HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130828 YCRM Minutes
AUGUST 28, 2013
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Youth Commission was
held on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 at 3:47 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145
Street West, Rosemount.
First Vice Chair Eichten called the meeting to order with Youth Commissioners Corrigan, Munson,
Nelson, Neuens, Schalliol, Simmering, Wick, and Youth Commissioners Elect Dennis, Oliphant,
and Norder attending. City Council members Weisensel and Shoe-Corrigan, Staff Liaison Foster,
Jeanne Schwartz (RAAC) and Recording Secretary Harrington were also present. Youth
Commissioners Alex, Mohamed, Narloch, and Wuellner were absent.
Motion by Eichten. Second by Dennis.
Motion to Adopt the Agenda.
Ayes: 11
Nays: 0. Absent: 4. Motion carried.
Council member Shoe-Corrigan administered the Oath of Office to Youth Commissioners Elect
Dennis, Norder, and Oliphant.
Motion by Eichten. Second by Wick.
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
a.Minutes of June 26, 2013 Youth Commission Meeting
Ayes: 11
Nays: 0. Absent: 4. Motion carried.
6.a. Recap of Leprechaun Days Parade and Night to Unite
The Leprechaun Days Parade was attended by Commissioners Eichten, Neuens, Wick, Wuellner,
and Alex. The group marched with City Council members, greeted the community, passed out
candy, and carried the City of Rosemount banner. Neuens reports the parade was an overall success,
and Council feedback was that the residents appreciated the youth participation.
Night to Unite block parties were attended by Commissioners Simmering, Dennis, Wuellner,
Nelson, Oliphant, and Munson. Commissioners rode along with members of the City Council,
Police Department, County Attorney, and other city staff members. Highlights of the night
included conversations with residents of all ages; watching children’s reactions to police cars, fire
trucks, and snow plows; collecting food for food shelves; and being welcomed by the community.
Shoe-Corrigan included, as a side note, that the County Attorney is also an elected position.
Rosemount Area Arts Center (RAAC) Open House was attended by Commissioners Corrigan and
Wick. RAAC received the 2013 Community Arts Grant Award from the Metropolitan Regional
Arts Council for the Rosemount Bluegrass and Americana Festival held in July. Commissioners also
received a tour of the Steeple Center and information on upgrades coming soon. Schwartz thanked
the members for attending the event.
Commissioner Eichten reminded members there will be more opportunities for participation in
events through next May including an Arbor Day tree give away. Foster will pass along
opportunities as they come up within the term.
6.b. Rosemount Area Arts Council Representatives – Swing Dancing Event
Commissioner Schalliol presented the Commission with possible dates for the dance event along
with conflicts that may cause poor attendance. After much discussion it was decided that the
preferred date would be February 13, with other options to include January 16, 17, 23, or 24
since the dates fall on long weekends.
Schwartz will check the RAAC calendar and check the availability of the Community Center to
schedule the event and report back to the commission. A band for the swing dance event has been
located and will work on commission of 90% of ticket sales with no front amount required, limiting
financial exposure. RAAC is still in the process of finding a dance instructor to teach a lesson prior
the dance. Shoe-Corrigan suggested contacting Community Education to contact dance teachers.
The commissioners expressed an interest in selling soft drinks and snacks at the event. Schwartz
mentioned that renting a popcorn machine has been very popular at past events. Timing was a
concern, due to possible sporting events on a given night going late. It was suggested the event
should start early to accommodate all community members and to allow for a dance lesson.
Students could then attend when other activities are done. There is no dress code, however
Commissioners should dress as they deem fit – their Youth Commission polo or “dressing up”
would be appropriate.
6.c. Tree Lighting Event
The Tree Lighting Event is scheduled for November 23, the Saturday before Thanksgiving. It was
moved to an earlier date to encourage shopping in town and as an effort to increase attendance by
avoiding the Thanksgiving weekend, on which many families are out of town. Events will occur all
day at the Steeple Center beginning with a children’s class and movie, then the tree lighting followed
by a classic seasonal film.
The tree lighting event last year included cookies and apple cider, entertainment by high school choir
and band members, and a Santa giving candy canes to children. Speakers included a Youth
Commissioner, who served as the emcee, the Mayor and Paul Eggen.
It was determined that to forward the event a sub-committee should be created. Commissioners
Neuens, Norder, Corrigan, Dennis, and Eichten volunteered and will invite Chairperson Alex to join
to discuss the program, entertainment (including singers, band, and Santa), speakers, food , and
advertising posters (a mix of sizes was suggested). Schwartz is willing to meet with the sub-
committee to assist with preparations. She will also forward a volunteer request to Foster once
RAAC’s needs for the day’s events are determined.
Commissioner Wick volunteered to work on creating the illusion of a Victorian town around the
Steeple Center for the event. He and Commissioner Eichten will ask the choir teachers about
carolers or costumes.
Roundtable Discussion
Commissioner Dennis reported that September 29, 2013 the Warrior 196 Memorial 5K will be held
beginning at 9:00 a.m. at Rosemount High School. Warrior 196 Memorial Trust is a scholarship
fund created to honor the memory of former School District 196 students who, as soldiers, died in
service to our country. Foster will forward information to Commissioners.
Commissioner Norder expressed concern that the Front Porch, while a great resource, may be
misunderstood by visitors and residents. Council members Weisensel and Shoe-Corrigan explained
that in lieu of having a Chamber of Commerce, it provides the City with a welcome center providing
information about local and area businesses and events. Rocking chairs were added to symbolize a
front porch and to provide a welcome the community. The relationship between RAAC and the
City was explained, as well as that the current “sandwich board” signage will change with the
development of the senior housing complex. Shoe-Corrigan also explained that during the planning
stages of the senior housing development, the Youth Commission may have the opportunity to give
input to the City Council as to what they would like to see included in an inter-generational activity
center which will be included in the plans.
Commissioner Schalliol shared that the winter swing dance is great opportunity and is also excited
for the upcoming tree lighting.
Foster brought two recent Rosemount news items to the Commissioners attention. Dog bites and
leash laws; recently there have been a number of incidents, and a recent arrest for criminal sexual
activity; which targeted area youth online. Community help is always important in prevention,
reporting, and education. It was requested that Commissioners think of ways to educate youth on
safety issues, including social media, for the September meeting and Foster will invite Chief Werner
to attend. Also requested, the Commissioners determine which City departments they would like to
tour at upcoming meetings. The tours will occur prior to meetings, beginning in October.
Weisensel reminded commissioners to ask classmates for ideas or concerns they may have about the
community and bring them to the Youth Commission Meetings. Reminding the Commissioners,
they don’t need to have solutions or answers, but be willing to present concerns to the Commission
for discussion.
8.a. Commission Member Reports
8.b. Next Meeting Date
The next meeting of the Youth Commission is scheduled for September 25, 2013 at 3:45 p.m. at
City Hall.
There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Commissioner Eichten and seconded
by Commissioner Neuens that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously and the
meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jean Harrington
Recording Secretary