HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. Pre-Budget Discussion EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Special Work Session: April 21, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Pre-Budget Information AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator AGENDA NO. 2.b. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discuss general information related to preparation of the 2016 draft budget. BACKGROUND: During goal setting meetings earlier this year, council members suggested that we have a pre-budget meeting to discuss general trends and direction for the 2016 budget preparation. Department directors have begun work on a draft 2016 budget, but nothing has been turned in or assembled yet. We have the following items of information for Council discussion: • Proposed budget calendar • Updated information on the City’s tax base and county-wide tax information • Revised list of budget programs for preparation of a program-based budget • Two budget requests from community organizations • Revised “dashboard” per discussion at last week’s meeting DISCUSSION: The budget calendar is very similar to the schedule we have used for the past several years. It permits the Council to see a draft budget earlier than in most other surrounding communities. The countywide tax information shows that our tax base is growing, our overall taxes are now the 3rd best in the County and our City taxes are now the 5th best of the 11 principal cities in Dakota County. The program budget list now includes about 100 programs. Last year, our initial list divided the City into about 40 budget programs. Council review and direction at that time indicated that an expanded list to about 100 programs would provide about the right degree of measurement and analysis. It was more difficult than anticipated to go from 40 to 100 because of the highly interdependent nature of the programs. Each change or addition has a multi-variable impact. We have two budget requests from community organizations so far: one for fireworks and one for the community band. We have not had regular line items for either expense in the past, but we did provide “one-time” funding for fireworks last year due to the transitioning of the SKB Trust fund taking place and also the low level of reserves by the Leprechaun Days committee because unusually cold weather two years ago depressed normal revenues for them. Also, we have drafted a revised dashboard incorporating the discussion we heard at last week’s meeting. We made the following changes: • Eliminated the items relating to Crime Clearances, Bond Rating, and Actual Spending vs. Budgeted • Changed the Tax Levy to Tax levy per person; • Changed the Water Usage to Daily Water Usage per Person (Residential Customers); • Added more labeling on the graphs; • Eliminated the trend arrows. It has been suggested that we should call this a “scorecard” rather than a “dashboard” because most of the items will not change much in short time periods. Finally, we can update you on trend lines for wages for 2016 that we see so far, based on the limited number of labor settlements at this time. 2 BUDGET PROGRAMS 2015 1. City Council 2. Administration a. General Administration b. Records Management c. Liquor licenses d. Other licenses (massage, peddlers, gambling) e. Personnel Administration f. Newsletter g. Web site and social media h. Cable TV i. Elections j. Volunteer Program k. Wellness program 3. Finance a. General/Administrative b. Data Processing c. Finance d. Accounting e. General Insurance f. Workers Comp Insurance g. Payroll h. Utility Billing i. Accounts Payable/Receivable j. Special Assessments k. Fixed Assets 4. General Government a. Office Supplies, Equipment, General b. Auditing and CAFR c. Legal d. Duplicating and Copying 5. Community Development a. Building Inspections b. Code Enforcement c. Planning and zoning applications d. Economic Development Marketing e. Economic Development Business Retention f. Fire Marshal g. Administration h. Long range planning (UMore, Comp Plan, Met Council) i. Sustainability (Resilient Communities, STAR, Green Steps j. Transit k. Housing (Senior housing, workforce, CDA) l. Rental housing inspection program m. GIS 6. Police a. Police Administration b. Dispatch c. Records d. Patrol Operations e. Criminal Investigation f. Community Resources (incl. Explorers) g. Special Joint Task Forces h. Emergency Management i. School Liaison j. Community Education k. Reserve Officers & Chaplain l. Prosecution m. Outdoor Sirens n. Community Service (incl Animal Control) 7. Fire a. Fire suppression b. Fire Medical c. Other (HazMat, Water rescue) 8. Public Works a. Community Programs/Services b. Building Maintenance c. Fleet Maintenance d. Snowplowing e. Ice Rink Maintenance f. Turf Management g. Tree Management h. Ball Field Maintenance i. Park Amenities j. Paved Road Maintenance k. Parking Lot Maintenance l. Gravel Road Maintenance m. Trail and Sidewalk Maintenance n. Sign Maintenance o. Decorations p. Flowers and Landscaping q. Public Lighting r. Water Production, Treatment and Distribution s. Sanitary Sewer Maintenance t. Sanitary Sewer Treatment u. Storm Sewer System v. Stormwater Pollution Prevention 9. Parks and Recreation a. Steeple Center Operations b. Senior Programs c. General Recreation Programs d. Special Events e. Ice Arena Operations f. Learn to Skate Program g. Community Center Operations h. Community Gardens Program i. Recycling and Trash Hauling j. Arts and Cultural Programs k. Adult Athletics Programs l. Marketing and Advertising 10. Debt Service 11. Training/Safety in departments? 2016 BUDGET CALENDAR January 16th – Council Goal Setting – Discuss expectations for 2016 budget process January 17th – Council Goal Setting – Continuation from January 16th meeting March 23rd – Begin setting up budget worksheets March 23rd – Begin working on salary & benefit projections April 14th – Give staff worksheets to complete first draft April 21st – Council Work Session – Discuss budget calendar & performance budgeting May 8th – First draft due to Finance Director May 15th – Compile 1st draft of budget in total May 18th – May 22nd – Meet with staff and make adjustments to 1st draft June 5th – City Council sees draft copy of budget June 8th – City Council Work Session discussion on budget June 9th – July 31st – Make any changes to draft budget August 10th – City Council Work Session – Last chance before preliminary levy September 15th – City Council Meeting – Approve preliminary levy September 18th – Certify preliminary levy & hearing dates to County before 9/30 November 9th(???) – City Council Work Session – Final preparations for Budget Hearing December 1st – City Council Meeting / Budget Hearing - Approve budgets and levies December 22nd – Certify final levy to County between 12/20 & 12/31 December 22nd – Mail required reports to State Final Pay 2008 Final Pay 2009 Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value $ + / (-)$ + / (-)% + / (-)% + / (-) Market Value Value New Const.Market Value Value New Const.TTMV TCV TTMV TCV Apple Valley 5,202,130,200 58,336,229 52,932,000 5,135,644,200 57,902,828 57,420,700 (66,486,000)(433,401)-1.28%-0.74% Burnsville 6,381,650,800 79,736,357 86,493,900 6,351,491,200 80,151,016 50,792,700 (30,159,600)414,659 -0.47%0.52% Eagan 7,861,788,000 96,675,119 99,879,200 7,872,165,800 97,925,679 75,232,800 10,377,800 1,250,560 0.13%1.29% Farmington 1,785,560,700 19,077,847 73,858,500 1,804,253,700 19,461,684 44,857,200 18,693,000 383,837 1.05%2.01% Hastings 1,852,486,200 20,803,507 48,227,600 1,844,253,600 20,827,065 21,188,100 (8,232,600)23,558 -0.44%0.11% Inver Grove Hts 3,550,439,300 40,698,637 50,537,000 3,586,873,800 41,493,816 39,777,700 36,434,500 795,179 1.03%1.95% Lakeville 5,951,319,600 66,208,936 207,585,000 6,024,665,500 67,887,456 143,808,900 73,345,900 1,678,520 1.23%2.54% Mendota Hts 2,007,742,400 23,742,734 48,213,700 2,012,775,400 23,957,900 35,981,100 5,033,000 215,166 0.25%0.91% Rosemount 2,365,760,300 26,650,584 95,351,300 2,367,003,800 26,842,894 40,183,600 1,243,500 192,310 0.05%0.72% South St Paul 1,634,666,100 18,666,122 16,759,200 1,599,408,200 18,404,517 7,796,800 (35,257,900)(261,605)-2.16%-1.40% West St Paul 1,734,621,300 20,496,909 10,359,400 1,707,579,700 20,371,043 7,965,100 (27,041,600)(125,866)-1.56%-0.61% Final Pay 2009 Final Pay 2010 Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value $ + / (-)$ + / (-)% + / (-)% + / (-) Market Value Value New Const.Market Value Value New Const.TTMV TCV TTMV TCV Apple Valley 5,135,644,200 57,902,828 57,420,700 4,787,691,200 54,306,053 19,837,000 (347,953,000)(3,596,775)-6.78%-6.21% Burnsville 6,351,491,200 80,151,016 50,792,700 5,963,086,100 76,007,155 28,619,800 (388,405,100)(4,143,861)-6.12%-5.17% Eagan 7,872,165,800 97,925,679 75,232,800 7,477,507,100 93,892,272 43,243,700 (394,658,700)(4,033,407)-5.01%-4.12% Farmington 1,804,253,700 19,461,684 44,857,200 1,661,903,500 18,068,578 18,889,700 (142,350,200)(1,393,106)-7.89%-7.16% Hastings 1,844,253,600 20,827,065 21,188,100 1,731,987,800 19,677,218 14,237,300 (112,265,800)(1,149,847)-6.09%-5.52% Inver Grove Hts 3,586,873,800 41,493,816 39,777,700 3,311,984,400 38,716,047 22,521,200 (274,889,400)(2,777,769)-7.66%-6.69% Lakeville 6,024,665,500 67,887,456 143,808,900 5,736,602,200 65,235,789 79,973,300 (288,063,300)(2,651,667)-4.78%-3.91% Mendota Hts 2,012,775,400 23,957,900 35,981,100 1,905,529,400 22,926,672 23,176,700 (107,246,000)(1,031,228)-5.33%-4.30% Rosemount 2,367,003,800 26,842,894 40,183,600 2,238,851,500 25,633,368 44,791,800 (128,152,300)(1,209,526)-5.41%-4.51% South St Paul 1,599,408,200 18,404,517 7,796,800 1,488,157,400 17,235,046 12,465,900 (111,250,800)(1,169,471)-6.96%-6.35% West St Paul 1,707,579,700 20,371,043 7,965,100 1,594,050,200 19,214,007 3,653,500 (113,529,500)(1,157,036)-6.65%-5.68% Final Pay 2010 Final Pay 2011 Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value $ + / (-)$ + / (-)% + / (-)% + / (-) Market Value Value New Const.Market Value Value New Const.TTMV TCV TTMV TCV Apple Valley 4,787,691,200 54,306,053 19,837,000 4,457,368,700 50,539,459 12,911,800 (330,322,500)(3,766,594)-6.90%-6.94% Burnsville 5,963,086,100 76,007,155 28,619,800 5,525,473,700 70,741,521 16,484,300 (437,612,400)(5,265,634)-7.34%-6.93% Eagan 7,477,507,100 93,892,272 43,243,700 6,999,712,500 87,807,436 19,248,700 (477,794,600)(6,084,836)-6.39%-6.48% Farmington 1,661,903,500 18,068,578 18,889,700 1,522,502,000 16,597,082 15,927,800 (139,401,500)(1,471,496)-8.39%-8.14% Hastings 1,731,987,800 19,677,218 14,237,300 1,596,607,900 18,194,684 6,150,500 (135,379,900)(1,482,534)-7.82%-7.53% Inver Grove Hts 3,311,984,400 38,716,047 22,521,200 3,128,770,600 36,659,468 21,188,200 (183,213,800)(2,056,579)-5.53%-5.31% Lakeville 5,736,602,200 65,235,789 79,973,300 5,356,855,900 61,005,594 68,290,800 (379,746,300)(4,230,195)-6.62%-6.48% Mendota Hts 1,905,529,400 22,926,672 23,176,700 1,795,909,100 21,612,467 7,859,100 (109,620,300)(1,314,205)-5.75%-5.73% Rosemount 2,238,851,500 25,633,368 44,791,800 2,113,658,000 24,321,601 35,433,900 (125,193,500)(1,311,767)-5.59%-5.12% South St Paul 1,488,157,400 17,235,046 12,465,900 1,339,145,200 15,652,484 2,207,800 (149,012,200)(1,582,562)-10.01%-9.18% West St Paul 1,594,050,200 19,214,007 3,653,500 1,485,245,000 17,948,858 3,112,200 (108,805,200)(1,265,149)-6.83%-6.58% Tax Value Information City City City Final Pay 2011 Final Pay 2012 Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value $ + / (-)$ + / (-)% + / (-)% + / (-) Market Value Value New Const.Market Value Value New Const.TTMV TCV TTMV TCV Apple Valley 4,457,368,700 50,539,459 12,911,800 4,061,762,557 46,491,474 25,710,600 (395,606,143)(4,047,985)-8.88%-8.01% Burnsville 5,525,473,700 70,741,521 16,484,300 5,111,878,744 66,411,710 26,219,600 (413,594,956)(4,329,811)-7.49%-6.12% Eagan 6,999,712,500 87,807,436 19,248,700 6,559,565,128 83,047,434 22,251,400 (440,147,372)(4,760,002)-6.29%-5.42% Farmington 1,522,502,000 16,597,082 15,927,800 1,344,600,257 14,764,729 21,619,400 (177,901,743)(1,832,353)-11.68%-11.04% Hastings 1,596,607,900 18,194,684 6,150,500 1,398,694,164 16,173,531 4,638,500 (197,913,736)(2,021,153)-12.40%-11.11% Inver Grove Hts 3,128,770,600 36,659,468 21,188,200 2,893,900,109 34,262,270 11,879,800 (234,870,491)(2,397,198)-7.51%-6.54% Lakeville 5,356,855,900 61,005,594 68,290,800 5,030,003,164 57,583,990 46,855,000 (326,852,736)(3,421,604)-6.10%-5.61% Mendota Hts 1,795,909,100 21,612,467 7,859,100 1,667,050,541 20,198,353 6,949,000 (128,858,559)(1,414,114)-7.18%-6.54% Rosemount 2,113,658,000 24,321,601 35,433,900 1,914,176,616 22,280,090 20,193,600 (199,481,384)(2,041,511)-9.44%-8.39% South St Paul 1,339,145,200 15,652,484 2,207,800 1,171,373,129 13,956,426 3,125,100 (167,772,071)(1,696,058)-12.53%-10.84% West St Paul 1,485,245,000 17,948,858 3,112,200 1,339,567,341 16,447,826 1,977,500 (145,677,659)(1,501,032)-9.81%-8.36% Final Pay 2012 Final Pay 2013 Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value $ + / (-)$ + / (-)% + / (-)% + / (-) Market Value Value New Const.Market Value Value New Const.TTMV TCV TTMV TCV Apple Valley 4,061,762,557 46,491,474 25,710,600 3,791,859,266 43,625,752 26,214,300 (269,903,291)(2,865,722)-6.64%-6.16% Burnsville 5,111,878,744 66,411,710 26,219,600 4,835,520,311 63,475,245 12,858,000 (276,358,433)(2,936,465)-5.41%-4.42% Eagan 6,559,565,128 83,047,434 22,251,400 6,182,131,693 78,809,560 27,570,280 (377,433,435)(4,237,874)-5.75%-5.10% Farmington 1,344,600,257 14,764,729 21,619,400 1,266,601,230 13,963,167 14,444,100 (77,999,027)(801,562)-5.80%-5.43% Hastings 1,398,694,164 16,173,531 4,638,500 1,328,846,744 15,470,652 5,393,400 (69,847,420)(702,879)-4.99%-4.35% Inver Grove Hts 2,893,900,109 34,262,270 11,879,800 2,720,514,055 32,565,031 11,607,400 (173,386,054)(1,697,239)-5.99%-4.95% Lakeville 5,030,003,164 57,583,990 46,855,000 4,767,475,321 54,853,225 53,156,700 (262,527,843)(2,730,765)-5.22%-4.74% Mendota Hts 1,667,050,541 20,198,353 6,949,000 1,609,403,415 19,572,568 2,764,500 (57,647,126)(625,785)-3.46%-3.10% Rosemount 1,914,176,616 22,280,090 20,193,600 1,866,877,179 21,805,051 22,793,985 (47,299,437)(475,039)-2.47%-2.13% South St Paul 1,171,373,129 13,956,426 3,125,100 1,073,137,111 12,963,820 2,451,500 (98,236,018)(992,606)-8.39%-7.11% West St Paul 1,339,567,341 16,447,826 1,977,500 1,222,161,781 15,240,494 3,192,600 (117,405,560)(1,207,332)-8.76%-7.34% Tax Value Information City City Final Pay 2013 Preliminary Pay 2014 Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value $ + / (-)$ + / (-)% + / (-)% + / (-) Market Value Value New Const.Market Value Value New Const.TTMV TCV TTMV TCV Apple Valley 3,791,859,266 43,625,752 26,214,300 3,917,734,813 44,945,871 19,186,700 125,875,547 1,320,119 3.32%3.03% Burnsville 4,835,520,311 63,475,245 12,858,000 4,967,068,928 64,915,994 21,473,000 131,548,617 1,440,749 2.72%2.27% Eagan 6,182,131,693 78,809,560 27,570,280 6,323,794,085 80,398,426 38,702,000 141,662,392 1,588,866 2.29%2.02% Farmington 1,266,601,230 13,963,167 14,444,100 1,324,035,349 14,526,232 14,146,300 57,434,119 563,065 4.53%4.03% Hastings 1,328,846,744 15,470,652 5,393,400 1,324,091,950 15,417,915 8,690,200 (4,754,794)(52,737)-0.36%-0.34% Inver Grove Hts 2,720,514,055 32,565,031 11,607,400 2,799,856,466 33,464,134 24,303,000 79,342,411 899,103 2.92%2.76% Lakeville 4,767,475,321 54,853,225 53,156,700 5,015,114,235 57,426,675 99,522,600 247,638,914 2,573,450 5.19%4.69% Mendota Hts 1,609,403,415 19,572,568 2,764,500 1,661,936,335 20,115,325 4,107,900 52,532,920 542,757 3.26%2.77% Rosemount 1,866,877,179 21,805,051 22,793,985 1,952,221,344 22,702,682 23,489,200 85,344,165 897,631 4.57%4.12% South St Paul 1,073,137,111 12,963,820 2,451,500 1,081,193,897 13,094,012 7,236,900 8,056,786 130,192 0.75%1.00% West St Paul 1,222,161,781 15,240,494 3,192,600 1,229,212,582 15,339,920 7,882,200 7,050,801 99,426 0.58%0.65% Final Pay 2013 Final Pay 2014 Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value $ + / (-)$ + / (-)% + / (-)% + / (-) Market Value Value New Const.Market Value Value New Const.TTMV TCV TTMV TCV Apple Valley 3,791,859,266 43,625,752 26,214,300 3,897,057,902 44,699,904 19,186,700 105,198,636 1,074,152 2.77%2.46% Burnsville 4,835,520,311 63,475,245 12,858,000 4,953,041,063 64,739,462 21,350,400 117,520,752 1,264,217 2.43%1.99% Eagan 6,182,131,693 78,809,560 27,570,280 6,294,228,692 79,976,946 38,666,800 112,096,999 1,167,386 1.81%1.48% Farmington 1,266,601,230 13,963,167 14,444,100 1,311,752,463 14,383,917 14,138,300 45,151,233 420,750 3.56%3.01% Hastings 1,328,846,744 15,470,652 5,393,400 1,314,816,824 15,311,741 8,686,700 (14,029,920)(158,911)-1.06%-1.03% Inver Grove Hts 2,720,514,055 32,565,031 11,607,400 2,798,175,018 33,496,932 19,554,500 77,660,963 931,901 2.85%2.86% Lakeville 4,767,475,321 54,853,225 53,156,700 4,995,818,217 57,174,306 99,465,900 228,342,896 2,321,081 4.79%4.23% Mendota Hts 1,609,403,415 19,572,568 2,764,500 1,656,457,934 20,019,099 4,107,900 47,054,519 446,531 2.92%2.28% Rosemount 1,866,877,179 21,805,051 22,793,985 1,948,614,357 22,687,123 23,489,200 81,737,178 882,072 4.38%4.05% South St Paul 1,073,137,111 12,963,820 2,451,500 1,071,073,147 12,970,011 7,234,300 (2,063,964)6,191 -0.19%0.05% West St Paul 1,222,161,781 15,240,494 3,192,600 1,216,019,655 15,170,148 14,076,800 (6,142,126)(70,346)-0.50%-0.46% City Tax Value Information City Final Pay 2014 Preliminary Pay 2015 Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value $ + / (-)$ + / (-)% + / (-)% + / (-) Market Value Value New Const.Market Value Value New Const.TTMV TCV TTMV TCV Apple Valley 3,897,057,902 44,699,904 19,186,700 4,244,436,541 48,283,716 26,051,900 347,378,639 3,583,812 8.91%8.02% Burnsville 4,953,041,063 64,739,462 21,350,400 5,376,023,701 69,462,738 27,462,900 422,982,638 4,723,276 8.54%7.30% Eagan 6,294,228,692 79,976,946 38,666,800 6,905,304,535 86,719,327 83,835,500 611,075,843 6,742,381 9.71%8.43% Farmington 1,311,752,463 14,383,917 14,138,300 1,483,818,615 16,093,216 28,135,600 172,066,152 1,709,299 13.12%11.88% Hastings 1,314,816,824 15,311,741 8,686,700 1,485,214,151 17,047,741 9,948,800 170,397,327 1,736,000 12.96%11.34% Inver Grove Hts 2,798,175,018 33,496,932 19,554,500 3,013,181,908 35,708,335 42,134,400 215,006,890 2,211,403 7.68%6.60% Lakeville 4,995,818,217 57,174,306 99,465,900 5,575,917,541 63,149,007 137,782,300 580,099,324 5,974,701 11.61%10.45% Mendota Hts 1,656,457,934 20,019,099 4,107,900 1,744,248,784 20,953,527 5,980,500 87,790,850 934,428 5.30%4.67% Rosemount 1,948,614,357 22,687,123 23,489,200 2,135,652,918 24,576,368 25,119,300 187,038,561 1,889,245 9.60%8.33% South St Paul 1,071,073,147 12,970,011 7,234,300 1,212,367,823 14,412,568 3,140,600 141,294,676 1,442,557 13.19%11.12% West St Paul 1,216,019,655 15,170,148 14,076,800 1,291,816,303 15,947,447 2,216,500 75,796,648 777,299 6.23%5.12% Final Pay 2014 Final Pay 2015 Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value $ + / (-)$ + / (-)% + / (-)% + / (-) Market Value Value New Const.Market Value Value New Const.TTMV TCV TTMV TCV Apple Valley 3,897,057,902 44,699,904 19,186,700 4,228,421,500 48,086,974 26,051,900 331,363,598 3,387,070 8.50%7.58% Burnsville 4,953,041,063 64,739,462 21,350,400 5,373,401,377 69,519,616 30,314,700 420,360,314 4,780,154 8.49%7.38% Eagan 6,294,228,692 79,976,946 38,666,800 6,885,706,015 86,447,938 83,248,200 591,477,323 6,470,992 9.40%8.09% Farmington 1,311,752,463 14,383,917 14,138,300 1,475,969,866 16,028,316 28,094,800 164,217,403 1,644,399 12.52%11.43% Hastings 1,314,816,824 15,311,741 8,686,700 1,475,321,176 16,942,339 10,010,600 160,504,352 1,630,598 12.21%10.65% Inver Grove Hts 2,798,175,018 33,496,932 19,554,500 3,005,516,326 35,625,624 32,811,900 207,341,308 2,128,692 7.41%6.35% Lakeville 4,995,818,217 57,174,306 99,465,900 5,553,395,148 62,811,855 137,618,500 557,576,931 5,637,549 11.16%9.86% Mendota Hts 1,656,457,934 20,019,099 4,107,900 1,738,772,377 20,878,114 5,958,600 82,314,443 859,015 4.97%4.29% Rosemount 1,948,614,357 22,687,123 23,489,200 2,127,597,965 24,503,702 24,238,600 178,983,608 1,816,579 9.19%8.01% South St Paul 1,071,073,147 12,970,011 7,234,300 1,204,843,366 14,319,740 5,832,200 133,770,219 1,349,729 12.49%10.41% West St Paul 1,216,019,655 15,170,148 14,076,800 1,282,378,393 15,818,656 2,291,100 66,358,738 648,508 5.46%4.27% City Tax Value Information City Final Pay 2015 Preliminary Pay 2016 Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value $ + / (-)$ + / (-)% + / (-)% + / (-) Market Value Value New Const.Market Value Value New Const.TTMV TCV TTMV TCV Apple Valley 4,228,421,500 48,086,974 26,051,900 4,479,074,919 50,716,154 30,711,600 250,653,419 2,629,180 5.93%5.47% Burnsville 5,373,401,377 69,519,616 30,314,700 5,531,642,252 71,161,464 19,798,700 158,240,875 1,641,848 2.94%2.36% Eagan 6,885,706,015 86,447,938 83,248,200 7,281,147,459 91,473,606 144,353,700 395,441,444 5,025,668 5.74%5.81% Farmington 1,475,969,866 16,028,316 28,094,800 1,605,907,790 17,304,444 23,446,800 129,937,924 1,276,128 8.80%7.96% Hastings 1,475,321,176 16,942,339 10,010,600 1,553,215,873 17,738,864 15,783,800 77,894,697 796,525 5.28%4.70% Inver Grove Hts 3,005,516,326 35,625,624 32,811,900 3,184,817,995 37,509,057 25,872,200 179,301,669 1,883,433 5.97%5.29% Lakeville 5,553,395,148 62,811,855 137,618,500 5,844,980,655 65,860,733 131,431,700 291,585,507 3,048,878 5.25%4.85% Mendota Hts 1,738,772,377 20,878,114 5,958,600 1,843,750,263 22,036,694 15,018,300 104,977,886 1,158,580 6.04%5.55% Rosemount 2,127,597,965 24,503,702 24,238,600 2,287,776,992 26,178,799 30,277,800 160,179,027 1,675,097 7.53%6.84% South St Paul 1,204,843,366 14,319,740 5,832,200 1,220,531,427 14,562,073 7,309,700 15,688,061 242,333 1.30%1.69% West St Paul 1,282,378,393 15,818,656 2,291,100 1,370,480,411 16,717,024 2,167,300 88,102,018 898,368 6.87%5.68% Final Pay 2015 Final Pay 2016 Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value Total Taxable Tax Capacity Market Value $ + / (-)$ + / (-)% + / (-)% + / (-) Market Value Value New Const.Market Value Value New Const.TTMV TCV TTMV TCV Apple Valley 4,228,421,500 48,086,974 26,051,900 ############(48,086,974)-100.00%-100.00% Burnsville 5,373,401,377 69,519,616 30,314,700 ############(69,519,616)-100.00%-100.00% Eagan 6,885,706,015 86,447,938 83,248,200 ############(86,447,938)-100.00%-100.00% Farmington 1,475,969,866 16,028,316 28,094,800 ############(16,028,316)-100.00%-100.00% Hastings 1,475,321,176 16,942,339 10,010,600 ############(16,942,339)-100.00%-100.00% Inver Grove Hts 3,005,516,326 35,625,624 32,811,900 ############(35,625,624)-100.00%-100.00% Lakeville 5,553,395,148 62,811,855 137,618,500 ############(62,811,855)-100.00%-100.00% Mendota Hts 1,738,772,377 20,878,114 5,958,600 ############(20,878,114)-100.00%-100.00% Rosemount 2,127,597,965 24,503,702 24,238,600 ############(24,503,702)-100.00%-100.00% South St Paul 1,204,843,366 14,319,740 5,832,200 ############(14,319,740)-100.00%-100.00% West St Paul 1,282,378,393 15,818,656 2,291,100 ############(15,818,656)-100.00%-100.00% Tax Value Information City City Payable 2006 Payable 2007 %Payable 2008 %Payable 2009 %Payable 2010 %Payable 2011 %Payable 2012 % Median Median Change Median Change Median Change Median Change Median Change Median Change Apple Valley 224,800 239,900 6.72%241,400 0.63%235,500 -2.44%217,800 -7.52%203,800 -6.43%197,400 -3.14% Burnsville 229,800 240,800 4.79%244,900 1.70%238,500 -2.61%219,200 -8.09%202,400 -7.66%197,500 -2.42% Eagan 243,400 257,900 5.96%262,000 1.59%257,000 -1.91%240,000 -6.61%226,100 -5.79%222,200 -1.72% Farmington 212,600 226,900 6.73%229,400 1.10%223,200 -2.70%201,700 -9.63%183,300 -9.12%176,000 -3.98% Hastings 196,400 205,100 4.43%206,900 0.88%203,600 -1.59%188,000 -7.66%173,200 -7.87%165,500 -4.45% Inver Grove Hts 225,100 237,900 5.69%239,000 0.46%238,300 -0.29%214,300 -10.07%201,200 -6.11%196,100 -2.53% Lakeville 262,000 278,300 6.22%280,900 0.93%272,100 -3.13%252,700 -7.13%234,600 -7.16%230,000 -1.96% Mendota Hts 332,500 356,800 7.31%373,200 4.60%364,400 -2.36%337,400 -7.41%318,600 -5.57%301,250 -5.45% Rosemount 236,300 250,000 5.80%260,300 4.12%253,800 -2.50%231,400 -8.83%213,300 -7.82%200,800 -5.86% South St Paul 183,400 196,400 7.09%198,600 1.12%191,700 -3.47%175,700 -8.35%155,900 -11.27%151,200 -3.01% West St Paul 194,200 207,400 6.80%209,900 1.21%204,500 -2.57%185,900 -9.10%173,500 -6.67%168,400 -2.94% Payable 2012 Payable 2013 %Payable 2014 %Payable 2015 %Payable 2016 %Payable 2017 %Payable 2018 % Median Median Change Median Change Median Change Median Change Median Change Median Change Apple Valley 197,400 186,000 -5.78%192,500 3.49%208,100 8.10%218,200 4.85%########DIV/0! Burnsville 197,500 184,600 -6.53%191,200 3.58%208,900 9.26%214,700 2.78%########DIV/0! Eagan 222,200 208,400 -6.21%213,600 2.50%233,200 9.18%241,500 3.56%########DIV/0! Farmington 176,000 167,000 -5.11%171,700 2.81%192,300 12.00%206,900 7.59%########DIV/0! Hastings 165,500 156,600 -5.38%152,200 -2.81%171,350 12.58%177,900 3.82%########DIV/0! Inver Grove Hts 196,100 180,600 -7.90%180,500 -0.06%195,600 8.37%207,000 5.83%########DIV/0! Lakeville 230,000 216,900 -5.70%226,300 4.33%247,700 9.46%254,800 2.87%########DIV/0! Mendota Hts 301,250 290,700 -3.50%302,700 4.13%319,050 5.40%334,850 4.95%########DIV/0! Rosemount 200,800 195,700 -2.54%204,500 4.50%221,850 8.48%238,250 7.39%########DIV/0! South St Paul 151,200 137,700 -8.93%136,400 -0.94%154,200 13.05%153,700 -0.32%########DIV/0! West St Paul 168,400 150,000 -10.93%146,800 -2.13%156,800 6.81%170,000 8.42%########DIV/0! Median Value Home Information City City Rank 2014 Rank 2015 Apple Valley (7)2,599$ (5)2,416$ Burnsville (4)2,529$ (6)2,420$ Eagan (2)2,406$ (2)2,240$ Farmington (11)3,082$ (11)2,911$ Hastings (9)2,814$ (8)2,645$ Inver Grove Hts (3)2,417$ (7)2,441$ Lakeville (5)2,541$ (4)2,397$ Mendota Hts (1)2,176$ (1)2,094$ Rosemount (6)2,552$ (3)2,373$ South St Paul (10)2,866$ (9)2,685$ West St Paul (8)2,795$ (10)2,732$ Rank 2014 Rank 2015 Apple Valley (7)908$ (6)818$ Burnsville (5)844$ (4)810$ Eagan (2)725$ (2)660$ Farmington (9)1,191$ (9)1,111$ Hastings (10)1,197$ (10)1,131$ Inver Grove Hts (4)834$ (7)870$ Lakeville (3)750$ (3)704$ Mendota Hts (1)678$ (1)632$ Rosemount (6)862$ (5)816$ South St Paul (8)1,101$ (8)1,092$ West St Paul (11)1,288$ (11)1,277$ City Taxes (Includes MV Referendums) City $200,000 Home Total Taxes (Includes MV Referendums) City $200,000 Home Rate 2016 Prelim Rate 2017 Rate 2018 Rate 2019 Rate 2020 Rate 2021 Rate 2022 Rate 2023 Rate 2024 Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Apple Valley Burnsville Eagan Farmington Hastings Inver Grove Hts Lakeville Mendota Hts Rosemount South St Paul West St Paul Dakota County n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.29149 n/a 0.31426 n/a 0.33421 n/a 0.31827 n/a 0.29633 Rate 2007 Rate 2008 Rate 2009 Rate 2010 Rate 2011 Rate 2012 Rate 2013 Rate 2014 Rate 2015 Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Apple Valley 6 0.34891 5 0.35537 5 0.37086 5 0.39867 4 0.42388 5 0.44110 7 0.49210 7 0.47891 6 0.45274 Burnsville 5 0.34564 4 0.35005 4 0.36121 4 0.38566 5 0.42598 4 0.43213 5 0.47021 5 0.46670 4 0.44790 Eagan 1 0.25232 2 0.25892 2 0.26886 2 0.30408 2 0.33675 2 0.34553 2 0.38272 2 0.38250 2 0.36525 Farmington 8 0.41883 10 0.43821 9 0.44186 9 0.49274 10 0.55733 10 0.63093 9 0.66821 9 0.65876 9 0.61455 Hastings 11 0.49235 11 0.49475 11 0.49732 11 0.52677 9 0.55195 11 0.66083 10 0.68547 10 0.66246 10 0.62581 Inver Grove Hts 7 0.36514 7 0.37403 6 0.37878 7 0.41757 6 0.43169 6 0.44883 4 0.46312 4 0.46128 7 0.48131 Lakeville 3 0.31583 3 0.34195 3 0.33973 3 0.36624 3 0.38250 3 0.39051 3 0.41234 3 0.40696 3 0.38948 Mendota Hts 2 0.26398 1 0.24142 1 0.26165 1 0.28061 1 0.29758 1 0.32057 1 0.34479 1 0.34737 1 0.34964 Rosemount 10 0.42521 8 0.42440 8 0.42323 8 0.43358 7 0.44661 7 0.46994 6 0.48862 6 0.47676 5 0.45152 South St Paul 4 0.34143 6 0.36142 7 0.38532 6 0.41428 8 0.48374 8 0.56466 8 0.63280 8 0.60901 8 0.60405 West St Paul 9 0.42082 9 0.43706 10 0.44608 10 0.50873 11 0.56078 9 0.62205 11 0.69447 11 0.71249 11 0.70642 Dakota County n/a 0.25127 n/a 0.25184 n/a 0.25821 n/a 0.27269 n/a 0.29149 n/a 0.31426 n/a 0.33421 n/a 0.31827 n/a 0.29633 Rate 1998 Rate 1999 Rate 2000 Rate 2001 Rate 2002 Rate 2003 Rate 2004 Rate 2005 Rate 2006 Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Apple Valley 8 0.31266 8 0.32287 7 0.29019 9 0.31320 8 0.45942 8 0.41578 6 0.39610 4 0.36753 7 0.35690 Burnsville 6 0.26986 6 0.29548 8 0.29075 7 0.29204 4 0.43296 6 0.41074 4 0.38928 7 0.38004 5 0.35414 Eagan 4 0.25423 4 0.26271 4 0.26022 3 0.23441 2 0.31715 2 0.29912 2 0.28702 2 0.28186 1 0.26704 Farmington 9 0.33640 9 0.33067 9 0.30592 8 0.29953 9 0.48892 9 0.46894 8 0.41174 9 0.43767 9 0.42770 Hastings 11 0.42698 11 0.41867 10 0.38088 10 0.33147 10 0.58661 10 0.50077 10 0.50110 11 0.50515 11 0.50010 Inver Grove Hts 5 0.25453 5 0.27040 5 0.26377 5 0.25395 6 0.44637 5 0.40890 7 0.39904 6 0.37347 6 0.35546 Lakeville 1 0.19011 1 0.19119 1 0.19466 2 0.20079 3 0.34545 3 0.32944 3 0.30050 3 0.31326 3 0.31610 Mendota Hts 2 0.20940 2 0.21790 2 0.21500 1 0.19930 1 0.30860 1 0.28933 1 0.27989 1 0.27839 2 0.29157 Rosemount 10 0.40428 10 0.41710 11 0.39335 11 0.36553 11 0.59546 11 0.57123 11 0.52368 10 0.46041 10 0.43755 South St Paul 7 0.29708 7 0.29827 6 0.27842 6 0.28244 7 0.44889 7 0.41264 5 0.39452 5 0.36913 4 0.34999 West St Paul 3 0.24224 3 0.24823 3 0.25012 4 0.25205 5 0.44516 4 0.38716 9 0.41679 8 0.42289 8 0.42761 Dakota County n/a 0.27349 n/a 0.28322 n/a 0.27247 n/a 0.25320 n/a 0.33102 n/a 0.32463 n/a 0.30300 n/a 0.28267 n/a 0.26318 Rate 1989 Rate 1990 Rate 1991 Rate 1992 Rate 1993 Rate 1994 Rate 1995 Rate 1996 Rate 1997 Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Rank Tax Rates Apple Valley 8 0.22063 11 0.24587 8 0.24654 7 0.24677 7 0.24725 6 0.24539 7 0.25561 7 0.26570 8 0.30159 Burnsville 2 0.15725 3 0.18481 3 0.17902 2 0.18516 2 0.20095 2 0.20386 2 0.20754 3 0.21317 4 0.24411 Eagan 3 0.16273 2 0.17750 1 0.15856 1 0.18411 3 0.20423 4 0.22202 4 0.22234 4 0.22139 5 0.24569 Farmington 9 0.25430 10 0.24389 9 0.27428 11 0.31148 11 0.32219 11 0.34340 9 0.34627 9 0.34769 9 0.34904 Hastings 10 0.26119 7 0.22895 11 0.27960 9 0.26841 9 0.29005 10 0.32570 10 0.35089 11 0.37625 11 0.37884 Inver Grove Hts 4 0.16513 5 0.19169 5 0.20458 6 0.22209 6 0.23964 7 0.25047 6 0.24159 6 0.23684 6 0.24751 Lakeville 7 0.21523 9 0.23195 6 0.20811 3 0.19097 1 0.19871 1 0.20024 1 0.20147 1 0.19714 1 0.18200 Mendota Hts 1 0.13299 1 0.16574 2 0.17462 4 0.19350 4 0.20802 3 0.20881 3 0.21581 2 0.20598 2 0.19965 Rosemount 11 0.26879 6 0.22001 10 0.27705 10 0.29224 10 0.29810 9 0.32182 11 0.35778 10 0.36055 10 0.35627 South St Paul 6 0.21236 8 0.22977 7 0.23943 8 0.25675 8 0.26497 8 0.28828 8 0.28632 8 0.28675 7 0.28085 West St Paul 5 0.16558 4 0.18814 4 0.18558 5 0.20005 5 0.21439 5 0.22249 5 0.23284 5 0.23095 3 0.22126 Dakota County n/a 0.20721 n/a 0.21061 n/a 0.22542 n/a 0.25536 n/a 0.26558 n/a 0.27311 n/a 0.27994 n/a 0.26626 n/a 0.25721 City Payable 2016 Tax Rates City City City Dashboard mockup – late April 2015 - p1 Dashboard mockup – late April 2015 - p2 Dashboard mockup – late April 2015 - p3 Dashboard mockup – late April 2015 - p4 Dashboard mockup – late April 2015 - p5 Dashboard mockup – late April 2015 - p6 Dashboard mockup – late April 2015 - p7 Dashboard mockup – late April 2015 - p8 Dashboard mockup – late April 2015 - p9 Dashboard mockup – late April 2015 - p10