HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 eh 1 367 -145TH ST. E- P. O. BOX 455
g?osevnourti ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 544 1
612 423 441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the
Planning Commission was duly held on January 5, 1984 at 5 :00 p.m.
Chairman Cunningham called the meeting to order with members Ped and
Toombs present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director, and
Joe Walsh, Councilman.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the December 15, 1983 Regular Meeting
Minutes as printed. Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Johnson introduced Richard Smith, newly appointed Commissioner, and
administrated the oath of office.
Johnson informed the Commission that its Bylaws required an immediate
election for the office of Secretary, vacated by the resignation of Ray
MOTION by Cunningham to appoint Otto Ped to the unexpired term of
Planning Commission Secretary. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Johnson informed the Commission that the Conditional Use Ordinance has
been incorporated into the text of the new Zoning Ordinance. He also
noted that substantial progress had been made on completion of the
entire ordinance during the holidays.
Commissioners reviewed the proposed change of meeting dates, which
requires an amendment to the Bylaws and approval by the City Council.
It was agreed to delay action until comments from all five Commissioners
can be received.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Smith. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this
meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dean Johnson
Planning Director
(I O 1367-145TH ST. E P. O BOX 455
PLANNING COMMISSION 612 423 -44441 11
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the
Planning Commission was duly held on January 19, 1984 at 5:00 p.m.
Chairman Cunningham called the meeting to order with members Toombs and
Smith present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director, and
Joe Walsh, Councilman.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the January 5, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes
as printed. Second by Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Commissioner Ped took his chair at 5:05 p.m.
Johnson noted the Bylaws called for officer nominations at this meeting
and the Annual Meeting. Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting,
February 2, 1984.
MOTION by Cunningham nominating Otto Ped for Secretary of the Planning
Commission. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Abstain: Ped.
MOTION by Toombs nominating Chuck Cunningham for Chairman of the
Planning Commission. Second by Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Abstain:
MOTION by Smith to close the nominations. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4,
Nays 0.
Johnson informed the Commission that the Council approved the two
applications for Agriculture Preserves for Winfred Horrisberger and Earl
Bester, and a public hearing has been scheduled on February 7, 1984 for
consideration for rezoning and certification of the Henry Fox farm.
MOTION by Ped recommending to City Council approval of the Fox rezoning
from Agriculture to Agriculture Preserves. Second by Cunningham. Ayes
4, Nays 0.
Action was tabled on the proposed change to the bylaws regarding meeting
dates until all Commission members are present for comment.
Johnson informed Commission members that two public hearings have been
set for February 2, 1984 beginning at 6:00. The first public hearing is
for the petition resubmitted by New Vector Communications for variance
to height restrictions in the I -Park District. The petition for
variance to minimum lot width on a public road in the Agriculture
District as submitted by Earl Marotzke will follow.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no
further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous
decision this meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
111, A
Respectfully bmitted,
Donna Quintu
Recording Secretary
e ll/ 367 -145TH ST. E P O- BOX 455
612-423 -441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on February 2, 1984 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Toombs, Ped and Smith present. Also
present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director, Joe Walsh, Councilman, and Lee
Knutson, Mayor.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the January 19, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Items added to the agenda: 3e. Government Training Service Conference; 3f.
Request for Day Care Center at United Methodist Church.
The floor was opened for further nominations for Planning Commission Officers.
MOTION by Toombs nominating Chuck Cunningham for Chairman of the Planning
Commission and Otto Ped for Secretary of the Planning Commission. Second by
Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
MOTION by Toombs to elect Chuck Cunningham as Chairman and Otto Ped as Secretary
to the Planning Commission. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Johnson presented an update on the Mortgage Revenue Bonding Program approved for
Rosemount and surrounding communities. He noted that the bill extending this
program is pending action in Congress, which leaves some uncertainty as to its
Johnson handed out copies of a brochure announcing a Government Training Service
Conference to be held in Farmington on February 29, 1984 at 3 :00 p.m.
Commissioners Ped and Smith indicated their intention to attend this conference;
Toombs and Cunningham will confirm their intentions within the week.
Notification from the State has been received by the City of a reapplication for
a day care center at the United Methodist Church. Commission comment to the
application was unanimously favorable.
Discussion was held regarding the proposed change of meeting dates for Regular
Planning Commission Meetings, requiring an amendment to the Bylaws.
MOTION by Toombs recommending City Council approval to amend the Planning
Commission Bylaws to allow Regular Planning Commission Meetings to be held on the
first and third Tuesday of each month at 5:00 p.m., before City Council Meetings.
Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Chairman Cunningham recessed the Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m. and opened the
public hearings.
The first hearing was a request for variance to height restrictions in the I -Park
District. New Vector Communications has requested a 102' variance to height
restrictions for a monopole.
February 2, 1984
Page Two
Johnson had in his presence Affidavits of Publication and Mailing Hearing Notice.
There were no representatives from New Vector Communications present for comment
at the public hearing.
There were several interested citizens present in the audience.
Johnson gave a brief report on the project proposed by New Vector Communications.
He noted the proposed 167 feet antenna was in excess of the 65 feet height
permitted for such structures, causing variance consideration by the City. He
also noted that New Vector had investigated a monopole on the City water tower
site, as was requested at the October public hearing. The industry revealed a 65
feet or 175 feet tower would have to be used to eliminate shielding affects from
the tower. The industry did not favor a shorter tower because of the loss of
coverage. Finally, Johnson noted the industry had hinted that an antenna at 147
feet total height could be utilized at the industrial park site.
Chuck Stauffer, 14587 Delft Avenue, questioned whether another more appropriate
site could be found with minimum consequence to the coverage the monopole could
serve. He felt there were other sites more compatible to existing land uses with
less impact on adjacent property uses. Mr. Stauffer also showed concern for the
safety of abutting residential properties and electrical wires if the monopole
should fail to withstand high winds or similar weather conditions. He was
interested in what type of response the residents of that area would get from New
Vector Communications if problems should arise involving television and radio
reception. He wondered if there would be some type of compensation or correction
to these problems.
Tom Tucker, 14564 Delft Avenue, questioned the impact on further development in
the industrial park should this variance be approved. Mr. Tucker felt that other
industries that this district was approved for may not be anxious to build around
a monopole such as the one proposed. Johnson briefly explained the difference
between the Industrial Park and General Industry districts, noting that
Industrial Park uses should be more discriminating, in terms of design. The
General Industry District is better defined to accommodate large uses or
extraordinary uses, such as the monopole.
Another concern of Mr. Tucker's was the inactivity in this district because of
improvements that have not been completed by the developers. Residents in the
area had been assured in the past that no further building permits would be
issued in the Broback Industrial Park until these improvements had been
completed. Johnson noted that two or three permits have already been denied in
this area for that reason.
Commissioner Ped excused himself from his chair at 6:20 p.m.
Del Lorenzen, 14565 Delft Avenue, expressed concern in approving a variance of
this type, thereby setting a dangerous precedent where other industries may ask
for a similar variance. He noted that approval of this request may jeopardize
future industrial development in this district. Mr. Lorenzen was also interested
in whether New Vector Communications had any information or a survey on other
monopoles that have been located in residential districts verifying there were no
adverse impacts on adjacent properties.
February 2, 1984
Page Three
Johnson commented on precedents, stating that all variances are precedents. When
precedents are set, the City must be prepared to permit similar exceptions,
unless the City can prove the precedent has no application elsewhere.
Johnson noted that there are five findings that are necessary to approve
variances. Each variance must be considered individually regarding hardships,
alternatives, existing property uses and adverse affects to adjacent zoning
Commission members discussed the fact that while the City is willing to cooperate
with the industry, they felt the City should have been given the opportunity to
comment before this site was first acquired for this purpose.
Chairman Cunningham closed the public hearing of New Vector Communications and
opened the public hearing of Earl Marotzke requesting variance to frontage on a
public road.
Johnson had in his presence Affidavits of Publication and Mailing Hearing Notice.
Earl Marotzke was present to explain his reason for the variance request. He is
proposing a metes and bounds division of an 11.44 acre parcel. Because of the
shape of the property one of the resulting parcels will have less than the
required 300' frontage.
Johnson noted that this lot division is consistent with density requirements,
existing land use and, because of the City's intention to rezone this area from
Agriculture to Rural Residential, it will eventually be consistent with ordinance
Chairman Cunningham closed the public hearing for Earl Marotzke and called a
five minute recess at 7:00 p.m.
Chairman Cunningham reconvened the Regular Meeting at 7 :05 p.m.
Tim Magill, New Vector Communications, arrived and requested to give a brief
presentation on the technical aspects of the proposed monopole and mobile
telephone system. Chairman Cunningham noted that the public hearing had been
closed, but asked Mr. Magill to proceed with the presentation and answer any
questions from the audience.
MOTION by Cunningham that Staff review and present a summary of their findings to
the Planning Commission. Second by Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the variance as requested by Earl Marotzke
subject to the rezoning from Agriculture to Rural Residential. Second by Smith.
Ayes 3, Nays 0.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting
was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -1 for February 2, 1984 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Res ectf u l ly m i tted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
n 1367 -145TH ST. E- P. O. BOX 455
n� oun 612-423 441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the
Planning Commission was duly held on February 16, 1984 at 5:00 p.m.
Chairman Cunningham called the meeting to order with members Toombs, Ped
and Smith present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director,
and Joe Walsh, Councilman.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the February 2, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes
as printed. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
The Planning Commission asked the Planning Director to make sure that
Charlene Weatherly, appointed to the Commission due to a vacancy on the
board, is made aware of the attendance requirements to remain on the
Planning Commission.
The proposed amendment to the Planning Commission Bylaws has been
approved by City Council. Chairman Cunningham and Secretary Ped signed
the amendment.
MOTION by Cunningham to ratify the amendment to the Planning Commission
Bylaws changing the Regular Planning Commission meeting dates to the
first and third Tuesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers of the City Hall effective as of March 6, 1984. Second by
Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Johnson informed the Board of Rosemount's role in the Gun Club WMO. He
noted the northwestern border of Rosemount, which has been identified as
part of this watershed, has no impact on surrounding communities as far
as water runoff; and the City will petition to include this area in the
Vermillion Watershed. He noted that Rosemount has endorsed the Joint
Powers Agreement in the Vermillion Watershed.
Commissioners were reminded of the Administrative Workshop in
Farmington, February 29, 1984. Commissioners Ped and Smith will be
attending this workshop.
Chairman Cunningham postponed action on the variance requested by New
Vector Communications until later in the meeting to allow the arrival of
concerned residents who had indicated that they wanted to be present for
Commission action.
Johnson presented a petition submitted by Earl Marotzke for rezoning on
an 11.44 acre parcel, 12200 Biscayne Avenue, which has already been
approved for a lot division subject to a rezoning from Agriculture to
Rural Residential. Johnson noted that the rezoning is consistent with
the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan.
MOTION by Cunningham recommending to City Council approval of the
rezoning as requested by Earl Marotzke. Second by Ped. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Tim Redmond, Be Architects, represented Lutheran Church of Our Savior's
request for building addition site plan approval. The project includes
the expansion and relocation of the parking lot, an 11,000 sq.ft.
building addition and new landscaping.
February 16, 1984
Page Two
Commission members discussed on -site drainage and the requirement for an
additional culvert at the northerly driveway to allow greater release of
water from the parking lot. It was also recommended that the west end
of the proposed parking lot be raised, as recommended by the City
Engineer, causing a slower release of water and greater storage area.
It was also noted that approval from the County would be necessary
because of the changes in driveways and increase in runoff into the
County ditch.
MOTION by Ped to approve the Lutheran Church of Our Savior site plan,
subject to the following:
1. Recommended revisions regarding drainage and subsequent
approval by the Dakota County Highway Department.
2. Detailed building plan approval by the Fire Marshal and
Building Inspector.
3. Connection to the City sewer and water system according
to Utility Commission recommendations.
Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Johnson presented the staff findings on the New Vector Communications
variance request. Staff concluded that the industry has failed to meet
the necessary findings as required by City Ordinance and, therefore,
recommend denial of the petition.
The Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, reviewed
the findings with area residents in attendance.
MOTION by Cunningham to adopt the Findings and Decision presented by
staff regarding the New Vector Communications variance and that they be
attached to and made a part of the minutes. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4,
Nays 0.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no
further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous
decision this meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
See Clerk's File 1984 -2 for February 16, 1984 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
1- /.f
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
Application of New Vector Communications (AT&T) for a Variance
On February 2, 1984, the Rosemount Planning Commission acting as the
Board of Adjustments and Appeals considered the application of New
Vector Communications (AT &T) for a variance to the height limitations
contained in Section 3 of the Zoning Ordinance to enable the applicant
to construct a 167' monopole. The applicant was notified of the hearing
but did not attend. Based upon the evidence presented, and the reports
and recommendations on file, the City makes the following:
1. The applicant has requested a variance to construct a 167'
monopole on Lot 5, Block 1 of the Broback Industrial Park (subject
property). A variance is needed because Section 3 of the Zoning
Ordinance limits the height of such structure to 65 feet.
2. The property is zoned I -PRK, industrial park district. Section
8.1.1 of the Zoning Ordinance provides that the purpose of the district
a. To establish and maintain high standards of site planning,
architecture and landscape design that will create an
environment attractive to the most discriminating
industries and research and development establishments
seeking sites in the Metropolitan area.
b. To provide and insure the continuity of locations for
industries that can operate on small sites with minimum
mutual adverse impact.
3. The subject property is adjacent to residential housing
4. The applicant did not appear at the hearing and has presented no
evidence that the requirements of Section 14.3 (a) (b) (c) and (d) of
the Zoning Ordinance have been satisfied. The Board finds that none of
the criteria have been satisfied. Without proof that such criteria has
been satisfied, the Board cannot issue a variance.
5. The proposed use would be incompatible with the surrounding
residential uses and with the purposes of the I -PRK zoning district.
6. The proposed use would lower adjacent property values.
7. The applicant has failed to provide any evidence that the tower
is safe and that it would not endanger the surrounding uses and the
residents of the housing development.
8. There are reasonable uses available for the property without the
necessity of issuing a variance.
9. The proposal conflicts with the goals and general policies of
the City's Comprehensive Plan.
The applicant's request for a variance is denied.
Adopted this 16th day of February, 1984.
4040 i LA)
1367 145TH ST E P. 0 BOX 455
612-423 44 1 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the
Planning Commission was duly held on March 6, 1984 at 5:00 p.m.
Chairman Cunningham called the meeting to order with members Ped
and Smith present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning
MOTION by Ped to approve the February 16, 1984 Regular Meeting
Minutes as printed. Second by Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Johnson informed the Commission Charlene Weatherly will be unable
to serve on the Planning Commission, due to a conflict in work
schedule. She will inform Mayor Knutson to enable him to make a
new appointment to the Commission.
Commissioners Ped and Smith reported on the Administrative
Workshop they attended last month. Valuable information had been
gathered at the workshop regarding the structuring of conditional
use permits by including specific standards and criteria if they
are to be included in ordinances.
Johnson indicated a lease agreement has been drafted by New Vector
Communications and the City, in consideration of the water tower
410 site as a location for their monopole. The Council will review
this agreement at their March 6, 1984 Regular Meeting; and, if
they agree with the concept of the lease, the Planning Commission
will hold a public hearing at the March 20th Regular Meeting for
variance to height restrictions.
Ron Carlson was present to request a lot division of Lot 4, Block
1, South Rose Park 2nd Addition. The proposed division will
result in two buildable lots and one 60' driveway /utility
corridor. The two buildable lots have utilities available to them
and the third lot remains a 60' private driveway access across the
MOTION by Ped to approve the lot divisions of Lot 4, Block 1,
South Rose Park 2nd Addition as requested. Second by Smith. Ayes
3, Nays 0.
MOTION by Cunningham to adjourn. Second by Ped. There being no
further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous
decision this meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
See Clerk's File 1984 -3 for March 6, 1984 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
e z ity of 367 145TH ST E P 0 BOX 455
g?osemouni ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068
612-423 -44 1 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on March 20, 1984 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Toombs, Ped and Smith present.
Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the March 6, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Ped. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Johnson introduced Don Ellingson, newly appointed Commissioner, and
administered the oath of office.
Johnson updated the Commission on the status of the mortgage revenue bond
program and gave a brief outline of the program for the benefit of
Commissioner Ellingson.
Johnson also updated the Commission on the progress of the downtown
improvement program and 145th Street reconstruction project. He briefly
summarized the improvements included in the project and the timetable for
Tom Harraka, NewVector Communications representative, and Lloyd Quentin,
construction manager for NewVector, presented the site plan for the monopole
and equipment building proposed for the City water tower site. Discussion
included setback requirements, fencing, access to the site and exterior
appearance of the building. Johnson informed the Commission that Council
has approved a lease agreement with NewVector for the lease of City
property, subject to Planning Commission review of the site plan. All
ordinance requirements, with the exception of the height of the monopole,
have been met.
Chairman Cunningham recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the public
hearing at 6 :00 p.m.
Johnson had in his presence Affidavits of Mailing and Published Hearing
Tom Harraka and Lloyd Quentin, representing NewVector Communications, were
present to request variance to height restrictions in a Public District.
There were no interested citizens present in the audience. A brief
presentation and question and answer period were held.
MOTION by Smith to close the public hearing. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5,
Nays 0.
MOTION by Ped to approve the NewVector height variance because findings in
Subd. 14.3 can be met. Second by Toombs. Ayes: Cunningham, Ped, Toombs,
Ellingson. Nays: Smith.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the site plan for NewVector Communications
as presented. Second by Ellingson. Ayes 5, Nays 0.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Ellingson. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this
meeting was adjourned at 6 :15 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -4 for March 20, 1984 Reviews.
Re pectfull ubmitted,
Donna Quintu
Recording Secretary
i 1
367 -145TH ST 6 P. O. BOX 455
110+ OJG C�
1/! 612-423-4,111
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the
Planning Commission was duly held on April 3, 1984 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman
Cunningham called the meeting to order with members Ped and Smith present.
Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director and Tom Tucker,
MOTION by Smith to approve the March 20, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Johnson informed the Commission that a public hearing has been set for
6:00 p.m., April 17, 1984 for the Rosemount American Legion Club for
variances related to an addition to their building located at 146th Street
and Burma Avenue.
John Musser, Valley Division President of Orrin Thompson Homes, Chuck
Winden, C.R. Winden Assoc., and Bob Hoffman, Larkin-Hoffman-Lindgren
Daly, Ltd., were present to discuss revisions to the original plat for
Highpointe Addition. Mr. Winden explained the proposed revisions include
changes in lot dimensions for a portion of the first phase of the
development located in the southwest portion of the site. The original
plat included 100 quadrami ni ums. Orrin Thompson Homes is proposing to
change to all single family dwellings with lot widths of 60' to 77', with
an average lot width of 67' and an average area of 10,400 square feet.
The 91 lots north of Connemara Trail which are included in the first phase
will remain the standard lot size. Mr. Winden noted that all major street
designs will remain the same with the exception of the connection of two
cul -de -sacs and the elimination of one intersection on Diamond Path.
John Musser explained the type of homes that would be included in the
development. The smaller lots would accommodate homes ranging from 935
sq. ft. to 1,704 sq. ft. with lower prices due to the reduction in land
area rather than the quality of the homes.
Johnson informed the Commission the proposed revisions require review
under the PUD procedure which involves a public hearing held by the City
Council. If the PUD is approved a rezoning from RM Multiple Residential
to R -1 Single Family Residential will be necessary.
MOTION by Ped requesting City Council to set a PUD /rezoning hearing for
Orrin Thompson Homes for May 1, 1984. Second by Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Bob Westin and Dick Corcoran, representing the American Legion Club, and
Chuck Novak, architect, were present to discuss an addition to the club.
The proposed addition will cause variance to parking and setback
requirements. Minimum discussion followed regarding the existing parking
problems they are now experiencing and the purpose of the new addition.
Alternatives for additional parking were discussed and further research
will be done on this issue. No action was taken.
April 3, 1984
Page Two
Jim Evenson was present to discuss an addition to his building located at
14805 South Robert Trail (Master Transmission). The purpose of the 40 x
60 foot building is for personal storage of cars, car leasing and office
space. Discussion included building appearance, parking and surface water
drainage. More details regarding landscaping, parking, setback and
building details were requested before the addition would be considered.
MOTION by Ped to adjourn. Second by Smith. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this
meeting was adjourned at 6 :50 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -5 for April 3, 1984 Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
it 0 1367-145TH ST. E P. 0. BOX 455
11 11 11 11111 C
612-423 441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the
Planning Commission was duly held on April 17, 1984 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman
Cunningham called the meeting to order with members Ellingson, Toombs and
Smith present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Smith to approve the April 3, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Johnson informed the Commission that a public hearing has been set for Joe
Gavin for variance to front yard setback requirements at the May 1, 1984
Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Representatives of Orrin Thompson Homes presented the Commission with a
revised concept plan for Highpointe 1st Addition. Revisions include the
replacement of all the single family attached units to detached units,
narrower lot widths and slight modification of street alignment.
Consideration for these revisions requires an amendment to the PUD and a
rezoning, and the City Council has set a public hearing for formal review
of the PUD and rezoning.
Johnson indicated the smaller lot concept is consistent with ordinance
provisions, based upon the private park and recreation facilities
proposed, average lot size and density within the first addition. City
densities for single family developments are planned not to exceed 3 units
per acre, and Highpointe 1st Addition (south of Connemara Trail) results
in a gross density of 2.85 units per acre. Sideyard setbacks also meet or
exceed ordinance requirements on the smaller lot widths because of the
design and style of the homes to be constructed on them. Johnson
suggested private covenants for Highpointe 1st Addition prohibit any
building additions in the sideyards of the smaller lots, to protect the
integrity of the PUD approval for exceptions to lot widths. Corner lot
setbacks on local streets and collectors were also discussed.
Commissioner Smith asked for assurance from the developer that windfall
profit would not be realized by the developer as a result of the smaller
lots. Robert Hoffman, attorney for Orrin Thompson Homes, stated that the
cost savings will be reflected in lower priced, better quality homes. He
suggested that the City review the list of features included in every
home, that are commonly listed as options by other builders.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the amendment to the Highpointe Addition
PUD, based upon the consistency of the development with respect to the
provision of permanent, private recreation and open space, overall average
lot size, gross density and structure setback; and, further, recommend
that the conditions regarding setbacks be included in the subdivision
development agreement and the private covenants.
April 17, 1984
Page Two
Don Christenson was present to request Planning Commission comment on a
proposed subdivision located east of Highway 3 between Oakwood Estates and
the area commonly referred to as the "Genz addition." Current zoning of
the parcel is Agriculture, but it is designated as Rural Residential in
the comp plan. Lots in the Rural Residential area require five acre
density. Mr. Christenson is proposing four lots of approximately 3.5
acres in size. Commission members discussed the merits of the increased
density due to the configuration of the property, the location of abutting
streets and logical lot divisions. The developer also proposed dedicating
a 60' easement for future extension of Blanca Avenue and utilities.
Johnson suggested that the road improvement may be a requirement of the
plat, in consideration of the increased density. No formal action was
Jerry Fluegel was present to request approval for a 70'x 45' retail
building addition on the west end of the Fluegel Elevator complex.
Discussion centered around required parking, landscape detail and
aesthetic appearance of the structure. Mr. Fluegel agreed to extend the
brick around all sides of the addition.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the building addition as requested by
Fluegel Elevator with provisions for additional shade trees and adequate
parking. Second by Ellingson. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Chairman Cunningham recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public
Hearing at 6 :00 p.m. for the American Legion's request for variance to
minimum parking and structural setback.
Johnson had in his possession the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice and
verified that the notice had been published in the Dakota County Tribune.
Chuck Novak, architect, and several Legion members were present to discuss
their request to erect a 38'x 62' two -story addition on the east side of
the existing building. The purpose of the addition is for additional
banquet area, club offices and storage area. The building addition would
be placed one foot from the property line causing a variance to setback
The additional area would require a total of 100 -117 parking spaces,
depending on seating,to meet ordinance requirements. The Legion presently
provides approximately 60 parking spaces on Legion property and 30
curbside spaces. There is no new parking proposed with this building
addition. Johnson noted that staff, in their review of the proposed
addition, unanimously recommended site improvements for the Legion site
wherein curbs should be placed along Burnley Avenue to define where the
parking lot ends and the street begins. They also recommended that
diagonal parking along 146th Street be eliminated and replaced with
parallel parking to improve access on 146th Street. This would result in
even less parking than presently available at the site.
Many interested citizens were in the audience to comment on the existing
parking problems. Mike Smolak and Tom Wilson, property owners, stated
they have often been unable to exit or enter their driveways because of
parked cars. Phyllis Curry and Betty Ann Schneider, citizens, noted their
concern for senior citizens walking when street is busy with patrons of
the Legion Club.
April 17, 1984
Page Three
Discussion followed on possible alternative parking for the Legion Club.
Chairman Cunningham closed the public hearing and reconvened the Regular
MOTION Smith to approve the variance to building setback as requested by
the Legion Club. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
MOTION by Smith to deny the variance to parking requirements as requested
by the Legion Club. Second by Cunningham. Ayes: Ellingson, Cunningham,
Smith. Nays: Toombs. Motion carried.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no
further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous
decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -6 for April 17, 1984 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully mitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
Z1' c� )367 145TH ST E- P. O. BOX 455
612-423 441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on May 1, 1984 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Ellingson, Toombs, Ped and Smith
present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the April 17, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Smith. Ayes 5, Nays 0.
Johnson informed the Commission of a metes and bounds division adjacent to
the Jay Simon Addition. The parcel, owned by Lela Simon, is actually two
physically unattached pieces of property under the same legal description
and ownership. One parcel contains a single family home, while the other
parcel, approximately 70'x 290', is non- contiguous, non conforming and
unbuildable. Mr. Virgil Lindholm is interested in buying this strip of
property, which is contiguous to three parcels of land that he presently
owns. Mr. Lindholm's interest in the property is for a buffer zone along
the westerly edge of his property.
MOTION by Ellingson recommending to City Council approval of the metes and
bounds division as requested by Mrs. Lela Simon. Second by Smith. Ayes 5,
Nays O.
Koch Refining Company has requested approval of a building permit for a 133'
x 76' two -story brick office building addition to the existing office. A
73' x 24' single -story structure is proposed to connect the two buildings.
Setback and parking requirements have been met. They will also be adding
capacity to the present septic system of which no details have yet been
MOTION by Ped to approve the request of Koch Refining Company for an office
building addition subject to final sewer system details and approval by
staff. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0.
Chairman Cunningham recessed the Regular Meeting for 15 minutes.
Chairman Cunningham reconvened the Regular Meeting at 6 :00 p.m.
Chairman Cunningham recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the public
hearing for Joe Gavin's request for front yard setback variance.
Johnson had in his possession Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit of
Mailing Notice.
Mr. Mrs. Joe Gavin, property owners, were present to request a four feet
variance to front yard setback on Lot 1, Block 2, Marion Terrace Replat 2nd
Addition. The corner lot is unique in the sense that it has curved rather
than squared lot lines.
Johnson noted that while a smaller home could be built on the lot and meet
the setback requirements on the north end of the lot, it is virtually
impossible to meet the setback with a home oriented to the west. The
proposed home is compatible with existing homes in the area.
May 1, 1984
Page Two
Wayne and Helen Lucking, adjacent property owners, were present to inspect
the plans and stated they had no objection to the variance. Positive verbal
comments from other residents had also been received by the Planning
Chairman Cunningham closed the public hearing and reconvened the Regular
MOTION by Ellingson to approve the variance to front yard setback on Lot 1,
Block 2, Marion Terrace Replat 2nd Addition as requested by Joe Gavin.
Second by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Smith. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this
meeting was adjourned at 6 :20 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -7 for May 1, 1984 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintu
Recording Secretary
(z1 367 -145TH ST. E. P. O. BOX 455
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of
the Planning Commission was cancelled due to lack of Business
of 1 367- 1 45TH ST. E P 0 BOX 455
G'I 612-423 -441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on June 5, 1984 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Ellingson and Toombs present. Also
present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the May 1, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed.
Second by Ellingson. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Items added to the Agenda: 3c. July 3, 1984 Regular Meeting Date Conflicts;
3d. Interpretation on Decks.
Johnson informed the Commission of City Council approval of the Hi ghpoi me
Addition amended PUD. The final plat will be presented at the next Regular
Limited discussion was held on the status of the pending American Legion
appeal to City Council for Planning Commission denial of the variance to
parking requirements. The American Legion may possibly be looking into other
alternatives to resolve the parking issue.
Johnson inquired if any Commission members had any conflicts with the July 3,
1984 Regular Meeting. This will be on the next agenda to allow input from all
The Building Official has requested Planning Commission interpretation
regarding what is and is not acceptable in the front yard setbacks,
specifically whether decks and patios are structures requiring normal setbacks.
Several residents have requested building permits for replacement of sunken or
settled concrete steps with larger porches, decks or patios. Commissioner
Ellingson suggested the need to set specific standards and guidelines was
imperative so that future problems do not arise. This will be added to the
next meeting's agenda for discussion and comment.
Johnson presented copies of Modification No. II of the Rosemount Redevelopment
Plan. The Commission is required by law to review the document for consistency
with the Comprehensive Guide Plan.
MOTION by Ellingson to adopt Resolution 1984 A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THE
Nays 0.
Kathy Carlson, owner /developer, presented a preliminary plat for a two acre
subdivision located at 4060 145th Street West. The proposed plat, zoned R -1
Single Family Residential, is divided into four single family lots with an
existing residence located on proposed Lot 1. Discussion centered on
availability of utilities, waiver of street frontage on Lot 3 and right -of -way
dedication along 145th Street.
June 5, 1984
Page Two
MOTION by Ellingson recommending to City Council approval of the Carlson
preliminary plat, requesting the City Council waive the minimum 85 feet
frontage on Lot 3, subject to recommendations by the Utilities Commission and a
subdivision development agreement prior to final plat approval. Second by
Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Chairman Cunningham recessed the Regular Meeting at 5:50 p.m.
Chairman Cunningham opened the public hearing at 6 :00 p.m.
Martin Heuer, 12552 South Robert Trail, was present to request a variance to
minimum lot size for construction of a single family home with private sewer on
less than 2.5 acres. The 1.38 acre parcel has been a lot of record since it
was purchased in 1958. The Heuer's existing residence is on a half acre
landlocked parcel contiguous with the parcel in question. It was suggested
that a permanent easement should be recorded through this parcel for access to
Highway 3 for the present residence located on the back parcel at this site.
There were no other persons present for discussion.
Chairman Cunningham closed the public hearing at 6:20 p.m. and reconvened the
Regular Meeting.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the variance as requested by Martin Heuer subject
410 to acceptable percolation tests and recording of a permanent driveway easement
across the parcel. Second by Ellingson. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Ellingson. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this
meeting was adjourned at 6 :25 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -8 for June 5, 1984 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Res ectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) of the
City of Rosemount has prepared the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan
Modification No. II, dated May 24, 1984; and
WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount Planning Commission has received
said plan modification and is required to comment on its
conformance with the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Planning Commission of the
City of Rosemount advises the HRA and the City Council of the
City of Rosemount that the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan
Modification No. II, dated May 24, 1984 is in conformance with
the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan.
Adopted this 5th day of June, 1984.
�ririiri r
Cunnin• .m, Chair n
Otto Ped, ecretary
4[11 ety 367 -145TH ST E_ P. O. BOX 455
o un mt
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the
Planning Commission was duly held on June 19, 1984 at 5 :00 p.m. Chairman
Cunningham called the meeting to order with members Ped and Smith present.
Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the June 5, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes
as printed. Second by Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Chuck Winden, John Musser, Bob Hoffman and Jim Nervig, representatives of
Orrin Thompson Homes, were present to request final plat approval for
Highpointe First Addition. The final plat closely resembles the
preliminary plat and revised concept previously approved. It was
recommended that the parcel identified as Park 2 be redesignated as Outlot
C or eliminated entirely, with proper easements left in its place.
MOTION by Cunningham recommending approval of Highpointe First Addition,
subject to the redesignation of "Park 2," recommendations of the City
Engineer and a subdivision development agreement. Second by Smith. Ayes
3, Nays 0.
Al/ Don and Steve Christenson, developers, submitted a preliminary plat for
Oakwood Estates 2nd Addition. The 13.7 acre site includes four lots with
access provided by two cul -de -sacs. A 60 feet drainage and utility
easement is included on the plat which could be developed as a future
street if the need arises provided grade, drainage and soil conditions are
suitable for a road.
MOTION by Cunningham to accept the preliminary plat for Oakwood Estates
2nd Addition for 30 -day review. Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Discussion was held on the interpretation of decks and patios versus
doorsteps and porches and what restrictions should be put on these
exceptions to the front yard setback. Discussion included the
establishment of guidelines for size, height and railings for front
porches /decks.
MOTION by Cunningham establishing a policy that doorsteps, porches, decks
or patios may extend a maximum of ten (10) feet into the thirty (30) feet
front yard setback, provided that no such extension be enclosed or covered
and that railings be limited to be located at the doorsteps or house entry
or where required by code. Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Chairman Cunningham recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the public
hearing at 6 :10 p.m.
Johnson had in his possession the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit
of Mailing.
June 19, 1984
Page Two
Michael Mardell and Raymond Mardell, petitioners, were present to request
a variance to erect a 10 feet high fence around the dental office building
at 14470 Cameo Avenue. In the past the clinic employees and patrons have
experienced theft and vandalism of their cars, allegedly by people taking
short cuts through the clinic property to the business district. A two to
four feet high retaining wall around the adjacent First State Bank
property and the lack of windows in the clinic limits visibility of this
area, which may contribute to the problems occurring.
Dave Toombs, First State Bank, was present to express his concern about
the appearance and safety of having a fence next to the retaining wall
which has a 3 -foot high fence on it. Commissioners also expressed their
concern about safety and appearance. Mr. Toombs saw no problem in
erecting a six or eight foot tall fence along the clinic's east property
line, where no fence presently exists on either property. Lengthy
discussion followed with several alternatives suggested by Commissioners.
Chairman Cunningham recessed the public hearing until the July 3, 1984
Regular Meeting and reconvened the June 19th Regular Meeting at 6:55 p.m.
There were no conflicts expressed for the July 3, 1984 Regular Meeting,
therefore, the meeting will be held as scheduled.
MOTION by Smith to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this
meeting was adjourned at 7 :00 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -9 for June 19, 1984 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Resp ctfully su itted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
sq l111
(4 014,111 O i 367 -i 45TH sT. E P. o_ BOX 455
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the
Planning Commission was duly held on July 3, 1984 at 5:00 p.m.
Chairman Cunningham called the meeting to order with members Toombs,
Smith and Ellingson present. Also present was Joe Walsh, Councilman,
and Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Smith to approve the June 19, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays O.
Dean Johnson, Planning Director, discussed the absence of any recent
work on the Zoning Ordinance, due to priorities of other activities in
the department. The commissioners discussed the cost and desirability
of having a consultant complete the revisions. Discussion will
continue at the next Regular Meeting.
Chairman Cunningham reopened the public hearing of Michael Mardell for
the variance to maximum height of fences. Johnson indicated the
applicant had no additional information to submit and would not be
Chairman Cunningham closed the public hearing.
MOTION by Cunningham to table action on the Mardell variance petition
until the July 17, 1984 Regular Meeting. Second by Ellingson. Ayes 4,
Nays 0.
Johnson indicated he would be submitting recommendations on the Oakwood
Estates Preliminary Plat at the next Regular Meeting. He asked that
the Commission recommend that the Council set a public hearing to
consider the plat and required rezoning.
MOTION by Cunningham to recommend that the City Council set a public
hearing date for the Oakwood Estates Preliminary Plat and rezoning.
Second by Ellingson. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Ellingson. There being no
further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous
decision this meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dean Johnson
Planning Director
ely 1367145TH ST. E P 0 BOX 455
g?osen46 uhi ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068
612-423 441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the
Planning Commission was duly held on July 17, 1984 at 5:00 p.m.
Chairman Cunningham called the meeting to order with members Ped,
Smith and Ellingson present. Also present was Joe Walsh,
Councilman, and Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Smith to approve the July 3, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes
as printed. Second by Ellingson. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Johnson informed the Commission he had approached two planning firms
to discuss contracts for completion of the Zoning Ordinance. He
hoped to have cost figures available for City Council review along
with 1985 budgets. Councilman Walsh suggested that 1984 Council
designated funds may be available for consulting work, provided the
Council agrees with the request for services.
Several employees of the Mardell dental clinic were present to
express their support for a security fence along the clinic and
First State Bank property. Chairman Cunningham asked if a single
fence along the east line of the clinic would be sufficient, rather
than adding another fence next to that of the bank adjacent to the
clinic's south property line. Dr. Michael Mardell was pessimistic
about the effect of a single fence on the east property line, but
agreed to eliminate any other fencing at this time.
MOTION by Ellingson granting a variance to fence height restrictions
to allow and eight feet high fence along the east property line of
the dental clinic. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Don Christenson presented the Oakwood Estates Second Addition
preliminary plat for Commission review. Johnson discussed the
concerns and recommendations from staff.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the Oakwood Estates Second Addition
preliminary plat subject to the following:
1. Rezoning from Agriculture to Rural Residential.
2. A ponding easement across lots 1 and 4.
3. Separately recorded street easements.
4. Plans and specifications for the cul -de -sacs.
5. Cash park dedication.
6. An executed development agreement prior to final
plat approval.
Second by Ellingson. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
July 17, 1984
Page Two
Johnson presented plans for a truck driver training facility located
on the Dakota County Vo -Tech campus. No comments or concerns were
MOTION by Ellingson to approve the Vo -Tech truck driving training
facility plans subject to final plat approval by the building
inspector and fire marshal. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
MOTION by Smith to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no
further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous
decision this meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -10 for July 17, 1984 Regular Meeting
Respectfully mitted,
Donna Quintu
Recording Secretary
C_�t o f 1367 -145TH ST E.
OSeYYL(?�GYI 612-423-4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting
of the Planning Commission was cancelled due to lack of
business items.
Of 1367-145TH ST E P. O. BOX 455
�A/r "�ry,M ROSEMOUNT. MI 55068
ose/I'iou i 612-423-4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on August 21, 1984 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Toombs and Smith present. Also
present was Joe Walsh, Councilman, and Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Smith to approve the July 17, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Johnson informed the Commission that City Council has accepted and approved the
preliminary plat for Oakwood Estates 2nd Addition per recommendations of the
Planning Commission. Final plat should be ready for action at the next Regular
Planning Commission Meeting.
Commissioner Ellingson took his chair at 5:03 p.m.
Johnson informed the Commission that U.S. Homes Corporation has halted all
further progress for a minimum of six months in the Highpointe Addition. The
City's main concern is erosion control and the potential damage to adjacent
A public hearing has been set for Ron and Sally Revolinski for variance to rear
yard setback for September 4, 1984 at 6:00 p.m.
The Commission reviewed the proposals submitted by Benshoof and Associates,
Inc. and Hoisington Group Inc. to complete the City's Zoning Ordinance. The
Planner was directed to invite each company to the next meeting for an
interview with the Commission.
Overland Express has requested a 60'x 60' two -story office and loading dock
addition to the existing building which is already under construction located
at 15180 Canada Avenue. All requirements have been met.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the building permit for a 60'x 60' addition as
requested by Overland Express. Second by Ellingson. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Pat Fahey, owner, presented a site plan for a Dairy Queen restaurant to be
located in South Rose Park. Concerns of staff regarding shade tree variety and
handicapped parking stall design have already been addressed by the architect.
All other requirements have been met.
MOTION by Ellingson to approve the Dairy Queen site plan subject to the
revision in the handicapped parking space and variety in shade trees. Second
by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
A written request was received from Lance Johnson for renewal of a mining
MOTION by Ellingson to acknowledge receipt of the mining permit renewal request
of Lance J. Johnson. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Discussion of Jeff Wilcziek's request for lot division was removed from the
agenda at the applicant's request.
MOTION by Ellingson to adjourn. Second by Toombs. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this
meeting was adjourned at 5 :40 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -11 for August 21, 1984 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectful) ubmitted,
nna vscaJ
Recording Secretary
C ity o{ 1 367 1 45TH ST E P. O. BOX 455
�SeI I LV u�
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on September 4, 1984. Due to a lack of quorum the
scheduled interviews with Benshoof Associates and Hoisington Group proceeded,
without the Call to Order, with Chairman Cunningham and Commissioner Smith
present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
Mitch Wonson and James Benshoof presented their Zoning Ordinance Revision
Proposal and responded to questions from the Commissioners. At 5:35 p.m., Fred
Hoisington was asked to make his presentation, which was also followed by
questions from the Commissioners.
Commissioner Ped took his chair at 5:55 p.m.
Chairman Cunningham requested that the selection of the consultant, for
recommendation to the City Council in consideration of completion of the Zoning
Ordinance be completed at the September 18, 1984 Regular Meeting.
Chairman Cunningham called the September 4, 1984 Regular Meeting to order at
6:00 p.m. with members Ped and Smith present.
Chairman Cunningham recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the public hearing
at 6:01 p.m.
Johnson had in his possession Affidavits of Publication and Mailed Hearing
Ron and Sally Revolinski, 14655 Chili Avenue, were present to request a
variance to rear yard setback for a 24'x 30' building to be used for the
purpose of storage and restoration of classic cars. It was discovered after a
building permit had already been issued that the Revolinski's rear yard fronts
on Chippendale Avenue which requires a 30' setback. It was also revealed that
a 10' drainage and utility easement exists along the rear property line.
Johnson noted that an interpretation of the ordinance regarding average
existing setbacks would allow a 26' setback. The Revolinski's are requesting a
3' setback.
Discussion of the Revolinski's reasons for the proposed location included
security, an existing fence, clothesline poles and landscaping in the rear yard
limiting placement of the garage, and the removal of sod for the structure
after the original permit had been issued.
Gene Stiles, area resident, expressed he had no opposition to the request for
the variance to rear yard setback.
Chairman Cunningham closed the public hearing and reopened the Regular Meeting
at 6:30 p.m.
AID MOTION by Smith to deny the three feet setback as requested because of the lack
of the necessary findings for a variance as stated in Subdivision 14.3 and
suggested the petitioners work within the 26' setback. Second by Ped. Ayes 3,
Nays 0.
September 4, 1984
Page Two
Chairman Cunningham recognized Mayor Knutson who introduced Jerry Stelzel,
President of the Rosemount Area Chamber of Commerce, and Catherine Bland,
Executive Director of the Rosemount Area Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Stelzel and
Ms. Bland presented a brief summary of the newly created executive director
position and the intent of the Chamber to work closely with the City in
promoting new growth.
MOTION by Smith to approve the August 21, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
The Commission reviewed the Rosemount Plaza 2nd Addition Concept PUD. Arnie
Jensen, Rosemount HRA Chairman, was present and answered questions regarding
the proposed project. Johnson indicated he was requesting HRA authorization to
replat the remainder of the redevelopment block to reflect the proposed uses in
the PUD. He asked that the Commission recommend that the City Council set a
hearing date to review the preliminary plat and Concept PUD.
MOTION by Smith to accept the Rosemount Plaza 2nd Addition Concept PUD for
review and request that the City Council set a hearing date for the PUD and
Preliminary Plat review. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
MOTION by Ped to adjourn. Second by Smith. There being no further business to
come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was
adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -12 for September 4, 1984 Regular Meeting Reviews.
1 11 1 Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
.46 n 367 -145TH ST. E P. O. BOX 455
c Ri
o semoun
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on September 18, 1984 at 5 :00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Ellingson, Toombs and Smith present.
Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Smith to approve the September 4, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays O.
Items added to the Agenda: 3d. Gustafson Variance Hearing Date; 3e. Revolinski
Appeal to City Council.
Chairman Cunningham requested that the Discussion Items be moved to the end of
the Agenda.
Milt Bruflodt, architect /developer, gave a presentation of Phase II Rosemount
Plaza PUD. Included in the PUD is a condominium with underground parking, a
2,400 sq. ft. retail /office building and a 53 stall municipal parking lot. Mr.
Bruflodt noted the setback for the condominium will match the the existing
elderly highrise and the commercial buildings will be set back further than
Marc's Plaza Restaurant. Parking will exceed City standards.
Johnson, representing the Rosemount HRA, presented the preliminary plat for
Rosemount Plaza 2nd Addition. He noted that the City has a commitment in the
Community Development Block Grant to include a municipal parking lot. The plat
does not reveal a separate lot for this use, as the HRA is working on a
lease /maintenance agreement with Mr. Bruflodt and Craig Minea, Phase I
developer, that will create a public parking lot without public ownership.
Johnson also pointed out that in addition to what is being replatted in the Town
of Rosemount the plat will cause a replat of the south 15 feet of Lot 1,
Rosemount Plaza adjacent to and incorporated with Lot 3, Rosemount Plaza 2nd
The City Council has set a public hearing for October 16, 1984 to consider the
Concept PUD /Preliminary Plat for Rosemount Plaza 2nd Addition. No action was
taken at this time.
Evergreen Acres final plat, proposed by Ron and Kathy Carlson, was presented for
review. Because of a survey error years ago the final plat has two major
changes: the reduction of approximately 6,500 square feet of property on the
east and the removal of one lot. Johnson indicated the final plat was
consistent with ordinance requirements, pending Council action on the relocation
of the accessory building or adjustment to the east lot line.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the final plat subject to final City Council
approval or resolution of the revised east property line. Second by Ellingson.
Ayes 4, Nays 0.
September 18, 1984
Page Two
Discussion was held on the proposals by Benshoof Associates and Hoisington
Group for the completion of the Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Smith
and Chairman Cunningham expressed their preferences in the selection of
Hoisington Group to complete the Zoning Ordinance. Both felt comfortable with
the presentation by Fred Hoisington and cited his familiarity and good working
relationship with the City over the years. Johnson indicated he could work very
well with either consultant.
MOTION by Cunningham recommending Hoisington Group to the City Council to
complete the Zoning Ordinance. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Johnson briefly discussed the proposed 1985 Budget proposals and 5 -year CIP.
Johnson informed the Commission of the Vermillion River Watershed Management
Commission Meeting to be held at Rosemount City Hall Council Chambers on
Wednesday, September 19, 1984 at 7:30 p.m.
It was noted that a public hearing will be held on October 2, 1984 at 6 :00 p.m.
for the request of the Harry Gustafson Estate for variance to minimum
dimensional requirements for a metes and bounds division of property.
The City Council will hold a public hearing on October 2, 1984 to hear the
appeal presented by Ronald and Sally Revolinski on the Planning Commission
denial of a variance to rear yard setbacks.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Ellingson. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting
was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -13 for September 18, 1984 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respe tfully sueflitted,
�I. 1
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
6 -11y 4 1367-145TH ST E- P 0 BOX 455
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the
Planning Commission was duly held on October 2, 1984 at 5 :00 p.m.
Secretary Ped called the meeting to order with members Ellingson, Toombs
and Smith present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Smith to approve the September 18, 1984 Regular Meeting
Minutes as printed. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Johnson informed the Commission of two public hearings set for October
16, 1984 beginning at 6 :00 p.m.: a request for variance to fence height
restrictions in the RR Rural Residential District, and a request for
variance to height restrictions in the Ag Agriculture District for a
wind generator.
Chairman Cunningham took his chair at 5 :05 p.m.
Milt Bruflodt, architect /developer, was present to request approval for
Rosemount Plaza 2nd Addition preliminary plat. Johnson noted that the
PUD will be reviewed in conjunction with the preliminary plat.
Discussion included the need for rezoning for the residential portion,
scenic easements, the Redevelopment Agreement and the waiver of setback
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the Rosemount Plaza Phase II Concept PUD
subject to the rezoning of the condominium site from C -2 to RM, approval
of the Rosemount Plaza 2nd Addition preliminary plat and a redevelopment
agreement incorporating scenic easements, parking lot lease and
maintenance provisions. Second by Ellingson. Ayes 5, Nays 0.
MOTION by Smith to approve Rosemount Plaza 2nd Addition preliminary plat
subject to the revision of the existing utility easement, rezoning of
Lot 3 from C -2 to RM and a development agreement for final plat
approval. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 5, Nays 0.
Discussion on the Lance Johnson Mining Permit Renewal was delayed until
later in the meeting.
Dan Huntington, part owner of Rose Park Mechanical Building located at
15185 Carousel Way, was present to request formal interpretation of the
ordinance regarding permitted uses in the C -3 Highway Service Commercial
district, the present zoning of his property. Mr. Huntington informed
the Commission that there is office space for lease within his building,
and he has had a request to lease office space for a hair salon.
Commissioners noted that while this use is not a direct permitted use,
it would be interpreted as a sale of a service to the public rather than
the sale of retail goods, which is permitted as a general office use.
October 2, 1984
Page Two
MOTION by Toombs that a hair salon is interpreted as a general office
use and is permitted in the C -3 District on the basis that it is a sale
of a service to the general public. Second by Ellingson. Ayes 5, Nays
Lance Johnson has completed all procedural requirements for the mining
permit renewal for the mining operation located on Rich Valley Boulevard
approximately i mile south of the Inver Grove Heights /Rosemount border.
The present permit expires on October 18, 1984. The pit has been
largely inactive since the fall of 1982, which reflects a depressed
market during this period. It was noted that this property is best
suited for this use and would not be desirable as farmland.
The Planner stated his main concern is to keep the bond and insurance
active beyond expiration of the permit. He also stated that 30 loads of
topsoil had been returned to the site as a condition of permit renewal.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the mining permit renewal for Phase No. 1
subject to receipt of performance bonding and insurance requirements
which extend a minimum of one month beyond the expiration of the permit
period. Second by Ellingson. Ayes 5, Nays 0.
MOTION by Ellingson to recess the Regular Meeting to allow for the
public hearing. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0.
Chairman Cunningham opened the public hearing at 6:00 p.m. for the Harry
Gustafson Estate request for variance to minimum dimensions for land
Johnson had in his possession Affidavits of Publication and Mailing
Hearing Notice.
Dan Gustafson, representative for the Harry Gustafson Estate, was
present to discuss a proposal to subdivide a 12 -acre parcel located on
South Robert Trail between 130th Street and 132nd Street. The variance
is requested to permit the creation of a seven acre parcel with less
than 300 feet of frontage on a public road. Johnson informed the
Commission that favorable consideration of the variance would require a
rezoning from Agriculture to Rural Residential.
The division of this property would create a five acre parcel with 300
feet of frontage on South Robert Trail and a seven -acre landlocked
parcel. Mr. Gustafson explained that the estate also owns Lot 5, Block
1, Lan -O -Ken Addition which is contiguous to the seven acre parcel. He
is proposing that access to the landlocked parcel be gained through the
Lan -O -Ken lot which has 92 feet of frontage on a public road.
Johnson noted that the non conforming Lan -O -Ken lot is considered
buildable. Because an effective private sewer system is questionable
due to the presence of a high water table and confined lot area, it
would be in the City's and future owner's best interests to transfer the
110 building permit rights from the smaller Lan -O -Ken lot to the larger lot.
October 2, 1984
Page Three
S Forrest Krogh, 2685 132nd Court West, questioned whether alternate
routes to the back property had been considered. Mr. Gustafson stated
that the State Highway Department strongly resisted against another
access on South Robert Trail, and, after checking into access from the
north, found that the only logical access was via the Lan -O -Ken lot.
Margaret Alsip, 2650 130th Street West, discussed the possibility of the
7 -acre parcel being subdivided further if the access were approved. Mr.
Gustafson explained this would be a private driveway and not public
access. Johnson informed the audience that the County has agreed to
record a deed restriction to prohibit subdivision by merging the two
properties as long as it is zoned RR Rural Residential.
Ron Enright, 12305 Chinchilla Court, Lois Jahnz, 2625 132nd Court West,
and Mary Ahrens, 2665 132nd Court West, each questioned the petitioner
on various concerns and found no problems with the proposal.
Chairman Cunningham closed the public hearing and reopened the Regular
Meeting at 6 :40 p.m.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the request of the Harry Gustafson
Estate for variance to minimum lot frontage on a public road subject to
City Council approval of the rezoning from Ag Agriculture to RR Rural
Residential, approval of the simple lot division and the recording of a
development agreement and deed restriction merging Lot 5, Block 1, Lan
0 -Ken Addition and the 7 -acre parcel. Second by Toombs. Ayes:
Ellingson, Toombs, Cunningham, Ped. Nays: Smith.
MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Ellingson. There being no
further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous
decision this meeting was adjourned at 6 :50 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -14 for October 2, 1984 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
467,4k. ah
Donna Quintu
Recording Secretary
ity 1367 -145TH ST. E P. O. BOX 455
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on October 16, 1984 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Cunningham
called the meeting to order with members Ped and Smith present. Also present was
Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Smith to approve the October 2, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed.
Second by Ped. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Johnson updated the Commission on the Revolinski's appeal to City Council of
Planning Commission denial of their request for variance to rear yard setback. The
Council denied the variance for a three feet setback but approved a 17 feet setback,
citing the setback exception on the lot adjacent to the north as part of the
Larry Knutson, owner of Knutson Rubbish Inc. located at 14345 Biscayne Avenue,
presented a site plan and requested a building permit for a steel pole building to
be used for cold storage of equipment. The proposed building will match the
existing office /shop building. All ordinance requirements have been met.
MOTION by Cunningham to approve the site plan and building permit request of Knutson
Rubbish Inc. subject to landscaping requirements. Second by Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
John Broback, Fairfax Construction Inc., presented a revised site plan for
Chippendale Condominiums, to be located at CSAH 42 and Chippendale Avenue. A
concept PUD was previously approved in 1980 for two 20 -unit condominiums and an
office building. The new proposal includes three 4 -unit buildings on one lot and
two 4 -unit and one 6 -unit building on the other.
Johnson noted that the proposed change reflects a reduction in the density from 13.7
units per acre to 8.9 units per acre. The maximum density allowed is 15 units per
acre; therefore, another hearing and review process is not required.
Discussion included landscaping details, a condominium association and covenants,
building details regarding party walls and utility details.
Mr. Broback noted that party wall construction exceeds FHA Standards and that he
will comply with the recommendations of the Planner regarding minimum planting size
of shade trees and conifers. He also stated that he intends to construct the entire
project in phases as financing becomes available.
Johnson informed the Commission that although sewer and water is available to the
site, utility details have not yet been worked out with the Utilities Department.
MOTION by Smith to approve the Chippendale Condominiums site plan subject to the
1. Executed copies of the required condominium declaration, covenants
and association agreements.
2. Approval by the Utility Superintendent.
3. Approval by the Fire Marshal.
4. Approval by the Building Inspector.
5. Revision of the planting size of landscape stock.
Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays O.
October 16, 1984
Page Two
A brief discussion was held regarding the status of Overland Express in relationship
to the closing of Brockway Glass Company. Johnson has been informed by Overland
Express that Brockway represented only 10 percent of their business, and, in fact,
they have purchased the land between their business and Don's Pop Shoppe for the
purpose of extending their parking lot. Johnson's main concerns for this extension
were drainage and the continuation of the landscaping.
Johnson informed the Commission of a request from Rosemount Marine for a variance to
side yard setback. A public hearing will be held November 20, 1984 at 6 :00 p.m.
Chairman Cunningham recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the meeting of the Board
of Appeals and Adjustments and the public hearing for the request for variance to
fence height in the Rural Residential district to be held at 6:00 p.m.
Johnson had in his possession the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice and verified
publication of the notice in the Dakota County Tribune.
Tim Lindbo, 13823 Darnel Court, and Bill Flikeid, 13840 Darnel Court, were present
to request the erection of a 12 feet high privacy fence along their south property
lines. The applicants reside on Lots 2 and 3, Le Foret Addition, which abut the
Highpointe Addition to the south.
Mr. Lindbo and Mr. Flikeid felt their privacy has been infringed upon due to the
removal of trees and brush in the Highpointe Addition during the preliminary grading
of the subdivision. They requested the high fencing because the City and developer
would not commit to any relandscaping on the Highpointe property.
Johnson informed the Commission that a low area behind the Flikeid residence was
filled in on the Highpointe property, as part of the approved grading plan. Orrin
Thompson Homes installed straw bales and environmental fencing and seeded and
mulched the area to control erosion and sedimentation. There is no evidence of any
adjacent property damage by the developer.
Johnson noted that approval of the Highpointe Addition in 1980 took into
consideration the lots that abut Le Foret. These lots in the Highpointe Addition
are 40 percent larger than the minimum lot area required and are 165 feet deep. It
was also noted that the depth of Lots 2 and 3, Le Foret Addition was 191 feet at the
end of the cul -de -sac.
Commission members expressed their concern for establishing a major precedent for
the height of fences when no obvious hardship, exceptional or extraordinary
circumstances or conditions exist. These are the primary findings that must be
found in order to grant a variance.
It was suggested that possibly an alternative solution exists, wherein a variance to
fence height around existing decks or patios might be considered. The applicants
expressed no interest in this option.
There were no other people present for comment.
Chairman Cunningham closed the public hearing for the request of a variance to fence
MOTION by Cunningham to deny the variance request of Tim Lindbo and Bill Flikeid
because no findings were proven as required by the Zoning Ordinance. Second by
Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
October 16, 1984
Page Three
Chairman Cunningham opened the public hearing at 6:40 p.m. for a request for
variance to height restrictions in the Agriculture District.
Johnson had in his possession the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice and verified
publication of the notice in the Dakota County Tribune.
Stephen Duggan, 4180 120th Street West, was present to request a 25' variance for a
100 feet wind generator tower to be located on 20 acres in the Agriculture district.
He stated his reasons for the request were to supplement his electric energy from a
free wind source, to reduce his dependence on oil heat and the Jacobs wind generator
he proposes to purchase is most efficient at a minimum height of 100 feet. The
maximum height for an accessory structure in this district is 75 feet.
Johnson noted that a precedent has been set in this district when a 100 feet wind
generator tower was approved for Mr. William Norris in 1981. Adequate setbacks and
supplemental energy sources were cited in this approval.
The 20 acres owned by Mr. Duggan is actually three separate parcels which could be
sold in the future. Mr. Duggan presented a site plan showing the location of the
tower set back at least 100 feet from all lot lines, as requested.
Johnson noted that the request for an efficient and alternate energy source is
consistent with the comp plan, and the absence of natural gas in this area which is
the cheapest energy source today could be considered a hardship.
There were no other people present for comment.
Chairman Cunningham closed the public hearing for the request of Stephen Duggan for
variance to height restrictions in the Agriculture District.
MOTION by Ped to approve the variance as requested by Stephen Duggan for a 100 feet
wind generator tower in the Agriculture District because a precedent has been set,
it is consistent with the comp plan and a hardship has been proven as wind energy is
an affordable energy source in an area where natural gas is not available. Second
by Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
MOTION by Cunningham to adjourn the Board of Appeals and Adjustments. Second by
Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Chairman Cunningham reopened the Regular Meeting at 6:58 p.m.
MOTION by Smith to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further business
to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was
adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -15 for October 16, 1984 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
C) 1111 o 1367 -145TH ST E- P 0 BOX 455
o semoun
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Commission was duly held on November 6, 1984 at 5 :00 p.m. Chairman
Cunningham called the meeting to order with members Ellingson, Toombs and
Smith present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Smith to approve the October 16, 1984 Regular Meeting Minutes as
printed. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Johnson discussed the Annual Planning Institute sponsored by the Government
Training Service which will be held at the Earl Brown Center in St. Paul on
November 30, 1984. He suggested that if any of the Commissioners wish to
attend they send in their own registration to ensure meeting the deadline,
and he will request authorization from Council for reimbursement of the
fees. Commissioner Ellingson indicated his intention to attend this
Johnson presented the White Lake Acres final plat for approval. He noted
that the City has received the revised petition for rezoning and public
improvements and the special assessment agreement from the owners. All
other requirements have been met.
MOTION by Ellingson to appoint Commissioner Toombs Acting Planning
Commission Secretary and to authorize his signature on the White Lake Acres
410 final plat. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Commissioner Toombs excused himself from his chair at 5:20 p.m.
MOTION by Smith to approve the White Lake Acres final plat subject to the
City Council acceptance of the petition for rezoning and public
improvements. Second by Ellingson. Ayes 3, Nays O.
Johnson informed the Commissioners that the Council has accepted the
Planning Commission's recommendation to use Hoisington Group for the
completion of the Zoning Ordinance. The budget has also been approved
which includes monies for this project. The contract for completion of the
ordinance, submitted by Fred Hoisington, was briefly discussed.
MOTION by Ellingson recommending to City Council approval of the Hoisington
Group contract. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Limited discussion was held on the status of the Highpointe Addition.
MOTION by Smith that a resolution be adopted by each member of the
Rosemount Planning Commission to make a renewed effort to inform City Staff
in the event they will be unable to attend a scheduled Planning Commission
Meeting. Second by Ellingson. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
MOTION by Ellingson to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no
further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision
this meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -16 for November 6, 1984 Regular Meeting Reviews.
Res ectfully bmitted,
a) 111
Donna Quintu
Recording Secretary
C ity 367 -145TH ST E P O BOX 455
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the
Planning Commission was duly held on November 20, 1984 at 5:00 p.m.
Chairman Cunningham called the meeting to order with members Ped, Smith
and Ellingson present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning
MOTION by Ellingson to approve the November 6, 1984 Regular Meeting
Minutes as printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Items added to the Agenda: 3d. Rechtzigel Lot Combination.
Johnson indicated than an appeal on the fence height variance decision
in the Le Foret subdivision had been submitted to the City Council.
Johnson will inform the Board of the date of the hearing when it has
been set.
Johnson informed the board that the contract to complete the Zoning
Ordinance had been approved by the City Council. A meeting has been set
with Fred Hoisington to identify the schedule of activities.
Johnson reminded the Board of the Gustafson rezoning hearing, to be held
by the City Council later in the evening.
Johnson presented a request from an attorney, representing Marlin
Rechtzigel, to combine a five acre parcel with the balance of the
Rechtzigel farm. The five acre parcel was a life estate, held by
Rechtzigei's father, when the farm was transferred to Marlin Rechtzigel.
The small parcel had no defined boundary and is now owned by Rechtzigel.
MOTION by Ped to approve the lot combination regarding the Rechtzigel
farm, according to the memo from Shawn Moynihan to Dean Johnson, dated
November 13, 1984. Second by Ellingson. Ayes 4, Nays 0.
Chairman Cunningham recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the meeting
of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments at 6:00 p.m.
The purpose of the meeting was to hold a public hearing on the variance
petition of Rosemount Marine.
Johnson had in his presence the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice and
the Affidavit of Publication.
Dick Sens, Rosemount Marine, presented h i s request to erect a canopy
type, boat storage b u i l d i n g on the property line of his lot, south of
the Bill Berg property. The Board reviewed the lease /ownership
relationship of the two properties occupied by Rosemount Marine and the
common use of property by other tenants.
November 20, 1984
Page Two
III Cliff Carlson, developer and property owner in South Rose Park,
expressed his agreement with the variance petition. There were no other
persons present.
MOTION by Cunningham to close the public hearing. Second by Smith.
Ayes 4, Nays 0.
MOTION by Smith to approve a setback variance for Rosemount Marine,
provided the overhang of the canopy not protrude over the property line,
and when the lease for property by Rosemount Marine ceases to exist, the
building be moved to the proper setback. Second by Ellingson. Ayes 4,
Nays 0.
Chairman Cunningham adjourned the meeting of the Board of Appeals and
Adjustments and reopened the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission.
MOTION by Ellingson to adjourn. Second by Ped. There being no further
business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this
meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -17 for November 20, 1984 Regular Meeting
Respectfully submitted,
Dean Johnson
Planning, Director
City of
367- 145TH ST. E P 0 BOX 455
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the
Planning Commission was duly held on December 4, 1984 at 5:00 p.m.
Chairman Cunningham called the meeting to order with members Smith
and Toombs present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning
MOTION by Toombs to approve the November 20, 1984 Regular Meeting
Minutes as printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Johnson informed the Commission of progress to date on zoning
ordinance revisions.
Johnson noted that the appeal hearing on the Le Foret residents'
variance denial for extraordinary fencing height had been set at
8 :00 p.m., December 18, 1984.
Johnson discussed the plans received for exterior renovation of the
Ken Rose Center entrances.
MOTION by Toombs to approve the canopy addition at the Ken Rose
Center. Second by Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Johnson presented variance petitions from Rosemount Dodge for sign
height and Gene Stiles for side yard setback. He indicated the
earliest date to schedule the hearings would be January 1, 1985.
The Commissioners discussed options for January meeting dates, due
to the New Year's holiday. Johnson indicated the City Council was
expected to hold meetings on January 8th and January 15th.
Commission members were in unanimous agreement to cancel the
January 1, 1985 Regular Meeting.
MOTION by Cunningham to set public hearings for Rosemount Dodge and
Gene Stiles on January 15, 1985, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Second by
Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0.
The Commissioners expressed a desire for some sort of a Christmas
gathering. It was agreed to invite spouses to the December 18,
1984 Regular Meeting and, upon adjournment, retire to a local
establishment for an exchange of holiday spirit.
MOTION by Smith to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no
further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous
decision this meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
See Planner's File 1984 -18 for December 4, 1984 Regular Meeting
Respectfully submitted,
Dean Johnson
Planning Director
I I et, O 1367 -145TH ST. E P. O. BOX 455
ose ouni
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of
the Planning Commission was duly held on December 18, 1984 at
5:15 p.m. Chairman Cunningham called the meeting to order
with members Smith and Ellingson present. Also present was
Dean Johnson, Planning Director.
MOTION by Smith to approve the December 4, 1984 Regular
Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Ellingson. Ayes 3, Nays
There were no further agenda items.
MOTION by Ellingson to adjourn. Second by Smith. There being
no further business to come before this Commission and upon
unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 5:16 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary