HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Dunmore Final PlatEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Meeting Date: July 28, 2015 Tentative City Council Meeting Date: August 18, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Case 15-23-FP Request by Copper Creek AGENDA SECTION: Development for the Approval of the New Business Dunmore Final Plat for 30 Lots. AGENDA NO. PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner 7.a. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map; Dunmore Final Plat; APPROVED BY: Dunmore Preliminary Plat; Resolution 2015- 48 Dunmore Preliminary Plat; Resolution 2015-49 Dunmore Planned Unit K.L. Development; Grading Plans; Landscape Plans; Parks and Recreation Director Memorandum dated July 22; City 23. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Dunmore Final Plat, subject to the following conditions: 1. Execution of a Subdivision Agreement. 2. Construct a trail to connect the existing Glendalough trail at the western property line of Lot 1, Block 5 to connect with regional trail to be constructed in the right- of-way northeast of Lot 1, Block 5. The developer shall dedicate a 15 foot wide trail easement across the northern portion of Lot 1, Block 5 to the City. 3. Relocate the sidewalk to the north, east and south sides of Road B (Cadogan Way). 4. Replace Condition L. in Resolution 2015-48 to acquire Preliminary Plat Lots 11, 12, and 13, Block 1 for public park purposes. 5. Combine Outlots A and B. The stormwater outlot will be created at the time of final platting the adjacent lots. 6. There is no Block 3 listed on the Final Plat. Re-number the block numbers to be sequential. 7. Trees installed on individual lots shall be planted in a location that does not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. 8. Drainage and utility easements with storm sewer infrastructure may contain fences but shall be required to include gates to provide truck access; shall prohibit sheds or other accessory structures; and shall prohibit landscaping that would impede drainage. 9. Provision of $25,575 as a landscaping security. 10. Payment of $102,000 for Fee-in-Lieu of Park Dedication. 11. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Park and Recreation Director 12. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the City En Memorandum dated July 23, 2015. ISSUE Copper Creek Development has submitted an application for approval of a Final Plat for construction nd of approximately 8 acres located west of South Robert Trail, south of 132 Street W and east of the Glendalough neighborhood. The development, named Dunmore, creates 30 new single family lots. The development of small lot single family housing is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Dunmore Preliminary Plat. SUMMARY In June of 2015, Copper Creek Development received approval of the Dunmore Preliminary Plat for 87 lots with a minimum width of 60 feet. Copper Creek Development is now pursing development of the first phase of the development, also named Dunmore, which will create 30 single family lots with a minimum lot width of 60 feet. Legal Authority Final plat approval is a quasi-judicial action, meaning that if the application meets the City Code, planned unit development (PUD) and preliminary plat regulations, then the final plat must be approved. Staff supports approval of this final plat and finds that it is substantially in conformance with the approved preliminary plat. The detailed analysis of this finding is provided below. North - Rural residential West - Glendalough single family housing South - Dakota County CDA family townhomes East - Harmony small lot single family and townhomes Copper Creek Development is proposing a 30 lot subdivision on approximately 8 acres. The lots are nd proposed directly south of 132 St W and east of Glendalough single family neighborhood. Upon approval of the final plat, construction of the first 30 lots of the ultimately 87 lot subdivision will th begin. The plat provides a connection to the Glendalough neighborhood via 134 St W and a nd connection to greater Rosemount via 132 St W and its intersection with South Robert Trail. Owner: Copper Creek Development Total Acres: 26.75 Acres Proposed Development Acres: 7.69 Acres Comprehensive Plan Designations: TR: Transitional Residential Zoning: R-1 PUD: Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development nd 132 Gross Stormwater Net Units per Units Street Park Acres Ponding Acres Acre ROW Preliminary Plat 87 26.75 2.05 0.46 0.59 23.65 3.68 Final Plat 30 8.15 n/a 0.46 n/a 7.69 3.90 2 The proposed Dunmore Final Plat has 30 lots with a minimum width of 60 feet and side yards setbacks totaling 15 feet. These dimensions would result in building pads of at least 45 feet in width. The 45 foot building pads will allow construction of homes with two car garages. Due to the increased density of the neighborhood and to be compatible with the other single family homes recently approved in the City, the Planned Unit Development (PUD) requires additional front elevation design standards to include greater architectural interest. Prestwick Place 2 nd R-1 Low Density Residential Preliminary Plat Zoning Zoning Standards Minimum Lot Width 80 Feet 60 Feet Minimum Lot Size 10,000 Square Feet 7,000 Square Feet Minimum Front Yard Setback 30 Feet 20 a to 25 Feet Minimum Side Yard Setback 10 Feet 7.5 Feet Minimum Rear Yard Setback 30 Feet 30 Feet Maximum Lot Coverage 30% 30% to 45% Block 2 lots only would be 20 ft. front setback, all others would be 25 ft. a For lots with areas less than 8,250 SF, maximum lot coverage would be 45% b For lots with areas greater than 8,250 SF, but less than 9,750 SF, maximum lot coverage would be 40% For lots with areas greater than 9,750 SF, but less than 11,250 SF, maximum lot coverage would be 35% For lots with areas greater than 11,250 SF, maximum lot coverage would be 30% The front elevation design shall include one of the following elements: i.Three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; ii.A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; iii.A side entry garage; iv.No more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. The final plat depicts removal of Dodd Blvd and the construction of four streets, labeled Caffrey st Avenue, Caffrey Court, Cadogen Way and 134 Street West. Caffrey Avenue will run north to south ndthth from the existing 132 St and the new extension of 134 St W. 134 St W will be constructed from the existing Glendalough stub to the intersection of Caffrey Avenue and Caffrey Court within the th development. About 190 feet of Caffrey Court will be constructed south of 134 to the intersection of Cadogen Way. Cadogen Way will be constructed at two intersections, the north intersection with nd Caffrey Avenue about 130 feet south of 132 St W and the south intersection with Caffrey Court th about 130 feet south of 134 St W. The typical street design for this subdivision is a 32 foot wide street with a sidewalk installed on one th side of the street. The Final Plat has been found to meet or slightly exceed minimum standards. 134 St W will have two sidewalks to match that within Glendalough. Caffrey Ave, Caffrey Ct and Cadogen Way will have sidewalks on one side of the street. Staff recommends that the sidewalk on Cadogen Way be relocated to the other side to allow access to the future City mini-park and the regional trail. at allows parking on both sides of the street. 3 There are no wetlands located on this site. The developer proposes to maintain the vast majority of trees that exist along the western and border of the final plat, the trees along the South Robert Trail that would not need to be removed for the regional trail. The trees for removal were evaluated during the preliminary plat approval. The City feels that the tree removal is reasonable to accommodate the density called for in the Comprehensive Plan. 401 trees are needed to be planted within the preliminary plat area. Within the final plat, 93 trees are proposed to be planted. 35 trees are required (one per interior lot and two per corner lot) due to landscaping requirements and the remaining 48 trees are replacement for the tree removal. A greater amount of tree replacement will occur in the future phase to buffer the site from South Robert Trail and to fill any gaps with the Glendalough neighborhood to the southeast. The trees will be installed after the lots are developed and final grades established. Trees will be required to be installed in locations that do not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. A stormwater pond is being graded in Outlot A. Stormwater pipes are being constructed within Caffrey Ave, Caffrey Court and to the rear of the lots on Block 2. The stormwater pipes will daylight south of Cadogen Way and flow overland through Outlot B to the graded pond. The final infrastructure for the pond, including a lift station estimated at $400,000, will be constructed with the second phase of Dunmore. The neighborhood park is shown in the grading plan between Cadogen Way and South Robert Trail. That parkland will likely become the available to the City in the third phase of Dunmore. The Parks and Recreation Director reviewed the grading plan and support the location and size of the park. Since the park is not being acquired with the Dunmore Final Plat, the Director recommends collecting fee-in-lieu of parkland dedication for the 30 lots in this final plat totaling $102,000. The parkland credit will be given with the phase that the parkland is actually dedicated. The Director also recommends that the sidewalk be relocated to the east side of Cadogen Way to better access the park. The Assistant City Engineer has prepared a memorandum of comments regarding the plat which is attached to this executive summary. Most of the topics within the memo have been discussed in the previous sections of this executive summary, but the memo provides greater detail for the developer There is one issue that the Assistant City Engineer is working with the City Attorney to address. The lots that back up to Glendalough have a significant number of trees that are being preserved which prevent the grading that would normally guarantee positive drainage away from the new home. Recognizing that the home constructed on these lots may need individual grading to address drainage issues; the City Attorney is working on a mechanism in which residents can work with City staff to determine appropriate grading options without the requirement of a formal vacation of a drainage and 4 utility easement. Additionally, there is one section with a backyard swale which traverses three lots. Staff is recommending dedication of a drainage and utility easement over the entire swale to ensure appropriate drainage for the three lots. However if grading can occur on the site which shifts the swale west, staff will come forward with an easement vacation. Staff wants to ensure that the swale is pattern, however; staff would like to provide the greatest buildable area as possible on the lots. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council approval of the Dunmore Final Plat with the specific conditions provided above. Staff finds that the Dunmore Final Plat is generally consistent with the Dunmore Preliminary Plat approval. This recommendation is based on the information submitted by the applicant, findings made in this report and the conditions detailed in the attached memorandums. 5 MEMORANDUM To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Jason Lindahl, Planner Patrick Wrase, Public Works Director/City Engineer Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: July 22, 2015 s Subject:t Dunmore Revised Preliminary Plat and Final Plat 1 Addition Parks and Recreation staff recently reviewed the plans for the Dunmore Revised Preliminary Plat st and for the Dunmore Final Plat 1 addition and has the following recommendations: Staff is recommending that the City collect cash in-lieu of land to satisfy the parks dedication st requirements for the 1 addition of the Dunmore Development. Staff is expecting to collect the land dedication for the future City park with a future phase of the project. The cash in- st lieu of land dedication amount for the 1 phase of the project is $102,000 ($3,400 x 30 units). Staff is recommending the sidewalk on road B be switched to the east side of the road for easier access to the public park. Staff feels that with the recommended change, the trails and sidewalks are adequate and will meet the needs of the neighborhood. Staff has reviewed the grading plan and feels the proposed grades in the future City park are acceptable. The Parks and Recreation Commission will be reviewing the Dunmore Development Revised st Preliminary Plat and the Final Plat 1 addition on Monday, July 27, 2015. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo. MEMORANDUM DATE: July 23, 2015 TO: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Pat Wrase, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Chris Watson, Public Works Coordinator Amy Roudebush, Planning & Personnel Secretary FROM: Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer RE: Dunmore: Final Plat Review S: UBMITTAL Prepared by Rehder and Associates, Inc., the Dunmore Grading preliminary plat is dated May 8, 2015 and last revised July 22, 2015. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: Preliminary Plat Grading Plan Set (6 pages) is comprised of the following: Cover Sheet o Grading, Drainage, & Erosion Control Plan o Road Profile Plan o Final Plat Preliminary Ponding Calculations, dated July 1, 2015 (12 pages) DF: EVELOPMENT EES 1.The developer has requested the City to publicly install the public infrastructure and have the improvements assessed to the property. nd 2.The developer is responsible for a share of the cost to upgrade 132 Street and extend utilities from TH 3 to Dodd Boulevard. The City is currently completing a feasibility report that will determine the costs. 3.The developer will be responsible for the cost of sidewalks and non-regional trails internal to the development. The developer will be responsible for grading the regional trail and Dakota County will be responsible for the cost of the future construction of the regional trail. 4.The developer will be responsible for the cost for the first roadway seal coat and street lighting costs. 5.Additional development fees are required based on the current Schedule of Rates and Fees. Area charges will be calculated based on the final plat areas at the rates listed below. Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $6865/net developable acre Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $1075/acre Watermain Trunk Charge: $6500/acre 6.The developer is required to provide ponding for the adjacent properties. A credit will be applied to the Dunmore development based the cityÔs stormwater ponding fee credit calculations. The credit will be determined once the grading plan is finalized and the exact excavation and land areas can be determined. nd 7.The City will oversize storm sewer within the development from 132 Street to the nd Dunmore Pond to provide conveyance of the runoff from 132 Street. GC: ENERAL OMMENTS 8.An existing conditions/removal plan should be provided to show the removal of the existing homes and relocation of existing utilities. 9.An erosion control plan and approved NPDES permit is required prior to issuance of a grading permit for mass grading. 10.A brief feasibility report is required to document the surrounding roadway and utility improvements. This feasibility report is being completed concurrent with the development review. 11.Lot 1 and 2, Block 1 should be served with sanitary sewer extending from Road A. 12.Lot calculations are required for all parcels on the Dunmore plat. 13.An existing conditions and removal plan is required showing the removals associated with Dodd Boulevard and driveway access to TH 3. 14.Individual lots, post home construction, are not allowed to be constructed with a slope greater than 1:4. The final lot survey is requirement to verify that this requirement is met. Walkout models may not use the entire building pad which increases the grade from the front to the back of the house. 15.Storm sewer is proposed along the side and back lot lines of certain properties to convey rear yard drainage. Drainage and utility easements along these lines shall prohibit the installation of sheds to ensure that access can be provided for storm sewer maintenance. Fences are allowed but shall not restrict drainage and are required to include gates for truck access over the drainage and utility easement. Also, landscaping that will block access should be prohibited. These restrictions should be added as a restriction on the property deed. This will impact the following properties (grading plan): Block 2: Lot 1, Lot 10, Lot 11, Lot 14 through Lot 18, Lot 25 through Lot 30 Block 3: Lot 1 through Lot 9, Lot 18 through Lot 26 16.Trees should not be located over storm sewer pipes or within emergency overflow routes or overland flow routes. Additionally, trees located on individual properties should not be planted near the sanitary sewer and water service lines. These trees should be positioned a minimum of 15 feet from the service lines. An updated utility layout should be shown on the landscape plan and trees should be located as specified above. FPC: INAL LAT OMMENTS 17.The public right-of-way should be extended to the back lot line of Block 2, Lot 13 (final plat). 18.Block 5 should be relabeled to Block 3 (final plat). 19.A drainage, utility and ponding easement is required over Outlot A and the future rear yards within Outlot B to the HWL. 20.A drainage and utility easement is required over Outlot B. 21.Drainage and utility easements on the final plat are required to be adjusted to encompass below the EOF elevation plus 1 foot and areas that are part of drainage swales. GPC: RADING LAN OMMENTS 22.The minimum grade in grassed areas is 2% and drainage should be toward the roadway. It appears that some areas are unable to meet this requirement due to the desire to maintain the existing trees on the lots. The cityÔs attorney is currently reviewing this issue and an agreement or waiver may be required as part of the final plat approval. SMC: TORMWATER ANAGEMENT OMMENTS 23.The storm sewer will be revised during final design. Typical revisions will include number and placement of catch basins, pipe alignments, and design of outlet control structures. 24.A wetland review/delineation of the site should be completed and submitted to the City for review. 25.Assumptions for infiltration rates have been provided at 2-inches per hour. Double ring infiltration testing is required to be performed at the time of grading to verify the design infiltration rates. This information shall be submitted to the City for review. 26.Sump manholes are required prior to discharge to a pond. Sumps will be added during final design. R/TC: OADWAYRAIL OMMENTS 27.Road A is shown with two grade breaks. These are required to be removed and replaced with vertical curves. 28.Streetlights are required to be added to the following locations: Intersection of 132nd Street and Road A. Road A: Station 5+50, Station 17+50 Road B: Station 6+25, Station 9+25 29.The trail located along the north side of Block 4, Lot 1 (grading plan) should be connected to the trail at Road A. Trail easement or an outlot owned by the association should be provided along Lot 1 to ensure that the trail can be constructed and maintained as proposed. 30.The development is required to include the removal of approximately 200 feet of road and sidewalk on Dodd Boulevard, south of the southern property line. The removal limits will extend to the northern driveway and a new curb will be installed to create a curved access to the southern development. Dodd Boulevard was planned to be extended through the development but after further review the connection was not needed. 31.Soil boring information should be provided to verify that the cityÔs typical roadway section is adequate for the existing soils. 32.The alignment and profile of the regional trail should be reviewed and approved by Dakota County. Grading of the regional trail is required to be completed by the developer. The cost of paving the regional trail shall be provided by Dakota County. E/PC: ASEMENTERMIT OMMENTS 33.Conservation easements are required over all stormwater ponds, infiltration basins, wetlands, and buffers. Signage for conservation easements shall be provided by the developer and an extended 5 year maintenance warranty shall be required to ensure establishment of the naturally vegetated areas. Costs associated with the establishment of the naturally vegetated areas and the 5 year maintenance period shall be a cost of the development. 34.Drainage and utility easements are required encompass below the EOF elevation plus 1 foot and areas that are part of drainage swales. This includes, but is not limited to, the following locations. Block 2: Lot 15 through Lot 18, Lot 24, Lot 35 35.Drainage and utility easements in the rear yards of Block 4, Lot 8 through Lot 11 may be modified following mass grading if the swale areas can be graded away from the building pad. This will allow more space for the installation of a deck behind the homes. 36.An additional drainage and utility easements are required on Lot 15, Lot 16, and Lot 18, Block 2. The easements should extend a minimum of 35 feet from the lift station location. 37.A 30-foot wide trail easement is required for the regional trail. An easement sketch and description of the easement should be submitted. 38.All work occurring within the Williams Pipeline Easement shall be by agreement or permit. An agreement or permit between the developer and Williams Pipeline shall be submitted to the City. 39.All work occurring within the Xcel Energy Transmission easement shall be by agreement or permit. The regional trail is currently proposed within the Xcel Energy easement. An agreement or permit between the developer and Xcel Energy shall be submitted to the City. 40.A permit from Mn/DOT will be required for the removal of the two existing driveway accesses to Trunk Highway 3. 41.The width of drainage and utility easements over all public utilities shall be verified during final design. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 651-322-2015.