HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07-27-15 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION July 27, 2015 Special Meeting DRAFT Members Present: Maureen BaYtz,Mike Eliason,Barb Farrell,Lincoln Tilson,Jim Young Members Absent: None Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteers: None Others Present: Shaun Nelson, City Council Member 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. 3. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 18, 2015 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Farrell to approve the minutes of the May 18, 2015 meeting. SECOND by Young. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Dunmore Revised Preliminary Plat- In May,and the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation was to accept one acre of park land and the remainder of parks dedication in cash, to have the developer add a sidewalk between Lots 33 and 34 that would connect to the regional trail, and to have the developer complete the connection of the existing trail in the northeast part of the development.This recommendation went to the City Council and the Council made a recommendation to approve a preliminary plat that included park land of 0.6 (this provides enough land for a playground,sun shelter),and the addirion of a sidewalk connecting to the regional trail that runs along the east side of the property. As far as the Cominission's recommendation regarding the completion of the connection to the xegional ttail in the northeast part of the development,as things progressed there were some issues regarding roads and grading,and a potential trail that would run along the wedand was identified. This txail will provide two access points to the regional trail. For the 1 Gt Addition Final Plat, staff is recommending accepting full cash dedication in lieu of land (30 units x $3,400 = $102,000),which we will invest into the park. Staff is also recommending moving the sidewalk in the development. The plat shows the sidewalk on the west side of Road B,and staff is recommending moving it to the east side so it is on the park side,which is more user-friendly. The Commission liked the idea of a sidewalk on the park side, and also discussed the benefits of keeping the sidewalk around the entire center section of homes. They thought it would be a good idea to keep this sidewalk so kids in those homes can use it and will be able to ride bikes around the whole loop without having to cross the street. Having sidewalks on both sides would also benefit people who are out walking,because they would have the option to cross the street and not interrupt kids on bikes. It was mentioned that more and more developments are putting sidewalks on both sides of the street as a standard and that for over-all quality of life for families in the neighborhood,including the sidewalk all the way around the center section of homes, as well as on the paYk side,would be a good idea. MOTION by Young to approve the revised preliminary plat and the final plat for the 1St Addition with the recommendations provided by staff,with the addition of a recommendation to keep a complete sidewalk around the ring of homes in the center of the development so there are sidewalks on both sides. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. b. Recreation Facilities Summit Meeting Update—The City Council held a special work session on July 9,2015 at the Rosemount Commuruty Center to follow-up on the Recreauon Faciliries Summit that was held in February 2015. The main topics of discussion were the requests from the athletic associations for a second sheet of ice,indoor court space, an artificial turf field and a future dome. On Ju1y 13,2015, the City Council discussed these requests further. Following the discussion, the Council directed staff to talk to Dan Corley regarding the possibility of building a health club/field house (he has been studying the feasibility of building a health club/field house (Dakota Field House) in Rosemount for two years); to look into bringing in someone to study the feasibility of adding a - 1 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION July 27, 2015 Special Meeting second sheet of ice (the Rosemount Area Hockey Association (RAHA) is looking into financially supporring a second sheet of ice);and to see what kind of arrangement could be made with Dakota Rev regarding a turf field. Per Schultz, the City Council is looking into potentially helping with land or some rype of investment for the health club/field house. The Cominission asked if the City and the Parks and Recreation Cominission would have any input into the features of the health club/field house. They asked if more lanes could be added to the pool so it could be used for competitive swimming and if we could discuss having a water park. The Comiiussion thought that if the City works with Mr. Corley,there should be an agreement that would include benefits for Rosemount residents who would use the facility. The Coinmission expressed concern about the City invesring in this type of facility because similar facilities in Eagan and Vadnais Heights have closed. The Coinmission didn't want to postpone our own research into a new community center. The Coinmission asked if the Rosemount Area Athletic Association could partner with Mr. Corley,and if RAHA and Dakota Rev may have the funds and ability to move forward on their own. Schultz xeviewed a list of possible future projects that the City Administrator put togethex based on Ciry Council discussions and also reviewed the list Parks and Recreation projects that the Commission has discussed several time this year. c. 2016 Budget Planning—We will discuss this at the City Council work session coming up in August. Schultz will bring back information fxom the work session to a future Parks and Recrearion Commission meeting. d. Steeple Center Addition—Project Update—The new facility will include a senior activity center, arts/cultural center and will have multiple other uses.We anticipate completion by October 2015. The attached senior high-rise should be completed by mid-November 2015. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Director's Report —The park improvement fund balance as of June 30 was $232,471.10. Parks dedication fees were $9,107.16. There was no interest,and there were no grants or donations. Expenditures were$4,932.25 for Prestwick Park architectural fees, final payment and signs for the Erickson Park tennis courts, and a directional sign for the Flint Hills complex. Tennis Tournament-A USTA tennis tournament was held at the new Erickson Park courts in May. Splash Pad -The water pump/water journey feature has become discolored and this is being addressed. The splash pad has been very busy,with buses of kids corrung from Hastings YNICA, and vans fu11 of daycare kids coming from the local area. It will close the first or second week of September. Prestwick Park—Plans/specs for the final phase of the park are being prepared for bid and the park should be completed this fall. A film crew from the zip line company was at the park to video kids using the zip line. Thxee pieces of adult exercise equipment have also been installed. Recycling—Special recycling bins provided by Dakota County as part of a pilot program have been placed in Flint Hills Complex, the Ball Fields at UMore,the Central PaYk Splash Pad and Jaycee Park. Shannon Park—There was discussion about moving the garbage cans closer to the ball fields because there is a lot of garbage on the ground when there are games here. Possibly the director's for the various sports could be made aware of the problem and they could ask their players to make sure the area is clean before they leave. 8. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Lincoln to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Young. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl,Parks and Recreation Secretary - 2 -