December 18, 2013
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Youth Commission was
held on Wednesday, December 18, 2013 at 3:50 p.m. at the Rosemount Fire Station I, 14700
Shannon Parkway, Rosemount. Prior to the meeting Fire Chief Richard Schroeder led the group on
a tour of the fire station.
Chairperson Alex called the meeting to order with Youth Commissioners Corrigan, Dennis,
Munson, Neuens, Norder, Oliphant, Schalliol, Simmering, Wick, and Wuellner attending. City
Council Members Shoe - Corrigan and Weisensel, Staff Liaison Foster, Jeanne Schwartz (RAAC), and
Recording Secretary Kladar were also present. Youth Commissioners Eichten, Mohamed, Narloch
and Nelson were absent.
Item 6a under New Business (Fire Department Update) was removed from the agenda as the group
participated in a tour of the fire station prior to the meeting.
Motion by Alex. Second by Schalliol.
Motion to Adopt the Agenda.
Ayes: 11
Nays: 0. Absent: 4. Motion carried.
Motion by Alex. Second by Neuens.
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
a. Minutes of November 20, 2013 Youth Commission Meeting
Ayes: 11
Nays: 0. Absent: 4. Motion carried.
5.a. Tree Lighting Follow -up
Ms. Schwartz estimated approximately 130 -150 people at the tree lighting event. She also reported a
good turnout for Polar Express movie. Ms. Schwartz thanked the Youth Commission for their help
at this event.
5.b. Swing Dancing Event
Ms. Schwartz presented swing dance posters for review and updated the Commission on the event
scheduled for January 23 at the Community Center. She has lined up instructors to start at 6:00.
Ms. Schartz distributed posters to several Youth Commissioners who volunteered to display them at
various locations including the high school, middle school and the Community Center.
The group discussed the tasks for the youth commissioners that evening including working the door
and selling refreshments. Commissioners Eichten, Dennis, Neuens, and Schalliol offered to sell
refreshments. Commissioners Munson, Wuellner and Corrigan offered to work the door. Ms.
Schwartz suggested that volunteers working the door arrive at 5:45 and refreshment volunteers at
6.a. Fire Department Update
This item was removed as Schroeder led a tour before the meeting and provided information about
the fire department.
6.b. Mini Goal Setting Session Discussion
Council member Shoe - Corrigan provided information regarding goal setting. The City Council has
a goal setting session once a year in January. In that process the Council looks at the previous year's
goals, 3 -5 year and 5 -10 year goals. Shoe - Corrigan gave the Commissioners some ideas for goals the
group could discuss such as economic development, restaurants, and health club amenities. Shoe -
Corrigan encouraged short, mid -term and long -term goals and also an action plan. Commissioners
should bring these items to the table at the next meeting in January.
Council member Weisensel suggested a letter writing campaign for certain restaurants the kids
would like to see in Rosemount i.e., Chipode. The Youth Commission goals will then be brought to
the City Council's goal setting meeting. Weisensel advised the Youth Commissioners that they
could bring friends to the next meeting if they have particular ideas for goals they would like to
6.c. Roundtable Discussion
Commissioners Wick and Dennis brought up a problem at with a long waits for the light to change
on County Road 42 and Shannon Parkway. Foster and Council Member Wiesensel advised them to
call the City or utilize the website to report a problem. Commissioner Oliphant is helping at a
Christmas party with elementary school kids.
Commissioner Munson said a lot of her friends would like to see more high school activities in the
winter. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan suggested it be one of their goals and sledding hills were
suggested. Commissioners Schalliol and Alex agreed that the Youth Commission should consider
planning a spring event.
Commissioner Neuens encouraged the others to attend Rosemount's swim meet on Friday.
Commissioner Simmering inquired about local business traffic during Black Friday. Foster said that
would be a good question for the business council who could be invited to a future meeting.
Commissioner Norder commented on the safety on sledding hill at the high school. Commissioner
Alanna commented on the upcoming Rose Parade for the Rosemount High School Marching Band.
7.a. Commission Member Reports
7.b. Next Meeting Date
The next meeting of the Youth Commission is scheduled for January= 22, 2014 at 3:45 p.m. at
Rosemount City Hall.
There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Alex and seconded by Dennis that the
meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Karin Kladar
Recording Secretary