HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 UC Minutes F•, C 1 TY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL 2875- 145th Street West tRosemount,MN >g 55068-4997 Phone:651-423-4411 Hearing Impaired 651-423-6219 Fax:651-423-5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on January 13, 2003 at 5:31 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Mulhern. Those present included Commissioner Berg, Heimkes, Mayor Droste, Interim City Administrator Kalstabakken, City Engineer Brotzler, Public Works Superintendent Cook and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Additional information handed out for Item 5a., the "Draft"Feasibility Report for Item 6b. and copies of the 2003 Meter Replacement Specifications. AUDIENCE INPUT None MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the December 9, 2002, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Berg. Ayes: Mulhern, Berg, Heimkes, Kalstabakken. Present: Droste. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 5a. UPDATE ON WENZEL STORMWATER APPEAL Staff met with Ms. Bernice Wenzel last week to discuss their recommendation. Ms. Wenzel felt that she was being charged incorrectly from the start. She felt she was being charged for the whole 4.36 acres of which .32 acres is County Right-of-Way. Staff assured her that after calculations she was only being charged for the 4.04 acres. She also felt the property should be billed primarily at the Rural Residential rate (3/4 of the 4 acres at $9.10 per quarter) because the basis that the church is not being used as a church, but the Commission feels the church goes with the characteristics of the site and it would be hard to justify. Ms. Wenzel asked Staff to inform the Commission she'd like this item tabled as she does not agree with the recommendation and she is not able to attend the meeting this evening. The Commission had a brief discussion regarding the charges and based on the impervious areas they think that the recommendation is fair, however they were all agreeable to tabling the item until the February 10th meeting. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 13,2003 NEW BUSINESS 6a. AUTHORIZE SCADA SYSTEM STUDY City Engineer Brotzler apprised the Commission that the current SCADA System has reached its limits. With all the current lift stations, wells and towers on the system and trying to expand the system it has become an undertaking. The system in place now has been around for 16-18 years and has been updated at least twice. Two different systems are joined together. The City's consulting engineering firm is working on the design, while Paul Kaeding & Associates could do the SCADA study. Now is the time to compare current versus future system. It would need to be a system that could be integrated into our current system. A decision would have to be made whether it should be radio based,telemetry or fiberoptic. Right now we can get support for the system we have, however we don't know how much longer that support will be around. The cost of the study would be $10,000 - $12,000. The Commission had wondered if the cost was a little high for the Study. It was explained that there would be a lot of meetings to decide on what type of system would be needed. These meetings would be with different Staff members including Rick Cook (Public Works Superintendent) and several of his Utility employees. The Study itself will probably take a year and should be budgeted for. It would help develop a replacement plan. A little was brought up on radio frequencies and broad spectrum (line of site to shop). The Commission feels if it's going to be done, lets do it right the first time through. MOTION by Berg to authorize the preparation of a SCADA System Study. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Berg, Heimkes, Kalstabakken, Droste and Mulhern. Nays: None. 6b. BLOOMFIELD 5TH—8TH ADDITION FEASIBILITY REPORT A draft feasibility report was passed out prior to the meeting for the Commission's review. The City Council had authorized the report. This one report will serve four plats for street, utility and trunk improvements, however each project will be assigned their own project number when the time comes. The final plat for the 5th Addition is going to the Planning Commission tomorrow night. The City Engineer went through each Addition with the Commission: UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 13,2003 5th Addition Due to the elevation of the MCES line a 30" interceptor is needed. Because of the shallow depth a localized lift station would be necessary. The trunk cost was pointed out from the report. Watermain trunk oversizing would be along Auburn Avenue from a 12"to a 16" line. The storm sewer would be brought into the rear lots into a basin to accommodate the flow from adjacent areas. The ponds needed oversizing with the entire development. The Subdivision Agreement will have credit of trunk fees for the land area of the pond. The estimated cost for this Addition is $1,153,627.48. 6th Addition Core funding for oversizing the watermain along CSAH 42 and a short segment of sanitary sewer by Auburn. The estimated cost for this Addition is $876,000. 7th Addition The sanitary sewer will be extended through. Autumnwood to the north will have lateral benefits so it would be 100%core cost. The estimated cost for this Addition is $740,852. 8th Addition The improvements will be 100% developer cost. Connemara Trail will end at the plat boundary. State Aid will pick up some of the cost for Connemara Trail. The estimated cost for this Addition is $1,076,000. All four Additions would come to approximately 3.8 million dollars with 3.6 of that being paid by the developer, $94,000 from Water Core, $60,000 from Sanitary Sewer Core and $46,000 from Stormwater Core Fund. Commissioner Heimkes doesn't want the ponds to become a maintenance nightmare like some of the ponds in town. Staff assured him that natural vegetation; slopes around and down to infiltration system and possible signs posted"No Mow-No Disturb" should help eliminate those issues. With this being Centex this should help because it is only one developer and one builder so they can get the word out to their homeowners regarding the "No Mow-No Disturb"around the ponds. The City would have restrictive easements over the area. i 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 13,2003 It's possible to adopt an ordinance to require no disturbance, already have ordinance that says they need a gradingpermit to move 50 yards of dirt. The Mayor inquired as to where the lot line would end or if the ponding portion would be deeded over to an Association. The way the City has plats set up now is to have the lots go through the pond and then a drainage and utility easement would be acquired. The drainage and utility easements would have the restrictive language in it, including additional language to establish a conservation area(no disturb area). This was done in the Evermoor area and may apply in this area. Staff will have Attorney LeFevere look into this. This would be the lastp and where run-off from Keegan Lake and outlets from Evermoor would be routed. Commissioner Heimkes just wanted on the record that none of this run-off goes to the Vermillion River. The 5th Addition will be the only Addition built this year. These Additions will be done over the next four years, but is actually generated from the Developer. This Feasibility Report will be going to Council next Tuesday evening and pending Council approval,plans and specifications will be ordered for the 5th Addition. President Mulhern wanted to know why Connemara Trail is running south then east again at the north end. City Engineer Brotzler informed the Commission that a pipeline cuts through has to be as close to a 90-degree angle as possible without reducing the cover over it at grade. The crossing was centered somewhat closer to Biscayne Avenue and Akron Avenue. The railroad and the pipeline determine the alignment. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE City Engineer Brotzler went through some of the key issues going on with various projects. Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan Interim City Administrator Kalstabakken, Pete Willenbring (WSB & Associates), representatives from Dakota County and City Engineer Brotzler met regarding the support needed for Met Council in regards to the Outfall pipe to the river. Dakota County was supportive,but not quite convinced it was the best thing for the County. A joint meeting needs to be scheduled with Dakota County and the Met Council to consider our request to connect to the Outfall line. 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2003 • This Plan will be presented to the Council at the Wednesday night work session. This will be the first time the Plan isp resented to the Council. Bacardi Water Tower Condemnation procedures have been undertaken for the 6.06 acres. The title work has been ordered by the City attorney's office. Once the paperwork has been filed it takes 90 days for processing. The City did receive permission to access the site for soil boring tests. The City feels a fair price was offered and at first the seller was willing, however now has changed his mind so that is why Staff felt condemnation was eminent. Well#12 Staff is still waiting for the radium test from the State to come back. At a previous meeting the Commission had been informed the City was going to go through a private firm for testing, however since then found out it would take 4-6 weeks through a private firm so we are going through the State. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR FEBRUARY 10, 2003 SThe Commission, by unanimous consent, will meet at 5:30 p.m. on February 10, 2003. 1. Information on SCADA System 2. Update on Wenzel Stormwater Appeal 3. Well #12 (Costa from WSB & Associates will be in attendance) 4. Plans & Specifications for Portable Generator Receptacle/Authorize Ad for Bid Commissioner Heimkes was asked to reconsider his position on the Commission. He will stay if the new Mayor, Shawn and the new Council will have him. The Mayor feels it is good news to his ears to have Commissioner Heimkes stay; it will be brought up at the work session. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:45m. Respectfully Submitted, eiv:z\ojek,AAtiti_ Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary S 5 y CITY OF RHALL 2875—CITY 145thStreetWest Rosemount,MN 55068-4997 Phone:651-423-4411 Hearing Impaired 651-423-6219 Fax:651-423-5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on February 10, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall by President Mulhern. Those present included Commissioner Berg, Heimkes, City Engineer Brotzler, Water Resource Engineer Donnelly and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Additional information was handed out for Item 5a., the "Wenzel Stormwater Appeal". AUDIENCE INPUT None illMOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the January 13, 2003, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Berg. Ayes: Mulhern, Berg, Heimkes. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 5a. UPDATE ON WENZEL STORMWATER APPEAL Bernice Wenzel and her daughter Conny Mahoney were in attendance. Ms. Mahoney handed out a history she had put together and reiterated what her Mother and she felt was the issue regarding the stormwater fees. They felt an overpayment of fees of the 4.04 acres had been charged from 1997 to 2002. They did understand that the fees are based on land use and not zoning, however since 1993 the property has basically been the family homestead. Ms. Mahoney is proposing a fair exchange. They realize there would be no refund,however if the rate could be refigured with 1.5 acres being designated "Commercial" because of the pavement they felt this would be adequate and also a fair exchange over time. This would allow the Wenzel's some restitution over the last 15 years. City Engineer Brotzler emphasized that since he and the Commission had just received this response from the Wenzel's that they really haven't had time to respond to the figures. Brotzler mentioned to the Commission that perhaps and option would be to designate a certain area of the Lot as Rural Residential, then calculate the impervious area since the lot is non-conforming already. Staff is asking for direction from the Commission. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 10,2003 S Although this is a difficult site and as much as the Commission didn't really want to table the item, Staff was directed to measure the impervious surface times a commercial rate and then add to a rural residential rate. 5b. Authorize the Preparation of Plans& Specifications for Well#12 Costa Dimitracopoulis of WSB & Associates, Inc. is working with the City on Well#12. He apprised the Commission that the test well looked good except for total radium results, which were near the States limit. The radium results, which the City has been waiting for, came back within the limits at 4.9. The limit being 5.0. In some cases the test well results can differ significantly from production well results because the production well pulls water from a larger portion of the aquifer due to the higher pumping rate. The total radium results from the production well can be higher or lower than that of the test well depending on the geology. Since the levels were so close to the limit, we also had the remainder of the City's wells tested to see if the test well results were close to the remainder of the City's wells. The City's four existingproduction wells total radium-testingresults averaged less than 2.4. Concerned that we g were adding a less desirable well to the system, we also surveyed other wells in surrounding communities and found the average total radium readings to be approximately 4.8. With this information we feel more comfortable constructing a production well near the test well. The production well should be tested before the well house is constructed to reduce cost should the 41) production well exceed total radium readings. If the production well exceeds total radium readings, a worst-case scenario would be to mothball the well until other treatment is desired, or a blending opportunity became available. (There are several methods of treating for radium, however these methods are expensive.) Staff is recommending that drilling the hole and pump be started, which is about 40%of the cost and split the project into two phases, not putting the building up right away. After Phase 1 (drilling the production well), if everything is all right following test pumping and testing then go to Phase 2 which would be construction of the well house and connecting pipe. After Plans and Specifications are drafted they will be sent to the Department of Health. We will send in plans and specifications for the well and the well house. Depending on static water levels,the plans and specifications for the well house may be adjusted to meet the actual construction conditions encountered. It will take us approximately 3 months to prepare plans and specifications and the Department of Health will need 1 to 2 months for review. We will bid the well separately from the well house. The Well should be ready for bidding this summer. . MOTION by Heimkes to authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for Well#12 in a complete package. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Berg, Heimkes, Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion carried. 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 10,2003 5c. Receive Plans & Specifications for Portable Generator/Receptacle/Authorize Ad for Bid Paul Kaeding, Consulting Electrical Engineer from Kaeding and Associates, Inc. lead the discussion with the Commission regarding a portable generator/receptacle project. As of now the portable generator the City has is a gaseous generator. It is old and small and very high maintenance,thus the need for a new portable generator. The new generator would run any of the wells, stormwater lift stations and sanitary lift stations. Safety is the big issue with a new generator. With all the different code changes,the wells (with the exception of Well#3) and lift stations will be upgraded with adaptable receptacles to bring them into compliance. They will be reconfigured with new 200 or 400 amp connectors to plug into the cable on the generator. The new generator would have cam lock(individual conductors)to connect to the wells and/or lift stations. The old diesel generator will also be reconfigured. Generators should be usable and safe. This upgrade would make using a portable generator safe and consistent, which is what the Commission would like to see happen. When asked by the Commission how much this project should cost, Mr. Kaeding felt a rough estimate was $180,000. This would include remodeling and reconfiguring existing wells and lift stations and the generator itself. The funding has been in the C.I.P. for the last two years and the remainder needed would come from the operating budgets of each utility. Mr. Kaeding feels good bidding prices should be available. City Engineer Brotzler reminded the Commission that this would standardize our system. Commissioner Heimkes also stated that the upgrade would help in emergency situations. MOTION by Berg to recommend that the City Council receive the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement of bid for the Portable Generator/Receptacle Project, City Project#366. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Heimkes, Mulhern, Berg. Nays: 0. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS None. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 10,2003 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. Bacardi Water Tower Update The property is going through condemnation, which would give the City access by mid-April, however the owners did sign a right-of-entry so we could do soil borings which came out good. This tank would be between 110' — 115' high and one million gallons. It will be designed the g same as Connemara Tower with the storage space and a 2nd floor mezzanine. The Public Works Department will utilize as much storage space as can be spared. The plans and specifications should be back in three months, either May or June. One of the items for the specifications would be the color or the tower. The Commission agreed that the same color as the Connemara Tower would be appropriate. The Commission talked a little bit about the future Connemara Trail and the extension of watermain along Connemara Trail. This year it will be about a 1/2 mile short of the Tower site, so the City is anticipating 2004 with the watermain along Connemara Trail. 8b. SCADA System Update Mr. Kaeding discussed the existing SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) System with the Commission. This system monitors the water system (wells), sanitary sewer lift stations, stormwater lift stations and water towers. The system the City has in place right now is 111 obsolete and is getting harder to add new connections. The old equipment is limited in what it can do. There are several different systems out there; i.e. Microwave, fiberoptic,telephone line, cell phone, dedicated copper, etc. It's all about the how much money the City wants to put into a system. One thing Mr. Kaeding advised was not to rush into a SCADA System. Figure out first what the City wants out of the System. It's a matter of needs versus wants. Mr. Kaeding mentioned that one of the most widely installed system is based on Alan Bradley's PLC system. The life span of this system is long. A computer is the window into the system Technicians could take home a personal computer in the evenings and over the weekends for access to the system. The most secure line would be fiberoptic placed down very deep with the watermain. 8c. PROJECT UPDATE All the projects have settled down for the winter. The Commission brought up a letter, which was copied in their packet from Mary Driers on Banyan Lane. This letter was very negative about the smell and taste of the City's water. Recording Secretary Dorniden apprised the Commission that the Utility Staff has been out to Ms. Driers home and chlorinated her system. Staff hasn't heard from Ms. Driers since this has been done, but will keep City Engineer Brotzler and Public Works Superintendent Cook informed if this item should come back and any other water quality complaints. 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 10,2003 0 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR MARCH 10, 2003 1. Wenzel Final Stormwater Update The Commission, by unanimous consent,will meet at 5:30 p.m. on March 10, 2003. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Coact i )e/A4...,,,S2efr-------1Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary 0 i 0 5 ALL �y ROSEMOUNTCITY OF• Rosemount,MN 55068-4997 Phone:651-423-4411 04,01' SikV1" Hearing Impaired 651-423-6219 o t Fax:651-423-5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 10, 2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on March 10, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Mulhern. Those present included Commissioner Berg, Heimkes, City Engineer Brotzler, Mayor Droste, Interim City Administrator Kalstabakken, Water Resource Engineer Donnelly and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None AUDIENCE INPUT None MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the February 10, 2003, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Heimkes. Ayes: Mulhern, Berg, Heimkes, Kalstabakken, Droste. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 5a. UPDATE ON WENZEL STORMWATER APPEAL City Engineer Brotzler made reference to the Exhibits that were attached to his Executive Summary to give the Commission various options on this appeal. Commissioner Berg felt the deviations according to land use are consistent to past practice. Commissioner Heimkes felt that from past practice in 1997, Scenario 5 would be the acceptable way to proceed. Ms. Mahoney asked about consistency since the property was used differently. They realize they have more than normal pavement and building tops. She asked that the Commission just bill $75.00 and be done with it. The Commission went back to the fees from 1997 and how they were determined and decided by mutual agreement that a 50/50 split was consistent. MOTION by Heimkes to change the Wenzel Stormwater Utility Fee for a 4.04 acres at a 50/50 split between Commercial and Rural Residential as outlined in Scenario 5 of the Executive UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 10,2003 Summary and providing a credit to their account for the past two quarters. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Berg, Heimkes, Kalstabakken, Droste, Mulhern. Nays: 0. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS 6a. WAC on Irrigation Systems City Engineer Brotzler reiterated what was in the Executive Summary as to why this discussion was coming to the Commission. Lundgren Bros., a developer in the Evermoor Glendalough Addition, is trying to determine their cost for the irrigation in their Subdivision. Past projects have not been charged, so therefore a precedent has been set, but could be changed in the future. The City is interested in the aesthetics of the City. This type of project helps to maintain green areas within the development. This would be a benefit that could outweigh the revenue for not paying a WAC charge. The Mayor asked why the City charges a WAC charge. City Engineer Brotzler explained that it is a revenue source to our Core fund that helps pay for oversizing of our facilities, the construction of wells,towers, etc. There is a WAC charge for every building that gets a water service. The Commission directed Staff to check with other cities to see how they handle WAC charges for irrigation systems and bring this item back at the next meeting. As for Lundgren Bros., let them follow the process the past developments have used. 6b. 160th Street Sanitary Sewer Extension&Appurtenant Work, City Project#365 City Engineer Brotzler explained to the Commission that the property owners east of Trunk Highway 3 along 160th Street to Biscayne Avenue petitioned to the City Council for sanitary sewer. The Feasibility Report was prepared and received. There will be a public hearing on the project April 3, 2003. This project is 100% assessable. When first investigating the feasibility of running the sanitary sewer in front of the businesses from the 8" line coming from the Dakota County shop, it was determined that the depth ran out of grade before it could get to the building site at Dakota Fence, one of the petitioners. The site next to Dakota Fence is along Biscayne Avenue and would also be interested in having sanitary sewer. Staff investigated running the line from behind the businesses along 160th Street and then up Biscayne Avenue to loop the existing system in the Business Park. One of the drawbacks of running the line up Biscayne is that the property owners didn't petition for this improvement and that could be cause for an appeal of the assessment. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 10,2003 1111 Some of the negatives explained to the Commission for going across the back of the properties were that the septic systems are along 160th Street in front of the buildings and it would also limit future development to the rear. Staff is holding two public informational meetings for the property owners. One will be for the owners along 160th Street and the other for the ones along Biscayne Avenue. It would be possible to use a lift station by Dakota Fence if it needed to be in the front, but it wouldn't be recommended. Commissioner Heimkes stated that the property owners along 160th Street knew as early as 1995 or before that the sanitary sewer could be either front or back. AAA Auto Salvage submitted a site plan for a parking lot and another building. Through the informational meetings, Staff will listen to the property owners and include their input for Council consideration. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 411 8a. PROJECT UPDATE Connemara Trail, Phase 2 Connemara Trail, Phase 2 is out for bid. The plans are at MnDOT for State Aid approval. A bid award wouldn't be made until approval comes back from MnDOT. Well#12 The design for Well #12 is taking place now. Bacardi Water Tower Eminent domain is proceeding on 6.06 acres of the Novacek property for the Bacardi Water Tower. It has been filed with Dakota County. Interim City Administrator Kalstabakken and City Engineer Brotzler will meet with the Novacek's again as negotiations continue. Portable Generator The bids for the portable generator will go to Council for award and the results will be under "Project Update" at the next Utility Commission meeting,but it would have already gone to Council for award. 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 10,2003 East Side Watermain,Phase 2 Bids will be opened this Friday for the East Side Watermain, Phase 2. It is anticipated that there will be a lot of bidders. OLD BUSINESS (Continued) 5b. COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE Pete Willenbring from WSB & Associates reminded the Commission that the various agencies had been provided with a copy of the City's Plan for review. City Staff and Mr. Willenbring met with Dakota County approximately three weeks ago to discuss the Counties' comments regarding the City's Plan. The County didn't have their consultants at the meeting so more direct questions were not answered. Staff felt the County was receptive to our responses to their comments, and in particular our comments on why the City wants to be out of the Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization(VRWMO). City Engineer Brotzler also indicated he attended a meeting of the VRWMO within the last three weeks, during which they reviewed the results of a volume of runoff study they had undertaken. The report indicated that Rosemount currently contributes no water to the Vermillion River. The purpose of the Study was to generally establish what future flows might be allowed to be directed to the Vermillion River. " Additional meetings will need to be held with the VRWMO before the plan review is complete. The Utility Commission was also advised that a meeting was held with Dakota County to follow up on the City's request to design the MCES outfall for joint use. Based on a Staff meeting with Jim Roth of MCES, Mr. Roth indicated they had a number of issues that need to be addressed if we use their outfall line to the river. They asked the questions: 1) How much discharge must be accommodated from Rosemount? 2) When would it be discharged; 3) What would be the discharge locations. They clarified some of the issues that they had regarding the design. Some of these issues had to do with managing a greater range of flows, currently between 8-60 mgd, which might make the velocity too low if the line is too large. The cost of oversizing and future maintenance was also an issue that was of concern to MCES. MCES also stated that the City would have to pay for any analysis they would need to do to look at alternatives. They also requested the City provide a more detailed description of what we need as part of the design. The Staff indicated we would be asking MCES for an estimate of the cost associated with the alternative analysis. This request will go to MCES tomorrow and hopefully we would have their estimate of cost to perform the alternative analysis by the time of the next Council meeting. 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 10,2003 The Commission indicated they would like Staff to as MCES about their opinions regarding all the options discussed and the cost associated with them. MCES told Staff they like the off-peak use Option if it would meet the City's needs. MOTION by Mulhern to recommend that the City Council enter into an Agreement with MCES for costs associated with MCES review of the City of Rosemount's request to discharge stormwater to the Empire Waste Water Treatment Plant Outfall System. Second by Berg. Ayes: Heimkes, Kalstabakken, Droste, Mulhern, Berg. Nays: None. Motion carried. Staff met with Dakota County regarding the Lebanon Hills Regional Park water run-off issues. A Study by Barr Engineering shows the northwest corner of Rosemount is draining into the Park. Their modeling didn't show some areas that have potential to be diverted away from the Park that are within Rosemount. There are 34 depressions that store water within Rosemount and these areas are south of 120th Street. These depressions could be diverted to drain to Wilde Lake and then if a new pump is installed, send this water to Keegan Lake and then to our proposed new outfall to the Mississippi River. As a result, the drainage area tributary to the regional park could be reduced. The Staff indicated the City could draw the water down with a 10 csf lift station, which would cost between 1.5 and 3 million dollars to construct. It would also mean diverting natural drainage patterns, and if we would do this to accommodate them, Dakota County should pay for this. City Engineer Brotzler apprised the Commission that there is another meeting scheduled with Dakota County, Eagan and their Parks Department on March 24, 2003. Staff will bring this issue back to the Commission with additional information on alternatives and costs when available. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Continued) 8f. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR APRIL 7, 2003 1. Regional Park Update 2. CSMP 3. WAC Irrigation 4. 160th Street Meeting (Project Update) 5. Annual Meeting MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, e„,,,9LA Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary 5 CITY O RO S E M O U lel CITY HALL T 2875—145th Street West � 5 Rosemount,MN ° 55068-4997 Phone:651-4234411 Hearing Impaired 651423-6219 Fax:651-423-5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 7,2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on April 7, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall. Mayor Droste administered the oath to Shawn Mulhern. Recording Secretary Dorniden opened the floor for nominations for President to the Utility Commission. MOTION by Heimkes to nominate Shawn Mulhern as President. SECOND by Berg. MOTION by Mulhern to nominate Paul Heimkes as President. Lack of a SECOND and by unanimous decision Shawn Mulhern is the returning President. leThe Commissioners had no conflicts in the calendarP resented with the Executive Summary. President Mulhern did ask about the annual tour and it was decided that it would be held during the May meeting. MOTION by Mulhern to set the 2003 Utility Commission meetings per the calendar attached with the exception of May 12th, which will be scheduled for May 19th and all meetings will be held at 5:30 p.m. unless otherwise specified. SECOND by Heimkes. Ayes: Mulhern, Berg, Heimkes, Droste, Verbrugge. Nays: None. Motion carried. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on April 7, 2003 at 6:35 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Berg, Droste, City Administrator Verbrugge, City Engineer Brotzler, and Recording Secretary Domiden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT 0 None. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 7,2003 MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the March 10, 2003, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Heimkes. Ayes: Berg, Heimkes, Droste, Verbrugge, Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 6a. LEBANON HILLS REGIONAL PARK UPDATE City Administrator Verbrugge and City Engineer Brotzler attended a meeting on March 24, 2003 at Dakota County along with representatives of the City of Eagan regarding the drainage within Lebanon Hills Region Park. The consensus after reviewing four options was that diverting the water to Rosemount was the highest cost and the least desirable. DNR has restrictions on Holland Lake for storm water, as it is a trout lake. The cost would have to be compared to what a pound of trout would cost. The whole item is in the County's hands. Eagan is the most impacted and they have their system in place. The County also has our Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan so they are aware of how the City's water flows. Over the past twenty years or so there have been wet cycles, which have contributed to the problems the County is experiencing. Rosemount has had no development,which would impact this run-off and Commissioner Heimkes wanted to make that point. As a Board the Commission will look at it, but everything pretty much runs north. In the 1980's Eagan asked the County for input and assistance with their drainage and the County wasn't interested at that time. 6b. WAC CHARGES FOR IRRIGATION City Engineer Brotzler reiterated what was discussed at the last meeting. Staff has checked with surrounding cities and out of seven cities, Burnsville and Lakeville don't collect a WAC charge. The Commission needs to keep in mind this is a seasonal use and the City does like the"keep it green, keep it clean"philosophy. After a brief discussion the general consensus of the Commission was to maintain status quo. 6c. 128TH STREET DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS This project has been expanded and presented to the Commission as Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 regarding a drainage issue along 128th Street. Because of the nature of the project the two alternatives include grading of the ditches and minimal amount of storm sewer. The project was bid last year with another project to do just 128th Street,however because of the prices all the bids were rejected and now 130th Way has 1111 been incorporated including the low area at Bengal Avenue and 130th Way. 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 7,2003 0 The water that drains through Mr. McDonalds property on 128h Street would require drainage through the ditch and berming with installation of some pipe. The depth is some concern, which requires a storm sewer project rather than just a grading project. Alternative 1 would be two series of storm sewer systems,the storm sewer installed along 128th Street that meets the corner of Bengal and daylight and then utilizes the ditch to the pond by Bengal and 130th Way,then installation from that area south to a basin. The estimated cost for that is $91,000. Alternative 2 drains all the water back and to the north to White Lake,that costs $72,000. Alternative 1 would impact 130th Way,whereas Alternative 2 would be removing and replacing the entire section of Bengal Avenue. The funding would come from the Storm Water Utility Fund. This project could be bid with another job, but a smaller local contractor might be able to handle it cheaper. Downside to using White Lake is that there is right-of-way,but there are trees. It would require some tree removal. Mr. McDonald was made aware that the item was on the agenda this evening. A letter will be sent to the residents informing them of what decision has been made. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the 128th Street Drainage Project, City Project#356, Alternative 2 and authorize advertisement of bids. Second by Heimkes, Droste, Verbrugge, Mulhern, Berg. NEW BUSINESS None. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 9a. PROJECT UPDATE Portable Generator The summary of bids was attached and Council awarded the bid to Systems by Design in the amount of$92,440. Haven't had the pre-con yet. 11111 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 7,2003 10 Bloomfield 5th Addition, City Project#364 Bids were received and awarded. East Side Watermain, Phase 2 Bids were taken. Eighteen bids were received. Project came in quite a bit lower than expected; they were 15%lower than the Engineer's Estimate. The low bid contractor didn't acknowledge an addendum so talking with City Attorney, will probably award to the second low bidder. The Dakota County Technical College has an Agreement to execute with them paying a direct reimbursement for the service to their property. The project can go on without the Agreement because the service wouldn't be brought over if they don't execute the Agreement. 160th Street Sanitary Sewer Project Council held a Public Hearing for this project and Alternate 1 was approved. The service will be run down the front of the properties along the north side of 160th Street. Staff confirmed that Dakota Fence could be served with gravity. The 15 acres just north of Dakota Fence has an option to buy on it from Minnesota Pipe. They would like sanitary sewer,however gravity wouldn't' be able to serve this property. A grinder pump lift station would be an option, however the Company purchasing the property would have to purchase the pump and have it on the west side of Dakota Fence between the two properties. Pahl's property just south of the Business Park would be serviced by the trunk lines from the Business Park or Canada Court when Biscayne Avenue is upgraded. Biscayne Avenue will not be done at this time. Trunk Highway 3 A pre-construction meeting was held and the contractor is planning on starting construction on May 5th with a completion date of June 15th. Connemara Trail Connemara Trail will be getting its second lift of bituminous this spring. It was noted that there needs to be a street light at the intersection of Trunk Highway 3 and Connemara Trail. Bacardi Water Tower Condemnation proceedings will be held on April 10, 2003 on the site. The original offer was $272,500 and the Novacek's counter offered at $350,000. After the counter offer the City appraiser updated their numbers by another$30,000. The City could recommend $330,000 in order to cover legal fees and additional cost. 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 7,2003 9d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR MAY 19, 2003 1. Annual Tour a. Bacardi Water Tower Site b. Minea Property c. 128th Street Drainage d. 120th Street e. Current and Upcoming Developments City Engineer Brotzler noted that Wensmann Pond is doing great, however Hawkins Pond has a lack of growth that the City will be looking into. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, akfjui g.°1 --- Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary 5 e`y CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL 2875—145th Street West 4110 ,- Rosemount,MN 55068-4997 Phone:651-423-4411 Hearing Impaired 651-423-6219 Fax:651-423-5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 19,2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on May 19,2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Berg, City Administrator Verbrugge, Finance Director May, City Engineer Brotzler, and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. 4111 MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the April 7, 2003, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Berg. Ayes: Berg, Mulhern, Heimkes, Verbrugge, Nays: None. Motion carried. Mayor Droste joined the meeting. OLD BUSINESS 5b. WATER METER RADIO READ REPLACEMENT City Engineer Brotzler compared the two bids that were received for the above-referenced project. Staff reviewed the bids and has come to the conclusion that there is no cost benefit in moving forward with this project at this time with all the budget constraints that cities are under. Staff feels that a program could be developed where City personnel would retrofit what is already out there and continue putting the sensus equipment into the new homes. The sensus equipment is working satisfactorily since the City has gone to the radio transceivers and the company, which reads our touchpads, is still working efficiently. Staff is recommending that the Commission reject all the bids. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 19,2003 Finance Director May apprised the Commission that the City does have the money, but it could be better utilized for other things. The meter readers are only$6,500 per year, however we would need to replace the two handhelds that we already have and also the reading device for the radio reads. The City wouldn't need new software because what we have now works with both the radio reads and touchpads. New software would be at least two years down the road. Part of the program would be to determine how much each year to spend on the project and how many retrofits we'd want to do during the winter months. Appointments would have to be made with the homes that need to be retrofitted. MOTION by Mulhern to reject all bids submitted for the 2003 Meter Replacement and Radio Read Interface Project. Second by Heimkes. Ayes: Berg Heimkes, Verbrugge, Mulhern, Droste. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Heimkes to purchase three handheld AR4002 Model and one Model 3500 VXU for$25,600. Second by Berg. Ayes: Heimkes, Verbrugge, Mulhern, Droste, Berg. Nays: None. Motion Carried. 5a. BACARDI WATER TOWER UPDATE City Engineer Brotzler introduced Nancy Zeigler and Costa Dimitracopoulis of WSB & Associates, Inc., who gave an update of the Bacardi Water Tower design. They had met earlier with City Engineer Brotzler and Public Works Superintendent Cook to obtain the cities comments and input on the design. Drawings were presented and discussed in detail. The site layout drawings are on hold until further information about the site and proposed surrounding areas are available. One possible scenario is that a park complex may be built next to the site with the possible development of two wells on that site. One of the major issues facing this project is the gas pipeline. A driveway would have to cross this pipeline to get to the tower. The Purchase Agreement for the land acquisition is on the Council agenda for tomorrow evening. This Agreement is contingent upon acquiring an easement with Northern Natural Gas. The Engineer's stated that the project could be bid late this summer. The logo and color will be the same as the East Side Water Tower and will have obstruction lighting. There will be a second floor inside the water tower. It is proposed that this area be used for storage of cellular equipment. There would be a center hatch opening to the second floor for lifting things up to that level. Security is very important and the second floor will be kept separate from the rest of the tower areas. A doorway will be provided from the outside into a stairwell. The stairwell will provide access to the 1st and 2nd floors. The door to the 1st floor will be locked and accessible to city personnel only. Provisions to put in a card reader at a future time will be provided. Anytime someone needs access into a wellhouse or tower there should be a City employee accompanying them. It is preferable that the companies needing access to the towers give the City a 24-48 hour notice if they are going to be doing work,unless it is an emergency. It was 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 19,2003 suggested that they be charged for any time that is not during business hours since a city employee will have to go out to the site. The ladder system inside the tower was discussed. The ladder will be enclosed on the 2nd floor so it cannot be accessed from the second floor. There is also an observation platform above the overflow pipe. A ladder inside the tank (wet side) is not included in the design. A corrosion protection system is not included since it was determined that many of these systems are not functioning shortly after they are installed. A corrosion allowance will be accounted for by increasing steel thickness in areas of concern. A steel condensate ceiling will be provided. There will be a valve vault below ground level. A spool piece will be provided in the vault for a future altitude valve if needed. Right now the towers are tracking relatively well. It was noted that the tower is designed for a life of 100 years. A discussion followed about the pros and cons of having two overhead doors. The advantage is that trucks can drive through the base of the tower. However,the grade may make it very difficult to have a drive through arrangement and the 2nd door is an additional expense. It is desired that the main entrance face the area set for the future water treatment plant. There would be revenue from the rental for the different antennas and equipment. Plans will be coming back for review and at that time fencing and security issues can be addressed. The fencing and security issues should be addressed for all the wells and towers. Issues regarding the Vulnerability Assessment, which is due in 2004, were talked about. Different topics to be look at from this standpoint are all the assets and security issues and to prioritize which ones need to be done first,what we can do as a City and then this all has to go to the EPA. The City has to assume liability. Different monitoring devices will have to be in place on all wells and towers for security purposes, such as sensor lights. A check valve is provided in the overflow for security reasons. In addition, an alarm will sound when an overflow occurs. The approximate cost of this tower was in question and the engineer was going to get back with that information. (After checking, the actual estimate is $2.25 million per WSB). NEW BUSINESS None. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 19,2003 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE SCADA System The final report may be ready for the June meeting. Paul Kaeding and Costa Dimitracopoulis are working on what the City needs are. Right now the City has a limited system and not much room for expansion. The cost for this system is included in next year's budget and will be done as a project. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR JUNE 9, 2003 1. SCADA System 2. Verbal update on Tower and Land Acquisition 3. Watershed Information Watershed information is still in the County's hands. The City will wait and see how the DNR addresses the issues with the County. President Mulhern asked if there have been any flooding issues around town besides the pond by his home. All ponds seem to be handling the water good. Marcotte Lift Station is miming. Hawkins Pond Monitoring System is having a problem with the hour meter and alarm. It keeps tripping, however it is still under warranty so the company has been called. Shannon Pond is dry right now. The new Bacardi Water Tower will have standards set for the receptacles for the new generator and a permanent generator will be in the plans for the Well #12 site. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:33 p.m. so the Commission could go on their annual tour of the City. Respectfully Submitted, emAil etnitt Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary 4 ,,,c;i'L 6'y w . CITY RO S E M U nl CITY HALL T 2875—145th Street West Rosemount,MN Q 55068-4997 Phone:651423-4411 Hearing Impaired 651-423-6219 Fax:651-423-5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 7,2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on July 7, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Berg, Mayor Droste, City Administrator Verbrugge, City Engineer Brotzler, and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. 41110 ' MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the May 19, 2003, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Droste. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 5a. SCADA SYSTEM City Engineer Brotzler introduced Paul Kaeding of Kaeding & Associates, Inc. and Costa Dimitracopoulis of WSB &Associates, Inc. to speak to the Commission regarding the joint study they did for the City regarding the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System. City Engineer Brotzler reminded the Commission that with this project cost is the biggest obstacle. It will be budgeted for 2004 and cover all the lift stations, wells, towers, etc. Paul Kaeding approached the podium and gave an overview of the study that was done. The system in place now is a proprietary system. The wave of the future is PLC (Programmable Logic Control) using a personal computer. The old system is dependent on telephone communications, whereas anything new would more than likely be fiberoptic or radio frequency based on a PLC. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 7,2003 11111 The fees in this study include education for Staff. The PLC won't need upgraded once it is installed. The City would have to budget each year for the service agreement,which is what is being done already. The question was asked whether the water meters could be read with this system and the answer was"yes",however it would not be cost effective. Another question was whether it could be a security system besides a monitoring program? It wasn't clear how it could be used as a security system. Buildings would have to be rated for security. A brief discussion about analog and digital usage within the system and what points would cover what. A SCADA system would be faster than a DSL line at a home. The system would have to have a backup system for power outages. A lot of the stations have their own UPS and most of the newer stations have or will have their own generators. MOTION by Mulhern to receive the study and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for the SCADA System. Second by Heimkes. Ayes: Mulhem, Berg, Heimkes, Verbrugge and Droste. Nays: None. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS • 6a. WATER SYSTEM VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT A Water System Vulnerability Assessment has been mandated for completion by June 30, 2004. The Department of Health has hosted training sessions and a Staff member has attended. WSB &Associates has prepared a proposal to assist the City with this Assessment. This would be an interactive process with the Staff and Utility Commission. WSB &Associates has the software and an understanding of the software to work on this assessment, plus doing a cost analysis they can see what's going on in other communities. Commissioner Heimkes asked what would happen if the City didn't comply and have the Assessment done next year. There was no answer for this question. The State is working with the rural systems and the Rural Water Association is also helping with the smaller towns and cities to help prepare their assessments. Staff would be bringing all this information back to the Commission for final decisions before the Assessment would be submitted to the State. Right now water is the target for vulnerability, probably the City will be next. MOTION by Berg to accept WSB &Associates proposal for the Water System Vulnerability Assessment and authorize the necessary signatures. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Berg, Heimkes, Verbrugge, Droste and Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion carried. 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 7,2003 6b. AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS & SPEC'S FOR CHIPPENDALE WATER . TOWER PAINTING, CITY PROJECT#374 President Mulhern abstained from this issue and left the room. Commissioner Berg asked what"recondition"means in terms of the water tower. It was explained that the repair of the coating internally and externally was mentioned in the 2001 report. The tower was built in 1972,the exterior was painted in 1984 and the interior was done in 1992. felt it should be painted the same color as the other The color was discussed and the Commission two towers and the new tower that is going to be built. The report that was written up in 2001 was for a total of$180,000, so there probably has been an increase since that time. It would depend on what they find from the last two years as far as the condition of the interior and exterior. Hopefully the project would be done during the season when the water is not being used at its peak. If it could be done in early Spring the tower would have to be down for approximately 6-8 weeks, so if it is bid in the Fall it could be done in the Spring,possibly March, April and May. There was a brief discussion on sidewall pressure which was brought up in the 2001 study. MOTION by Heimkes to authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for the painting of SChippendale Water Tower, City Project#374 based on the 2001 Study and other information received. Second by Berg. Ayes: Heimkes, Verbrugge, Droste and Berg. Nays: None. Motion carried. President Mulhern rejoined the group. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE The extension of the sanitary sewer line to the north of Trunk Highway 3 at Connemara Trail is starting. Utilities are being relocated. Flood/Ponding issues—There have been none so far,two weeks ago Shannon Pond looked almost dry. A brief discussion on the well pumping for June took place, which led to a discussion on water conservation. City Engineer Brotzler mentioned possibly amending the ordinance and making 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 7,2003 an annual resolution so Public Works can monitor and issue fines for watering. One of the things to consider would be an everyday ban from noon to 6:00 p.m. Early morning is the best time to water. Once the East Side Watermain and the City watermain are connected, water will be able to flow east, but won't be coming back west. The 128th Street Drainage Improvements were bid and the contract was awarded. There will be a letter to the neighborhood going out to let them know when the project will start. The crew for the East Side Watermain, Phase 2 mobilized today. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR AUGUST 11, 2003 1. Authorize RFP for Test Well—Well #14 The closing for the Bacardi Water Tower site will be this Friday. The City had a call from Lynn Thompson of Dakota County regarding the watershed district. Staff met the majority of the review comments and the revised plans have been sent to the County. July 24th is the Board meeting when the County will look at the City's plan. Watershed boundary development and verification of boundaries will be addressed. The Post Office is still open to coming to Rosemount. A decision will be made in either August or September. This would be a very good opportunity for Rosemount. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. No further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Respectfully Sub 'tted, g(AtjkCindyDomiden den Recording Secretary 5 war CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875C1T4YHAreetWest � + Rosemount,MN �� ref 55068-4997 Phone:651423-4411 '';qtirV Hearing Impaired:651-423-6219 Fax:651-423-5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 11,2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on August 11, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Berg, Mayor Droste, City Administrator Verbrugge, City Engineer Brotzler, and Recording Secretary Nelson. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the July 7, 2003 regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Three. Nays:None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 5a. COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE City Engineer Brotzler gave an overview on how the City has been working with Dakota County for the past several months to address their review comments for the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. There is a need to get the plan adopted by the regulatory agencies. Pete Willenbring of WSB & Associates updated the Commission on the various options/strategies available to move forward with this plan as outlined in the memorandum attached to the executive summary. The City of Rosemount would like the Vermillion Watershed to approve the City of Rosemount's plan because the plan is currently being implemented. The watershed management organization is typically supposed to provide guidance on how the City should manage their storm water runoff. However, because the Watershed has only recently been re-established, the managers and staff are finding it difficult to define what is or is not acceptable, and or take action to approve the plan. Commissioner Heimkes inquired about removing the suggested language that says we no longer have any immediate intention of removing the City from the WMO. His concern was that if the language was removed, it might prevent the City from creating our own watershed organization in the future, and still have our Citizens contribute funds to an organization that receives none of our water. If we are taking care of our own water we should not have to give them anything. Commissioner Berg agreed. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 11,2003 There was further discussion on the options for the City and how to get out of the Vermillion Watershed in the future if necessary, while working with them in the present. The City could give them additional time to develop their WMO plan, and during this time, work with the new board and staff try to educate the board members and their staff residents on the Rosemounts position regarding this matter. MOTION by Heimkes to support pursuance of the Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization approval of the City of Rosemount's Comprehensive Stormwater Management plan with the changes and understanding outlined in attached memorandum with recommendation number two is stricken at this time. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Three. Nays: None. 5b. MCES PROPOSAL FOR A COMBINED OUTFALL City Staff has been working with MCES to construct a combined outfall system to the Mississippi River as part of the Empire Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall project. Staff has looked into combining the construction of our system with the proposed MCES treated effluent outfall from the Empire Plant. The alternatives available to the City to convey the water to the Mississippi River have been analyzed. Pete Willenbring of WSB &Associates outlined four options for the City and discussed the 4110 benefits of each option. When the City of Rosemount's storm water plan was originally developed, Staff felt 40 cfs was needed leaving the Bloomfield area, 380 cfs was needed at p Trunk Hwy 52 and about 765 going into the Mississippi River. The higher capacity is to allow the City to reduce the amount of storage in the ponds. MOTION by Heimkes to support the development of Option 3 —utilize excess MCES capacity in the short-term, as well as pay MCES to oversize the system so 40 cfs will always be available for stormwater runoff from the City of Rosemount. Second by Berg. Ayes: Three. Nays: None. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS 6a. AUTHORIZE RFP FOR TEST WELL #14 City Engineer Brotzler briefly summarized the planning for Well #14. The City has acquired the Novacek property which has been identified as being within a future well area for the City. Staff is working on the plans for the tower which would be similar to the Connemara tower system. Staff would like to prepare an RFP to get proposals to drill a test well. This would be brought back to the Commission in September or October. This is necessary to start the construction of the new well. Currently the peak demand is exceeding the City's firm pump capacity. The costs are estimated to be $1.2 - $1.5 million. The biggest cost is land acquisition. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 11,2003 MOTION by Berg to approve the preparation of an RFP for a test well—Well #14. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Three. Nays: None. Motion carried. 6b. PROPOSED WATERING BAN REVISION City Engineer Brotzler gave an overview on the City's current watering ban and how the water usage has increased over the summer. The current watering restriction is an ordinance and the violation is a misdemeanor and enforceable by the Police Department. Staff is recommending a revision to the current ordinance that would allow Staff to enforce the ordinance with the penalties being in fees charged to the quarterly water bills and increase the ban to everyday from noon—6 p.m. while maintaining the odd/even ban. The violations would be tracked through the utility billing department. The bills are directed to the individual billing address. There was some discussion on the penalty amounts and putting up extra signs notifying residents of the restrictions. There was also a discussion on training Staff how to handle these types of violations. Staff will work on the fees and bring it back to the Commission in September. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE Council just looked at the wetland exemption for the Keegan Lake outlet project for any impacts. Plans will be brought to Council on August 19, 2003 for approval and authorization to bid. Bids will be back mid-September. Easements are being secured and a DNR permit is expected for work done below the DNR ordinary high water level. The portable generator has been ordered and will arrive later this year. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR SEPTEMBER 8, 2003 1. Update on RFP for Test Well #14—Well #14 2. Update on Watershed Management 3. Update on Outfall 4. Update on Watering Ban MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, d--17?dooy Chantel Nelson Recording Secretary iht T CITY OF RO S E M 0 U N T2875 LL C145 HStr et West 116, Rosemount,MN r 55068-4997 x 2 } Phone:651-423-4411 Hearing Impaired:651-423-6219 Fax:651-423-5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 13, 2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on October 13, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Berg, Mayor Droste, City Administrator Verbrugge, Finance Director May, City Engineer Brotzler, Project Engineer Aderhold and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT Shawn Kurth of 2217 Birch Street asked that his neighbors, Terry and Alana Kapp of 2201 Birch Street be included with their item on the agenda. 110 regular by Berg to approve the minutes of the August 11, 2003 g ular Utilit y Commission meeting.. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Mulhern, Berg. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS 6a. WATER UTILITY BILL APPEAL This item is on the agenda because of a Letter of Appeal from Shawn& Shann Kurth of 2217 Birch Street. Also added to this appeal are Terry and Alaina Kapp of 2201 Birch Street, the Kurths neighbors. City Engineer Brotzler explained to the Commission that these lots were border lots between two subdivisions, Biscayne Pointe 3'd and Biscayne Pointe 4th. In 2001, the Kurth's contacted City Staff about the large swale in their backyard. At the time of the Biscayne Pointe 4th development, Staff identified an opportunity to re-grade this area. The developer of Biscayne Pointe 4th, Heritage Development, also the developer for Biscayne Pointe 3rd was required to re- grade this area to eliminate the large swale. Mr. Kurth was adamant that the sprinkler s UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 13, 2003 system in his yard is done by his contractor because of the warranty so there were some delays in working with his contractor. The sod which was placed in November of 2002 didn't take so had felt that since the sod wasn'tput in until 1St to be replaced in 2003. The Kurths and Kapps , p pp July the hottest time of the summer, which is why his water and sewer bill was so high. They didn't feel they should have to pay those high prices because the sod was put in so late in the season and he had to water more than usual to maintain it. City Engineer Brotzler went on to reiterate the advantages of having a second meter, especially with an irrigation system. Finance Director May apprised the Commission that all the utility bills this quarter was high, ranging from $200 - $1,000. He felt that if people want a green lawn they will water more and then have to pay more. To-date we've had very few inquiries as to why the bills are so high. Shawn Kurth stood at the podium and explained the chain of events as he felt they happened and why he felt the City should reduce his billing. For three concurrent summers he had to establish fresh sod and thinks that Heritage should have to pay for that. Heritage has paid for the sod and the repairs of his sprinkler system. Mr. Kurth feels he's a responsible water user. Shann Kurth stood and informed the Commission that she had to take time off work to be there while they laid the sod and the contractor told her she'd better water the sod 24-hours a day because it was drying up as they laid it. After 30-days the City inspected the sod and 90% of it was in great shape. The Kurths placed 110 their"entire faith"in the City and feels the City needs to help them out. The City kept telling them there would be "no cost to homeowners",but a$400 water bill is a cost that is extreme. Finance Director May wanted to know exactly what the Kurths and Kapps expected from the City. What kind of credit do they want? Alaina Kapp of 2201 Birch Street approached the podium with her bill. The Kapps don't have a sprinkler system, yet their bill was almost as high as the Kurths. Their whole backyard was torn up and they liked the berm,but went along with the changes. She had understood a water truck was going to be brought in to water the sod,but it never came. The Commission discussed the amount of sod that was laid for each property. Finance Director May suggested that a credit of 50% of the water and sewer usage be given as a one-time credit. Kurth's savings would be approximately$198.00 once figured. There total bill as it is was $440.81 and would be $243.58. MOTION by Berg to make a 50% adjustment to the water and sewer usage bill dated October 1, 2003 to the two parties on Birch Street. President Mulhern added to include in the Motion that this will be a one-time credit to these accounts and this was agreed upon by Berg. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Berg, Mulhern. Nays: None. S 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 13, 2003 Again the Commission reiterated to the audience that the second meter is an investment and improvement in their home. At this time President Mulhern asked the party sitting in the audience if he'd like to speak. Mr. Tom McDonald of 2168 128th Street West approached the podium to address the Commission on what he felt was unfinished business. He asked the Commission if the 128th Street Drainage project was completed. City Engineer Brotzler apprised the Commission that the project was complete and the final payment has been made. Mr. McDonald proceeded to inform the Commission that the project was indeed not complete and that Mr. Donnelly had misrepresented the City while the project was being worked upon. Mr. Donnelly had also made the comment to Mr. McDonald that the area in front of his home was "just a ditch" and Mr. McDonald took offense to that statement since this was his front yard. Mr. McDonald said he'd been fighting the drainage problem for four years and two years ago he dug it out by hand. When the contractor laid the sod, he informed Mr. McDonald that he doesn't do dirt,just sod, and laid the sod right over the weeds and everything. Mr. McDonald doesn't want to run his pump for the amount of water it would take to make the sod grow. Mr. McDonald spoke to Mr. Donnelly about doing the work himself and having the City pay him,but he never received any letter or compensation. City Engineer Brotzler explained that this project was done in the road right-of-way and the ditch needs to drain. The project was done in conformance with standard specifications; however since he wasn't aware of any problem he'd like an opportunity to confer with Water Resource Engineer Donnelly. The Commission tabled the item until City Engineer Brotzler can speak with Water Resource Engineer Donnelly. One final note Mr. McDonald added was that the sod never rooted at all and it's dying. President Mulhern recessed the meeting at 6:55 p.m. to reconvene at 7:10 p.m. in the large conference room. City Administrator Verbrugge had to leave to attend another meeting. 6b. PROPOSED 2004 UTILITY BUDGET Commission Member Berg questioned the years of payment on the Public Works Building, whether it is the fourth or fifth year of repayment. Finance Director May will update the report. The payment is for 20 years. 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 13, 2003 There has been $240,000 added for the SCADA system. It will be distributed in percentages out of the water, sewer and storm sewer accounts. The percentages are 40%, 30% and 30% respectively. A minor change was $20,000 to the meter change out program. Account Code#315 is for special programs. $11,500 has been added for the Wellhead Protection Plan. Under Storm Water Utility, accounting codes have been added for the following: 303 Administration of NPDES Phase II 315 Wetland Health and Evaluation 403 Ditching ($10,000 was added) this will help to take out the concrete flumes and replace with rip-rap. There is still $20,000 left in the Watershed account because the discussion with Dakota County on the Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization still hasn't been resolved. Commissioner Berg asked about funding for any sediment removal on ponds. Nothing has been allocated as of yet,but is still being looked into as part of the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. Finance Director May apprised the Commission that all three funds have shown a profitable balance for the past years; however next year will probably run at a loss because the City hasn't been showing depreciation Commissioner Berg wondered if any part of the 2004 Reconstruction project needs retrofit? At this time the project hasn't been inventoried so Staff doesn't know. Staff is working on documentation of the City infrastructure. The new tower will be bonded over the years. Nothing has been presented to the City on the Dome yet. Water Vulnerability Assessment education and training needs to be budgeted for, but the cost of that is unknown at this time. Now it would be covered under"Seminars & Conferences". The Utility Budget would have to be approved at the November 10th Utility meeting and then forwarded on to the City Council to go with the final levy and budget. The Commissioners tabled final approval until the full Commission is in attendance at the November 10th regular meeting. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Mulhern handed out some information he'd received on software training and a conference. He also handed out a form which he had gotten when out in New York. This form 410 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 13, 2003 has to be filled out by anyone going to a secured area(i.e. Wells, towers, etc.) Then a blue card is given to the representative and has to be returned before they are cleared to leave. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE On October 27, 2003 the first meeting regarding the Water Vulnerability Assessment will take place at City Hall with the City Administrator, Police Chief, Public Works Superintendent, City Engineer and Staff from WSB &Associates, Inc. The group will probably take a tour of the various sites and look at the type of security system needed at each site. On November 13, 2003 the same group will meet again to follow-up on what WSB &Associates put together as a cost estimate. At that time the City will need to determine a certain level of security it wants to maintain. It will be a matter of cost versus liability. City Engineer Brotzler invited the Commission and Mayor to attend the meeting if possible. They are also invited to attend the meeting on October 27, 2003 if they want to. Any new units (i.e. Wells, towers,buildings)would have fiberoptic connected to them. The system would be all tied together and function as one. Commissioner Berg wondered if the insurance companies will have a say as to how the City ties the system together. It will probably be federally regulated down the road. The Emergency Response Team would deal with any breach and deal with isolating the system. 128t" Street Drainage Project, City Project#356 From earlier discussion, the 128th Street Drainage project will be looked into further. It appears that it may not be complete. The Commission discussed problems with sod on boulevards. It was discussed that seeding may be a better way to go because the outcome in a 1-2 year period is better than sodding. The Commission unanimously decided to change the November meeting from November 10th to November 17th 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR NOVEMBER 17, 2003 1. Update on 128th Street Drainage Problem 2. Update on Appeal 3. 2004 Budget There was a brief discussion about purchasing a good digital camera for the Utility Department. IP 5 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 13, 2003 MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10p.m. Respectfully Submitted, attt-4-eatt----•i Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary 111 6 ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL ar 1 i 2875-145th Street West 40‘ Rosemount,MN k55068 4997 i + fis y Phone:651-423-4411 Hearing Impaired:651-423-6219 Fax:651-423-5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on November 17, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Mayor Droste, City Engineer Brotzler, Project Manager Erichson and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA A letter dated November 16, 2003 from Tom McDonald on 128th Street was distributed and placed on the agenda under OLD BUSINESS, Item 5b. AUDIENCE INPUT None. OLD BUSINESS 5a. PROPOSED 2004 UTILITY BUDGET The Commission went over the budget briefly and highlighted areas of concerns. It was questioned whether or not enough was set aside for the Water Vulnerability Study that is ongoing at this time. Also, questions about operating in the red as opposed to the previous years where the budget has always looked good. It was explained that the money for the SCADA design is costly. The Administrative Fees are being revised after a Fee Study was performed. It was determined that excessive fees were being related to the Utility Funds. What use to be a 20% split for each of the three funds is now 5% for each of the three funds. Staff is hopeful that Well#12 will be online by the end of 2004,with the tower being completed in 2005. Testing is already being considered for Well#14. The Council is attending Financial Funding Strategy sessions which will help them to decide how to prioritize the City needs. The future cost of a water treatment plant will be one item that needs to be looked into. Usually cities with 25,000—30,000 population feel aesthetically pleasing water is very important and most have water treatment plants. Note was made that the antenna lease revenue was up in 2002. An extra tower was added to the Chippendale Tower for extra revenue. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 2003 411 MOTION by Mulhern to recommend to the City Council approval of the 2004 Water, Sewer and Stormwater Utility budgets. Second by Heimkes. Ayes: Mulhern,Heimkes. Nays: None 5b. TOM McDONALD LETTER The Commission received a letter from Tom McDonald this evening expressing his frustration with the way the 128th Street Drainage Improvements were handled. City Engineer Brotzler introduced Mark Erichson, Project Manager from WSB &Associates, Inc.,whom handled the project. Typical practice was followed with this contract. Salvaging existing topsoil was done. This may or may not have been as good as quality which Mr. McDonald brought in, however it did meet the specifications of the contract. The project had been inspected by WSB Inspector Steve Crawford and Chad Donnelly and was found to meet all requirements of the specifications, even though it didn't meet Mr. McDonald's expectations. City Engineer Brotzler explained that Mr. McDonald's comments within his letter may not be accurate; however he knows that the Inspectors place a lot of care,quality and commitment into all projects. It is unfortunate that property owners don't always agree. President Mulhern felt that the City worked within its right-of-way, the Contractor's work was acceptable and he feels the Commission should place acceptance of the letter as part of the meeting minutes and move on. Commission Member Heimkes agreed. NEW BUSINESS None. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE • Chippendale/CSAH 42 is completed. • Connemara Trail was delayed because Xcel Energy failed to get the electricity to the railroad crossing arms. CP Rail should be able to get the arms up tomorrow and hopefully the road will open at the end of the week. The striping and signage is complete. • Eastside Watermain, Phase II is substantially complete. The vault is still being worked on. The pressure reducing valve wont' be ready until next year on the SCADA System. It will have to be manually operated until then. The watermain from Akron to the 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 2003 Bloomfield Addition has been installed and tested. The City had temporary permits to start the work and now is compensating property owners for crop loss. Staff is having some problems with one of the property owners and the City may have to go to condemnation. This has been a good year for completing projects. • Minea Property will be roughly 380—400 units. This was approved on the preliminary concept plan. Connemara Trail will be completed up to the railroad and the plat will take place over a three year period. • Design of the overpass on Connemara will take approximately 8-10 months between MnDOT and the railroad approvals. The Commission asked how the high water bills were received,but it appeared most people were resigned to the fact that the bills would be big because of the dry season. The odd/even mechanism in place seemed to work pretty well. Staff will be receiving quotes in December for a test well for Well #14. This Well will probably be able to be under construction the end of 2004. The City did keep up with the demand this year,but was still losing water in the towers from 4:00 p.m. — 10:00 p.m. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR DECEMBER 8, 2003 1. Test Well Quotes—Well#14 The City has been waiting for the County to take action on their Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. Since no action was taken, the Plan is going to the City Council on November 18th for approval. This Plan could be a benchmark for other communities. The Commission talked about possibly canceling the December meeting if there isn't any further business that needs to be acted upon. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:11 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 61444( 1911-A.'tecA. Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary 3 CITY OF ROSEMOU NT CITY HALL 2875-145th Street West w ��u Rosemount,MN 55068-4997 Phone:651-423-4411 Hearing Impaired:651-423.6219 Fax:651-423-5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on December 8, 2003 at 5:36 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Berg, Mayor Droste, City Administrator Verbrugge, City Engineer Brotzler, and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2003 regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Heimkes. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPUT None. OLD BUSINESS 5a. RECEIVE QUOTES—TEST WELL#14 City Engineer Brotzler summarized the quotes received by the two companies, stating that the low quote was received from the same contractor that drilled Well#12. Based on the City's past experience with this company, Staff is recommending that the Commission recommend Bergerson-Caswell, Inc. to the City Council. A contractor doing work in the area has been contracted to do the grading at the tower site. The site will be tiered for the tower, future treatment plant and future fire station. Commissioner Berg asked if there was any thought to having two wells at this site. If it would happen it would probably have to be within the park area because of the spacing requirements between wells MOTION by Berg to recommend that the City Council receive quotes and award a contract to Bergerson-Caswell, Inc. to drill Test Well #14. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. NEW BUSINESS None. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 2003 • PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE • North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Update—Staff has been working to update the 1997 Study that was done. This Study consists of area served and estimated costs. Some of the scope of the update will be public involvement, updating cost, funding strategies, and phasing schedule. Three major points are: 1) Public Input; 2)Need; 3) Demand for development. Keep in mind this is a Study only, not a project. Tomorrow night there is going to be an open house from 6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. for 350 property owners. Some of these properties are undeveloped. The draft study should be complete sometime in April, 2004,with the final ready for presentation in May/June of 2004. Different questions that will have to be answered are: 1)How to assess? 2)Deferring assessments; 3) Dates owners would have to hook-up?? Can't anticipate how State laws will change over the years and the PCA doesn't necessarily retroactively comply. Each area will have to be looked at from an • environmental and health standpoint. The Commission talked briefly about failed systems and the benefits of pumping a tank, but if it has an inadequate drain field the saturation level could be bad. • Well #12—The City received the DNR permit. The plans will be going out for bid in January. The well will be done first and then, if everything goes alright the wellhouse will be designed. A brief discussion was held on the enclosure of the chemical room within the well houses. Fire separation and separate outside door has to be in place. • Council adopted the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan and approved the Utility operating budget for 2004. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR JANUARY 12, 2004 MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:09 p.m. Respectfully bmitted, thAttAl , Cindy Do Iden Recording Secretary 2