HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150728 PCM RMPLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 28, 2015 PAGE 1 Call to Order: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, July 28, 2015. Chair Miller called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Commissioners Menninger, Forester, and VanderWiel. Commissioner Henrie, Murle, and Freeman were absent Also in attendance were Community Development Director Lindquist, Engineer Olson, and Recording Secretary Roudebush. The Pledge of Allegiance was said Additions to Agenda: None Audience Input: None Consent Agenda: a. Approval of the June 23, 2015 Meeting Minutes MOTION by Menninger Second by VanderWiel Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Public Hearing: 5.a. Request by Mid America Real Estate for a Major Amendment to the Rosemount Market Square Planned Unit Development Agreement to Construct a Building for Chipotle and Arby's Restaurants including Outdoor Seating and a Conditional Use Permit for a Drive -Through (15 -26 -AMD & 15 -27 -CUP) Community Development Director Lindquist summarized the report for the Planning Commission. Chair Miller inquired if there were any concerns with hooking up utilities or sewer connections. Engineer Olson stated they don't expect any issues. Miller also asked if staff was concerned about the amount of parking provided at the site. Community Development Director Lindquist referred Miller to page 4 of the staff summary which lays out the ordinance parking calculation versus the amount provided on site. Lindquist noted that there is more than the required amount of stalls for the development. Miller also asked if there was any talk of replacing the existing sign, Lindquist said there hadn't been. Commissioner Forester inquired how parking would be affected if the vacant lot on the east side of The Pond were developed. Lindquist stated that restaurants require more parking than retail. She indicated that the City would do a parking assessment at the time of that development. She indicated in the past the city has limited the number of restaurants in the development to ensure there is adequate parking. Or a parking study could also be done to get a better look at actual usage. Forester also asked if the access off of County Road 42 will be adequate with the added load. Engineer Olson stated that Dakota County regulates the access and there are no proposed changes to the access for this development. Commissioner Menninger confirmed that the expansion next to pond would be limited to approximately 12,000 sq. ft. She also confirmed that number of stalls required only takes into account the inside seating not patio seating. The public hearing was opened at 6:46 pm. Public comments: Mim Jacobson with Mid America was on hand to answer questions. Jacobson stated that the required parking for Fireside does include the patio in the count, and there is adequate parking with the added patio. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 28, 2015 PAGE 2 Chair Miller expressed his concern about not having enough parking with the added businesses. Jacobson stated if there is a need they would add additional parking in vacant lot next to The Pond. Miller also inquired about replacing the existing sign instead of adding an additional monument sign for the two new businesses. Jacobson stated that it would be too costly to replace the sign and a monument sign fits the character of County Road 42. Miller was concerned about business getting lost and excess signs along County Road 42. MOTION by Menninger to close the public hearing. Second by Forester. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. The public hearing was closed at 6:53 pm. Additional Comments: Commissioner Forester wondered what is being proposed for condition #2, regarding the rooftop mechanical equipment. Lindquist stated it will be reviewed during the building permit process. Forester also inquired if there is any concern that the site plan is being approved but there is no landscaping plan. Lindquist stated that there is little additional landscaping because the site is already developed, she indicated what staff's expectations will be for additional landscaping. Commissioner Menninger inquired if the IUP applications would come before the Planning Commission again for approval. Lindquist stated they would as only the City Council can amend the IUP. Motion by Menninger to recommend that the City Council approve the Major Amendment to the Rosemount Market Square Planned Unit Development to Allow a 4,075 square feet Multiple Tenant Restaurant Building including Outdoor Seating, subject to the following conditions: 1. Rosemount Properties, LLC shall submit for amendments to the Plant Place and the Lions Club seasonal IUPs by December 31, 2015 to adjust the seasonal sales location to not interfere with the Chipotle, Arbor's or any other tenant at Rosemount Market Square. Failure to submit for the IUP amendments will result in the revocation of the Plant Place and Lions Club IUPs. 2. Selection and placement of the rooftop mechanical equipment so that the parapet wall shields the equipment from public view. 3. Provide a lighting plan that meets the City Code requirements for lighting 4. Lighting fixture cut sheets shall be provided to ensure that are a cut-off style of lighting. 5. Non-essential lighting shall be turned off after business hours. 6. The east parking lot curb shall not be installed closer to the east property line than the curb that exists today. 7. A common monument sign is allowed for the Arbor's and Chipotle provided that the total sign area does not exceed 100 square feet and the sign height does not exceed twelve (12) feet. 8. The non -glass and non -door building materials shall contain at least 35% brick and shall contain at least 90% brick and block. 9. The north, east and south side of the trash enclosure shall be constructed of the same masonry block as used on the Arbor's building. 10. The outdoor seating shall be located at least 55 feet from the 2015 CSAR 42 right -of -war. The outdoor seating shall maintain a six (6) foot wide pedestrian access along the west side of the building to allow access to the Chipotle and Arbor's entrances. 11. The outdoor seating shall maintain a six (6) foot wide pedestrian access along the west side of the building to allow access to the Chipotle and Arbor's entrances. Second by VanderWiel PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 28, 2015 PAGE 3 Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion passes. Motion by Menninger to recommend that the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit for the Drive -Through Facility for Arby's subject to the following conditions: 1. Public address systems and ordering speakers shall not be audible at the property lines. 2. The text on the menu board shall not be so large as to be visible from the public right-of-way or as to serve as off-site advertising. 3. Size and design of menu boards shall conform to condition seven (7) of the drive-through facility conditional use permit standards. 4. Install ground cover and landscaping equal to 26 foundation plantings along the north and property lines to screen cars in the drive-through to a height of four feet. Second by VanderWiel Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion passes. Old Business: None New Business: 7.a. Request by Copper Creek Development for the Approval of the Dunmore Final Plat for 30 Lots (15 -23 -FP) Community Development Director Lindquist summarized the report for the Planning Commission. Chair Miller inquired about the park and where it will be located. Lindquist stated it has been moved south a lot since the Commission approval as the area is flatter and will be easier to connect to the trail. Motion by VanderWiel to recommend that the City Council approve the Dunmore Final Plat, subject to the following conditions: 1. Execution of a Subdivision Agreement. 2. Construct a trail to connect the existing Glendalough trail at the western property line of Lot 1, Block 5 to connect with regional trail to be constructed in the right-of-way northeast of Lot 1, Block 5. The developer shall dedicate a 15 foot wide trail easement across the northern portion of Lot 1, Block 5 to the City. 3. Relocate the sidewalk to the north, east and south sides of Road B (Cadogan Way). 4. Replace Condition L. in Resolution 2015-48 to acquire Preliminary Plat Lots 11, 12, and 13, Block 1 for public park purposes. 5. Combine Outlots A and B. The stormwater outlot will be created at the time of final platting the adjacent lots. 6. There is no Block 3 listed on the Final Plat. Re -number the block numbers to be sequential. 7. Trees installed on individual lots shall be planted in a location that does not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. 8. Drainage and utility easements with storm sewer infrastructure may contain fences but shall be required to include gates to provide truck access; shall prohibit sheds or other accessory structures; and shall prohibit landscaping that would impede drainage. 9. Provision of $25,575 as a landscaping security. 10. Payment of $102,000 for Fee -in -Lieu of Park Dedication. 11. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Park and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated July 22, 2015 12. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the City Engineer's Memorandum dated July 23, 2015. Second by Menniger. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. Reports: PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 28, 2015 PAGE 4 8.a. Land Use Workshops Community Development Director Lindquist talked briefly about upcoming gaining opportunities for Commissioners to attend. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Chairperson Miller adjourned the meeting at 7:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Amir Roudebush, Recording Secretary