HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Danbury Way Improvements Project Public HearingI:\City Clerk\Agenda Items\Approved Items\7.a. 20150721 CC Danbury PH Order Project Authorize Plans.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Meeting: July 21, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Danbury Way Improvements Project Public Hearing, City Project 453 AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Phil Olson, PE, Assistant City Engineer AGENDA NO. 7.a. ATTACHMENTS: Resolutions; Comment Sheet; Location Map APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Motion to Adopt a Resolution Ordering the Danbury Way Improvements Project, City Project 453. 2. Motion to Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the Danbury Way Improvements Project, City Project 453. ISSUE: Consider ordering the Danbury Way Improvements Project and authorizing the preparation of plans and specifications. The estimated engineering fee for final design is $79,835. This includes the following activities: • Preparation of plans and specifications • Estimates of construction cost • Preparation of bidding documents, advertisement for bids, and recommendations on award of bids Based on the preliminary estimated construction cost of $1,666,700, this represents an estimated fee percentage of 4.8%. The estimated engineering fee for wetland mitigation is $9,800. This includes the following activities: • Wetland delineations and figures • Preparation of wetland mitigation documents The estimated engineering fee for additional project administration services is $42,200. This includes the following activities: • Topographic Survey • Utility coordination • Staff reports, declaration of costs and presentation • Assessment calculations, assessment roll, and assessment hearing with presentation Based on the preliminary estimated construction cost of $1,666,700, the additional wetland delineation 2 work, survey, and project administration represents an estimated fee percentage of 3.1%. BACKGROUND: On June 16, 2015, the Rosemount City Council received the Feasibility Report for the Danbury Way Improvements Project, City Project 453. Staff will present a brief overview of the project and respond to questions that Council members or the public may have regarding the proposed improvements or assessments. A summary of the proposed improvements and estimated project cost and funding is provided below. Proposed Improvements The Danbury Way Improvement Project is proposed to include the reconstruction of approximately 6300 feet of roadway. The project is proposed to include the following: • Removal and replacement of the existing subgrade and pavement. • Installation of surmountable concrete curb and gutter • Installation of storm sewer at low points in roadway • Establish an outlet to a pond along the south side of McAndrews Road. Options Evaluated Pavement Type: At the request of Council, concrete pavement and bituminous pavement were evaluated with the feasibility report. Bituminous pavement is recommended for the following reasons. • Easier access during construction • Lower upfront construction costs, $500,000 cheaper than concrete pavement • Easier to patch and repair compared to concrete pavement Roadway Improvements: At the request of property owners, the installation of ditches was reviewed. Ditches are not proposed due to the large amount of tree removals required. Stormwater Quality Improvements: Additional stormwater quality improvements can be completed to improve water quality in the existing wetlands. If water quality improvements are desired, the recommended option is the installation of sedimentation structures at the two main low points on the roadway. One sedimentation structure could be installed at each low point for an additional cost of $100,000. Fiber Installation: At the request of several residents, the City obtained an estimate from Frontier Communications to install fiber optic cable along the length of Danbury Way. The estimated cost is $257,250. Due to the high cost of installation, fiber is not included with the proposed improvements. 3 Schedule It is proposed that construction begin in June, 2016 and is anticipated to be completed, including all restoration items, by fall, 2016. Public Informational Meeting Prior to the public improvement hearing, staff hosted three public informational meetings on the dates listed below. The meetings provided a background on the project costs and scope gave property owners the opportunity to address questions and comments regarding the project and proposed assessments. Public comments from the two recent meets are recorded and are included in the feasibility report. • December 20, 2006 • September 26, 2013 • March 12, 2015 Cost and Funding A summary of estimated project costs and proposed funding is provided below: Table 1 – Summary of Cost Surface Improvements $1,554,700 Storm Sewer Improvements $528,600 Total $2,083,300 Table 2 – Proposed Assessments Unit Assessment Rate Units Total Assessment $10,000 32 $320,000 Table 3 – Proposed Funding Street Capital Improvement Fund Storm Sewer Utility Fund Assessments Total Surface Improvements $1,234,700 $0 $320,000 $1,554,700 Storm Sewer Improvements $0 $528,600 $0 $528,600 Total $1,234,700 $528,600 $320,000 $2,083,300 SUMMARY: Staff is requesting that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions ordering the project and authorizing the preparation of plans and specifications for the Danbury Way Improvements Project, City Project 453. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2015 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE DANBURY WAY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CITY PROJECT 453 WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the Feasibility Report on June 16, 2015 for City Project 453, and WHEREAS, the City Council held a Public Hearing on July 21, 2015 and ordered the project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount orders the preparation of plans and specifications for said improvements of City Project 453. ADOPTED this 21st day of July, 2015. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2015 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE PROJECT DANBURY WAY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CITY PROJECT 453 WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the Feasibility Report on June 16, 2015 for City Project 453, and WHEREAS, the City Council held a Public Hearing on July 21, 2015. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the improvements of the Danbury Way Improvements Project, City Project 453. ADOPTED this 21st day of July, 2015. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk GªWX D O D D B L V D M CA N D R E W S R D W T R L D I A M O N D P A T H (C S A H 3 3 ) D O D D B L V D (CSAH 38) M A R A C O N N E S H A N N O N P K W Y DANUBE T R L C R O S S M O O R A V E C O A C H F O R D C R O C U S W A Y P A T H C R O S S C R O F T A V E C T D A N V I L L E A V E W A Y A V E D A Y T O N A D A R W I N C T CURRANTCIR G L E N N C T P A T H CRUSHEEN CT C R O L L Y P A T H C T C L A R E D O W N S D A F F O D I L P A T H CL O V E R L N D A N U B E L N EVERMOOR 131S T ST W C H I L I A V E 137TH ST W CO FFEE TRL D E A R B O R N P A T H C T W D A N B U R Y W A Y W D E E P W O O D S C T CHAR LSTON WAY C R O S S L O U G H 142ND ST W 136TH ST W 138TH D A R T M O U T H P A T H C R O S S G L E N N P A T H D A N E A V E C O U C H T O W N C H I N C H I L L A A V E C O B B L E S T O N E L N D E L L W O O D W A Y C R O S S R I D G EWAY D A I S Y C T DALTON D A N N E R UPPER 135TH ST W DAHLIA CT 12 7TH CT W D RUMCLIFFE 133RD CT W CANADA CT C R A NBER R Y W A Y CIR C R U M F I E L D A V E D A N D E R D A L L A S D A P H N E L N D O D D WAY C O P P E R C T LN CT W D E L T A A V E C H A R L S T O N 1 3 7 T H C T A V E DRUMCLIFFECIR 141ST D A V Y C T P A T H C R U M P E TPATH C R O M W E L L T R L C O U C H T O W N 136TH ST W D A N B U R Y C H I N C H I L L A C T COLESHIRE PATHCORLISS TRL 137TH ST C O R C O R A N A V E C O R C H M A N A V E C R O M P T O N C R O S S C R O F T P L C R E G G SCI R C R A N F O R DCI R D A N B U R Y W A Y W C R O S S L O U G H T R L C R O M PTO N C R O M W E L L CLAR E D O W N S D E R R Y - DANUBE LN C O U C H - T O W N D E L T A C T DAVENPORTCT C R O S S C LIFFE PL DELLW OOD C T DARNELL CT D A L L A S C T D E L T A P L C R O O K H A V E N C T D E R R Y - M O O R C T P A T H D A N U B E C T DRUMCLIFFECT P K W Y DR U MC L I FFE C O R L I S S C O R M A C KCI R W A Y COBBLESTONECT 132ND ST W C T C O A C H F O R D A V ECT C A R R A C H AVE C A R R A C H A V E CROLLYCT DANVILLE CT W A Y A V EA V E W A Y C O A C H F O R D 140TH ST W D A N B U R Y P A T H P ATH C O U C H T O W N C T C O U C H T O WN C T C A R L I N G F O R D C A R L I N G F O R D L A N E 134TH ST W 140TH CIR B U R G U N D Y W A YBURMA A V E B U R N L E Y W A Y C R O SS- C R O FT AVE S W A Y C R O S S C L I F F E P A T H C R O S S M O O R C T C A R B U R Y W A Y E V E R M O O R P K W Y C A R B U R Y A V E D O D D B L V D C A R RAC H W A Y C O A C HFORD AVE COPPER POND SCHWARZPOND BIR GERPOND WILDELAKE I n n i s f r e e P a r k ShannonPark Schwarz Pond Park Innisfree Park CarrollsWoodsPark ConnemaraPark Schwarz Pond Park T :/G I S /C i t y /M a p s /D e p a r t m e n t a l M a p s /E n g i n e e r i n g /C h r i s /L o c a t i o n M a p - 4 5 3 Danbury Way Street & Utility Improvements City Project 453, August 2013