HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Request by Marcus Theatres for a Planned Unit Development to Allow for the Expansion of the Existing Theater to Construct Two Additional Auditoriums EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Meeting Date: May 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Case 15-12-PUD; Request by Marcus Theatres for a Planned Unit Development to Allow for the Expansion of the Existing Theater to Construct Two Additional Auditoriums. AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 9.a. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance; Resolution; Planned Unit Development Agreement; Location Map; Site, Demolition and Grading Plan; Color Exterior Elevations; Code Information; First Floor Plan; Mezzanine Plan; Exterior Elevations; Auditorium Plan; Landscape Plan; Chad Philhour Email dated April 9; Edith Blue Comment Letter; GTI Preliminary Plat Report November 9, 1993; Excerpt from the April 28 Planning Commission Minutes. APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt an Ordinance amending Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance for Marcus Theatres. -and- Motion to adopt a Resolution approving the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site and Building Plan for Marcus Theatres to Construct Two Additional Auditoriums. -and- Motion to approve the Planned Unit Development Agreement for Marcus Theatres. ISSUE Marcus Theatres is proposing to add two additional movie auditoriums to their existing building. The screens (38 tall feet by 62 feet wide) in these auditoriums will be larger than the existing screens. To accommodate these screens, Marcus Theatres is requesting a Planned Unit Development to construct a 49 foot tall addition. The maximum principal structure height in the C-4 District is 35’. APRIL 28 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Planning Commission reviewed the Marcus Theatres request for two additional auditoriums and conducted a Public Hearing on April 28. One resident spoke during the Public Hearing. Charles Thompson, 15312 Chili Ct, spoke in favor of the project and stated that many of his neighbors felt the same. 2 Chair Miller, Vice-chair Kenninger and Commissioner VanderWiel all shared staff’s concerns that the mono-tone textured concrete panels were not compatible with the City’s standards. Patrick Carpenter, an architect for Marcus Theatres, stated that the two (2) new auditoriums have a different projection system than the eight (8) existing theatres and therefore Marcus wants the exterior to appear differently as well. To address the design concerns, Mr. Carpenter showed a different design at the meeting than what was in the packet. The design was complementary, but different, than the current design of the theatre. The new design has vertical bands resembling columns, a dark base and two thin horizontal bands near the top of the wall. The Planning Commission stated that they are supportive of the new design. Staff stated that they are supportive of the colors on the new design, but that the approval should include some variation in thickness of the panels to add dimension and shadow lines to the new exterior. Chair Miller stated that the foundation plantings would not provide much value due to the height of the addition and the distance from South Robert Trail. He supported requiring seven trees being installed along the South Robert Trail boundary. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Marcus Theatres expansion with two changes to the staff recommendation. First, they modified the exterior materials condition to allow the color and patterns as shown by Patrick Carpenter while requiring some physical depth to the panel to add dimension. Second, they removed the option of foundation plantings due to the scale of the auditoriums and required that seven (7) trees be planted along South Robert Trail instead. The motion passed unanimously. SUMMARY In 1993, the City approved a 1,413 seat movie theater for Guetschoff Theaters, Inc. (GTI) at 15280 Carrousel Way. The original approval included a grass area to the east of the theater that was planned for future expansion. In 1998, Marcus Theatres purchased the movie theater and in 2013, Marcus remodeled the interior to install 650 DreamLounger seats. Currently, Marcus is proposing to construct two new auditoriums with 221 DreamLoungers each, raising the total screens to 10 and the total seats to 1,092 DreamLounger seats. To create the two auditoriums with 38 foot by 62 foot screens, Marcus is proposing a 128 foot long by 98 foot wide by 49 foot tall addition. The existing theater is constructed of concrete block with different colors at the base and the capital of the walls. Marcus is proposing the addition to be constructed with textured concrete pre-cast panels painted beige. Surrounding Land Uses: North and East: Commercial South: Multiple Family Townhomes West: Business Park Existing Zoning District: C-4: General Commercial Proposed Zoning District: C-4 PUD: General Commercial Planned Unit Development Required Standards: Building Height 35 feet Parking Stalls 273 Stalls Proposed Measurements: Building Height 50 feet Parking Stalls 582 Stalls 3 Legal Authority The Planned Unit Development Site and Building Plan is a legislative decision because of the Code deviations being requested. Legislative decisions give the City more latitude, but consideration should be given to the existing building design, the visibility from the adjacent rights-of-way, the current expectations of movie theater visitors and the surrounding uses. The recommended PUD conditions allow for an addition up to 50 feet in height to accommodate the large screens while requiring that the exterior of the pre-cast panels be molded and colored to match the existing block building. Site Layout The proposed addition will be constructed on the east side of the existing theater. The area for an addition was planned with the original approval in 1993 and the stormwater infrastructure and parking lot were designed to accommodate the addition. The new addition will face South Robert Trail (MN Highway 3) and will become the new face of the movie theater to most residents. Building Design and M aterials Marcus is proposing to construct the addition of pre-cast concrete panels about 49 feet tall. The auditorium height will be 44 feet tall, but the floor of the auditorium is almost 5 feet higher than the existing grass area. To allow safe egress, Marcus is proposing two ramps (one for each auditorium) to be constructed on the north and south side of the addition. To accommodate this request, two deviations from the City Code must be approved in the Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval. First, the City Code limits the height of buildings in the C-4: General Commercial zoning district to 35 feet. Staff understands that the large screens in each auditorium cannot be installed within a 35 foot tall building and therefore recommends approval of a maximum height requirement of 50 feet. Second, City Code requires new buildings and additions in the C-4 zoning district be constructed of at least 50% brick and 40% textured concrete block. The existing building is nearly 100% concrete block painted three colors: brown at the base, beige in the middle and a tan at the top. Marcus proposed to construct the addition entirely of textured pre-cast concrete panels. To support the use of the pre-cast panels, Marcus’ architect (Chad Philhour) has provided an email listing the advantages of pre-cast panels, including a quicker construction time. Staff can support the pre-cast panels due to the excessive height of the building and the decreased construction time, but staff is concerned that the panels be designed to have at least as much architectural interest as the existing theatres. Marcus states that the two (2) new auditoriums have a different projection system than the eight (8) existing theatres and therefore Marcus wants the exterior to appear differently as well. To address the design concerns, Marcus has provided a design that is complementary, but different, design than the existing theatre. The new design has vertical bands resembling columns, a dark base and two thin horizontal bands near the top of the wall. The Planning Commission stated that they are supportive of the new design. Staff believes that the concrete panels should include some variation in thickness of the panels to add dimension and shadow lines to the new exterior. Staff finds that the exterior elevations and concrete panels shown in the attachments to this memorandum meet these standards and recommends approval of the PUD agreement with this design. Access and Parking Marcus is proposing no changes to the access or parking for the theater. The theater currently provides 582 parking stalls. The City Code requires one (1) stall per four (4) seats, creating a requirement of 273 stalls (1,092 seats/4). 4 Landscaping The proposed addition will create 196 feet of additional building foundation to the site. The City Code requires one (1) foundation planting per ten (10) feet of foundation. For large sites, the City has allowed applicants to replace three (3) foundation plantings with one (1) tree. The addition would require twenty (20) foundation planting or seven (7) trees. The condition within the resolution is to require seven (7) trees to be planted along the South Robert Trail frontage. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan Agreement to allow the construction of two new auditoriums with a maximum building height of 50 feet and decorative concrete panels as the exterior material. This recommendation is based on the information submitted by the applicant, findings made in this report and the conditions detailed in the attached memorandums. City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- 244 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Marcus Theatres THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled “City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance,” is hereby amended to rezone property from C-4 – General Commercial to C-4 PUD – General Commercial Planned Unit Development that is located at 15280 Carrousel Way within the City of Rosemount legally described as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, Carrousel Plaza South, Dakota County, Minnesota. Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled “Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount,” shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk’s office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 20th day of March, 2015. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this ______ day of _______________ , 2015. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2015 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) FINAL SITE AND BUILDING PLAN FOR MARCUS THEATRES TO CONSTRUCT TWO ADDITIONAL AUDITORIUMS WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from the Marcus Theatres Agency requesting a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site and Building Plan concerning property legally described as: Lot 1, Block 1, Carrousel Plaza South, Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, on April 28, 2015, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the PUD Final Site and Building Plan; and WHEREAS, on April 28, 2015, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the PUD Final Site and Building Plan, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on May 20, 2015, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission’s recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site and Building Plan of Marcus Theatres, subject to: 1. Issuance of a Building Permit. 2. Allow the two new auditoriums to be constructed to a maximum height of 50 feet. 3. Allow the use of pre-cast concrete panels for the two auditorium additions. 4. The exterior of the pre-cast concrete panels on all three facades shall be constructed with dimension and depth to break up continuous facade and colored and designed complementary to the existing Marcus Theater. 5. Installation of 7 trees along the MN Hwy 3 frontage per the Landscaping Code. 6. Provision of a Landscape Escrow in the amount of $1,925. ADOPTED this 20th day of May, 2015, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk 1 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS MARCUS THEATRES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION made this ______ day of _________________, 2015, by the Marcus Theatres and B & G Realty, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Declarants”); WHEREAS, Declarants is the owner of the real property as described on Attachment One, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Subject Property”); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to certain zoning and land use restrictions imposed by the City of Rosemount (hereinafter referred to as the “City”) in connection with the approval of an application for a master development plan planned unit development for a residential development on the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the City has approved such development on the basis of the determination by the City Council of the City that such development is acceptable only by reason of the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of the proposed use of the Subject Property; and that but for the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of such proposed use, the planned unit development would not have been approved; and 2 WHEREAS, as a condition of approval of the planned unit development, the City has required the execution and filing of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (hereinafter the “Declaration”); and WHEREAS, to secure the benefits and advantages of approval of such planned unit development, Declarants desires to subject the Subject Property to the terms hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarants declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the following documents, plans and drawings: a. City Resolution No. 2014-xx, Attachment Two b. Site, Demolition and Grading Plan, Attachment Three c. Color Exterior Elevations, Attachment Four d. First Floor Plan, Attachment Five e. Mezzanine Plan, Attachment Six f. Exterior Elevations, Attachment Seven g. Auditorium Plan, Attachment Eight h. Landscape Plan, Attachment Nine all of which attachments are copies of original documents on file with the City and are made a part hereof. 2. The Subject Property may only be developed and used in accordance with Paragraph 1 of this Declaration unless the owner first secures approval by the City Council of an amendment 3 to the planned unit development plan or a rezoning to a zoning classification that permits such other development and use. 3. In connection with the approval of development of the Subject Property, the following deviations from City Zoning or Subdivision Code provisions were approved: a. Section 11-4-14 F. 10. A. C-4 Maximum Principal Building Height: The two additional auditoriums shall have a maximum building height of fifty (50) feet. b. Section 11-4-14 G. 3. C-4 Site and Buildings Standards; Permitted Materials: The two additional auditoriums may be constructed of pre-cast concrete panels in compliance of the exterior elevations shown in Attachments Four and Seven. In all other respects the use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the requirements of the Paragraph 1 of this Declaration and the City Code of Ordinances. 4. The obligations and restrictions of this Declaration run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarants, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Declaration may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot to be affected by said amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarants have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. 4 DECLARANT MARCUS THEATRES By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF __________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of _________, 2015, by _____________________, the _________________, for and on behalf of _________________________, a ____________________, by and on behalf of said _______________________. _______________________________ Notary Public DECLARANT B & G REALTY, INC. By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF __________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of _________, 2015, by _____________________, the _________________, for and on behalf of _________________________, a ____________________, by and on behalf of said _______________________. _______________________________ Notary Public 5 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 651-423-4411 © TK ARCHITECTS INTERNATIONAL INC. 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ULTRA SCREEN ADDITION - EXTERIOR . MARCUS ROSEMOUNT 2015.03.10 TKA-13091 Page 1 ULTRASCREEN ADDITION FRONT SIDE 7"34 34 " 7"34 34 " 9"45 34 " 1"4 34 " 0"1 34 " 13 "63 34 " 6"31 68 " 9"45 34 "7"34 34 " 6"32 68 " 7"34 68 " 54 " 27 2 68 " 7"34 34 " 7"37 34 " 9"44 34 " 45 " 22 8 10 2 " 7"34 34 "7"37 34 " 7"34 34 "9"44 34 " 7"34 34 " 54 " 27 3 10 2 " 22 " 11 1 34 " 20 " 10 0 72 " 46 " 23 0 46 " 22 " 11 0 68 " 22 " 11 0 68 " CO N C E S S I O N S T A C K 10 6 48 TIC K E T I N G S T A C K 10 2 16 ZA F F I R O ' S E X P R E S S ST A C K 10 9 8 ZA F F I R O ' S E X P R E S S 11 0 1 CO N C E S S I O N 10 7 6 TIC K E T I N G 10 3 2 ZA F F I R O ' S E X P R E S S SU P P O R T 11 1 1 SE L F T I C K E T I N G 10 1 9 SE A T I N G 10 4 28 LO B B Y 10 5 20 0 AU D I T O R I U M 3 03 88 S E A T S (IN C L . 4 W H C ) AU D I T O R I U M 2 02 74 S E A T S (IN C L . 4 W H C ) AU D I T O R I U M 1 01 68 S E A T S (I N C L . 4 W H C ) AU D I T O R I U M 4 04 68 S E A T S (I N C L . 4 W H C ) AU D I T O R I U M 5 05 68 S E A T S (I N C L . 4 W H C ) AU D I T O R I U M 6 06 90 S E A T S (IN C L . 5 W H C ) AU D I T O R I U M 7 07 12 6 S E A T S (IN C L . 5 W H C ) AU D I T O R I U M 8 08 68 S E A T S (IN C L . 4 W H C ) OFF I C E 11 5 3 OF F I C E 11 4 2 ST O R A G E 30 4 CO N C E S S I O N S U P P O R T 10 8 1 JA N I T O R 11 8 1 54 " 27 2 68 " 0"2 34 "1"3 34 " 0"1 34 " 0"1 34 " 1"6 34 " 1"6 34 " 0"1 34 " 16 3 " 81 7 17 0 " S1 S2 S3 S3 S4 S5 S6 S6 F.E . 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ALL F I R E E X T I N G U I S H E R S T O B E I N S T A L L E D I N C O M P L I A N C E W I T H NF P A 1 0 C U R R E N T E D I T I O N . HATCH COLOR LEGEND AREA UNAFFECTED BY NEW WORK 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 E D C B A SHEET NUMBERPROJECT #106West11thStreetSuite1900 KansasCity,Missouri64105 Phone:816-842-7552Fax:816-842-1302 DRAWINGS&SPECIFICATIONSREMAINTHE PROPERTYOFTHEDESIGNPROFESSIONAL.COPIESOFTHEDRAWINGS&SPECIFICATIONS RETAINEDBYTHECLIENTMAYBEUTILIZEDONLY FORTHEIRUSE&FOROCCUPYINGTHEPROJECT FORWHICHTHEYWEREPREPARED&NOTFOR CONSTRUCTIONOFANYOTHERPROJECTIan Gary Wilson A0.10CODEINFORMATION13091.04BID & PERMIT SETMARCUS THEATRES ROSEMOUNT ADDITION AND REMODEL 2015.03.2715280 CARROUSEL WAY ROSEMOUNT, MN. 1 / 1 6 " = 1 ' - 0 " 1 CO D E P L A N - F I R S T F L O O R 1 / 1 6 " = 1 ' - 0 " 4 CO D E P L A N - M E Z Z A N I N E CODE 3. BUILDING SF:EXISTING CODES:(BUILDING) 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 1998 MINNESOTA STATE CODE WITH SUPPLEMENTS (ACCESSIBILITY) 1990 ADA (AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT)1998 MINNESOTA STATE CODE: MINNESOTA ACCESSIBILITY CODE-CHAPTER 1341 (ELECTRIC) NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (PLUMBING) S T A T E P L U M B I N G C O D E (ENERGY) 1998 MINNESOTA STATE CODE MINNESOTA ENERGY CODE-CHAPTER 7670 (FIRE) 1997 UNIFORM FIRE CODE (MECHANICAL) UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE CURRENT CODES:(BUILDING) 2015 MINNESOTA BUILDING CODE ADOPTS BY REFERENCE THE 2012 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (ACCESSIBILITY) 2015 MINNESOTA ACCESSIBILITY CODE (ELECTRIC) 2014 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (PLUMBING) 2 0 1 2 M I N N E S O T A P L U M B I N G C O D E (ENERGY) 2015 MINNESOTA ENERGY CODE (FIRE) 2007 MINNESOTA STATE FIRE CODE (MECHANICAL) 2015 MINNESOTA MECHANICAL & FUEL GAS CODES EXISTING (UNIFORM BUILDING CODE):OCCUPANCY TYPE: A1 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: IIN CURRENT (2012 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE):OCCUPANCY TYPE: A1 PAGE 41, SECTION 303.2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: IIB PAGE 107, TABLE 601 EXISTING AREA FIRST FLOOR AREA (AREA OF DEMOLITION AND REMODEL)MEZZANINE FLOOR AREA PROPOSED AREA AREA OF NEW ADDITION TOTAL CINEMA FLOOR AREA45,270 SF (4,330) SF 5,754 SF 12,886 SF 58,156 SF 4. ALLOWABLE AREAS:2. OCCUPANCY GROUP:1. APPLICABLE CODES:UNLIMITED ALLOWABLE AREA PAGE 101, SECTION 507.11 5. ALLOWABLE HEIGHTS:6. FINISHES:7. EGRESS:8. FIRE PROTECTION:BASED OF THE 2012 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE STAIRS PER OCCUPANT = 0.3 INCHES PAGE 242, SECTION 1005.3.1 OTHER EGRESS COMPONENTS = 0.2 INCHES P A G E 2 4 2 , S E C T I O N 1 0 0 5 . 3 . 1 MINIMUM CLEAR DOOR WIDTH @ EXIT = 32" (WHEN OPEN 90 DEG.) PAGE 246, SECTION 1008.1.1 MIN. HEIGHT: STAIR WAY MIN 80" HEAD CLEARANCE (6'-8") PAGE 253, SECTION 1009.5 STAIRWAY TO HAVE NO VERTICAL RISE > 12' WITHOUT LANDING. P A G E 2 5 5 , S E C T I O N 1 0 0 9 . 1 0 MAX. RAMP SLOPE WHEEL ACCESSIBLE - 1:12 MAX PAGE 256, SECTION 1010.3 MIN. RAMP WIDTH 3'-0", BUT NOT LESS THAN REQ'D CORRIDOR WIDTH PAGE 257, SECTION 1010.6.1 EXIT TRAVEL DISTANCE: MAXIMUM 250' WITH SPRINKLER SYSTEM P A G E 2 6 3 , T A B L E 1 0 1 6 . 2 DEAD ENDS WHERE MORE THAN 1 EXIT IS REQUIRED EXIT ACCESS SHALL BE ARRANGED SO THERE ARE NO DEAD ENDS MORE THAN 20 FEET IN LENGTH. P A G E 2 6 5 , S E C T I O N 1 0 1 8 . 4 MIN. CORRIDOR WIDTH (< 50 PEOPLE) 3'-0" (> 50 PEOPLE) 3'-8" PAGE 265, TABLE 1018.2 MIN. EXIT PASSAGEWAY (< 50 PEOPLE) 3'-0" (> 50 PEOPLE) 3'-8" PAGE 269, SECTION 1023.2 MAIN EXIT REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE 50% OF TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD PAGE 274, SECTION 1028.2 MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA ALLOWANCES PER OCCUPANT P A G E 2 1 8 , T A B L E 1 0 0 4 . 1 . 1 OCCUPANT LOAD - FIRST FLOOR LOBBY 2 0 0 5 S F P E R O C C U P A N T TICKETING 2 F I X E D # O F E M P L O Y E E S TICKETING STACK 1 6 5 S F P E R O C C U P A N T SELF-TICKETING 9 5 S F P E R O C C U P A N T CONCESSION 6 F I X E D # O F E M P L O Y E E S CONCESSION STACK 4 8 5 S F P E R O C C U P A N T CONCESSION SUPPORT 1 2 0 0 S F P E R O C C U P A N T ZAFFIRO'S EXPRESS 1 F I X E D # O F E M P L O Y E E S ZAFFIRO'S EXPRESS STACK 8 5 S F P E R O C C U P A N T ZAFFIRO'S EXPRESS SUPPORT 1 2 0 0 S F P E R O C C U P A N T SEATING 2 8 F I X E D # O F S E A T S AUDITORIUMS 1 0 9 2 F I X E D # O F S E A T S JANITOR ROOMS 1 3 0 0 S F P E R O C C U P A N T OFFICE 9 100 SF PER OCCUPANT TOTAL FIRST FLOOR LOAD 1 4 2 2 OCCUPANT LOAD - MEZZANINE PROJECTION 2 FIXED # OF EMPLOYEES TOTAL MEZZANINE LOAD 2 TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD 1424 TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD / 2 = 712 MAIN EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED = 712 X .2 = 142.4"EXIT DOORS PROVIDED = 19' - 10" = 238", THEREFOR E COMPLIES WITH CODE PAGE 273, SECTION 1027.1 MINIMUM NUMBER OF REQUIRED PLUMBING FIXTURES OCCUPANCY LOAD 1,424 / 2 = 712 MEN AND 712 WOMEN MEN - PUBLIC REQ'D PROVIDED WATER CLOSETS (1 / 125) 6 5 URINALS 0 3 LAVATORIES (1 / 200) 4 8 WOMEN - PUBLIC R E Q ' D P R O V I D E D WATER CLOSETS (1 / 65) 1 1 1 0 LAVATORIES (1 / 200) 4 9 OTHERS UNISEX/ADA RESTROOM 1 1 MOP SINK 1 1 DRINKING FOUNTAINS (1 / 500) 3 2 , C O M P L I M E N T A R Y W A T E R P R O V I D E D AT THE CONCESSION9. PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS:NEW WORK IS 1 STORY WITH MEZZANINE.EXISTING BUILDING HEIGHT TO REMAIN UNCHANGED.BASED OF THE 2012 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE, TABLE 803.9 EXIT ENCLOSURES AND EXIT PASSAGEWAYS B ( F L A M E S P R E A D 2 6 - 7 5 ) CORRIDORS B(FLAME SPREAD 26-75)ROOMS AND ENCLOSED SPACES C(FLAME SPREAD 76-200)FIRE-RESISTANCE RATING FOR EXTERIOR WALLS BASED ON FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE INTERIOR BEARING WALLS 0 H R P A G E 8 7 , T A B L E 6 0 1 STRUCTURAL FRAME 0 H R P A G E 8 7 , T A B L E 6 0 1 FLOOR CONSTRUCTION 0 H R P A G E 8 7 , T A B L E 6 0 1 ROOF CONSTRUCTION 0 H R P A G E 8 7 , T A B L E 6 0 1 SHAFT ENCLOSURES 1 H R P A G E 1 0 3 , S E C T I O N 7 0 8 . 4 CORRIDORS: (WITH SPRINKLERS) 0 H R P A G E 2 3 9 , T A B L E 1 0 1 8 . 1 PARAPETS REQUIRED Y E S P A G E 9 8 , S E C T I O N 7 0 5 . 1 1 SPRINKLERS REQUIRED: Y E S P A G E 1 8 2 , S E C T I O N 9 0 3 . 2 . 1 SPRINKLER ALARM REQUIRED Y E S P A G E 1 9 3 , S E C T I O N 9 0 7 . 2 . 1 SPRINKLER VOICE/ALARM REQUIRED Y E S P A G E 1 8 7 , S E C T I O N 9 0 3 . 4 . 2 STANDPIPES REQUIRED Y E S P A G E 1 8 9 , S E C T I O N 9 0 5 . 3 . 2 3 " = 1 ' - 0 " 3 CO D E S I G N A G E D E T A I L S 1 " = 1 ' - 0 " 2 FI R E E X T I N G U I S H E R D E T A I L S NN REVISION SCHEDULE NUMBER D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N A B C D F E 5 6 8 7 4 A5 . 6 0 1 10 9 10 8 11 0 11 2 11 1 A3 . 1 0 1 3 3 / 8 " 6' - 8 3 / 8 " 5' - 8 1 / 2 " 2' - 5 3 / 4 " 2 5 / 8 " A3 . 5 0 1 8.1 9 10 11 12 B3 B8 C3 C5 C8 D4 D5 A1 . 5 0 1 A3 . 1 1 1 A1 . 5 0 3 A1 . 5 0 4 A1 A1 A1 D E4 D D D C D1 D1 D D D Dt D2 t t i D2 t i D2 t t i E4 Dt t i D2 t t i E4 D2 t t i E1 t Dt 10 - 1 2 A3 . 6 0 4 6 TH E A T R E E N T R Y 10 0 SE L F T I C K E T I N G 10 1 TIC K E T I N G S T A C K 10 2 TIC K E T I N G 10 3 SE A T I N G 10 4 LO B B Y 10 5 CO N C E S S I O N S T A C K 10 6 CO N C E S S I O N 10 7 ZA F F I R O ' S E X P R E S S ST A C K 10 9 ZA F F I R O ' S E X P R E S S 11 0 ZA F F I R O ' S E X P R E S S SU P P O R T 11 1 DR I N K S 11 2 5 E4 D Di Dt E1 E1 WO M E N ' S R R . 12 0 ME N ' S R R . 11 9 JA N I T O R 11 8 OF F I C E 11 4 OF F I C E 11 5 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 7 10 6 CO R R I D O R 11 3 A1 D E4 E E E E E E E E E E ED E4 E4D E E E E D D E D E E D Di D 1 0 1 ' - 0 " 1 0 1 ' - 0 " 1 0 3 ' - 0 " 1 0 3 ' - 0 " 1 0 0 ' - 0 " 1 0 0 ' - 0 " 9 9 ' - 0 " 9 9 ' - 0 " 9 8 ' - 6 " 9 8 ' - 6 " 9 8 ' - 0 " 9 8 ' - 0 " 9 9 ' - 4 " 9 8 ' - 6 " 1 0 0 ' - 0 " 1 0 0 ' - 0 " 1 0 0 ' - 0 " 9 8 ' - 8 " AD A 06 - 0 1 03 - 1 1 03 - 1 1 AD A AD A AD A R1 R1 R1R1R1 R1 R1 R1R1R1 NE W S T O R E F R O N T 27 ' - 8 " N E W S T O R E F R O N T 7 ' - 1 1 3 / 4 " 1 0 0 ' - 0 " L A N D I N G 1 0 ' - 0 " RA M P S L O P E 1 : 1 2 20 ' - 0 " LA N D I N G 5' - 0 " F I E L D V E R I F Y S L O P E 2 8 ' - 0 " L A N D I N G 5 ' - 0 " L A N D I N G 5 ' - 0 " 3 ' - 6 " 4 ' - 6 " 3 ' - 6 " 4 ' - 6 " 6 ' - 1 0 1 / 2 " 6 ' - 1 0 1 / 2 " 1' - 2 " LA N D I N G 7' - 0 " RA M P S L O P E 1 : 1 2 30 ' - 0 " LA N D I N G 5' - 0 " RA M P S L O P E 1 : 1 2 30 ' - 0 " LA N D I N G5' - 0" 10 - 1 2 08 - 0 9 09 - 1 6 06 - 0 1 06 - 0 1 06 - 0 1 R2R2 3 ' - 6 " 3 ' - 6 " R1 R1 R1 R1 4 ' - 6 " 3 A1 . 6 0 1 A1 . 6 0 9 7 ' - 4 " A5 . 6 1 1 4 2 C1 At 1 A1 . 6 1 10 5 2 A1 . 6 0 3 24 3 D2 t i E D2 t i E E E3 AE4 A2 A2 Di Di 32 ' - 8 7 / 8 " E A2 AD A 09 - 1 6 09 - 1 6 03 - 0 2 03 - 0 2 03 - 0 1 03 - 0 1 4 ' - 6 " AU D I T O R I U M 9 11 6 22 1 S E A T S (I N C L . 5 W H C ) AU D I T O R I U M 1 0 11 7 22 1 S E A T S (I N C L . 5 W H C ) E5 R3 E5 E5 E5 E5 12 ' - 6 " D 96' - 0" 9 5 ' - 4 5 / 8 " 9 6 ' - 4 5 / 8 " 9 7 ' - 8 " 9 5 ' - 4 5 / 8 " 06 - 0 5 06 - 0 5 06 - 0 5 06 - 0 5 LANDING5' - 6"FIELD VERIFY SLOPE 8' - 0" 08 - 2 4 08 - 2 4 08 - 2 4 AD A A1 . 6 1 4 E E E E E E 5' - 0 " R5R1 R5 R5 F I E L D V E R I F Y S L O P E 1 2 ' - 0 " 5 ' - 0 " 2' - 8 " 5' - 0 " 1' - 1 1 / 2 " 2' - 2 1 / 4 " R5 1 0 1 ' - 0 " R5 R5 R5 R1 R5 2' - 2 1 / 4 " R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R5 R5 A1 . 6 0 6 Si m A1 . 6 0 6 Si m 1 0 1 ' - 0 " 09 - 4 2 09 - 4 2 09 - 4 2 03-02 03 - 0 2 03 - 0 2 05 - 5 7 05 - 5 8 TY P . GENERAL PARTITION NOTES:ALL DIMENSIONS TAKEN TO FACE OF STUDS, CONCRETE OR GRID LINE U.N.O.1. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR LOAD BEARING STUD GAUGES.2. ALL GYPSUM BOARD IS 5/8" (TYPE 'X') UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE (UNO)3. ALL FIRE RATED WALLS, SOUND WALLS CONTINUOUS TO DECK OR HARD LID. TYP. REF DOCS. ALL GYPSUM BOARD IS INSTALLED TO DECK(UNO). AT DEFLECTION TRACKS - HOLD GYP DOWN FROM DECK PER MANUFACTURERS WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS.4. FIRE TAPE INNER LAYERS OF GYPSUM BOARD AT RATED WALLS. FINISH TAPE & SAND OUTSIDE LAYER OF GYPSUM BOARD THAT WILL RECEIVE PAINT, VINYL, OR WALL CARPET.5. AT SOUND/DEMISING WALLS - REFER TO SPECIFICATION SECTION 09250-3 / 3.01E - REFER TO ARCH & STRUCT TYP.6. AT ANY EXTERIOR WALLS - ENSURE A VAPOR BARRIER IS INSTALLED 7. ANY WALLS RECEIVING TILE TO HAVE NATIONAL TILE ASSOCIATION APPROVED BACKING TYP.8. (t) = 1 SIDE TILE FINISH. (tt) = BOTH SIDES TILE FINISH.9. ALL RESTROOM PERIMETER WALLS TO HAVE BATT INSULATION.10. ALL WALLS ARE TO BE BRACED ABOVE THE FINISHED CEILING AS RECOMMENDED BY THE METAL STUD MANUFACTURER TO PREVENT WALL MOVEMENT.11. ALL WALLS WHICH SEPARATE A SPACE FROM UNCONDITIONED AREA (E.G. EXTERIOR, COVERED SERVICE/DELIVERY, INTERIOR UNCONDITIONED SPACE), SHALL HAVE THERMAL BATT INSULATION INSTALLED PER SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS.12. PER MOLD PREVENTION GUIDELINES, NEVER INSTALL GYPSUM WALL BOARD IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH CONCRETE FLOORS. GC TO PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS BEAD OF CAULK THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF WALL BETWEEN GYP AND FLOOR.13. USE DEFLECTION TRACKS WHENEVER STUD WALLS CONNECT DIRECTLY TO STRUCTURE ABOVE.14. ALL PARTITIONS ENCLOSING PLUMBING TO BE INSULATED.PARTITION-TYPES C 8" METAL STUD ON EACH SIDE 5" AIR GAP (3) 5/8" GYP ON EACH SIDE 3 5/8" METAL STUD WITH 5/8" GYP EACH SIDE D 3 5/8" METAL STUD (1) 5/8" GYP ON EACH SIDE SAME AS "D" WITH TILE ON 5/8" GYP ONE SIDE DtSAME AS "D" WITH BATT INSULATION Di SAME AS "Di" WITH TILE ON 5/8" GYP EACH SIDE Dtti 3 5/8" METAL STUD WITH 5/8" GYP ONE SIDE E 3 5/8" METAL STUD (1) 5/8" GYP ON ONE SIDE SAME AS "E" WITH TILE ON 5/8" GYP ONE SIDE EtBATT INSULATION 6" METAL STUD WITH 2 LAYERS 5/8" GYP ON AUDITORIUM SIDE, 1 LAYER 5/8"GYP ON THE OTHER SIDE, WITH INSULATIOND1 6" METAL STUD (2) 5/8" GYP ON AUDITORIUM SIDE (1) 5/8" GYP ON ONE SIDE 7/8" METAL HAT CHANNEL WITH 5/8" GYP ONE SIDE E2 EXISTING WALL 7/8" HAT CHANNELS (1) 5/8" GYP ON ONE SIDE6" METAL STUD WITH 1 LAYER 5/8" GYP EACH SIDE, TILE ON 5/8" GYP ONE SIDE, WITH INSULATIOND2ti 6" METAL STUD (1) 5/8" GYP EACH SIDE (1) TILE ON ONE SIDEAPRECAST PANEL 8" CONCRETE WITH 3" RIGID INSULATION WITH 1 1/2" CONCRETE OUTSIDE 8" CONCRETE 3" RIGID INSULATION 1 1/2" CONCRETE SAME AS "A" WITH 1 LAYER 5/8" GYP ON 7/8" HAT CHANNEL ONE SIDE A2SAME AS "A" WITH 2" BLACK DUCT LINER BEHIND SCREEN A1 SAME AS "C" WITH 2" BLACK DUCT LINER BEHIND SCREEN C1SAME AS "A" WITH 1 LAYER 5/8" GYP ON 7/8" HAT CHANNEL AND TILE ONE SIDE At AUDITORIUM DEMISING WALL 2 1/2" STUD METAL STUD WITH 5/8" GYP ONE SIDE E1 6" METAL STUD ONLY E3 6" METAL STUD WITH 5/8" GYP ONE SIDE E4BATT INSULATION BATT INSULATION SAME AS "D2ti" WITH TILE ON 5/8" GYP EACH SIDE D2ttiPLAN SYMBOLS LEGEND EXISTING DOOR NEW DOOREXISTING ELEVATION TO REMAIN PROPOSED ELEVATION HATCH COLOR LEGEND AREA UNAFFECTED BY NEW WORK EXISTING SIDE WALK NEW SIDE WALK 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 E D C B A SHEET NUMBERPROJECT #106West11thStreetSuite1900 KansasCity,Missouri64105 Phone:816-842-7552Fax:816-842-1302 DRAWINGS&SPECIFICATIONSREMAINTHE PROPERTYOFTHEDESIGNPROFESSIONAL.COPIESOFTHEDRAWINGS&SPECIFICATIONS RETAINEDBYTHECLIENTMAYBEUTILIZEDONLY FORTHEIRUSE&FOROCCUPYINGTHEPROJECT FORWHICHTHEYWEREPREPARED&NOTFOR CONSTRUCTIONOFANYOTHERPROJECTIan Gary Wilson A1.10PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN13091.04BID & PERMIT SETMARCUS THEATRES ROSEMOUNT ADDITION AND REMODEL 2015.03.2715280 CARROUSEL WAY ROSEMOUNT, MN. 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " 1 FI R S T F L O O R - P R O P O S E D N NEW WORK - KEYNOTE 03-01 N E W C O N C R E T E A I S L E S T E P S R E F E R T O S T R U C T U R A L DRAWING 7/S0.02.03-02 N E W C O N C R E T E R A M P R E F E R T O S T R U C T U R A L D R A W I N G 10/S1.60.03-11 E L E V A T E D P L A T F O R M A S I N D I C A T E D O N E N L A R G E D AUDITORIUM SHEETS. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS S1.51 FOR REQUIREMENTS.05-57 H A N D R A I L R 1 S T O P A T T H E E N D O F W A L L , C O N T I N U E D WITH GUARDRAIL R5 WITH ITS HANDRAIL LINED UP WITH R1.05-58 G U A R D R A I L R 5 S T O P A T 2 " B E F O R E R E A C H I N G F A C E O F WALL.06-01 N E W O W N E R S U P P L I E D C A S E W O R K . P R O V I D E P O W E R , DATA AND PLUMBING AS REQUIRED FOR THE EQUIPMENT.REF TO ENLARGED TICKETS, CONCESSION, DRINKS PLANS AND MEP DRAWINGS. REQUEST SHOP DRAWINGS FROM OWNER FOR ROUGH-IN LOCATIONS THAT ARE NOT INDICATED ON PLUMBING AND ELCTRICAL PLANS.06-05 N E W C O L U M N . R E : A 3 . 1 0 A N D A 3 . 1 1 F O R I N S T A L L A T I O N DETAILS.08-09 E X I S T I N G D O O R S T O R E M A I N . T E S T H A R D W A R E F O R A D A COMPLIANCE AND REPAIR TO LIKE NEW CONDITION. PAINT DOOR AND FRAME BOTH SIDES, REF ELEVATIONS.08-24 G C T O P R O V I D E P O W E R O P E R A T O R A C T U A T O R S A N D ACCESSORIES. RE: MEP DRAWINGS.09-16 A L I G N F A C E O F N E W G Y P W I T H E X I S T I N G G Y P S U B S T R A T E TO ENSURE SMOOTH AND FLUSH TRANSITION. PATCH AS REQUIRED TO CREATE A SMOOTH SURFACE FOR NEW FINISHES.09-42 B R O O M F I N I S H T O C O N C R E T E I N C L U N E D A R E A S . 10-12 P R O V I D E P O W E R T O T H E A U D I T O R I U M S E A T S A S INDCATED ON ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS E2.20.REVISION SCHEDULE NUMBER D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N FIRST FLOOR 100' - 0"DLX PARAPET 144' - 0"PARAPET 132' - 10" EP - 2 EP - 1 EP - 3 EP-4 EP-5 EP - 2 RA M P S , R A I L S A N D EX T E R I O R S I D E O F D O O R S AN D D O O R F R A M E S A8 . 1 1 2 09 - 3 9 A8 . 1 1 3 26 - 1 2 4 A1 . 4 0 07 - 0 7 07 - 0 7 136' - 0" 13 0 ' - 0 " 6' - 3"6' - 3"TYP.1' - 4"TYP.2' - 8" TY P . 1' - 4 " EQ . 22 ' - 5 " EQ . 22 ' - 5 " 1' - 4"9' - 10"1' - 4"21' - 2"10' - 4" 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0"0' - 0" 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5/8" 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 4 1 / 4 " 0' - 4 1 / 2 " 0' - 4 1 / 4 " 0' - 4 1 / 4 " 0' - 0 " 12 1 ' - 6 " 5' - 4" EQ . 19 ' - 9 " 5' - 4 " EQ . 19 ' - 9 " 5' - 4 " 36 ' - 1 1 3 / 4 " 4 A1 . 5 0 TY P . 5 A1 . 5 0 TY P . 7 A1 . 5 0 TY P . FIRST FLOOR 100' - 0"DLX PARAPET 144' - 0"PARAPET 132' - 10" EP - 3 EP - 1 EP - 4 EP - 5 EP - 2 09 - 3 9 A8 . 1 1 1 4 A1 . 4 0 07 - 0 7 13 6 ' - 6 " 5' - 4 " EQ . 35 ' - 9 7 / 8 " 5' - 4 " EQ . 35 ' - 9 7 / 8 " 5' - 4 " EQ . 35 ' - 9 7 / 8 " 5' - 4" 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0"0' - 0" 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5/8" 0' - 0 " 0' - 4 1 / 4 " 0' - 4 1 / 4 " 4 A1 . 5 0 TY P . 5 A1 . 5 0 TY P . TY P . 1' - 4 " TYP.2' - 8"TYP.1' - 4"1' - 4"9' - 10"1' - 4"21' - 2"10' - 4" 7 A1 . 5 0 TY P . FIRST FLOOR 100' - 0"DLX PARAPET 144' - 0"PARAPET 132' - 10" EP - 3 EP - 1 EP - 4 EP - 5 EP - 2 EP - 2 RA M P S , R A I L S A N D EX T E R I O R S I D E O F D O O R S AN D D O O R F R A M E S 09 - 3 9 26 - 1 2 23-03 26-12 07 - 0 7 4 A1 . 4 0 07 - 0 7 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 4 1 / 4 " 0' - 4 1 / 4 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 0" 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5/8" 0' - 0 " 0' - 4 1 / 4 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 2 1 ' - 2 " 1 ' - 4 " 9 ' - 1 0 " 1 ' - 4 " TY P . 1' - 4 " TYP.2' - 8"TYP.1' - 4" 4 A1 . 5 0 TY P . 5 A1 . 5 0 TY P . 5' - 4 " EQ . 19 ' - 9 " 5' - 4 " EQ . 19 ' - 9 " 5' - 4 " 7 A1 . 5 0 TY P . EX T E R I O R F I N I S H L E G E N D EP - 1 EP - 2 EP - 3 PA I N T m f r : S H E R W I N W I L L I A M S c o l o r : S W 6 0 7 8 R E AL I S T B I E G E ( M A T C H E X I S T I N G W A L L F I E L D C O L O R ) PA I N T m f r : S H E R W I N W I L L I A M S c o l o r : M E T A L L I C B L A C K O R E Q U A L PA I N T m f r : S H E R W I N W I L L I A M S c o l o r : S W 6 0 8 2 C O BB L E B R O W N ( M A T C H E X I S T I N G B O T T O M O F W A L L C O L O R ) EP - 4 PA I N T m f r : S H E R W I N W I L L I A M S c o l o r : M E T A L L I C S I L V E R O R E Q U A L EP - 5 PA I N T m f r : S H E R W I N W I L L I A M S c o l o r : M E T A L L I C C O P P E R ( M A T C H E X I S T I N G T O P O F W A L L C O L O R ) DLX PARAPET 144' - 0"PARAPET 132' - 10" EP - 1 09 - 3 9 07 - 0 7 4 A1 . 4 0 0' - 0 " 0' - 0 " 0' - 0" 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 4 1 / 4 " 0' - 6 5 / 8 " 0' - 6 5/8"7 A1.50TYP. 5 A1 . 5 0 TY P . TY P . 1' - 4 " TYP.2' - 8"TYP.1' - 4" 1'- 0 " O P P O S I T E H I N G E S I D E 8 ' - 4 " EX T E R I O R E G R E S S L I G H T RE : E L E C T R I C A L D R A W I N G S DR I P C A P 4 1 / 4 " 1' - 4 " WA L L P E R P L A N 3 5 / 8 " M E T A L S T U D ME T A L P I N S P A C E D 2 4 " O . C . 5/8 " D E N S G L A S S FIN I S H P E R E L E V A T I O N CO N T I N O U S B E A D O F S E A L A N T CO N T I N O U S B E A D O F S E A L A N T WA L L P E R P L A N 2" M E T A L S T U D ME T A L P I N S P A C E D 2 4 " O . C . 5/8 " D E N S G L A S S FIN I S H P E R E L E V A T I O N 2 5 / 8 " 1 ' - 4 " CO N T I N O U S B E A D O F S E A L A N T CO N T I N O U S B E A D O F S E A L A N T S L O P E 1' - 4 " 2' - 8 " 1' - 4 " 1 ' - 4 " 2 ' - 8 " 1 ' - 4 " 4 1 / 4 " 4 1 / 4 " WA L L P E R P L A N 3 5 / 8 " M E T A L S T U D ME T A L P I N S P A C E D 2 4 " O . C . 5/8 " D E N S G L A S S FIN I S H P E R E L E V A T I O N CO N T I N O U S B E A D O F S E A L A N T CO N T I N O U S B E A D O F S E A L A N T CO N T I N O U S B E A D O F S E A L A N T CO N T I N O U S B E A D O F S E A L A N T CO N T I N O U S B E A D O F S E A L A N T 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 E D C B A SHEET NUMBERPROJECT #106 West 11th Street Suite 1900 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Phone : 816-842-7552 Fax : 816-842-1302 DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL.COPIES OF THE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS RETAINED BY THE CLIENT MAY BE UTILIZED ONLY FOR THEIR USE & FOR OCCUPYING THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED & NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY OTHER PROJECT Ian Gary Wilson A1.50PROPOSEDEXTERIORELEVATION13091.04BID & PERMIT SETMARCUS THEATRES ROSEMOUNT ADDITION AND REMODEL 2015.03.2715280 CARROUSEL WAY ROSEMOUNT, MN. 1/8" = 1'-0"1 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"3 EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"6 NORTH ELEVATIONNEW WORK - KEYNOTE 07-07 P R E F I N I S H E D M E T A L P A R A P E T C A P S L O P E D T O D R A I N A N D PAINTED TO MATCH WALLS. INSTALL CAP WITH NON VISIBLE MOUNTING TO PARAPET. ANCHOR THROUGH TREATED WOOD NAILER INTO STUD WALL. ALL EDGES BETWEEN CAP AND EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE FULLY SEALED. 4" MINIMUM LAP JOINT WITH SEALANT.09-39 P A I N T N E W E X T E R I O R W A L L A S I N D I C A T E D O N E X T E R I O R ELEVATIONS. USE EXTERIOR GRADE TEXTURED PAINT.10-13 S I G N A G E F U R N I S H E D B Y O W N E R V E N D O R . G C T O PROVIDE POWER, DATA AND BLOCKING AS REQUIRED.REFER TO ELECTRCAL DRAWINGS FOR POWER SUPPLY.REQUEST SIGNAGE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR FINAL COORDINATION PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.23-03 O U T D O O R A I R I N T A K E P E R M E P 26-12 E X T E R I O R E G R E S S W A L L - M O U N T E D L I G H T , R E F E R T O ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. INSTALL FIXTURE 8'-4" AFF AND 12" FROM OPENING EDGE OF DOOR (CENTER OVER DOUBLE DOORS). 1/8" = 1'-0"8 WEST ELEVATION 1 / 2 " = 1 ' - 0 " 2 TY P I C A L E X T E R I O R E G R E S S L I G H T REVISION SCHEDULE NUMBER D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N 1 1 / 2 " = 1 ' - 0 " 4 EX T E R I O R D E T A I L A 1 1 / 2 " = 1 ' - 0 " 5 EX T E R I O R D E T A I L B 1 1 / 2 " = 1 ' - 0 " 7 EX T E R I O R C O R N E R D E T A I L B E 8 8.1 9 10 11 12 B3 B8 C3 C5 C8 D4 D5 A1 . 5 0 1 A1 . 5 0 3 A1 . 5 0 4 1 0 1 ' - 0 " 1 0 1 ' - 0 " 1 0 3 ' - 0 " 1 0 3 ' - 0 " 1 0 5 ' - 0 " 1 0 5 ' - 0 " 1 0 7 ' - 0 " 1 0 7 ' - 0 " 1 0 9 ' - 0 " 1 0 9 ' - 0 " 1 1 1 ' - 0 " 1 1 1 ' - 0 " 1 1 3 ' - 0 " 1 1 3 ' - 0 " 1 0 0 ' - 0 " 1 0 0 ' - 0 " 9 9 ' - 0 " 9 9 ' - 0 " 9 8 ' - 6 " 9 8 ' - 6 " 9 8 ' - 0 " 9 8 ' - 0 " 5 ' - 1 1 / 2 " 5 ' - 1 1 / 2 " 3 3 / 8 " R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 3 3 / 8 " 14 ' - 7 3 / 8 " 2 6 ' - 9 " 9 ' - 1 1 / 4 " 3 ' - 6 " 3 ' - 6 " 3 3 / 8 " 14 ' - 7 3 / 8 " 9 ' - 1 1 / 4 " 2 5 ' - 8 7 / 8 " R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1R1R1 R1 R1R1 R1 A1A1A1 D1 D1 D1 Di D C Di D D1 D1 D1 10 - 1 2 10 - 1 2 3 A1 . 6 0 C1 A2 A1 A2 E20 1 20 2 12 ' - 2 1 / 8 " 6 ' - 8 " 6 ' - 8 " 12 ' - 2 1 / 8 " TY P . TY P . E 03 - 0 2 03 - 0 2 03 - 0 2 R3R3 97 ' - 5 1 / 2 " 1 2 8 ' - 1 " 2 A1 . 6 0 1 A1 . 6 0 A1 . 6 0 6 15 A3 . 6 1 TY P PR O J E C T I O N 9 12 2 AU D I T O R I U M 9 11 6 22 1 S E A T S (I N C L . 5 W H C ) PR O J E C T I O N 1 0 12 3 AU D I T O R I U M 1 0 11 7 22 1 S E A T S (I N C L . 5 W H C ) A1 . 6 0 6 Si m 03 - 0 2 R1 R1 R1 R1R1 R1 R1 R1R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 03 - 0 2 R5 R5 R5 R1 R1 R5 R5 R5 R5 05 - 5 7 GENERAL PARTITION NOTES:ALL DIMENSIONS TAKEN TO FACE OF STUDS, CONCRETE OR GRID LINE U.N.O.1. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR LOAD BEARING STUD GAUGES.2. ALL GYPSUM BOARD IS 5/8" (TYPE 'X') UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE (UNO)3. ALL FIRE RATED WALLS, SOUND WALLS CONTINUOUS TO DECK OR HARD LID. TYP. REF DOCS. ALL GYPSUM BOARD IS INSTALLED TO DECK(UNO). AT DEFLECTION TRACKS - HOLD GYP DOWN FROM DECK PER MANUFACTURERS WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS.4. FIRE TAPE INNER LAYERS OF GYPSUM BOARD AT RATED WALLS. FINISH TAPE & SAND OUTSIDE LAYER OF GYPSUM BOARD THAT WILL RECEIVE PAINT, VINYL, OR WALL CARPET.5. AT SOUND/DEMISING WALLS - REFER TO SPECIFICATION SECTION 09250-3 / 3.01E - REFER TO ARCH & STRUCT TYP.6. AT ANY EXTERIOR WALLS - ENSURE A VAPOR BARRIER IS INSTALLED 7. ANY WALLS RECEIVING TILE TO HAVE NATIONAL TILE ASSOCIATION APPROVED BACKING TYP.8. (t) = 1 SIDE TILE FINISH. (tt) = BOTH SIDES TILE FINISH.9. ALL RESTROOM PERIMETER WALLS TO HAVE BATT INSULATION.10. ALL WALLS ARE TO BE BRACED ABOVE THE FINISHED CEILING AS RECOMMENDED BY THE METAL STUD MANUFACTURER TO PREVENT WALL MOVEMENT.11. ALL WALLS WHICH SEPARATE A SPACE FROM UNCONDITIONED AREA (E.G. EXTERIOR, COVERED SERVICE/DELIVERY, INTERIOR UNCONDITIONED SPACE), SHALL HAVE THERMAL BATT INSULATION INSTALLED PER SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS.12. PER MOLD PREVENTION GUIDELINES, NEVER INSTALL GYPSUM WALL BOARD IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH CONCRETE FLOORS. GC TO PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS BEAD OF CAULK THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF WALL BETWEEN GYP AND FLOOR.13. USE DEFLECTION TRACKS WHENEVER STUD WALLS CONNECT DIRECTLY TO STRUCTURE ABOVE.14. ALL PARTITIONS ENCLOSING PLUMBING TO BE INSULATED.PARTITION-TYPES C 8" METAL STUD ON EACH SIDE 5" AIR GAP (3) 5/8" GYP ON EACH SIDE 3 5/8" METAL STUD WITH 5/8" GYP EACH SIDE D 3 5/8" METAL STUD (1) 5/8" GYP ON EACH SIDE SAME AS "D" WITH TILE ON 5/8" GYP ONE SIDE DtSAME AS "D" WITH BATT INSULATION Di SAME AS "Di" WITH TILE ON 5/8" GYP EACH SIDE Dtti 3 5/8" METAL STUD WITH 5/8" GYP ONE SIDE E 3 5/8" METAL STUD (1) 5/8" GYP ON ONE SIDE SAME AS "E" WITH TILE ON 5/8" GYP ONE SIDE EtBATT INSULATION 6" METAL STUD WITH 2 LAYERS 5/8" GYP ON AUDITORIUM SIDE, 1 LAYER 5/8"GYP ON THE OTHER SIDE, WITH INSULATIOND1 6" METAL STUD (2) 5/8" GYP ON AUDITORIUM SIDE (1) 5/8" GYP ON ONE SIDE 7/8" METAL HAT CHANNEL WITH 5/8" GYP ONE SIDE E2 EXISTING WALL 7/8" HAT CHANNELS (1) 5/8" GYP ON ONE SIDE6" METAL STUD WITH 1 LAYER 5/8" GYP EACH SIDE, TILE ON 5/8" GYP ONE SIDE, WITH INSULATIOND2ti 6" METAL STUD (1) 5/8" GYP EACH SIDE (1) TILE ON ONE SIDEAPRECAST PANEL 8" CONCRETE WITH 3" RIGID INSULATION WITH 1 1/2" CONCRETE OUTSIDE 8" CONCRETE 3" RIGID INSULATION 1 1/2" CONCRETE SAME AS "A" WITH 1 LAYER 5/8" GYP ON 7/8" HAT CHANNEL ONE SIDE A2SAME AS "A" WITH 2" BLACK DUCT LINER BEHIND SCREEN A1 SAME AS "C" WITH 2" BLACK DUCT LINER BEHIND SCREEN C1SAME AS "A" WITH 1 LAYER 5/8" GYP ON 7/8" HAT CHANNEL AND TILE ONE SIDE At AUDITORIUM DEMISING WALL 2 1/2" STUD METAL STUD WITH 5/8" GYP ONE SIDE E1 6" METAL STUD ONLY E3 6" METAL STUD WITH 5/8" GYP ONE SIDE E4BATT INSULATION BATT INSULATION SAME AS "D2ti" WITH TILE ON 5/8" GYP EACH SIDE D2ttiPLAN SYMBOLS LEGEND EXISTING DOOR NEW DOOREXISTING ELEVATION TO REMAIN PROPOSED ELEVATION HATCH COLOR LEGEND AREA UNAFFECTED BY NEW WORK 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 E D C B A SHEET NUMBERPROJECT #106West11thStreetSuite1900 KansasCity,Missouri64105 Phone:816-842-7552Fax:816-842-1302 DRAWINGS&SPECIFICATIONSREMAINTHE PROPERTYOFTHEDESIGNPROFESSIONAL.COPIESOFTHEDRAWINGS&SPECIFICATIONS RETAINEDBYTHECLIENTMAYBEUTILIZEDONLY FORTHEIRUSE&FOROCCUPYINGTHEPROJECT FORWHICHTHEYWEREPREPARED&NOTFOR CONSTRUCTIONOFANYOTHERPROJECTIan Gary Wilson A1.20PROPOSEDMEZZANINE PLAN13091.04BID & PERMIT SETMARCUS THEATRES ROSEMOUNT ADDITION AND REMODEL 2015.03.2715280 CARROUSEL WAY ROSEMOUNT, MN. 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " 1 ME Z Z A N I N E - P R O P O S E D N NEW WORK - KEYNOTE 03-02 N E W C O N C R E T E R A M P R E F E R T O S T R U C T U R A L D R A W I N G 10/S1.60.05-57 H A N D R A I L R 1 S T O P A T T H E E N D O F W A L L , C O N T I N U E D WITH GUARDRAIL R5 WITH ITS HANDRAIL LINED UP WITH R1.10-12 P R O V I D E P O W E R T O T H E A U D I T O R I U M S E A T S A S INDCATED ON ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS E2.20.REVISION SCHEDULE NUMBER D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N 8 2 A3.60 4 A1 . 6 1 8.1 9 10 11 12 B3 B8 C3 C5 A3 . 6 0 4 6 5 1' - 0 " 5' - 5 " 8' - 3 " 12 ' - 0 " 9' - 6 3 / 8 " 3 E Q . R I S E R @ 6 ' - 4 " = 1 9 ' - 0 " 26 ' - 1 " 4 ' - 6 " 3 ' - 6 " 1 0 1 / 2 " 6 2 ' - 1 1 / 2 " 1' - 2 " 2' - 2 1 / 4 " 3 ' - 6 " 4 ' - 6 " 9 3 / 8 " 6' - 4 3 / 4 " 8' - 0 " 1 6 ' - 0 " 7 ' - 6 " 1 6 ' - 0 " 7 ' - 9 3 / 4 " 2 3 ' - 6 " 1 1 3 / 8 " 2 8 ' - 6 " C L R . 6 ' - 8 " 1' - 0 " 4' - 4 " 1 0 1 / 2 " 3 7 / 8 " 6 ' - 4 " 2 5 / 8 " 2 ' - 0 " 1" 1 0 1 ' - 0 " 1 0 0 ' - 0 " 9 9 ' - 0 " 9 8 ' - 6 " 9 8 ' - 0 " 1 1 1 ' - 0 " 1 1 1 ' - 0 " 1 0 0 ' - 0 " 5' - 8 1 / 2 " 2' - 9 3 / 8 " AU D I T O R I U M 9 11 6 7 3 / 8 " A3 . 6 1 6 TY P 15 A3 . 6 1 TY P 05 - 5 8 05 - 5 8 05 - 5 8 PLAN SYMBOLS LEGEND EXISTING DOOR NEW DOOREXISTING ELEVATION TO REMAIN PROPOSED ELEVATION C 8 2 A3.60 8.1 9 10 11 12 B3 C3 C5 A3 . 6 0 4 6 5 2 6 ' - 9 " 8' - 1 0 " 5 E Q . R I S E R @ 6 ' - 4 " = 3 1 ' - 8 " CR O S S A S I L E = 9 ' - 0 " 6 1 ' - 1 0 1 / 8 " 1 5 ' - 7 3 / 4 " 9 ' - 1 1 / 4 " 14 ' - 7 3 / 8 " 3 1 / 4 " 3 ' - 6 " 1 0 1 ' - 0 " 1 0 3 ' - 0 " 1 0 5 ' - 0 " 1 0 7 ' - 0 " 1 0 9 ' - 0 " 1 1 1 ' - 0 " 1 1 3 ' - 0 " 1 0 0 ' - 0 " 9 9 ' - 0 " 9 8 ' - 6 " 9 8 ' - 0 " 8 ' - 6 " 14 ' - 0 1 / 8 " 09 - 1 0 10 - 1 2 03 - 1 1 03 - 0 2 AU D I T O R I U M 9 11 6 4 A1 . 6 1 8 0 '-1 7 /8 " T H R O W D I S T A N C E 2 ' - 0 " 3 2 ' - 5 " 3 ' - 6 " 98 ' - 0 " 0. 5 ° 53 ' - 7 " 41 ' - 1 0 " 42 ' - 8 " 1 8 ' - 0 " AU D I T O R I U M 9 11 6 A1 . 6 0 4 6 " OF F I C E 11 4 CO R R I D O R 11 3 PR O J E C T I O N 9 12 2 17 A3 . 6 1 TY P 18 A3 . 6 1 TY P . A3 . 6 1 13 TY P A3 . 6 1 8 TY P A3 . 6 1 9 A3 . 6 1 16 TY P 1' - 2 " 1' - 2 " 1' - 2 " 1' - 2 " 1' - 2 " 2" 2" 2" 2" 09 - 5 7 09 - 5 8 1 '-2 " TY P . TY P . 5 A3 . 6 1 TY P 4 A3 . 6 1 TY P 3 A3 . 6 1 TY P 4 " 3 ' - 4 " 4 " 4 ' - 6 1 / 2 " 27 ' - 1 1 1 / 8 " 4 7 / 8 " 4 " 3 ' - 4 " 4 " 1 8 ' - 0 " 9 ' - 9 " 9' - 6 " 4' - 9 " 4' - 9 " 4' - 9 " 4' - 9 " 4' - 9 " 4' - 9 " 4' - 9 " 4' - 9 " 4' - 9 " 4' - 9 " 4' - 9 " 4' - 9 " 4' - 9 " 4' - 9 " 2 3 ' - 4 " 2 3 ' - 0 " 2 2 ' - 8 " 2 0 ' - 1 0 " 1 9 ' - 0 " 1 7 ' - 2 " 1 3 ' - 4 " 1 1 ' - 6 " 2 2 ' - 8 " 3' - 0 " AU D I T O R I U M 9 11 6 11 1 / 8 " 60 ' - 0 " 11 1 / 8 " 2 ' - 0 " F L A T 3 2 ' - 5 " 3 ' - 6 " 09 - 1 0 09 - 0 8 AU D I T O R I U M 9 11 6 S C O P E 2 5 ' - 0 " 4 " 3 ' - 4 " 4 " EQ . 8' - 0 " 8' - 0 " 8' - 0 " 8' - 0 " 8' - 0 " 8' - 0 " EQ . 9 ' - 9 " AU D I T O R I U M 9 11 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 E D C B A SHEET NUMBERPROJECT #106West11thStreetSuite1900 KansasCity,Missouri64105 Phone:816-842-7552Fax:816-842-1302 DRAWINGS&SPECIFICATIONSREMAINTHE PROPERTYOFTHEDESIGNPROFESSIONAL.COPIESOFTHEDRAWINGS&SPECIFICATIONS RETAINEDBYTHECLIENTMAYBEUTILIZEDONLY FORTHEIRUSE&FOROCCUPYINGTHEPROJECT FORWHICHTHEYWEREPREPARED&NOTFOR CONSTRUCTIONOFANYOTHERPROJECTIan Gary Wilson A3.60AUDITORIUM 9 (MIRROR AS 10)PLAN &ELEVATION13091.04BID & PERMIT SETMARCUS THEATRES ROSEMOUNT ADDITION AND REMODEL 2015.03.2715280 CARROUSEL WAY ROSEMOUNT, MN. 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " 1 AU D . 9 F I R S T F L O O R NEW WORK - KEYNOTE 03-02 N E W C O N C R E T E R A M P R E F E R T O S T R U C T U R A L D R A W I N G 10/S1.60.03-11 E L E V A T E D P L A T F O R M A S I N D I C A T E D O N E N L A R G E D AUDITORIUM SHEETS. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS S1.51 FOR REQUIREMENTS.05-58 G U A R D R A I L R 5 S T O P A T 2 " B E F O R E R E A C H I N G F A C E O F WALL.09-08 A L L N O N - B L A C K I T E M S B E H I N D P R O J E C T I O N S C R E E N T O BE PAINTED BLACK.09-10 N E W B L A C K S C R E E N M A S K I N G F U R N I S H E D A N D INSTALLED BY OWNER VENDOR.09-57 O M I T T W O 2 ' X 4 ' C E I L I N G T I L E S F O R S P A C I N G T O I N S T A L L RECESSED CEILING SPEAKERS. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DETAIL DRAWINGS.09-58 4 ' X 4 ' R E C E S S E D S P E A K E R F R A M E 1 4 " A B O V E C E I L I N G SLOPE.10-12 P R O V I D E P O W E R T O T H E A U D I T O R I U M S E A T S A S INDCATED ON ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS E2.20. 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " 3 AU D . 9 M E Z Z A N I N E 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " 2 AU D . 9 S E C T I O N 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " 4 AU D . 9 S I D E W A L L E L E V A T I O N 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " 5 AU D . 9 S C R E E N E L E V A T I O N 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " 6 AU D . 9 R E A R W A L L E L E V A T I O N REVISION SCHEDULE NUMBER D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N EX I S T I N G B U I L D I N G PR O P O S E D AD D I T I O N 15 2 8 0 C A R R O U S E L W A Y CA RRO U S E L W AY 15 3 R D S T W S R O B E R T T R A I L EXISTING TREES LOCATION PROPOSED NEW TREES LOCATION PROPERTY LINE 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 E D C B A SHEET NUMBERPROJECT #106 West 11th Street Suite 1900 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Phone : 816-842-7552 Fax : 816-842-1302 DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL.COPIES OF THE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS RETAINED BY THE CLIENT MAY BE UTILIZED ONLY FOR THEIR USE & FOR OCCUPYING THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED & NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY OTHER PROJECT Ian Gary Wilson A0.12SITE PLAN13091.04BID & PERMIT SETMARCUS THEATRES ROSEMOUNT ADDITION AND REMODEL 2015.03.2715280 CARROUSEL WAY ROSEMOUNT, MN.REVISION SCHEDULE NUMBER D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N N 1" = 40'-0"1 SITE PLAN From: Chad Philhour [mailto:cphilhour@tkarch.com] Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 9:45 AM To: Zweber, Eric Cc: dougpellock@marcustheatres.com Subject: Marcus Rosemount Addition   Eric,    The theatre originally had 1413 seats.  The DreamLounger remodel reduced the seat count to 650 seats.  The new expansion  will increase the seat count to 1092.    PreCast Concrete  1. The concrete walls are optimal for theatre construction as they create a dense wall mass that is great for acoustics  and sound reduction (internally and externally).  2. The use of these precast sandwich panel walls allows us to run a continuous layer of insulation to meet energy code  requirements.  a. This also will reduce the peak heating and cooling loads as concrete reacts slowly to change in outside  temperature.  3. Precast is precise as it is poured and constructed in a controlled environment at the plant versus being built on site.  a. Since it is factory controlled the rebar and insulation will be consistently covered and correct ensuring  durability of the building and components inside the building.  4. Site construction will be greatly reduced as panels can be erected very quickly – minimizing the need for storage  space and unnecessary handling.  a. Overall schedule of construction should be reduced as quick installation allows other trades to start more  rapidly.  b. The building is also enclosed from the elements much faster.  5. Because precast products are manufactures to precise specification, water tight connection between pipes or  conduit.  6. Because precast is constructed at the site construction noise is reduce for neighboring building and the community.  7. Precast is constructed from natural and recycled sources.  8. Precast is a locally available to your area.  9. Limits waste disposal as forms and scaffolding are not required.    Cost  1. Precast is more costly upfront than CMU but it allows the tenant to occupy the building sooner therefore generating  revenue.    Schedule  2. Schedule will be greatly reduced as erection of panels is much faster them building a CMU wall block by block.  3. Precast panels can start to be poured and constructed while the footing are being placed onsite.  Work can happen  congruently as opposed to linear.    Height  1. Block wall construction would not have been achievable for the height required to achieve the larger format screens  that Marcus would like to install at the theatre.      Please let me know if you need any additional information.    Thanks – Chad H.  Philhour                                                                                                                                                                                                        Chad H. Philhour TK Architects 816.842.7552   City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Council Meeting Date:December 21, 1993 Agenda Item: Rezoning Petition:Agenda Section: Lot 1, Block 1, Carrousel OLD BUSINESS Plaza South R -3 to C -4) Prepared By: Richard Pearson Agenda No: Assistant Planner ITEM E Attachments: Ordinance; Rezoning Petition; Approved B P.C. Reviews; Public Notice; Mailing List. Guetschoff Theaters, Inc. GTI) is requesting a rezoning of property they are purchasing from Carlson Properties, Inc. The site is currently zoned R -3 Multiple Family Residential. GTI is proposing a movie theater development on Lot 1, Block 1, Carrousel Plaza South and, therefore, has requested a rezoning to C -4 General Commercial to accommodate the theater use. The site is bordered by Chippendale Avenue on the west, State Highway 3 on the east, and Carrousel Way to the south. Outlot A of Carrousel Plaza South will remain as R -3 Multiple Family Residential until the City receives a development proposal for that site. At their regular meeting on November 9, 1993, the Planning Commission found that the proposed use for this site is in conformance with the land use designation in the City's comprehensive guide plan. The Planning Conintission recommended approval of the rezoning petition as requested. On December 7, 1993 the City Council conducted a public hearing for the rezoning of Lot 1, Block 1, Carrousel Plaza South to accommodate the GTI Theater development proposal. Action on the rezoning was tabled pending final plat approval of Carrousel Plaza South. Upon approval of the final plat, the City Council may act on the rezoning petition. If action regarding the final plat for Carrousel Plaza South is tabled due to unresolved issues with the Development Agreement or for any other reason, then action relative to the rezoning must also be tabled. Recommended Action: MOTION to adopt ORDINANCE B -34 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE. City Council Action: 12- 21- 93.004 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDINANCE NO. B -34 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Ordinance No. B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended to rezone from R -3 Multiple Family Residential to C -4 General Commercial the following described property located within the City of Rosemount, Minnesota to -wit: LOT 1, BLOCK 1, CARROUSEL PLAZA SOUTH SECTION 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled, "Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount," shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this 21st day of December, 1993. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Published in the Dakota County Tribune this day of 1993. No: Date: 09/10/93 City of Rosemount REZONING PETITION Applicant: Carlson Properties of Rosemount Phone: 423 -2222 Address: P. O. Fox 69. Rosennunt. MN 55068 STATUS OF APPUCANT: X Owner Buyer Lessee OTHER: Parcel C LOCATION: Lotof 4,5 Block 3 Addition So. Rose Park Addition Replat Street Address: South of Carrousel, West of MN Hwy. 3 West of Chippendale Metes Bounds Description Attached: Survey or Plot Plan Attached: X Affected Section(s): Present Zoning: Multiple Family Proposed Zoning: C -4 /Limited IP REASON FOR REQUEST: 1. Prepare the land zoning to accommodate movie theater and other general uses as listed below: 2.C -4 I -P Movie Theater Office/Warehouse Buildings Motel Business /Professional Offices 3. Restaurant Television Radio Studios Offices /Business Professional Testing and Research Commercial, Recreational Fianpt], Homes Mortuaries Construction Material Sales Financial Institutions iAutoEquipmentSalesRepairs Etc. Signature of Applicant:. MI OFFTCE USE t3NLY Application received by:Date: Fee: 200. cv How Paid:Date: Planning Commission Action: Date: sr City of Rosemount Summary for Action Planning Commission Meeting Date:November 9, 1993 Agenda Item: Carlson Properties /GTI: Preliminary Plat and Agenda Section: Rezoning Review Recommendation OLD BUSINESS Prepared By: Rick Pearson Agenda No.: Assistant Planner ITEM #s 5a. and 5b. Attachments: Survey; Preliminary Plat; Application;Aped By• Resolution. SEE ATTACHED MEMO Recommended Action: Two motions are recommended for the preliminary Plat: MOTION to recommend approval of the Carousel Plaza South preliminary plat to the City Council subject to: 1) easements for drainage utilities as required by the City Engineer must be defined on both the lot and the outlot for existing and future stormwater conveyance and infrastructure; 2) extension of the existing storm drain system at the southwest area of Lot 1 to a National Urban Runoff Policy (NURP) pond; 3) construction of a NURP pond designed to accommodate runoff from the extended pipe referred to above; the pipe on the eastern edge of the property; and Lot 1, Block 1, in accordance with mandated Metropolitan Council policies; 4) dedication of land for ponding areas at or below existing elevations of 929.5, or regrading to maintain an equivalent volume of stormwater storage capacity; 5) no public or private streets or driveways are to be constructed on the outlot; 6) no development can occur on the outlot until it is replated into lot(s); 7) the existing barn and silos must be removed from the outlot; and 8) park dedication will be required in the form of cash for the lot in accordance with the rate established by resolution for commercial uses. AND MOTION to recommend that the City Council set a date for a public hearing to hear testimony for consideration of the Carousel Plaza South preliminary plat. Two motions are recommended for the rezoning: MOTION to recommend approval of the petition rezoning Lot 1, Block 1, Carousel Plaza South to General Commercial (C -4) subject to: 1) the approval of the Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment redesignating ten acres of property in Carousel Plaza South as Commercial by the Metropolitan Council; 2) the approval of the preliminary plat after a public hearing for Carousel Plaza South; and 3) the approval of a final plat for Lot 1, Block 1, Carousel Plaza South by the City Council and evidence that the final plat has been filed at the County. AND MOTION to recommend that the City Council set a date for a public hearing to hear testimony regarding the rezoning petition. Planning Commission Action: I I -09- 93.5ab s ity o osemouni PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address:Edward B. McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila KlassenTo:Planning Commission James (Red) Staats Harty WillcoxFROM: Richard Pearson, Assistant Planner Dennis Wippermann DATE: November 5, 1993 ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk SUBJ: November 9, 1993 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item 4b. ATrAC NTS: Survey; Preliminary Plat; Application; Resolution 5a.b. CARLSON PROPERTIES /GUETSCHOFF THEATERS, INC. PRELIMINARY PLAT/REZONING (Part of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 3, South Rose Park Addition Replat) BACKGROUND Guetschoff Theaters, Inc. (GTI) desires to construct a movie theater on property owned by Carlson Properties, Inc. On November 2, 1993, the City Council adopted a resolution approving of a minor Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment redesignating ten acres of land in South Rose Park for Commercial uses. The amendment will be forwarded to the Metropolitan Council for review and approval so that the amendment can be implemented. The site for the theater has to be replatted because it encompasses portions of three existing lots. The new preliminary plat will be known as Carrousel P1a7a South. The new parcel must then be rezoned from Multiple Family Residential (R -3) to General Commercial (C -4). Finally, a site plan review for the parcel will be required so that a building permit can be obtained. PRELIMINARY PLAT ISSUES The area to be replatted consists of 17 acres between TH 3, Chippendale Avenue, Carrousel Way and Wachter Pond. The plat will consist of one approximately 8.7 acre lot intended for sale to GT1 with the remaining 8.3 acre parcel as an undeveloped outlot. The parcel to be sold to GTI meets all applicable standards for Commercial uses and utilities to serve the site are in place. Access is available to Carrousel Way, a local street. The Minnesota Department of Transportation has authority to allow access to TH 3 if desired by .the developer. The outlot will not be able to be built upon until it is platted in one or more lots. This provides the builder and the City maximum flexibility for the future. Wachter Pond is designated as a landlocked basin which is the destination of storm water runoff from a considerable portion of western Rosemount. Some storm water is conveyed through storm sewer pipes across the property to be platted and drainage and utility easements will be required. The property generally slopes towards the pond to the south and a B:111- 09 -93Sab6vereomi.ng (Up osernoun1II Pagelof2 h k egular Planning Commission Meeting 2 ovember 9, 1993 m Agenda Item 5a. and 5b. storm water study is underway to determine if any additional land will have to be acquired for ponding. The outlot will be available for consideration if any additional storage capacity is needed. REZONING ISSUES The current zoning is Multiple Family Residential (R -3) and the lot will have to be rezoned to General Commercial (C -4). The parcel is contiguous with the existing General Commercial District, has frontage on TH 3, and is not adjacent to any Residential districts. The land use designation on the outlot separating the property from Chippendale Avenue is split between Business Park and Commercial so that a transition can be developed to buffer Residential uses from the General Commercial. RECOMMENDATION Two motions are necessary for the preliminary plat and another two motions are required for the rezoning. PRELIMINARY PLAT MOTION to recommend approval of the Carrousel Plaza South preliminary plat to the City Council subject to: 1) Easements for drainage and utilities as required by the City Engineer must be defined on both the lot and the outlot for existing and future storm water conveyance and infrastructure; 2) Extension of the existing storm drain system at the south west area of Lot 1 to a National Urban Runoff Policy (NURP) pond; 3) Construction of a NURP pond designed to accommodate runoff from the extended pipe referred to above; the pipe on the eastern edge of the property; and Lot 1, Block 1 in accordance with mandated Metropolitan Council Policies; 4) Dedication of land for ponding areas at or below existing elevations of 929.5, or regrading to maintain an equivalent volume of storm water storage capacity; 5) No public or private streets or driveways are to be constructed on the outlot; 6) No development can occur on the outlot until it is replatted into lot(s); 7) The existing barn and silos must be removed from the outlot; and 8) Park dedication will be required in the form of cash for the lot in accordance with the rate established by resolution for Commercial uses. MOTION to recommend that the City Council set a date for a public hearing to hear testimony for consideration of the Carrousel Plaza South preliminary plat. REZONING MOTION to recommend approval of the petition rezoning Lot 1, Block 1 Carrousel Plaza South to General Commercial (C -4) subject to: 1) The approval of the Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment redesignating ten aces of property in Carrousel Plaza South as Commercial by the Metropolitan Council; 2) The approval of the preliminary plat after a public hearing for Carrousel Plaza South; and 3) The approval of a final plat for Lot 1, Block 1 Carrousel Plaza South by the City Council and evidence that the final plat has been filed at the County. MOTION to recommend that the City Council set a date for a public hearing to hear testimony regarding the rezoning petition. E:111 -09- 93.5ab Page 2 of 2 EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING APRIL 28, 2015 5.b. Request by Marcus Theaters for a Conditional Use Permit to Add Two Additional Screens (15-12-CUP) Senior Planner Zweber summarized his report for the Planning Commission. Commissioner VanderWiel inquired if a theater is a conditional use in C-4 zoning. Zweber stated that theaters are a permitted use in C-4. VanderWiel also inquired if theaters have a separate standard than industrial buildings in regards to height maximums. Zweber stated that the building height standard is the same for all of C-4 uses. Commissioner Kenninger confirmed that the coloring for front and side panels will be the tricolor panels. She also inquired about the sign, Zweber stated that signs are an administrative authority to staff and they will make sure they stay within the standards. Kenninger also inquired if staff will see a new proposal on the tri-color panels before it is approved by council. Zweber stated that the proposed panels are painted one shade of beige and a recommended condition of approval requires the new panels to match the current façade. Chair Miller stated that when looking at the drawing it appears there is a white horizontal band as an architectural feature. He wondered if the recommendation should include painting the stripe in the design. Zweber stated that the white band is the sign panels on the south façade and wouldn’t recommend the sign to follow around onto the east side. Zweber recommended that the Commission can amend the condition to follow what the Commission believes is best. Miller also inquired where the trees are going to be located. Zweber stated that if they go with the ground coverage then they would be placed along the side of the building. If they choose trees, the plan would need to be submitted before it goes to City Council. Miller feels it looks spars on Hwy 3 and suggested that they be planted along Hwy 3 frontage. Zweber stated that if that is where the Commission wants them, then they need to amend the condition of item 5 to state the placement of the seven trees. Commissioner Forster inquired about the egress plan. Zweber stated that the ramps will tie into the existing sidewalks. Commissioner Freeman inquired if there any requirements for storm shelters. Zweber stated that is not aware of the requirement but maybe the architect knows the answer. Staff will consult the City’s Building Official and will get an answer before the council meeting. Chair Miller inquired if the Fire Marshall reviewed the plan. Zweber stated the Fire Marshall is agreeable to the current plan. The public hearing was opened at 7:11 pm. Public comments: Charles Thompson, 15312 Chili Ct, stated he is in favor of the expansion and neighbors felt the same. Patrick Carpenter, TK Architect, spoke in reference to condition #4 regarding the exterior finish of the concrete panels. He stated that new auditoriums are a new plan and that Marcus wants a different look to differentiate the new auditoriums with a smoother panel with textured paint. Miller inquired about retrofitting the existing facade to match the new. Carpenter stated a similar color pallet will make the buildings cohesive. Kenninger inquired about an update of the mockup of the building addition. She is concerned with the addition not tying into the current building design. Carpenter showed a new design including vertical bands on the addition; he stated the three primary colors will be used as well as the addition of the black and silver to signify the ultra-lounge design. MOTION by VanderWiel to close the public hearing. Second by Kenninger. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. Public Hearing closed at 7:18 pm Additional Comments: Commissioner Kurle feels the new plan shown tonight makes the new and old building look cohesive, Commissioner Freeman agrees with Kurle. Chair Miller inquired if Staff has seen these recent drawings, Zweber stated this is the first he has seen them. Zweber would like to see the moldings to be cast into the panels to add depth to the design but asked if the Commission agrees to the color palate. Zweber stated that the Commission can make it a condition that the new design be submitted before the City Council meeting. Commissioner Kenninger would like suggest that item #4 is revised to state that the exterior panels should be molded, colored, and designed as a complementary to current design. She also wants item #5 to state that the seven (7) trees be placed along the east side of the property along Hwy 3. Zweber recommends to remove the wording the ground plantings and add trees along Hwy 3 frontage for item #5. Also amend item #4 to be reworded as follows, the exterior of the pre-cast concrete panels shall be constructed with depth to break up continuous façade and colored complementary to the existing Marcus Theater. This will give direction to the City Council and they can determine if it is complimentary to the current building. Commissioner VanderWiel stated her main concern is the frontage to Hwy 3; she wants the design on that side to be addressed as well as the front. Commissioner Kurle confirmed that the recommendations in the PUD would only apply to this property. Zweber clarified that it would not only apply to this property but also that the 50’ max height applies only to these two auditoriums. Any future additions would need to amend the PUD. Motion by Kenninger to Recommend Approval of the Planned Unit Development Site and Building Plan, subject to the following conditions: 1. Issuance of a Building Permit. 2. Allow the two new auditoriums to be constructed to a maximum height of 50 feet. 3. Allow the use of pre-cast concrete panels for the two auditorium additions. 4. The exterior of the pre-cast concrete panels on all three facades shall be molded and colored consistent with constructed with dimension and depth to break up continuous facade and colored and designed complementary to the existing Marcus Theater. 5. Installation of 20 foundation plantings or 7 trees along the MN Hwy 3 frontage per the Landscaping Code. 6. Provision of a Landscape Escrow in the amount of $1,925. Second by Forster Kurle asked for clarification on what three (3) sides Kenninger is inquiring about. It was confirmed that the reference was to the south, east, and north sides of the addition. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0 Motion approved.