HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.k. Authorization of Scope of Services for Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Shannon Parkway and 144th StreetG:\ENGPROJ\ENG 0180 - SRTS Shannon Parkway and 144th Street\Council Information\20151020 CC Authorize Scope of Services SRTS.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Meeting: October 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Authorization of Scope of Services for Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Shannon Parkway and 144th Street, ENG-0180 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Patrick Wrase, PE, Director of Public Works/City Engineer AGENDA NO. 6.k. ATTACHMENTS: Proposal from WSB and Associates, Inc., Project Area Maps APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Authorize the Execution of the WSB and Associates, Inc. Proposal for Professional Services for Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Improvements at Shannon Park Elementary and 144th Street ISSUE Staff is requesting City Council to review and authorize the execution of a professional services contract with WSB and Associates, Inc. (WSB) to provide design and construction management and Federal Aid project management services for the Safe Routes to School improvements at Shannon Park Elementary and 144th Street. BACKGROUND In 2010, Dakota County partnered with the Minnesota Department of Health and Independent School District 196 to create Safe Routes to School (SRTS) plans for the four public schools on Rosemount. The SRTS plans included recommendations for pedestrian improvements at each school location. In January of 2014, the city of Rosemount Planning and Engineering Departments, with the authority of the Rosemount City Council, submitted a grant application to the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) 2015-2016 SRTS solicitation. The projects submitted were for Shannon Elementary School and 144th Street, as indicated on the attached project area maps. The Shannon Elementary School project plans to construct an 8’ wide bituminous trail to connect the existing trail along Shannon Parkway to the south side of the school campus and install a LED crosswalk sign at Evermoor Parkway and Gregg’s Circle. The 144th Street project plans to construct a minimum 5’ wide concrete sidewalk from Chili Avenue to Cameo Avenue. The original cost estimates prepared for the grant application utilized construction costs associated with new development type projects that do not consider the challenges associated with fitting a new sidewalk into an existing street cross section. Coordinating the installation with existing trees, driveways, and topography cause these retrofit projects to cost significantly more than an installation in a new development. Further exacerbating the cost estimate difference for the 144th Street project is the appearance that only one half of the segment length was included in the cost estimate prepared for this application. Revised project cost estimates for the project have been prepared that total $150,147 for Shannon Park Elementary and $310,558 for the 144th Street project. Including the design engineering, construction management and right of way costs, the revised estimate for the total cost at completion is $460,705 compared to $266,250 from the original application. We have verified with MnDOT’s Federal Aid Project staff that the 80/20 cost share is available for the increase in cost over the initial SRTS application estimates. The city share of the revised estimate of project cost would be $92,141. 2 We have received a proposal from WSB for design, right of way, project administration, and project inspection services for the delivery of both of the SRTS projects. The WSB proposal provides for the required services at a cost of $138,434. The revised estimates, using a standard 25% of the construction cost, tabulated $92,141 for the project indirect costs. The WSB proposed fees are approximately 37% of the estimated construction costs. The Federal project process administration and easement documentation is a source of extra indirect project cost not typically encountered with city projects as estimated in the normal 25% indirect cost factor. Referencing previous Federal projects, indirect costs of 30% and greater are typical. Incorporating the WSB cost proposal into the project cost estimate, the total project cost at completion is estimated at $506,998 with the city’s 20% share at $101,400. A Federal Aid Kickoff meeting was held with MnDOT staff on Friday, August 14, 2015. The project must follow MnDOT Transportation Advisory Board policy in order to insure timely delivery of the project in the year 2016. It is important to begin the design of this project as soon as possible in order to meet the project delivery requirements. The cost proposal from WSB is comprehensive and is within the range of fee to be expected with a project of this complexity. Staff is recommending the design, construction management and project administration of this project be conducted by WSB Inc. as outlined in the proposal. The estimated total fee of $138,434 for the professional services provided by WSB will be funded 80% by the SRTS Grant Funds and 20% with local Pedestrian Improvement Funds, currently budgeted for $125,000 in the draft 2016 capital improvement plan budget. SUMMARY Staff is requesting City Council authorization for a contract with WSB and Associates, Inc. for professional services for Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Improvements at Shannon Park Elementary and 144th Street. engineering planning environmental construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 September 10, 2015 Mr. Pat Wrase City Engineer City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Proposal for Professional Services – Preliminary and Final Engineering Services 2015 Safe Routes to School Improvements Dear Mr. Wrase: We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal for professional services related to the City’s Safe Routes to School Improvements project. This letter proposal outlines the services required to prepare all necessary documents to bring this project to bid opening, provide R/W acquisition services, and administer the construction of this project. PROJECT BACKGROUND This project is a Safe Routes to School project and is funded with federal and local dollars. It is anticipated that easement acquisition will be required. The project has two locations. The first location is within and adjacent to Shannon Park, which is adjacent to Shannon Park Elementary School. The second location is on 144th Street West from Chili Avenue to Cameo Ave. The project was proposed due to safety concerns with respect to the proximity of pedestrians to congested traffic while walking to Shannon Park Elementary School, the steep grade of the existing vehicle entrance to the Shannon Park Elementary School that pedestrians use, visibility of pedestrians crossing Evermoor Pkwy, lack of an existing pedestrian route along 144th Street West, and a lack of safe crossings on 144th Street West for students to access the existing sidewalk coming from the Rosemount Elementary School. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The Shannon Park segment of this project includes the construction of an eight (8) foot wide bituminous trail, approximately 430 feet long, that would connect the existing bituminous trail along the east side of Shannon Parkway to the existing playground south of the Shannon Park Elementary School. The connection would eliminate the need for student to walk along the Pat Wrase City of Rosemount September 10, 2015 Page 2 of 10 C:\Users\klk\Desktop\Packet Items\Safe Routes to School ENG0180\20151020 CC WSB Proposal.doc entrance drive to the school. Walking along the entrance drive puts students in close proximity to moving vehicles. This trail connection is planned to be located near the top of the slope adjacent to the existing ball field. A second part of the Shannon Park Elementary School portion of this project is the placement of LED crosswalk signs at the intersection of Evermoor Pkwy and Creggs Circle. The addition of the LED signs will enhance pedestrian safety at this crossing. The project will include grading, trail construction, and crosswalk signing. The project may also include a modular block retaining wall, and utility relocations. The Rosemount Elementary segment of this project includes the construction of an eight (8) foot wide concrete sidewalk trail, approximately 1,870 feet long, that would connect the existing north-south sidewalk along the west side of Chili Avenue to the existing north-south sidewalk along the west side of Cameo Avenue. The connection would provide a safe pedestrian route from the existing sidewalks to Rosemount Elementary School. Currently there is no pedestrian route along 144th Street West. Pedestrians currently utilize the existing sidewalk along 145th Street West, and the sidewalks along Chili Avenue, Canada Avenue, and Cameo Avenue to access the elementary school from the east and west. The project will include grading, tree removal, utility relocations, walk construction, modular block retaining walls, fences, and crosswalk signing and marking. PROJECT APPROACH/SCOPE OF SERVICES WSB & Associates, Inc.’s project scope and proposed work plan are based on our understanding of the project as previously discussed. In order to complete the project, we propose the following scope of services: 1. Complete Project Memorandum for the Project A. Early notification letters and coordination WSB will send out letters to the following agencies to determine the potential presence of environmental resources within the project area  Minnesota DNR  MnDOT Cultural Resources  MnDOT Office of Environmental Services WSB will also conduct a check of data bases for contaminated properties in the area and will coordinate with the schools relative to the project location and the impact on school facilities. B. Prepare Draft PM WSB will prepare a draft Project Memorandum for the project which will include the following information. 1. Report Purpose 2. Project Description Pat Wrase City of Rosemount September 10, 2015 Page 3 of 10 C:\Users\klk\Desktop\Packet Items\Safe Routes to School ENG0180\20151020 CC WSB Proposal.doc 3. Project Purpose and Need 4. Alternatives 5. Cost and Funding Source 6. Social, Economic and Environmental Impacts—Based on our review of the project it appears there is no 4(f) or 6(f) impacts, no wetland impacts, no floodplain impacts, no endangered species, no cultural resource impacts, no agricultural land to be acquired, and no need for a noise study. Our cost estimate is based on this assumption 7. Agency Coordination and permits—WSB will identify the permits needed for the project 8. Public Involvement—WSB will document the public involvement completed for the project. The time for the public involvement activities are included elsewhere in the proposal. 9. Design Study 10. Attachments a. State Map b. Location Map c. Map of project d. Map of alternatives e. Map of ROW Acquisitions f. Hazardous Material locations (if any) g. Potentially floodplain, wetlands(it appears there are none) h. Early coordination letters and responses C. City Review and Revisions WSB will submit to the City for review and make revisions as appropriate to address the City’s comments D. State/Federal Aid Review and Revisions WSB will submit the updated Draft Project Memorandum to State Aid for their review. WSB will make revisions as appropriate to address State Aid Comments and prepare a Final Project Memorandum for State Aid Signature E. Coordinate Final Document Review and Signatures WSB will coordinate with State Aid to obtain signatures on the final Project Memorandum. It is anticipated that some minor revisions may occur during this task. 2. Preliminary and Final Design A. Project Management Project management is a key task spanning each phase of the project. Initially, this task includes the development of the project plan through bidding. Continuation of this task includes the appropriation of necessary staff and resources at the appropriate stages of the project to achieve project milestones and completion. This includes frequent Pat Wrase City of Rosemount September 10, 2015 Page 4 of 10 C:\Users\klk\Desktop\Packet Items\Safe Routes to School ENG0180\20151020 CC WSB Proposal.doc communication and coordination with City staff and its agents governing all aspects of the project. Proper completion of this task will allow for open lines of communication and routine updates on project issues, as well as keeping the project on schedule and within budget. WSB & Associates, Inc. will prepare all necessary figures for public meetings. It is anticipated the WSB staff will not attend these meetings. WSB will also prepare for and attend agency coordination meetings throughout the project. Quality assurance and quality control functions will be performed throughout the project to ensure delivery of a quality product in a timely manner. Work included in this task includes:  Attendance at two (2) progress meetings with City staff during preliminary and final design,  Attendance at two (2) utility design meetings,  Coordination with utilities that are to be relocated.  QA/QC reviews at 60%, 90%, and 100% design stages. B. Data Collection WSB & Associates, Inc. will obtain topographic survey information and prepare the base mapping for the preliminary design and identify permanent or temporary easement needs. The preparation of permanent or temporary easement exhibits and descriptions is not included in the scope. WSB will also gather and review existing as-built drawings for the project areas. WSB will gather and review the existing Right of Way and parcel information for the project areas. C. Wetland Delineation – Optional (If Needed) WSB & Associates, Inc. will perform a wetland delineation, if necessary, to identify possible impacts, create the delineation report, create the wetland replacement plan, and attendance at one (1) TEP meeting. The cost of wetland mitigation credits is not included in this scope. D. Preliminary Design WSB & Associates, Inc. will prepare the preliminary design consistent with MnDOT State Aid and Federal Aid standards and requirements. Work included in this task includes:  Creation and submittal of the project layout for review and approval, E. Final Plans WSB will prepare final design plans and specifications and construction documents for bidding that comply with City of Rosemount and MnDOT Federal and State Aid requirements. WSB will submit construction plans for review to the City of Rosemount at 60, 90 and 100 percent completion. WSB will submit construction plans to MnDOT Federal and State Aid for review at 90 and 100 percent completion. WSB will prepare the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. WSB will prepare revisions as necessary and will prepare a letter documenting how each review comment was addressed. WSB will provide a separate constructability review at the 60 percent completion to show how potential construction and utility conflicts, staging and schedule constraints, drainage Pat Wrase City of Rosemount September 10, 2015 Page 5 of 10 C:\Users\klk\Desktop\Packet Items\Safe Routes to School ENG0180\20151020 CC WSB Proposal.doc issues will be resolved. Final plans, specifications, engineer’s cost opinion, and other required design data will also be submitted to MnDOT Federal and State Aid for their review and approval. QA/QC reviews will be performed at the 60, 90, and 100% design stages. F. Cost Estimates WSB will create, update, and refine the engineer’s construction cost opinion based on quantities generated as part of the preparation of the construction plans. Costs will be split by funding source as necessary. Construction cost estimates will be submitted for review at the 60, 90 and 100 percent completion stages. G. Special Provisions The project manual, including Division S Provisions (General Requirements & Construction), will be prepared in accordance with City and MnDOT specifications. This will include preparation of the documents required to bid the project. Special provisions will be written for unique items not covered adequately in the MnDOT Standard Specification for Construction or City of Rosemount standard specifications. Each provision will contain a description, materials, construction requirements, method of measurement, and basis of payment for each item. Deletions from and additions to standard specifications will be written and included as necessary. H. Permits WSB will identify and obtain the permits necessary to construct the proposed project. The wetland delineations, report, and permitting has been listed as an optional task in the event that wetlands are affected by the project. WSB will coordinate with the governing agencies to facilitate all necessary reviews and approvals for the drainage design for the project. The City of Rosemount will pay any required permit fees. I. Project Bidding Facilitate project bidding by answering contractor questions, preparing Addenda if necessary, attend the bid opening, preparing the bid abstract, and forwarding post bid submittal to MnDOT State Aid. The cost to advertise the project will be paid by the City of Rosemount. J. Construction Engineering Based on the approved Final Design, WSB would prepare a proposal for Construction Engineering services including material testing. 3. Right of Way Services A. Project Management WSB & Associates, Inc. will coordinate the appraisal and appraisal work and provide required acquisition tasks. Bi-monthly parcel status reports will be provided and a detailed contact log for the impacted parcels will be provided upon completion of the acquisition. Communication will be maintained with the City throughout the process to Pat Wrase City of Rosemount September 10, 2015 Page 6 of 10 C:\Users\klk\Desktop\Packet Items\Safe Routes to School ENG0180\20151020 CC WSB Proposal.doc resolve any issues or concerns that arise quickly and efficiently which, in turn, keeps the project on schedule. B. Acquisition Services The acquisition services will include the preparation of a general information letter, field title report, donation documentation, offer presentation and negotiations with the property owners. Offer letters will be prepared and presented to the owner in person, if possible, or by Certified Mail if we are unable to meet them in person. Offer packets will include an offer letter, summary statement, landowner rights brochure and the conveyance documents. In the case where there is a permanent acquisition, we will obtain mortgage consents. Our agents will provide good faith negotiations between the landowners and the City. If a settlement is reached that is higher than the offer, administrative settlements will be prepared and submitted to the City for approval. C. Right of Way Certificate # 1 Our staff will prepare the certificate, organize the files and attend the audit. D. Survey Tasks WSB staff will prepare the parcel sketches, legal descriptions and stake all the easement areas prior to our staff and the appraiser meeting with the property owners. Sub-consultant work: Title commitments Title commitments will be prepared by a licensed abstracting company. They will conduct a 40 year search of the title and identify and easements, mortgages, and any other parties of interest. Appraisals and Appraisal reviews All appraisal and appraisal review work will comply with the state, federal and USPAP regulations. The appraiser will extend the opportunity to landowners to view the property and impacted area. Appraisals drafts will be submitted for review as they are completed and certified once the reviews are completed. The appraiser will provide three hard copies and an electronic copy of the final reports covering each parcel of real estate on which an appraisal is made. 4. Construction Administration Services A. Project Management and Contract Administration WSB & Associates, Inc. will provide the overall project management of the project and will be responsible for all construction administration activities on all roadways. After the contract has been awarded, WSB will hold a pre-construction meeting. Nicholas Hentges, P.E. will be the Project Manager who will work and coordinate with the City Engineer and run weekly construction meetings. Nicholas will be responsible Pat Wrase City of Rosemount September 10, 2015 Page 7 of 10 C:\Users\klk\Desktop\Packet Items\Safe Routes to School ENG0180\20151020 CC WSB Proposal.doc for preparing and certifying all monthly pay vouchers, change orders, and supplemental agreements, prior to forwarding them on to the City for processing. Nicholas will also be responsible for providing coordination with the contractor, the utility companies, property owners, and project personnel. It is anticipated that Nicholas will be on site part-time throughout the duration of the project to address project needs. All shop drawings, material and suppliers will be reviewed for compliance with the plans and specifications. B. Construction Inspection Services WSB will assign a lead full-time inspector to administer the field construction activities to assure that the project is constructed in conformity with the plans, specifications and contract provisions. The full time inspector will manage the team of surveyors and material testers. WSB’s inspector will work with City personnel to ensure that business and resident’s expectations are being met. It is assumed the construction will begin in the spring of 2016 and continue for a period of 8 weeks. We have assumed 40 hours per week of full time inspection along with additional time for documentation and coordination. The construction inspection team’s responsibilities on the project would include the following:  Monitor Contractor for Compliance with Plans and Specifications  Track Quantities and material certifications  Review Equal Employment Opportunity and Labor Compliance requirements  Coordinate Surveying and Staking  Coordinate with utilities and the Contractor for utility relocations  Coordinate Material Sampling and Testing to ensure compliance to the Schedule of Material Controls.  Coordinate Shop Drawing submittals and Design Issues with Engineer  Monitor conformance with all applicable permit requirements  Ensure compliance to City construction practices and design standards.  Coordinate with City personnel on construction activities.  Inspect Traffic Control and Public Safety.  Complete project documentation  Coordinate with Property Owners on Construction Activities The project documentation that will be completed as part of these services will include but not be limited to: Pat Wrase City of Rosemount September 10, 2015 Page 8 of 10 C:\Users\klk\Desktop\Packet Items\Safe Routes to School ENG0180\20151020 CC WSB Proposal.doc  Change in Construction Status  Authorizations to Proceed with Contract Changes  Change orders  Supplemental Agreements  Daily and Weekly Diaries  Preliminary and Final Grading and Base Reports  Partial and Final Payment Vouchers  Material Certification Forms  Item Record Accounts  Field monitoring of labor compliance WSB will assign Jeff Michniewicz as the Quality Assurance Manager for the project. Jeff will work with all WSB construction inspection personnel to ensure the project will be administered to conform to applicable laws and regulations and procedures established by MnDOT for State Aid projects. C. Construction Staking WSB will provide a survey crew to do all construction staking for the project, including construction limits, grading alignment and grades for all utility and street facilities and appurtenances, signage locations, and any other survey needs for this project. D. Preconstruction Documentation WSB will provide a photographic record of the existing conditions along the project corridor. The photographic record will display the existing conditions of all portions of properties directly adjacent to and possibly affected by the project. WSB will provide this record to the City of Rosemount upon request. E. Materials WSB will coordinate material sampling and testing with American Engineering Testing, Inc. (AET). WSB proposes to use AET to provide the field testing and documentation. MnDOT will be providing the plant inspection for concrete and bituminous production. MnDOT does charge for these services and the City will be responsible for these costs. It is anticipated the MnDOT will invoice the City directly for these services. All field tests will be done in conformance with current MnDOT (SALT) schedule of material controls and project specifications or as modified by the contract special provisions.  AET will provide logs and records consistent with MnDOT policies. Necessary concrete, bituminous, grading and base reports will be prepared by AET.  AET will provide the necessary testing personnel and certified testing equipment. WSB will obtain and manage all testing documentation that will be provided by AET. Pat Wrase City of Rosemount September 10, 2015 Page 9 of 10 C:\Users\klk\Desktop\Packet Items\Safe Routes to School ENG0180\20151020 CC WSB Proposal.doc F. Record Drawings WSB will provide a set of record drawings of the project to the City on bond paper and electronic format as part of the contract. Prior to submitting record drawings, a black line copy of the record drawings will be submitted to the City for review and comments. SCHEDULE It is our understanding that the City intends to construct the Safe Routes to School project in 2016. WSB & Associates, Inc. will work within the Federal and State Aid requirements for submittals and bid approval. Topographic Survey…………………………………………………………...October, 2015 Final Grading Limits……………………………..………………………….October 30, 2015 60% Plan Submittal to City…………………………………………………December 4, 2015 1st Draft of Environmental Document (PM)……………………...…………December 1, 2015 City Comments on the 60% Plans returned………………………………..December 23, 2015 90% Plan Submittal to City and Federal Aid………………………………...January 15, 2016 City and Federal Aid Comments on the 90% Plan returned………………..February 26, 2016 100% Plan Submittal to City and Federal Aid……………………………..….March 11, 2016 Plan Approval…………………………………………………………………….April 1, 2016 Approved Environmental Document (PM)…………………………...………….April 1, 2016 Right of Way Certificate #1………………………………….…………………..April 1, 2016 Project Bidding………………………………………………………………………April2016 Construction Begins……………………………...………………………………….June 2016 Construction Complete……………………………………………………………August 2016 PROPOSED FEE We propose to perform the services listed above on an hourly basis for an estimated fee of $50,256. We propose to perform the Right of Way Services for an estimated fee of $27,700, which includes all sub-consultant work. We propose to perform the Construction Services, including testing, for an estimated fee of $60,478, which includes all sub-consultant work. The total estimated fee to perform all services listed above is $138,434. We will review our progress weekly and will not exceed this amount without your prior approval should the scope of the project change. Fees for the Construction Engineering phase will be provided at a later date. Pat Wrase City of Rosemount September 10, 2015 Page 10 of 10 C:\Users\klk\Desktop\Packet Items\Safe Routes to School ENG0180\20151020 CC WSB Proposal.doc This letter represents our entire understanding of the project scope. If you are in agreement, please sign on the space provided and return one original signed copy to us for our records. We will start immediately upon receipt of the signed agreement. If you have any questions concerning the work plan or fee as discussed, please feel free to contact me at (763) 287-8523. We look forward to working with you and greatly appreciate the opportunity to assist you and your staff in the completion of this project. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Nicholas Hentges, PE Transportation Project Manager Enclosures ACCEPTED BY: City of Rosemount, Minnesota Name Title Date UPPER 143RD ST W BR A Z I L A V E 142ND ST W BU R M A A V E 144TH ST W CHILI A V E 146TH ST W 143RD ST W CA M E O A V E CH I A N T I A V E BU R N L E Y A V E C H R O M E A V E BU R G U N D Y CT BU R M A A V E BU R N L E Y W A Y CA N T A T A A V E W 145TH ST W 145TH ST W 143RD ST W UPPE R 1 4 3 R D S T W 144TH ST W 146TH ST W 143RD ST W BURGUNDYWAY CentralPark EricksonPark RMSPark Charlie's Park Kidder Park CarrollsWoodsPark XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X CA N A D A A V E CH I L I A V E RosemountHigh School RosemountElementary RosemountMiddle School SteepleCenter Library PostOffice Park &Ride CityHallMarked Crosswalk with Signs La r g e S t u d e n t P o p u l a t i o n W e s t o f C h i l i A v e n u e No M a r k e d C r o s s i n g s o n C h i l i A v e n u e Marked Crossings Rosemount Elementary Safe Routes to School Path: T:\GIS\City\Maps\Departmental Maps\CommunityDevelopment\Rosemount Elementary_Safe Routes to School_1.mxd Proposed Sidewalk ¨© MRT Route ¨©Bike RouteProposed, Bituminous Proposed, Sidewalk Bituminous SidewalksMississippii River Trail City Bike Route Charlie'sPark XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Shannon ParkElementary Shannon Park Elementary Safe Routes to School Path: T:\GIS\City\Maps\Departmental Maps\CommunityDevelopment\Shannon Park Elementary_Safe Routes to School.mxd Proposed LED Crosswalk Proposed Bituminous Trail X Bike Lane Bituminous Sidewalks Proposed, Bituminous Proposed, Sidewalk City Bike Route Mississippii River Trail ¨©Bike Route Bike Lane ¨© ¨©