HomeMy WebLinkAbout14185 AILESBURY AVE ���: �
AILESBURY AVENUE ���'�d�s rioYed:❑
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� � Drainagexand utility ,�x e3�.s g3�,7 x eai.e
� � easement per plat �-
931.9 (931.9� 931.1 931.7 �1.5 (931.7�
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X 931.7 X 931.7 X 831.7 ���.Q X 931.B X 931.5
X 931.3 X 931.3 EO.F
Lot area = 9165 SF
House area = 2102 SF �`� Denotea aervice
Porch areo = 164 SF Benchmark:
Sidewalk area = 18 SF DO Denotes televiston box Top Nut Hydrant Lots 6-7 Block 3
Driveway area = 840 SF ■ Denotes electric box Elevation = 938.64
Total Impervioua Area = 3124 SF ❑� Denotes telephone box
Impervfous Cove�age = 34.1% X 000.00 Denotes exiating elevatlon
( 000.00 ) Denotes proposed elevatton
Service Invert Elevation = 926.5 � Denotes dratnage flow direetion Lowest allowable floor elevation : 930.5
(as-built per others) � Denotes spike
House elevations �Pro�osed) / As-built
Lowest Floor Elevation :(931.2) /
Top Of Foundation Elev. :(939.2) / 939.2
Garage Slab Elev. � Door :(938.9) / 938.8
T.O.F. Elevation � Lookout:(934.4) / 934.7
REVISED 9/23/15 GRADING AS-BUILT S�a�e: ,� = 20�
General Notes: We hereby certify to Lennar Corporation that thia survey, plan or report
was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a
1. Grading plan by Westwood last dated 6/4/14 was used to duly Iicensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota,
determine proposed elevations shown herein. dated 04/08/15.
2. No specific soils investigation has been performed on this Iot by
the surveyor. The suitability of soils to support the specific house Signed: io eer En ineering, P.A. Rj¢iaissm�xo�
is not the responsibility of the surveyor. z.�s-i-iscv�H�
3. this certificate does not purport to show easements other than 3.)5-5-ISRe-smkeHouse
those shown on the recorded plat. BY� a.)s-Za�sNewxo,�
4. bearin s shown are based on an assumed datum. e er . aw nson, ro easona an urveyor 5.)5-2Ca15R�stalceHouae
g Minnesota License No. 42299 email-phawkinsonC�Dpioneereng.com 6.)9-23-15Gradin�As-Built
�.�ia�-►s cns Re-cn�k
a�a��o�� ��� LANDSURVEYORS ���� Certificate of Survey for:
according to the recorded plat thereof Lennar Corporation
2422EnterpriseDrive Ph.:(651)681-1914 Dakota County, Minnesota
Mendota Heights,MN 55120 Fa�c:(651)681-9488 16305 36th Ave N Ste#600
www.pioneereng.com Address: 14185 Ailesbury Avenue, Rosemount. Minnesota plymouth,MN 55446-d27o
House Model: Snellingl Elevation: F Phone:(952)249-3000/Fax:(952)404-1909
Project#:114272007 Folder#:7741 nrawn by:MN Buyer: Schwartz
�Pioneer Engineering