HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Recreation Facilities DiscussionEXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Work Session: July 13, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Recreation Facilities Discussion Discussion PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. 2.a. Dwight Johnson, City Administrator ATTACHMENTS: July 9 packet; Dan Corley PowerPoint, RHS APPROVED BY: ddj attendance boundary map RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discuss future recreational facility needs including presentations at the th July 9 special work session and consider direction to staff for next steps. BACKGROUND th The July 9 packet is included again for your convenience as well as the PowerPoint presentation from Dan Corley. We are also including a map of the RHS school attendance boundaries which also form the boundaries for several youth athletic associations for your reference. th A substantial amount of information was presented at the July 9 special meeting. The Council should discuss the information and direct staff on any additional information needed or next steps. AGENDA City Council Special Work Session Thursday,July9th, 2015 6:30 p.m. Banquet Hall, Community Center 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCUSSION a. Recreation Facilities Discussion 3 . ADJOURNMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Special Work Session Meeting: July 9,2015 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Recreation Facilities Discussion Discussion PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. 2.a. Director ATTACHMENTS: Facility Request Forms, Athletic Association Presentations from the Recreation Facilities Summit, Dakota APPROVED BY: ddj REV Project Request, RAAA Facility Needs Spreadsheetand Letter of Support RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only ISSUE On February 20, 2015, the City of Rosemount hosted a Recreation Facilities Summit meeting to discuss the community’s current and future recreational facility needs. Both indoor and outdoor facilities were discussed at the Summit meeting. Representatives from local athletic associations were on hand to provide updates on their organizations and a status report on their facility needs. A summary of the presentations are below: The Rosemount Area athletic Association (RAAA) provided information regarding their association. RAAA is seeing growth in many of the programs and are seeing challenges with meeting their facility needs. Paul Essler, RAAA President, indicated that there top priority for regarding facility needs was indoor court space for use by their basketball and volleyball programs. Currently, sports that use indoor court space are not having their needs met. The Rosemount Area Hockey Association (RAHA) provided an overview of their organization and the growth that they are seeing. RAHA President Craig Nelson provided an overview of their growth and noted that they are seeing significant growth with RAHA programs for younger children (mites, mini-mites, U8 and U6 girls). These programs grew 12% from last year and over 40% the last two seasons. RAHA leadership has requested the City to consider building a second full-size sheet of indoor ice. Dakota REV gave an update on their organization and explained that they are also seeing the popularity of their programs growing. Brian Steeple from Dakota REV stated that Dakota REV is spending considerable amount of money on renting indoor artificial turf facilities and feel this money could be kept in Rosemount and would benefit the community. Dakota REV has identified their top priority as wanting an artificial turf field that would be capable of housing a seasonal dome. Staff has prepared project summaries for the facilities that were requested as part of the Recreation Facilities Summit. The project summaries were created to identify information relating to the potential size of the facilities, estimated cost to construct, estimates for operating costs, revenues and debt service. The project summaries are meant to be used to as a takeoff point to further discussions on each of the facilities being requested. Staff would ask that the City Council review the information provided and discuss the requests that the City has received for new recreational facilities. 2 RAAA Indoor Court Space Request Organization Requesting Facilities: Rosemount Area Athletic Association Facility Request: Indoor Gymnasiums/Court Space Facility Description: RAAA is requesting the City to consider ways of assisting with the issue of not having enough indoor court space in Rosemount for their basketball and volleyball programs. RAAA has indicated that their current needs are equivalent to having 5 new courts. The facility would be used for practices and tournaments that would attract various sized crowds. The facilities main focus would be on basketball and volleyball programs but could be used for other indoor activities. Approximate size: 50,000 sq. feet Estimated Construction Costs: $8,250,000 building cost ($165 per sq. foot) $1,117,305 parking lot and site improvements $400,000 land cost (approximately 4 acres) $9,767,305 total cost Estimated construction pricing was provided by CNH Architects Anticipated Budget: Expenditures $350,000 (includes Capital Imp. Budget) Debt Service $708,921 annually (20 year G.O. debt) Revenues $120,000 Operating budget estimates were based on budget information provided by Bloomington Public Schools for their Activity Center operations. Proposed Facility Location: Unknown at this time. Notes: Attached is the presentation information that RAAA presented at the 2015 Recreation Facilities Summit. RAHA Indoor Ice Arena Request Organization Requesting Facilities: Rosemount Area Hockey Association Facility Request: Indoor Ice Arena Facility Description: RAHA is requesting the City to consider building a second City owned regulation indoor ice sheet. The facility would include four lockers rooms and seating for 300. The facility would be used for practices and games that would attract small crowds. The facilities main focus of the facility would be on hockey activities. Approximate size: 30,000 sq. feet Estimated Construction Costs: $4,650,000 (for building and equipment only, $155 per sq. foot) $490,000 for parking lot and site improvements $350,000 land costs (approximately 3.5 acres) $5,490,000 total cost Building and equipment pricing was provided by Stevens Engineering and the 292 Design Group Parking lot and site improvement pricing was provided by CNH Architects Anticipated Budget: Expenditures: $296,195 (includes Capital Imp. Budget) Debt service: $398,632 annually (20 year GO bond)* Revenues: $311,416 Anticipated budget numbers for operating expenses and revenues are based off of the current RCC rink operations and other local rinks. *RAHA has indicated that they are willing to assist funding a portion of the project. Proposed Facility Location: RCC or a location to be determined Notes: Attached is the presentation information that RAHA presented at the 2015 Recreation Facilities Summit. Dakota REV Artificial Turf and Seasonal Dome Facility Request Organization Requesting Facilities: Dakota REV Facility Request: Artificial Turf Field with Lights and Future Seasonal Dome Facility Description: Dakota REV is requesting the City to consider building an artificial turf field with lighting that will be capable of housing a seasonal dome. The artificial turf field would extend the practice and game seasons and a domed facility would allow for year round use. The facilities main focus would be on outdoor and indoor soccer and other turf sports. Approximate size: 126,000 sq. feet Estimated Construction Costs: PHASE 1 – Turf Field * $900,000 field turf and prep $302,000 grading, beam footings for dome $140,000 field lighting $228,690 parking lot $1,570,690 sub-total *Dakota REV, via financing arranged by the City of Rosemount, would be responsible for $1,000,000 of the above total with payments spread over 15 years. The City of Rosemount would then provide Dakota REV first scheduling priority of the turfed field and RAAA second scheduling priority of the field during the financing period. PHASE 2 – Dome Facility** $1,828,500 Dome, maintenance building, mech/elec. $457,380 Additional Parking $3,856,570 Grand Total Construction cost estimates were based on information provided by the CNH Architects, Dakota REV and Yeardon Domes Anticipated Budget: Expenditure: $310,690 (includes Capital Imp. Budget) Debt Service $280,027 annually (20 year - G.O. bond) Revenue: $474,409 (from a seasonal dome) Anticipated budget estimates were based on information provided by the City of Savage and their dome operations. **Dakota Rev will work with the City of Rosemount to structure Phase 2 of the project in a similar manner to phase 1. Timing of Phase 2 to be mutually agreed by Dakota REV and the City of Rosemount. Proposed Facility Location: Flint Hills Athletic Complex or possibly Ames Soccer Complex at DCTC Notes: Attached is the presentation information that Dakota REV presented at the 2015 Recreation Facilities Summit. Dan Corley XXXXXXXXXXX Dear Mr. Corley, I am writing in regards to the ongoing discussion of the Dakota Fieldhouse that you are looking at developing in Rosemount. On behalf of RAAA, we couldn’t be more excited and hopeful about the possibility of a facility that would help support our 10 sports and 21 programs that we offer for the community of Rosemount, specifically our basketball and volleyball programs. In fact, behind only incorporating our new PCA (Positive Coaching Alliance) partnership into all of our programs this year to help improve the culture of youth sports in Rosemount, addressing the indoor court space is RAAA’s #2 priority for 2015. We recently met with city officials and shared our dire concern over facilities in Rosemount and the detrimental impact that this has on developing Rosemount youth into strong basketball and volleyball athletes and the ultimate success of these two high school programs. We believe that the lack of these facilities has a significant impact on the ability for our participants to compete at even a .500 level if this issue is not resolved soon. A further setback to our efforts occurred when High Performance Academy (HPA) closed its doors the summer of 2014. The following data represents the unfortunate statistics about our programs that are the result of lack of indoor facilities for our programs. Traveling Basketball. For the 2014-2015 season, we had to cut 24 participants from traveling basketball and reduce the number of teams we fielded from 24 to 20 teams. This also forced us to slightly increase the size of our teams, creating more bench time for our players, which doesn’t help them develop basketball skills. In addition, we were only able to allow two 1.5 hour practices per team and had to be creative to get this relying on less that optimal space and sometimes double up teams on one court and practicing on half courts. Many nights we also had to practice until 10pm to get the two practices in per week for every team. This is not the way to build a successful program, but we currently have no choice. Inhouse Basketball. For the 2014-2015 in-house basketball season, we were able to absorb many of the 24 individuals that were cut from the traveling program. With no increase in space from our existing facilities, however, we were forced to increase the size of our teams each by 1-2 players to have space to cover the 7% increase of participants in our program, again creating more bench time for the players. rdth There were many nights that 3 – 6 graders practiced until after 9pm and many times that we had to conduct games or practices at 8 am on Saturday mornings. Inhouse teams have generally had one practice per week along with one game a week. Again, this is not an optimal approach to get youth excited about a sport. Volleyball. The number of volleyball courts in Rosemount is the smallest in ISD196. Rosemount Middle School gym is too small for serving. Many of the elementary school gyms are not marked or have the proper standards and even if they were, it would take space that in-house basketball so desperately needs. Private space (churches) are often utilized but we compete with neighboring associations for this space which is offered on a first come, first serve basis and therefore this cannot be relied upon on a consistent basis. To get as much space as possible, we were forced to double up on courts and shorten practice times. Hosting Tournaments. For fundraising efforts, we host a traveling girls and traveling boys basketball tournament. However the vast majority of venues are in Eagan and Apply Valley so this facility would be used to host more tournaments and bring players and spectators to this facility and the community of Rosemount. Our two 2014 basketball tournaments brought in 6,300 non Rosemount spectators in but many of them stayed in a hotel, ate and shopped at Apple Valley and Eagan businesses, not in Rosemount. Based on the volleyball venues currently available in Rosemount, we are currently not in position to host a volleyball tournament in Rosemount. All of our programs would leverage this facility to host those events and keep it busy full weekends. Inconsistency of Schedules. With the variety of venues and piecing together our facilities to ensure a fair distribution of early morning and late night practices, there is no consistency in scheduling our practices or games. We have been forced to be creative and as a result parents cannot rely on a consistent schedule practice from week to week. Facility Rental Revenue. For the 2014 calendar year, we spent $86,000 on indoor facilities and we could easily expand this by well over 30-40% if we knew we had the space. Therefore we would be utilizing the space we use today as well as the Dakota Fieldhouse. Of the $86,000 spent in 2014, $10,000 was to the City of Rosemount (primarily RCC) and $23,000 was paid to ISD196. The remaining balance of $53,000 was paid to private facilities and the Dakota Fieldhouse would generally represent our first choice of venues for basketball and volleyball. If space was not an issue, our best estimate of additional spend beyond this $86,000 would be approximately $16,000/year for basketball and volleyball. Anticipated Future Growth of our Programs. Currently only 37% of RHS feeders from K-8 participate in at least one RAAA sport. Furthermore, on average each participant that participates in at least one RAAA sport only participates on average in 1.7 RAAA Program. Our focus is keep our fees affordable, market our programs, and leverage our scholarship opportunities to get more kids involved in our programs and more kids to be multi-sport athletes, certainly at the younger levels. Based on these two statistics and our efforts, significant growth is inevitable and while space is an issue today, it’s only going to get worse, even if the Rosemount population growth was to remain flat. Based on the factors above, it is safe to say that assuming fair fees were charged, that the Dakota Fieldhouse would be our first choice of facilities for basketball and volleyball and at the same time, not take away rental revenue from the City of Rosemount and ISD196. If there is any other assistance that RAAA can provide to assist in the successful development of the Dakota Fieldhouse, please let us know how we can help. We look forward to hearing good news regarding the progress of your endeavor. Sincerely, Paul Essler RAAA President EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Work Session:July 9, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Recreation Facilities Discussion-Additional AGENDA SECTION: Information PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. 2.a. Dwight Johnson, City Administrator ATTACHMENTS: Memo from City Clerk; sample resolution; GIS information on distribution of association APPROVED BY: ddj members by community; article on Dakota REV RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review additional information BACKGROUND In addition to the economic and budget information presented in a previous report regarding possible new indoor recreation facilities, staff has also been asked additional questions relating to a possible referendum on one or more items and the composition of the several associations by community. Attached is a memo from City Clerk Clarissa Hadler on some of the requirements for a possible bond referendum and an example of a referendum resolution showing what is required. . We also have spreadsheet information from our GIS Coordinator Julie Wotczak on the composition of the RAHA and RAAA associations by community. This information is also mapped at: http://cirosemountmn.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=beb68545eb0949529b8d1 63a99d82eb4. Information from Dakota REV in February shows that Rosemount comprises 35% of the participants in the top five communities they serve. There is some new information in the attached article that showsthat Dakota REV and a similar organization in West St. Paul/Mendota Heights are merging. MEMORANDUM To: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director From: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk Date:July 6, 2015 Subject: Special Election Information Please find below response to your request for information regarding a special election. November 3, 2015 December 30, 2015 – August 8, 2016, excluding March 1st. Between the date of the state primary and state general elections Within 56 days after the state general election (for a Question only) Same day as caucuses. - March 1st, 2016 Deadline for notifying County Auditor – 74 days before election. No designation of a new or different polling place becomes effective less than 90 days prior (Nov. 3 deadline = August 4th) to an election. This would not affect the City, but might adversely affect the School District should we cause them to change after that date. Staff estimates that holding a special election would cost approximately $12,000 in addition to approximately half of the City Clerk’s time for a period of 2 months prior to the election. Also, there would be staff time of others who assist with the absentee ballot process and any expenses of special communications. A share of election costs would be split with the school district if it should take place the same day as theirs. Please let me know if you have questions or if there is other information you are looking for. SAMPLE RESOLUTION CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2015 -_____ RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AND CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION THEREON WHEREAS, the City proposes to acquire and construct \[a recreational facility consisting of an indoor ice arena\] and related betterments (collectively, the “Project”); WHEREAS, the City is authorized by the provisions of the Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, as amended (the “Bonding Act”), to issue its obligations to finance the Project, in whole or in part, and to pledge its full faith, credit and taxing powers to the payment of such obligations, upon approval of a majority of the voters voting on such a proposal at a regular or special election; WHEREAS, the City Council finds it is necessary and expedient to the sound financial management of the affairs of the City that the Project be financed in whole or in part by the issuance and sale of the City’s general obligation bonds pursuant to the Bonding Act in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $__________. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota (the “City”), as follows: . The proposition of authorizing the issuance of not to exceed $_______ bonds for the 1.Election Project shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the City at a special election to be held on _________________. Said election shall be held between the hours of seven o’clock a.m. and eight o’clock p.m. The polling places shall be the same as the 2014 general election. 2.Ballot. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to post and publish according to law a Ballot, and to prepare ballots for the question for use at said election, which Ballot shall be in substantially the form as Appendix A. 3.Notice. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to post and publish according to law a Notice of Special Election, which notice shall be in substantially the form as Appendix B. 4.Manner; Canvass. Said election shall be held and conducted in accordance with the statutes of the State of Minnesota as applicable, and the City Council shall meet as required by law for the purpose of canvassing said election and declaring the results thereof. Adopted the _________ day of _________, 2015. _____________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk SAMPLE RESOLUTION APPENDIX A SPECIAL ELECTION OFFICIAL BALLOT MONTH DAY, YEAR CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA ACQUISITION AND BETTERMENT OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES YES"Shall the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, be authorized to issue its general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed ____________ to finance the acquisition of recreational facilities, including _______________________?" NO The maximum amount of increased levy as a percentage of market value is _______%. The maximum amount that would be raised by the new referendum tax rate in the first year if it were to be levied is $________. NOTICE: BY VOTING "YES" ON THIS BALLOT QUESTION, YOU ARE VOTING FOR A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE. INSTRUCTION TO VOTERS: If you wish to vote in favor of the above proposition, mark a cross (X) in the square before the word “YES”. If you wish to vote against the above proposition, mark a cross (X) in the square before the word “NO”. SAMPLE RESOLUTION APPENDIX B City Council Notice of Special Election NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election will be held in and for the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, on __________________, between the hours of seven o’clock a.m. and eight o’clock p.m., at which time the following question will be submitted: “Shall the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, be authorized to issue its general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $_________ to finance the acquisition and betterment of recreational facilities, including ________________________?” The polling places for said election will be: Precinct 1 - Rosemount Community Center, 13885 South Robert Trail Precinct 2 - St. John’s Lutheran Church, 14385 Blaine Avenue East Precinct 3 - Shannon Park Elementary, 13501 Shannon Parkway Precinct 4 - Robert Trail Library, 14395 South Robert Trail Precinct 5 - Our Saviors Church, 14980 Diamond Path Precinct 6 - Rosemount United Methodist Church, 14770 Canada Avenue West Precinct 7 - Community of Hope Church, 14401 Biscayne Avenue West at which place all of the qualified electors of the City may cast their ballots. Dated this ______ day of _______, _____. ____________________________________ Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota ROSEMOUNT AREA HOCKEY ASSOCIATION CommunityMembersPercentageHouseholdsPercentage Apple Valley539.74%399.75% Cannon Falls10.18%10.25% Eagan20.37%10.25% Farmington00.00%00.00% Inver Grove Heights519.38%4010.00% Lakeville9317.10%6716.75% Rosemount34162.68%24962.25% Total544400 ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION CommunityMembersPercentageHouseholdsPercentage Apple Valley1956.78%1587.95% Blaine20.07%20.10% Burnsville80.28%50.25% Cannon Falls10.03%10.05% Eagan732.54%643.22% Eden Prairie10.03%10.05% Farmington100.35%80.40% Grand Rapids10.03%10.05% Hampton20.07%20.10% Inver Grove Heights1866.47%1306.54% Lakeville48016.70%32816.51% Mendota Heights20.07%20.10% Minneapolis10.03%10.05% Rosemount183663.88%122461.60% Savage20.07%20.10% South St Paul10.03%10.05% St Paul20.07%10.05% West St Paul10.03%10.05% Woodbury10.03%10.05% Total2874100.00%1987100.00% Numbers reflect valid addresses only. Ļ ƭ ǒ ƚ ŷ ķ ƌ Ļ ź C ğ Ʒ ƚ Ɖ ğ 5 Accommodate needs of community and our indoor court sports Wrestling, Dance, Gymnastics, Pickle ball, Adaptive Events enter c Rosemount to a full service fitness community Keep residents in RAAA Strong interest in community for: Indoor Aquatic activities Enhanced economic growth and contributes to private sector development Qualitative Benefits of a Multipurpose Fitness Center: 1 Court per 5,000 Residents Courts Volleyball Fort Wayne IN High Performance Academy Fieldhouse Successful Projects Spiece rely solely rental fees making it more (MRR) from fitness Facilities cannot ‘ŷĻƓ źƭ Ʒŷźƭ ŅğĭźƌźƷǤ ŭƚźƓŭ Ʒƚ ĬĻ ƚƦĻƓͪ hired to run facility Revenue Source: Fitness center and general manager with a private sources, debt from operations, Fund Raising, Management, Athletics and Architecture going - Provides initial and on project Information Office at 651-423-7641 or go EducationSchools/Boundary_Search.cfm Elementary magnet schools To verify the attendance area for a specific address, call the Student to www.district196.org/District/ Dakota Ridge School Elementary schools Middle schools www.district196.org/District/EducationSchools/Boundary_Search.cfm A 44 44 4 4 44 4 4 44 44 4 4 A4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Blaine Ave. Akron Ave. . d Dodd Rd. R k r a P w e i v h t r o N Lexington Ave. Shannon Pkwy. Diamond Path Map also available at Pilot Knob Rd. Pilot Knob Rd. Lake Rd. Thomas INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools Johnny Cake Rd. Areas Educating our students to reach their full potential Foliage Ave. Galaxie Ave. Rahn Rd. High School Attendance Cedar Ave. C de r A a v e . r 2014-15 D Hayes Rd. o i n m o l a P Garden View Dr. Corporate boundary Communications/maps/maps-color/14-15 HS.eps County Hwy. State Hwy. Portland Ave. U.S. Hwy. Interstate District 196 Graphics/8-29-14