HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150624 YCRM Minutes ROSEMOUNT YOUTH COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS June 24, 2015 OATH OF OFFICE New Youth Commissioner Jennifer Busho was administered the Oath of Office by Assistant City Administrator Emmy Foster. CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Youth Commission was th held on Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 3:46 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West, Rosemount. Commissioner Schalliol called the meeting to order with Youth Commissioners Alex, Andrews, Busho, Hinderaker, Munson, Saal, Westman, Wuellner, Jaren Yambing and Joan Yambing present. Staff Liaison Foster, Council member Weisensel and Recording Secretary Harrington were present. Commissioners Corrigan, M. Demuth, S. Demuth, and Radosevich were absent. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA Motion by Schalliol. Second by Munson. Motion to Adopt the Agenda. Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 4. Motion carried. AUDIENCE INPUT None. CONSENT AGENDA Weisensel requested item 5.b. be removed for discussion. Motion by Schalliol. Second by Wuellner. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda with the removal of 5.b. a.Minutes of May 27, 2015 Youth Commission Meeting b.2015-2016 Youth Commission Calendar Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 4. Motion carried. 5.b. 2015 – 2016 Youth Commission Calendar Foster advised that the Youth Commission meetings are typically held the fourth Wednesday of the Month. The Commission discussed the feasibility of meeting in July and August as Commissioner availability is limited due to summer vacations. Weisensel suggested removing the July meeting since the City Council has requested the Youth Commission join the Council at their booth during Leprechaun Days and retain the August meeting to get an early start on goals. Commissioner Schalliol surveyed the Commission regarding availability for the proposed July and August meeting dates. Motion by Schalliol. Second by Wuellner. Motion to cancel the July meeting. Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 4. Motion carried. Motion by Schalliol. Second by Wuellner. Motion to approve the calendar as amended. Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 4. Motion carried. Foster advised the Commission that the invitation to join the Council in their booth during thth Leprechaun Days would take place in two hour shifts on July 24 and July 25. A sign-up sheet was passed around for Commissioners to select a shift. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS 7.a. Election of Officers Following a brief description of officer duties by Weisensel, elections were held to determine the officers of this year’s Youth Commission officers. Chairperson Commissioner Schalliol volunteered to serve as Chairperson. Motion by Schalliol. Second by Joan Yambing. Motion to close nominations. Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 4. Motion carried. Motion by Schalliol. Second by Wuellner. Motion to cast a unanimous ballot for Schalliol as Chairperson. Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 4. Motion carried. First and Second Vice Chair Commissioner Schalliol nominated Commissioner Radosevich. Motion by Schalliol. Second by Wuellner. Motion to close nominations. Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 4. Motion carried. Motion by Schalliol. Second by Joan Yambing. Motion to cast a unanimous ballot for Radosevich as First Vice Chair. Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 4. Motion carried. Commissioner Wuellner nominated Commissioner Munson. Motion by Schalliol. Second by Joan Yambing. Motion to close nominations. Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 4. Motion carried. Motion by Schalliol. Second by Wuellner. Motion to cast a unanimous ballot for Munson as Second Vice Chair. Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 4. Motion carried. 7.b. 2015-2016 Youth Commission Goal Setting Weisensel asked the Commission for comments or changes to the 2015-2016 Youth Commission Goals that were distributed at the May meeting. Chairperson Schalliol read the goals to the Commission. No changes were requested, thus Weisensel stated that 2015-2016 Youth Commission Goals would stand as stated and approved. 7.c. Roundtable Discussion th Schalliol advised that on July 5 she, along with two other Commissioners, will be going to Nebraska on a Mission Trip with their church. Jared Yambing advised that he will be going to the Boundary Waters this summer, and Munson will be going to her cabin soon. Andrews has begun volunteering at the zoo and is enjoying the baby animals. Busho is employed as a nanny this summer and Joan Yambing has begun working at the outlet mall. Westman is excited to be completing driver’s education this summer, and Saal is looking forward to taking his driver’s exam soon. Alex advised that he will be participating in the last soccer game of the season and Hinderaker is looking forward to the high school’s summer program for new freshmen. Wuellner reported that she recently visited a friend in the hospital. REPORTS 8.a. Commission Member Reports None. 8.b. Next Meeting Date The next meeting of the Youth Commission is scheduled for August 26, 2015 at 3:45 p.m. at City th Hall. The Chairperson and Vice Chairs will meet at 3:15 p.m. on August 26, 2015 to review rules of order and responsibilities of officers. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Schalliol and seconded by Wuellner that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 4:08 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Jean Harrington Recording Secretary