HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. Professional Services Contract for Engineering and Landscape Architect Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: June 2, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Professional Services Contract for Engineering and Landscape Architect Services – Prestwick Park Final Improvements AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 6.e. ATTACHMENTS: Concept Plan and Proposed Professional Services Agreement APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve entering into a professional services agreement with WSB to provide engineering and landscape architect services for the Prestwick Park project final improvements. ISSUE The City of Rosemount’s 2015 10 Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) includes funding for the construction of the final phase of improvements for Prestwick Park. The final improvements include fine grading, seeding, a ball field, sidewalks, a sun shelter, trails and landscaping. Phase one improvements (trails, basketball court and parking lot) were designed by WSB and installed with the street and utility improvement projects for the development. Phase two improvements included the installation of the playground and rock border. Staff is recommending that WSB coordinate with all subcontractors to complete all design, bidding and contract administration for the project in accordance with the master services contract for City Engineering Services between WSB and the City of Rosemount. The proposed costs of the services are listed below and are also outlined in the attached professional services proposal. Item A – Final Design and Bidding: $19,933 (see attached proposal for additional details) Item B – Contract Administration / Surveying / Material: $14,902 (see attached proposal for additional details) SUMMARY Staff is recommending the City Council approve entering into a professional services agreement with WSB to provide final design, bidding, contract administration, and surveying services for the construction of the final improvements at Prestwick Park. St. Cloud  Minneapolis  St. Paul Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K:\Personal\Jason Amberg\Proposals\Rosemount\Prestwick Park\Prestwick Park - 5-14-15.docx engineering planning environmental construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 May 15, 2015 Mr. Dan Schultz Park and Recreation Director City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Estimate of Professional Services Fee Prestwick Park Construction Documents, Bidding, Contract Administration City of Rosemount, MN Dear Mr. Schultz: WSB & Associates is pleased to present this proposal for professional services related to the Prestwick Park development. The scope of services presented in this proposal are based on discussions with the City of Rosemount, and our familiarity with the project site from past involvement. WSB will complete all work in accordance with the master services contract for City Engineering Services between WSB and the City of Rosemount. For reference we have attached the following: PROJECT UNDERSTANDING: WSB understand that the city wishes to implement the final phase of development of Prestwick Park. General Development Items Include:  Ballfield backstop / infield  Open green play field  Trails and walkways  Picnic pavilion with custom columns  Basketball court color coating and striping  Seeding  Landscape plantings BASE SCOPE OF SERVICES WSB will provide design development, construction documentation, and construction related services for this project based on the approved Preliminary Phasing Plan provided by the city. In order to complete the project, we propose the following scope of services which outlines our tasks and deliverables: A. SCOPE OF SERVICES “A” – Final Design and Bidding: 1. Project Focus Meeting: The general purpose of the focus meeting is to confirm key individuals, vendor contact, staff members, etc. who will be involved in the project or have information that will affect the project, and general review and discussion about the issues and concerns related to this project. Page 2 K:\Personal\Jason Amberg\Proposals\Rosemount\Prestwick Park\Prestwick Park - 5-14-15.docx 2. Design Development: Shall include the preparation of written text, plans, photos, product info, and other drawings necessary to describe the design, materials, colors, textures in sufficient detail for the OWNER to grasp the appearance and function of the improvements. a. For this project, this may include considerations for concrete color / texture, custom masonry foundations and columns for a pre-engineered shelter, planting species, etc. b. This includes review and use of appropriate design standards for listed facilities and preparation of design development drawings. The drawings include refined site facility layout, landscaping, grading, removals plans, site utility plans, etc. and details as required. Outline specifications, including general and technical sections, will be prepared. The bid form outline will be prepared and used to estimate construction costs. c. An estimate of the cost to construct these improvements will be refined based on these documents. From this estimate the OWNER shall determine which of the improvements shall be included in the final phase of design, (Construction Documents). 3. Construction Documents: Once the design options are fully explored and selected through paragraph A3 above, WSB will prepare final Construction Documents for the improvements as approved by the OWNER for inclusion in this project. These documents shall include plans, details, and specifications in sufficient detail for the OWNER to pursue competitive bids for the construction of the improvements. Specific scope of work for this task will include: a. Construction Plans including: i. Title Sheet ii. Existing Conditions and Removals Plan iii. Site Layout Plan iv. Site Grading Plan  Erosion control and site SWPPP plans as necessary  Temporary sedimentation basins as necessary  Onsite soils are assumed to be free of hazardous materials.  Spot elevations for key finished grade elements  ADA grading design of trails, sidewalks, and other site facilities as appropriate for this phase of the project. v. Enlargement plans for shelter area layout and grading vi. Pavement Designs and Typical Details vii. Miscellaneous Site Construction Details b. Prepare Technical Specifications c. Prepare Final Cost Estimate 4. Permits: a. Completion and submittal of the NPDES Phase II stormwater permit ($400 application fee included) at 90% plan completion. Assumes erosion control plan, SWPPP, and required erosion and sediment control details. b. Completion and submittal of City of Rosemount grading permit (application fee not included) prior to start of construction. c. Completion and submittal of City of Rosemount building permit for picnic pavilion if necessary (application fee not included) prior to start of construction. 5. Bidding Assistance – It is understood that the project will be bid as one single package. WSB will provide services for bidding assistance including the following: a. Advertisement for bids b. Coordinate online plan set availability to Contractors c. Field questions from Prospective Bidders d. Issue addenda as necessary e. Attend the bid opening f. Prepare tabulation of bids g. Prepare letter of recommendation for contract award Page 3 K:\Personal\Jason Amberg\Proposals\Rosemount\Prestwick Park\Prestwick Park - 5-14-15.docx 6. Deliverables: a. One complete paper and digital set of design development materials b. Construction drawings, specifications and final estimate of probable construction costs at 95% completion and 100% final completion. c. Addenda during bidding d. Bid tabulation e. Letter of recommendation to award contract 7. Meetings to be held in Rosemount: a. 1 Design Development package review meeting b. 1 Construction Document review meetings (95%) c. 2 City Council meetings (authorization to bid, recommendation to award) B. SCOPE OF SERVICES “B” – Contract Administration / Surveying / Material Testing 1. Construction administration will include the following tasks: a. Conduct Pre-construction Conference and up to 6 site meetings. WSB will schedule and lead the pre-construction conference. Site meetings will allow for pro-active communication with the contractor, which will maximize efficiency during the construction. Meeting minutes will be prepared and distributed to all the attendees. b. WSB will provide all services necessary to answer contractor questions and provide design intent and clarification for any issues that may arise during the project, including review of shop drawings. c. Review pay applications prepared by contractor and make recommendations regarding payment d. In the event of changed conditions during the project, WSB will prepare and distribute any necessary change orders to expedite the work in the field. e. Substantial completion meeting and punchlist f. Final Project Completion review meeting 2. Material testing services: a. Density testing – nuclear gauge b. Proctor moisture-density relationship of soils c. Mechanical Sieve Analysis/Grading d. Bituminous field density testing of base/wear course e. Concrete compression testing – 6 cylinders f. Concrete testing slump, air, temp 3. Construction Surveying - WSB & Associates, Inc. will provide a survey crew as needed to perform the following services for the construction of the project: a. Preparing coordinate data for staking b. Grade staking c. Trails and walkways d. Shelter columns and concrete pad e. Ballfield backstop f. As-built survey 4. Record Drawings – WSB & Associates, Inc. will complete record drawings based on construction notes and the information gathered during the as-built survey. Record drawings will be provided to the City to review and final drawings will be prepared once the record drawings have been approved. Note: this may not be needed as this project does not involve municipal utilities / services. Page 4 K:\Personal\Jason Amberg\Proposals\Rosemount\Prestwick Park\Prestwick Park - 5-14-15.docx ADDITIONAL SERVICES The following scope of service items are provided for the CITY’s consideration for inclusion in the project. C. ADDITIONAL SERVICES “C” - Construction Inspection: 1. WSB will provide a construction inspector for the project that is familiar with construction projects within the City of Rosemount. Construction Inspection services will be provided at hourly rates and will include. a. Survey coordination b. Materials testing and certification coordination c. Oversee contractor operations on site d. Prepare construction diaries / progress reports as necessary e. Records for as-built drawing preparation D. CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS 1. We will provide all of the professional design services, required to complete the plans and specifications as required for bidding the improvements for this project except the following: a. Hazardous waste engineering b. Archeological services c. Ecological design services WSB can add these items to our scope at additional fee if they become required. 2. Any additional work or change in project scope will be completed on an hourly basis to be billed in accordance with WSB & Associates’ general services contract with the City of Rosemount. 3. City of Rosemount may terminate project with written notice, but shall be responsible for fees incurred to date. E. PROPOSED FEE: 1. Item ‘A’ – Final Design and Bidding: WSB & Associates and their identified team of subconsultants will provide the services as outlined in Scope of Services Paragraph “A” above for an estimated hourly fee of $19,933.00. 2. Item ‘B’ – Contract Administration, Surveying and Material Testing: WSB & Associates and their identified team of subconsultants will provide the services as outlined in Scope of Services Paragraph “A” above for an estimated hourly fee of $14,902.00. 3. Additional Services, Item ‘C’ - Construction Inspections: WSB & Associates and will provide the services as outlined in Scope of Services Paragraph “D” above on an hourly basis as requested by the CITY. Base Scope of Services Fee Summary: Item ‘A’ – Final Design & Bidding ………………………………… $19,933.00 Item ‘B’ – Contract Administration, Surveying, Material Testing….. $14,902.00 Base Scope of Services Total $34,835.00 Additional Services Fee Summary: Item ‘C’ – Construction Inspections …….. Hourly –as requested Page 5 K:\Personal\Jason Amberg\Proposals\Rosemount\Prestwick Park\Prestwick Park - 5-14-15.docx The proposed scope and fee presented herein represents our complete understanding of the project based on available information. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (763) 231-4841. Once again, we appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with you and your staff. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Jason L. Amberg, PLA Group Manager - Landscape Architecture Attachments:  Fee spreadsheet ACCEPTED BY: City of Rosemount, MN By Date Scope of Services Fee Estimate Prestwick Park Development 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Base Services Item 'A'Final Design and Bidding Estimated Fee 1.01 Project management 2,660.00$ 1.02 Design Development drawings / product info 2,192.00$ 1.03 Design review meeting 864.00$ 1.04 Construction Document drawings - plans & details 4,620.00$ 1.05 Erosion Control & SWPPP 944.00$ 1.06 Specifications 2,362.00$ 1.07 Estimates 1,432.00$ 1.08 Construction document review meeting 864.00$ 1.09 Permits 1,232.00$ 1.10 Bidding Services 2,763.00$ Estimated Fee for Scope of Service 'A' 19,933.00$ Item 'B'Contract Administration, Survey Staking, Material Testing Estimated Fee 2.01 Contract Administration 5,802.00$ 2.02 Construction Surveying 4,000.00$ 2.03 As-builts / Record Drawings 1,600.00$ 2.04 Material Testing 3,500.00$ Estimated Fee for Scope of Service 'B' 14,902.00$ Base Total 34,835.00$ WSB Associates, Inc. Page 1 of 1 5/15/2015 City of Rosemount, MN Prestwick park February, 2008 Basketball Court Play Equipment Shelter Building Parking Lot (39 stalls) Ballfield Soccer Field Manhole (burried) Paved Trail Paved Trail Landscape Buffer Landscape Buffer NURP Pond NURP Pond Mowed Turf Prairie Grasses C o n n e m a r a T r a i l