HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150112 UC Minutes UTILITY COMMISSION
January 12, 2015
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of
Rosemount was called to order on January 12, 2015, at 5:34 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the
City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount.
President Speich called the meeting to order with Commissioner Harmsen, Rosemount Mayor
Droste,Assistant City Engineer Olson, Meghan Litsey of WSB &Associates, Public Works
Coordinator Watson and Recording Secretary Kladar attending. Commissioner Mulhern was absent.
Motion by Harmsen. Second by Speich.
Motion to approve the minutes of the December 8,2014 Utility Commission meeting.
Ayes: 2.
Nays: 0. Absent: 1. Motion carried.
5.a. MS4 Update
Meghan Litsey presented the MS4 Update as outlined in the executive summary. Litsey gave a brief
summary and update of the various tasks contained in the MS4 scope of services. She advised that
the Organization Chart and Enforcement Response Procedures were completed in draft. The
Prioritize Education and Annual Meeting items were completed.
The Mapping and Inventory and Written Procedures items were still in progress. WSB is working to
update Ordinance Title 10 Chapters 1 and 2 and the new language is currently being reviewed by the
City Attorney. It is anticipated that the ordinance changes will be coming before work session and
City Council in February.
The Staff Training Program item is also in progress and the annual training session has been
scheduled for March. Regarding the Storm Sewer Inspection Program, the first round of
inspections was done in July 2014 and results and maintenance recommendations were discussed.
The Facilities Inventory has been completed.
The Pond Assessment Procedures is in progress and expected to be complete in February 2015.
This involves the implementation of SWAMP (Stormwater Asset Management Program) which is a
web application that the City can use to prioritize maintenance and inspections and forecast
expected maintenance. Record Keeping is expected to be completed in February.
Litsey noted that with respect to the Water Quality Monitoring Program,WSB monitored surface
water elevation and water quality at 10 sites and rainfall at two locations. WSB is currently analyzing
the data and a report will be submitted summarizing the data.
Commissioner Harmsen inquired whether Public Works staff would be monitoring and
administering the MS4 plan. Olson explained that many of these items were Best Management
Practices and would be done by a combination of WSB and City staff. Some of these items are
putting procedures in place so City staff knows how to deal with certain situations as they arise.
Some additional work may come as a result of the inspections but it should be able to be handled by
existing staff. Harmsen noted that Apple Valley has a separate SWPPP inspector which is efficient
rather than using existing building inspectors. Olson advised that Engineering Department already
does some of these inspections rather than building inspectors.
The Mayor inquired of the cost of administering SWPPP. Specifically,what has been spent and
what is the overall cost of MS4 and would it be more economical to have a person in-house versus
having WSB administer. The Mayor also inquired about the use of SWAMP. Olson advised that he
doesn't think anybody else uses a program like SWAMP;it's a newer way to do asset management
on the ponds themselves. SWAMP could be removed and we would still be in compliance with
MS4,it's just another way to do the task. Litsey said a lot of WSB's scope is developing procedures
which will be used by City staff. Olson added that the procedures weren't changing just how we
document them. Olson advised that information will be provided as to the costs associated with
6.a. 2015 Meeting Schedule.
Recently the City Council Work Sessions were rescheduled to occur on the first Monday after the
first Tuesday of the month which is currently the same schedule as the Utility Commission meetings.
While the work sessions do not begin unti1.6:30 p.m. there are several attendees of the Utility
Commission meetings that may encounter a conflict if meetings run longer than an hour. Staff
requests the Commission discuss a change in the date or time for future meetings. It was agreed
that simply moving the meeting forward one week would be the simplest solution.
Motion by Speich. Second by Harmsen.
Motion to move the monthly Utility Commission meeting to the second Monday after the
first Tuesday each month.
Ayes: 2.
Nays: 0. Absent: 1. Motion carried.
President Speich did not have anything new to report.
8.a. City Projects Update
The attached project report was reviewed and Olson provided a quick summary. There are no new
construction updates. Some developers have shown interest in the final phase of Greystone and it
will go to the Planning Commission at the end of January. There is also interest in the next phase of
Bella Vista (19-30 lots) and the new addition in Pretwick. This should finish everything south of
8.b. 2014 Well Pumping Report
The attached report was reviewed and it was noted pumping was down 7.4% for 2014. The Mayor
requested that additional information be added to the pumping records instead of just the raw data.
He'd like to know whether decreased pumping is consumer or weather driven. It was noted that
tiered rates were implemented in 2011 or 2012. The Mayor suggested we look back 5 years and note
pumping trends. Watson advised that the city uses the model for the 10 year sewer rates. This
model shows how many people are falling into which tier for water use and she believed there
seemed to be more people trending toward the lower tiers. The Mayor wants to see some trends
shown with the numbers along with historical data.
8c. Set Next Meeting Agenda for February 16, 2015
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned by President Speich at 6:07
Respectfully submitted,
Karin Kladar
Recording Secretary