was to make announcements at the middle school about Youth Commission and also provide information about upcoming events such as the Star Wars event. The group’s long term goal is to create a long term relationship with the library including volunteering and helping them with their events. Shoe-Corrigan suggested that the head of library come to a Youth Commission meeting to hear the group’s ideas. Corrigan advised the short term goal for the increase youth gathering locations and activities group was to have movies in the park next summer for middle or high school age kids. The long term goal was to partner with RAAC to do theater with young adults. This would be in the spring or next fall. Weisensel advised that next month the groups will deal with an action plan, budget, limited scope, and other such items relating to their goals. NEW BUSINESS 8.a. Resilient Communities Project Weisensel advised that the University of Minnesota selected Rosemount to be part of their Resilient Communities project. Students will be working with City staff on various issues. The Youth Commission has been asked to contribute regarding the safe driving and healthy and safe youth behavior. At some point the students will come to a Youth Commission meeting for feedback. These items will be rescheduled to a future meeting. i. Safe Youth Driving Behavior ii. Healthy and Safe Youth Behavior 8.b. Roundtable Discussion i. City Department Feedback Parks and Recreation Director Dan Schultz addressed the group. Parks & Recreation would like to sponsor a teen or adult age bonfire after the football game on Wednesday, October 15 in Central Park from 9:15 to 11:15 p.m. The plan is to have a bonfire and food vendors available. 2 Schultz requested feedback on this type of event. Dennis advised he thought it was a good idea and he thought students would attend it particularly since it was MEA weekend. He said there is normally a designated Post Game Gathering after football games. Schultz inquired as to the best way for students to learn about the event. Dennis said the location of the Post Game Gathering travels quickly via Twitter and word of mouth. The event is normally attended by football players, the band, cheerleaders and super fans but other students can attend for a meal and fellowship after the football games. Foster provided Schultz with the contact information for the parent who coordinates the volunteer activities for the Football Booster Club. Dennis suggested that the super fan captains be contacted. It was noted that the super fans have Twitter and the band has a Facebook page also which could promote the City Bonfire event. Schultz will coordinate the event with the individuals who coordinate the Post Game Gathering. Schultz added that in the winter there will be bonfires at the pleasure rink and the future phase of Central Park is the addition of a fire pit. Shoe-Corrigan inquired what food the Commissioners would like to have at events and the following was suggested: pork chop on a stick, pizza, hot chocolate, mini donuts, french fries, and tacos. Roundtable Discussion Dennis said tomorrow is Rosemount High School Respect Retreat for the freshman and he is a leader this year. Schalliol also talked about the Respect Retreat and how important it was when she went through it as a freshman. Wuellner said the football team has been busy and Friday is Homecoming. Yambing reported that she is excited for Homecoming and the Concert Choir will sing the National Anthem at the game. Revanur is busy with college applications. She also brought up the recent accident at Connemara and 3 and thinks that there have been other accidents in that area. She reported that pulling onto Highway 3 from the high school and other locations can take a long time. Hinderaker has been busy with softball practice. Mead is busy with cross country and training for a race at the University of Minnesota this weekend. Corrigan is excited for Friday night and the marching band performance. She reported that the band had a successful performance at Marshall this past weekend. REPORTS 9.a. Commission Member Reports No Commissioner reports. 9.b. Next Meeting Date The next meeting of the Youth Commission is scheduled for October 22, 2014 at 3:45 p.m. at City Hall. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Dennis and seconded by Yambing that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 4:49 p.m. 3 Note: After adjournment the Youth Commissioners met briefly with representatives of the University of Minnesota regarding the Resilient Communities project. The students plan on attending the Youth Commission meeting in October. Respectfully Submitted, Karin Kladar Recording Secretary 4