HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Resilient Communities Project Presentation on Climate Resiliency & Water Reuse EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Meeting: May 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Resilient Communities Project Presentation on Climate Resiliency & Water Reuse AGENDA SECTION: Presentations PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, AICP Planner AGENDA NO. 3.a. ATTACHMENTS: Student presentation slides APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: None SUMMARY Attached please find the presentation slides on Climate Resiliency and Water Reuse in Rosemount. This presentation will be conducted by students from the University of Minnesota Law School as part of the Resilient Communities Project. After the presentation, the City Council will have the opportunity to discuss this topic and ask questions of the presenters. Climate Resiliency & Water Reuse in Rosemount, MN Tim Culver, Justin Hauschild, Brittany Johnson Introductions: Resilient Communities Project (RCP) Connects selected communities with relevant courses at the University of Minnesota Environmental Sustainability: Land, Water and Energy Clinic Team Members: Justin Hauschild Tim Culver Brittany Johnson Project Tasks 1.Identify local climate change risks and impacts and provide methodology for future climate assessment 2.Identify climate change Best Management Practices 3.Assess the City’s existing policy documents in relation to climate adaptability 4.Recommend a planning process for the City to address climate adaptation that includes specific strategies Recommendation: Conduct a Climate Assessment Study large scale climate patterns (Chicago, IL) Create local models (Chicago, IL; Keene, NH) Consult with local climate experts (Grand Rapids, MI; Dane County, WI) Take advantage of local resources (Dane County, WI) Consult stakeholders (Minneapolis, MN) Create: Climate Adaptation Plan Introduction Risks Solutions Transportation Infrastructure Natural Resources Water Quantity Agriculture and Food Resources Public Health Community Relations Conclusion Introduction What Is Climate Change? Why Have a Climate Adaption Plan? Membership in STAR Communities and GreenStep City Program Risks Warmer Temperatures Extreme Weather Events Risks: Warmer Temperatures Heat Islands Drought Food Spoilage Stress on Water Resources Heat Related Health Issues Higher Energy Demand Habitat Effects Risks: Extreme Weather Events Flooding Erosion Water Quality Agriculture Transportation Wastewater Infrastructure Solutions Transportation Infrastructure Natural Resources Water Quantity Agriculture and Food Resources Public Health Community Relations Solutions: Transportation Alternative transportation for vulnerable populations (Dane County, WI; Grand Rapids, MI) Plan for and construct alternate routes for transport of commercial goods (Keene, NH) Roads/Railroads Extreme Weather (Flooding) Solutions: Infrastructure Urban canopies and permeable pavement (Cleveland, OH; Grand Rapids, MI) Replace culverts (Dane County, WI) Prevent damage to city structures (Keene, NH) Energy efficiency (Cleveland, OH; Dane County, WI) Renewable energy (Cleveland, OH; Dane County, WI) Extreme Weather/Warmer Temperatures Solutions: Natural Resources Wetland restoration and protection (Dane County, WI ; Keene, NH) Prevent runoff (Dane County, WI) Habitat protection (Dane County, WI; Keene, NH) Monitor and plan for changes in water quality (Dane County, WI; Grand Rapids, MI) Extreme Weather/Warmer Temperatures Solutions: Water Quantity Water conservation (Evanston, IL; Grand Rapids, MI) Water reuse Adapt storm water plans and infrastructure to climate change (Keene, NH) Develop infrastructure for water diversion and holding (Keene, NH) Encourage intra-watershed collaboration between various water authorities (Dane County, WI; Grand Rapids, MI) Extreme Weather Solutions: Agriculture and Food Water conservation Prevent runoff (manure; pesticides) (Dane County, WI) Promote development of local food system adapted to climate change (Dane County, WI; Grand Rapids, MI) Extreme Weather/Warmer Temperatures Solutions: Public Health Protect drinking water (Dane County, WI) Emergency community cooling systems plan (Dane County, WI) Plan for increased climate related illnesses (Dane County, WI; Cleveland, OH; Keene, NH) Extreme Weather/Warmer Temperatures Solutions: Community Relations Hire a sustainability coordinator (Keene, NH) Collaborate with and Educate community stakeholders (Grand Rapids, MI; Keene, NH) Extreme Weather/Warmer Temperatures Planning Process 1.Commission a Climate Assessment 1.Collaborate 2.Data collection 3.Climate model scaling and analysis 2.Draft and adopt Rosemount Climate Action Plan Planning Process cont. 1.Implement Climate Action Plan 1.Community Partnerships and Education 2.Updating City Plans and Code Land Use, Storm Water, and Transportation Plans City Zoning Code provisions Questions? Introduction What Is Water Reclamation? Why Rosemount? Obstacles to Water Reclamation Not Permitted Under State Plumbing Code (MPC) Updating the MPC Current Plumbing Board Rulemaking Overlapping Oversight/Jurisdiction Predictions Recommendations Water Reclamation Water Reclamation & Reuse Process of treating greywater or blackwater for industrial or residential reuse. Mankato uses treated wastewater for irrigation and industrial purposes but not residential. (City of Mankato, 2015) Water Reclamation http://www.colliergov.net/index.aspx?page=608 Why Water Reclamation? Water Reclamation Source: StarTribune, February 23, 2013 Water Usage Average citizen in Minneapolis uses 60-70 gallons per day. (City of Minneapolis, 2015) Average usage in Rosemount exceeds Minneapolis’ average. (City of Rosemount, 2015) Water Reclamation http://ci.rosemount.mn.us/index.aspx?NID=579 Rosemount’s Residential Water Usage Why Rosemount? “The challenge is, the [users] would have to be next door or there would have to be a distribution system…” - Mike Mereness (MCES Assistant Gen. Man. of Ops.) (MPR News, 2014) Water Reclamation Map of Umore Park with MCES Treated Effluent Line (Green) Water Reclamation Issues Joint Power Agreement between Rosemount and Metropolitan Council. How to establish a 4th Utility District for Re-use. Draft development agreement/covenant for future UMore Park development. Modifications to Rosemount’s storm water management plan. Effect on MCES discharge rates and treatment permit. Water Reclamation Potential alterations to the plumbing code to allow for residential use of reclaimed wastewater. Minnesota Plumbing Code Under the regulatory/rulemakin g authority of Minn. Plumbing Board (MPB), a division of the Dept. of Labor and Industry. (Minn. Stat. 326B.435) Water Reclamation MPC does not anticipate or permit wastewater reclamation. (Minn. Ad. Rule, 4715.0100 et seq.) Regulates other non- potable water usage. (Minn. Ad. Rule, 4715.1910) Model Plumbing Codes - IPC International Plumbing Code Published by the International Code Council (D.C.). Currently adopted in 35 states. Allows wastewater and greywater reclamation and reuse. Areas in Texas (an IPC state) treat wastewater to potable standards. Water Reclamation (International Code Council, 2015) Model Plumbing Codes - UPC Uniform Plumbing Code Published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (Ca.). Adopted in South Dakota (SD Codified Law §36-25-15), North Dakota (ND 2009 UPC), and Iowa (IA Admin. Code 641-Ch. 25). Allows wastewater and greywater reclamation and reuse (UPC - Ch. 16, 2009, 2012, & 2015). Water Reclamation MPB Adoption of UPC Pending MPB rule adopts amended portions of the UPC. (MPB, 2014) MPB discussed inclusion of Ch.16, but dropped at suggestion of Water Reuse Interagency Work Group (WRIW). (Id.) Administrative legal hearing on proposed rules April 30, 2015 (decision pending). (Id.) MPB Chair Parizek specifically intends adoption of Ch. 16 in the future. (Id.) Water Reclamation Predictions Proposed rulemaking is likely to succeed, partially incorporating the UPC. WRIW will discuss and address overlap issues and support amended adoption of Ch.16. Following passage, MPC will consider 2018 modifications, including Ch. 16. Water Reclamation Recommendations Track the administrative ruling on MPB’s adoption of UPC. Following passage, contact MPB, Chair Parizek, and WRIW to share potential wastewater reuse project in Rosemount and support Ch. 16. If UPC is not adopted at this time, contact MPC, Chair Parizek, and WRIW to support the inclusion of wastewater re-use in subsequent revisions. Water Reclamation Questions? Water Reclamation Climate Adaptation Sources CITY OF CHICAGO, CLIMATE CHANGE AND CHICAGO PROJECTIONS AND POTENTIAL IMPACTS (2008), available at http://www.chicagoclimateaction.org/filebin/pdf/report/Chicago_climate_impacts_report_Executive_Summary.pdf. CITY OF CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND CLIMATE ACTION PLAN: BUILDING THRIVING AND HEALTHY NEIGHBORHOODS (2013) , available at http://www.sustainablecleveland.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Cleveland-Climate-Action-Plan-Final2013-web.pdf. CITY OF EVANSTON, EVANSTON CLIMATE ACTION PLAN (2008) available at http://www.cityofevanston.org/pdf/ECAP.pdf. CITY OF KEENE, ADAPTING TO CLIMATE CHANGE: PLANNING A CLIMATE RESILIENT COMMUNITY (2007), available at http://www.ci.keene.nh.us/sites/default/files/Keene%20Report_ICLEI_FINAL_v2_0.pdf. CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS, CLIMATE ACTION PLAN (2013), available at http://www.minneapolismn.gov/www/groups/public/@citycoordinator/documents/webcontent/wcms1p-113598.pdf. DANE CNTY. CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION COUNCIL, DANE COUNTY CLIMATE CHANGE AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS (2013), available at http://fyi.uwex.edu/climate/files/2012/06/Dane-County-final-reportMM10-3-13.pdf. INTERAGENCY CLIMATE ADAPTATION TEAM, ADAPTING TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN MINNESOTA (2013), available at http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document.html?gid=15414. Is Global Warming Linked to Severe Weather, UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS, (last revised June 17, 2011), http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/science_and_impacts/impacts/global-warming-rain-snow-tornadoes.html#.VUTUg864nVo. MICHAEL A. ROSSETTI, JOHN A. VOLPE NAT’L TRANSP. SYS. CTR., ANALYSIS OF WEATHER EVENTS ON U.S. RAILROADS (2007), available at http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/47000/47000/47093/118791.pdf. MINN. POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY, CLIMATE CHANGE IN MINNESOTA, available at http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view- document.html?gid=11394. Peter Miller, What’s Causing Extreme Weather?, NAT’L GEOGRAPHIC (Aug. 21, 2012), http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2012/08/120820-extreme-weather-heat-waves-science-environment-global-warming/. WEST MICH. ENVTL. ACTION COUNCIL, GRAND RAPIDS CLIMATE RESILIENCY REPORT (2013), available at http://grcity.us/enterprise- services/officeofenergyandsustainability/Documents/NEW%20OES%20Document%20Updates/Climate%20Resliency%20Report.pdf. Water Re-use Sources CITY OF MANKATO, WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT (2015), available at http://www.mankato-mn.gov/Util/ServiceArea.aspx. CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS, MINNEAPOLIS WATER FACTS (2015), available at http://www.minneapolismn.gov/publicworks/water/water_waterfacts. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, RESIDENTIAL WATER USAGE (2015), available at http://ci.rosemount.mn.us/index.aspx?NID=579. ELIZABETH DUNBAR, MINNESOTA STARTS TO THINK ABOUT RE-USING WASTEWATER, MINNESOTA PUBLIC RADIO NEWS (AUG. 4, 2014), available at http://www.mprnews.org/story/2014/08/04/ground-level-beneath-the-surface-reuse. INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, INTERNATIONAL CODE ADOPTIONS, available at http://www.iccsafe.org/about-icc/overview/international- code-adoptions/. IOWA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 641 – CHAPTER 25, available at https://www.legis.iowa.gov/law/administrativeRules/chapters?agency=641&pubDate=04-29-2015. MINNESOTA PLUMBING BOARD, MEETING MINUTES (VARIOUS QUARTERLY MEETINGS - 2011-PRESENT), available at http://www.dli.mn.gov/pb.asp. MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATIVE RULES – CHAPTER 4715, available at https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/?agency=222. (pdf of Minn. Plumbing Code at https://www.dli.mn.gov/ccld/PDF/pe_code.pdf) MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY - CLEAN WATER COUNCIL, MEETING AGENDA AND MINUTES (2014), available at http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document.html?gid=22517. MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY, MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER REUSE (2015), available at http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view- document.html?gid=13496. MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY, WATER GOVERNANCE EVALUATION: UPDATE 2014, available at http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document.html?gid=20951. NORTH DAKOTA STATE PLUMBING BOARD, LAWS, RULES, AND PLUMBING INSTALLATION STANDARDS OF NORTH DAKOTA – 2009 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, available at http://www.ndplumbingboard.com/about-us/laws-rules. SOUTH DAKOTA CODIFIED LAW § 36-25-15 – CONFORMITY TO UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, available at http://legis.sd.gov/Statutes/Codified_Laws/DisplayStatute.aspx?Type=Statute&Statute=36-25-15.