HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150209 CCM WSROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 9, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Monday, February 9, 2015 beginning at 6:31 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Nelson, Weisensel and Demuth in attendance. Staff present included City Administrator Johnson, Assistant City Administrator Foster, Chief of Police Scott, Finance Director May, IT Coordinator Solberg, Public Works Director Brotzler, City Engineer Olson, Public Works Coordinator Watson, and City Clerk Hadler. Guests included Meghan Litsey of WSB. City Administrator Johnson stated there were two items that were added to the Updates portion of the agenda. DISCUSSION 2.A. MS4 Scope of Services Update Public Works Director Brotzler introduced Meghan Litsey of WSB and Christine Watson, Public Works Coordinator. Ms. Litsey gave an overview of the status of various points of the MS4 scope of services and update, noting which items have been completed and which still have to be completed. Mr. Brotzler discussed some activities the Public Works Department about removal of volunteer tree growth around storm sewer outlets. Council member Demuth inquired whether Council would see some of the data that comes out of some of the monitoring activities. Ms. Litsey responded that some of that data would be coming in memo format. Mr. Brotzler responded that staff could put together some data, but didn't want to do any extensive data processing before a 5-year end point due to the cost of doing so. Ms. Litsey explained the reasons for the assessment and update of the MS4 ordinance, which have to do with MPCA permit requirements. Ms. Litsey invited council questions and discussion. Council inquired whether our ordinance was more stringent than other cities. Ms. Litsey stated the ordinance was meeting the requirements, but not going over. Council members and staff discussed various points such as erosion control and appeals process. 2.B. Proposed Generator Replacement for City Hall Standby Power Public Works Director Brotzler introduced the need for a new generator at City Hall. The current system is insufficient for the needs of the organization. The current system powers the police department and a small portion of the upstairs. It would not be able to run the HVAC system. There are significant risks to not having sufficient power during a long-term power outage. Staff is looking for feedback from Council about what they feel the needs are. Mayor Droste inquired about how many portable generators we currently have. Mr. Brotzler responded there are currently two very large portables that would be needed for the lift stations to keep sewage from backing up. 6.a. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 9, 2015 Chief Scott gave an overview of the needs of the Emergency Operations plan. Council member Weisensel asked about testing and the reliability of the current generator. Mr. Brotzler gave examples of some of the problems they have had during testing. Finance Director May discussed his concerns with staff not having power and not being able to meet deadlines. He stated the existing generator came from the old City Hall and is almost 30 years old. In 2001, when the addition to City Hall was built, they decided to skip the new generator to save costs. Council member DeBettignies inquired about how the costs are broken down. Mr. Brotzler broke down the costs for the engine, generator and installation. Council member Demuth inquired about the emission requirements. Mr. Brotzler explained the Xcel Energy peak demand program and how being a part of that program can save on the electric charges for the City. Council members and staff discussed the pros and cons to natural gas and diesel fueled systems. Diesel fuel gives more security in that you're not at risk of lack of fuel in the event the natural gas supply was hindered. Mayor Droste asked what the next steps are; whether we need to bring this back to Council. Staff responded the project will be brought back with specs and bid docs for approval by Council. 2.C. City File Servers and Accessories Finance Director May gave an overview of the need for file servers and accessories. The current servers are 5 years old, which is beyond the useful life of the machines. In addition, the BCA has stated that we are not in compliance. The total cost has been budgeted already for this year. IT Coordinator Solberg was on hand to answer questions. Council members asked if there was the possibility of sharing a system with Dakota Communications Center or others to save money. Mr. Solberg stated there were limitations and costs due to the way our network is set up. Other issues discussed were space limitations, redundant systems, fiber connections. Finance Director May asked whether staff should bring to Council for approval. Mayor and Council stated staff can just go ahead and move forward with the lowest bid. 2.D. Applicant Tracking & Recruitment Software Assistant Administrator Emmy Foster reviewed the product NeoGov, a cloud-based applicant tracking and recruitment software. Currently, the city uses a paper based system, which is very inefficient and time-consuming. She stated one of the greatest benefits is the ease of applying, because each applicant can submit for a job very quickly. 2.E. Replacement of Card Key Security System Finance Director May gave an overview of the need for a new Card Key Security System. The current system is no longer supported and staff has had difficulty making fixes to it. FS 1 and 2 and ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 9, 2015 PW buildings would be added. There is the possibility of adding other areas in the future. The low bid is $97,000. This bidder also had the system that was easiest to expand in the future. IT Coordinator Solberg discussed the age and capabilities of the current system. Reporting features are currently not working. Mr. Solberg asked how Council would like to proceed. Council members stated they would agree with staff moving forward. 2.F. Police Department Records Management System Upgrade Police Chief Scott explained the need for a new Records Management System. The current system is outdated and insufficient for the department's needs. Staff has researched various options and what other communities are doing and recommend the TriTec system. Chief Scott stated the cost of the system could be paid over 5 years interest free and that the savings in staff time should pay for the new system in that time. He also stated that he is concerned about the quality of the data in the current system, based on some reports he has run. In addition, most officers he has spoken with have stated that the current ProPhoenix system is not user friendly. Lakeville, Apple Valley and Eagan will also be using this system and we will be able to share data with these other communities. City Administrator Johnson explained what LOGIS is; a consortium of cities and counties who come together on purchasing programs. Mayor Droste asked what the next steps are. Johnson responded this was 2016 budget issue and that staff would like to move forward with negotiations with TriTec. 2.G. 2015 Police Fleet Vehicle Purchase Chief Scott outlined the patrol cars that are in the CIP for replacement. One car is 14 years old with 76,000 miles. Staff plans to replace this unit with a utility vehicle. Ford no longer makes the Crown Victoria, and staff feels the Taurus models are too tight with officers’ extra equipment. They plan to add a vehicle; a Tahoe that would serve as a command vehicle that would hold extra equipment. Chief Scott believes this extra vehicle will save the City approximately $20,000 over 10 years due to decreased use of other vehicles. Council member Nelson asked what the benchmark was for amount of miles the City should be putting on vehicles. Chief Scott stated it was about 90,000 miles. Council member Demuth asked how many patrol cars were out at one time. Chief Scott stated there were 3 – 4 patrols, but vehicles are also being used for court appearances, CSO use, trainings, etc. Council member Demuth inquired about idling. Chief Scott stated there are a number of reasons for idling, including keeping equipment in the vehicles (computers, video cameras and AED’s) warm in winter and cool in summer. Council members had no concerns about the purchases. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 9, 2015 UPDATES 3.A. Tobacco licensing-County letter City Administrator Johnson explained that Dakota County has asked that the City take over tobacco licensing. Tobacco licensing of most cities in the county is done by the municipality, except for Inver Grove Heights, Rosemount, and the smaller communities. Council members had no concerns about moving forward with tobacco licensing at the city level. 3.B. Consider dates for Commission interviews Council members discussed dates for Commissioner interviews. It was decided they would be held Friday, February 27th, at 4 pm. 3.C. Sundial Energies City Administrator Johnson gave an overview of the Sundial Energies, who have approached the city. The programs could save 20% off the electric bill. Currently the electric bill for City Hall is approximately $35,000 per year. The company receives tax credits to pay for the project, allowing the city to “test drive” the solar systems for 6 – 10 years. Mr. Johnson will submit a Letter of Intent to Council at the next regular meeting on February 17th. 3.D. Bacardi Settlement City Administrator Johnson gave an overview of the Bacardi settlement case. The parties suing the City rejected the initial settlement offer as well as the amount recommended at remediation and are asking for a total of $72,000. 3.E. UMore Park Meeting City Administrator Johnson gave an overview of the meeting with Pam Wheelock and ____ Fitz (?). They have stated they will be doing away with the UMore Park Board and the University Regents will be taking over. The University will be moving more towards a market driven approach, though they are still interested in sustainability. COUNCIL UPDATES Council member Nelson stated that RAHA appreciates the time the Council be dedicating to upcoming discussions and is looking forward to the athletics meeting. Mayor Droste asked other council member to comment on metrics for goal setting. Mayor Droste stated he had a meeting with Nicki Carrigan to discuss the noise issue at her building. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 10:21 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk