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O 4srni 0 ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 5 612-423-4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission scheduled at 5:00 p.m. was cancelled and a Special Meeting was set
at 7:30 p.m., January 7, 1982.
�i1?f 0 1367 -145TH ST E- P 0 BOX 455
4 ✓0 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 5441 1 0141 612-423 X 41 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on January 7, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was
called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Van Kleek and Ped pre-
sent. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
The purpose of the Special Meeting was to consider adoption of amendments
to the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map, necessary to establish eligibility
in the Metropolitan Agricultural Preserves program, and to conduct a Public
Meeting on the Ag Preserves program.
Johnson presented an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which established an
Agricultural Preserve District. He also presented a rezoning map, outlining
the areas in Rosemount eligible for participation in the program. It was
noted that the only areas to be rezoned from AG Agriculture to AG P Agricul-
tural Preserve would be those parcels which were entered into the program.
MOTION by Ped to recommend that the City Council adopt Ordinance No. XVII.53,
amending the Zoning Ordinance to establish an Agricultural Preserve District;
and to recommend that the City Council rezone only those parcels within the
potential Agricultural Preserve District for which applications creating Ag
Preserves have been received. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion
Johnson opened the Public Meeting with an introduction of the Planning Com-
missioners and a summary of the Metropolitan Ag Preserves program. Johnson
also introduced Romi Slowiak, Metropolitan Council staff member in charge
of the Ag Preserves program, who gave a slide presentation on the program.
A question and answer period followed with an audience of approximately 30
persons. Johnson informed those that considered participation in the program,
that applications would have to be received by January 20.
MOTION by Van Kleek to adjourn. Second by Ped. There being no further busi-
ness to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting
was adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dean Johnson
Planning Director
11 1/ O 1367 -145TH ST E P 0 BOX 455
G 612-423 -441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on January 21, 1982. The meeting was called to order
by Chairman Cunningham with members Van Kleek and Toombs present. Also present
was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the December 17, 1981 Regular Meeting Minutes and
the January 7, 1982 Special Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Van Kleek.
Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Commissioners Cunningham and Toombs were sworn in for three -year reappointed
Considerable discussion was held on the Brauer billing for additional compensa-
tion for work performed and completed on the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan
and Critical Area Plan.
Commissioner Barton took his chair at 5:15 p.m.
The Commissioners were in general agreement that although the additional work
was not originally in the contract the City benefitted from the extra work and
some restitution should be made to Brauer Associates.
MOTION by Cunningham recommending to the City Council payment of $1,500.00 to
Brauer Associates for supplemental services. Second by Barton, Ayes 4, Nays
0. Motion carried.
Johnson updated the Commission on the Ag Preserve Act and the positive response
of qualified landowners. He reminded the Commission of the Public Hearing on
Tuesday, January 26, 1982 on the text amendment establishing zoning for Ag Pre-
serve Districts and subsequent rezonings.
Johnson noted that the By -laws allow nominations for Planning Commission Officers
at their Annual Meeting and at the meeting prior.
MOTION by Cunningham to table nominations until the next meeting on February 4,
1982. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Ed McMenomy, representing Chippendale /42 Partnership, asked the Commission to
table the request for plan amendment until the next Regular Meeting. The partner-
ship is considering a new proposal in which a rezoning may be requested on a
smaller parcel rather than the plan amendment.
MOTION by Barton to table Chippendale /42 Partnership plan amendment request until
the February 4, 1982 Regular Meeting. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Motion carried.
Wayne Cordes, H.S. Johnson Surveyors, Inc., presented a preliminary plat for a
112.5 acre site to be known as Stonebridge Addition, located on the west side
of Akron Avenue at the Inver Grove Heights border. Johnson noted that the pro-
perty is presently zoned Agriculture. Brief discussion was held on proposed
density, lot size, lack of public road access and length of proposed public
cul -de -sac access to the individual lots.
Regular Meeting Minutes
January 21, 1982
Page Two
MOTION by Barton to accept the preliminary plat for Stonebridge Addition for
agency review. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Formal recommendation by the Commission on this plat will be held at the
February 18, 1982 Regular Meeting.
MOTION by Cunningham to adjourn. Second by Toombs. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this
meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -1 for January 21, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
et 1367 -145TH ST. 6 P O BOX 455
ose 4
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission scheduled at 5 :00 p.m. was cancelled due to a lack of business.
j1W 0 un$
1367 145TH ST. E- P. 0 BOX 455
ps2ern,o ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 5 4411
612-423 -441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on February 18, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was
called to order by Chairman Cunningham with members Barton, Van Kleek, Ped
and Toombs present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Barton to approve the January 21, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Ped. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Item added to the agenda: 5b. Request to set Variance Hearing Date for
on -site sewer system.
MOTION by Ped to table discussion items until the end of agenda. Second by
Barton. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Jim Sheldon and M.J. McNamara, representing Chippendale /42 Partnership, were
present to discuss the petition to rezone a 2.9 acre parcel at the Chippendale
Avenue /CSAH 42 junction from Ag to C -1 for the purpose of building a bank.
Dean Johnson, Planning Director, informed the Commission that the rezoning
petition was being presented in lieu of the previous plan amendment request
for a larger site.
MOTION by Barton recommending approval of the rezoning petition for 2.9 acres
from Ag to C for the purpose of building a bank with the understanding that
this does not imply site plan approval and review and that approval and review
of the site plan will be handled as a future item after rezoning. Second by
Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0, Abstain, Toombs (because of conflict of interest).
Motion carried.
Wayne Cordes, representing the owners and developers for Stonebridge Addition,
presented a preliminary plat for a 112+ acre site located on Akron Avenue near
Inver Grove Heights. Mr. Cordes noted that the proposed addition was compatible
with adjacent property development, does not remove any prime agricultural land
and is consistent with Ag densities as required by Rosemount ordinance. Lengthy
discussion centered around road maintenance, a controversial 3300 foot cul -de -sac,
the variances that would be required and whether the development would create
additional liability to the City in comparison to taxes that would be generated
to cover the benefits received.
Johnson is researching and preparing a report on cost /service comparison with
other developments for Staff review. He recommended that action on the plat be
tabled, but that a date for the public hearing be scheduled.
MOTION by Ped recommending City Council set a hearing date for the Stonebridge
preliminary plat. Second by Barton. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Donald Peterson presented a request for a building permit for a storage building
to be used for storage of straw in connection with his strawberry business.
MOTION by Toombs approving the building permit request of Donald Peterson for a
storage building. Second by Ped. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried.
A petition for a variance for an on -site septic system and drainfield was re-
ceived from Donald Christenson Building Company.
Regular Meeting Minutes
February 18, 1982
Page Two
MOTION by Barton that a Variance Hearing be held for an on -site septic system
and drainfield on Lot 14, Block 3, Oakwood Estates at the March 18, 1982 Regular
Planning Commission Meeting at 6:00 p.m. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 5, Nays 0.
Motion carried.
Planning Commission nominations and elections were held.
Van Kleek nominated Chuck Cunningham for Chairman. Second by Barton.
MOTION by Ped to close the nominations. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0,
Abstain, Cunningham. Motion carried.
MOTION by Van Kleek calling for unanimous ballot. Second by Barton. Ayes 4,
Nays 0, Abstain, Cunningham. Motion carried.
Cunningham nominated Ray Barton for Secretary. Second by Toombs.
MOTION by Ped to close nominations. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0,
Abstain, Barton. Motion carried.
MOTION by Van Kleek calling for unanimous ballot. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4,
Nays 0, Abstain, Barton. Motion carried.
Commissioner Toombs excused himself from his chair at 6:10 p.m.
Johnson informed the Commission on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Rehab Program. The area affected by the program includes all of the CBD west to
Canada Avenue, east to the railroad tracks, south to the North Star Station and
north to the Catholic Church. The purpose of the program is to promote housing
rehabilitation (insulation, reroofing, bringing building up to electrical code,
residing, etc.) with low interest loans provided by the City together with the
Dakota County HRA and the Federal Government. The HRA will administer the whole
project. Economic benefits include public improvements (storm sewer problems),
improvement of commercial buildings and creating new employment.
MOTION by Barton to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting
was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -2 for February 18, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
Y�1 O 1367 -145TH ST. E- P. O BOX 455
40 en 'ioun
612-423 441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on March 4, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. In the absence of
Chairman Cunningham, Commission Secretary Barton called the meeting to order
with members Van Kleek and Ped present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Plan-
ning Director.
Item added to the agenda: 5d. Authorize Signatures of the Rosemount Plaza Final
MOTION by Van Kleek to approve the February 18, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes as
corrected. Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Johnson informed the Commission that he had discussed the subject of issuing build-
ing permits for grain bins in the Ag District with Frank Kirsebom, Building Official.
Mr. Kirsebom stated that grain bins are classified as personal property, the same
as elevators and other farm equipment, because of their ability to be relocated;
therefore, building permits are not required.
Ron and Rich Carlson and Richard Cliff, developers for Stonebridge Addition, were
present to request preliminary plat approval. Lengthy discussion followed. John-
son noted that concerns expressed by Commission members at previous meetings were
evaluated by Staff, and they recommended several conditions for preliminary plat
approval. Johnson suggested that future plat approval in the Ag District be reviewed
individually; and that a precedent would not be set for variances allowed in this
subdivision because reviews would show the special conditions which allowed the
MOTION by Barton recommending approval of the Stonebridge Addition Preliminary Plat
subject to the following thirteen (13) conditions as outlined by the City Planner
with the addition of a fourteenth (14th) condition that no further development of
this addition to increase the density beyond 4 per 40 be permitted until a second
access for ingress /egress is provided to the site:
1. the street grade should be revised not to exceed
seven percent
2. a variance to the maximum length of a cul -de -sac
be part of plat approval
3. utility easements be included in the front yards
of the lots
4. scenic or protective easements be established per
requirements of the subdivision ordinance
5. right -of -way and restricted access easements be
provided per County requirements
6. a 60 -foot street easement be established across
the common lot line of lots 8 and 9 for potential
street extension to the west
7. a variance to the minimum lot frontage of lots 6,
7 and 8 be part of plat approval
Regular Meeting Minutes
March 4, 1982
Page Two
8. soil borings be taken throughout the development
to determine suitability for proposed uses
9. percolation tests by a qualified party be taken on
all lots, where building sites are proposed
10. verification of water well suitability be obtained
from the Minnesota Department of Health
11. plans and specifications for street improvements
be approved by the City Engineer
12. all other ordinance requirements be met
13. a development agreement be approved prior to final
Added by 14. No further development of this addition will be
Motion permitted to increase density beyond 4 per 40 until
a second access for ingress /egress is provided to
the site
Second by Ped. Ayes 2, Nays 1. Motion carried.
Lance Johnson was present to discuss a request for a mining permit on approximately
93 acres, originally part of the Markham Sand Gravel site. A brief discussion
followed in which Commission members expressed a need for assurance that there be
no problems as experienced in the past. Mr. Johnson stated he would be willing to
post a performance bond to assure the site would be relandscaped to City specifica-
tions and other conditions would be met. Marley Danner, potential mine operator
for the site, was present to answer questions concerning the mining operation. He
stated there are approximately 6 million yards to be mined and there are plans to
have an on -site washing plant plus a rock crushing operation. Johnson noted that
a separate permit from the DNR must be acquired for a washing plant. No formal ac-
tion was taken at this time until detailed plans are submitted for review.
A concept plan was submitted by Don Christenson for developing a 13.5 acre parcel
located south of Oakwood Estates to be known as Oakwood Estates 2nd Addition. The
concept proposed a four lot division to be served by two cul -de -sacs. The number
of lots exceeds the maximum one per five acre density permitted. Johnson noted
that while a provision has been made for future street access joining the two cul-
de -sacs, the street should be constructed as a condition of the platting. The
Commission instructed Mr. Christenson to meet with the planner to review City re-
quirements prior to submitting a preliminary plat.
The Commission reviewed a concept design for additional wall signs for the outside
of the Ken Rose Shopping Center. The total sign area represents the maximum 15%
wall coverage permitted. See Planner's File 1982 -3.
MOTION by Barton that there are no objections to the basic sign band concept for
the outside of the Ken Rose Center for the purpose of issuing sign permits. Second
by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Johnson informed the Commission that the HRA has received notice of closing of the
bond sales for the Rosemount Plaza and has requested that the final plat be signed.
MOTION by Van Kleek authorizing signatures on the Rosemount Plaza Final Plat. Se-
cond by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Regular Meeting Minutes
March 4, 1982
Page Three
MOTION by Van Kleek to adjourn. There being no further business to come before
this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -4 for March 4, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
5411 4 I c AAA:117—
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
4 c ?n l of 1367 145TH ST. E- P. O BOX 455
III 10+ o��ernouni
612-423 441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on March 18, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Van Kleek and Ped present. Also
present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Van Kleek to approve the March 4, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Johnson informed the Commission that he had nearly completed the residential
section of the Zoning Ordinance and would forward the revisions for review
prior to the next meeting.
Steve Broback, Parkview Inc., presented a concept plan for O'Leary's Hills for
guidance and comments from the Commission. Mr. Mrs. Dennis O'Leary were also
present. The plan reflected three main physical changes that had previously
been recommended: 1) elimination of three (3) cul -de -sacs, 2) elimination of
the multiple family designation and 3) revision in the street design to include
the local collector as indicated in the comprehensive plan. Mr. Broback indi-
cated this development will consist of duplexes providing individual building
and property ownership which requires covenants and homeowner maintenance agree-
ments per FHA guidelines. Johnson also noted that this plat will require PUD
review procedures. Commission members questioned whether this area would have
to be rezoned to RM to permit the duplex units. No formal action was taken at
this time, however the Commission offered comments on the staging of the devel-
opment and the offsite improvements that were required.
Chairman Cunningham recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing
at 6:00 p.m. for variance request from the Donald Christenson Building Company
on minimum lot requirements for private sanitary sewer.
Johnson had in his presence the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice and Affida-
vit of Publication. See Planner's File 1982 -5.
Johnson noted that percolation tests had been completed with satisfactory results
for the installation of a septic tank and conventional drainfield. Discussion in-
cluded the unresolved issue of the extension of Blanca Avenue, however, Johnson
felt that the building permit could be approved with the contingency that the
occupancy permit be withheld until the street extension is constructed and ac-
cepted by the City.
MOTION by Van Kleek to close the Public Hearing. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3,
Nays 0. Motion carried.
Chairman Cunningham reconvened the Regular Meeting at 6:20 p.m.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the variance request of Donald Christenson Build-
ing Company for minimum lot requirements for private sewer on Lot 14, Block 3,
Oakwood Estates with the exception that occupancy permit be withheld until the
street extension is constructed and accepted. Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Motion carried.
Regular Meeting Minutes
March 18, 1982
Page Two
MOTION by Cunningham to adjourn. Second by Van Kleek. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting
was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -6 for March 18, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
A lt-A-C4-)
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
1046 1367 145TH ST. E- P- O BOX 455
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on April 1, 1982 at 5:00 PM. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Barton, Van Kleek and Toombs
present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the March 18, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes
as printed. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Johnson informed the Commission that after researching the question on
Occupancy Certificates he found no provisions in the Rosemount City Ordinance,
State Building Code or the Uniform Building Code requiring a Certificate
of Occupancy for single family and multiple family dwellings. Certificates
of Occupancy, however, are required for commercial, industrial, public
and institutional buildings. Johnson stated that the revised Zoning
Ordinance does include a requirement for Occupancy Certificates for
single and multiple family dwellings.
Commissioner Ped took his chair at 5:05 PM.
Lengthy discussion on the revised Zoning Ordinance included required
conditions and permitted uses for mobile homes, minimum specifications
for acceptance of streets by the City, rural residential setback requirements,
requirements for horse boarding, new definitions of attached residential
and required conditions to include FHA Party Wall and Maintenance Agreements.
Johnson also has attempted to streamline development review time without
eliminating any required information.
A preliminary plat for O'Leary's Hills was distributed to Planning Commission
members. A formal presentation will be made at the April 15 Regular
MOTION by Barton to accept the preliminary plat for O'Leary's Hills for
review. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Dean Lewis, Pump and Meter Service, was present on behalf of Tom Thumb
Superette to discuss the request for gas pump location on the Tom Thumb
site. The original proposal was suspended approximately two years ago,
pending revisions to the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Lewis requested guidance
from the Commission on what procedures they should take.
Commissioner Toombs excused himself from his chair at 6:15 PM.
Johnson explained that the City Council previously concurred with the
Planning Commission that the gasoline service required C -3 zoning. The
C -3 district does not permit the personal services uses in the remainder
of the existing building. Johnson noted that the request to rezone only
the Tom Thumb portion of the site would require variances to minimum
lot sizes, minimum lot dimensions and parking for a C -3 business.
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 1, 1982
Page Two
Barton indicated that exceptional circumstances or hardships are the
basis for favorable variance considerations. Mr. Lewis stated Tom Thumb
will proceed with the request and will work with staff to follow the
proper course of action.
The site plan for the proposed relocation of the Wilroy Ford used car
sales building was discussed.
MOTION by Cunningham authorizing the building inspector to issue a moving
permit to Wilroy Ford for a used car sales building. Second by Barton.
Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
MOTION by Van Kleek to adjourn. Second by Barton. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this
meeting was adjourned at 6:35 PM.
See Planner's File 1982 -7 for April 1, 1982 Regular Meeting Review.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus,
Recording Secretary
4 C ity ST. E P O- BOX 455
osemouni ROSEMO UNT MINNESOTA 5 4411 612-423 -441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on April 15, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with all members present. Also present was Dean
Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Barton to approve the April 1, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes as print-
ed. Second by Ped. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Item added to the agenda: 5b. Le Foret Addition Horse Discussion.
Limited discussion was held on the zoning ordinance. Johnson noted that the
City Forester is working on the landscaping ordinance. Johnson has also re-
searched the requirements of other communities for horse boarding, as requested
by the Commission. He indicated there are a wide variety of requirements and
asked the Commission to consider the maximum number of mature animals in rela-
tionship to adequate grazing space as a guideline for their recommendation on
this issue.
Johnson updated the Commission on City Council actions on the Chippendale 42
Partnership rezoning request and the Stonebridge Addition. Council has approved
both and has concurred with Planning Commission recommendations on the Stone
bridge Addition for final plat approval.
Steve Broback, developer for O'Leary's Hills, was present to discuss the pre-
liminary plat /PUD with the suggested changes as recommended in previous Planning
Commission discussions. Johnson noted that staff, in its review of the prelimi-
nary plat, recommended that a permanent resolution for storm water storage for
the entire addition be determined before final plat /PUD approval. Staff also
discussed the trail requirements along the MSA collector street, which is in-
cluded in this plat. Johnson noted that the day care center may be reviewed
under the PUD, but will require C -1 zoning if approved. All other revisions
are in compliance with ordinance requirements. Formal recommendation is anti-
cipated at the May '6 Regular Meeting.
MOTION by Barton recommending that City Council set a date for a preliminary
plat /PUD public hearing for O'Leary's Hills. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5,
Nays 0. Motion carried.
There were no representatives present or information submitted by Tom Thumb
regarding the variance and rezoning requests for convenience gasoline service
at the superette.
MOTION by Barton to table action until further information is received. Second
by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried.
The Koch Refining Company building permit request for a fuel oil storage tank
was presented. The request is consistent with applicable requirements of the
I -GEN District.
MOTION by Ped to authorize the Building Official to issue a building permit to
Koch Refining Company for a fuel oil storage tank. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4,
Nays 0, Abstain, Barton (because of conflict of interest). Motion carried.
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 15, 1982
Page Two
Mr. Mrs. Watkins, Rosemount residents in Le Foret Addition, were present to
request special permission to keep a horse in an R -1 District on a lot less
than 5 acres. Prior to buying their home they indicated they had been assured
by their realotr and the private covenants for Le Foret that they would be al-
lowed to keep horses. Johnson noted that while the covenants may allow horse
boarding, the City Zoning Ordinance prohibits horses because of the zoning
classification and the minimum lot requirements. In order to allow horses in
Le Foret, the subdivision must be rezoned to Rural Residential and variances
to minimum lot sizes must be granted. The Commission indicated that the re-
zoning would be consistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan; but the variances
to minimum lot sizes may be inconsistent with the Zoning Ordinance. No formal
action was taken.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Van Kleek. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this
meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -8 for April 15, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
A tit LI
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
f7 1367 145TH ST E P 0 BOX 455
o ern 612-423 -441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on May 6, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Van Kleek, Toombs and Ped present.
Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the April 15, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
The July Regular Meeting dates were discussed because of vacation conflict.
Several alternatives were suggested for readjustment of the meeting schedule.
MOTION by Van Kleek to table discussion on the July Regular Meeting schedule
adjustment until the next meeting. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion
Johnson reminded the Commission of the Solid Waste Landfill Siting meeting to
be held later that evening at the Vo -Tech. The meeting will be conducted by
the Metropolitan Council for the purpose of receiving public comment on the suit-
ability of the sites selected by Dakota County, Met Council must either accept
or reject the proposed sites.
Illk Mike McNamara and Jim Sheldon, representing Chippendale /42 Partnership, pre-
sented the site plans for the National Bank of Rosemount to be located on a 2.9
acre parcel on the southwest corner of the Chippendale Avenue /County Road 42
intersection. Discussion centered around three concerns as outlined in the
planner's reviews regarding water service to the site, restricting stormwater
runoff to an on -site location and access to the site off Chippendale Avenue.
Concern was also expressed on the proposed temporary building. Staff has re-
viewed the temporary facility and has determined that it is not inconsistent
with building codes and City Ordinances. The site plans are in compliance
with ordinance requirements, with exception to the concerns noted.
MOTION by Ped recommending approval of the Rosemount National Bank Site Plans as
presented with the following contingencies:
1) Six -inch water service be provided from 151st Street trunk
2) Site grading and sodding be revised to provide drainage swales
from the western and southern edges of the bituminous lot to
the ponding area and to contain the ponding area completely
on -site.
3) That Chippendale /42 Partnership be advised that any future
development or change in the access status from private to
public will require realignment of the intersection of the
service road to 151st Street to provide adequate access
spacing and will require the reconstruction of 151st Street,
to meet minimum City specifications.
Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Abstain, Toombs (because of conflict of
interest). Motion carried.
Regular Meeting Minutes
May 6, 1982
Page Two
Steve Broback, Parkview, Inc., presented the PUD /Preliminary Plat for O'Leary's
Hills. Mike Broback and Dennis O'Leary were also present.
Johnson noted two reasons for PUD procedure: 1) the zero lot line provision for
the 98 duplex units and 2) to consider neighborhood commercial (C -1) for the lot
designated as a day care center. He discussed his concerns on the PUD and pre-
liminary plat with the Commission, including the requirements for final approvals.
Mr. Broback indicated he had reviewed the planner's recommendations and found
them workable.
MOTION by Cunningham recommending to the City Council that the O'Leary's Hills
PUD Concept Plan be approved subject to the following:
a) Legal descriptions and zoning classifications for all parcels
to be rezoned.
b) Sufficient number of models or building designs to reduce re-
dundancy or repetition in the appearance of the single use
housing development.
c) Architectural drawings for each different residential building
model, showing building elevations, floor plans, building ma-
terials, unit relationships, etc.
d) Typical site plans for each residential building model, showing
driveways, garages, optional expansion plans, setbacks, land-
scaping, etc.
e) A commitment by the developer in the Final PUD to include or ex-
clude the day care center, and if included in the PUD, detailed
site plans for the day care center, to be reviewed and approved
as part of the Final PUD.
f) Covenants, restrictions and party wall maintenance agreement for
the attached units; and
the Preliminary Plat for O'Leary's Hills be approved subject to the following:
a) PUD Concept Plan approval
b) Necessary rezoning(s)
c) Lot 26, Block 1 be expanded to a minimum of 63 feet lot width
d) Lots 28 and 29, Block 3 be reoriented to southern lot frontage
e) Drainage and utility easements
f) Final grading plan
g) Storm sewer recommendations of the City Engineer or an acceptable
system designed for permanent storm water control
h) Street, street light, trail and utility specifications
i) Landscaping requirements
j) Erosion control plan
k) Park dedication requirements
1) Development Agreement for final plat
Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Regular Meeting Minutes
May 6, 1982
Page Three
MOTION by Cunningham to adjourn. Second by Toombs. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this
meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -9 for May 6, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
(»i 1 f 367 -45TH ST. E- P. O t/ PLANNING ROSE-MOUNT. M ,ris m ounL 6 1 2 423 -441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on May 20, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Barton and Toombs present. Also
present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the May 6, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes. Second
by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Johnson indicated that the City Council approved the O'Leary's Hills PUD /Pre-
liminary Plat with the conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission.
The next step is for the developer to return to the Planning Commission with
the detailed PUD plans with the recommended changes and the final plat for
The Community Development Block Grant program was discussed. Council has
accepted the concept for housing rehabilitation, commercial renovation and
ordered a feasibility for the reconstruction of 145th Street from Cameo to
Burnley. If funded, the block grant program may also permit acquisition of
various parcels for post office expansion, municipal parking, etc.
The Regular Meeting dates for July were discussed.
MOTION by Barton to hold only one Regular Meeting in July, the third Thursday,
thereby cancelling the July 1, 1982 Regular Meeting. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3,
Nays 0. Motion carried.
Cooki Westrum, applicant on behalf of lot owners in Le Foret Additon, submitted
a petition for the rezoning of Lots 1 -13, Block 1, Le Foret Addition from R -1
Single Family Residential to RR Rural Residential. Johnson noted that the re-
zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan designation. Johnson
also noted that while the RR District permits horses, only one lot in Le Foret
is large enough to meet acreage requirements for keeping horses.
MOTION by Barton recommending the acceptance of the rezoning petition for Le
Foret Addition as submitted and to recommend to the City Council approval of
the rezoning from R -1 Single Family Residential to RR Rural Residential. Ayes 3,
Nays 0. Motion carried.
The Commission reviewed plans for an 80'x 125' concrete block building to be
located on Lot 2, Block 2, Hollenback and Nelson Addition, with future additions
expanding onto Lot 1. Chuck Hollenback, owner and developer, and Dennis Olson
and Henry Bakemeyer, managers and principles of the proposed diecasting industry,
were present to discuss any questions and concerns of the Planning Commission.
Discussion centered around access to the site, street construction, drainage,
ditch reconstruction and a description of the aluminum diecasting industry and
work process. Mr. Olson and Mr. Bakemeyer indicated the industry will operate
on three shifts with a total of 100 employees when the business is operating at
full capacity.
Regular Meeting Minutes
May 20, 1982
Page Two
MOTION by Cunningham recommending approval of the Rosemount Diecasting Company
site plan, building permit and occupancy permit subject to the following:
1) acceptable percolation test.
2) completion of the class 5 base to the entrance of the
site per plans and specifications previously submitted
to the City, including any ditch reconstruction that
may be necessary for proper drainage.
3) seeding of all unimproved setback areas, including a
10 foot green strip at the property line adjacent to
the truck maneuvering area.
4) compliance with all other applicable ordiance and
code requirements.
Second by Barton. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Al Monk, A G Auto Body, requested a revision to a previously approved 40'x 60'
metal building on his property, subject to regrading and reseeding of the steep
sloped area. The revision is an increase in the length to 75'. The building
permit for the original proposed building has never been issued. Johnson noted
that all setback and ordinance requirements have been met.
MOTION by Barton authorizing the Building Inspector to issue a building permit
to A G Auto Body for a 40'x 75' metal building, with the stipulation that the
Building Inspector withhold such permit until the regrading and seeding is com-
l. pleted, including the removal of any debris which restricts stabilization of the
banks. Second by Toombs. Ayes 2, Nays 0. Abstain, Cunningham (because of con-
flict of interest). Motion carried.
Lyle Netteberg and Ray Hall, landowners and representatives for other landowners
of White Lake "subdivision were present to discuss and receive input and sug-
gestions from the Commission as to procedures that should be taken before they
submit a plat for their subdivision for formal review. Length discussion followed
in which concerns and suggestions were offered by the Planning Commission and the
Planning Director. Mr. Netteberg stated they would relay the concerns of the City
to the other landowners and submit a proposal on behalf of the entire group of
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Barton. There being no further business
to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was ad-
journed at 6:25 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -10 for May 20, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
4 11fitj"jr--
411 Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
1367-145TH SL E P. O_ BOX 455
o��e ouni
JUNE 3, 1981
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of
the Planning Commission was cancelled due to lack of business
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
F� 367 1 45TH ST E P 0 BOX 455
o e ri ouni 612--423 -441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on June 17, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Barton, Toombs, and Ped present.
Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
Item added to the agenda: 5b. Dean E. Johnson Storage Building Permit Request.
MOTION by Barton to approve the May 20, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed.
Second by Ped. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Johnson reminded the Commission of the Tipperary Green (Dakota County HRA Town-
houses) dedication ceremony and open house being held this evening from 5:00 to
8:00 p.m. Some of the townhouses will be ready for occupancy within the week.
Commissioner Van Kleek took her chair at 5:05 p.m.
Johnson informed the Commission of recent changes in 1982 Minnesota legislation
regarding manufactured housing. All communities are required to permit such struc-
tures, thereby allowing mobile homes as permitted uses. However, location and re-
quirements for mobile homes may be regulated in local ordinances. Johnson indicated
the existing Zoning Ordinance was consistent with new legislation.
010 Johnson noted the City Council concurred with Planning Commission recommendation in
the rezoning of Le Foret Addition and formally rezoned the subdivision to RR Rural
Notification was given to the Commission of the five -ring circus performances being
held on July 8, 1982, located in South Rose Park. It has been determined that no
permits or other conditions will be required for this event.
Johnson reminded the Commission of the cancellation of the July 1, 1982 Regular
Meeting as per prior Commission action. A notice of cancellation will be made in
the Dakota County Tribune. The next Regular Meeting of the Commission will be
July 15, 1982.
Johnson presented a request by Don Peterson, 13780 Blaine Avenue, for a revision
to the size and location of a storage building for which a building permit was
approved on February 18, 1982. The use of the building is for storage of straw
for his strawberry field, as originally intended, with a part of the building to
be used for seasonal sales. Revisions are consistent with ordinance requirements.
MOTION by Barton to approve the revised building permit allowing the larger building
and relocating to the location as shown on the drawing submitted with the request.
Second by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Mr. Mrs. Dean Falls, 13836 South Robert Trail, were present to discuss a request
for a building permit for constructing a gable roof on an existing flat roof of
their mobile home. The building inspector stopped work at the residence, which was
done without license or permit and was in apparent violation of Section 13 of the
Zoning Ordinance. Although Mr. Mrs. Falls stated the roof was in need of repair,
the addition of a gable roof was interpreted as an alteration of the structure and
not a repair.
Regular Planning Commission Minutes
June 17, 1982
Page Two
MOTION by Barton denying the issuance of a building permit for the construction of
a gable roof on a mobile home as requested until a Variance Hearing is held and
receives a favorable vote. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried.
MOTION by Cunningham that a Variance Hearing be held for an alteration to a
non conforming use on July 15, 1982 at 6:00 p.m. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5,
Nays 0. Motion carried.
Dean E. Johnson, 4295 Upper 135th Street West, was present to discuss a request
for a 30'x 48' pole building to be used for personal storage and not for commercial
purposes. Mr. Johnson stated that he is no longer involved in the tree trimming
business. Lengthy discussion followed on the size and location of the building.
The overriding issue was the location of the building because of a large ponding
easement located on the property. Mr. Johnson stated that he would be willing to
work with the building inspector on the size and location of the building. Access
to the building was also discussed.
MOTION by Van Kleek authorizing the Building Inspector to issue a building permit
providing that the building can be located in such a manner that it meets all set-
backs, code requirements and stays out of the ponding easement, and also that access
be approved by the City. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays, Barton. Motion carried.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Ped. There being no further business to
come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned
at 6:05 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -11 for June 17, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews and Addendum.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
y 1.)
oJe 1367-145TH ST E P 0 BOX 455
'i 612-423-4411
JULY 1, 1982
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of
the Planning Commission was cancelled due to lack of business
Respectfully sub itted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
tt li �7 367- 1 45TH ST E P. O. BOX 455
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
was duly held on July 15, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham called the meeting to
order with members Barton, Van Kleek and Toombs present. Also present was Dean Johnson,
Planning Director.
Item added to the agenda: 5a. Koch Refining Building Permit Request Warehouse /Zone
MOTION by Van Kleek to approve the June 17, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed.
Second by Barton. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Commissioner Ped took his chair at 5:05 p.m.
Johnson updated the Commission on the latest actions regarding the various waste site
locations in the county.
A brief report on the July 13, 1982 Special Council Meeting was given by Commissioner
Toombs. The meeting was of an informative nature on the 145th Street reconstruction
and Community Development Block Grant with many in attendance for the purpose of dis-
cussion and public input.
The Dean E. Johnson request for partial vacation of the ponding easement located at
4925 Upper 135th Street West was discussed. The purpose of the proposed vacation is
to permit access to rear of the property without the removal of several mature trees.
Chairman Cunningham recessed the Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m. and opened the'Public
Hearing for the Dean Falls variance request for alteration of a non conforming struc-
Johnson had in his presence the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice and Affidavit of
Publication. See Planner's File 1982 -12.
Alice and Jan Falls, representing Dean Falls, applicant, were in attendance to answer
questions regarding the variance request. Brief discussion followed.
MOTION by Barton to close the Public Hearing at 6:10 p.m. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5,
Nays 0. Motion carried.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the variance request of Dean Falls for an alteration to
a non conforming structure based upon the rationale in the July 15,1982 Regular
Meeting Reviews and the findings required in Section 14 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Second by Ped. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Discussion resumed on the Dean E. Johnson ponding easement vacation request.
The Planning Director, the Building Inspector, the City Street Superintendent and
he had inspected the site and agreed that a 12 -foot easement vacation on the east
side could be accomplished without altering the existing ponding area if certain
requirements were followed. The City Council has set a Public Hearing for the
ponding easement vacation on August 3, 1982 and has requested Planning Commission
Regular Planning Commission
July 15, 1982
Page Two
MOTION by Toombs recommending to City Council approval of the request to vacate
the east 12 feet of the ponding easement on Lot 1, Block 1, Birch View Terrace
Second Addition, subject to the following conditions:
1) a catch basin must be connected to the existing culvert
under Upper 135th Street West and outletted under the
proposed driveway.
2) the elevation of the proposed driveway must be equal to
or exceed the minimum existing elevation at the east line
of the existing easement (899'- 900').
3) the required fill shall not encroach on the remaining
63 feet of easement.
4) the disturbed areas must be reseeded upon completion
of the grading.
Second by Cunningham. Ayes: Cunningham, Toombs and Ped. Nays: Barton and Van Kleek.
Motion carried.
Commissioner Toombs excused himself from his chair at 6:35 p.m.
Johnson presented information on the permit request of Koch Refining Company for a
warehouse /zone shop. All ordinance requirements have been met.
MOTION by Ped to approve the building permit request of Koch Refining Company for a
warehouse /zone shop. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Abstain, Barton (be-
cause of conflict of interest). Motion carried.
MOTION by Ped to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further business to
come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned
at 6:40 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -13 for July 15, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
4 1.411-41 q 4-
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
O 367 -145TH ST. E- P. O- BOX 455
612-423 -44 1 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on August 5, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Van Kleek and Toombs present. Also
present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Van Kleek to approve the July 15, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Johnson distributed information on a fall conference, Main Street Minnesota 1I,
being offered through the Department of Energy, Planning Development to be
held on October 1, 1982. The one -day conference deals with the future of the
downtown area of Minnesota's small and medium -sized cities. Council has author-
ized the payment of registration fees for Staff, Council and Planning Commission
members interested in attending.
Ron and Rich Carlson, developers for Stonebridge Addition, were present to re-
quest final plat approval from the Commission. Discussion centered on water
well suitability, soil boring and percolation tests, revised street design and
easement for future street extension and the development contract agreement.
MOTION by Cunningham recommending approval of the Stonebridge Addition final plat
subject to signatures on the street easement and development agreement. Second
by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
The preliminary plat for White Lake Acres was presented to the Planning Commission
for formal acceptance and review. Limited discussion followed. Formal presenta-
tion for this plat will be given at the next Regular Meeting on August 19, 1982.
MOTION by Van Kleek to accept the preliminary plat for White Lake Acres for review
and also to recommend to City Council that a public hearing be set no earlier than
September 21, 1982. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Loren Jacobson and Kurt Swenson, representing Corcoran's Hardware Store, were pre-
sent to request a building permit for a 36'x 110' steel building to be located be-
hind the existing John Deere Shop on South Robert Trail. Discussion centered on the
discrepancy regarding the property description of the site and abutting properties.
MOTION by Van Kleek to table action on the issuance of a building permit to Cor-
coran's Hardware until a Certificate of Survey is submitted to the City. Second
by Cunningham. Ayes 2, Nays, Toombs. Motion carried.
Johnson presented information on two building permit requests of Koch Refining Com-
pany for a control room and a pump house. All ordinance provisions have been met.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the building permit requests of Koch Refining
Company for a 107'x 40' concrete block control room and an 82'x 32' steel frame
pump house. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further busi-
ness to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was
adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -14 for August 5, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Res.ectfully itted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
367 -145TH ST E P O BOX 455
oc7em.o' nt 612- 423 -441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on August 19, 1982 at 5 :00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Barton, Van Kleek and Toombs present.
Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the August 5, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes as print-
ed. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0, Motion carried.
Johnson asked that any members interested in attending the Main Street Minnesota
II Conference, October 1, 1982 contact him by Monday, August 23, 1982.
Johnson presented sample ordinance revisions, pertaining to minimum housing stan-
dards designed to promote uniformity in housing style and valuation. This item
will be placed on the following agenda for discussion.
Johnson briefly reviewed the loan pool program proposed by the Metropolitan Coun-
cil for special planning purposes.
Dick Corcoran, Corcoran Hardware, informed the Commission that a closing had been
scheduled for the purchase of a strip of land from St. Joseph's Catholic Church.
The existing repair shop is approximately 10 feet onto the church property.
Commissioner Barton excused himself from the meeting at 5:15 p.m.
MOTION by Van Kleek to authorize the building inspector to issue a permit to
Corcoran Hardware for a cold storage buiding upon receipt of evidence of the
property transfer and a surveyor's certificate. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3,
Nays 0. Motion carried.
Discussion on White Lake Acres preliminary plat was delayed as no representatives
for the development had arrived.
Lance Johnson, Marley Danner and Leon Cohen were present to discuss the renewal
and proposed expansion of the Rich Valley Development Company mining permit, which
had been assigned to Lance Johnson. The Planning Director noted that the City
Council set a public hearing on September 21, 1982 to review the permit request.
No action was taken at this time.
Wayne Cordes, representing Jim Evenson, reviewed the proposed replat of Lot 2,
Block 1, South Rose Park Addition Replat with the Commission.
MOTION by Toombs to accept the South Rose Park 2nd Addition preliminary plat for
review. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further busi-
ness to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was
adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -15 for August 19, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
Dean Johnson
Planning Director
4ni' l 1367 145TH ST E- P, 0 BOX 455
61 2- 423 -441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on September 2, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Barton and Van Kleek present. Also
present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Van Kleek to approve the August 19, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Discussion was held on proposed revisions to the ordinance providing guidelines
for minimum housing standards in response to recent Minnesota legislation. It
was suggested that some restrictions may be unique to certain types of housing
and that these could be individually reviewed and treated as variances. The
Commission requested that examples of other City ordinances be forwarded for
Commissioner Ped took his chair at 5:20 p.m.
Marley Danner, operator of the L.J. Johnson mining pit, was present to discuss
the proposed expansion and renewal of the mining permit. Berming, boundary ex-
4111 pansion, phasing of the operation and restoration of the site when complete were
reviewed. Johnson will prepare a list of conditions for the next regular meeting.
No action was taken.
Mr. Danner also requested suggestions from the Commission regarding ways to in-
crease security of the site. Vandalism has repeatedly occurred which has re-
sulted in costly damage to equipment. He specifically requested permission to
place a mobile home at the mining site for seasonal /temporary occupancy. Johnson
pointed out the Commission had no authority to permit the mobile home at the pre-
sent time; however, he felt the City Council could address the issue at the
September 21 public hearing.
Lyle Netteburg, property owner and representative of White Lake Acres, was present
to discuss the preliminary plat with the suggested changes as recommended by the
Commission in previous discussions. Johnson noted that one of the proposed ex-
ceptions to the plat results in a landlocked parcel, which the City will not allow.
An easement could be provided for private access to this lot or a public street
extension would be required. All other revisions are in substantial compliance
with ordinance requirements. Formal recommendation will be made at the September
16 Regular Meeting.
Craig Minea and Milt Bruflodt presented the site plan for the Rosemount Plaza
commercial phase. Johnson discussed fixed site plan features and optional details
that may or may not be included depending upon the bidding for the project.
MOTION by Barton recommending approval of the Rosemount Plaza retail /restaurant
site plan subject to detail utility and building approval. Second by Van Kleek.
Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Regular Meeting Minutes
September 2, 1982
Page Two
Johnson presented information on a rezoning request from InterNorth Inc., parent
company for HydroCarbon Transportation and Northern Propane Gas Company. The
proposal consists of dividing and rezoning portions of a 40 -acre parcel which
they own at the intersection of Highway 3 and 160th Street. The proposed rezonings
are consistent with existing land use and comp plan industrial designation, with
the exception of Parcel D which is proposed to be rezoned C- 3(Highway Commercial).
The change from industry to commercial can be achieved by Planning Commission ac-
tion and City Council approval and does not require Metropolitan Council review.
MOTION by Cunningham recommending the City Council set a Public Hearing date for
review of the rezoning petition from InterNorth, Inc., but to withhold action on
the petition until a Planning Commission recommendation can be made. Second by
Barton. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
MOTION by Van Kleek to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting
was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -16 for September 2, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted, AlLat.) 4 41-‘44111
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
et, Q 367 1 45T ST. E P. O. BOX 455
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Com-
mission was duly held on September 16, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Van Kleek and Ped present. Also present
was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Van Kleek to approve the September 2, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Limited discussion was held regarding mobile home ordinances. This item will be
placed on the next agenda for discussion by all members of the Planning Commission.
Jim Evenson, developer, was present to discuss South Rose Park 2nd Addition, a re-
plat of Lot 2, Block 1, South Rose Park Addition Replat. Watermain looping, storm
water drainage and function of this replat were discussed.
MOTION by Cunningham recommending approval of South Rose Park 2nd Addition subject
to the following:
1. Drainage and utility easements be dedicated to meet minimum
utility specifications.
2. Detailed utility plans and specifications meeting minimum
City standards be approved prior to final plat approval.
3. The concept of private street access be approved.
4. A subdivision development agreement be required, prior to final
plat approval, that provides for future looping of the proposed
8 -inch watermain when either of the following occurs:
a) Lot 3 is sold.
b) Lot 3 is divided causing connection to the watermain.
c) Any other connection to the watermain is requested.
Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
White Lake Acres discussion was delayed to allow time for a representative to arrive.
Lance Johnson, owner, was present to discuss his mining permit revision and renewal.
The Planning Commission discussed the provisions and conditions of the expanded
permit area. The Planning Director noted that no plans for a wash plant have been
received and that this type of operation would require separate approval.
MOTION by Cunningham recommending that the revision and renewal of the mining per-
mit held by Lance Johnson be approved subject to the following:
1. Revision in the phasing plan to include the proposed
wash plant location.
2. Revision in the mining plan to retain a natural berm
along the eastern boundary of phase one.
Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Regular Meeting Minutes
September 16, 1982
Page Two
Dennis Hardt, corporate attorney, presented the rezoning petition for property owned
by InterNorth, parent company of HydroCarbon Transportation and Northern Propane Gas
Company. The purpose of the petition is to rezone property consistent with existing
land uses and comprehensive plan designations. In addition to the HydroCarbon and
Northern Propane rezonings, two five -acre parcels were requested for rezoning to meet
the planned use of two buyers. The commissioners had copies of purchase agreements
and concept plans for the two parcels.
MOTION by Van Kleek to recommend approval of the rezonings as petitioned by InterNorth,
Inc. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Bill Ferril, president of Pizza Huts of the Northwest, Inc., presented a site plan
for a Pizza Hut to be located on Lot 2, Block 1 of the proposed South Rose Park 2nd
Addition. Lengthy discussion followed, highlighting the conditions which would have
to be met in order to issue a permit at this time.
MOTION by Ped recommending a building permit be issued subject to the following:
1. Final building detail approval.
2. Final utility detail approval.
3. A minimum sodded side yard setback of 10 feet.
4. Removal of the parking spaces in the 35 feet setback
area to the south.
5. Doubling and sodding the width of the parking island
south of the building.
6. Labelling of the Handicapped spaces and sidewalk ramp
to the building.
7. The addition of directional "Enter Only" and "Exit Only"
type signs at the ingress/egress points.
8. Building signs and pylon sign approval according to
ordinance requirements.
9. That the Occupancy Permit be withheld until all conditions
have been met including final plat approval of South Rose
Park 2nd Addition.
Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Jerry Fluegel, owner of Fluegel Elevator, was present to request a building permit for
a 30'x 60' steel building to be used for additional storage of bag feed and fertilizer.
Drainage, access, setbacks and parking were discussed.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the addition to Fluegel Elevator subject to a surveyor's
certificate and approval of any drainage requirements by the Utility Department. Second
by Van Kleek. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Mr. Mrs. Michael Busho, 12605 South Robert Trail, presented a request for a 42'x 72'
steel storage building on their 6 -acre lot in Rosemount Hills 1st Addition. The pro-
posed use of the building is for storage of personal equipment, horses, straw and feed.
Easements on the property were discussed.
MOTION by Ped to approve the building permit request of Mr. Mrs. Busho for a storage
building subject to setback verification by the Building Inspector. Second by Cunning-
4111 ham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
MOTION by Ped to table White Lake Acres preliminary plat recommendation until a repre-
sentative is present for discussion. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion
Regular Meeting Minutes
September 16, 1982
Page Three
MOTION by Van Kleek to adjourn. Second by Ped. There being no further business to
come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned
at 6:55 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -17 for September 16, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
i i6;4144(4)
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
1367-145TH ST. E P. O BOX 455
612-423 -441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Com-
mission was duly held on October 7, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham called
the meeting to order with members Barton, Van Kleek and Ped present. Also present
was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Van Kleek to approve the September 16, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Second by Ped. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Discussion was held on ordinance revisions pertaining to requirements for all
single family housing units. Johnson indicated he would draft two final examples
of ordinance amendments for review by the Planning Commission and City Council.
MOTION by Barton recommending City Council set a Public Hearing date to amend text
of the Zoning Ordinance. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Johnson updated the Commission on actions the City Council has taken on Planning
Commission recommendations including South Rose Park 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat,
Lance J. Johnson mining permit and InterNorth rezoning request. Action on White
Lake Acres was withheld pending Planning Commission recommendation.
Representatives of owners of White Lake Acres subdivision were present to seek pre-
411, liminary plat approval. Discussion followed.
MOTION by Barton recommending approval of White Lake Acres preliminary plat subject
to the following:
1) Rezoning from Agriculture to Rural Residential
2) Title opinion on the entire area affected
3) Adjustment of the common boundary of Lots 3 and 4, Block 1
4) Inclusion of the Exception in Block 2 in the plat
5) Approval of the Exception in Block 2 as a buildable lot without
direct frontage on a public road
6) Recordable easements across Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 2 for driveway
access to the Exception in Block 2
7) The addition of 10 feet drainage and utility easements adjacent
to all street right -of -way
8) Street lights and street signs per recommendation of the Street
9) The recommendations included in the plat review submitted by the
City Engineer
10) The erosion control measures recommended by the Dakota County Soil
and Water Conservation District
11) A subdivision development agreement prior to final approval.
Second by Cunningham. Ayes: Barton, Cunningham and Ped. Nays: Van Kleek. Motion
Regular Meeting Minutes
October 7, 1982
Page Two
Johnson presented a request for a building permit from Koch Refining for a 30'x 26'
steel frame pump house. The 16' high building is within setback, height and all
other ordinance requirements.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the building permit for Koch Refining as requested.
Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Abstain, Barton (because of conflict of interest).
Motion carried.
Johnson presented a request for simple lot divisions in Rosemount Plaza. This is
necessary to permit separate titles on the Plaza and commercial structures. A
survey was reviewed with the Commission. The divisions are also consistent with
the approved Rosemount Plaza PUD.
MOTION by Cunningham recommending to City Council approval of simple lot divisions
in Rosemount Plaza per survey. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
MOTION by Barton to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further business
to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned
at 6:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
A dt-aj
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
try f.� 4osemouni 367- 1 45TH ST. E P. 0 SOX 455
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
was duly held on October 21, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham called the meeting
to order with members Toombs and Ped present.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the October 15, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed.
Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Commissioner Van Kleek took her chair at 5:05 p.m.
Revisions to the zoning ordinance were discussed. Required conditions for single family
dwellings, including standards for structure, width, types of foundations, roof pitch and
garages were main topics of discussion.
Commissioner Barton took his chair at 5:10 p.m.
Discussion continued on zoning ordinance revisions.
MOTION by Ped recommending approval of zoning ordinance revisions. Second by Toombs.
Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Johnson updated the Commission on the progress of the Rosemount Plaza commercial phase.
A contractor has been selected and construction should begin within the week.
South Rose Park 2nd Addition final plat was presented for approval. Johnson noted that all
ordinance requirements have been met. The only change from the preliminary plat is the ex-
pansion of the street and utility easements. A development agreement will be required prior
to Council signatures on the plat.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the South Rose Park 2nd Addition final plat. Second by
Cunningham. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Dick Zerba, Rosemount Woods developer, was present to request an amendment to the PUD
for Rosemount Woods. A change in the alignment of Brazil Avenue, lot layout for 12 addi-
tional home sites, location of the storage area, utility layout and the final grading were
discussed. The primary concern Johnson noted was the grading of the south side of the pond
ing area. Mr. Zerba indicated that he will relay the concerns of the Planning Commission to
the other principals and submit revisions for further review at the next meeting.
MOTION by Cunningham to table action on Rosemount Woods "Annex" until a revised site
plan is submitted for review. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Otto Ped requested a moving permit to move a single family dwelling to his farm on 145th
Street to be used for grain storage. All ordinance requirements are met for the intended use.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the issuance of a moving permit to Otto Ped. Second by
Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Abstain, Ped (because of conflict of interest). Motion carried.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Van Kleek. There being no further business to
come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at
6:15 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -18 for October 21, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Re ectfully mitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Sec tary
��i 11i O 367- 1 45TH ST 6 P. 0 BOX 455
o��e oun
612-423 -441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
was duly held on November 4, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham called the meeting
to order with members Barton, Toombs and Ped present. Also present was Dean Johnson,
Planning Director.
MOTION by Ped to approve the October 21, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed.
Second by Barton. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Items added to the agenda: Ag Preserves, 5b. Leo Addition Preliminary Plat, 5c.
Boiler Building Permit Request. Items 3a. Zoning Ordinance Revisions and 5a. South
Rose Park Medical Center were deleted from the agenda.
Earl Tourdot, Tourdot Upholstery, and Gene Capocasa, Reno's Pizza, were present to
discuss the remodeling of the front 30 feet of the Tourdot Upholstery building for use
by Reno's Pizza. Concerns noted by the Commission included building setbacks from
Highway 3 which limits parking for the commercial businesses, and parked vehicle
congestion near the ingress /egress points on Highway 3. Johnson noted that the buildings
existed before the Highway Department acquired additional right -of -way, therefore
virtually all parking for the commercial area is presently in the highway right -of -way.
Mr. Capocasa indicated that his business would be a take -out operation which diminishes
parking concerns. Mr. Tourdot explained the upholstery business was a daytime operation
while the pizza business hours would be 4:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., which would alleviate
any traffic congestion. Johnson noted that eliminating two of the four existing driveways
may improve traffic flow to and from the entire site.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the split use of the Tourdot Upholstery building with
the front part to be occupied by Reno's Pizza subject to approval of the Highway
Department to close two of the present access points to the site. Second by Ped. Ayes,
Toombs and Ped. Nays, Barton. Abstain, Cunningham (because of conflict of interest).
Motion carried.
Mayor Knutson requested a short recess for picture taking at the Council table by the
American Legion for National Education week.
MOTION by Barton to recess at 5:20 p.m. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Motion carried.
Chairman Cunningham reconvened the meeting at 5:35 p.m.
Johnson informed the Commission that several property owners have indicated to him
that they would like to participate in the Agriculture Preserves Program, which may
require amendments to the comprehensive plan prior to certifying eligibility. The
Commission advised that a copy of the amended bill be sent to all property owners on
our original mailing list. Anyone interested in participating in Ag Preserves should
contact the Planning Department by December 1, 1982 in order that plan amendments,
rezonings and certifications can be completed by February 1, 1983.
Dennis Passeri and Jim Evenson, developers for Rosemount Woods, presented revised
plans for Rosemount Woods Annex. All changes previously recommended by the
Commission had been agreed to but not all included in the revised plan. Johnson suggested
that the revisions be completed for review by the City Council at a public hearing.
Johnson also noted that the process of acquiring permits from the Department of Health,
MWCC and PCA for water and sewer extensions should be initiated by the developers
at this time.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 4, 1982
Page Two
MOTION by Barton recommending the City Council set a public hearing for Rosemount
Woods Annex PUD Amendment. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
A preliminary plat for Leo Addition was presented to the Commission for acceptance.
The property is located at the west end of Broback 8th Addition along Dodd Boulevard.
MOTION by Barton to accept Leo Addition preliminary plat for review and to authorize
the distribution of the preliminary plat to all necessary agencies for 30 -day review.
Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Johnson presented the Koch Refining Company request for a building permit to erect
a 25' x 30' steel structure to be used as a boiler building for back -up steam to keep the
sulfuric acid unit operational. The structure will be located on the Sulfuric Acid Plant
site, east of the St. Paul Ammonia Company. All ordinance requirements have been
MOTION by Toombs to approve the building permit for a boiler building as requested
by Koch Refining. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Abstain, Barton (because
of conflict of interest). Motion carried.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Barton. There being no further business
to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned
at 6:05 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -19 for November 4, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
C iI l O 1 36T 145TH ST E P 0 BOX 455
0 5ernount
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Com-
mission was duly held on December 2, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham called
the meeting to order with all members present. Also present was Dean Johnson,
Planning Director and Joseph Walsh, Councilman.
MOTION by Barton to approve the November 4, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed.
Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Abstain, Van Kleek. Motion carried.
Item added to the agenda: 3b. Proposed Purchase of Word Processor by Planning
Johnson informed the Commission on action by MnDOT to close two of the four access
points located north of Rosemount on TH3. City Council proposed that the second
northernmost and southernmost access points be closed. MnDOT has accepted this
proposal and will add this to their maintenance schedule.
Discussion was held on the proposed purchase of a word processor by the Planning
Department. Johnson discussed the research he had completed in comparing of fea-
tures and prices of word processors. Commissioner Barton questioned the need and
total cost of the system, indicating he had researched word processors for his
office. Johnson noted the benefits of such a machine as being invaluable in the
preparation and upkeeping of ordinances and plans. The features of the machine
could also be applied in many other areas and be used by all departments.
Johnson presented a request from Koch Refining Company for a building permit for
a 50'x 100' steel frame structure to be used as a garage for a new fire truck.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the building permit for a garage as requested by
Koch Refining. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Abstain, Barton (because of
conflict of interest). Motion carried.
Action was withheld on LEO Addition preliminary plat until further detailed survey
information is received.
Minimum discussion was held on the University 2nd Addition preliminary plat. The
proposed addition, currently zoned RM Multiple Residential, includes 39 single
family detached dwellings and one 3.5 acre lot for attached dwellings.
MOTION by Barton to accept University 2nd Addition preliminary plat for review.
Second by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Johnson presented a request from Dale Agre, 14175 Ehlers Path East, for a 30'x 40'
pole building to be used for storage of hay, equipment and horses. Johnson informed
the Commission that the Agres moved onto the 2.5 acre parcel prior to the adoption
of the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Van Kleek suggested that approving such a
request would be a perpetuation of a non conforming use on a parcel less than five
acres. Johnson indicated that the request was not to keep horses but to construct
a pole building, which is a permitted use in the district. All code and dimensional
standards have been met.
Regular Meeting Minutes
December 2, 1982
Page Two
MOTION by Barton to approve the building permit request of Dale Agre for a pole
building for the purpose of storage of hay and equipment. Second by Toombs.
Ayes: Barton and Toombs, Nays: Van Kleek and Cunningham. Abstain, Ped (because
of conflict of interest). Motion carried.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further busi-
ness to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was
adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
cit of 367-145TH ST E P 0 BOX 455
o sernou.n
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on December 16, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman
Cunningham called the meeting to order with members Van Kleek, Ped and
Toombs present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director, and Joseph
Walsh, Councilman.
Items added to the agenda: 3c. January 6, 1983 Regular Planning Commission
Meeting and 5a. Koch Refining Cold Storage Building Permit Request.
MOTION by Van Kleek to approve the December 2, 1982 Regular Meeting Minutes
as printed. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Johnson informed the Commission of Council action regarding zoning ordinance
revisions affecting required conditions for single family detached homes.
The Agricultural Preserves program was discussed. Johnson noted that three
landowners have requested that their applications be processed. Two of the
parcels are currently designated RR Rural Residential, and one parcel is
designated IG General Industry in the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Each parcel
requires an amendment to the Comprehensive Guide Plan for redesignation as
Agricultural before qualifying for the Agricultural Preserves program. To
complete the eligibility requirements these and other parcels already desig-
nated Agricultural must be rezoned AG P Agricultural Preserve.
MOTION by Cunningham to amend the Comprehensive Guide Plan to redesignate
the parcels as indicated on proposed plan amendment worksheet. Second by
Ped. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. See Planner's File 1982 -20.
MOTION by Cunningham recommending the City Council hold a public hearing to
consider the rezoning of parcels to make them eligible for the Agricultural
Preserves program. Second by Van Kleek. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Discussion on the January 6, 1983 Regular Meeting was delayed until later in
the meeting.
Barney Ostertag, landowner, was present to request preliminary plat approval
for LEO Addition. There are six proposed lots on the 2.2 -acre parcel which
includes Lot 1, Block 1, Broback Eighth Addition. Discussion included
existing drainage and utility easements and availability of utilities to the
proposed lots. It was noted that a feasibility study must be executed to
determine the best possible method of providing utilities to this addition
as well as adjacent homes without public utilities.
Regular Meeting Minutes
December 16, 1983
Page Two
MOTION by Van Kleek recommending the City Council set a public hearing for
LEO Addition preliminary plat and to recommend approval of LEO Addition
preliminary plat subject to the following:
1) A feasibility study for the installation of public utilities.
2) Acceptable detailed plans and specifications for all proposed
utility construction.
3) Looping of the watermain in 150th Street.
4) The combination of Lots 2 and 3 into one lot.
5) Proper solution to the dispostion of drainage and utility
easements on Lot 4.
6) Removal of the mobile home on Lots 1 and 6 and the
"out building" on Lots 2 and 5.
7) Cash donation in lieu of land dedication for park and
recreation purposes.
8) The cessation of the existing cement contracting business.
9) Additional considerations which may be recommended by the
Utilities Commission.
10) An executed development agreement prior to final plat
Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Johnson presented University 2nd Addition for preliminary plat approval.
Yoko Breckenridge and Dale Means, Cold well Banker realtors and representa-
tives for the University, were present. University 2nd Addition is a replat
of Outlot B, University Addition. Zoning, watermain looping, utility feasi-
bility, rural versus urban street sections, drainage control and berming
were discussed.
Commissioner Van Kleek excused herself from her chair at 6:15 p.m.
MOTION by Ped recommending the City Council set a public hearing for Univer-
sity 2nd Addition and also recommend approval of University 2nd Addition
preliminary plat subject to the following:
1) A feasibility study for the installation of streets and
public utilities.
2) Acceptable detailed plans and specifications for all utility
construction and urban section street construction.
3) Looping of the watermains in 145th Street and Biscayne Avenue
per recommendation of the Utility Commission.
4) Approval from Dakota County to pipe stormwater in CSAH 42.
5) Detailed plan review on Lot 18, Block 2 prior to any use
6) Completion of trail construction per recommendation of the
Park and Recreation Committee.
7) Berming adjacent to CSAH 42.
8) Street lighting and signing per City standards.
9) Rezoning of Block 1 and Lots 1 -17, Block 2 from RM Multiple
Residential to R -1 Single Family.
410 10) An executed development agreement prior to final plat approval.
Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
Regular Meeting Minutes
December 16, 1882
Page Three
Johnson presented a request from Koch Refining Company for a building permit
to erect a 20'x 58' wood frame lean -to addition to be used for cold storage
for construction equipment. All ordinance requirements have been met.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve a building permit for Koch Refining as
requested. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
MOTION by Toombs to cancel the January 6, 1983 Regular Planning Commission
Meeting because of lack of business and due to the holiday season. Second
by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Motion carried.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Ped. There being no further busi-
ness to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting
was adjourned at 6 :40 p.m.
See Planner's File 1982 -21 for December 16, 1982 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary