HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 Oj Radefft4440 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 15, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on January 15, 1981. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairman Cunningham with all members present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. North Star Propane Installation was added to the agenda under Old Business. MOTION by Barton to approve the December 18, 1980, Special Meeting Minutes and December 18, 1980, Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried. Nominations for Planning Commission Officers were discussed. It was noted that the By -laws allow nominations to be taken at the Annual Meeting and at the meeting prior. MOTION by Ped that the incumbent officers be nominated to continue in their position. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried. The Plan Amendment Public Hearing on January 22, 1981, and the Sewage Sludge Meeting on January 28, 1981, were briefly discussed. The Planning Director informed the Planning Commission of the potential revisions that will be made in the Comprehensive Plan reflecting changes in the U. S. Home proposal and sewer plan. The deadline for review of the plan by Metropolitan Council is mid March. Revisions to the plan could delay or extend the review period if necessary. The U. S. Home EAW and Final PUD timing is closely linked to the review of the Comprehensive Plan. Tentative plans indicate site grading and utility construction should commence in late spring. Gary Thorson, owner of North Star, and Gary Nicholson, ProFill representative, discussed plans to install a propane tank for retail dispensing at the North Star station. Commission members raised several questions including concerns about fire safety, leakage, odor and screening. The Planning Director indicated that the plan had been reviewed and approved by the State and City Fire Marshalls. MOTION by Barton to approve the request for propane installation at North Star but to require screening for the tank and dispensing unit. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried. 4111 A brief discussion was held on the Rosemount Plaza elderly housing proposal. Revised concept plans were handed out for review. The Planning Director stated that specific site information for formal review would be forthcoming. MOTION by Barton to adjourn. Second by Toombs. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dean R. Johnson Planning Director 6ee, �4 Redefitealge Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled at 5:00 p.m. was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Chairman Cunningham with Commissioners Barton and Ped present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Barton to approve the January 15, 1981, Regular Meeting Minutes as typed. Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Ped that the nominations for Barton as Secretary and Cunningham as Chairman stand, and both be re- elected to their respective offices. Second by Barton. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Vernon Kelley presented his request for a temporary installation of an L.P. tank at the Skelly station without any screening. He stated the tank would be removed in the spring when natural gas connections could be completed. MOTION by Cunningham to permit the temporary installation of the L.P. tank without screening at the Skelly station, to be removed by June 1, 1981. Second by Barton. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Similar discussion was held on the L.P. tank at the North Star station, with the exception that the appropriate screening for the tank be installed by June 1, 1981. MOTION by Barton to approve the installation of the propane dispensing unit at North Star without screening until June 1, 1981, at which time permanent screening must be installed. Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Considerable discussion was held on the required revisions in the Comprehensive Plan. The Metropolitan Council would demand modifications in the size of the urban service area and the density in the rural residential area if revisions were not considered at this time. It was noted that lengthy delays could result in pending developments if the revisions were not submitted. MOTION by Barton to recommend to the City Council to amend the Comprehensive Guide Plan to restructure the urban service area in accordance with the revised drawing presented since it appears to be the most viable area based on current development; and to amend the density in the Rural Residential area to one house per five acres with the understanding that 2.5 acre lots would be permissible as long as the density requirements are met. Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Carol Schultz, Executive Director, for the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority, and Janis Blumentals, Architect, presented concept plans for an office /housing development at the University of Minnesota property at Biscayne and 145th Street. It was noted that the University intends to sell all of the properties west of CSAH 42. MOTION by Ped to approve the concept plan by Dakota County HRA for the office /townhouse complex, subject to detailed review and rezoning. Second by Barton. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Commissioner Ped asked that a letter from Chuck Lowry, Dakota County Park Department, on seaplane use be noted in the minutes. MOTION by Ped that we include a statement in the Comprehensive Plan that the City is opposed to a seaplane designation on the Mississippi River in Rosemount. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Barton that the request from William Norris to increase the height of the wind generator from 80 feet to 100 feet cannot be accommodated without holding another Variance Hearing. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Barton to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dean R. Johnson Planning Director See Planner's File 1981 -1 and 1981 -2. 4110 640 ey Regemtuatt Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 19, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meetin g of the Planning Commission was duly held on February 19, 1981. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairman Cunningham with Commissioners Barton and Toombs present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Barton to approve the February 5, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. The Planning Director introduced Donna Quintus, new Planning and Building Secretary. She will also serve as Planning Commission Secretary. Lengthy discussion was held on the Comprehensive Guide Plan revisions approved by the City Council. The Planning Director will be working closely with the City Engineer and planning consultants to complete text and graphic changes caused by the revisions. Other minor revisions will also be completed to address non impact issues raised in the Metropolitan Council review of the comprehensive plan. The Planning Director informed the Commission that he is making slow progress in the zoning and subdivision ordinance revisions, but expects to pick up the pace now that the comprehensive plan is nearing completetion and the new secretarial position has been filled. The Planning Director informed the Commission that notices have been prepared for the variance hearing requested by William Norris, to be held at 6 :30 p.m., Thursday, March 5, 1981. MOTION by Barton to make the planner's variance hearing announcement official. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Toombs to accept the University Addition preliminary plat for formal review and authorize distribution to the various agencies. Second by Barton. Ayes 3, Nays 0. MOTION by Cunningham to adjourn. Second by Toombs. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6 :20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dean R. Johnson Planning Director 640 0/ Revemegefee Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MARCH 5, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held March 5, 1981 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Van Kleek, Toombs and Ped present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. Items added to the agenda: 3d. Thompson Project, 3e. Chamber of Commerce Letter. MOTION by Toombs to approve the minutes of the February 19, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0, Abstain Van Kleek. Motion carried. Dean Johnson, Planning Director, presented an update report on the Comprehensive Guide Plan. The Metropolitan Council Staff formal review of the comprehensive plan will be completed by March 20, 1981 and will be submitted for approval by the Metropolitan Council on April 9, 1981 or April 16, 1981. City Staff and consultants are working on minor revisions in the plan to reflect the major amendments which had already been completed. These will be presented for review at the next Regular Meeting. Additions to the plan, such as solid waste, air navigation and seaplane use, will also be presented. The Rosemount Plaza Concept Plan was discussed. The 39 -unit building is in its final planning stage with only minor revisions anticipated. Separate parking for the elderly was one of the revisons discussed. Construction schedule of the project depends on the sale of bonds by the State. When the revisions are complete a final plan will be submitted to the Planning Commission for formal review. The Planning Director informed the Commission that revised plans for the Thompson Project are being resubmitted for review. He has begun discussions with the developer on the EAW revisions necessary before redistribution to the review agencies. Due to the revisions in the Urban Service Area a major con- cern is the location of the East -West collector. Original plans indicated the location of this collector through the Daly property. Because services are not programmed in this area in the near future the prospect for completing the collector to serve the Thompson property is limited. The Planning Director will recommend that the City Council seriously review the feasibility of desig- nating the north 80 feet of Schwarz Park as the corridor for the East -West collector. Commissioner Van Kleek questioned whether the County should provide partial payment for this collector since the Apple Valley segment was built by the County. Regular Meeting Minutes March 5, 1981 Page 2 Discussion was held on a letter received from the Chamber of Commerce on keeping the Post Office at its present location with an expansion plan in the event that the present facilities become inadequate because of growing population. MOTION by Cunningham that the Planning Commission acknowledge this letter regarding the local Post Office and approving it as it is consistant with the Comprehensive Guide Plan, supporting the preservation of the downtown area. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Vern Ausen, Real Estate Coordinator for the University of Minnesota, requested the preliminary plat approval of a 59 -acre parcel of University property located northwest of CSAH 42. The University is requesting the rezoning of Outlot B to RM Multi- family Residential and Outlot C to Industrial Park. This land is currently zoned agricultural. Approval of this plat would allow the University to sell the existing homes individually and facilitate marketing of the various parcels. See Planner's File 1981 -3 The Planning Director informed the Commission that he has received comments from all review agencies except the Utilities Commission. The Commission will hold its meeting Monday, March 9, and make a formal recommendation at this time. He suggested the Planning Commission should recommend that the City Council set a date for the public hearing on the preliminary plat and rezonings at this time, and delay formal plat review until the March 19, 1981 Regular Meeting. Lieutenant H.E. Denam, representing Navy staff currently renting the University homes, raised objection to the University's intentions to plat and sell the homes. He stated the Navy staff could not afford to purchase the homes and that other rental property was scarce. MOTION by Ped to recommend to the City Council to set a public hearing for the University Addition Preliminary Plat and rezonings, and that formal Planning Commission recommendation will be made at the March 19, 1981 Regular Meeting. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Chairman Cunningham opened the Public Hearing for the William Norris Height Variance at 6 :30 p.m. Robert Darr, CDC, presented a request for an additional 20 feet on the William Norris height variance granted in August, 1980. Mr. Darr commented that the additional feet were needed to avoid the cutting of trees for clearance for the operation of a wind generator. Mr. Darr also noted that he was not aware of any objections by neighbors of Mr. Norris, The Planning Commission had a letter from a future neighbor of Mr. Norris supporting Norris' plans to utilize wind energy. There were no interested citizens present during the Public Hearing, or any other comments made. MOTION by Toombs to close the Public Hearing at 6 :50 p.m. Second by Ped. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Regular Meeting Minutes March 5, 1981 Page 3 MOTION by Van Kleek that the request presented by Robert Darr for William Norris for a 25 foot height variance be granted to permit the installation of a wind generator, based on the fact that there were no objections raised and the additional height allowance prevented the cutting of existing vegeta- tion. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Ped. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7 :00 p.m. i'; Respectful) ubmitted, eNt-tt :1 Donna Quintu Recording Secretary 11111 ee CC R64Nemmage Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MARCH 19, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on March 19, 1981. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairman Cunningham with Commissioners Van Kleek and Barton present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Van Kleek to approve the March 5, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays O. Motion carried. Commissioner Barton requested that the Commission move immediately to the items under Old and New Business as he had a meeting conflict and would like to assure his participation in the business items. There were no objections. The Planning Director discussed comments received on the University Addition preliminary plat and his recommendation for approval. Concern was expressed by the commission members on placement of easements for trails as outlined in a memo from the Park Recreation Director. Commissioner Barton felt these trails should provide for minimum disruption of existing homes. Commissioner Van Kleek suggested that the University should provide these trails. MOTION by Van Kleek to recommend to the City Council approval of the University Addition preliminary plat and rezonings subject to the conditions set forth in the Planning Director's March 13, 1981 memorandum (as amended); but add that trail easements be provided along the westerly and northerly edges of Outlot A and along the northerly edge of Outlot B and that trails be constructed by the University along the outer property lines of Lots 1 and 12, Block 1 and Lots 1 and 17, Block 2. Second by Barton. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. See Planner's File 1981 -4. The Planning Director informed the Commission that MPCA and Dakota County had approved permits for the North Star Chemical spent bauxite disposal site. He requested Planning Commission authorization for the issuance of an excavation permit. See Planner's File 1981 -5. MOTION by Van Kleek to approve the request of Koch Refining Company for an excavation permit at the former North Star Chemical site for the construction of a non hazardous waste storage facility for residual solids (spent bauxite). Second by Cunningham. Ayes 2, Nays 0, Abstain, Barton. (because he is employed by Koch Refining Company) Motion carried. MOTION by Van Kleek to delay Discussion items 3a. Comprehensive Plan Revisions, 3b. County Transportation Plan, and 3c. County Comprehensive Plan until the April 2, 1981 Regular Planning Commission Meeting so all members can participate 4111 in discussion. Second by Barton. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Regular Meeting Minutes March 19, 1981 Page Two MOTION by Van Kleek to adjourn. Second by Barton. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 5 :45 p.m. Respectfully bmitted, A A4c41.../ Donna Quintu Recording Secretary 4111 Reueot~,e Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES APRIL 2, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on April 2, 1981. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Ped and Toombs present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. Items added to the agenda: 3d. Proposed Lot Divisions South Rose Park Replat, 3e. County Solid Waste Sites, 3f. Morning View EIS. MOTION by Cunningham to approve the March 19, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Dean Johnson suggested that the Commission move immediately to the first item under New Business since the Discussion items would require considerable time and Mr. Tourdot was already present with a request that required action. There were no objections. Earl Tourdot, Tourdot Upholstery, Inc., presented a request for a 30' x 36' addition to his existing building. Commissioner Van Kleek took her chair at 5 :10 p.m. A site plan was presented for review for the Commissioners to examine. Dean Johnson advised the board that the addition meets all setback minimums except on the north line where it matches the existing setback, however, the addition appears to be consistent with ordinance requirements of the C -2 Districts. See Planner's File 1981 -6. MOTION by Toombs granting approval of a permit request from Tourdot Upholstery, Inc. for an addition to existing structure. Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0, Abstain, Cunningham (because of an interest in adjacent property). Motion carried. The Commission resumed its Regular Order of Business. Dean Johnson had attended a meeting of the Physical Development Committee of the Metropolitan Committee of the Metropolitan Council and the Rosemount Comprehensive Plan was approved. He stated that the Commission must look at changes in the 1990 Land Use Plan that were made in land area removed from the sewer service area. A 2000 Land Use Plan was presented which provides clarification of future urban service areas beyond the 10 -year plan. Moderate revisions were needed in all of the plan graphics to match the revisions to the urban service area. Regular Meeting Minutes April 2, 1981 Page Two John Huston, owner of property which was removed from the 1990 Urban Service area, addressed the Commission. He felt the revised plans put a hardship on development of the property. Dean explained that services would not have been available prior to 1985 even in the former Land Use Plan. The Commissioners agreed that the property must be developed according to the revised plan or the owner could wait and see if services could be made available in the future. Commissioner Van Kleek excused herself from the meeting at 6 :00 p.m. Dean requested that the Commission members go through the new text and comment on the revisions. This discussion will be carried over into the next meeting when more members are present for comment. Discussion on the County Transportation Plan was held. Dean Johnson told the commissioners that there was a possibility of the State withdrawing funds for the zoo access road (CSAH 38). This could accelerate the upgrading of other roads in Dakota County. Dean asked for any comments from the members as he would be attending a meeting with the County Transportation Committee. The Commission expressed a desire for the upgrading of Diamond Path Road to be a priority in Rosemount because of the Orrin Thompson development using this road entirely for access. Dean noted that as of now Pilot Knob Road is next in line for upgrading. Brief discussion of the County Comprehensive Plan was held. Dean noted that the transportation, solid waste and trails elements were the most significant IP to the City. Anyone interested in reviewing the lengthy document should con- tact the office. Dean Johnson discussed a proposal from Mr. Bill Berg, Bill Berg Construction Company, for the replating of several lots in South Rose Park. Mr. Berg already owns Lots 1 2, Blk 3, and wants to purchase the north 50' of Lot 4, Blk 3 and the north 2 (150') of Lot 3, Blk 3. The Planning Commission decided to table action on the request because this was not on the regular agenda. This will be included on the April 16 Agenda for formal review. The County has identified seven candidate sites for Solid Waste, two of which are located in Rosemount. On April 14 the County Board will meet to narrow these sites down to five. The County is required by the State to identify four sites in Dakota County suitable for landfill. Dean Johnson told the Commissioners that the County has the authority to pre -empt Local Ordinance when the need for these sites arise. Comments and discussion followed on the sites located in Rosemount. Discussion on MorningView EIS will be carried over until the next Regular Meeting to allow for additional review time. The Planning Director informed the Commission of one change in the Orrin Thompson Highpointe Addition PUD. The City is not serving the development with sewer from the East as a result of amendments to the comprehensive plan. The EAW has been amended concerning the removal of trees, the erosion control plan and changes resulting from the comprehensive plan revisions. A 30 -day agency review will begin April 6 and if the EAW is not challenged the Final PUD and rezonings will be submitted to the City Council for approval. Regular Meeting Minutes April 2, 1981 Page Three There is a request before the City Council at their April 7 Regular Meeting to authorize preparation of feasibility and plans and specifications for the first phase of Highpointe Addition. This includes utilities. Dean Johnson has prepared a Resolution to present to the City Council requiring a signa- ture from the Council and Orrin Thompson stating that authorization of these plans and specifications does not imply approval of the final plat nor alter the normal platting process. The City has received a request from Independent School District #196 to construct a channel in the isthmus through Schwarz Pond. This isthmus is located in the Harry Birger cartway, which is subject to dedication to the City when Highpointe First Addition is approved. See Planner's File 1981 -7. MOTION by Cunningham granting approval of an excavation permit, contingent upon permit approval from the DNR and authorization of the City Council. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Discussion was held on a request from Spectro Alloys Corporation for a proposed addition and replat. A new site plan and replat are needed, how- ever, there were no detailed plans available for review by the Planning Commission. The City Council is holding a public hearing on the vacation of easements. Commissioner Cunningham expressed concern that Spectro- Alloys Corporation had promised to establish a recycling service which has not yet been done. No action was required at this time. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further business to come before this commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 640 elo' R6demeleage Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 1110 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES APRIL 16, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on April 16, 1981. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Barton, Van Kleek and Toombs present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. Items added to the agenda: 5b. Wayne Groth Pole Shed Permit Request. MOTION by Toombs to approve the April 2, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as amended. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. The Planning Director informed the Board on the status of the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. The plan was approved by the Metropolitan Council on April 9, 1981. The City has nine months from this date to formally adopt this plan. Dean Johnson went through the plan with the members noting slight changes and asked for comments from the Board. Commissioner Van Kleek felt that the section dealing with Rural Residential should be more specific when addressing density. A minimum lot size should be added. Johnson discussed the status of the plan, ordinance revisions and the sub- division moratorium. Amendments to the existing ordinance must be made by mid June, when the moratorium is lifted, to keep residential densities con- sistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Johnson indicated he would mail copies of the revised comprehensive plan graphics to the commissioners and asked that everyone review the text and graphics to resume discussion on the plan at the next regular meeting. A brief discussion was held on Morning View EIS (Environmental Impact State- ment) that will be located in Apple Valley at 160th Street and Cedar Avenue. A request from HUD was received for a statement from the City of Rosemount regarding this development. MOTION by Cunningham to respond to HUD on the Morning View Development stating there would be no impact on the City of Rosemount. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. The Solid Waste Disposal sites identified by the County in the City of Rose- mount was discussed. Johnson informed the Board of a public meeting on these sites that will be held April 22, 1981 for presentation of the County sites. The County Board will make a selection of five final sites on April 28, 1981. 0• Regular Meeting Minutes April 16, 1981 Page Two Bill Berg, Berg Construction, presented a request for approval to divide the north 50 feet of Lot 4, Block 3 in South Rose Park to provide addition- al lot area at the Berg Construction /Rosemount Marine site. This division would require a rezoning from R -M to C -3. Mr. Berg also requested a re- platting of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3 and the north 50 feet of Lot 4, Block 3 combining these lots. This differs from his original request in that he does not require the division of Lot 3, Block 3. This request is being made for expansion and storage purposes for the existing buildings. Johnson suggested to the Board that they had two options in dealing with this request. They could replat the four parcels within the South Rose Replat. Johnson had reservations on this form of action because the replat process tends to be costly, time consuming and very confusing when repeatedly used in the same plat. Another option is to have a written agreement to com- bine properties. Johnson noted that Dave Grannis, City Attorney, and the staff generally agree this is an effective method, as long as the City and property owner set the terms and record the agreement. A brief discussion followed. See Planner's File 1981 -8. MOTION by Barton to recommend to the City Council a simple lot division to combine Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3 and the north 50 feet of Lot 4, Block 3 and also recommend approval of rezoning of the north 50 feet of Lot 4, Block 3 from R -M to C -3 with the provision that application for rezoning is made prior to City Council action on the recommendation for simple lot division. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Lauren Howard, representing Solberg Aggregate, presented a request for an extension on a temporary mining permit approved by City Council Resolution 1979 -22. Mr. Howard noted that approximately 20,000 cubic yards of material has been removed from the site with about 40,000 to 60,000 cubic yards that still needed to be removed. Marlin Rechtzigel, adjacent property owner to the excavation site, opposed the renewal of this permit. He felt that Solberg Aggregate had already re- moved enough material to accomplish the agreement providing for a 3 to 4 percent North -South slope on the property. Mr. Rechtzigel was also con- cerned about tall weeds around the site, that it was creating a harzard because of people shooting in the site, and he also felt that his property had been infringed upon by the heavy equipment used at the site. Commissioner Barton expressed a concern that if the permit was not extended the City had no assurance that Solberg Aggregate would not leave the site unexcavated with no improvements. Johnson said that he would prepare an amendment to the original resolution to present to the City Council that would protect the City's interest assuring the final excavation and improve- ments to the site were upheld at the end of this permit extension. This was not provided for in the original resolution. See Planner's File 1981 -9. MOTION by Barton to recommend to the City Council that the excavation permit for Solberg Aggregate be extended another two years with the provision that a ten thousand dollar ($10,000) bond be posted to assure completion of the project at the end of that two year period with a final grade not to exceed four (47.) percent. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Abstain, Toombs (because Solberg is business customer of his). Motion carried. Regular Meeting Minutes April 16, 1981 Page Three A permit request for a pole shed from Wayne Groth was briefly discussed. Johnson noted that all ordinance requirements have been met. MOTION by Cunningham to approve pole barn permit for Wayne Groth. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Barton. There being no further business to come before this commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4-6( Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 154 4 nwommage Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 P LANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 7, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on May 7, 1981. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Barton, Van Kleek, Toombs and Ped present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Barton to approve the April 16, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Ped. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried. A brief discussion was held on the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. Johnson noted that the requested change in addressing Rural Residential density had been completed. The board requested the Planning Director to prepare a final form of the comprehensive plan complete with scaled -down maps to present to them before the May 21, 1981 Regular Meeting. Formal recommendation of the guide plan could be made after review of the entire document. Discussion was held on the three (3) Solid Waste Disposal Sites located in the Rosemount area as selected by the County. Johnson informed the board that it would be two years before the first site would be selected and a permit issued. The board reviewed the University Addition Final Plat. Johnson noted Lots 3, 4 and 15, Block 2 do not meet minimum width requirements due to the location of the existing homes. All lots meet minimum square footage requirements and other dimensional standards. Johnson informed the Commission that there would be a change in the boundary line between Outlots A and D to provide a minimum lot width of 250 feet on the northern half of Outlot D. MOTION by Cunningham to approve the University Addition Final Plat, contingent upon revisions to the boundary between Outlots A and D as recommended, and approval of the development agreement between the City of Rosemount and the University of Minnesota. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried. Mr. Mick Kirchner requested an opinion from the Planning Commission to determine whether a substandard lot size was buildable under the current zoning ordinance. The lot in question contains 2.35 acres and was recorded in July, 1971. Johnson informed the Commission that the Town of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance per- mitted minimum unplatted lot sizes of 15,000 square feet, with a minimum lot width of 100 feet. Parcels recorded prior to the adoption of the Village of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance (October 19, 1971), which meet these standards are legal lots of record. The Commission recommended that a motion be made that would clarify the status of all unplatted parcels, recorded prior to the current Zoning Ordinance. MOTION by Barton that any unplatted parcel recorded prior to October 19, 1971, under the Town of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance, with a minimum lot area of 15,000 square feet and a minimum lot width of 100 feet, is a legal lot of record, of sufficient size to permit one (1) single family residence, subject to a var- iance to the minimum lot area requirements for private sewer installation, an acceptable percolation test and all other applicable ordinance and code require- ments. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried. Regular Meeting Minutes May 7, 1981 Page Two Johnson presented two (2) preliminary plats submitted to his office by Great Stock Corporation and Edmund G. Dunn. The Great Stock Corporation has sub- mitted a preliminary plat with an average density of one lot per 3.8 acres, and Edmund G. Dunn has submitted a plat with an average density of one lot per 3.6 acres. Both plats are located in Rural Residential areas as described in the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. A presentation of these preliminary plats will be made by both developers at the May 21 Regular Meeting. Formal action will be withheld until the June 4 Regular Meeting, to allow for the 30 -day review period. Mike Gerten was present to request a permit to construct a single family resi- dence, a pole barn, four greenhouses and a packing house on property zoned agriculture. Johnson informed the board that Mr. Gerten's request is consis- tent with all ordinances, however, the proposed location of the residence has no frontage on a public road. The board cannot issue a residential permit without approving a variance to the minimum lot frontage requirements. MOTION by Van Kleek to set a variance hearing for Mike Gerten on lot frontage requirements for the construction of a single family residence at 6 :30 p.m., June 4, 1981. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Barton. There being no further business to come before this commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was ad- journed at 7:00 p.m. See Planner's File 1981 -10 for May 7 Regular Meeting Re- views. Respectfully sue itted, )4110124 111 Arip Donna Quintus Recording Secretary Z t� O7 1367-145TH ST E P 0 BOX 455 osernoun� PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT MINNF_SOTA 55068 612-423-4411 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 21, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on May 21, 1981 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Van Kleek and Toombs present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Van Kleek to approve the May 7, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. A brief discussion was held on the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. Copies of the plan had been previously distributed to the members of the board for their review. Johnson noted that there are no pending revisions and, therefore, saw no reason why the board could not accept the plan officially for further review. Discussion has held on three proposed amendments to the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. These amendments address themselves primarily to residential density and lot sizes in Rural Residential and Agricultural zoned areas. The amendments are necessary to be consistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan. MOTION by Van Kleek to recommend to the City Council approval of Amendments XVII.47, XVII.48 and XVII.49 to the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. A public hearing will be held by the City Council on June 16, 1981 to consider the amendments. Mr. John Houston, Great Stock Corporation, presented a preliminary plat con- sisting of 60.7 acres located between Rosemount Hills and Mickelson Additions. The plat consists of a total of 16 lots between 2.5 and 7 acres with an average of 3.8 acre lot sizes. The Planning Commission discussed the current inconsis- tency between lot densities proposed in the Comprehensive Guide Plan and existing lot sizes permitted in the Zoning Ordinance. This item will be continued for discussion at the June 4, 1981 Regular Meeting. Ed Dunn was also present to present a preliminary plat for Rosemount Hills Third Addition. This plat consists of 122 acres divided into 34 lots between 2.5 and 6.3 acres with an average lot size of 3.6 acres. The same discussions were held regarding the Comprehensive Guide Plan lot densities and existing permitted lot sizes. This item will be continued for discussion at the June 4, 1981 Regular Meeting. Carol Schultz, Executive Director of the Dakota County HRA, opened discussion on a site plan for the Dakota County HRA Office /Townhouse development located on Outlot A of University Additions. Presentation of the plan was made by Blumentals Architects. Johnson informed the board that revisions had been made in parking spaces to meet ordinance requirements. Minor landscaping revisions had also been made. Recommendations on the final utility layout review are still needed from the Fire and Utility Departments. Regular Meeting Minutes May 21, 1981 Page Two MOTION by Cunningham recommending approval of the HRA Office /Townhouse site plan subject to rezoning and final utility plan approval. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Craig Minea and Milt Bruflodt were present to discuss and formally present the proposed Rosemount Plaza PUD concept plan to the Commission. The plan includes a 39 -unit, six -story concrete building for the elderly and two retail buildings. There are 43 parking spaces provided for the commercial district. This develop- ment will cover a 1.75 -acre site located in the downtown Rosemount area. Johnson pointed out that a replat of Lots 4 -11, Block 7, Original Town of Rosemount, is necessary to reduce these 8 lots to 2 lots. The PUD /replatting procedure will be followed. No Commission action was taken at this time. The replat will be circulated to the various agencies for the 30 -day comment period. Johnson felt that review and recommendations of the preliminary plat and concept PUD would be ready for formal action in July. Iver Johnson, Gunner Johnson Son Construction Company, presented a concept plan for Elder Hus Centers. The proposed 34 -unit, three -story building is located on Lot 3, Block 2, South Rose Park Addition Replat, a 3.9 acre site currently zoned RM Multi- family Residential. Johnson noted that the building will be a cooperative (single ownership), therefore, the board is not required to go through a PUD review as in condominium ownership. Questions were directed to Mr. Johnson and a short discussion followed. Dean Johnson noted that detailed plans are needed for formal approval and that completion of the street and util- ity improvements in Carrousel Way are required before occupancy would be permitted. Bob Westin, representing the American Legion Post #65, requested a permit for a garage to be located on Burnley Avenue and expansion of the existing parking lot. Johnson noted that the ordinance allows new structures to be located at the aver- age setback of existing structures, where 40 per cent of a block is developed. He noted that there is no curbing along Burnley Avenue to separate parking from the street. The Street Superintendent suggested that either permanent curbing or "tack- down" curbing be installed. Johnson suggested that this issue be dis- cussed before the Rosemount HRA because the property is located within the Redevelopment District. MOTION by Toombs to approve a building permit for the Rosemount American Legion Post #65 for a garage, at a setback line average to the existing structures, and approval of a permit for expansion of the existing parking lot subject to City Staff and HRA approval. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. See Planner's File 1981 -11 for May 21, 1981 Regular Meeting Reviews. MOTION by Cunningham to adjourn. Second by Toombs. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, o r Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 0 1367-145TH ST. E_ P. O. BOX 455 4111011,1111 R OSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 ose un P LANNING COMMISSION 612-423 4411 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 4, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on June 4, 1981 at 5 :00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Barton, Van Kleek and Ped present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Cunningham to approve the May 21, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Johnson opened a brief discussion on the comprehensive plan and zoning amendments for any questions or concerns regarding approval of the plan and any action taken on the proposed plats in the Rural Residential Area. The University Addition final plat hardshells were presented for signatures of the Planning Commission Chairman and Secretary. Chairman Cunningham and Secretary Barton signed the plat. A brief discussion was held on the July 2 Regular Meeting as to whether there was any holiday conflict. Members of the board stated they had no conflicts. The meeting will be held at its regular date and time. John Houston presented the Great Stock Preliminary Plat for approval. Johnson briefly discussed the comments received and the Staff recommendations. MOTION by Barton recommending approval of the preliminary plat submitted by Great Stock Corporation subject to the following as recommended by Staff: 1) soil borings and percolation tests that determine all lots suitable for development, and any conditions required to make the lots buildable. 2) street, drainage and utility easements be dedicated according to City standards, including appropriate easements on the locations of future streets shown on the resubdivision plan to assure resubdivision is possible when utilities become available 3) plans and specifications for street improvements, to be approved by the City Engineer 4) compliance with all other ordinance requirements 5) appropriate zoning 6) a development agreement to be approved prior to final plat approval Second by Ped. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Ed Dunn, Bart Dunn and Del Schwanz were in attendance to discuss with the Commission a preliminary plat as presented for Rosemount Hills Third Addition. Johnson briefly discussed the comments received and the Staff recommendations. Regular Meeting Minutes June 4, 1981 Page Two MOTION by Ped recommending approval of the Rosemount Hills Third Addition preliminary plat subject to the following as recommended by Staff: 1) soil borings and percolation tests that determine all lots are suitable for development, and any conditions required to make the lots buildable. 2) street, drainage and utility easements be dedicated according to City standards, including appropriate easements on the locations of future streets shown on the resubdivision plan to assure resubdivision is possible when utilities become available 3) changes in lot boundaries on Block 2 which allow a future street to divide Block 2 according to subdi- vision standards 4) the addition of a future street easement on Block 3 to divide Block 3 according to subdivision standards 5) plans and specifications for street improvements, to be approved by the City Engineer 6) compliance with all other ordinance requirements 7) restricted access easements as required by Dakota County Plat Commission 8) appropriate zoning 9) a development agreement be approved prior to final plat Second by Barton. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. James Boldt was present to petition for a variance for an on -site septic system and drainfield on Lot 5, Block 2, Jay Simon First Addition which is less than the required 21 acre lot size. MOTION by Barton that a Variance Hearing be held for James Boldt at the July 2, 1981 Regular Meeting of the Rosemount Planning Commission at 6 :30 p.m. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Cunningham to amend previous motion to set Variance Hearing on July 2, 1981 at 6:00 p.m. Second by Ped. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. A site plan has been submitted to the City to construct two 4 -unit condo- miniums located south of the intersection of Delft Avenue and Dodd Road. Johnson presented five items which have to be included on the site plan before it can be accepted for review: 1) a boundary line survey 2) site plan showing buildings, driveways and landscaping 3) explanation of ownership, private and common 4) construction /occupancy schedule 5) covenants, restrictions and bylaws for condominium ownership Regular Meeting Minutes June 4, 1981 Page Three Johnson suggested that the shortened PUD procedure used for the Chippendale i Condominiums be followed here as well. No action was taken at this time. Chuck Hollenback came before the Commission to request approval of a grading permit for site grading of Hollenback- Nelson First Addition. The grading permit is requested for the purpose of balancing approximately 70,000 yards of dirt on the site to allow Spectro Alloys future additions and street con- struction. Johnson noted that final grades as per plans are more condusive to proper drainage and further development of the area. MOTION by Barton recommending approval of a grading permit for Hollenback- Nelson as per plans subject to review and final comment from the City Engineer and subject to stipulations that topsoil be replaced after grading and entire area be reseeded to prevent soil erosion. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Barton to recess Regular Meeting in order to open Public Hearing. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Chairman Cunningham opened the Public Hearing at 6:30 p.m. for a variance request from Mike Gerten on minimum lot frontage requirements on a public road for the construction of a single family residence. Mr. Gerten had in his presence a contract agreement showing a 30 -foot easement to cross ten (10) acres to get to proposed home site. Questions were raised from the Board regarding upkeep of driveway. Mr. Gerten assured them that he had necessary equipment and planned to maintain driveway himself. There were no interested citizens present during Public Hearing. MOTION by Barton to close Public Hearing at 6:40 p.m. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0, Motion carried. MOTION by Barton to reconvene Regular Meeting to take action on Variance Request at 6:40 p.m. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Cunningham granting variance on Mike Gerten request for minimum lot frontage requirements on a public road for construction of a single family home located on SE quarter of Section 28, Township 115, Range 18W. Second by Ped. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Cunningham to adjourn. Second by Barton. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6 :45 p.m. See Planner's File 1981 -12 for June 4, 1981 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary O 1 367 1 45TH ST E- P 0 BOX 455 c cii vSern�urt� PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT MINNF_SOTA 5 4411 G' I' (312-423 -44 1 1 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 18, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on June 18, 1981 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Barton, Van Kleek and Toombs present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Toombs to approve the June 4, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as cor- rected. Second by Barton. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Johnson opened a brief discussion on the Waste Site Selection process. The Waste Management Board has announced its study areas for building facilities to process hazardous wastes. Three (3) of the ten (10) Dakota County study areas are located in Rosemount which collectively totals approximately 23 square miles. Johnson informed the Commission that the WMB will hold a public meeting at 7 :30 p.m., July 14, 1981 in the Council Chambers. Johnson requested that the Commission skip over the Teal Brothers PUD as the representatives of that subject were not present for discussion. There were no objections. Jim Evenson and Dennis Passeri, BBPZ Mobile Home Minnesota, were present for discussion on a concept plan for a rental mobile home park located between Brockway Glass and Erickson Park. The partnership includes Reed Beckler, Jim Evenson, Dennis Passeri and Richard Zerba. Plans for a similar development were submitted by Mobile Home Minnesota for the same site about two years ago. A feasibility study had been prepared, however the study's relationship to the comprehensive plan was not known and the matter was put on hold. Johnson informed the Board that at this time this parcel is not located within the Urban Service Area as defined in the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. The developers are seeking approval of an amendment to the comprehensive plan which would bring this parcel into the Urban Service Area. Johnson reminded the Board that this is only a preliminary discussion to determine their interest in this type of development before pursuing an amendment process. The City Council has set a Public Hearing on July 8, 1981. This will give the Planning Commission time to submit a recommendation to the City Council. The Commission directed the Planner to obtain information on several points before the next Regular Meeting before a recommendation can be made: 1) reaction from Metropolitan Council on an amendment to the comprehensive plan, 2) comment on legal ramifications if an area is removed from the 1990 Urban Service Area, 3) the Amendment Process, 4) amount of land already designated in the Urban Service Area that would need to be considered for removal to allow this develop- ment site to be included in the Urban Service Area, 4) an update on the timing and status of present plans for similar proposals that have already been accepted by the City and 5) if this amendment would affect any policies regarding mobile homes. Regular Meeting Minutes June 18, 1981 Page Two Johnson updated the Board on the Teal Brothers PUD /Condominium Proposal. Revised site plans have been submitted for preliminary approval. All criteria have been met for PUD condominium review as established in the Chippendale PUD procedure for condominium review. Johnson recommended approval of the revised plans. The Commission recommended that the item be tabled because no representative appeared at the meeting. This item will be placed on the July 2, 1981 Regular Meeting Agenda. MOTION by Cunningham to adjourn. Second by Toombs. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. See Planner's File 1981 -13 for June 18, 1981 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, A ltd(11") mrao Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 4110 4 City O 367 -145TH ST E P O- BOX 455 0S ern ouni PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 5 441 1 612-423 -441 1 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 2, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on July 2, 1981 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Barton, Van Kleek and Ped present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Van Kleek to approve the June 18, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Barton. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Johnson distributed information on the procedure to be followed if an amend- ment to the comprehensive plan is pursued that would require review by the Metropolitan Council. A brief discussion was held on the Teal Brothers PUD /Condominium proposal for two 4 -unit condominiums to be located south of the intersection of Delft Avenue and Dodd Road. Proposed are two story, split level, brick buildings with four 2- bedroom units with double tuck -under garages. The revised site plan has met all criteria for the condominium review. MOTION by Barton recommending preliminary approval of the Teal Brothers Condo minium site plan. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0, Motion carried. Craig Minea, developer, and Milt Bruflodt, architect, presented the Rosemount Plaza proposal for concept PUD and preliminary plat approval. Concern was expressed by the Commission as to the amount of parking spaces provided for the elderly and commercial buildings. While the City of Rosemount ordinances are not met, considerable study has gone into the amount of parking spaces required by the Minnesota Housing and Finance Agency for the elderly, and Johnson recommended a variance under the PUD review was acceptable in view of the fact that some on- street parking is also available. Johnson felt the commercial parking was inadequate and recommended that a minimum of 5.5 stalls per 1000 square feet of building space be required. MOTION by Barton recommending approval of the Rosemount Plaza Concept PUD, subject to the following: 1) Final site plans for the residential and commerical areas, which include landscape details, utility de- tails and plaza details 2) Revisions /Additions to the commercial parking to pro- vide a minimum of 5.5 stalls per 1000 square feet of building space 3) Rezoning of the residential parcel from C -2 to RM 4) The replatting of Lots 4 -11, Block 7, Original Town of Rosemount 5) Covenants /Restrictions where applicable 6) Construction /Occupancy schedule 7) Recommendations of the Rosemount Housing and Rede- velopment Authority Regular Meeting Minutes July 2, 1981 Page Two Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Van Kleek recommending approval of the Rosemount Plaza Preliminary Plat subject to the following: 1) Review and recommendation by the City of Rosemount Housing Redevelopment Authority 2) City Council approval of the Concept PUD 3) Necessary easements for in- place, relocated and /or additional public utilities 4) Necessary rezoning(s) 5) Development Agreement for final platting Second by Barton. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Lengthy discussion was held on the proposed mobile home park development as proposed by BBPZ Partnership. Many questions had been already answered by Johnson on the comprehensive plan amendment process in the Staff report. See Planner's File 1981 -14. MOTION by Cunningham to recess the Regular Meeting for the Public Hearing on the variance request from James Boldt. Second by Barton. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Chairman Cunningham opened the Public Hearing at 6:05 p.m. James Boldt re- quested a variance for an on -site septic system and drainfield on Lot 5, Block 2, Jay Simon's First Addition which has less than the required 22 acre lot size. Percolation tests had been performed and found acceptable. Mr. Boldt stated that the septic tank and well will be placed 100 feet apart. There were no citizens present for further comment. MOTION by Barton to close the Public Hearing. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Chairman Cunningham reconvened the Regular Meeting at 6 :10 p.m. MOTION by Cunningham to grant a variance to minimum lot area requirements for a private sewer system on Lot 5, Block 2, Jay Simon's First Addition. Second by Barton. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Discussion resumed on the BBPZ proposal. Several questions were raised by the Commission on water and sewer services to this parcel and also building permits. Johnson informed the Commission that services are possible by the extension of in -place facilities, with the developers indicating that they will pay for costs of utility extensions. Building permits will be issued as they are now, based on valuation of the home. Johnson reminded the Commission that their recommenda- tion is limited only to the plan amendment which involves three major elements: 1) a change in the 1990 Urban Service Area boundary, 2) a change in the land use designation and 3) a revision to the five -year staging forecast of the sewer plan. There is no consideration at this time for the design of the mobile home park proposal. This would not be considered until the amendment is approved. Regular Meeting Minutes July 2, 1981 Page Three MOTION by Barton recommending approval of the request to amend the compre- hensive plan based upon the following: 1) the proposed use of the property is consistent with the policies of the comprehensive plan and is con- sistent with long range land use designations, 2) the property is well suited for the type of develop- ment proposed, 3) the proposed amendment does not adversely affect the 1990 or five -year staging forecast of the sewer plan, 4) the proposed amendment does not affect the Capital Improvement Program nor require unanticipated public expenditures, 5) the proposed development will allow the City to make substantial gains in its goals to provide low and moderate income and modest cost housing opportunities, 6) the project had been proposed earlier and was originally included in the 1990 Urban Service Area. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Mr. Leo Kline, Koch Refining Company, was present to request a building permit to erect an 81'x 43' metal building as a warehouse facility for storage of sur- plus parts at the Sulfuric Acid Plant. All ordinance requirements and setbacks have been met. MOTION by Cunningham approving the issuance of a building permit for Koch Refining Company for a storage building. Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0, Abstain, Barton (because of conflict of interest). Motion carried. Carol Schultz, Dakota County HRA, presented a petition for a public hearing and rezoning of Outlot A, University Addition, for the HRA Office /Townhouse site. A moderate change in the site plan had been made in that the driveway is cut off between the office complex and the residential area to eliminate through traffic. Johnson had presented this change to the Police and Street Departments and they had no opposition to this change. Commissioner Barton requested that the Fire Department confirm that the driveway revision would not impede movement of fire vehicles within the site. MOTION by Van Kleek recommending the City Council set a public hearing and approval of the rezoning of Outlot A, University Addition from R -1 to RM. Second by Barton. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Charles Ackerson had submitted a petition for a variance hearing for an on -site septic system and drainfield on Lot 1, Block 1, Jay Simon's First Addition, which is less than the required 22 acre lot size. MOTION by Barton to set a Public Hearing for Charles Ackerson on a variance for minimum lot requirements for a private septic system at the August 6, 1981 Regular Planning Commission Meeting at 6:30 p.m. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Ped to adjourn. Second by Barton. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Regular Meeting Minutes July 2, 1981 Page Four See Planner's File 1981 -15 for June 24, 1981 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, 1(.jL.QJ L�l.G4J Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 1111 y (7 1 367- 1 45TH ST E P. O BOX 455 osernount PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT MINNF_SOTA 55068 612-423-4411 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 16, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was cancelled due to lack of business items. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 1111 4zirnount 'Y 0 1367 -145TH ST E- P O BOX 455 OSe- PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUf T MINNESOTA 55068 612-423 44 1 1 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 6, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on August 6, 1981 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Van Kleek and Ped present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. Items added to the agenda: 3b. Propane Tank Discussion. MOTION by Ped to approve the July 2, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Johnson updated the Commission on the Comprehensive Guide Plan in relation to the plan amendment. Metropolitan Council has approved the amendment accepting the changes the amendment required: 1) size of service area, 2) staging of sewer plan and 3) land use designation. Johnson recommended adding a section to the plan called "Amendments" rather than changing each section when amendments are made. This will keep revision costs down. The Commission directed Johnson to prepare the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan for final copy adding an Amendment Chapter for their review. The Commission discussed the lack of screening of the propane tank, which was required at the North Star Station. Johnson indicated he had met with the owner and the tank may be relocated as a result of a proposed addition to the station. The screening has not been installed, pending final location of the propane unit. Also discussed was the removal of a temporary propane tank at the Skelly Station. The tank was supposed to be removed late last spring according to Planning Commission approval of the temporary installation of the tank. The tank will have to be removed unless they seek Planning Commission approval for an extension of time. Johnson will follow -up on both situations and report to the Commission at the next regular meeting. Dick Zerba, Jim Evenson and Dennis Passeri, BBPZ Partnership, and Don Campbell, surveyor, submitted a concept development plan to initiate PUD review of the proposed mobile home park. Preliminary discussion was held with concern expressed as to the location of access roads and the storm shelter. It was felt a more central location for the storm shelter was more desireable. No action was taken. MOTION by Cunningham recommending that the City Council set a Public Hearing for the proposed BBPZ Mobile Home Park to review the Concept PUD. Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. A brief discussion was held on the amendment to the Redevelopment Plan. Johnson informed the Commission that the modification was required to add the acquisition, budget and relocation plans for the Rosemount Plaza project. Regular Meeting Minutes August 6, 1981 Page Two MOTION by Cunningham stating that the proposed modification of the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan is consistent with the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Chairman Cunningham recessed the Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. for the Public Hearing for the Charles Ackerson request on a variance to minimum lot require- ments for private sewer. Questions were raised on the results of the percola- tion tests that were taken. The Building Inspector had visited the site and accepted the test results. Concern was expressed by the Commission regarding owners performing their own percolation tests. There was no representative present to answer the Commission's concerns. MOTION by Van Kleek to close the Public Hearing. Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Chairman Cunningham reconvened the Regular Meeting at 6:40 p.m. Albert Monk, A G Auto Body, presented a request for a building permit to erect a 40'x 60' steel storage building at 13975 South Robert Trail. In view of previous Commission action regarding setbacks in this area the proposed building is consistent with adjacent existing structures. Johnson informed the Commission of his concern over fill that had been added to the north side of the property. At the time the Building Inspector allowed the fill to be added it was agreed that the area would be covered with black 411 dirt and seeded upon completion. This has not been done and there has been considerable erosion from the fill. MOTION by Van Kleek approving the building permit request contingent upon completion of the grading and seeding of the north side of the property. Second by Ped. Ayes 2, Nays 0. Abstain, Cunningham (because of conflict of interest). Motion carried. Bill Berg, Bill Berg Construction, submitted plans for a 40 foot addition to the Berg Building at 3328 151st Street West. The proposed addition will provide approximately 2300 square feet of storage space and 1400 square feet of retail space. The addition meets all setback requirements, however, a change in driveway location is required. A common entrance from 151st Street to Lots 1 and 2, Block 3 is proposed. Johnson recommended a 10 foot driveway easement be established on either side of the boundary between Lots 1 and 2 guaranteeing permanent access to both lots regardless of property ownership. MOTION by Cunningham approving the building permit request subject to closure of the existing driveway, according to City standards, and the recording of a perpetual 20 foot driveway easement over the common lot line of Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, South Rose Park Addition Replat. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Regular Meeting Minutes August 6, 1981 Page Three MOTION by Van Kleek delaying action on the Charles Ackerson variance request until the August 20, 1981 Regular Meeting and requesting Mr. Ackerson to attend this meeting to answer questions of the Planning Commission. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Cunningham to adjourn. Second by Ped. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. See Planner's File 1981 -16 for July 30, 1981 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 1367-145TH ST. E P. O. BOX 455 OSeYYIoLtYIt ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612-423 44 1 1 JG i' l PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on August 20, 1981 at 5:10 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Barton and Toombs present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. Item added to the agenda: 5b. Skelly Station Propane Unit. MOTION by Cunningham to approve the August 6, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Rita Mach was in attendance at the meeting to represent the Charles Ackerson variance request. MOTION by Cunningham to grant a variance to minimum lot requirements for a private sewer system on Lot 1, Block 1, Jay Simon's First Addition. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Commissioner Ped took his chair at 5:20 p.m. Dick. Zerba, Jim Evenson and Dennis Passeri, BBPZ Partnership, and Don Campbell, surveyor, gave a presentation for Concept PUD Review of the mobile home park to be known as Rosemount Woods. Discussion followed. A Public Hearing has been set by the City Council for review of Concept PUD for September 15, 1981. The Planning Commission will give formal recommendation at their next Regular Planning Commission Meeting on September 3, 1981. Gary Thorsen, North Star Station, requested a building permit for a 24'x 43' addition to the existing structure. The existing parking lot meets ordinance requirements for minimum parking with the proposed addition. A limited discussion was held on the location of the propane tank. Johnson recommended that the tank be relocated to the west side of the existing building and, therefore, felt eliminating the screening requirement would be appropriate. MOTION by Barton to grant the building permit request for the proposed North Star Station addition, and requiring that the propane dispensing unit be relo- cated to the southwest side of the existing structure, and that at this location the screening requirement would be waived. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Commission members expressed concern that previous action by the Commission requiring the screening of the propane units at both the North Star Station and the Skelly Station had been ignored. Johnson noted that enforcement was 111 limited to availability of Staff, but agreed strict follow -up on Commission action must be maintained. Regular Meeting Minutes August 20, 1981 Page Two Johnson informed the Commission that he had discussed the propane unit located on the south side of the Skelly Station with owner, Vern Kelley. Removal of the tank in late spring had been required at the time the request for the temporary installation of the tank had been granted. The Skelly Station is currently hooked up to natural gas, however, Mr. Kelley is not using it in an attempt to empty the propane unit. He has informed Johnson that the tank is half full and has had trouble selling the remainder. The Commission directed Johnson to contact Mr. Kelley before the next meeting to get an approximate time as to when the unit could be removed. Action on the Skelly Station propane unit was tabled until the next Regular Planning Commission Meeting when the Commission may require screening of the unit or immediate removal. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. See Planner's File 1981 -17 for August 14, 1981 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, 40M-A- 5 4 44.141 Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 367 145TH ST. E P. c BOX 455 ose��un PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 3, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on September 3, 1981 at 5:04 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Van Kleek and Toombs present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. Item added to the agenda: 5b. Donald Wachter Proposed Lot Division. MOTION by Cunningham to approve the August 20, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Commissioner Barton took his chair at 5:10 p.m. Johnson informed the Commission that the Plan Amendment Chapter has been completed and requested approval so that final copies of the plan can be run. The addition of this chapter allows amendments to the plan to simply be attached to the original document, as opposed to costly reproduction of the entire plan. There was question as to what the term "local house- keeping" referred to in this chapter. Johnson informed the Commission that this refers to any changes that do not require a formal review by Metropolitan Council. MOTION by Cunningham to approve the format of the Plan Amendment Chapter to be added to the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan, and to authorize the final printing of the plan. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Johnson reported that he had been informed by Vern Kelley that the propane unit at the Skelly Station will be removed before the next Regular Meeting. Johnson will check on this to make sure this is completed. Developers of Rosemount Woods Mobile Home Park presented their proposal for Concept PUD approval. Limited discussion was held where concerns of the Commission were answered about accesses to the park, streets, storm shelter location, park rules, active and passive recreation areas and tie down and skirting requirements. Many concerns of the Planning Director had already been addressed by the developers. MOTION by Barton recommending approval of the Rosemount Woods Concept PUD subject to the following: 1) detailed utility plans 2) grading /erosion control plans 3) right -of -way dedications for the perimeter City street where necessary to maintain a 60 -foot right -of -way 4) City Council approval of the City street location and design and secondary access location 5) separation of the adjacent private streets and public rights -of -way Regular Meeting Minutes September 3, 1981 Page Two 6) modification of internal intersections to provide adequate offsetting or full intersections 7) berming and landscaping plans 8) grading of the passive recreation area to permit private active recreation 9) plans for the sales /model home display area 10) detailed plans for the storm shelter /office building 11) proper tie downs and skirting on all units 12) location of the storage area 13) rezoning of the site from Agriculture to Multi- family residential Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Chuck Hollenback, Hollenback Nelson Construction Company, was present to request a building permit for a 100'x 200' building addition and a 40'x 130' canopy at Spectro Alloys Corporation. Johnson noted that the proposed addi- tion meets ordinance requirements. Johnson and the Building Inspector had an opportunity to review two future additions and both felt that a new waste treatment system would be necessary to accomodate the entire complex. Johnson distributed maps to the Commission showing a proposed septic system. Percola- tion tests have been taken and accepted by Frank Kirsebom, Building Inspector. Johnson noted two concerns which should be addressed at this time. An indenture has not yet been received by the City combining Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Hollenback- Nelson, Inc. First Addition. This has been approved by the Council, but documentation must be received before a building permit may be issued. Also, the storm sewer needs correction as considerable erosion has taken place producing excess sediment. Part of this is due to the seeding not taking hold. Johnson recommended a maintenance program be initiated by Hollenback- Nelson and inspected by the City before the City accepts the ditches, right -of -way and street. Mr. Hollenback agreed to put in more riprap in bottom of the storm sewer outlet, clean up around the catch basin and ditches and reseed for better control of water flow. MOTION by Cunningham approving the building permit as requested by Spectro Alloys for a building addition with the stipulation that Hollenback Nelson and Spectro Alloys correct and maintain the drainage problem, and also an indenture be received by the City combining Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Hollenback- Nelson, Inc. First Addition. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Thomas Murphy, attorney from North St. Paul, represented Norman Brucker in his request for the City to vacate a street right -of -way on Lot 12, Block 1, Jay Simon's First Addition. This right -of -way was dedicated to the City for the eventual completion of 130th Street to Bacardi Avenue. Mr. Brucker would like to extend his garage into the setback area and noted his well is located in the right -of way. Mr. Murphy pointed out potential problems for the com- pletion of 130th Street since the pond encompasses a great portion of that right -of -way. Regular Meeting Minutes September 3, 1981 Page Three Commissioner Barton felt that the completion of 130th Street to Bacardi Avenue is necessary for access into that development. Johnson noted that 130th Street is designated as a collector street from TH 3 to Bacardi Avenue in the Comprehensive Guide Plan. MOTION by Barton recommending to the City Council that the request for the vacation of the existing easement for 130th Street in Jay Simon's First Addition be denied until a new easement is dedicated to the City for the completion of 130th Street to Bacardi Avenue. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. This matter will be referred to the City Council for review at a Public Hearing set at 8:00 p.m., October 6, 1981. Johnson informed the Commission that he has received a request from Donald Wachter to divide five acres from his property located between County Road 42 and 160th Street. This proposed lot division meets revised ordinance require- ments. MOTION by Toombs approving the lot division request of Donald Wachter. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:24 p.m. See Planner's File 1981 -18 for August 27, 1981 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, 4 .1 1-}1 Donna Quintus Recording Secretary g?Sfei� l7 1 367- 1 45TH ST_ E- P- O- E30X 455 ROSE MOUNT ti11iti'NFSOTA 55068 612-423 44 1 1 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 17, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on September 17, 1981 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Van Kleek, Toombs and Ped present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Van Kleek to approve the September 3, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Ped. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Johnson led discussion on five sections of the revised Zoning Ordinance which had been distributed in the packets. As he briefly summarized each section he requested comments from the Commission. Section 1.0 states the name of the ordinance. Section 2.0, Purpose, states the objectives of the ordinance, which highlightimplementation of the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. Section 3.0 further defines general and grammatical application. It also states that any questions on procedures and application of the ordinance should be directed to City Staff but that the Planning Commission has the final interpretation. Commission members discussed options regarding the Board of Appeals. It was generally agreed that the City Council should continue to handle appeals rather than establishing a separate body. Section 4.0 includes definitions of terms used in the ordinance. Johnson noted this section will be the last to be completed. Section 5.0, General Provisions, is added to the ordinance to outline the general requirements for obtaining building permits, application requirements and licenses to do business in the City of Rosemount. This section states that the City of Rosemount has adopted the Uniform Building Code (UBC), and includes general requirements regarding permit documentation, inspections, etc. Van Kleek suggested that certificates of survey should not be limited to unplatted areas between 5 and 20 acres; rather that surveys be required for all permits, with the possible exception of minor building additions, alterations and agricultural permits. Johnson noted this was a minimum requirement of the UBC, but the City could require surveys for just about anything it felt necessary. Johnson proposed a change eliminating Planning Commission review and approval for agricultural structures. He also suggested that the Planning Commission not be required to review and approve interior alterations to structures unless the changes resulted in new uses. The Planning Commission agreed that changes in uses could affect parking, traffic, etc., and should be reviewed. Johnson noted that a driveway /curb cut permit requirement will also be added to the new ordinance for any new access or change in use of an existing Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 1981 Page Two access. This would involve City, County and /or State review, but would not necessarily require Planning Commission action. Drainfield and septic system requirements will be added to this section. Percolation tests for private septic systems were discussed. Commission members feel that these tests should be performed by certified persons or independent parties. Johnson noted that work has begun to inventory private septic systems so that a file can be kept on each system in the City. This is consistent with State and Metro requirements. The Commission expressed a desire to be involved in public hearings for citizen input before they make recommendations to the City Council. The Planning Commission could hold the first public hearing and the City Council hold the second. Johnson proposed that possibly the Planning Commission could have an informal public hearing with a mailing to adjacent property owners, but not necessarily require two weeks notice. This will be researched further and added to future discussions. Johnson noted that he is working on the ordinance revisions as his schedule permits it. He hopes to have new materials or at least continue discussions on the ordinance revisions at every Regular Meeting until a new ordinance can be presented to the City Council. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Van Kleek. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. Respectfull submitted, t►- Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 47 1367 -145TH ST. E- P. O. BOX 455 osem PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4-111 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on October 1, 1981 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Van Kleek, Toombs and Ped present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Toombs to approve the September 17, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Johnson informed the Commission that the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan will be printed and ready for distribution for the next meeting. Discussion was held on whether to offer copies of the plan for sale or for loan with a required deposit. It was suggested that copies of the plan should be avail- able to anyone who wanted one. Johnson noted that there will be extra copies of the graphics which seem to be what most people are interested in. Xeroxed copies of the text could also be combined with the extra graphics rather than going to the cost of having extra plans printed for sale. Limited discussion was held on the Zoning Ordinance. Johnson noted that the Building Inspector felt that the Uniform Building Code was not specific on the site plan and building design requirements for a building permit, there- fore, he has requested that the City ordinance specify the conditions and requirements. Johnson passed out additional ordinance revisions and gave a brief explanation of them, but suggested the Commission review the material at home for discussion at the next regular meeting. John Kratz, Brian Development Company, was present to request two lineal lot divisions, two feet in width, on Lots 33, 34, 35 and 36, Block 6, Valley Oak Addition Replat. Mr. Kratz explained that this would allow for a four foot offset in the middle of the building and improve the aesthetic appearance of the structure. If approved the resulting lots with structures would meet minimum setback requirements. Johnson noted there were nine additional quad lots (36 individual lots) which may be up for future consideration. Kratz requested that the Planning Commission give approval for all ten quad lots at this time, allowing Staff the discretion to administer the lot divisions individually as they come in. The Commission did not disagree with this concept, but wanted to see the wording of a resolution for the City Council that could give such blanket approval, yet meet all required conditions and guarantee Staff review. MOTION by Ped recommending to the City Council approval of simple lot division of only Lots 33, 34, 35 and 36, Block 6, Valley Oak Addition Replat at this time, as per surveys and descriptions. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. See Planner's File 1981 -19. MOTION by Van Kleek to adjourn. Second by Ped. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. See Planner's File 1981 -20 for October 1, 1981 Regular Meeting Reviews. Re pectfully mitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 1367 145TH ST. E P O BOX 455 mount PLANNING COMMISSION ROSFMOUNT. MINNF_SOTA 55068 44 612-423 441 1 1 1 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 15, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on October 15, 1981 at 5:05 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Barton, Van Kleek, Toombs and Ped present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Van Kleek to approve the October 1, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Ped. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried. BBPZ Partnership and Don Campbell, surveyor, were present to request Planning Commission final PUD approval for Rosemount Woods. Johnson noted that there were some concerns in the final PUD that required additional clarification such as detailed plans for landscaping and berming for the perimeter area, architectural drawing and location of the storage building, construction /occu- pancy schedule, the identification of the model home /sales office and a descrip- tion of the required tie -downs and skirting to be used. Johnson briefly ex- plained actions by the Utilities Commission regarding utility specifications and other City requirements. Johnson also indicated that the City will need permit acknowledgement from MnDOT, MPCA, MWCC and MDH. Mr. Campbell had con- tacted MnDOT for a permit to access onto Highway 3, and they informed him that the City must cosign the application since it is a City street accessing onto a State highway. Johnson noted that the City will require the County to assign address numbers and street names for Rosemount Woods. Van Kleek and Barton expressed concerns about the visibility of the mobile home park from Highway 3. The developers agreed to submit a detailed plan for the landscaping and buffering of the perimeter area. Johnson will itemize the concerns discussed by Staff and the Utilities Commission for the next meeting. Johnson suggested withholding Planning Commission approval until all concerns are answered, but requested that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council set a public hearing for the final PUD and re- zoning at this time. MOTION by Barton recommending City Council set a date for a public hearing on the PUD and rezoning for Rosemount Woods. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried. Johnson distributed copies of the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan and asked the Commission to review it for the next meeting before it is formally adopted. Johnson indicated that by xeroxing copies of the text and putting them together with the extra printed graphics the City will be capable of offering 100 copies of the plan for public sale. All that is needed is for a fee to be set. Commissioner Toombs excused himself from his chair at 6:15 p.m. Lengthy discussion was held on the Zoning Ordinance revisions that Johnson had distributed at the last meeting. Commission members were in general agreement that single family lot sizes should not be reduced. It was also agreed that the minimum acreage for horses should remain at 5 acres, and that setbacks, fencing and other requirements be created. The Commission requested additional clari- Regular Meeting Minutes October 15, 1981 Page Two 411 fication of permitted uses in the commercial districts. Johnson will continue to submit revisions to the ordinance as time permits. MOTION by Barton to adjourn. Second by Ped. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 110 4111 i of 1367 -145TH ST E- P 0 BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 osen' oun� PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on November 5, 1981 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Barton, Van Kleek and Toombs present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. Item 5a. Charles Young Storage Building Permit Request was deleted from the agenda at the applicant's request. Item added to the agenda: 5a. Koch Refining Request for Electrical Switch gear Building. MOTION by Toombs to approve the October 15, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Johnson requested any final comment on the comprehensive plan from the Commission before they formally adopt it. The Commissioners had reviewed the final document and stated they had no concerns. MOTION by Cunningham to adopt the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan final docu- ment. Second by Barton, Ayes 4, Nays 0, Motion carried. Johnson had distributed additional zoning ordinance revisions for Planning Commission review with the changes as requested from previous discussions. The major addition discussed establishes districts and references the zoning map. A major concern expressed by Commissioner Van Kleek was the setback requirements for Rural Residential districts. Johnson suggested the additional setback requirement for this district is a necessary precaution for future re- subdivision of lots, which may result in future streets along side yard lot lines. Limited discussion was held on General Regulations for all districts. Question was raised as to whether these regulations were enforceable. Johnson noted that enforcement of these regulations depends on their legality and available manpower. Johnson will continue to review requested changes and submit further revisions as time permits. Rosemount Woods developers were present to request final PUD approval for the Rosemount Woods development and rezoning. The proposed landscape and berming plans had been mailed directly to Commission members for their review. Johnson had received a memo from the City Forester recommending alternatives to the proposed tree species suggested in the original plan. BBPZ Partnership was in agreement that this alternate plan was acceptable in that it provides the de- sired screening with less maintenance and would provide a greater aesthetic value. Johnson further recommended that screening be required for the outside storage area. MOTION by Cunningham recommending approval of the Final PUD and rezoning for Rosemount Woods subject to revisions as outlined in Planner's Memo dated November 5, 1981 and the development contract. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0, Motion carried. See Planner's File 1981 -21. Regular Meeting Minutes November 5, 1981 Page Two A building permit request was received from Koch Refining for a 33'4 "x 21'4" concrete electrical switchgear building on the NE% of the SE% of Section 13. Johnson noted that all minimum requirements have been met. MOTION by Toombs to approve the Koch Refining building permit request. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Steve Broback submitted a concept plan for a proposed development of the Sz of the EZ of the S1 of the NE% of Section 31 (O'Leary farm). The plan consists of 33 duplex lots (66 units) at a density of approximately 4 units per acre, and two apartment buildings (24 units) at a density of approximately 12 units per acre. Johnson noted that this site is not within the 1980 -1985 five year sewer staging for development. Acceptance of this proposed development would require an amend- ment in the annual sewer staging of the comprehensive plan, and the proposed apartment buildings would require a land use change from medium density residen- tial to high density residential. Discussion centered on the possibility of this development being served by in -place sewer facilities located in the Valley Oak Addition. Johnson had met with the developers and the City Engineer and it appears that this may be physically possible. However, this proposal would require service through laterals in Valley Oak Addition, rather than trunk facilities which are pro- 411/ posed but haven't been constructed. The oversizing is scheduled to be built in the second phase of Valley Oak Addition. Johnson suggested that the Planning Commission study this proposal and withhold comment until after Staff has made a recommendation. This item will be added to the next agenda for further study and comment. MOTION by Barton to table discussion of the proposed plan amendment request until Staff has time to review and present a recommendation. Second by Cunning- ham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Van Kleek. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was ad- journed at 6 :55 p.m. See Planner's File 1981 -22 for November 5, 1981 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, A ltai ()L4ailli,-- Donna Quintus Recording Secretary Zt 1367-145TH ST. E P. O. BOX 455 4104 osemoun� ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 54 612 -441 1 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on November 19, 1981 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Van Kleek and Toombs pre- sent. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Van Kleek to approve the November 5, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried. Commissioner Ped took his chair at 5:03 p.m. There were no additions to the ordinance revisions. There was no discussion on previous revisions that had been submitted. Commissioner Barton took his chair at 5:06 p.m. Discussion was held on whether to return to one meeting per month. After limited discussion it was decided that it should be left at the present schedule until ordinance revisions are completed. It will be brought up again if general business items are limited enough to warrant less meetings. Steve Broback, Parkview Inc., was present to request an amendment to the com- prehensive plan to include in the 1981 -1985 district a parcel he wishes to develop. He stated he had contacted owners of other areas included in the 1981 -1985 plan and was unable to reach a purchase agreement for these parcels. Mr. Broback felt that his parcel would not create a burden for the City of Rosemount as it would not require construction of new core facilities since it was feasible to hook up to already existing facilities in the Valley Oak Addition. He also stated that since parcels within the 1981 -1985 plan would probably not be developed within five years he would not be taking any connections away from anyone. Commission members were in agreement that the purpose of the comprehensive plan was to encourage development in areas where core facilities already exist. Johnson noted that although not all of the parcels within the 1981 -1985 district will develop within the next five years the excess land was added to provide flexibility in location and type of development. However, if the City was to continue adding parcels to this five year plan and the economy were to loosen up and more than the anticipated development should occur it would increase the obligation of the City to provide sewer hook -ups which may not be available. MOTION by Barton to deny request for an amendment to the Comprehensive Guide Plan by Parkview Inc. on the basis that the proposal is inconsistent with the timing of sewer service and planned sewer facilities. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried. Regular Meeting Minutes November 19, 1981 Page Two MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Van Kleek. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m. See Planner's File 1981 -23 for November 19, 1981 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, AtA4L Donna Quintus Recording Secretary C ity of ST E P 0 BOX 455 4osemouni ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423 -441 1 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on December 3, 1981 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Barton, Van Kleek and Toombs present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Barton to approve the November 19, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Brochures were distributed to Commission members announcing the Annual Planning Institute for Planning Commission and Elected Officials on December 10th and 11th. Johnson informed the Commission that the City Council has authorized payment of registration fees for two Planning Commission members and /or the Planning Director. Commissioner Ped took his chair at 5:10 p.m. Bart Dunn, Bermel Smaby Realty Company, was present to answer questions regarding the Teal Condominium project to be known as Diamond Acres. Johnson noted that Council did not vacate the Dodd Boulevard easement, but waived the setback re- quirement along Dodd. The Planning Commission agreed with the waiver as part of PUD approval but requested that no structures be permitted within the 33' easement. All other previous recommendations by the Planning Commission have been addressed and revised on the final plan. Johnson also had in his possession copies of the Articles of Incorporation, By -laws, Declaration of Covenants and Conditions and Restrictions. MOTION by Cunningham recommending final approval of Teal Condominiums and author- izing the Building Inspector to issue building permits when all other City re- quirements have been met. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried. Ray Brandt, Brandt Engineering, presented concept plans for White Lake Acres, formerly known as White Lake Hills. This parcel consists of approximately 110 acres that had previously been illegally subdivided and sold as twenty -one (21) individual lots. Johnson informed the Commission and Mr. Brandt that none of the lots meet the City's minimum requirements, but recognized the status of the existing owners and their desire to develop this parcel. Staff has also reviewed the revised plan and have suggested the owners incorporate their interests and submit a new plat as one owner. Commissioner Ped suggested the group collectively hire legal counsel to represent their views and cooperation with the City for the development of this parcel. Johnson and Commission members agreed that evidence of collective cooperation by all land owners involved was necessary before any further recommendations and suggestions by the Commission could be considered. MOTION by Barton to adjourn. Second by Van Kleek. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m. See Planner's File 1981 -24 for December 3, 1981 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, t Donna Quintus Recording Secretary City of 1367 145TH ST. E P. 0 BOX 455 osernoun ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 5 612-423-4411 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 17, 1981 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on December 17, 1981 at 5:05 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cunningham with all members present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Barton to approve the December 3, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Ped. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried. Johnson indicated there were no pending Old Business matters nor any proposed New Business items for discussion at the first Regular Meeting in January. He indicated the need to schedule a public meeting on the Agricultural Preserves Act. The Commission felt this should be set as a Special Meeting. MOTION by Barton to cancel the January 7, 1982 Regular Planning Commission meet- ing for lack of business. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried. Milt Bruflodt, H.W. Fridlund Architects, presented the Rosemount Plaza Final PUD and plat. Johnson noted the utility revisions which had been completed and ex- pressed concern on the parking for the Senior Center. S The Commission expressed concern on the lack of commitment on the commercial de- velopment and its relationship to overall parking needs. Mr. Bruflodt stated that the developers have made a substantial commitment in the planning of the commercial area but question whatever interest rates permit project feasibility in the six month start -up provision. MOTION by Barton to approve the Rosemount Plaza PUD subject to the addition of one row of parking in the commercial site on the west side of the elderly lot, and subject to approval by the Rosemount HRA; and to recommend approval of the Rosemount Plaza Final Plat, subject to HRA approval of the Final PUD; and to recommend the rezoning of Lot 2, Block 1, Rosemount Plaza from C -2 to RM, sub- ject to approval of the Final Plat. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried. Mike McNamara, Chippendale 42 Partnership, presented a concept for commercial development on 10 acres at the southwest corner of the Chippendale /County Road 42 intersection. Mr. McNamara indicated a group of local investors had received approval to organize a National Bank in Rosemount. Plans for the balance of the site are unknown. Commission members expressed concern about the availability of vacant commercial property in South Rose Park. Johnson explained that the area in question was scheduled for sewer in 1981 -85, but the site was designated as high density resi- dential in the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Approval of the concept for this site requires an amendment to the plan. Mr. McNamara was instructed to file an application for amendment to the Comprehen- sive Plan and submit more detailed information before further review would be initiated. Regular Meeting Minutes December 17, 1981 Page Two MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further busi- ness to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. See Planner's File 1981 -25 for December 17, 1981 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, Dean Johnson Planning Director 1111