HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150420 UC Minutes
April 20, 2015
1.a. Issuance of Oath – Brian Connolly
Commissioner Connolly was issued the oath of office.
1.b. Election of New President
Harmsen nominated Speich for the position of President.
Motion by Harmsen. Second by Connelly.
Motion to elect David Speich as President of the Utility Commission.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried.
1.c. Set Meeting Dates 2015-2016
The attached calendar was reviewed, no changes were made.
Motion by Speich. Second Harmsen.
Motion to set the 2015-2016 Utility Commission Meetings per the attached calendar.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried.
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of
Rosemount was called to order on April 20, 2015, at 5:35 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City
Hall, 2875 145 Street West, Rosemount.
President Speich called the meeting to order with Commissioners Connolly and Harmsen, City
Administrator Johnson, Assistant City Engineer Olson, Council member Demuth, Jeff Sanberg and
Jake Newhall of WSB & Associates, Public Works Coordinator Watson, and Recording Secretary
Harrington attending.
The attached minutes were reviewed.
Motion by Speich. Second by Harmsen.
Motion to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2015 Utility Commission meeting.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried.
7.a. MS4 Update – Water Quality Testing
Olson provided an overview of the 2015 Scope of Services, including the continuation of the Storm
Water Asset Management Program (SWAMP) and the Water Level and Quality Monitoring
The SWAMP software application which will be used to complete 3.1 and 3.2 of the agreement was
presented by Jake Newhall. The presentation included how basin information is used to create a
SWAMP number that can be used to identify ponds requiring further inspection. Findings from the
inspections will then be used to develop maintenance recommendations.
Discussion was held regarding changes in the information input to program and how verification
will take place during inspections. The information obtained from such inspections, maintenance,
construction, and Stormwater Management plans updates will be entered into the application to
continually update and monitor the health of each basin.
Speich inquired as to how the engineers would use the program. Newhall provided various ways
that the data may be used to determine basin health and rank basins in order by maintenance needs.
Newhall also noted that pond review memos consisting of cost benefit analysis will be included to
determine which maintenance projects would be most cost effective.
Connolly asked if changes to data made to a single basin after inspection which may affect
presumptions in health decline would be then assessed system wide. Newhall explained that
changes are site specific and there are overrides in place for loading rate, managed depth, and
excavation costs to make allowances for those basins that may have issues that others do not.
Motion by Harmsen. Second by Speich.
Motion to recommend City Council approve the 2015 MS4 Scope of Services.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried.
7.b. Vermillion River Watershed Update
Olson along with Sandberg provided an update on the City’s coordination with Vermillion River
Watershed District (VRWD) related to a storm water outlet from Rosemount. Barr Engineering is
currently analyzing the information and will be providing an update in May. Connolly inquired if
this was to encompass the entire city or a just a portion. Olson advised that only the areas that make
sense to flow south would be included, and that accommodations for those flows were made years
ago. The Vermillion River Watershed is a less expensive option in comparison to directing the flow
the Mississippi. Demuth added that the water flowing into the Vermillion River eventually ends in
the Mississippi anyway. Olson added that this is a starting point for discussion regarding the best
option for the City, and that direction from the Vermillion River Watershed is necessary to proceed
with discharge planning.
7.c. East Side Water Tower
Watson provided a summary of the plans and specifications submitted by KLM for reconditioning
the East Side water tower. Watson advised that a portion of the reconditioning will be funded by
the insurance claim made when the water tower sustained damage when it froze last winter. The
remaining cost will be funded by the water utility fund. Harmsen asked why paint the exterior was
not included, Watson explained that KLM inspected the tower and painting was not recommended
at this time.
Motion by Speich. Second by Connolly.
Motion to recommend City Council receive plans and specifications and ratify Ad for Bids
for the East Side water tower reconditioning.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried.
7.d. Horseshoe Lake Lift Station
Olson provided a brief summary of the staff report regarding Horseshoe Lake Lift Station and
outlined the recommendation to proceed with lift station construction at this time to provide flood
protection to the Bella Vista development as well as accommodate future development as it occurs
within the sub-watershed.
Horseshoe Lake lift station will be hydraulically connected through basins south towards County
Road 42. Natural drainage flows north and east, but there is limited access to that area due to
ownership and future development is questionable. Currently there is no outlet for the basin to the
north which puts the existing the house on north side is at risk for flooding, thus installing a lift
station is necessary to direct the flow south. The Feasibility report and the developer incorporated
this lift station to provide flood protection for houses around Horseshoe Lake as well as the larger
drainage area to the northwest. The infiltration area to be constructed in phase two, is the only sand
area onsite and once the lift station is installed will meet flood requirements. Since permitting could
be a potential problem, the City has already applied for and received a DNR permit for this facility.
Construction would be planned for this fall with the intent to go online either this fall or next spring.
Harmsen appreciated that the permit is already in place. Connolly inquired about the function when
flooding occurs. Sandberg and Olson explained that pumps and valves are mechanically controlled
with floats and sensors, but that manual operation can be used as a backup.
Discussion was held on lake level maintenance and the necessity of pumping. Olson added that this
basin is higher than most and the ice level measured this winter was at a 10 year level. The goal is to
maintain a consistent shoreline level to prevent flooding and damage to the homes and trail
surrounding the lake.
Motion by Harmsen. Second by Connolly.
Motion to recommend the approval of the design and construction of the Horseshoe Lake
storm sewer lift station.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried.
9.a. City Projects Update
The attached project report was reviewed and Olson provided a summary.
9.b.i. 2015 Well Pumping Report
The attached report and charts were reviewed. Olson requested feedback on the charts that were
included in response to a request made at the last Utility Commission meeting. Demuth appreciated
the charts and discussed city water conservation with Commissioners that work in neighboring
communities. Connolly advised that the City of Burnsville parks don’t require much irrigation and
that unbilled water loss is a bigger issue. Harmsen added that Apple Valley doesn’t do a lot of
irrigation in parks with the exception of ball fields and trees. Harmsen added that water usage for
hydrant flushing could be greatly reduced with the addition of a water treatment plant and that the
Apple Valley splash pad re-circulates water. Demuth requested the topic be added to a future
meeting for discussion.
9.b.ii. Interim Financial Report
The attached report was reviewed.
9.c. Set Next Meeting Agenda for May 18, 2015
Olson added the Southeast Metro Groundwater Group will be meeting on April 21 and pending
results may be a potential agenda item at the May meeting.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned by President Speich at 6:45
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Harrington
Recording Secretary