HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. 2015 MS4 Scope of ServicesINK -)ID EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UTILITY COMMISSION Utility Commission Meeting: April 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: 2015 MS4 Scope of Services AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of Public AGENDA NO. 7.a. Works / City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: 2015 MS4 Scope of Services; 2014 SWAMP Summary; 2014 Water Level and APPROVED BY: Quality Monitoring Program Summary RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend City Council Approve the 2015 MS4 Scope of Services ISSUE Staff is requesting Utility Commission review and discussion of the following items: • 2015 MS4 Scope of Services • 2014 Storm Water Asset Management Program (SWAMP) summary and demonstration • 2014 Water Level and Quality Monitoring program BACKGROUND Attached for Utility Commission review is the proposed Scope of Services, which includes the continuation of the Storm Water Asset Management Program (SWAMP) and the Water Level and Quality Monitoring Program. Included with this scope of services is a summary of the 2014 activities for these programs. An overview of the 2014 SWAMP and water monitoring activities was presented to the City Council at a work session on April 13, 2015. City Council members are invited to the Utility Commission meeting to view a demonstration of the SWAMP application, presented by staff from WSB & Associates, Inc. The estimated fee of $41,150 for the proposed MS4 activities will be funded from the City's Storm Water Utility Fund. SUMMARY Staff is requesting that the Utility Commission recommend City Council approval of the 2015 MS4 Scope of Services, which includes the continuation of the SWAMP and the Water Level and Quality Monitoring Program. GAMS4 Permit\20150420 UC MS4 Scope of Services.docx WSB & Associates, Inc. engineering • planning • environmental • construction April 8, 2015 Mr. Dwight Johnson City of Rosemount 3875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Re: Request for Authorization to Provide Professional Services for Program Support and Implementation of the 5 -Year MS4 General Permit — Second Year. Dear Mr. Johnson: This letter is a scope of work for program implementation and support of the City of Rosemount's 5 -year Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit. WSB worked cohesively with the City of Rosemount to update their MS4 program and bring the required program changes into compliance throughout 2014. Moving forward, we are proposing to complete the work as detailed below to ensure that the City of Rosemount's MS4 program remains in compliance in 2015. Task 1: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Annual Program Management (Total Estimated Fee: $3,500) As part of this task, the WSB project manager will provide staff time in Rosemount as needed to assist staff with the implementation of the updated Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP), which was developed in Year 1. The WSB project manager will also provide a monthly written summary to the City outlining the following items: • Activities completed by WSB each month • Tasks for staff members to complete as part of the program implementation • Any updates from the MPGA, LMC, MCSC and VRWJPO that may offer benefits or impacts to the City's MS4 Permit Activities. Task 2: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Support and Implementation — Year 2 (Total Estimated Fee: $5,900) As part of this task, WSB will work with City staff to implement the annual requirements of the MS4 permit to ensure the City of Rosemount's MS4 program remains in compliance in Year 2. Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com W:\NPDES\MS4\Proposa]sU015\Rosemouut\Rosemouut Annual MS4 Services Year 2 040815.doca Mr. Dwight Johnson April 8, 2015 Page 2 The implementation of these specific requirements has been divided into the following three subtasks: 2.1 Annual Report (Estimated Fee: $400) The MS4 permit requires the City of Rosemount to submit an annual report detailing their MS4 permit activities by June 30th of each calendar year. WSB will assist City staff with the completion and submittal of the 2014 Annual Report. 2.2 Storm Sewer Inspection Program (Estimated Fee: $3, 000) WSB will provide a staff member to conduct inspections of 20% of the City -owned outfalls during Year 2. This 20% outfall inspection schedule will allow the City to meet the requirements to inspect all outfalls by the end of the 5 -year permit cycle. Inspections will be documented in accordance with the procedures established in Year 1 of the SWPPP Development and Implementation Plan. Since 13 of the City's 61 ponds were inspected by WSB in 2014, an additional 12 ponds should be inspected in 2015 to maintain the schedule of inspecting 20% of City -owned ponds per year. The pond inspections for 2015 will be covered by the proposed detailed pond inspections included in Task 3 of this proposal. 2.3 MS4 Education Implementation Plan (Estimated Fee: $2,500) The MS4 permit requires that the City of Rosemount develop an implementation plan for their MS4 education program that identifies target audiences, including measurable goals for each audience, specific activities to meet each measurable goal, and evaluation to measure the extent to which the measurable goals for each target audience are attained. This task will include identifying and analyzing target audiences, defining measurable goals for each target audience, reviewing and developing educational messages and materials, and implementing method(s) to evaluate the effectiveness of the education program and messages that are developed. Task 3: Stormwater Asset Management Program (SWAMP) (Estimated Fee: $9,750 + SWAMP Software Subscription $3, 000 + Cost of Pond Review Memos) Rosemount's Stormwater Asset Management Program (SWAMP) is a web application that was specifically designed to assist with assessing, scheduling, and budgeting inspection and maintenance activities. It can be used to help meet the following MS4 permit requirements (MCM — Minimum Control Measure): • Pond Assessment Procedures (MCM 6): Evaluate the TSS and TP treatment effectiveness of MS4 owned/operated ponds within the City. W:\NPDES\MS4\Propomts\2015UZosemomt\Rosemomt Amml MS4 Services Year 2 040815.docx Mr. Dwight Johnson April 8, 2015 Page 3 Inspections (MCM 6): Assist with prioritizing inspections to determine proper function and maintenance needs for ponds. Maintenance (MCM 6): Assist with forecasting maintenance requirements to allow for budgeting of future maintenance activities. Long-term maintenance of structural BMPs (MCM 51- Assist with prioritizing maintenance of both public and private BMPs. As part of the approved scope of work for Year 1 MS4 Services, WSB finished building the SWAMP database for the City of Rosemount. WSB then used the program to perform an inspection prioritization of all the City's ponds to determine which ponds would require a detailed pond inspection. Please see attachment for an overview of the work that has been completed for SWAMP year-to-date (Attachment 1). The following two subtasks are designed ensure priority stormwater basins are inspected and address any identified maintenance needs: 3.1 Detailed Pond Inspections (Estimated Fee $9,750) This task consists of inspecting/surveying 13 ponds consistent with SWAMP inspection prioritization. The SWAMP application will be updated to reflect the inspection results. Findings from the inspections will be used to develop maintenance recommendations. If inspections indicate maintenance is necessary, a pond review memo may be needed to identify the extent of maintenance. The pond review memo is considered additional to this scope of work as detailed in Subtask 3.2. 3.2 Pond Review Memos and Recommendations (Estimated Fee TBD Based on Inspection Results) Following inspections, pond review memos may be necessary to determine maintenance recommendations. This includes a comprehensive review of each pond and the associated drainage area. Modeling will be completed as needed to help determine the extent of recommended maintenance. A cost benefit analysis will be completed for each pond to determine the most cost effective maintenance activities. Recommendations for each basin will be provided. Task 4: Additional MS4 Program Services — Water Quality Monitoring Program (Total Estimated Fee: $16,250, Sample Testing Cost: $2,750) This water quality monitoring program is included as an additional MS4 program service because it will be used to fulfill multiple program requirements in MCMs 5 and 6 related to inspection, long-term operation, and maintenance of infiltration BMPs. The water quality monitoring program provides the City with empirical data that will assist with: • Guiding upcoming Watershed and City Stormwater Plan Updates and discussions with observed runoff volumes and infiltration and evaporation rates W:\NPDES\MS4\Propomts\2015UZosemomt\Rosemomt Amml MS4 Services Year 2 040815.docx Mr. Dwight Johnson April 8, 2015 Page 4 • Identify potential areas to receive regional volume reduction credit thought stormwater reuse applications. • Validating pond treatment efficiencies from the SWAMP program with sampled Total Suspended Solids and Total Phosphorus concentrations. • Supporting conclusions in the City's Non -Degradation study with observed infiltration and evaporation data. • Create a baseline for discharge volumes and pollutant loading assumptions of possible future TMDLs in the Vermillion and Mississippi River. As part of this task WSB will evaluate stormwater runoff volume reduction, and pollutant removal performance of selected basins. This water quality monitoring program is intended to align with the MS4 General Permit cycle. The monitoring equipment purchased by the City in 2014 will be utilized throughout the five year period. Data will be processed annually and a final report will be complied at the end of Year 5 period. An interim summary of the 2014 monitoring activities is provided in an attachment to this scope of work (Attachment 2). 4.1 Collect Surface Water Elevation and Rainfall Data (Estimated Sub -Fee: $6,250) The objective of this task is to monitor stormwater runoff volume reduction capabilities through infiltration and evaporation, within selected basins in the City. WSB will install continuous surface water level loggers to provide hourly water elevations during the monitoring period. Water level data will be used to develop evaporation and infiltration rates and rainfall to runoff ratios. Additionally, WSB will install two continuous rainfall gauges within the City which will provide the date, duration, and intensity of each rainfall event. The basins selected to be monitored and rain gauged locations are identified in Figure 1. The components of this task include: • Install ten continuous surface level loggers within selected basins and perform monitoring from April through October. • Install two continuous rainfall gauges • Monthly maintenance and data downloads to ensure proper operation. 4.2 Collection of Water Quality Samples (Estimated Sub -Fee: $3,500, Sample Testing Cost: $2,750) The objective of this task is to determine pollutant loading from watersheds with various land uses within the City. Additionally, this task will assess the water quality suitability for stormwater reuse as compared to the State water quality guidelines for stormwater harvesting and reuse system for irrigation. Pollutant Loading — As part of this task, WSB will collect water samples from ten selected basins as part of routine data collection activities to determine pollutant concentrations. Sampling locations are identified in Figure 1. W:\NPDES\MS4\Propomts\2015UZosemomt\Rosemomt Amml MS4 Services Year 2 040815.docx Mr. Dwight Johnson April 8, 2015 Page 5 Water Samples will be collected monthly, for an estimated seven months, when water depths allow The samples will be analyzed for the following parameters: • Total Phosphorus ($12) • Ortho — Phosphate($17) • Total Suspended Solids ($10) 4.3 Annually Processing Monitored Data (Estimated Sub -Fee: $6,500) As part of this task, data collected during the monitoring period will be analyzed to determine interim infiltration and evaporation rates, rainfall to runoff ratios, reuse suitability assessment, and to identify if there are any changes that need to be made to the monitoring protocol. 4.4 Final Report (Fee Part of Future Work Plan) A final report will be prepared and presented at the end of the five year monitoring/permit cycle that will discuss data analysis, five year data trends for infiltration and basin water quality and recommendations for infiltration basin design and life span Schedule It is anticipated that the work outlined above will be completed from April through December 2015. This information will be presented to the City Council in 2016 as part of the 2015 Annual Report Presentation. Cost This proposal outlines the work needed to complete the tasks associated with the City's MS4 Program. The total estimated hourly cost for the professional services for program support and implementation of the 5 -Year MS4 General Permit — Second Year, Task 1-4 described above is $35,400 WSB proposes to complete these Tasks 1 and 2 above for an estimated hourly cost of $9,400. WSB proposes to complete work described in Task 3 above for an estimated hourly cost of $9,750. In addition, authorize a direct billing of $3,000 for SWAMP software subscription cost. WSB proposes to complete work described in Task 4 above for an estimated hourly cost of $16,250. In addition, authorize a direct billing of $2,750 for sample testing cost. This letter represents our complete understanding of the MS4 regulatory program and the proposed scope of services. If you are in agreement with the scope of services and proposed fee, please sign in the appropriate space below and return one copy to us. W:\NPDES\MS4\Propomts\2015UZosemomt\Rosemomt Amml MS4 Services Year 2 040815.docx Mr. Dwight Johnson April 8, 2015 Page 6 We appreciate the opportunity to share this proposal with you, and look forward to working with the City of Rosemount efficiently to maintain compliance with the MS4 permit. If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact me at 763-287-7155 or mlitsey@wsbeng.com. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Meghan Litsey Environmental Scientist ACCEPTED BY: City of Rosemount Linnea Henkels Environmental Scientist I hereby authorize WSB & Associates, Inc. to complete Tasks 1 through 4 identified above for an estimated hourly fee of $35,400. In addition, I authorize a direct bill of $3,000 for SWAMP software subscription and $2,750 for sample testing cost. Name Signature Date W:\NPDES\MS4\Propomts\2015UZosemomt\Rosemomt Amml MS4 Services Year 2 040815.docx ■ WSB & Assoc engineering • planning • en vironmental • construction Memorandum To: Andy Brotzler, PE, City of Rosemount Phil Olson, PE, City of Rosemount From: Jake Newhall, PE Date: April 6, 2015 Re: 2014 SWAMP Summary WSB Project No. 1928-27 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 This memo provides an overview of the work that was completed to develop the City of Rosemount SWAMP (Storm Water Asset Management Program) and has been written to be a supplemental document to the SWAMP White Paper (see attached) that was recently completed that provides detailed information regarding the City's SWAMP. The SWAMP database has been customized to incorporate City of Rosemount Storm Water Infrastructure. This program can be now used by the City to accomplish the following: 1. Estimating storm water BMP load accumulation. The program has an assigned drainage area for each storm water basin in the City. Each storm water basin degrades annually based on the unique characteristics of its drainage area. 2. Scheduling storm water basin inspection. The program prioritizes an inspection/survey list to help identify which basins in the City are recommended to be surveyed. Based on initial investigation, there are 14 storm water basins that have a SWAMP score that is less than 65 of 100. One of these (Basin 1565) was already inspected in the fall of 2014 and the SWAMP has been updated accordingly. It is recommended to conduct 13 detailed storm water basin inspections in 2015. It is a water resource design practice that once storm water basins are 50% full that they no longer function as designed. Selecting storm water basins scoring less than 65 for inspections include the basins no longer functioning and designed and also includes basins that may soon reach their design life expectancy. These ranges can be adjusted as desired by the City and as budgeting and resources allow. 3. Determining which storm water basins require maintenance and/or offer the most improvement opportunity. Inspections are recommended to help identify maintenance needs. The 13 recommended inspections outlined in Item 2 would help determine maintenance or improvement needs. Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K\01928-270\Admin\Docs\SWAMPDocs\MEMO_2014SWAMPSm ry_0400615.dm Mr. Andy Brotzler and Mr. Phil Olson April 6, 2015 Page 2 4. Budgeting and allocating resources. By prioritizing inspections and maintenance needs (Items 2 and 3) annual budgeting can be estimated regarding storm water basin inspection and maintenance. 5. Tracking Pollutant Removal. The program has been set up to help the City track and estimate total phosphorus and total suspended solids removals. 6. Reducing politics of pond maintenance. If questions arise regarding the timing of certain maintenance activities, the SWAMP inspection schedule and prioritization can be used as resource for determining maintenance timelines. 7. Meeting MS4 Permit requirements. The SWAMP will help the City meet the requirements set forth by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPGA). Minimum Control Measures 5 and 6 of the MS4 permit require the City to have a standard operating procedure for inspections and maintenance of their MS4 owned and operated facilities (BMPs). Minimum Control Measure 6 also requires the City to develop pond assessments to determine the treatment effectiveness of stormwater basins within the City. K\01928-270\Admin\Docs\SWAMP Docs\MEMO_ 2014SWAMPS-ry_0400615.dm A WSB & Associates, Inc.. engineering• planning• environmental• construction Memorandum To: Andy Brotzler, PE, City of Rosemount Phil Olson, PE, City of Rosemount From: Linnea Henkels, WSB & Associates Date: April 8, 2015 Re: 2014 Monitoring Program Summary WSB Project No. 1928-27, Task 3 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 This memo provides an overview of the work that was completed for the 2014 Water Quality Monitoring Program (Task 3 of the 2014 MS4 Services Agreement). A final report will be prepared and presented at the end of the five year monitoring/permit cycle that will discuss data analysis, five year data trends for infiltration and basin water quality and recommendations for infiltration basin design and life span. 1. Pond water elevations were monitored at the following locations using continuous level loggers. The monitoring locations are presented on Figure 1. o Location 1 — Marcotte 1408 o Location 2 — Glendalough 1486 o Location 3 — Trailer Park 1589 o Location 4 — Unnamed 1687 o Location 5 — Regional 1716 o Location 6 - Erickson 578 o Location 7 — Bloomfield 1864 o Location 8 — O'Leary's 600 o Location 9 — Wachter 2443 o Location 10 Shannon 614 o Location 11 - Birger Pond In addition, rainfall was monitored at two locations. Pond elevation and rainfall was plotted for each location, and those charts are included as Attachment 1. 2. Water Quality samples were collected monthly at the pond locations listed above, and analyzed for total phosphorus, ortho-phosphate, and total suspended solids. Additionally, samples were collected three times from Erickson (Location 6) and Birger (Location 11) Ponds and analyzed for E. Coli, zinc, copper, pH, chloride, and turbidity. The water quality summary tables for each location are provided as Attachment 2. Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng•com Mr. Andy Brotzler and Mr. Phil Olson April 8, 2015 Page 2 3. Water elevation data and rainfall was processed for the sites identified in bullet 1. For Locations 1-10, water elevations and rainfall data was used to calculate rainfall to runoff ratios and infiltration rates. The rainfall to runoff summary tables and infiltration rate summary tables are included as Attachment 3 and 4 respectively. 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Solids m /L 6/10/2014 0.18 0.090 0.0 7/16/2014 0.40 0.010 11.0 8/11/2014 0.04 0.050 100.0 9/17/2014 0.23 0.030 10.0 10/28/2014 0.07 0.010 4.0 Average 0.18 0.038 25.0 MA 0.40 0.09 100.00 MIN 0.04 0.01 0.00 (-) Sample not collected due to low water levels Water uality analysis was performed y William Lloyd/ Tri -City La oratory * Indicates sample result elow recording limit Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 01928-270 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Location 3 Sampling Date Tota I Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Tota I Suspended Solids m /L 6/10/2014 0.10 0.100 1.0 7/16/2014 0.18 0.050 2.0 8/11/2014 0.33 0.110 14.0 9/17/2014 0.21 0.030 10.0 10/28/2014 0.15 0.010 0.5 Average 0.19 0.060 5.5 MA 0.33 0.11 14.00 MIN 0.10 0.01 0.50 (-) Sample not collected due to low water levels Water uality analysis was performed y William Lloyd I Tri -City La oratory * Indicates sample result elow recording limit Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 01928-270 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Location 4 Sampling Date Tota I Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Tota I Suspended Solids m /L 6/10/2014 0.10 0.020 8.0 7/16/2014 0.07 0.000 8.0 8/11/2014 0.15 0.010 22.0 9/19/2014 0.16 0.000 16.0 10/28/2014 0.07 0.000 13.0 Average 0.11 0.006 13.4 MA 0.16 0.02 22.00 MIN 0.07 0.00 8.00 (-) Sample not collected due to low water levels Water uality analysis was performed y William Lloyd/ Tri -City La oratory * Indicates sample result elow recording limit Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 01928-270 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Location 5 Sampling Date Tota I Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Tota I Suspended Solids m /L 6/10/2014 0.10 0.020 10.0 7/16/2014 0.16 0.000 11.0 8/11/2014 0.08 0.010 19.0 9/17/2014 0.20 0.000 24.0 10/28/2014 0.14 0.040 15.0 Average 0.14 0.014 15.8 MA 0.20 0.040 24 MIN 0.08 0.000 10 (-) Sample not collected due to low water levels Water uality analysis was performed y William Lloyd/ Tri -City La oratory * Indicates sample result elow recording limit Water Quality Sampling Results 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 01928-270 TNTC -Too Numerous to Count (-) Sample not collected due to low water levels Water uality analysis was performed y William Lloyd / Tri -City La oratory * Indicates sample result elow recording limit Location 6 Sampling Date Total Phosphorus (mJ/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mJ/L) Total Suspended Solids /L E.coli (C U/100mL) Copper (ug/L) inc (ug/L) ph (p Units) Tur idity (NTU) chloride (mg/L) 6/10/2014 0.12 0.020 8.0 16.00 3.5 22 8.63 6.8 7.2 7/16/2014 0.10 0.000 11.0 8/11/2014 0.29 0.180 19.0 TNTC ND ND 7.6 7.7 20.0 9/17/2014 0.26 0.070 12.0 10/28/2014 0.11 0.070 15.0 2 MPN/100/mL ND ND 7.4 7.0 9.3 Average 0.18 0.068 13.0 1.2 7.3 7.9 7.2 12.2 MA 0.29 0.18 19.00 3.50 22.00 8.63 7.70 20.00 MIN 0.10 0.00 8.00 ND ND 7.40 6.80 7.20 TNTC -Too Numerous to Count (-) Sample not collected due to low water levels Water uality analysis was performed y William Lloyd / Tri -City La oratory * Indicates sample result elow recording limit Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 01928-270 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Location 7 Sampling Date Tota I Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Tota I Suspended Solids m /L 6/10/2014 0.45 0.310 2.0 7/16/2014 0.49 0.050 174.0 8/11/2014 0.26 0.020 51.0 9/17/2014 0.15 0.000 9.0 10/28/2014 0.56 0.010 260.0 Average 0.38 0.08 99.20 MA 0.56 0.310 260 MIN 0.15 0.000 2 (-) Sample not collected due to low water levels Water uality analysis was performed y William Lloyd/ Tri -City La oratory * Indicates sample result elow recording limit Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 01928-270 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Location 8 Sampling Date Tota I Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Tota I Suspended Solids m /L 6/10/2014 0.17 0.030 2.0 7/16/2014 0.27 0.020 45.0 8/11/2014 0.22 0.020 39.0 9/17/2014 0.23 0.000 46.0 10/28/2014 0.08 0.030 19.0 Average 0.19 0.020 30.2 MA 0.27 0.030 46 MIN 0.08 0.000 2 (-) Sample not collected due to low water levels Water uality analysis was performed y William Lloyd/ Tri -City La oratory * Indicates sample result elow recording limit Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 01928-270 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Location 9 Sampling Date Tota I Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Tota I Suspended Solids m /L 6/10/2014 0.19 0.050 2.0 7/16/2014 0.13 0.000 50.0 8/11/2014 0.19 0.030 14.0 9/17/2014 0.15 0.000 13.0 10/28/2014 0.27 0.020 19.0 Average 0.19 0.020 19.6 MA 0.27 0.050 50 MIN 0.13 0.000 2 (-) Sample not collected due to low water levels Water uality analysis was performed y William Lloyd/ Tri -City La oratory * Indicates sample result elow recording limit Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 01928-270 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Location 10 Sampling Date Tota I Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Tota I Suspended Solids m /L 6/10/2014 0.14 0.050 3.0 7/16/2014 0.26 0.010 19.0 8/11/2014 0.86 0.070 340.0 9/17/2014 0.41 0.010 66.0 10/28/2014 0.68 0.060 22.0 Average 0.47 0.040 90.0 MA 0.86 0.070 340 MIN 0.14 0.010 3 (-) Sample not collected due to low water levels Water uality analysis was performed y William Lloyd/ Tri -City La oratory * Indicates sample result elow recording limit Water Quality Sampling Results 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 01928-270 TNTC - Too Numerous to Count (-) Sample not collected due to lowwater levels Water uality analysis was performed y William Lloyd / Tri -City La oratory * Indicates sample result elow recording limit Location 11 Sampling Date Total Ortho Phosphorus Phosphorus (mg/L) (mg/L) Total Suspended Solids m /L E.coli (C U/100mL) Copper (ug/L) Inc (ug/L) ph (p Units) Tur idity (NTU) chloride (mg/L) 6/10/2014 0.04 0.030 34.0 8.00 ND 1.30 9.33 9.4 64.0 7/16/2014 0.36 0.040 24.0 8/11/2014 0.04 0.020 8.0 TNTC ND ND 8.30 10.90 39.80 9/17/2014 0.19 0.070 11.0 10/28/2014 0.10 0.070 2.0 2 MPN/100/mL ND ND 7.6 2.0 40.4 Average 0.15 0.046 15.8 0.4 8.4 7.4 48.1 MA 0.36 0.070 34 1.3 9.3 10.9 64.0 MIN 0.04 0.020 2 0.0 7.6 2.0 39.8 TNTC - Too Numerous to Count (-) Sample not collected due to lowwater levels Water uality analysis was performed y William Lloyd / Tri -City La oratory * Indicates sample result elow recording limit Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 1 (Marcotte) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1928-270 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* ac -ft Watershed Area (ac) Runoff (in) Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 25 -Jul 0.7 906.98 907.09 2 1.90 0.21 50.5 0.049 0.07 11 -Au 0.09 906.34 906.36 6 1.90 0.05 50.5 0.012 0.14 16 -Au 0.03 906.16 906.16 1 1.90 0.01 50.5 0.002 0.05 17 -Au 0.7 906.14 906.23 12 1.90 0.21 50.5 0.050 0.07 21 -Au 0.13 906.13 906.13 6 1.90 0.03 50.5 0.008 0.06 23 -Aug 0.01 906.07 906.07 1 1.90 0.00 50.5 0.001 0.11 24 -Aug 0.13 906.03 906.05 2 1.90 0.03 50.5 0.008 0.06 28 -Aug 0.04 905.91 905.91 4 1.90 0.02 50.5 0.004 0.11 29 -Aug 0.26 905.90 905.93 6 1.90 0.08 50.5 0.019 0.07 29 -Aug 1.46 905.91 906.21 6 1.90 0.57 50.5 0.136 0.09 30 -Aug 0.02 906.19 906.19 1 1.90 0.00 50.5 0.001 0.05 31 -Aug 0.72 906.16 906.45 27 1.90 0.62 50.5 0.147 0.20 3 -Sep 0.18 906.40 906.42 4 1.90 0.04 50.5 0.010 0.05 9 -Sep 0.03 906.18 906.18 2 1.90 0.01 50.5 0.003 0.10 1 O -Sep 0.2 906.17 906.20 6 1.90 0.06 50.5 0.014 0.07 15 -Se 0.06 906.00 906.00 4 1.90 0.01 50.5 0.003 0.05 Range of Rainfall to 0.05 0.20 Runoff Ratios Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on 0.10 Linear Regression * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 2 (Glendalough) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 19280-270 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* ac -ft Watershed Area (ac) Runoff (in) Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 31 -May 0.55 923.83 923.89 2 1.39 0.22 143.3 0.019 0.03 -May 4.73 923.90 926.20 12 1.39 4.01 143.3 0.336 0.07 _31 7 -Jun 1.56 924.71 925.28 9 1.39 1.41 143.3 0.118 0.08 14 -Jun 0.49 924.09 924.27 5 1.39 0.60 143.3 0.050 0.10 14 -Jun 1.94 924.26 926.07 13 1.39 3.40 143.3 0.285 0.15 16 -Jun 0.46 925.64 925.74 5 1.39 0.48 143.3 0.040 0.09 18 -Jun 0.12 925.42 925.43 2 1.39 0.16 143.3 0.013 0.11 22 -Jun 0.17 925.41 925.48 2 1.39 0.22 143.3 0.019 0.11 28 -Jun 0.91 924.25 924.77 6 1.39 1.12 143.3 0.094 0.10 1 -Jul 0.14 924.40 924.46 2 1.39 0.22 143.3 0.018 0.13 6 -Jul 0.09 923.92 923.94 2 1.39 0.16 143.3 0.013 0.15 7 -Jul 0.73 923.83 924.26 3 1.39 0.80 143.3 0.067 0.09 11 -Jul 0.76 923.97 924.34 5 1.39 0.85 143.3 0.072 0.09 12 -Jul 0.48 924.26 924.54 3 1.39 0.59 143.3 0.049 0.10 14 -Jul 0.13 924.35 924.38 3 1.39 0.25 143.3 0.021 0.16 25 -Jul 0.7 923.67 923.99 4 1.39 0.71 143.3 0.060 0.09 1 6 -Aug 0.03 923.17 923.30 3 1.39 0.38 143.3 0.032 1.06 1 7 -Aug 0.53 923.29 923.57 6 1.39 0.80 143.3 0.067 0.13 1 7 -Aug 0.17 923.57 923.61 3 1.39 0.27 143.3 0.022 0.13 -Aug 0.13 923.51 923.55 4 1.39 0.32 143.3 0.027 0.21 _21 -Aug 0.13 923.46 923.48 2 1.39 0.16 143.3 0.013 0.10 _24 -Aug 0.04 923.36 923.37 2 1.39 0.15 143.3 0.012 0.31 _28 29 -Aug 0.26 923.36 923.51 5 1.39 0.54 143.3 0.046 0.18 -Aug 1.46 923.49 924.24 6 1.39 1.44 143.3 0.121 0.08 _29 -Aug 0.71 924.10 924.42 8 1.39 0.99 143.3 0.083 0.12 _31 3 -Sep 0.18 924.19 924.22 3 1.39 0.25 143.3 0.021 0.12 1 O -Sep 0.2 923.78 923.83 5 1.39 0.42 143.3 0.035 0.17 1 5 -Sep 0.06 923.61 923.61 3 1.39 0.21 143.3 0.017 0.29 -Sep 0.4 923.41 923.67 3 1.39 0.56 143.3 0.047 0.12 _20 -Sep 0.05 923.36 923.37 2 1.39 0.15 143.3 0.013 0.26 _29 1 -Oct 0.96 923.31 923.81 8 1.39 1.23 143.3 0.103 0.11 2 -Oct 0.43 923 .79 923.98 10 1.39 0.94 143.3 0.079 0.18 3 -Oct 0.15 923.94 923.98 5 1.39 0.40 143.3 0.033 0.22 13 -Oct 0.12 923.59 923.61 5 1.39 0.37 143.3 0.031 0.26 23 -Oct 0.07 923.29 923.30 3 1.39 0.22 143.3 0.018 0.26 Range of Rainfall to 0.03 1.06 Runoff Ratios Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on 0.09 Linear Regression * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 3 (Trailer Park) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 19280-270 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* ac -ft Watershed Area (ac) Runoff (in) Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 7 -Jun 1.55 925.53 927.16 9 0.87 1.41 38.3 0.442 0.29 12 -Jun 0.05 925.63 925.65 3 0.87 0.02 38.3 0.006 0.12 14 -Jun 0.49 925.54 925.99 5 0.87 0.40 38.3 0.125 0.25 14 -Jun 1.94 925.99 928.94 12 0.87 2.57 38.3 0.806 0.42 16 -Jun 0.46 926.96 927.30 5 0.87 0.29 38.3 0.091 0.20 18 -Jun 0.15 926.41 926.47 4 0.87 0.06 38.3 0.018 0.12 19 -Jun 2.5 926.14 929.18 7 0.87 2.64 38.3 0.829 0.33 19 -Jun 0.23 928.15 928.92 13 0.87 0.67 38.3 0.211 0.92 22 -Jun 0.17 926.30 926.38 2 0.87 0.07 38.3 0.023 0.14 28 -Jun 0.91 925.54 926.45 6 0.87 0.80 38.3 0.250 0.27 29 -Jun 0.04 926.40 926.43 1 0.87 0.03 38.3 0.010 0.24 30 -Jun 0.06 926.04 926.06 2 0.87 0.02 38.3 0.006 0.11 1 -Jul 0.14 925.84 926.06 2 0.87 0.19 38.3 0.059 0.42 7 -Jul 0.73 925.54 926.53 2 0.87 0.86 38.3 0.269 0.37 11 -Jul 0.8 925.56 926.78 6 0.87 1.06 38.3 0.332 0.41 12 -Jul 0.48 926.35 927.16 3 0.87 0.71 38.3 0.222 0.46 14 -Jul 0.13 926.21 926.32 3 0.87 0.09 38.3 0.029 0.22 25 -Jul 0.7 925.54 925.89 3 0.87 0.30 38.3 0.093 0.13 11 -Aug 0.1 925.55 925.63 13 0.87 0.07 38.3 0.023 0.23 17 -Aug 0.53 926.62 927.54 6 0.87 0.80 38.3 0.251 0.47 21 -Aug 0.09 926.62 926.69 2 0.87 0.07 38.3 0.021 0.23 24 -Aug 0.13 926.20 926.25 2 0.87 0.05 38.3 0.014 0.11 28 -Aug 0.04 925.88 925.90 2 0.87 0.02 38.3 0.005 0.13 29 -Aug 0.26 925.88 926.30 5 0.87 0.37 38.3 0.116 0.45 29 -Aug 1.44 926.24 927.69 5 0.87 1.26 38.3 0.394 0.27 31 -Aug 0.71 926.72 927.71 14 0.87 0.87 38.3 0.272 0.38 3 -Sep 0.16 927.11 927.19 3 0.87 0.06 38.3 0.020 0.12 1 O -Sep 0.2 926.05 926.28 6 0.87 0.20 38.3 0.064 0.32 20 -Sep 0.4 925.62 926.57 3 0.87 0.83 38.3 0.260 0.65 29 -Sep 0.05 925.80 925.84 3 0.87 0.03 38.3 0.011 0.21 1 -Oct 0.96 925.72 927.29 10 0.87 1.36 38.3 0.427 0.44 2 -Oct 0.44 927.09 927.97 34 0.87 0.77 38.3 0.243 0.55 13 -Oct 0.12 926.02 926.10 6 0.87 0.07 38.3 0.023 0.20 23 -Oct 0.06 925.55 925.59 3 0.87 0.03 38.3 0.010 0.17 Range of Rainfall to 0.11 0.92 Runoff Ratios Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on 0.35 Linear Regression * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 4 (Unnamed) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 19280-270 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* ac -ft Watershed Area (ac) Runoff (in) Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 7 -Jun 1.57 928.12 929.48 21 0.55 1.83 51.8 0.424 0.27 12 -Jun 0.03 928.19 928.21 2 0.55 0.11 51.8 0.026 0.88 14 -Jun 2.35 927.80 930.87 19 0.55 2.67 51.8 0.619 0.26 16 -Jun 0.46 929.78 929.98 4 0.55 0.32 51.8 0.073 0.16 18 -Jun 0.15 929.37 929.41 3 0.55 0.17 51.8 0.040 0.27 19 -Jun 2.5 929.08 931.19 7 0.55 1.52 51.8 0.353 0.14 19 -Jun 0.23 930.54 930.86 9 0.55 0.64 51.8 0.148 0.64 22 -Jun 0.17 929.40 929.47 2 0.55 0.14 51.8 0.033 0.19 28 -Jun 0.77 929.59 930.18 5 0.55 0.59 51.8 0.136 0.18 30 -Jun 0.06 929.76 929.79 3 0.55 0.17 51.8 0.039 0.66 1 -Jul 0.14 929.74 929.86 2 0.55 0.17 51.8 0.040 0.28 6 -Jul 0.09 929.55 929.60 3 0.55 0.18 51.8 0.042 0.46 7 -Jul 0.73 929.49 930.29 2 0.55 0.55 51.8 0.127 0.17 11 -Jul 0.79 929.63 930.22 5 0.55 0.58 51.8 0.135 0.17 12 -Jul 0.37 929.83 930.36 2 0.55 0.39 51.8 0.091 0.25 14 -Jul 0.13 929.89 929.96 3 0.55 0.19 51.8 0.045 0.34 25 -Jul 0.69 929.42 929.93 3 0.55 0.43 51.8 0.101 0.15 11 -Aug 0.05 928.13 928.16 3 0.55 0.17 51.8 0.040 0.80 17 -Aug 0.7 928.47 929.15 13 0.55 1.04 51.8 0.242 0.35 21 -Aug 0.13 928.64 928.72 4 0.55 0.25 51.8 0.058 0.45 24 -Aug 0.13 928.46 928.50 2 0.55 0.12 51.8 0.028 0.22 29 -Aug 0.26 928.23 928.45 5 0.55 0.38 51.8 0.088 0.34 29 -Aug 1.44 928.41 929.71 5 0.55 0.97 51.8 0.225 0.16 31 -Aug 0.71 929.12 929.75 8 0.55 0.75 51.8 0.175 0.25 3 -Sep 0.18 929.15 929.21 3 0.55 0.19 51.8 0.044 0.24 1 O -Sep 0.2 928.47 928.62 6 0.55 0.39 51.8 0.091 0.45 20 -Sep 0.4 928.09 928.58 2 0.55 0.38 51.8 0.087 0.22 29 -Sep 0.05 928.08 928.10 2 0.55 0.12 51.8 0.027 0.54 1 -Oct 0.95 928.01 928.92 7 0.55 0.86 51.8 0.200 0.21 2 -Oct 0.41 928.82 929.19 7 0.55 0.56 51.8 0.129 0.32 4 -Oct 0.15 929.01 929.12 4 0.55 0.27 51.8 0.062 0.41 13 -Oct 0.12 928.36 928.42 5 0.55 0.29 51.8 0.067 0.56 23 Oct 0.07 927.97 927.99 4 0.55 0.22 51.8 0.050 0.71 Range of Rainfall to 0.14 0.88 Runoff Ratios Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on 0.21 Linear Regression * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 5 (Regional) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 19280-270 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* ac -ft Watershed Area (ac) Runoff (in) Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 7 -Jun 1.53 916.16 916.64 8 2.69 2.79 178.2 0.188 0.12 12 -Jun 0.05 916.09 916.11 4 2.69 0.81 178.2 0.055 1.10 14 -Jun 2.35 915.98 917.47 19 2.69 7.58 178.2 0.510 0.22 16 -Jun 0.46 916.44 916.64 5 2.69 1.48 178.2 0.099 0.22 18 -Jun 0.17 916.33 916.38 4 2.69 0.88 178.2 0.059 0.35 19 -Jun 2.62 916.28 917.48 14 2.69 5.86 178.2 0.395 0.15 22 -Jun 0.16 916.41 916.43 1 2.69 0.23 178.2 0.016 0.10 28 -Jun 0.9 916.06 916.58 5 2.69 2.34 178.2 0.157 0.17 30 -Jun 0.05 916.22 916.23 1 2.69 0.23 178.2 0.015 0.31 1 -Jul 0.14 916.16 916.25 2 2.69 0.61 178.2 0.041 0.29 6 -Jul 0.09 915.87 915.90 3 2.69 0.65 178.2 0.044 0.48 7 -Jul 0.73 915.79 916.56 3 2.69 2.62 178.2 0.176 0.24 11 -Jul 0.79 915.96 916.64 5 2.69 2.78 178.2 0.187 0.24 12 -Jul 0.47 916.28 916.82 3 2.69 2.02 178.2 0.136 0.29 14 -Jul 0.13 916.27 916.31 3 2.69 0.65 178.2 0.044 0.34 25 -Jul 0.7 915.66 916.21 5 2.69 2.40 178.2 0.162 0.23 11 -Aug 0.06 915.20 915.25 3 2.69 0.70 178.2 0.047 0.79 17 -Aug 0.52 915.93 916.79 6 2.69 3.45 178.2 0.232 0.45 21 -Aug 0.13 915.87 915.95 4 2.69 0.98 178.2 0.066 0.51 24 -Aug 0.13 915.76 915.82 3 2.69 0.70 178.2 0.047 0.36 29 -Aug 0.26 915.62 915.74 5 2.69 1.28 178.2 0.086 0.33 29 -Aug 1.35 915.73 916.83 5 2.69 3.90 178.2 0.263 0.19 31 -Aug 0.71 916.06 916.47 8 2.69 2.61 178.2 0.176 0.25 3 -Sep 0.18 916.03 916.08 4 2.69 0.89 178.2 0.060 0.33 1 O -Sep 0.2 915.73 915.87 5 2.69 1.32 178.2 0.089 0.44 20 -Sep 0.41 915.46 915.80 6 2.69 2.05 178.2 0.138 0.34 29 -Sep 0.05 915.52 915.53 2 2.69 0.42 178.2 0.028 0.57 1 -Oct 0.95 915.48 916.27 7 2.69 3.45 178.2 0.233 0.24 2 -Oct 0.33 916.10 916.22 3 2.69 0.89 178.2 0.060 0.18 4 -Oct 0.15 916.05 916.14 4 2.69 0.99 178.2 0.067 0.44 Range of Rainfall to 0.10 1.10 Runoff Ratios Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on 0.19 Linear Regression * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 6 (Erickson) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 19280-270 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* ac -ft Watershed Area (ac) Runoff (in) Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 7 -Jun 1.13 919.56 920.06 4 1.14 0.94 134.6 0.084 0.07 11 -Jun 0.04 919.58 919.70 3 1.14 0.41 134.6 0.037 0.92 14 -Jun 0.37 919.62 920.11 4 1.14 0.92 134.6 0.082 0.22 14 -Jun 1.94 919.84 920.96 14 1.14 2.58 134.6 0.230 0.12 16 -Jun 0.46 920.17 920.31 6 1.14 0.72 134.6 0.064 0.14 18 -Jun 0.17 919.75 919.90 4 1.14 0.55 134.6 0.049 0.29 19 -Jun 2.5 919.73 921.34 7 1.14 2.49 134.6 0.222 0.09 19 -Jun 0.23 920.85 921.28 10 1.14 1.42 134.6 0.126 0.55 22 -Jun 0.16 919.91 919.94 1 1.14 0.14 134.6 0.012 0.08 28 -Jun 0.9 919.54 920.03 5 1.14 1.03 134.6 0.091 0.10 29 -Jun 0.04 919.82 919.88 2 1.14 0.26 134.6 0.023 0.57 30 -Jun 0.06 919.69 919.80 3 1.14 0.41 134.6 0.037 0.61 6 -Jul 0.09 919.58 919.74 4 1.14 0.56 134.6 0.050 0.55 7 -Jul 0.73 919.68 920.22 2 1.14 0.81 134.6 0.072 0.10 11 -Jul 0.64 919.68 920.20 4 1.14 0.96 134.6 0.085 0.13 12 -Jul 0.37 919.75 920.17 1 1.14 0.57 134.6 0.051 0.14 14 -Jul 0.13 919.71 919.92 4 1.14 0.62 134.6 0.055 0.42 9 -Sep 0.2 919.63 919.96 9 1.14 1.21 134.6 0.108 0.54 15 -Sep 0.06 919.51 919.56 5 1.14 0.53 134.6 0.047 0.78 20 -Sep 0.4 919.42 920.02 2 1.14 0.87 134.6 0.078 0.19 24 -Sep 0.04 919.52 919.52 6 1.14 0.56 134.6 0.050 1.25 29 -Sep 0.05 919.43 919.47 1 1.14 0.13 134.6 0.012 0.24 1 -Oct 0.85 919.42 920.28 4 1.14 1.35 134.6 0.120 0.14 2 -Oct 0.25 919.72 920.18 2 1.14 0.71 134.6 0.063 0.25 4 -Oct 0.15 919.71 919.94 3 1.14 0.54 134.6 0.048 0.32 13 -Oct 0.12 919.47 919.69 6 1.14 0.81 134.6 0.073 0.60 23 -Oct 0.07 919.47 919.53 3 1.14 0.35 134.6 0.031 0.45 Range of Rainfall to 0.07 1.25 Runoff Ratios Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on 0.11 Linear Regression * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 7 (Bloomfield) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1928-270 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* ac -ft Watershed Area (ac) Runoff (in) Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 7 -Jun 1.55 908.33 908.85 9 0.79 0.44 49.1 0.107 0.07 14 -Jun 1.99 908.28 909.72 17 0.79 1.19 49.1 0.292 0.15 16 -Jun 0.46 908.66 908.87 5 0.79 0.18 49.1 0.045 0.10 18 -Jun 0.17 908.62 908.67 4 0.79 0.05 49.1 0.012 0.07 22 -Jun 0.17 908.55 908.58 3 0.79 0.03 49.1 0.008 0.05 28 -Jun 0.9 908.26 908.81 5 0.79 0.44 49.1 0.108 0.12 30 -Jun 0.05 908.60 908.60 1 0.79 0.01 49.1 0.002 0.03 1 -Jul 0.14 908.52 908.60 2 0.79 0.07 49.1 0.017 0.12 6 -Jul 0.09 908.33 908.35 2 0.79 0.02 49.1 0.005 0.05 7 -Jul 0.73 908.29 908.84 2 0.79 0.44 49.1 0.107 0.15 11 -Jul 0.79 908.46 908.96 5 0.79 0.42 49.1 0.102 0.13 12 -Jul 0.47 908.78 909.25 3 0.79 0.39 49.1 0.094 0.20 14 -Jul 0.13 908.70 908.72 3 0.79 0.03 49.1 0.007 0.05 25 -Jul 0.69 908.22 908.68 3 0.79 0.37 49.1 0.091 0.13 11 -Aug 0.09 908.09 908.11 8 0.79 0.04 49.1 0.011 0.12 17 -Aug 0.52 908.44 909.19 6 0.79 0.61 49.1 0.149 0.29 21 -Aug 0.13 908.50 908.57 4 0.79 0.07 49.1 0.016 0.13 24 -Aug 0.13 908.41 908.52 3 0.79 0.09 49.1 0.023 0.18 29 -Aug 0.26 908.35 908.48 6 0.79 0.12 49.1 0.029 0.11 29 -Aug 1.35 908.45 909.54 5 0.79 0.87 49.1 0.213 0.16 31 -Aug 0.71 908.67 909.05 8 0.79 0.33 49.1 0.080 0.11 3 -Sep 0.18 908.62 908.66 3 0.79 0.04 49.1 0.009 0.05 9 -Sep 0.25 908.36 908.49 13 0.79 0.14 49.1 0.035 0.14 20 -Sep 0.4 908.28 908.57 3 0.79 0.24 49.1 0.058 0.15 1 -Oct 0.93 908.30 908.90 7 0.79 0.50 49.1 0.121 0.13 2 -Oct 0.41 908.75 908.85 7 0.79 0.10 49.1 0.024 0.06 4 -Oct 0.15 908.75 908.81 3 0.79 0.06 49.1 0.015 0.10 23 -Oct 0.07 908.24 908.24 2 0.79 0.01 49.1 0.002 0.03 Range of Rainfall to 0.03 0.29 Runoff Ratios Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on 0.13 Linear Regression * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 8 (O'Leary's) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1928-270 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* ac -ft Watershed Area (ac) Runoff (in) Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 7 -Jun 1.53 929.86 930.48 8 5.56 3.65 119.0 0.368 0.24 12 -Jun 0.03 929.97 929.99 2 5.56 0.14 119.0 0.014 0.46 14 -Jun 2.24 929.90 931.34 18 5.56 8.44 119.0 0.851 0.38 16 -Jun 0.46 930.22 930.41 5 5.56 1.17 119.0 0.118 0.26 18 -Jun 0.17 930.18 930.22 4 5.56 0.33 119.0 0.033 0.20 19 -Jun 2.5 930.16 931.89 7 5.56 9.76 119.0 0.984 0.39 22 -Jun 0.17 930.08 930.11 2 5.56 0.17 119.0 0.017 0.10 28 -Jun 0.9 929.95 930.53 6 5.56 3.39 119.0 0.342 0.38 1 -Jul 0.14 930.13 930.18 2 5.56 0.37 119.0 0.038 0.27 6 -Jul 0.09 930.12 930.15 3 5.56 0.20 119.0 0.021 0.23 7 -Jul 0.73 930.10 930.57 2 5.56 2.63 119.0 0.265 0.36 11 -Jul 0.79 930.09 930.51 5 5.56 2.44 119.0 0.246 0.31 12 -Jul 0.47 930.29 930.86 3 5.56 3.24 119.0 0.327 0.70 14 -Jul 0.13 930.21 930.24 4 5.56 0.24 119.0 0.024 0.19 25 -Jul 0.69 929.89 930.36 3 5.56 2.69 119.0 0.272 0.39 17 -Aug 0.53 929.65 930.45 7 5.56 4.58 119.0 0.462 0.87 18 -Aug 0.16 930.37 930.39 1 5.56 0.17 119.0 0.017 0.11 21 -Aug 0.13 929.99 930.04 5 5.56 0.39 119.0 0.039 0.30 24 -Aug 0.13 929.93 929.95 3 5.56 0.19 119.0 0.019 0.15 29 -Aug 0.26 929.86 929.96 6 5.56 0.67 119.0 0.067 0.26 29 -Aug 1.44 929.95 930.47 6 5.56 3.04 119.0 0.307 0.21 31 -Aug 0.62 930.14 930.46 7 5.56 1.96 119.0 0.198 0.32 3 -Sep 0.18 930.12 930.15 4 5.56 0.29 119.0 0.029 0.16 9 -Sep 0.25 929.93 930.05 12 5.56 0.93 119.0 0.094 0.38 20 -Sep 0.4 929.85 929.99 2 5.56 0.83 119.0 0.083 0.21 1 -Oct 0.93 929.80 930.32 7 5.56 3.04 119.0 0.307 0.33 2 -Oct 0.41 930.16 930.30 7 5.56 0.97 119.0 0.098 0.24 4 -Oct 0.15 930.13 930.18 4 5.56 0.34 119.0 0.034 0.23 13 -Oct 0.12 929.86 929.90 6 5.56 0.37 119.0 0.037 0.31 Range of Rainfall to 0.10 0.87 Runoff Ratios Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on 0.35 Linear Regression * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 9 (Wachter) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1928-270 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* ac -ft Watershed Area (ac) Runoff (in) Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 7 -Jun 1.57 910.446 911.432 10 5.10 5.33 367.9 0.174 0.111 12 -Jun 0.04 910.478 910.490 3 5.10 0.15 367.9 0.005 0.123 18 -Jun 0.15 911.116 911.131 3 5.10 0.17 367.9 0.005 0.036 22 -Jun 0.17 911.283 911.300 2 5.10 0.15 367.9 0.005 0.029 28 -Jun 0.91 910.284 911.469 9 5.10 6.32 367.9 0.206 0.226 1 -Jul 0.14 910.900 910.969 2 5.10 0.41 367.9 0.013 0.096 6 -Jul 0.09 910.471 910.492 2 5.10 0.16 367.9 0.005 0.060 7 -Jul 0.73 910.360 911.237 8 5.10 4.71 367.9 0.154 0.211 11 -Jul 0.8 910.767 911.534 11 5.10 4.24 367.9 0.138 0.173 14 -Jul 0.13 911.639 911.647 2 5.10 0.10 367.9 0.003 0.025 25 -Jul 0.7 910.263 911.024 8 5.10 4.12 367.9 0.134 0.192 11 -Aug 0.04 909.743 909.755 2 5.10 0.12 367.9 0.004 0.098 17 -Aug 0.53 909.410 910.769 9 5.10 7.20 367.9 0.235 0.443 18 -Aug 0.17 910.771 910.879 4 5.10 0.67 367.9 0.022 0.128 21 -Aug 0.13 910.508 910.578 4 5.10 0.48 367.9 0.016 0.119 24 -Aug 0.13 910.362 910.422 3 5.10 0.40 367.9 0.013 0.100 28 -Aug 0.04 910.160 910.163 1 5.10 0.04 367.9 0.001 0.036 29 -Aug 0.26 910.143 910.276 7 5.10 0.89 367.9 0.029 0.112 29 -Aug 1.46 910.256 911.289 9 5.10 5.54 367.9 0.181 0.124 31 -Aug 0.72 911.030 911.687 10 5.10 3.65 367.9 0.119 0.165 3 -Sep 0.18 911.194 911.224 3 5.10 0.25 367.9 0.008 0.045 10 -Sep 0.2 910.521 910.669 8 5.10 1.00 367.9 0.033 0.163 15 -Sep 0.06 910.312 910.318 3 5.10 0.12 367.9 0.004 0.066 20 -Sep 0.41 909.925 910.160 6 5.10 1.38 367.9 0.045 0.109 29 -Sep 0.05 909.698 909.704 3 5.10 0.12 367.9 0.004 0.079 1 -Oct 0.97 909.606 910.635 18 5.10 5.79 367.9 0.189 0.195 2 -Oct 0.43 910.628 911.068 10 5.10 2.55 367.9 0.083 0.193 4 -Oct 0.15 910.952 911.025 5 5.10 0.52 367.9 0.017 0.114 13 -Oct 0.12 1 910.228 1 910.264 1 6 5.10 0.36 367.9 1 0.012 1 0.099 23 -Oct 0.07 1 909.780 1 909.786 1 3 5.10 0.12 367.9 1 0.004 1 0.055 Range of Rainfall to 0.02 0.44 Runoff Ratios Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on 0.16 Linear Regression * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 10 (Shannon) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1928-270 Rainfall Rain Event Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* ac -ft Watershed Area (ac) Runoff (in) Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 7 -Jun 1.53 910.25 910.66 7 3.17 1.43 139.9 0.123 0.08 14 -Jun 2.45 908.15 910.86 37 3.17 9.28 139.9 0.796 0.33 16 -Jun 0.46 910.77 910.95 4 3.17 0.64 139.9 0.055 0.12 18 -Jun 0.15 910.62 910.65 3 3.17 0.15 139.9 0.013 0.09 19 -Jun 1.68 910.65 911.63 3 3.17 3.14 139.9 0.270 0.16 28 -Jun 0.91 911.05 911.51 5 3.17 1.54 139.9 0.133 0.15 1 -Jul 0.14 910.02 910.03 1 3.17 0.05 139.9 0.004 0.03 6 -Jul 0.09 908.87 908.89 2 3.17 0.09 139.9 0.008 0.09 7 -Jul 0.73 909.02 909.32 1 3.17 0.96 139.9 0.083 0.11 11 -Jul 0.8 909.01 909.70 5 3.17 2.27 139.9 0.194 0.24 12 -Jul 0.48 909.88 910.56 11 3.17 2.39 139.9 0.205 0.43 14 -Jul 0.13 910.16 910.18 1 3.17 0.07 139.9 0.006 0.04 25 -Jul 0.69 909.10 909.31 2 3.17 0.72 139.9 0.062 0.09 11 -Aug 0.06 908.17 908.18 3 3.17 0.08 139.9 0.007 0.12 16 -Aug 0.03 908.11 908.15 3 3.17 0.16 139.9 0.014 0.46 17 -Aug 0.53 908.11 908.97 5 3.17 2.82 139.9 0.242 0.46 21 -Aug 0.13 908.44 908.50 4 3.17 0.26 139.9 0.022 0.17 24 -Aug 0.13 908.36 908.43 2 3.17 0.25 139.9 0.022 0.17 28 -Aug 0.04 908.25 908.25 1 3.17 0.03 139.9 0.003 0.07 29 -Aug 0.26 908.24 908.34 4 3.17 0.40 139.9 0.034 0.13 29 -Aug 1.46 908.32 909.03 5 3.17 2.32 139.9 0.199 0.14 30 -Aug 0.02 908.98 908.98 1 3.17 0.03 139.9 0.002 0.11 31 -Aug 0.71 908.90 909.33 7 3.17 1.50 139.9 0.129 0.18 3 -Sep 0.18 909.07 909.08 4 3.17 0.12 139.9 0.010 0.06 10 -Sep 0.2 908.63 908.75 4 3.17 0.44 139.9 0.038 0.19 15 -Sep 0.06 908.47 908.48 4 3.17 0.10 139.9 0.009 0.15 20 -Sep 0.4 908.26 908.50 2 3.17 0.77 139.9 0.066 0.17 1 -Oct 0.96 908.15 908.82 7 3.17 2.26 139.9 0.194 0.20 2 -Oct 0.42 908.74 908.97 7 3.17 0.87 139.9 0.075 0.18 4 -Oct 0.15 908.85 908.91 4 3.17 0.24 139.9 0.020 0.14 13 -Oct 0.12 908.41 908.45 4 3.17 0.20 139.9 0.017 0.14 Range of Rainfall to Runoff 0.03 0.46 Ratios Rainfall to Runoff Ratio 0.21 Based on Linear Regression * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: WSB Project No. 1928-270 Monitoring Location # 1 (Marcotte) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation &Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction Within Period (ac -ft) 7/15--7/16 907.23 907.20 0.02 28 0.010 1.90 0.05 7/16--7/25 907.25 906.98 0.26 210 0.015 1.90 0.50 7/25--7/27 907.09 907.03 0.06 49 0.014 1.90 0.11 7/27--8/11 907.02 906.34 0.68 352 0.023 1.90 1.30 8/11--8/16 906.36 906.16 0.20 125 0.019 1.90 0.37 8/17--8/17 906.16 906.14 0.02 13 0.015 1.90 0.03 8/18--8/21 906.23 906.13 0.11 71 0.018 1.90 0.20 8/21--8/23 906.13 906.07 0.06 45 0.017 1.90 0.12 8/23--8/24 906.07 906.03 0.03 27 0.015 1.90 0.06 8/24--8/28 906.05 905.91 0.13 87 0.018 1.90 0.25 8/28--8/28 905.91 905.90 0.00 6 0.010 1.90 0.01 8/29--8/29 905.93 905.91 0.02 11 0.017 1.90 0.03 8/30--8/30 906.21 906.19 0.01 10 0.016 1.90 0.02 8/30--8/31 906.19 906.16 0.03 21 0.017 1.90 0.06 9/2--9/3 906.44 906.40 0.04 22 0.022 1.90 0.08 9/3--9/9 906.42 906.18 0.24 150 0.020 1.90 0.46 9/10--9/15 906.18 906.00 0.18 108 0.020 1.90 0.34 9/15--9/17 906.00 905.92 0.08 47 0.019 1.90 0.14 Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates 0.010 0.023 (in/hr) Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate 0.017 (in/hr) * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: WSB Project No. 19280-270 Monitoring Location # 2 (Glendalough) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation &Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction Within Period (ac -ft) 6/2--6/7 925.92 924.71 1.21 116 0.125 1.39 1.68 6/7--6/14 925.28 924.09 1.20 165 0.087 1.39 1.66 6/15--6/16 926.07 925.64 0.43 33 0.156 1.39 0.60 6/16--6/18 925.74 925.42 0.32 30 0.130 1.39 0.45 6/18--6/19 925.43 925.22 0.21 21 0.119 1.39 0.29 6/22--6/28 925.48 924.26 1.22 146 0.100 1.39 1.69 6/29--7/1 924.75 924.40 0.35 58 0.072 1.39 0.48 7/1--7/6 924.46 923.92 0.54 111 0.059 1.39 0.75 7/6--7/7 923.94 923.83 0.11 31 0.041 1.39 0.15 7/7--7/11 924.26 923.96 0.30 82 0.044 1.39 0.41 7/11--7/12 924.34 924.26 0.08 24 0.038 1.39 0.11 7/12--7/14 924.54 924.35 0.19 49 0.046 1.39 0.26 7/14--7/25 924.38 923.67 0.71 248 0.034 1.39 0.98 7/25--8/7 923.99 923.42 0.57 321 0.021 1.39 0.79 8/12--8/16 923.30 923.17 0.13 106 0.015 1.39 0.18 8/18--8/21 923.61 923.51 0.10 64 0.019 1.39 0.14 8/21--8/24 923.54 923.46 0.08 78 0.013 1.39 0.11 8/24--8/28 923.48 923.36 0.12 89 0.016 1.39 0.16 8/30--8/31 924.23 924.09 0.14 37 0.045 1.39 0.19 9/1--9/3 924.42 924.19 0.22 49 0.055 1.39 0.31 9/3--9/9 924.22 923.78 0.43 150 0.035 1.39 0.60 9/10--9/15 923.82 923.61 0.21 110 0.023 1.39 0.30 9/15--9/17 923.61 923.51 0.10 47 0.025 1.39 0.14 9/17--9/20 923.53 923.42 0.11 78 0.018 1.39 0.16 9/21--9/29 923.66 923.36 0.30 201 0.018 1.39 0.42 9/29--10/1 923.37 923.31 0.06 41 0.017 1.39 0.08 10/4--10/13 923.98 923.59 0.39 231 0.020 1.39 0.55 10/14--10/23 923.61 923.29 0.32 212 0.018 1.39 0.41::] 10/23--10/30 923.30 923.10 0.20 170 0.014 1.39 0.28 Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates 0.013 0.156 (in/hr) Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate 0.049 (in/hr) * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: WSB Project No. 19280-270 Monitoring Location # 3 (Trailer Park) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation &Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction Within Period (ac -ft) 6/3--6/6 926.59 925.50 1.08 80 0.162 0.87 0.94 6/7--6/12 927.16 925.63 1.53 107 0.171 0.87 1.33 6/12--6/12 925.65 925.49 0.16 19 0.098 0.87 0.14 6/15--6/16 928.93 926.96 1.96 32 0.737 0.87 1.71 6/16--6/18 927.30 926.41 0.89 30 0.356 0.87 0.77 6/18--6/19 926.47 926.14 0.33 19 0.211 0.87 0.29 6/20--6/22 928.92 926.30 2.62 54 0.583 0.87 2.28 6/22--6/25 926.38 925.50 0.88 69 0.153 0.87 0.76 6/29--6/30 926.43 926.04 0.39 33 0.143 0.87 0.34 6/30--7/1 926.06 925.84 0.22 23 0.113 0.87 0.19 7/1--7/7 926.06 925.54 0.52 146 0.043 0.87 0.45 7/7--7/11 926.53 925.56 0.96 82 0.141 0.87 0.84 7/11--7/12 926.78 926.35 0.43 25 0.207 0.87 0.38 7/12--7/14 927.16 926.21 0.95 49 0.232 0.87 0.83 7/14--7/18 926.32 925.50 0.82 78 0.126 0.87 0.71 7/25--7/27 925.89 925.51 0.37 54 0.083 0.87 0.33 8/11--8/16 925.63 925.44 0.19 119 0.019 0.87 0.16 8/18--8/21 927.49 926.62 0.88 74 0.142 0.87 0.76 8/21--8/24 926.69 926.20 0.49 80 0.074 0.87 0.43 8/24--8/28 926.25 925.88 0.37 91 0.048 0.87 0.32 8/29--8/29 926.30 926.24 0.06 16 0.045 0.87 0.05 9/3--9/9 927.19 926.06 1.12 151 0.089 0.87 0.98 9/10--9/20 926.27 925.62 0.65 242 0.032 0.87 0.57 9/20--9/29 926.56 925.80 0.76 203 0.045 0.87 0.66 9/29--10/1 925.84 925.72 0.11 42 0.033 0.87 0.10 10/1--10/2 927.29 927.09 0.20 20 0.120 0.87 0.17 10/4--10/13 927.24 926.02 1.22 219 0.067 0.87 1.07 10/14--10/23 926.10 925.55 0.55 213 0.031 0.87 0.48 10/23--10/30 925.59 925.36 0.23 171 0.016 0.87 0.20 Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates 0.016 0.737 (in/hr) Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate 0.149 (in/hr) * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: WSB Project No. 19280-270 Monitoring Location # 4 (Unnamed) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring City of Rosemount, MN Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation &Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction Within Period (ac -ft) 6/3--6/7 Average Evaporation 929.57 928.13 1.44 88 0.197 0.55 0.80 6/8--6/12 929.48 928.19 1.29 94 0.165 0.55 0.72 6/12--6/14 928.21 927.80 0.41 57 0.086 0.55 0.23 6/15--6/16 930.87 929.78 1.08 35 0.372 0.55 0.60 6/16--6/18 929.96 929.39 0.57 28 0.244 0.55 0.32 6/18--6/19 929.40 929.08 0.31 19 0.197 0.55 0.17 6/20--6/22 930.86 929.40 1.46 55 0.319 0.55 0.81 6/22--6/23 929.47 929.30 0.17 32 0.065 0.55 0.10 6/29--6/30 929.97 929.76 0.21 32 0.080 0.55 0.12 6/30--7/1 929.79 929.74 0.05 22 0.028 0.55 0.03 7/1--7/6 929.82 929.55 0.27 108 0.030 0.55 0.15 7/6--7/7 929.60 929.49 0.11 32 0.040 0.55 0.06 7/7--7/11 930.21 929.63 0.58 81 0.086 0.55 0.32 7/11--7/12 930.12 929.83 0.29 23 0.152 0.55 0.16 7/12--7/14 930.31 929.89 0.42 48 0.105 0.55 0.23 7/14--7/25 929.96 929.42 0.54 249 0.026 0.55 0.30 7/25--8/11 929.93 928.13 1.80 409 0.053 0.55 1.00 8/12--8/16 928.19 927.95 0.24 105 0.027 0.55 0.13 8/18--8/21 929.15 928.64 0.51 75 0.082 0.55 0.28 8/21--8/24 928.72 928.46 0.26 79 0.039 0.55 0.14 8/24--8/29 928.49 928.23 0.26 100 0.032 0.55 0.15 8/29--8/29 928.45 928.41 0.04 15 0.031 0.55 0.02 8/30--8/31 929.71 929.12 0.58 42 0.167 0.55 0.32 9/1--9/3 929.73 929.15 0.59 51 0.138 0.55 0.33 9/3--9/10 929.21 928.47 0.73 159 0.055 0.55 0.41 9/10--9/20 928.61 928.08 0.52 242 0.026 0.55 0.29 9/20--9/24 928.58 928.36 0.22 78 0.034 0.55 0.12 9/24--9/29 928.35 928.08 0.27 119 0.027 0.55 0.15 9/29--10/1 928.10 928.01 0.09 42 0.026 0.55 0.05 10/1--10/2 928.92 928.82 0.10 21 0.055 0.55 0.05 10/3--10/4 929.17 929.01 0.16 24 0.078 0.55 0.09 10/4--10/13 929.12 928.36 0.76 232 0.040 0.55 0.42 10/14--10/23 928.42 927.97 0.45 215 0.025 0.55 0.25 10/23--10/30 927.98 927.69 0.29 172 0.020 0.55 0.16 Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates 0.020 0.372 (in/hr) Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate 0.093 (in/hr) * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: WSB Project No. 19280-270 Monitoring Location # 5 (Regional) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation &Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction Within Period (ac -ft) 6/3--6/7 916.36 916.16 0.21 88 0.028 2.69 0.55 6/7--6/10 916.54 916.17 0.37 64 0.069 2.69 1.00 6/11--6/12 916.11 916.09 0.02 15 0.017 2.69 0.06 6/12--6/14 916.11 915.98 0.13 54 0.029 2.69 0.35 6/15--6/16 917.45 916.44 1.01 34 0.355 2.69 2.71 6/16--6/18 916.63 916.33 0.30 28 0.129 2.69 0.81 6/18--6/19 916.37 916.28 0.09 19 0.059 2.69 0.25 6/20--6/22 917.11 916.41 0.70 50 0.168 2.69 1.88 6/22--6/28 916.43 916.06 0.37 148 0.030 2.69 0.98 6/28--6/30 916.57 916.22 0.35 39 0.109 2.69 0.95 6/30--7/1 916.23 916.16 0.07 22 0.039 2.69 0.19 7/1--7/6 916.24 915.87 0.38 109 0.041 2.69 1.01 7/6--7/7 915.90 915.79 0.10 31 0.040 2.69 0.28 7/7--7/11 916.55 915.96 0.60 80 0.089 2.69 1.60 7/11--7/12 916.62 916.28 0.34 23 0.179 2.69 0.93 7/12--7/14 916.78 916.27 0.51 47 0.130 2.69 1.37 7/14--7/25 916.30 915.66 0.64 246 0.031 2.69 1.71 7/25--8/11 916.21 915.20 1.01 406 0.030 2.69 2.71 8/12--8/16 915.25 915.08 0.17 105 0.020 2.69 0.46 8/18--8/21 916.58 915.87 0.71 75 0.113 2.69 1.91 8/21--8/24 915.95 915.76 0.18 79 0.028 2.69 0.50 8/24--8/28 915.81 915.63 0.19 88 0.026 2.69 0.51 8/29--8/29 915.74 915.73 0.02 15 0.012 2.69 0.04 8/30--8/31 916.72 916.06 0.66 40 0.197 2.69 1.77 9/1--9/3 916.41 916.03 0.39 48 0.097 2.69 1.04 9/3--9/9 916.08 915.71 0.37 151 0.029 2.69 1.00 9/10--9/20 915.86 915.46 0.41 242 0.020 2.69 1.10 9/21--9/24 915.80 915.69 0.11 76 0.018 2.69 0.30 9/24--9/29 915.68 915.51 0.16 118 0.017 2.69 0.44 9/29--10/1 915.53 915.48 0.06 41 0.017 2.69 0.15 10/3--10/4 916.20 916.05 0.15 24 0.074 2.69 0.40 10/4--10/13 916.14 915.69 0.45 220 0.025 2.69 1.22 10/13--10/30 916.71 915.42 1.29 402 0.038 2.69 3.47 Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates 0.012 0.355 (in/hr) Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate 0.070 (in/hr) * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: WSB Project No. 19280-270 Monitoring Location # 6 (Erickson) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation &Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction Within Period (ac -ft) 6/7--6/11 919.80 919.58 0.22 103 0.026 1.14 0.25 6/12--6/14 919.70 919.62 0.07 54 0.016 1.14 0.08 6/15--6/16 920.96 920.17 0.79 30 0.317 1.14 0.90 6/16--6/18 920.29 919.76 0.53 27 0.236 1.14 0.60 6/18--6/19 919.88 919.73 0.15 19 0.094 1.14 0.17 6/21--6/22 921.46 919.91 1.56 33 0.566 1.14 1.77 6/22--6/28 919.89 919.54 0.36 146 0.029 1.14 0.40 6/29--6/30 919.87 919.69 0.18 31 0.069 1.14 0.20 6/30--7/1 919.80 919.73 0.07 18 0.045 1.14 0.08 7/1--7/6 919.87 919.58 0.29 109 0.032 1.14 0.33 7/6--7/7 919.74 919.68 0.06 30 0.024 1.14 0.07 7/7--7/11 919.95 919.68 0.26 82 0.038 1.14 0.30 7/11--7/12 920.10 919.75 0.35 26 0.163 1.14 0.40 7/12--7/14 919.90 919.70 0.20 46 0.053 1.14 0.23 7/14--7/16 919.89 919.72 0.16 35 0.056 1.14 0.18 7/16--7/21 919.70 919.52 0.18 114 0.019 1.14 0.20 9/10--9/15 919.92 919.51 0.42 116 0.043 1.14 0.47 9/15--9/17 919.56 919.51 0.05 44 0.014 1.14 0.06 9/17--9/20 919.48 919.42 0.07 74 0.011 1.14 0.08 9/20--9/24 919.89 919.52 0.37 80 0.055 1.14 0.42 9/24--9/29 919.52 919.40 0.12 118 0.012 1.14 0.14 9/29--10/1 919.47 919.42 0.05 39 0.014 1.14 0.05 10/1--10/2 920.05 919.72 0.33 22 0.182 1.14 0.38 10/2--10/3 919.82 919.71 0.11 24 0.055 1.14 0.13 10/4--10/13 919.90 919.47 0.43 232 0.022 1.14 0.49 10/14--10/22 919.69 919.47 0.22 211 0.013 1.14 0.25 10/23--10/30 919.54 919.44 0.10 172 0.007 1.14 0.11 Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates 0.007 0.566 (in/hr) Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate 0.082 (in/hr) * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: WSB Project No. 1928-270 Monitoring Location # 7 (Bloomfield) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation &Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction Within Period (ac -ft) 6/3--6/7 908.55 908.33 0.22 84 0.031 0.79 0.17 6/8--6/12 908.76 908.36 0.39 95 0.050 0.79 0.31 6/12--6/14 908.37 908.28 0.09 53 0.020 0.79 0.07 6/15--6/16 908.98 908.66 0.32 23 0.166 0.79 0.25 6/17--6/18 908.86 908.63 0.23 27 0.104 0.79 0.19 6/18--6/19 908.67 908.56 0.10 19 0.066 0.79 0.08 6/20--6/22 908.99 908.55 0.45 54 0.099 0.79 0.35 6/22--6/28 908.58 908.26 0.32 145 0.026 0.79 0.25 6/29--6/30 908.76 908.60 0.16 31 0.062 0.79 0.13 6/30--7/1 908.60 908.52 0.08 21 0.044 0.79 0.06 7/1--7/6 908.59 908.33 0.26 110 0.029 0.79 0.21 7/6--7/7 908.35 908.29 0.05 31 0.021 0.79 0.04 7/8--7/11 908.76 908.46 0.30 73 0.050 0.79 0.24 7/11--7/12 908.96 908.78 0.19 24 0.093 0.79 0.15 7/13--7/14 908.98 908.70 0.29 37 0.093 0.79 0.23 7/14--7/25 908.72 908.22 0.50 248 0.024 0.79 0.39 7/25--8/11 908.67 908.09 0.58 405 0.017 0.79 0.46 8/12--8/16 908.15 908.05 0.10 102 0.012 0.79 0.08 8/18--8/21 908.98 908.50 0.48 71 0.081 0.79 0.38 8/21--8/24 908.57 908.41 0.15 78 0.023 0.79 0.12 8/24--8/29 908.52 908.35 0.17 99 0.020 0.79 0.13 8/29--8/29 908.48 908.45 0.02 15 0.019 0.79 0.02 8/30--8/31 908.99 908.67 0.32 30 0.129 0.79 0.26 9/1--9/3 909.00 908.62 0.38 47 0.096 0.79 0.30 9/3--9/9 908.66 908.35 0.30 150 0.024 0.79 0.24 9/10--9/15 908.48 908.35 0.13 111 0.014 0.79 0.10 9/15--9/20 908.35 908.28 0.07 128 0.007 0.79 0.06 9/21--9/24 908.56 908.44 0.12 77 0.019 0.79 0.09 9/24--10/1 908.44 908.30 0.14 163 0.010 0.79 0.11 10/4--10/13 908.76 908.39 0.37 215 0.021 0.79 0.30 10/14--10/23 908.40 908.24 0.16 215 0.009 0.79 0.13 10/23--10/30 908.24 908.14 0.10 176 0.007 0.79 0.08 Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates 0.007 0.166 (in/hr) Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate 0.046 (in/hr) * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: WSB Project No. 1928-270 Monitoring Location # 8 (O'Leary's) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation &Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction Within Period (ac -ft) 6/3--6/7 930.05 929.86 0.19 83 0.027 5.56 1.04 6/7--6/11 930.42 929.97 0.45 102 0.053 5.56 2.49 6/12--6/14 929.98 929.91 0.07 45 0.020 5.56 0.41 6/15--6/16 931.09 930.22 0.87 32 0.327 5.56 4.85 6/16--6/18 930.40 930.18 0.22 28 0.095 5.56 1.24 6/18--6/19 930.22 930.15 0.06 18 0.042 5.56 0.35 6/19--6/22 930.86 930.08 0.78 60 0.155 5.56 4.31 6/22--6/28 930.10 929.95 0.16 145 0.013 5.56 0.88 6/29--6/30 930.40 930.19 0.21 31 0.081 5.56 1.16 6/30--7/1 930.19 930.13 0.07 21 0.038 5.56 0.36 7/1--7/2 930.18 930.15 0.03 10 0.034 5.56 0.16 7/3--7/6 930.35 930.12 0.22 63 0.043 5.56 1.25 7/6--7/7 930.14 930.10 0.04 31 0.016 5.56 0.23 7/7--7/11 930.56 930.09 0.46 82 0.068 5.56 2.58 7/11--7/12 930.50 930.29 0.21 23 0.110 5.56 1.17 7/12--7/14 930.79 930.21 0.57 47 0.147 5.56 3.19 7/14--7/25 930.23 929.89 0.35 246 0.017 5.56 1.92 7/25--8/10 930.35 929.79 0.56 396 0.017 5.56 3.09 8/12--8/16 929.73 929.66 0.08 102 0.009 5.56 0.42 8/17--8/17 929.66 929.65 0.00 10 0.003 5.56 0.01 8/18--8/21 930.39 929.99 0.39 73 0.065 5.56 2.19 8/21--8/24 930.04 929.93 0.11 78 0.017 5.56 0.60 8/24--8/28 929.95 929.86 0.09 89 0.012 5.56 0.48 8/29--8/29 929.96 929.95 0.01 13 0.009 5.56 0.06 8/30--8/30 930.44 930.26 0.18 15 0.146 5.56 1.01 9/1--9/3 930.41 930.12 0.29 47 0.074 5.56 1.61 9/3--9/9 930.15 929.93 0.22 150 0.018 5.56 1.23 9/10--9/15 930.04 929.91 0.14 111 0.015 5.56 0.75 9/15--9/20 929.92 929.84 0.08 127 0.007 5.56 0.43 9/21--9/24 929.99 929.91 0.08 77 0.013 5.56 0.46 9/24--10/1 929.90 929.80 0.10 163 0.007 5.56 0.56 10/4--10/13 930.17 929.86 0.32 231 0.016 5.56 1.76 10/14--10/30 930.01 929.74 0.27 377 0.009 5.56 1.52 Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates 0.003 0.327 (in/hr) Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate 0.052 (in/hr) * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: WSB Project No. 1928-270 Monitoring Location # 9 (Wachter) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation &Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction Within Period (ac -ft) 6/3--6/7 911.10 910.34 0.76 83 0.109 5.10 3.85 6/7--6/11 911.42 910.49 0.94 87 0.129 5.10 4.77 6/12--6/14 910.48 910.21 0.27 54 0.061 5.10 1.40 6/16--6/18 911.83 911.14 0.69 28 0.294 5.10 3.50 6/18--6/19 911.13 910.89 0.24 20 0.145 5.10 1.23 6/22--6/28 911.29 910.28 1.01 145 0.083 5.10 5.13 6/29--6/30 911.46 911.07 0.38 30 0.154 5.10 1.96 6/30--7/1 911.05 910.87 0.18 21 0.102 5.10 0.91 7/1--7/6 910.96 910.47 0.49 110 0.054 5.10 2.51 7/6--7/7 910.49 910.36 0.13 30 0.050 5.10 0.64 7/8--7/11 911.24 910.76 0.47 73 0.078 5.10 2.41 7/11--7/12 911.53 911.41 0.12 18 0.079 5.10 0.61 7/14--7/25 911.65 910.27 1.38 247 0.067 5.10 7.04 7/25--8/11 911.02 909.75 1.28 398 0.038 5.10 6.51 8/11--8/16 909.71 909.44 0.27 125 0.026 5.10 1.40 8/18--8/21 910.88 910.51 0.37 72 0.061 5.10 1.88 8/21--8/24 910.58 910.36 0.21 76 0.034 5.10 1.09 8/24--8/28 910.42 910.16 0.26 87 0.036 5.10 1.32 8/29--8/29 910.28 910.26 0.02 12 0.020 5.10 0.10 8/30--8/31 911.29 911.03 0.26 37 0.083 5.10 1.31 9/1--9/3 911.68 911.20 0.49 48 0.122 5.10 2.48 9/3--9/9 911.22 910.53 0.69 151 0.055 5.10 3.51 9/10--9/15 910.67 910.31 0.36 113 0.038 5.10 1.83 9/15--9/20 910.32 909.93 0.39 126 0.037 5.10 2.00 9/21--9/24 910.16 909.98 0.18 73 0.029 5.10 0.92 9/24--9/29 909.97 909.70 0.27 119 0.027 5.10 1.39 9/29--10/1 909.70 909.61 0.10 41 0.028 5.10 0.49 10/3--10/4 911.07 910.95 0.11 25 0.055 5.10 0.58 10/4--10/13 911.02 910.23 0.79 228 0.042 5.10 4.04 10/14--10/23 910.26 909.78 0.48 214 0.027 5.10 2.46 10/23--10/29 909.78 909.42 0.37 158 0.028 5.10 1.86 Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates 0.020 0.294 (in/hr) Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate 0.071 (in/hr) * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: WSB Project No. 1928-270 Monitoring Location # 10 (Shannon) 2014 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation &Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction Within Period (ac -ft) 6/7--6/14 910.61 908.13 2.48 162 0.184 3.17 7.87 6/16--6/16 910.86 910.76 0.10 15 0.082 3.17 0.32 6/16--6/18 910.94 910.62 0.33 28 0.140 3.17 1.04 6/18--6/18 910.64 910.58 0.06 12 0.061 3.17 0.19 6/20--6/22 911.54 910.86 0.68 52 0.156 3.17 2.15 6/27--6/28 911.36 911.02 0.34 17 0.238 3.17 1.07 6/29--7/1 911.31 910.01 1.30 55 0.283 3.17 4.11 7/1--7/6 910.00 908.87 1.13 110 0.123 3.17 3.58 7/6--7/7 908.89 908.72 0.17 31 0.066 3.17 0.54 7/8--7/11 909.32 909.00 0.32 79 0.048 3.17 1.00 7/11--7/12 909.70 909.65 0.05 21 0.028 3.17 0.15 7/13--7/14 910.56 910.17 0.39 37 0.127 3.17 1.24 7/14--7/25 910.18 908.77 1.41 248 0.068 3.17 4.46 7/25--8/11 909.31 908.17 1.13 405 0.034 3.17 3.60 8/18--8/21 908.86 908.45 0.42 71 0.071 3.17 1.32 8/21--8/24 908.50 908.34 0.16 78 0.025 3.17 0.51 8/24--8/28 908.43 908.24 0.18 88 0.025 3.17 0.57 8/30--8/30 909.03 908.98 0.05 13 0.043 3.17 0.15 8/30--8/31 908.98 908.90 0.08 22 0.042 3.17 0.24 9/1--9/3 909.34 909.07 0.26 49 0.065 3.17 0.84 9/3--9/9 909.08 908.63 0.45 150 0.036 3.17 1.43 9/10--9/15 908.75 908.48 0.27 112 0.029 3.17 0.86 9/15--9/17 908.48 908.37 0.11 52 0.025 3.17 0.35 9/17--9/20 908.39 908.26 0.13 70 0.023 3.17 0.42 9/20--9/24 908.49 908.33 0.16 78 0.025 3.17 0.52 9/24--9/30 908.32 908.11 0.21 142 0.018 3.17 0.67 10/1--10/2 908.81 908.74 0.07 20 0.045 3.17 0.24 10/2--10/3 908.96 908.86 0.11 25 0.051 3.17 0.33 10/4--10/13 908.90 908.41 0.50 230 0.026 3.17 1.57 10/14--10/22 908.45 908.16 0.29 199 0.017 3.17 0.91 10/25--10/30 909.14 908.79 0.35 125 0.033 3.17 1.10 Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates 0.017 0.283 (in/hr) Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate 0.072 (in/hr) * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain.