HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Update Dunmore (formerly Evermoor Place ) Preliminary Plat Approval EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Dunmore (formerly Evermoor Place ) Preliminary Plat Approval Public Hearing PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. Eric Zweber, Senior Planner 8.a. ATTACHMENTS: Grading Plans; Exhibit A; Traffic APPROVED BY: K.L. Memorandum; Rehder & Associates Memorandum RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, Information Only SUMMARY On June 23, the City Council approved the Dunmore (formerly Evermoor Place) Preliminary Plat with a mini-park but without the extension of Road A to Dodd Blvd. Attached to this report is the information that the City Council had to review and that was not available to the Planning Commission. It is anticipated that the Planning Commission will be reviewing the first phase of the Dunmore Final Plat during the July 28 meeting. RECOMMENDATION None. Information Only. Infrastructure Engineering Planning Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 Memorandum D: June 8, 2015 ATE T: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director O Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer F: Charles Rickart, P.E., PTOE ROM R: Dunmore Development - Evermoor Place/Glendalough Traffic E City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1916-71 An analysis was completed to evaluate the potential traffic impacts the proposed development nd south of 132 Street-Dunmore Development would have on the adjacent roadways. The traffic study includes evaluation of traffic characteristics, site trip generation, trip distribution, future traffic forecasts, and recommendations for street improvements and traffic control. The following provides a summary of the analysis. Existing Roadway System Currently the roadway network providing access and circulation for the area consists of: nd 132 Street is a local east / west two lane street providing access from TH 3 to Dodd Boulevard. It is paved for approximately 175 feet west of the intersection with TH 3. The remaining portion of the roadway has a gravel surface. Dodd Boulevard is a local / north south two lane street parallel to TH 3. It has a gravel surface providing access from CSAH 38. Several local streets intersect Dodd Boulevard including; Dodd stndth Court, Charlston Way, 131 Street, 132 Street and 134 Street. th 134 Street is a local east / west two lane paved street providing access from the Glendalough neighborhood to Dodd Boulevard. In order to determine a base line condition, existing traffic volumes on Dodd Boulevard counted in August 2014 were used. Based on these counts the following traffic conditions currently exist. nd Dodd Boulevard (future Road A) south of 132 Street Existing Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 217 Existing AM Peak Hour 29 Existing PM Peak Hour 30 Dunmore Development - Evermoor Place/Glendalough Traffic City of Rosemount June 9, 2015 Page 2 of 4 nd Dodd Boulevard north of 132 Street Existing Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 318 Existing AM Peak Hour 29 Existing PM Peak Hour 32 nd 132 Street east of Dodd Boulevard (estimated) Existing Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 220 Existing AM Peak Hour 20 Existing PM Peak Hour 26 These street volumes are very low in comparison to other local City streets which typically range from 250 to 750 vehicles per day. Site Trip Generation The Dunmore development proposes 90 single family residential units. The estimated trip Table 2.1. generation for the development is shown below in The trip generation rates used to estimate the site traffic are based on extensive surveys for other similar land uses as documented in the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation th Manual, 9 Edition. The table shows the total daily, AM peak hour and PM peak hour trip generation. Table 2.1 Estimated Site Trip Generation ADT AM Peak PM Peak Use Size Total In Out Total In Out Total In Out Single Family 90 Units 858 429 429 68 17 51 90 57 33 Residential Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition Site Traffic Distribution Generated trips for the proposed site development were assumed to arrive or exit from the ndth collector roadway network using 132 Street, 134 Street and Dodd Boulevard. The trips were assigned to these roadways based on the existing traffic volumes and anticipated growth areas within and adjacent to the City. Projected Traffic Volumes The future traffic conditions on the area roadways were determined by adding the anticipated site generated trips to the existing traffic volumes. The following shows the anticipated traffic conditions on each of the roadways. Dunmore Development - Evermoor Place/Glendalough Traffic City of Rosemount June 9, 2015 Page 3 of 4 nd Road A (former Dodd Blvd) south of 132 Street Projected Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 439 Projected AM Peak Hour 47 Projected PM Peak Hour 52 nd Dodd Boulevard north of 132 Street Projected Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 459 Projected AM Peak Hour 40 Projected PM Peak Hour 44 nd 132 Street east of Dodd Boulevard Projected Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 715 Projected AM Peak Hour 58 Projected PM Peak Hour 75 Traffic Analysis Based on the projected traffic generation and distribution discussed previously, the projected traffic volumes on the area roadways will still be within acceptable levels for local City streets and no capacity or operation issues are anticipated. The primary issues identified adjacent to the proposed site are: ndnd Traffic north of 132 Street on Dodd Boulevard It is estimated that traffic north of 132 Street on Dodd Boulevard would increase by approximately 139 vehicles per day. In order to minimize nd the potential for additional traffic traveling north of 132 Street, the intersection of Dodd nd Boulevard and 132 Street will be designed such that traffic exiting from Road A-Dodd nd Boulevard is directed east on 132 Street to TH 3. th Traffic increases through the Glendalough neighborhood from 134 Street The proposed nd development plan south of 132 Street includes removal of Dodd Boulevard and construction of a new north-south road named Road A in conjunction with the development. The develo proposal would not extend Road A south to connect to Connemara Trail. The primary reason for not extending Dodd Boulevard is the topography and significant trees within the area. It is th estimated that traffic on 134 Street will increase from approximately 221 vehicles per day to 439 vehicles per day. As indicated previously these projected traffic volumes are within acceptable local City street levels. The primary reason that traffic with origins or destinations north on Dodd Boulevard, would travel through the Glendalough neighborhood and not use nd 132 Street to TH 3, is how difficult access is to and from TH 3. In order to minimize the th amount of additional traffic on 134 Street the street network could be designed such that traffic from the north on Road A-Dodd Boulevard would be directed to TH 3. In addition, more traffic nd would use 132 Street to and from TH 3 at such time as a traffic signal is warranted. Dunmore Development - Evermoor Place/Glendalough Traffic City of Rosemount June 9, 2015 Page 4 of 4 Alternative connection of Road A with Dodd Blvd to Connemara Trail With an alternative connection of Road A to Dodd Boulevard with access to Connemara Trail, a portion of the traffic from the new development would travel south to Connemara Trail. In addition, a portion of nd traffic that is currently on Dodd Boulevard north and uses 132 Street to TH 3 south would now travel on the new Road A to Connemara Trail. It is estimated, based on the existing traffic th patterns approximately 380 vehicles per day would use this roadway south of 134 Street. This includes approximately 180 vpd from the development and 200 vpd with origins or destinations nd north of 132 Street. Street improvement recommendations Based on the above review and analysis the following street improvements are recommended: nd 1.Reconstruct 132 Street to include one lane in each direction from TH 3 connecting to Road A and Dodd Boulevard. nd 2.A left turn lane should be provided on 132 Street approaching TH 3 to line up with the westbound CR 38 approach. A minimum of 200 feet of left turn lane storage should be provided. 3.Following development of the area conduct an intersection control evaluation at the TH 3 nd and 132 Street intersection to determine the appropriate intersection control. & Rehder Associates, Inc. MEMO & Civil Engineers, Planners Land Surveyors 3440 Federal Drive, Suite 110 Eagan, Minnesota 55122 651-452-5051 Fax: 651-452-9797 Email: info@rehder.com Date:June,4,2015 To:TheHonorableWilliamDroste,MayorandtheCityofRosemountCityCouncil From:BentonG.Ford,P.E. wĻʹ5 bahw9ΛtƩĻǝźƚǒƭƌǤƓğƒĻķ9ǝĻƩƒƚƚƩtƌğĭĻΜwƚğķ/ƚƓƓĻĭƷźƚƓ ThepurposeofthismemoistoaddressarequestmadebytheCityofRosemountPlanningCommissionwhen theyheardourproposalattheregularmeetingofthePlanningCommissiononMay26,2015.Their recommendationwasthatweconsiderthepossibilityofconnectingRoadAontheDunmoreplat(whichas proposedterminatesinaculdesac)totheDoddBlvdstubroadthatwasconstructedaspartoftheCDA associated developmentjusttothesouthoftheDunmoreproperty.Thismemosummarizethechallenges withmakingthatroadconnection.Inadditiontothismemo,theCityhasaskedtheirtrafficconsultant toreviewthetrafficcountswithandwithouttheconnection. DƩğķźƓŭğƓķƩĻĻ\[ƚƭƭ Connectingtothestubstreettothesouth(DoddBlvd)mustbecompletedwithamaximumstreetgradeof8%,which isdictatedbyCitycode.Theattachedexhibit(ExhibitA)isagradingplanshowinghowsuchaconnectionwouldlikely bemadewithRoadAatthesouthendofDunmore.Theexhibitalsoshowshowthelotswouldbereconfigured. Theentireroadwaythroughthesoutherlysectionofourprojectwouldbeplacedonfill,requiringimporting approximately30,000cubicyardsofmaterialtoconstructtheroad,buildingpadsandslopes. Asaresultofplacingthisfill,approximately46additionaltreestotaling690caliperincheswouldbelostduetothe additionalgradingrequired: threeheritageoaktrees 26significantoakstrees 9significantcherrytrees 6significanthackberrytrees 3boxelderstrees Roughly95%oftheadditionalcaliperinchesthatwouldberemovedwouldbedeciduoushardwoodtrees. wĻŭźƚƓğƌƩğźƌ Aspartofthisproject,theCityinconsultationwithDakotaCountyhasrequestedaregionaltrailbe accommodatedonDunmoreproperty.Thegoalofallregionaltrailistoprovideatrailwithlongitudinalgrades lessthan5%tobeincompliancewithADAcodes.Althoughtherearesectionsofthetrailinthenonconnected layoutthataregreaterthan5%,thoseareaswereminimizedtotheextentpossible.Connectingtheroadway makesgradingthetrailconsiderablymorechallengingandwilllikelyresultinseveralhundredfeetoftrail increasingingradeby2%to3%. \[ƚƭƭƚŅ\[ƚƷƭğƓķ\[ƚƷvǒğƌźƷǤ TheattachedexhibitshowshowthelotswouldbereconfiguredtoaccommodatetheconnectiontotheDodd Blvdstub.Inthecurrent,nonconnectedlayout,RoadAanditsterminatingculdesac,remainlowandnestle intothetreedslopes. Connectingtheroad,forcesthesouthendofRoadAmuchhigher,requiring10to15feetoffilltobeplaced. AttemptingtomaintainaculdesactotheeastofftheelevatedRoadAwouldhaveresultedinbuildingpads thatareroughly12feethigherthanthoseshownonthenonconnectedlayout.Theincreasedpadelevations wouldmakepadsunbuildablebasedonfillrequired,additionaltreeslostandunusableyards. Asaresult,aviableculdesaccannotbeconstructedwiththethrustreetconnectionand1lotislost.Much moreimportantly,however,isthedecreasedvalueof24lotsthatarenolongeronaculdesac,butonathru street.Furthermore,thesize,spacingandwoodednatureofthe8to9lotsthatringedtheculdesacwith broadeningbackyardshasbeenlostandtradedfordecreasedvaluelotsalongthestraight,thruconnecting streetwithlittleexistingvegetation. LƓĭƩĻğƭĻķ/ƚƓƭƷƩǒĭƷźƚƓ/ƚƭƷƭğƓķ\[ƚƷwĻǝĻƓǒĻ\[ƚƭƷ Theconnectiontothesouthwouldresultinadditionalprojectcosts,includinganadditional100feetof roadway,100feetofsanitarysewer,100feetofwatermain,400feetofstormsewerand30,000cubicyardsof materialimportnecessarytoconstructtheelevatedroadandhousepads. Weanticipateadditionalconstructioncostsofapproximately$15,000.00intheincreaseroadwaylength, $225,000.00ofimportedfillmaterial,$12,000.00intrunkutilitiesand$25,000.00instormsewerforatotalof $277,000.00ofincreasedconstructioncosts. Wealsoanticipateadecreaseinlotrevenuebasedon24nonculdesaclotsat$5,000.00/lot,decreaseinvalue ofthe8lotsringingtheculdesacat$8,000.00/lotandlossofonelotat$95,000.00/lotforatotalof $279,000.00oflostrevenue.Combiningtheadditionalconstructioncostswithlostlotrevenuetotals $556,000.00. /ƚƓĭƌǒƭźƚƓ Theabovesummaryoutlinesanumberofreasonswhymakingtheconnectionischallengingandtheresult reducesthequalityofthedevelopmentfrombothapublic(treesremovedandtrailcompromised)andprivate (increasedconstructioncostsandlossoflotrevenue)perspective.ShouldtheCityCouncilmaketheconnection aconditionofapproval,thedeveloperwill,inalllikelihood,consideradifferenttypeofhousingproductthat wouldbeabettertransitionfromtheCDAtownhomestothesouthandmakebetteruseoftheavailable land/terrainthatremainswhentheconnectionismade.