HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.o. MS4 Annual ReportROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: June 16, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: MS4 Annual Report AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Christine Watson, Public Works et AGENDA NO. Coordinator ATTACHMENTS: MS4 Annual Report for 2014 APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the MS4 Annual Report for 2014 and authorize its submittal to the MPCA. BACKGROUND Attached forPYPourinformationistheMunicipalSeparate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Annual Report for 2014. This report outlines the re uiements for the maintenance and operation of the storm sewer system, as well as the city's actions towards meetingthoserequirements in 2014. This report is required bythetYPq Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to be submitted by June 30 of each year as part of the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. A requirement of the NPDES Permit is to conduct an annualpublic informational meetingto invite publicq input on the City's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). This meeting was held on May 20, 2014. There we no attendees. SUMMARY Staff recommends that City Council approve the 2014 MS4 Annual Report and authorize the submittal of the report to the MPCA. G:\ENGPROJ\ENG 0019-NPDES-PHASEII\SWPPP 2014\20150616 CC MS4 Annual Report for 2014.docx 6.o. MS4 Annual Report for 2014 L Minnesota Pollution Control Agency You are currently logged in as: Rosemount City MS4 If this is correct, click the 'Next button. If this information is incorrect, contact Cole Landgraf (651-757-2880, cole.landgraf@state.mn.us) or Rachel Stang! (651-757- 2879, rachel.stangl@state.mn.us). Before you begin... The MS4 Annual Report for 2014 will automatically save your answers when you hit the `Next' button at the bottom of each page. If you wish to leave the MS4 Annual Report for 2014 and complete the document at another time, you may do so by hitting `Next' at the bottom of your current page to save your progress before exiting the document. Return to the survey by following the previously used web link, and again login using your email and assigned password credentials. Once you successfully log in, your previous answers will appear. You may print a copy of the MS4 Annual Report for 2014 for your records at any time by pressing the `Print' button at the bottom of the page. Additionally, it is possible to save a PDF copy of the MS4 Annual Report for 2014 if you are working on a computer with OneNote (a program often included in Microsoft Office packages). Detailed saving instructions are available at stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/Guidance for saving MS4 annual reports. MS4 Annual Report for 2014 Reporting period: January 1 , 2014 to December 31 , 2014 Due: June 30, 2015 Thursday, June 11, 2015 Page 1 of 14 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 Instructions: Complete this annual report to provide a summary of your activities under the 2013 MS4 Permit (Permit) between January 1 , 2014 and December 31 , 2014. You may provide additional explanation and/or information in an email with the subject YourMS4NameHere_20I4AR to ms4permitprogram.pca@state.mn.us. MPCA staff may also contact you for additional information. Questions: Contact Cole Landgraf at 651-757-2880 or cole.landgraf@state.mn.us or Rachel Stang! at 651-757-2879 or rachel.stangl@state.mn.us. MS4 General Contact Information Last name Watson First name Christine Title Public Works Coordinator Mailing 2875 145th Street West address City Rosemount State MN Zip code 55068 Phone 651-322-2091 Email christine.watson@ci.rosemount.mn.us MCM 1: Public Education and Outreach The following questions refer to Part l I I.D.1 . of the Permit. Q2 Did you select a stormwater-related issue of high priority to be emphasized during this Permit term? [Part III.D.1 .a.(1)] Yes Q No Q3 What is your stormwater-related issue(s)? Check all that apply. TMDL(s) Local businesses Residential BM Ps Pet waste Yard waste 0 Deicing materials Household chemicals 0 Construction activities Post-construction activities Other Q4 Did you begin to educate the public on illicit discharge recognition and reporting? Part III.D.1.a.(2)] Thursday, June 11, 2015 Page 2 of 14 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 Yes Q No Q5 How did you distribute educational materials or equivalent outreach? Check all that apply and provide circulation/audience associated with each item. [Part O Brochure Newsletter Utility bill insert O Newspaper ad O Radio ad O Television ad Cable access channel Stormwater-related event ll School presentation or project C Website Other (1) 0 Other(2) O Other(3) Q6 Intended audience? Check all that apply. Local Residents Businesses Developers Students Employees Other Brochure Ej 0 0 Newsletter 0 0 0 0 School presentation 0 0 0 or project Website El 0 El0 Q7 Enter the total circulation/audience (if unknown, use best estimate): Brochure 25 Newsletter 9250 School presentation 240 or project Website 480 Provide a brief description of each activity related to public education and outreach e.g. rain garden workshop, school presentation, public works open house) held and the date each activity was held from January 1 , 2014 to December 31 , 2014. Part III.D.1 .c.(4)] Q8Date of activity Q9Description of activity Date Summer newsletter distributed to 9250 7/1/2014 recipients (Easy Ways to Reduce Water mm/dd/yyyy) Pollution) 13/1/2014 Thursday, June 11, 2015 Page 3 of 14 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 Date Spring newsletter distributed to 9250 mm/dd/yyyy) recipients (Easty Ways to Reduce Water Pollution) Date Fall newsletter distributed to 9250 mm/dd/yyyy) 11/1/2014 recipients (Limit Your Salt Use This Winter) Date Presentation at Rosemount Elementary 5th 5/13/2014 Grade (Reducing Water Pollution in our mm/dd/yyyy)Community) Date Presentation at Rosemount Elementary 5th 11/18/2014 Grade (Reducing Water Pollution in our mm/dd/yyyy)Community) District 196 STEM Career Fair at Eagan High Date 2/25/2014 School (various Public Works topics, mm/dd/yyyy) including stormwater system design and operation) Date mm/dd/yyyy) Date i m m/d d/yyyy) Q10 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your public education and outreach program? Part IV.B.] O Yes No MCM 2: Public Participation/Involvement The following questions refer to Part IIl.D.2.a. of the Permit. Q11 You must provide a minimum of one opportunity each year for the public to provide input on the adequacy of your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP). Did you provide this opportunity between January 1 , 2014 and December 31, 2014? [Part III.D.2.a.(1)] Q Yes Q No Q12 What was the opportunity that you provided? Check all that apply. 0 Public meeting Public event Other Q13 Did you hold a stand-alone meeting or combine it with another event? O Stand-alone Combined Thursday, June 11, 2015 Page 4 of 14 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 Enter the date 15/20/2014 of the public meeting mmlddlyyyy): Enter the number of citizens that attended and 0 were informed about your SWPPP: Q16 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31 , 2014, did you receive any input regarding your SWPPP? O Yes Q No Q18 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your public participation/involvement program? [Part IV.B.] Q Yes Q No MCM 3: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination The following questions refer to Part 111.113. of the Permit. Q19 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you update your regulatory mechanism(s) which prohibits non-stormwater discharges to your MS4? Q Yes O No Q20 Between January 1 , 2014 and December 31 , 2014, what was the status of this regulatory mechanism(s)? Current regulatory mechanism sufficient u Optional, describe status: Q21 Did you identify any illicit discharges between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014? [Part III.D.3.h.(4)] O Yes No Q30 Do you have written Enforcement Response Procedures (ERPs) to compel compliance with your illicit discharge regulatory mechanism(s)? [Part III.B.] Thursday, June 11, 2015 Page 5 of 14 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 0 Yes O No Q32 Did you train all field staff in illicit discharge recognition (including conditions which could cause illicit discharges) and reporting illicit discharges for further investigations? [Part III.D.3.e.] Q Yes O No Q33 How did you train your field staff? Check all that apply. Email PowerPoint O Presentation 0 Video O Field Training 0 Other The following questions refer to Part III.C.1 . of the Permit. Q34 Did you update your storm sewer system map between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014? [Part I I I.C.1.] 0 Yes O No Q35 Does your storm sewer map include all pipes 12 inches or greater in diameter and the direction of stormwater flow in those pipes? [Part IIl.C.1.a.] Q Yes O No Q36 Does your storm sewer map include outfalls, including a unique identification (ID) number and an associated geographic coordinate? [Part IIl.C.1 .b.] Q Yes O No Q37 Does your storm sewer map include all structural stormwater BMPs that are part of your MS4? [Part III.C.1 .0.1 Yes O No Q38 Does your storm sewer map include all receiving waters? [Part IIl.C.1.d.] Q Yes O No Q39 In what format is your storm sewer map available? O Hardcopy only Q GIS Thursday, June 11, 2015 Page 6 of 14 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 O CAD 0 Other Q40 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your illicit discharge detection and elimination I DDE) program? [Part IV.B.] Q Yes Q No MCM 4: Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control The following questions refer to Part I Il.D.4. of the Permit. Q41 Between January 1 , 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you update your regulatory mechanism to be at least as stringent as the Agency's general permit to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity (CSW Permit) No. MN R100001 http:/fwww.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document.html?gid=18984) for erosion and sediment controls and waste controls? [Part III.D.4.a.] O Yes Q No Q42 Between January 1 , 2014 and December 31 , 2014, what was the status of this regulatory mechanism? Development Optional, describe status: Review in progress in 2014. Q43 Have you developed written procedures for site plan reviews as required by the Permit? [Part I I I.D.4.b.] Q Yes O No Q44 Have you documented each site plan review as required by the Permit? [Part III.D.4.f.] Q Yes Q No Q45 Enter the number of site plan reviews conducted for sites an acre or greater between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014: 13 Q46 What types of enforcement actions do you have available to compel compliance with your regulatory mechanism? Check all that apply and enter the number of each used from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. Verbal warnings Thursday, June 11, 2015 Page 7 of 14 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 Notice of violation 0 Administrative orders Stop-work orders Fines Forfeit of security of bond money Withholding of certificate of occupancy Criminal actions Civil penalties Other Enter the number of verbal warnings 13 issued: Enter the number of stop-work orders 5 issued: Q47 Do you have written Enforcement Response Procedures (ERPs) to compel compliance with your construction site stormwater runoff control regulatory mechanism(s)? [Part III.B.] Q Yes Q No Q49 Enter the number of active construction sites an acre or greater that were in your jurisdiction between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014: 10 Q50 Do you have written procedures for identifying priority sites? [Part Ill.D.4.d.(1)] O Yes Q No Q51 How are sites prioritized? Check all that apply. Site topography Soil characteristics Types of receiving water(s) 0 Stage of construction Compliance history O Weather conditions Other Q52 Do you have a checklist or other written means to document site inspections when determining compliance? [Part III.D.4.d.(4)] U Yes Q No Q53 Enter the number of site inspections conducted for sites an acre or greater between January 1, 2014 and December 31 , 2014: 100 Thursday, June 11, 2015 Page 8 of 14 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 Q54 Enter the frequency at which site inspections are conducted (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly): [Part I11.D.4.d.(2)] Weekly Q55 Enter the number of trained inspectors that were available for construction site inspections between January 1 , 2014 and December 31, 2014: 4 Q56 Provide the contact information for the inspector(s) and/or organization that conducts construction stormwater inspections for your MS4. List your primary construction stormwater contact first if you have multiple inspectors. 1) Inspector name Mitch Hatcher (and others) Organization WSB & Associates, Inc. Phone (Office) 651-286-8452 Phone (Work Cell) 612-360-1315 Email mhatcher@wsbeng.com Preferred contact Email method 2) Inspector name Rich Lonnquist Organization City of Rosemount Phone (Office) 651-322-2055 Phone (Work Cell) 651-485-1834 Email rich.lonnquist@ci.rosemount.mn.us Preferred contact Email method 3) Inspector name Organization Phone (Office) Phone (Work Cell) Email Preferred contact method Q57 What training did inspectors receive? Check all that apply. University of Minnesota Erosion and Stormwater Management Certification Program Qualified Compliance Inspector of Stormwater (QCIS) Minnesota Laborers Training Center Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Installer or Supervisor Minnesota Utility Contractors Association Erosion Control Training Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) 0 Certified Professional in Stormwater Quality (CPSWQ) Pae9of14Thursday, June 11, 2015 g MS4 Annual Report for 2014 Certified Erosion, Sediment and Storm Water Inspector(CESSWI) 0 Other Other, describe: Annual training by WSB & Associates for City staff. Topics covered included IDDE, ESC inspections, good housekeeping, etc. Q58 Between January 1 , 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your construction site stormwater runoff control program? [Part IV.B.] Q Yes Q No MCM 5: Post-Construction Stormwater Management The following questions refer to Part III.D.5. of the Permit. Q59 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you update your regulatory mechanism(s) to incorporate all requirements as specified in Part III.D.5.a. of the Permit? O Yes O No Q60 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, what was the status of this regulatory mechanism? Development V Optional, describe status: Review in progress in 2014. Q61 What approach are you using, or planning to use, to meet the performance standard for Volume, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), and Total Phosphorus (TP) as required by the Permit? [Part III.D.5.a.(2)] Check all that apply. Refer to the link http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document.html? qid=17815 for guidance on stormwater management approaches. Retain a runoff volume equal to one inch times the area of the proposed increase of impervious surfaces on-site Retain the post-construction runoff volume on site for the 95th percentile storm Match the pre-development runoff conditions Adopt the Minimal Impact Design Standards (MIDS) An approach has not been selected Other method (Must be technically defensible--e.g. based on modeling, research and acceptable engineering practices) Other, describe: The City's policy for developments and redevelopments greater than 1 acre in which the City will not be providing a regional storm water system, is to Thursday, June 11, 2015 Page 10 of 14 MS4 Annual Reportfor 2014 provide storage for the runoff from the 100 year, 24 hour storm event on-site. Developments will be required to provide 1/12 of an acre-foot/acre/day of infiltration for the entire site's acreage. Q62 Do you have written Enforcement Response Procedures (ERPs) to compel compliance with your post-construction stormwater management regulatory mechanism(s)? [Part III.B.] Q Yes No Q63 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, what was the status of your ERPs? Development v. Optional, describe status: Review in progress in 2014. Q64 Between January 1 , 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your post-construction stormwater management program? [Part IV.B.] O Yes No MCM 6: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations The following questions refer to Part III.D.6. of the Permit. Q65 Enter the total number of structural stormwater BMPs, outfalls (excluding underground outfalls), and ponds within your MS4 (exclude privately owned). Structural stormwater 1689 BMPs Outfalls 161 Ponds 61 Q66 Enter the number of structural stormwater BMPs, outfalls (excluding underground outfalls), and ponds that were inspected from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 within your MS4 (exclude privately owned). [Part IIl.D.6.e.] Structural stormwater 1525 BMPs Outfalls 54 Ponds 13 Q67 Have you developed an alternative inspection frequency for any structural stormwater BMPs, as allowed in Part III.D.6.e.(1) of the Permit? Thursday, June 11, 2015 Page 11 of 14 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 O Yes No Q68 Based on inspection findings, did you conduct any maintenance on any structural stormwater BMPs? [Part III.D.6.e.(1)] Q Yes a No Q70 Do you own or operate any stockpiles, and/or storage and material handling areas? [Part III.D.6.e.(3)] Q Yes Q No Q71 Did you inspect all stockpiles and storage and material handling areas quarterly? Part III.D.6.e.(3)] 0 Yes Q No Q72 Based on inspection findings, did you conduct maintenance at any of the stockpiles and/or storage and material handling areas? Q Yes Q No Q74 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations program? [Part IV.B.] 0 Yes Q No Partnerships Q83 Did you rely on any other regulated MS4s to satisfy one or more Permit requirements? Q Yes Q No Additional Information If you would like to provide any additional files to accompany your annual report, use the space below to upload those files. For each space, you may attach one file. Q85 Click the "up arrow" icon below to upload a file. When it has uploaded successfully, a unique ID will appear in the box. Only files 6 MB or less will upload. Thursday, June 11, 2015 Page 12 of 14 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 Q86 Click the "up arrow" icon below to upload a file. When it has uploaded successfully, a unique ID will appear in the box. Only files 6 MB or less will upload. Q87 Click the "up arrow" icon below to upload a file. When it has uploaded successfully, a unique ID will appear in the box. Only files 6 MB or less will upload. Q88 Optional, describe the file(s) uploaded: Owner or Operator Certification The person with overall administrative responsibility for SWPPP implementation and Permit compliance must certify this MS4 Annual Report. This person must be duly authorized and should be either a principal executive (i.e., Director of Public Works, City Administrator) or ranking elected official (i.e., Mayor, Township Supervisor). I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete Minn. R. 7001.0070). I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment (Minn. R. 7001.0540). Yes By typing my name in the following box, I certify the above statements to be true and correct, to the best of my knowledge, and that information can be used for the purpose of processing my MS4 Annual Report. Name: Andrew J. Brotzler Thursday, June 11, 2015 Page 13 of 14 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 Title: Director of Public Works / City Engineer Date: 06/16/2015 mmldd/yyyy) Before you submit... Print or save a copy of your completed MS4 Annual Report for 2014 for your records. The MPCA will not be able to provide you with a copy. You may print a copy of the MS4 Annual Report for 2014 for your records by pressing the `Print' button at the bottom of the page. Additionally, it is possible to save a PDF copy of the MS4 Annual Report for 2014 if you are working on a computer with OneNote (a program often included in Microsoft Office packages). Detailed saving instructions are available at stormwater. sca.state.mn.us/index. sh s/Guidance for savins MS4 annual resorts. If you have any questions, contact MPCA staff Cole Landgraf cole.landgraf a@state.mn.us, 651-757-2880) or Rachel Stang! rachel.stangl a@state.mn.us, 651-757-2879). Thursday, June 11, 2015 Page 14 of 14