HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Fence Standards Text AmendmentEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Meeting: May 26, 2015 Tentative City Council Meeting: June 16, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: 15-18-TA An Ordinance Amendment AGENDA SECTION: Relating to Fence Height and Public Hearing Orientation Standards PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. Jason Lindahl, A.I.C.P. Planner5.b. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance Amendment, Site Plans APPROVED BY: Showing Street Side Yards that Abut both K.L. Front and Rear Yards. Fence Regulations from Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Lakeville and Woodbury RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve a zoning ordinance text amendment revising fence height and orientation standards. SUMMARY This item was initiated by staff in response to periodic issues with the fence height and orientation. The attached draft ordinance amendment would increase the height standard for fences in street side yards abutting another front yard from 42 to 48 inches. In addition, it would require all fences (the fence panel side with no structural supports) toward the abutting property or street right-of-way. Staff recommends approval of the attached draft ordinance enacting these modified standards. BACKGROUND Currently, Rosemount fence regulations limit the height of fences in front yards or street side yards that abut another front yard to 42 inches and do not address the fence orientation. It is common for residents to request fences in street side yards that abut another front yard be at least 48 inches high. Staff consulted with representatives of both Midwest Fence and Dakota Unlimited to confirm the industry standards for residential fences. Representatives from both companies stated their suppliers produce fences in standard 48, 60 or 72 inch heights. Other heights are either custom made on site or special orders from the manufacturer. Representatives from both companies also stated they would recommend a 48 inch high fence in street side yards that abut another front yard to provide optimum security and screening while maintaining open sightlines along the public street. It is less common, but does occur occasionally, that a resident orients their fence so that the side with the structural supports faces the abutting property or street right-of-way. In some cases, staff works with the resident to reconsider how the fence is placed or there are homeowner association standards that prohibit this practice. However, there is no zoning regulation to prevent this practice city wide. The attached amendment would require that the more attractive sign face toward the public or adjoining neighbor with the structural supports being located on the interior. ISSUE ANALYSIS Legal Authority. Ordinance amendments are legislative actions in that the City is creating new standards to regulate the development of certain types of structures or use. Under the law, the City has wide flexibility to create standards that will insure the type of development it desires. However, zoning regulations must be reasonable and supported by a rational basis relating to promoting the public health, safety and welfare. A recent survey of comparable communities found varying fence standards, although all of the communities acknowledged similar issues with height and orientation standards. The results of the survey are detailed in the table below. Of the five similar communities surveyed, two have raised their height standards from 42 to 48 inches and three have orientation requirements. Fence Standards In Comparable Communities Community Permit Height Orientation Rosemount Yes N/A Apple Valley Yes N/A Burnsville N/A Eagan Yes Finished Side Out Lakeville Yes Finished Side Out Woodbury No Finished Side Out standards to increase the maximum height of fences in street side yards that abut another front yard from 42 to 48 inches. Fences in street side yards that abut another back yard may continue to be up to 6 feet high. CONCLUSION& RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the attached draft ordinance revising fence height and orientation standards. While the height standard change would only apply to fences in street side yards that abut another front yard, the orientation standards would apply to all fences. This recommendation is based on the findings made in this report. 2 City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONGING ORDINANCE B RELATING TO FENCE STANDARDS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS that hereby amended as follows: Section 1. Rosemount Zoning Ordinance B, Section 11-5-2.C.1.e: Fences and Walls is hereby amended as follows: e. Fences and Walls: Fences and walls not exceeding six feet (6') in height, are permitted in any district in the side or rear yards, but shall not exceed forty two inches (42") in front yards or forty street side yards of corner lots that abut another front yard, provided that no structure shall interfere with sight distances for vehicles approaching intersections. Fences not exceeding eight feet (8') in height are permitted in all commercial districts except along property lines adjacent to residential districts. (1) Easements: All fences located in recorded easements are the sole risk of the property owner; and the cost of any removal, relocation, or placement of said structures caused by any activity permitted in said easements is the sole responsibility of the property owner. (2) Materials and Construction: Every fence shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner of substantial materials widely accepted in the fencing industry and reasonably suited for the purpose for which the fence is intended. No plywood boards, canvas, plastic sheeting, metal sheeting or similar materials shall be used for any fence construction. Link fences shall be constructed in a manner that no barbed ends shall be at the top. The side of any fence considered to be its "face" (i.e., the finished side having no structural supports) shall face abutting property or street right of way. Barbed wire and electric boundary fences not exceeding six feet (6') in height shall only be permitted in the AG, AG-P, and RR districts when related to agricultural or permitted uses relative to animal husbandry. (3) Temporary Or Seasonal Fences: Temporary or seasonal fences (such as snow fences, erosion control fences, fences to protect newly seeded areas and the like) are allowed without a permit provided: a) no such fence may be left in place for more than six (6) months without written city approval; b) any such fence must be removed within fifteen (15) days of the city providing written notice to the landowner that the city has determined the fence no longer serves its originally intended, temporary or seasonal purpose. (4) Maintenance: All fences shall be maintained in accordance with section 9-4-7, "Public Nuisance Defined", of this code and all other applicable sections of this code. (Ord. B-198, 2-3-2009) Section 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this ___ day of _______, 2015. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Clarissa Handler, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this ____ day of __________, 2015. 2 RRIIBB AANN WWMM OOOO DD BO S T ON C IR BO IS E C IR CityofBurnsville City of Eagan Fence Standards Section 11.70, Subdivision 16. Fences. A. Construction and maintenance. 1. Every fence shall be maintained in accordance with the building and structure safety and appearance regulations in chapter 10 of this Code. No temporary fence, such as snow fence or an erosion control fence, shall be permitted on any property for a period in excess of 30 days unless otherwise approved by the city for good cause. 2. Above-ground electric boundary fences shall only be permitted in the A district when the property is an active farm. 3. The finished side of all fences shall face away from the fence owner's lot. B. Residential district fences. In all parts of the city zoned residential, boundary fences shall be subject to the following requirements: 1. Fences on all corner lots erected within 30 feet of the intersecting curbline shall be subject to traffic visibility requirements set forth elsewhere in this Code. 2. In side or rear yards, fences shall not exceed a maximum height of six feet. 3. In front yards, fences shall not exceed 42 inches in height. 4. Barbed wire fences shall be permitted only in non-residential zoning districts. C. Business and industrial fences. Property line fences within all business and industrial districts shall not exceed eight feet in height, except by conditional use permit Section 10.53, Subdivision 1.B Any fence is a public nuisance if it does not comply with the following requirements: 1. The fence shall be firmly fastened and anchored in order that it is not leaning or otherwise in the stage of collapse. 2. The fence shall be maintained in sound and good repair and free from deterioration, loose or rotting pieces, or holes, breaks, or gaps not otherwise intended in the original design of the fence. The fence shall be free from any defects or condition which makes the fence hazardous. 3. All exterior wood surfaces of any fence, other than decay resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements by paint or other protective surface covering or treatment, which shall be maintained in good repair to provide the intended protection from the elements. 4. No fence section shall have peeling, cracked, chipped or otherwise deteriorated surface finish, including but not limited to: paint or other protective covering or treatment, on more than 20 percent of any one linear ten-foot section of the fence. For purposes of this section, "fence" means any structure, wall, or gate erected as a permanent dividing marker, partition, visual or physical barrier, or enclosure, excluding any permitted temporary fence as regulated in the zoning regulations of this Code, within a parcel of land regardless if the parcel is platted or unplatted. CityofLakeville City of Woodbury ARTICLE IV. - FENCES Sec. 6-136. - Generally. Fences are permitted in all yards, subject, however, to the provisions of this article. (Code 1985, § 310.02) State Law reference State fence law, Minn. Stat. § 334.03; local fence viewers; legal and sufficient fences, Minn. Stat. § 344.02. Sec. 6-137. - Appeals. Appeals from the provisions of this article may be made pursuant to the variance procedures in chapter 24, article II, division 5. (Code 1985, § 310.03) Sec. 6-138. - Maintenance. All fences shall be properly maintained with respect to appearance and safety. (Code 1985, § 310.02(O)) Sec. 6-139. - Private swimming pools. All fencing around private swimming pools shall comply with chapter 22, article II. (Code 1985, § 310.02(N)) Sec. 6-140. - Height. (a) A fence up to six feet in height may be erected on the rear lot line, the side lot lines and it may return to the front corner of the principal building and shall not be closer to the street than the front corner of the principal building. (b) Fences in business and industrial districts may be erected on the lot line to a height of six feet. Fences in these districts may be erected to a height of eight feet with a security arm for barbed wire subject to a special use permit. (c) Fences exceeding height limits in business and industrial zoning districts may be erected provided they do not encroach upon front or side yard requirements or within ten feet of a rear lot line. No fence shall exceed the height of the principal structure. (d) Fences in excess of 30 inches in height extending across front yards are not permitted in residential platted areas. (e) Fences may be up to eight feet in height when located in rear yard with setbacks from property lines as follows: Page 1 (1) Sides, ten feet. (2) Rear, 35 feet. (f) A fence not exceeding four feet high may be erected on the side lot lines forward of the front corner of the principal building. (Code 1985, § 310.02(A)(C), (E)(H), (M)) Sec. 6-141. - Reserved. Editor's note Ord. No. 1557, § 1557.07, adopted Sept. 26, 1990, repealed former § 6-141 of the Code, which pertained to required open space for passage of air and derived from the 1985 Code, § 310.02(I). Sec. 6-142. - Traffic obstruction. No fence shall be constructed in a manner that would block the view of vehicular traffic or restrict snow plowing of streets. (Code 1985, § 310.02(D)) Sec. 6-143. - Placement along property lines. Fences may be placed along property lines provided no damage of any kind results to abutting property. Fences placed on property lines are subject to section 6-146, easements. (Code 1985, § 310.02(J); Ord. No. 1774, § 1774.01, 6-28-2006) Sec. 6-144. - Placement of face of fence. The side of the fence considered to be the face (facing as applied to fence posts) shall face abutting property. (Code 1985, § 310.02(K)) Sec. 6-145. - Prohibited fencing. Barbed wire and electric fencing are prohibited in platted areas. (Code 1985, § 310.02(L); Ord. No. 1796, § 1796.01, 11-29-2007) Sec. 6-146. - Easements. Any fence placed within an easement that impedes the access or intended use of that easement may be removed by the city or the city's representative at the owner's expense. (Ord. No. 1774, § 1774.02, 6-28-2006) Sec. 6-147. - Fence materials. Page 2 In commercial, office, business park and city center zoning districts, fence materials shall be high- quality vinyl-coated chain link (minimum 9 gauge thickness with a required top rail support), brick, stone, wrought iron, decorative metal or other such material as approved by the city. (Ord. No. 1778, § 1778.01, 9-27-2006) Secs. 6-1486-199. - Reserved. Page 3