according to the recorded plat thereof Dakoto County. Minnesota R����: �
Address: 14176 Ailesbury Avenue, Rosemount� Minnesota
House Model: Vanderbilt Elevotion: B3 pev�ewed as rrotced:❑
Buyer: Polski
I N F P 5 �83tlbmit: ❑
HWL= 924.8
928.4 �•� ZDI�
927.0 X 926.5 X 928.7 D�+�.
X 826.9 927.0 eK 7-/��
�9��� x 928.3 N89°50'5d�'E 72.00 (s2e.i)
-x- - -
n r 92&2 928.1 928.8 92&5 X 928.3 928.2
Scale: 1 =20 928'4 Drainage and utility � O
� easement per plat I �
- -- --- - -+ --
Top Nut Hydrant Opp. Lots 8-9 Block 2 r- - - � -1
Elevation = 938.64 5 I X 930.3 � � 5 �'�f�JG�����
X 930.5
� i � �q. ��l(,7�IS�
I 931.9 � 931.3 IX X 931.4 � va V
I X 937.4 X^ �931.6 I 931.0 v
-7 V I
/ I "'
cV I
� I X 931.9 �
� � i � �
I 932•� laai.e Staked DO
M X 9322 I X 832.4 X 932.8 p(9324 X 931 9 x g32.6 �
� � i � M
� �
9328 � I
I X 9328 X 932.9 X� I
X 933.1 I 933� � I I
I x sa3.i s�.o
(933.�� 932.BI 9�.3 (933.4�----�934.4 X 933.2 X i932.7
933.0 X 40.� 9 .3 I 933.4
� Existing �
� House N �
3 � .� N 8�4� F. . .�. 937.3 I
935.8 �938.2 pNj 936.6 I =
� x 9�7.6 �937.4 �� 0 = �
� Va c an t 938.3 I 938.7 -- ---- -'-�837.8 � x� �
� I 10.0 sa�.i I I�
0 938.3 936.B 837.4 �
� X x I X 938.1 9.4 tf7' 938.D I 936.9 �
O eas.e -- Garage N X I X 938.9 �
Z � �� porch � Z / ss�a I O
1 I 938.2 �
938.3 938.5 ZZ.O938.S N ��.� g X 8I Z
I93&0 X 937.0
(9 3 8.0� X I X 938.5 9�.a c ssa.a a s e.z � x
936.2 837.1I BJ7.7 I 937.3
938.1 X � 938.4
� 938.4 838.3 937.3I I
' r 937.7 I X
I X s37.o X � Drivaw4y � 5
938.0 5 L -- -� -� - -- ---- --�
X 936.2 937.0 � 938,g 836.8
938.41 9.8°fo x 938•8
�936.0 X � O
(935.7) sas.s �_-20.5 --� s,�.z � 938.1 (93�
- - - ,. . � a:. : • .. �'f9�5.9:� . ° . '936.1� . •.. ' .,938.7"9J8.2 ;• . .
� . �835.5. � . . •.•e.' ' � .'935.8 a , . .. 916.0 � , . a.���9e19,.1., •. �.1 � � �
935.6 _ Z Z.8 -�` 933.8 935.8
935.2 �
� �- 935.5 935.7 �- O
M N89°48'43"E 72.00 "'
Service invert elevation = 926.1
(as-built per others)
�ot area = 9636 SF AILESBURY AVENUE x 000.o� Denotes existing elavatfon
HOUSe area = 1796 SF ( 000.00 ) Denotes proposed elevation
Porch area = 105 SF � Denotas drainage flow direction
Sidewalk area = 46 SF � Denotes spike
Driveway area = 702 SF
Total Impervious Area = 2649 SF
Impervious Coverage = 27.5�
Lowest allowable floor elevation : 930.1
House elevations (Proposed� / As-built
Lowest Floor Elevation :(930.8) /
REVISED 7/13/15 GRADING AS-BUILT Top Of Foundation Elev. :�ss8.e� / 938.�
Garage Slab Elev. � Door � 938.5� � 938.5
T.O.F. Elevation � Lookout��934.0) / 934.4
General Notes: We hereby certify to Lennar Corporation that this survey, plan or
1. Grading plan by Westwood last doted 8/8/14 was used to report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and
determine proposed elevations shown herein. that I am a duly licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the
2. No specific soils investigation has been performed on this lot by State of Minnesota, dated 02/12/15.
the surveyor. The suitability of soils to support the specific house
is not the responsibility of the surveyor. Signed: Pioneer Engineering, P.A.
3. this certificate does not purport to show easements other than �
those shown on the recorded plat. �
4. bearings shown are based on an assumed datum.
B Y:
eter . Haw inson, Professional and Surveyor
Minnesota License No. 42299
1.)2-16-ISStakeHousc Certi�cate of Survey for:
PI�NEER Z•��"�3-IS Grading As-Built
en�ineering Lennar Corporation
Ph.:(65I)681-1914 16305 36th Ave N Ste#600
2422 Enterprise Drive Fax:(651)681-9488 Plymouth,MN 55446-4270
Mendota Heights,MN 55120 www.pioneereng.com Projcct#: 114272005 Phone:(952)249-3000/Fax:(952)404-1909
Foldcr#: 7741 Drawn by: MN
�2013 Pioneer Engineering