HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150414 PCM Minutes PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 14, 2015 PAGE 1 Call to Order: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Special Meeting of the Planning Commission was held on Thursday, April 14, 2015. Chair Miller called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Commissioners Kurle, Forster, and VanderWiel. Commissioner Kenninger was absent from the meeting. Also in attendance were Planner Lindahl, Engineer Olson, and Recording Secretary Roudebush. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Additions to Agenda: None Audience Input: None Consent Agenda: None Public Hearing: 5.a. Request by The Clubhouse for a Conditional Use Permit to Expand the Daycare Center (15- 11-CUP). Planner Lindahl summarized his report for the Planning Commission. Chair Miller inquired about the background on the front sidewalk and why it was never replaced. Engineer Olson stated that the planters in front of the building were removed and the traffic light was replaced. Miller also inquired about handicap parking and what the requirements are. Olson said he would have to refer to the Building official on the number of spot required. Olson also stated that since the lot has been originally stripped the standards have been updated and parking spots need to be widened to the current standards to follow current building code. Planner Lindahl stated that current code requires ne handicap spot per 25 stalls on site, the total count includes parking at the bank. Miller inquired which stalls would be converted to handicap. Lindahl stated that would be worked out with applicant and building official spots, just states they need close and have direct access to the building. Commissioner Forester inquired if there were other options that were discussed. Lindahl stated that the rendering is what the applicant came forward with. Years ago there were many other options discussed, but it was determined that a spot closest to the building was most desirable. Commissioner Kurle inquired about the concerns in the letter received. Lindahl stated that the city takes into account the concerns of neighboring businesses. State law legally requires the city to notify owner not tenants. Lindahl felt that many of the concerns stated are more an issue with the landlord. Daycare is an allowed conditional use in the downtown district and the playground would function similar to a public park. The public hearing was opened at 6:47 pm. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 14, 2015 PAGE 2 Public comments: Jenny Cisneros, Owner of Simply Massage, 14465 South Robert Trail, discussed letter distributed at the beginning of the meeting. She is concerned about noise of construction, ongoing noise from the daycare, and location of playground as well as the loss of parking spaces for her clients, that an expansion of the daycare will have a negative impact on her business. be assured with the current proposal. She does not support the expansion of the daycare with the conditions listed. Cisneros inquired about the removal of stalls as well as pick up and drop off spaces. Lindahl stated that originally no spaces were going to be removed but the City Engineer and Fire Marshall require that the current drive pattern be maintained so four spaces on the south end of the lot, closest to the playground, would be removed. He also noted that he designated spaces for pickup/drop off are not required to be in certain location, just in close proximity to the building. Commissioner Miller inquired about clientele and if they require handicap parking. Cisneros stated that most park in front of building due to the location of the handicap spots. Commissioner Kurle wondered if the issues have been addressed with the property owner, specifically the inside sound proofing. Cisneros said she had but was unsatisfied with his response. She also stated she when she called to inquire about the public notice sign in front of the building. She talked with the property owner about construction as well; he stated that construction will be done outside of business hours. Cisneros is concerned how the think there would be much noise and they would just be covering up the existing surface with chips. John Wuchko, co-owner of The Clubhouse, they tried previously to have the playground located in the back of the parking lot, and his customers would rather have the kids walk in the lot instead of crossing the street. He is confident that the sound proofing will work once installed, had similar situation at their Farmington location. He understands the parking issue and does. He wants playground installed but wants to work to make the best situation for both businesses. Chair Miller inquired how much control Wuchko has over the sidewalk. Wuchko stated he had planned for someone to come and fix it but the property owner told him that he would take care of it. Wuchko also stated he has been hounding him for years to fix the front sidewalk. Miller also inquired if the proposed playground large enough for the amount of children. Wuchko stated they would need to take smaller groups out but can make it work. Commissioner Forester asked for staff to comment on history of last playground proposal as well as the history of tenants. Wuckho stated they have been there for 7-8 years and another owner owned the massage business before Cisneros, she purchased in 2013. There has always been a potential to have another business move in. Cisneros stated that the owner told her that he turned down a business because it would disturb the massage business. Forster inquired if there is someone monitoring the installation of the sound proofing; it needs proper sealing if penetrated. Wuchko stated that the landlord is the one working with the contractors and is not sure about the answer. Chair Miller reminded the commission that they and his actions. Jenny Cisneros, stated that she supports the alternate location of the playground to the back of the lot PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 14, 2015 PAGE 3 MOTION by Kurle to close the public hearing. Second by VanderWiel. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. The public hearing was closed at 7:21 pm. Additional Comments: Planner Lindahl stated that concerns from neighboring business fall under the terms of the lease, and it is unfortunate that resolve those challenges. He also clarified that property relating to as property. He also stated that we should refer to conditions in staff report about the parking and wishes to maintain those listed. The standard on noise states impact on residential uses, no standard or authority to neighboring commercial uses. In regards to the playground Lindahl will focus on what the city has authority over, the city looks at safety concerns of an onsite playground, they do not take into account the proximity of offsite playgrounds. In 2007 discussion involved putting playground in the back of the lot, it was determined that the safest option would be closest to the building. Miller stated that its seems both parties are interested in the location of the playground moving, what steps would need to be taken to make that happen. Lindahl stated that staff prepared to support a design change tonight but can sit down with the applicant to discuss any changes. He also stated this is scheduled to go to council next week and any discussion or changes would need to be prompt. It was also discussed that the placement and number of the handicap spots, Lindahl stated the standards stated they need to be within a reasonable location to the entrance of the business and would that roughly four stalls are required. Drop off/pickup spots need to be placed to avoid disruption of traffic flow. It was also discussed the times listed on the signs could be changed or if they needed to be the specific times listed in the staff report. Lindahl stated that the times can be adjusted to what is appropriate to the business. Commissioner Kurle inquired about the process of adding a condition on the location of the playground relocating to the back of the lot. Lindahl reiterated that the city can only regulate what is safest location onsite. Kurle asked if changes can be made to the location once commission approves the item. Lindahl stated that there is nothing in the conditions that state the location of the playground, but they are approving the site plan as shown where the playground is next to the building. The Planning Commission is ultimately making a recommendation to the council. Commissioner VanderWiel stated that the commission has to act on what is before them but wondered if the applicant can withdraw their application. Lindahl went over the options available. Approve the recommendation as stated and add recommendations. Or the Planning Commission could table the item until the next meeting April 28, in hopes of working out a plan that works for all parties. The last option is that the applicant can withdraw application but they would have to pay fee again and the city would need to republish for the public hearing. Lindahl reminded the Commission that the City was accommodating PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 14, 2015 PAGE 4 Motion by Forster to recommend the City Council approve an amendment to the existing conditional use permit for the Club House Day Care located at 2975 145th Street West to add an on-site outdoor play area, subject to conditions: 1.Conformance with all requirements of the original conditional use permit outlined in Resolution 2007-82, including but not limited to installing and maintaining drop-off/pick-up and employee parking areas. 2.Issuance of a building permit and payment of all applicable fees. 3. including but not limited to creation of a 20 foot wide drive lane north of the proposed play area, providing all required ADA parking stalls, repairing the sidewalk and TH 3 and 145th Street West and maintain existing drainage patterns. 4.Conformance with all requirements of the Fire Marshall memo dated March 24, 2015. Second by Kurle Commissioner Kurle stressed the applicant to adjust the location of the playground to take into account e understands the concerns of Cisneros but most of the concerns seem to be with the landlord Chair Miller stated that there appears there is a premium on the stalls in front of the businesses and questions are still out there on the exact location and number of handicap and reserved pick up/drop off spots. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion approved. Old Business: None New Business: None Reports: None Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Chairperson Miller adjourned the meeting at 7:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Amy Roudebush, Recording Secretary