HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150311 CCM WSROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MARCH 11, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Nelson, Weisensel and Demuth in attendance. Staff present included City Administrator Johnson, Public Works Director Brotzler, Community Development Director Lindquist and City Clerk Hadler. Guests included Jim Hickle of Gigabit Minnesota, Lisa Alfson of the Dakota County Community Development Agency, and Craig Ebeling, consultant for the Dakota County broadband project. City Administrator Johnson stated there was one item added to Discussion, item 2.D. Commission Appointments, and a number of items that were added to the Updates portion of the agenda. DISCUSSION 2.A. Proposed County Broadband City Administrator Johnson introduced Craig Ebeling, consultant, and Lisa Alfson, of Dakota County CDA. Ms. Alfson gave an overview of the proposed Dakota County Broadband initiative. Mr. Ebeling continued this discussion, describing how the concept might be moved forward. A core ring of broadband would be created using assets that already exist and supplemented by items that need to be built. The goal of the project is getting fiber broadband closer to the eventual end users. Mr. Ebeling explained the benefits of a fiber network including; unlimited bandwidth potential with capacity to meet growing demand of residents and businesses. Mr. Ebeling explained the difference between fiberoptic lines and radio, satellite, and copper systems. Mr. Ebeling explained the possibility of internet service providers to then expand the fiber network to businesses and homes. The study showed that approximately 21 more miles of fiber that needs to be installed before the core network is completed. Mayor Droste and Mr. Ebeling discussed a couple of businesses that located in Scott County due largely in part to their core network of fiber cable. The City of Eagan has also installed fiber and has since recruited a data center. Council members and guests discussed the current fiber situation in the area, the challenges of such, and the many benefits of fiber networks. The cost of the 21 miles of new fiber would cost approximately $3.4 million. Council member Weisensel inquired about the possibility of community-based wireless. Mr. Ebeling stated that was a possibility with additional towers and hardware. Mr. Ebeling explained there was a similar type agreement in the San Francisco Bay area that created a cooperative agreement that may be instructive in creating the JPA for Dakota County. Discussions with the members of the consortium will continue in the months to come to develop an agreement. Council members were supportive of the concept of a core fiber network in Dakota County. 6.a. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MARCH 11, 2015 2.C. Integrated Water Management Update Public Works Director Brotzler introduced Todd Hubner, and 3 students from the University of Minnesota Resilient Communities program who are sitting in to hear about the project. Mr. Brotzler gave a brief update in the Integrated Water Management proposal. The Metropolitan Council has provided a feasibility report for a treated wastewater facility. The reports estimates the cost of a facility would be $1.2 billion and could serve 8 cities. The City of Rosemount share would be $108 million. Mr. Brotzler explained some of the comments the Southeast Metro Groundwater Group had submitted to the Met Council regarding their groundwater model, including an added 20% reduction scenario and a model that removes the demand from two private water users. Mr. Brotzler showed the updated model based on these suggestions. The new model seems to be an improvement over the first model that was presented two years ago. However, there are still challenges for the water supply in the future. Mr. Brotzler explained the proposed water reuse system, which would take treated effluent from the Empire Treatment Plant and use it for irrigation and other non-potable uses. This would be achieved by installing a fourth pipe during development. Rosemount has a particularly unique opportunity which other cities do not have because of the Empire Plant, as well as the fact that UMore Park is not yet developed. Mr. Brotzler explained the concept of Integrated Water Management; the examination of groundwater, storm water, and wastewater as a whole. Mr. Brotzler noted that the Met Council may consider treating the effluent to a higher level so that it could be used at Flint Hills. Mr. Hubner of WSB explained some of the funding opportunities for this type of a project. Potential partners include Dakota County, Minnesota Department of Health, DNR, Vermillion River Watershed, U of M, Met Council, MPCA, and Empire Township. There is a state natural resource trust fund, Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) through the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) that is a possibility for larger projects such as this. The deadline for this grant is May 2015. Other opportunities include legislative appropriations. Another option is direct funding allocations through partner organizations. Mr. Hubner outlined potential next steps for acquiring funding and how WSB, staff and elected officials might be involved in that process. They plan to submit the ENRTF grant application to the Council for approval at the first meeting in May. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MARCH 11, 2015 2.B. Met Council Draft Water Resources Policy Plan Public Works Director Brotzler introduced a letter of comment to the Met Council regarding the Draft 2014 Water Resources Policy Plan. The letter expresses concern that the plan moves certain controls to the Met Council and out of the hands of local governments. Council member Demuth asked that comment number 9 be removed. Staff and council agreed. Mr. Brotzler stated the final letter will be presented on the next Council agenda. 2.D. Commission Appointments Council members discussed the commissioner appointments and decided who to appoint. Council also discussed the potential of adding 2 more members to the Planning Commission. It was decided to add 2 seats to the Planning Commission. The following persons are to be appointed at the next council meeting; Utilities Commission – Brian Connolly, Parks & Recreation Commission – James Young, Port Authority – Dan Wolf – 2 year term and Jamal Abdulahi – 4 year term, Planning Commission – Pam VanderWiel, Brandon Henrie and Gretchan Freeman, each for 3 year terms. UPDATES 3.a. Park and Rec Commission Ice Arena Fees City Administrator Johnson inquired whether Council would be supportive of increased ice arena fees. The increased fees would help cover current revenue shortages, the new refrigeration unit and new Zamboni machine. Council member Nelson expressed concerns relating to the cost of our ice compared to other cities. City Administrator Johnson showed a matrix of neighboring communities that shows that Rosemount’s prime time rate is the lowest of all cities shown. Council members were generally supportive other than Council member Nelson. 3.b. Steeple Center Lighting City Administrator Johnson state that Jeff Bartlett has provided estimates for the Steeple Center Lighting project. He estimates it would cost approximately $98,000 for the front of the Steeple Center, or $160,000 for a larger project. Council members discussed the quote. 3.c. Volunteer Recognition City Administrator Johnson inquired what Council would like to do for volunteer recognition this year. Council members debated where to have the gathering and what format it should be. Council recommends waiting until the Steeple Center is open again. 3.d. Early Voting City Administrator Johnson explained a proposed Resolution in support of early voting, which is recommended by the League of Minnesota Cities. City Council members expressed support for this in general. 3.e. Kenrose Property City Administrator Johnson stated the Kenrose Property is for sale. There are six parcels for sale for $2 million. The property provides approximately $700,000 in tax revenue. Mr. Johnson recommends monitoring the situation. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MARCH 11, 2015 3.f. Potential Development City Administrator Johnson presented information regarding a potential single family housing development. 3.g. Future Conferences and Registrations City Clerk Hadler inquired which conferences council members would like to attend. There will be an approval on the next council agenda. COUNCIL UPDATES Council Member DeBettignies stated that he spoke to someone at the old canning company (where was he?) and thanked them for moving to town. Council Member Demuth stated that DCTC might not be using their baseball field. She stated the County will do a free environmental assessment if needed. Johnson clarified that the property would not be transferred, so that would not be needed. Council Member Demuth expressed concern over the WSB employee sitting on the LCCMR Board that City will be applying to for grant discussed earlier. She is also concerned about treated effluent being returned to the aquifer. Mayor Droste shared a Sustainability Update for 2013 from Burnsville and expressed interest in having a similar report of some kind. Mayor Droste shared his experience at a meeting at the University regarding sustainability. Mayor Droste stated he had heard from a neighborhood member that is concerned with the fact their association owns their own streets and are responsible for all of the maintenance. They would like the City to take over ownership of those streets. Weisensel stated he has information from NLC and it will be placed on Dropbox. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk