HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140827 YCRM Minutes ROSEMOUNT YOUTH COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS August 27, 2014 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Youth Commission was held on Wednesday, August 27, 2014 at 3:47 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 ' Street West, Rosemount. Chairperson Dennis called the meeting to order with Youth Commissioners Corrigan, Demuth, Hinderaker, Radosevich, Revanur, Saal, Schalliol, Wick, Wuellner, and Yambing present. City Council members Corrigan and Demuth, Staff Liaison Foster,Jeanne Schwartz and John Loch of RAAC and Recording Secretary Harrington were also present. Youth Commissioners Meaden, Mohamed and Munson were absent. City Council member Weisensel arrived at 3:55 p.m. Commissioner Corrigan and Council member Shoe-Corrigan left at 4:30 p.m. Council member Shoe- Corrigan returned at 4:40 p.m. Commissioner Dennis left at 4:53 p.m. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA Motion by Dennis. Second by Wick. Motion to Adopt the Agenda. Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 3. Motion carried. AUDIENCE INPUT Alba Nowlin of 15606 Danville Avenue, Rosemount, MN 55068 greeted the Youth Commission. Ms. Nowlin asked the Commissioners if they could in one word describe why they wanted to be on the Youth Commission. Chairperson Dennis replied that it would be difficult to put into one word, but that he enjoys helping with City events and considers it a way to give back to the community. Commissioner Shalliol agreed with Dennis saying that growing up in Rosemount has been a good experience and she wants to see it stay that way for others growing up in the City. Commissioner Corrigan added that she is the daughter of a City Council member and admires the work her mom has done in the community and wanted to do the same. Commissioner Radosevich said that if she was to use one word, she would choose the word influential. She wants to impact Rosemount in a good way. Ms. Nowlin added that she is currently running for City Council because she wants to make a difference for her children and noticed a need to leave Rosemount for entertainment. Ms. Nowlin works in the elementary and middle schools. Ms. Nowlin thanked the Commissioners for their time and input. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Dennis. Second by Radosevich. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Minutes of June 25, 2014 Youth Commission Meeting Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 3. Motion carried. 1 OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS 8.a. RAAC Events Update Jeanne Schwartz and John Loch of Rosemount Area Arts Council (RAAC) were in attendance and provided an update on upcoming events. Three items were presented to the Youth Commission as requests for participation. Tree Lighting Event on December 5"', 2014 will begin at 6:30 at Community Center. Ms. Schwartz explained that previously the event has been held at the Steeple Center, but since the Steeple Center will likely be under construction, the event has been moved. This year's event will include a concert by the Rosemount Community Band as well as a holiday film. It was also explained that RAAC solicits funds from area businesses in the name of RAAC and the Youth Commission. This is to be able to offer this as a free event to the community, but requests the Youth Commission participation to work the event in order to keep costs down. Commissioners Dennis and Corrigan explained to the new Commissioners the type of volunteer opportunities that are available, and the fun they had participating in the event. It was mentioned that the Rosemount High School band and choirs also participate. A vote was taken on the Commissioner's desire to participate;the result was a unanimous yes. Mr. Loch of RAAC explained that the promotional pieces for the event will be presented at a future meeting along with a list of opportunities for participation. Commissioner Schalliol volunteered to chair a sub-commission for this event. Star Wars Literacy Program—Mr. Loch explained the popularity of the event, and that last year it drew 1,450 people. The events included the 5015`Battalion in formal Star Wars outfits (approved by Disney), games, crafts, saber battles, contests,Trivial Pursuit and approximately 70% of the participants came in costumes. The overall impression was that everyone had a great time, but that a bigger venue was needed to accommodate participation. The event will take place on Saturday,January 17ffi, 2015 from 1:00 —4:00 p.m. and the Community Center will be used, including hallways, classrooms, the auditorium, and gym. RAAC requested the Youth Commission participate in a variety of jobs including: handing out programs, running classes, helping with crafts, etc. A vote was taken on by Chairperson Dennis for the Commission to approve participation with RAAC in the Star Wars Literacy Program Event;the result was asked the commission to vote on participation with this event;the result was a unanimous yes. Ms. Schwartz asked the Commission to consider asking youth groups within the Rosemount High School to sponsor a One Tile One Rosemount event on November 8ffi, 2014 during the 100 ' Anniversary celebration of the High School Building. Ms. Schwartz approached the Rosemount High School Principal, but was informed that unless the event is youth sponsored, allowing it into the celebration would be against school policy. Ms. Schwartz is simply asking the Commissioners to see if there would be a youth group within Rosemount High School that would consider sponsoring an event. She also explained that this could become a fundraiser for your group. Commissioner Radosevich suggested that the Student Council sponsor the event since several members of the Youth Commission are also on the Student Council. Other groups under consideration were National Honor Society, Concert Choir, Speech & Debate, NCHS, Marching Band, Clean Shorts,Percussion Ensemble, FHS, Mock Trial, G.O.A.T., Chinese National Honor Society, National French Honor Society, High School Against Cancer,Acts of Random Kindness, and Rosemount Boys Basketball. 2 Carly Schmitt, the artist commissioned to create the final One Tile One Rosemount art piece, addressed the Youth Commission to explain that the project represents not only a piece of art, but the joining together of a community. The symbolism of the project is that alone, each member of the community is like one small tile, but when joined with the thousands of others in the community,we become something much greater. RAAC needs help reaching the high school group, and also getting the word out to the community since 9,200 tiles will be needed to complete the project. 8.b. Goals & Leadership Development Council member Weisensel reviewed the Youth Commission 2014-2015 Goals. Weisensel also handed out a copy of"Exploring Innovation in City Government" to each Youth Commissioner, reviewed the Value Proposition portion and asked the Commissioners to review the form in the next month as preparation for the September meeting. Council member Shoe-Corrigan added that as commissioners you become involved in the processes and policy making along with volunteerism. Shoe-Corrigan also reminded the Commission not to become discouraged by the slow movement of government since it allows for transparency and the ability to flush out ideas. The Commission will be moved into small groups to work towards one of the Youth Commissions goals,which will be identified as short term, long term, and intermediate term. Weisensel reminded Commissioners that although the process may take time, to not let it become stagnant, but rather to stay engaged and keep moving toward the goal. Weisensel is a Project Manager for Target, and as such must identify three things 1) Scope—a goal, 2) Schedule —a time frame for completion, and 3) Budget - resources either individuals or partnerships. Risk management should also be looked at to assist in removing obstacles to accomplishing your goals. Commissioners were asked to pick their top three goals from the 2014-2015 Youth Commission Goals. • Increase Youth job opportunities • Increase Sport/Recreational opportunities and facilities • Increase Youth Commission community presence • Increase Youth gathering locations and activities • Increase Youth Participation in Political Structures The results were tabulated and modifications were made to the list as follows: Increase Sport/Recreational opportunities and facilities will remain a long term goal that will be dealt with at a later date with a policy statement. Increase Youth Participation in Political Structures is integral to having a community presence and thus was moved into that goal. The result was the establishment of three small groups focusing on the following goals: Increase Youth job opportunities Group will consist o£ Joan Yambing,Jamie Radosevich, Kaleb Wick,Josh Dennis, and Andrew Saal Increase Youth Commission community presence Group will consist o£ Anna Hinderaker, Megan Schalliol, and Anjali Revanur Increase Youth gathering locations and activities Group will consist o£ DeAnna Wuellner and Shale Demuth 3 Weisensel advised Chairperson Dennis to contact the absent Youth Commissioners and ask them to choose a goal from the remaining two options (either Increase Youth Commission community presence or Increase Youth gathering locations and activities). Weisensel and Shoe-Corrigan explained the responsibilities of each small group and that each will need a Reporter who will serve as leader and report back to the Commission, a Facilitator who runs the meetings, and a Recorder who writes everything down. Specific training to facilitate group function will be brought to future meetings. At 4:47 the Youth Commission split into small groups and discussed their group goal. At 4:58 the Youth Commission came back together and Council member Shoe-Corrigan explained the responsibility of the Recorder also includes emailing the group information as well as gathering topics, suggestions and to relay the information gathered. Council member Weisensel suggested that groups could consider meeting a little before or after scheduled Youth Commission meetings. Vice Chair Schalliol took over running the meeting when Chair Dennis had to leave. Motion by Schalliol. Second by Wick. Motion to facilitate meeting work outside of regular and special meetings is to revise Section IX. b. regarding a quorum is modified from " a third" to "half'. Council member Weisensel explained that quorum represents a required amount of members of a legislative group needed to conduct a meeting. This is to prevent a small group from making decisions for the group as a whole. Commissioner Schalliol asked for further discussion; being none. Ayes: 9 Nays: 0. Absent: 4. Motion carried. 8.c. Roundtable Discussion Commissioner Yambing reported to the group that this summer she participated in a mission trip to South Carolina. The area was fun to see and to experience the different lifestyles in the area. Yambing also wanted to let the group know there will be a car wash on September 6d'to support the choir's trip to France. Commissioner Saal is excited about 3rd Lair BMX and Skateboarding at the fair. Saal is also excited for school to start with the exception of getting up early. Commissioner Radosevich is an Officer of G.O.A.T. (Group of Active Teens) with is a volunteer organization and first meeting will be held on September 10d' at 7:15 a.m. Radosevich invited Commissioners to come for a donut. Commissioner Revanur reported she is the President of the ARK (Acts of Random Kindness) Club, whose mission is to spread cheer throughout the school. The first meeting will be held on September 3rd at 2:25 p.m. and all are invited to attend. Revanur reports she also went to the State Fair. 4 Commissioner Hinderaker reported that she started her PSEO (Post-Secondary Educational Opportunities) classes at Inver Hills Community College and believes more students are now taking advantage of the opportunity and that it has been a good experience so far. Commissioner Schalliol informed the Commission that the first home football game will be played tomorrow night against Eastview High School and that the event will be a white-out. Commissioner Munson reported that she is a manager for the football team and that she just back from Florida. Commissioner Demuth shared that she is taking Jiu Jitsu and that ATA offers free classes. Commissioner Wick has been dog sitting this summer and noticed there are not many kennel services in Rosemount. Foster advised Commissioners that the magnetic name badges are to wear to events so as to be identified as Youth Commission members. Foster also let Commissioners know that links will be sent to Commissioners regarding an article and pictures recently published of the Youth Commission. There will also be a luncheon invitation sent to Commissioners for a Resilient Communities kickoff on September 19ffi. Please reply if you are able to attend. Council member Weisensel explained that the Resilient Communities is a partnership between the City and the University of Minnesota in which graduate students work within a community on identified issues facilitate program development. This year the City of Rosemount was chosen to be the subject of their studies. REPORTS 9.a. Commission Member Reports None. 9.b. Next Meeting Date The next meeting of the Youth Commission is scheduled for September 24, 2014 at 3:45 p.m. at City Hall. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Schalliol and seconded by Hinderaker that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 5:12 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Jean Harrington Recording Secretary 5