HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.c. Director's Report �� ROSEMOLINT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Parks and Recreation Commission Special Meeting: May 18, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 7 c. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: � RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. Park Improvement Fund Balance as of April 30, 2015: $241,051.33 Inflows to the Park Improvement Fund last month wexe as follows: Dedicarion fees—$6,800 Grants/Other- $0 Interest- $4.03 Donations - $0 Expenditures - $1,989.81 (Axchitect fees for Splash Pad and Erickson Park tennis court project) Red Pine Health Fair-The Parks and Recxeation Depaxtment once again participated in the annual Red Pine Health and Fitness Fair at Red Pine Elementary school on Satuxday,April 11, fxom 10 am to 12:30 pm. The Red Pine Elementary Health and Fitness Committee is cominitted to a quality Physical Education/Health/Wellness program fox every student. Red Pine's Health and Wellness Program incorpoxates a multi-dimensional appxoach to well-being that promotes student and family xesponsibility. The school emphasizes an active process of becoming aware of and making choices towaxds a healthier, moYe fulfilling life by giving students the skills and knowledge needed to establish and sustain a healthy eating and active lifestyle. The Health and Fitness Fair focused on elementary students being healthy with their minds and bodies. The Parks and Recreation Department had a table at the event promoting all of our spring and summer pYograms, camps, activities and special events. We gave out jump xopes as a way of promoting physical recreation and fitness,which contributes to a full and meaningful life. Emerald Ash Borer Management- In the last couple of weeks, St. Cro�Tree Service/Save A Tree has been gxinding stumps and restoring the sites where trees have been xemoved. This includes approxixnately 40 trees that they removed from boulevards and 15 they removed from oux parks, as well as another 48 trees City staff has removed from parks. The vast majority of these trees were ash trees and wexe removed as part of our Emerald Ash Borex management program. Arbor Day-The 23`d Annual Arbox Day event was held on Saturday, May 2,2015 at the City's Public WoYks facility. Mayor Droste gave a brief speech on the importance of Arbor Day and planting trees. Afterward, a tYee planting ceremony was held. In attendance wexe Council Membexs Weisensel and DeBettignies, along with Bill Holton who is a member of the Dakota Electric Board of Directors. Rosemount xesidents waited in line to pick out their trees. This year they had the option of choosing from Oak,Maple, Hackbexry or Crabapple trees. A total of 180 trees were given away. This program is sponsored by Dakota Electric. Tennis Block Party- On Saturday, May 9, the Parks and Recreation Department hosted the annual Tennis Block Party in collaborarion with Rosemount High School Tennis, and RAAA In-House and Traveling Tennis pYograms. The community was invited to this fYee event which took place at the Rosemount High School tennis courts. Representatives from each organization wexe on hand to answer questions regarding their tennis programs and the opportunities available in Rosemount. Students from the Rosemount High School tennis program pYovided the drills and fun tennis activities for participants. Approxitnately 40 kids and adults were in attendance. y _ v�,.- _ ' � a. - Y. k�.n . .— A�"3. - : r, � ;�� :, � ::: �2y. ` � , • `."� +� . ' 'g, y n.> � � �'y, ���w� � . . �`�'`.`#��i'��F 1. �w: ; � �.Y �.: � ��' �1 M1? ' W}�^ � 'b `�" � .- ��:��~ "�' ���� '`�'I � . •- ,_ � � . �.., . , � } � - ry=�' __ . t.;. . , r� ��. . ` "�� � . � , .� f ��.#�._.. ,.. . v_. 1, r ,i ✓ f_ —_ z �'��� i , "� ��'�M�p � �— ' ,� � � � � , . ,� -`�� �_ � �',�,�. �=3 �=j"�'� � . . --�_ � �.,.r,,s �° " � - _ - 7.,�����s��r,� Garden Plots - Some of the garden plots have already been planted and most will be planted in the next few weeks. This yeax,we offered both 10' x 20' and 20' x 20'plots, for a total of 68 plots,up from 491ast year. Of these 68 plots, 30 aYe the 20' x 20' size and 38 axe 10' x 20' plots. A new feature this year has been Small Garden Woxkshops offered at the gardens.John Zweber,who is a Rosemount resident, a garden plot holder, and Mastex Gardener,volunteexed to present these workshops at the garden plot sites. Topics covered include interpreting soil samples at each site,plant selection and planting techniques, and fextilization recommendations. Two of these woxkshops have been held and two moYe are scheduled for next week. The workshops have been very popular, and the one last night at the Flint Hills site drew 12 adult and 4 child gardeneYs.