HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140226 YCRM MinutesROSEMOUNT YOUTH COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS February 26 , 2014 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Youth Commission was held on Wednesday , February 26 , 2014 at 3:48 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 th Street West , Rosemount. Chairperson Alex called the meeting to order with Youth Commissioners Corrigan , Dennis , Eichten , Munson, N elson , Neuens , Norder, Oliphant, Schalliol , Simmering, and Wick a ttending. City Council M ember s Shoe -Corrigan and Weisensel , Staff Liaison Foster , and Recording Secretary Kladar were also present. Youth Commissioners Mohamed , Narloch and Wuellner were absent. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None Motion by Alex . Second by Eichten . Motion to Adopt the Agenda . Ayes: 10 . Nays: 0 . Absent: 5 . Motion carried. AUDIENCE INPUT None CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Alex . Second by Schalliol . Motion to approve the C onsent A genda. a. Minutes of January 22, 2014 Youth Commission Meeting Ayes: 10 . Nays: 0 . Absent : 5 . Motion carried. Wick and Neuens arrived at 3:51 p.m. after the meeting commenced. OLD BUSINESS 5 .a . Swing Dancing Follow -up Eichten provided a recap of the swing dance event. Not a lot of youth attended but the event was well attended. Eichten suggested a different day for a future event as people confused their event with the C ave s swing dance event. N EW BUSINESS 6.a. Swing Dance Opportunity for April Foster advised that RAAC was considering another swing dance in April and inquired whether Youth Commissioners want ed to sponsor. The Commissioners agreed this was a good idea but discussed that having the event on a different night rather than Thursday would be good since the Wabasha Caves hold their Swing Dances on Thursday evenings. It was also suggested that RAAC look at the school calendar to avoid school and sporting conflicts . 1 6.b. Goal Setting Review The Youth Commission reviewed the results of the January Goal Setting Session. S hoe -Corrigan advised that the City Council reviewed the Youth Commission goals and tried to tie them to City Council goals. It was recommended that the Commissioners prioritize their goals and determine when they want to accomplish them. Many ideas wer e generated and discussed. Commissioner Eichten requested input from the current members who are not seniors as to what they want to see the Youth Commission accomplish in the future. Shoe -Corrigan suggested a RAAC sponsored mosaic art project that whi ch involves painting tiles. The Commissioners determined they would like to partnership with RAAC for the tile project. Commissioners Munson and Oliphant will contact RAAC regarding partnership possibilities . Shoe -Corrigan advised the Commission that Le prechaun Days and Halloween Trail events are already being planned now. The Commission should make contact early with these groups if they are interested in getting involved with them for future fundraising and volunteering opportunities. The Commission also decided to look into co -sponsor ing the Warrior Run and Commissioner Dennis volunteered to be the contact person. Weisensel advised the group they could send a letter of support promoting certain ideas and events. These letters signed by Chairperso n Alex can be addressed to the various Rosemount Commissions and also to the local paper. Regarding recreational opportunities, Commissioner Eichten inquired about a future sports facility item that Parks and Recreation Director Schulz had presented to the group last year . Weisensel said those projects are still out there moving forward and the entities are working on funding possibilities . This would be a good area for a letter of support from the Youth Commission. The Commission noted that a YMCA would increase sports and recreational opportunities. Regarding community events Commissioner Dennis suggested a ping pong tournament. The Commissioners can work with Park and Rec or have the tournament as part of a larger event such as Leprechaun Days. These types of events could also be tied to a fundraiser. Regarding job opportunities, Shoe Corrigan hopes to share the results of the Buxton presentation with the Commission at one of the next meetings . Volunteerism – some opportunities can be create d from events they are hosting. The Youth Commission can try to connect more with the National Honor Society on volunteerism; there are Commissioners who serve in both groups. Shoe Corrigan mentioned that a volunteer coordinator will soon be hired jointl y by the cities of Rosemount, Apple Valley, West St. Paul and Inver Grove Heights. Once the position is established and filled, we may have a better idea of how this position could potentially help in volunteer capacities for our city in the future. 360 Communities has a food and clothing drive. The Youth Commission could assist in spreading the word about the various drives and events . 2 The Irish Soiree is run by the Rotary Club which could be another partnership for the Youth Commission to explore in future years . Commissioner Alex suggested partnering with RAAC for a cultural showcase type event. The Commission discussed trying to connect the different goals together as some of the events would meet several different goals. Votes Goal 8 Identify Partnerships – RAAC, Warrior Run, Leprechaun Days, Halloween Trail, etc. 7 Increase Sports/Recreational Opportunities – Indoor sports facilities, YMCA, Community Center, pool 5 Increase Community Events – swing dance, recreational events, sports tournaments, competitive events, medallion hunts, dodge ball, talent shows, art and cultural festivals 5 Increase Job Opportunities – more local businesses 4 Increase Youth Volunteerism – more opportunities and awareness of needs, organization participa tion 2 Increase Communication of Local Events – social media, webpage links 2 Maintain or Increase RAAC Partnership Events – Tree Lighting, Swing Dance, Star Wars Event, Movies, etc. 2 Increase Infrastructure Repair – road maintenance and street light timing 2 Increase Development – commercial, senior center, senior living, apartments 1 Increase Fundraising for Charity – 360 Community, Rosemount Neighborhood Family Resource Center, Relay for Life 1 Increase Cultural Events – Culture Fair, Irish Soiree, Cultural Festival with RAAC Increase Connection to Rosemount Neighborhood Family Resource Center Increase Recreational Gathering Places – fire pit Increase Medical Facilities Increase Youth Participation in Political Structures – Youth Commission, Student Government, Park & Recreation Liaison 6.c . Roundtable Discussion The p otholes on S hannon Parkway were raised by Wick. Oliphant discussed start ing another fundraiser for the Family Resour ce Center. Dennis mentioned lacrosse starting soon. Norder wants the icy school parking lot be addressed and Weisensel advised her to address it with the school . Corrigan talked about an upcoming band concert at school. Schaillol suggested utilizing the website for city issues as he made a complaint recently and it was taken care of very quickly. Eichten mentioned upcoming choir concerts. Alex has an upcoming soccer tourney in Las Vegas. Neuens has state swim meet competition. Simmering advised te nnis season will begin in about a month. 3 Foster brought up several items . The first is the bylaws attendance policy. There are several commissioners who have missed 3 -4 meetings so it should be discussed next meeting how it will be handled. Parks and Rec reation is considering a new city park by UMore on Akron. Council suggested the Youth Commission offer up suggestions for a name for the new park . Wick recommended naming after the original settling family of Rosemount. There was d iscussion about na ming after the female baseball player from Rosemount. The Commissioners will get back to Foster with any ideas in the next few weeks . Foster inquired whether the Commission w as interested in a presentation by Public Works in March or April. Commissioners suggested waiting until there is a new Youth Commission next year for that since most have already seen it . There was some interest in visiting the DCC next month . Foster also distributed information regarding e -cigarettes which is being ta rgeted toward youth. Foster advised Alex that he needs to present a report to City Council before the end of the Youth Commission term. Applications for the Youth Commission will begin next month. Weisensel will try to tweak the goals and send out to Chair and Vice Chair s and making them website ready. REPORTS 7 .a. Commission Member Reports None. 7 .b. Next Meeting Date The next meeting of the Youth Commission is scheduled for March 19 , 2014 at 3:45 p.m. The location of the meeting has not yet been determined. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Alex and seconded by Eichten that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Karin Kladar Recording Secretary 4