HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150421 PAM RMROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS APRIL 21, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was held on Tuesday, April 21st, 2015 at 6:02 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Chair Weisensel called the meeting to order with Commissioners Droste, Wolf, Luing, Smith, Abdulahi, and DeBettignies attending. Staff present included City Administrator Johnson, Community Development Director Lindquist and City Clerk Hadler. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. OATHS OF OFFICE Commissioners Abdulahi and Wolf were sworn in by City Clerk Hadler. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA City Administrator Johnson stated there was an addition to the agenda. Motion by Weisensel. Second by Wolf. Motion to Adopt the Agenda. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Wolf. Second by Smith. Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda . a. Approval of Approval of March 17, 2015 Meeting Minutes Ayes: Droste, Wolf, Luing, Weisensel, Smith, Abdulahi, DeBettignies Nays: None. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS 5.a. Election of Chair, Vice Chair, and Treasurer Community Development Director Lindquist clarified the rules for election. Chair Weisensel opened the floor for nominations for Chair. Commissioner DeBettignies nominated Commissioner Weisensel to the position of Chair. Motion by Wolf. Second by Smith. Motion to close the nominations. Ayes: Droste, Wolf, Luing, Weisensel, Smith, Abdulahi, DeBettignies ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS APRIL 21, 2015 Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Wolf. Second by Luing. Motion to elect Jeff Weisensel to the position of Chair by unanimous consent. Ayes: Droste, Wolf, Luing, Weisensel, Smith, Abdulahi, DeBettignies Nays: None. Motion carried. Chair Weisensel opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chair. Commissioner DeBettignies nominated Commissioner Smith to the position of Vice Chair. Motion by DeBettignies. Second by Luing. Motion to close the nominations. Ayes: Droste, Wolf, Luing, Weisensel, Smith, Abdulahi, DeBettignies Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Luing. Second by DeBettignies. Motion to elect Bob Smith to the position of Vice Chair by unanimous consent. Ayes: Droste, Wolf, Luing, Weisensel, Smith, Abdulahi, DeBettignies Nays: None. Motion carried. Chair Weisensel opened the floor for nominations for Treasurer. Commissioner Smith nominated Commissioner Luing to the position of Treasurer. Motion by DeBettignies. Second by Wolf. Motion to close the nominations. Ayes: Droste, Wolf, Luing, Weisensel, Smith, Abdulahi, DeBettignies Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Wolf. Second by DeBettignies. Motion to elect Tom Luing to the position of Treasurer by unanimous consent. Ayes: Droste, Wolf, Luing, Weisensel, Smith, Abdulahi, DeBettignies Nays: None. Motion carried. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS APRIL 21, 2015 OLD BUSINESS 6.a. Retail Update Community Development Director gave an overview of the retail vacancy rates in the city. This is done quarterly. The city generally experiences a vacancy rate of about 7 – 9 percent. The Rosemount Crossing site has experienced steady vacancy rates since it opened. Lindquist has been in contact with the site broker. Issues with this might include the entry to the shopping center. Lindquist also gave an overview of a new metric that tracks new businesses, closed businesses and expansion. These metrics are difficult to track as there is no requirement for businesses to contact the city when they open, close or expand. Commissioner Smith inquired about a potential sign at the entrance to Rosemount Crossing. Commissioner Smith inquired about businesses that are listed as closed; Cherry Berry and Yarn Garage. Ms. Lindquist verified the companies had closed. 6.b. Website Traffic Community Development Director Lindquist gave an overview of the website statistics provided by Communications Coordinator Cox. City Administrator Johnson reviewed the information in more detail and indicated that Mr. Cox has been able to do a custom query on the site. Commissioner Droste stated he would be interested in seeing if we could get an article in the Star Tribune and then track hits on the website regarding that issue. Commissioner Abdulahi inquired if the provider was charging for the service. Johnson indicated he was not aware if we were being charged for the service. Commissioners discussed potential strategies for use of this data and how to drive hits to the website. 6.c. ICSC Update Community Development Director Lindquist handed out the revised brochure that members of the Port Authority will be bringing with to the ICSC conference in Las Vegas. Ms. Lindquist reviewed the changes staff had made to the piece. Commissioners discussed various points of the brochure. Ms. Lindquist stated she has had inquiries regarding the Genz Ryan site and whether the Port Authority feels there is any flexibility in the price of the site. Commissioner Droste indicated research should be done to see what the market rate for the site might be. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS APRIL 21, 2015 Commissioners agreed that if the site is worth less, then the price should be reviewed and potentially lowered. CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT Chair Weisensel stated that Ms. Lindquist will have changes to the meeting calendar. Ms. Lindquist stated that 3 commissioners are currently available for the Special Port Authority meeting on May 5th, at 6 p.m. The May 19th meeting will be cancelled due to the ICSC conference. DIRECTOR’S REPORT REPORTS FROM PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner DeBettignies stated he had a conversation with a resident regarding a sports complex. Chair Weisensel indicated the gentleman also contacted him. City Administrator Johnson indicated he and staff had a meeting scheduled with the gentleman this week. Commissioner Abdulahi stated he is now a feature blogger for the Star Tribune and indicated he would be open to any economic development discussion topics. Commisioner Smith inquired whether those people attending the ICSC conference should get together beforehand. Community Devel Lindquist stated she would schedule something in the beginning of May. COMMUNITY/AUDIENCE RECOGNITION ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Port Authority and upon a motion by Wolf, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 6:52 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk