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1 1367 -145TH ST E- oser�o�cn� ROSEMOUNT MINNF_SOT44 612-4234411 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 7, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on January 7, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Toombs, Ped and Cunningham present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Cunningham to approve the December 17, 1985 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Johnson reminded the Commission that the first Regular Meeting in February is the Annual Planning Commission Meeting when there is election of officers for the year. The bylaws state that nominations can be made at the meeting prior to the Annual Meeting. Johnson informed the Commission of a request received from Keith Peterson, 14660 Danville Avenue West, for a variance to sideyard setback. Also, Paul Wrolstad, 14545 Biscayne Way, has requested a variance to front yard setback in the University Addition. Variance hearings have been set for February 4, 1986 beginning at 6:00 p.m. The County has set a public meeting for Thursday, January 9, 1986 at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemount City Hall Council Chambers for the purpose of informing all affected property owners of design, improvements and timing for the County Road 38 project. Copies of the Rosemount Development Company preliminary plat were received. Discussion of the approximate 200 -acre development included general lot sizes, power line easement, the inclusion of Multiple Family and C -1 Commercial zoning, ponding areas required by the City and the effect on the allowable sewer hook -ups as outlined by Metro Council for the City of Rosemount. Johnson noted that an amendment to the Comprehensive Guide Plan is necessary for final plat approval to include this property in the Urban Service Area. The plan amendment for this development could coincide with the rezoning and redesignation of the Kane Farm in the interest of the Chicago Northwestern Railroad. Johnson went on to discuss a broader amendment concept, wherein all identified urban service area properties will be pulled out of the guide plan and replaced with a general boundary area defined as available for utilities. This would possibly eliminate speculation and over- pricing of land which could be developed. Preliminary discussions with Metro Council have revealed they are receptive to this plan. Johnson advised the Commission that this would require a plan amendment for each new development that is approved by the City and entered into the service area. MOTION by Toombs to accept the Rosemount Development Company concept PUD /pre- liminary plat for distribution and review and to recommend to Council that a date be set for public hearings on the concept PUD /preliminary plat and guide plan amendment. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further business to come before this board and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. Respectfully s bmitted, 6„,titit_ Donna Quintus Recording Secretary Cly 4h PLANNING COMMISSION O 367.145TH ST, E. P. 0 BOX 455 ose ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423 441 1 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on January 21, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Toombs and Cunningham present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. Johnson introduced Dan Huntington, newly appointed Commissioner, and administered the oath of office. MOTION by Toombs to approve the January 7, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Abstain: Huntington. Johnson reminded the Commission of two scheduled variance hearings to be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting at 6:00 p.m. as requested by Keith Peterson, 14660 Danville Avenue West, and Paul Wrolstad, 14545 Biscayne Way. Johnson also noted that Council has scheduled a public hearing for a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment on February 18, 1986 at 8:00 p.m. The plan amendment is to change land designation of the Gergen farm site from Agriculture to Single Family, Multiple Family and Neighborhood Commercial and add the area to the urban service area. It is at that time that Council will determine if it is in the best interest of the City to remove all vacant parcels (approximately 1,000 acres) designated as the Urban Service Area from the comp plan. If Council is in agreement to this overall concept an amendment to the comp plan will be required to include a parcel in the urban service area and will be a pre requisite to approval of subdivisions as they are submitted in the future. A public hearing for approval of the Rosemount Development Co. plat /PUD will immediately follow the plan amendment hearing on February 18, 1986. Met Council's summary of growth in the metro area was discussed. Because of Met Council's reduced projections for growth in the entire region, the projected growth for the City of Rosemount has been adjusted to less than what was originally predicted in the 1990 and 2000 plan. Johnson updated the Commission on the County Road 38 reconstruction project. A two -year project will include the grading and possibly base bituminous work in 1986, with completion in 1987. Construction limits are from Pilot Knob Road in Apple Valley to TH 3 in Rosemount, following the existing alignment. Council may set an assessment hearing on Rosemount's share of the cost for all properties affected on February 11, 1986. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES January 21, 1986 Page Two Evenson First Addition is a replat of a part of Lot 14, Auditor's Subdivision No. 27, reducing the four lots to three with no change in the perimeter boundary line of the site. The purpose of this plat is to combine and adjust property lines to align with the existing three structures. Although there were no issues or controversy with the proposed plat, Johnson noted that staff has concern for at least one shared water and sewer line for two buildings and the existence of drainage problems on the south end of this site. MOTION by Toombs recommending approval of the Evenson First Addition preliminary plat subject to individual utility service connections for each building and a permanent storm sewer solution, the details and conditions for which to be outlined in a development agreement. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. The floor was opened for nominations for Planning Commission Officers. MOTION by Toombs nominating Richard Smith for Chairman of the Planning Commission. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. MOTION by Toombs nominating Chuck Cunningham for Secretary of the Planning Commission. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0. MOTION by Toombs to close the nominations. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays O. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further business to come before this board and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -1 for January 21, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully s bmitted, A utia„ Donna Quintus Recording Secretary Ci ty 367 -145TH ST E P 0 BOX 455 CcR mount PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423 441 1 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on February 4, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington, Toombs and Cunningham present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Toombs to approve the January 21, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Johnson informed the Commission that Council has approved the Evenson First Addition preliminary plat with the recommendations suggested by the Planning Commission. Planning Commission nominations and elections were held. There were no further nominations. MOTION by Smith to close the nominations. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. MOTION by Toombs to elect Richard Smith as Chairman and Charles Cunningham as Secretary to the Planning Commission. Second by Huntington. Ayes 4, Nays 0. As a result of staff review and preliminary recommendations, Rosemount Development Co. has submitted a revised concept PUD /preliminary plat for the 193 -acre Gergen farm. Modification to the west half of the original preliminary plat includes a single access point to Shannon Parkway, a future collector street, and the additions of cul -de -sacs that lend itself to improvement in internal street circulation. While formal review is still needed from the city engineer, it appears that this will also be a more desirable layout for trunk facilities. Johnson noted that phasing and density of this development have remained similar to the original preliminary plat. Council has scheduled a public hearing for February 18, 1986. Formal recommendation on both preliminary plats will be made at the next Regular Meeting. John Shardlow, consultant and representative for Chicago North Western Railroad, James Heidkamp, Regional Manager for Real Estate and Industrial Development for the railroad, and Dick Taylor, Vice President, were present to review the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) and concept PUD /preliminary plat for a 226 -acre subdivision which includes a proposed automobile unloading facility located on the "Kane farm" north of CSAH 42. Discussions included grading and drainage detail; relocation of a future local collector street, originally identified as an extension of Bacardi Avenue; access points; a 100 -acre industrial park; recreational and scenic easements; and the extension of sanitary sewer and water improvements north of the railroad tracks for future growth and development in the city. MOTION by Smith to formally accept the PUD /preliminary plat as submitted by Chicago North Western Railroad for review and authorize distribution for 30- day review; and further, to recommend to City Council that a public hearing for their review be set no sooner than March 18, 1986. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 4, 1986 Page Two The information in the EAW acts as support documentation for the PUD. Official action on the EAW by the City cannot be taken until it is published in the EQB Monitor and a 30 -day review period has taken place. MOTION by Smith to accept the document and authorize distribution of the EAW for formal review. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Chairman Smith recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the scheduled meeting of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments at 6:00 p.m. to conduct two public hearings. Johnson had in his possession Affidavits of Publication and Mailed Hearing Notice for the Keith Peterson request for variance to side yard setback. Mr. Peterson, 14660 Danville Avenue West, was present to request a variance to allow a 10'x 30' detached structure located to the rear of his residence and a concrete driveway from the street right -of -way to the structure. Both concrete driveway, installed 12 years ago, and the partially completed structure, construction of which began last fall, are within one foot of the side yard property line. Mr. Peterson noted that due to a misunderstanding between the contractor and himself, no building permit was issued for either project. He went on further to explain that the structure was built on a concrete slab that existed when he bought the home nine years ago. At that time the concrete slab was allegedly used as a dog run. Discussion ensued on ordinance setback requirements in the R -1 District and the conditions necessary for variance approval. The Board noted that the zoning ordinance requires five feet setbacks for attached garages and three feet setbacks for detached structures with corresponding setbacks for driveways and parking areas. Therefore, minimum setback for the driveway would be five feet in the front yard and three feet for the balance of the driveway. The Board recognized that a minimum setback of less than one foot represents a significant departure from ordinance requirements and no hardships or extraordinary circumstances had been presented. Similar requests for variances have been denied in the past, and the fact that the improvements had been completed or partially completed, without benefit of building permit review, could not have bearing on the Board's decision. There were no other persons present in the audience for comment, however, Johnson acknowledged written comments from Allen Meyer, 14710 Danville Avenue West, declaring opposition to the requested variance. Chairman Smith closed the public hearing for Keith Peterson at 6:15 p.m. MOTION by Smith to deny the variance request of Keith Peterson because the ordinance requirements have not been found for variance approval. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Chairman Smith opened the public hearing for the Paul Wrolstad request for variance to front yard setback at 6 :20 p.m. Johnson had in his possession Affidavits of Publication and Mailed Hearing Notice. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 4, 1986 Page Three Paul Wrolstad, 14545 Biscayne Way, was present to request variance to front yard setback requirements. According to a survey of the University Addition preliminary plat, homes in this subdivision are setback between 33 and 38 feet with Mr. Wrolstad's residence set back 38 feet. He is proposing a 6' x 33.5' front porch addition which would result in a 32 feet minimum setback. Johnson noted that the proposed setback would ordinarily meet ordinance requirements, but because of the extraordinary setbacks in place in this subdivision a request for a variance is necessary. The Board agreed that due to excessive minimum setbacks of all the homes in this subdivision and the curvilinear street design in which setback exceptions would be hard to detect would qualify this as an unusual circumstance and even a hardship. The Board also recognized the appearance of this particular exception as positive from an aesthetic viewpoint. Michael Raway and Steve LaFavor, residents of the University Addition, expressed their support for a favorable decision in granting the variance stating their approval of improvements to the homes in their neighborhood. Chairman Smith closed the public hearing for Paul Wrolstad at 6:25 p.m. MOTION by Toombs to approve the variance as requested by Paul Wrolstad. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Chairman Smith closed the meeting of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reopened the Regular Planning Commission Meeting at 6:28 p.m. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Smith. There being no further business to come before this board and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -2 for February 4, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary ®se�Z O 367 -145TH ST. E P. O. BOX 455 r�toun PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 18, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on February 18, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington, Toombs and Cunningham present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. Items added to the Agenda: 3d. March 4, 1986 Meeting Discussion; 3e. March 18, 1986 Meeting Discussion. MOTION by Cunningham to approve the February 4, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Johnson reminded the Commission of the scheduled hearing for that same evening at 8:00 p.m. to consider an amendment to the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Johnson also informed the Commission that Council intends to reschedule the public hearing for review of the Chicago North Western Railroad Concept PUD /Preliminary Plat to Monday, March 17, 1986 at 8:00 p.m. A Special Council Meeting was held on Tuesday, February 11, 1986 at the Dakota County Vocational and Technical Institute to conduct an improvement hearing to consider the reconstruction of CR 38. Following testimony and comments from those present the Council ordered the project and approved the specifications and plans as presented by the Dakota County Engineer. Johnson went on further to explain that the local assessments will be approximately $3,000 per 5 -acre parcel with an estimated 120 -150 assessment units. Johnson advised the Commission that he will be on vacation the week prior to the regularly scheduled Planning Commission Meeting on March 4, 1986. At present there are no pending projects nor any old business items that require Planning Commission action at that meeting, therefore, Johnson recommended cancellation of that meeting, unless something pressing comes up prior to his departure. Also, 1986 Precinct Caucus meetings are scheduled for March 18, 1986, which, according to state regulations, prohibit Council meetings after 6:00 p.m. on that date. Johnson advised the Commission of Council's intent to reschedule their regularly scheduled meeting for that date to Monday, March 17, 1986. In order to enable Planning Commission review and recommendation regarding the public hearing for Chicago North Western for that same evening, Johnson suggested that the Commission also reschedule their regular meeting to that date. MOTION by Cunningham to cancel the March 4, 1986 Regular Planning Commission Meeting unless significant business items should surface prior to February 21st and warrant a meeting; and, further, to reschedule the March 18, 1986 Regular Meeting to Monday, March 17, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. The proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Guide Plan would remove approximately 880 acres from the Urban Service Area (USA) which presently has no committment for development. Nearly 370 acres, currently involved in developments that have been formally approved or considerable expenditures have been made, will remain in the USA. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING February 18, 1986 Page Two MOTION by Toombs to recommend to Council approval of an amendment to the Comprehensive Guide Plan according to the exhibits as outlined and illustrated by the Planning Director. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Henry and John Broback, developers, were present to request Concept PUD and preliminary plat approval for development of the Gergen Farm generally located in the south half of Section 31. Johnson provided details on revised street alignment, land use changes, utilities and the proposed phasing. It is necessary for the City to formally approve a final PUD to allow the variances in lot size and utility feasibility. MOTION by Toombs to approve the Concept PUD, subject to the following: 1. Amendments to the guide plan to change land use and sewer service. 2. Revisions to the locations of the neighborhood commercial and multiple residential land uses. 3. Modification to the eastern boundary of Phase 1. 4. Final determination of utility feasibility by the city engineer. 5. A PUD Agreement which outlines park dedication requirements, utility easements, ponding easements, setback requirements and housing styles. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0. MOTION by Toombs to approve the Phase 1 preliminary plat, subject the 110 following: 1. Approval of the Concept PUD. 2. Amendments to the guide plan to change land use and sewer service. 3. Rezoning from Agriculture to Single Family. 4. Detailed recommendation of the city engineer. 5. Final street and utility plans and specifications. 6. Utility and ponding easements as determined by the city engineer. 7. Temporary cul -de -sacs at the east end of stage one. 8. A revision of Lots 1 -5, Block 3. 9. A subdivision development contract. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Smith. There being no further business to come before this board and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -3 for February 18, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully s4 itted, /fiptitaJ Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 4 eii y 367- 1 45TH ST E P. O BOX 455 osem (j PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 5 44 612-423 -4411 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 4, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was cancelled due to lack of Business items. et 1 of 367 -145TH ST. E.- P. 0 80X 455 41)4N g?osernount ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 P LANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 17, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on March 17, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington, Toombs and Cunningham present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Cunningham to approve the February 18, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Johnson briefly reviewed the results of the EAW for the proposed Chicago and North Western auto unloading facility with the Commissioners. The responses from the different agencies offered no recommendation for further environmental review. MOTION by Cunningham recommending that the City Council make a Negative Declaration to conclude the EAW review of the Chicago 6 North Western Railroad unloading facility. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Several representatives of Chicago and North Western Railroad were present to request preliminary plat and concept PUD approval for CNW Addition, which includes the car unloading facility and industrial park. John Shardlow, consultant to the railroad company, provided a review of the plat and addressed proposed changes in street layout for the industrial park site, land dedication to the Rosemount HRA and the intent of the developer to provide a trunk sewer line on the site. A brief discussion ensued with railroad representatives. There were no other questions or comments from the audience. MOTION by Smith to recommend approval of the CNW Addition preliminary plat, subject to the following: 1. EAW Negative Declaration 2. Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment 3. Approval of the Concept PUD 4. Detailed recommendation of the City Engineer 5. Ponding and utility easements to be determined by the City 6. Subdivision Development Agreement 7. Rezoning Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Abstain: Huntington (because of potential conflict of interest). MOTION by Smith to recommend approval of the CNW Addition concept PUD, subject to the following: 1. EAW Negative Declaration 2. Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment 3. Site lighting revisions approved by the City Council 4. Planned Unit Development Agreement 5. Rezoning Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Abstain: Huntington (because of potential conflict of interest). REGULAR MEETING MINUTES March 17, 1986 Page Two The request from Harvey Swoboda and Dick Vretstrom for a lot division /combination was tabled until further information is received. Chairman Smith recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the Board of Appeals and Adjustments to conduct a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. Johnson had in his possession Affidavits of Publication and Mailing Hearing Notice for variance to minimum lot area requirements for a private on -site sewer system. Michael Smith was present to request a variance for an on -site sewer system to be located at 4423 Upper 135th Street West, legally described as Lot 4, Block 1, Birch View Terrace. Johnson informed the Board that the .66 -acre parcel is a legal lot of record and the percolation test has been submitted to and approved by the building official. There were no other persons present for comment. Chairman Smith closed the public hearing. MOTION by Smith to approve the variance to minimum lot area requirements for a private on -site sewer system at 4423 Upper 135th Street West, as petitioned by Michael and Michelle Smith. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Chairman Smith adjourned the meeting of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reopened the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -4 for March 17, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, /609tAAJ 410 OW" Donna Quintu Recording Secretary it1 Q 367 -1 45TH ST E P 0 BOX 455 p ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 ose ©un PLANNING COMMISSION 612-423 4411 0 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES APRIL 1, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on APRIL 1, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington, Toombs and Cunningham present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Cunningham approve the March 17, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Johnson informed the Commission that Council unanimously approved the preliminary plat and PUD for the Chicago and North Western auto unloading facility. Council will hold a public hearing for the final PUD, plat, rezoning and public improvements on May 6, 1986 at 8:00 p.m. Johnson also informed the Commission of a public meeting being held in the Council Chambers on Thursday, April 10, 1986 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the construction timetable and detailed plans for the easterly extension of County Road 42. A Special Council Meeting is scheduled for April 22, 1986 for a public improvement hearing. The Metropolitan Council is still reviewing the requested guide plan amendment submitted by the City for the inclusion of the Gergen property in the urban service area. The amendment to the guide plan for the railroad property has been approved by Met Council. The 14th Annual Minnesota Planning Conference will be held April 24th through the 26th in Minnetonka. Johnson advised that if anyone is interested in attending the conference, he will be requesting Council authorization for attendance for Planning Commission and Council members. The Commissioners indicated they will check their schedules and notify him of their intentions if they will be in attendance. Items added to the agenda: 5b. Tranby Accessory Building Permit Request; 5c. Variance Interpretation. The Commission reviewed the West Ridge Final Plat, Final Development Plan and the PUD and Subdivision Agreement. All changes and conditions required in the preliminary plat have been incorporated into the final plat. Johnson advised the Commission that the request for plan amendment is limited to the area of proposed improvements, which represents 56 single family lots. Met Council's concern for flows has delayed the approval of the requested plan amendment until further studies are conducted. MOTION by Toombs to approve the final plat, PUD and rezoning subject to Met Council approval of the guide plan amendment. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0. A request from Harvey Swaboda for a lot division /combination was discussed. Johnson advised that a development agreement for a division of a 2.5 -acre Oil/ parcel in the Agriculture Preserve District has been executed, which permanently combines the parcels and addresses the relationship of the Agriculture Preserve designation. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 1, 1986 Page Two MOTION by Smith recommending approval of the lot division and development agreement as requested by Harvey Swaboda and Dick Vretstrom. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Bill Pritchard, Thompson Land Development, and Lloyd Erickson, RCM, were present to discuss Highpointe First Addition and a sketch plan for the development of 270 acres now owned by Thompson Land Development. Mr. Pritchard noted that a portion of the original first addition final plat, which was approved in 1984, will be developed. This represents 69 lots in an area with the grading already completed. Discussion included sewer staging and service revisions, park dedication and collector street timing. MOTION by Smith to formally accept the Highpointe plat and sketch plan for review. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Commissioner Toombs excused himself from his chair at 6:20 p.m. Johnson reviewed with the Commission a request from Joseph 0. Tranby to construct a 1,400 sq. ft. accessory building to be located on the southeast corner of South Robert Trail and 130th Street West. Mr. Tranby has indicated the use of the proposed structure to be for storage of personal property. He has no plans for an attached garage to his proposed residence. The building materials match that of the residence. Because the structure is more than 1,000 sq. ft. a building code variance must be granted. The City has the authority to waive the variance and grant the building permit. MOTION by Smith to approve the building permit request of Mr. Tranby for a 1,400 sq. ft. accessory building on the basis that it is used strictly for storage of personal property related to residential activities. Second by Huntington. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Johnson presented the Commission with a request from Mr. Gilbert Lunning to move a home onto a 142' x 72' corner lot on the corner of 143rd Street West and Cameo Avenue. Mr. Lunning proposes to face the home toward 143rd Street with a garage opening and access on Cameo Avenue. Johnson indicated that all other homes in that block face Cameo Avenue. If the applicant proceeds with his original plan to face 143rd Street, he will be encroaching into what would be his rear yard setback. It was the concensus of the Commission that a variance hearing is needed, based on the rear yard setback requirement. MOTION by Smith to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -5 for April 1, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Resp Z La4 lly submitted, Donna Quin Recording Secretary �C 1367 145TH ST E- P 0 BOX 455 os (7 o O unt t ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 c 612-423 44 1 1 4 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES APRIL 15, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on April 15, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington and Cunningham present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Smith to approve the April 1, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Johnson presented an update on the status of the guide plan amendment for the West Ridge Addition. Met Council will approve the amendment subject to an increase in the size of the urban service area to make this addition contiguous with another development. The City will add the property west and north of the trunk watermain from Winds' Crossing. This will increase the urban service area from 20 acres to approximately 110 acres, thus making the West Ridge Addition contiguous with Winds' Crossing. The increase in the size of the new urban service area and corresponding trunk sewer system requires an EAW which could be published in the May 5, 1986 EQB. The review period would then be over June 6, 1986. Provided there are no negative comments, it is anticipated that Council could award the West Ridge improvement project on June 17. Johnson extended an invitation to the Commission to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for the new city hall to be held Saturday, April 19, 1986 at 10:00 a.m. at the old MnDOT site. Refreshments will be served following the ceremony at the Senior Citizen Center. Johnson informed the Commission that a previously scheduled meeting with the developers of Highpointe Addition had been postponed until April 18, 1986. Because he was unable to meet with them before the Commission meeting, Johnson was not in possession of the revised sketch plan and, therefore, not prepared to review the plat at this time. Johnson did advise the Commission that Council has set a public hearing on May 6, 1986 to consider the Highpointe 1st Addition final plat and concept PUD. Mr. Mrs. Don Amundson and Mr. Mrs. Wayne Anderson, owners, David Darrel, architect, and Dale Royer, equipment representative, were present to discuss a site plan for a proposed car wash, located on the southwest corner of 151st Street West and Carousel Way in South Rose Park Addition. The site plan con- sisted of a 4 -bay self- service car wash, 25 required parking spaces and a passing lane around the building. The passing lane, as well as exit stalls, encroach into the front yard setback. Previous meetings with the owners and staff suggested a minor exception in the setback area may be acceptable; however, the gross exception presented could not be approved without a variance. Lengthy discussion included building position alternatives, turn radius in stacking lanes, ingress /egress and the possibility of the size of the lot being incompatible with the proposed use. The Commission agreed to table action on the site plan to allow the owners to submit a revised more acceptable plan. MOTION by Smith to adjourn. Second by Huntington. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6 :15 p.m. 410 See Planner's File 1986 6 for April 15, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Rei. sectful ly emitted iI ionna Suintu Recording S- etary (?ih 1367 -145TH ST. 6- P O. BOX 455 osernoun� ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 6, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on May 6, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington, Toombs and Cunningham present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director, and Joe Walsh, Councilmember. MOTION by Toombs to approve the April 15, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Item added to the agenda: 4c. CNW Railroad Unloading Facility Status. Johnson informed the Commission of two public hearings scheduled for May 20, 1986. Mr. Mrs. Steve Hachfeld's request for a variance to expand a legal non conforming use will begin at 6:00 p.m. with Gilbert Lunning's request for a rear yard setback variance to immediately follow. Johnson reviewed the West Ridge First Addition final plat and rezoning and presented an update on Met Council's action. The Met Council has approved the Rosemount guide plan amendment subject to Apple Valley adopting a resolution approving Rosemount's use of the metropolitan interceptor serving Apple Valley. Johnson noted that, if for any reason there are delays, the plans and specifications and the subdivision development agreement provide an alternate plan for the installation of a temporary lift station and force main, at the developer's expense, which will serve this subdivision. MOTION by Smith to approve the West Ridge First Addition final plat and rezoning and authorize signatures on the final plat. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. The Highpointe First Addition plat represents 69 single family lots and a grading plan identical to the plat previously approved in 1984. The Commission discussed the concept PUD amendment for the entire 274 -acre Highpointe Addition which consists of approximately 567 single family dwellings with a density of 2.1 units per acre. Major changes from the original PUD for Highpointe Addition include staging of utilities and utility detail, park dedication and placement, street alignment and lot size. Council will hold a public hearing for public improvements and PUD amendment at 8:00 p.m. this same evening. Johnson informed the Commission that the Chicago and North Western Railroad car unloading facility proposal has been withdrawn due to the car manufacturer's failure to agree to the restrictions of the hours of operation as determined by City Council. The property owners have requested the street vacation on the north side of the Kane Addition for purposes of clearing title to the property. The platted street does not meet required right -of -way specifications, and the City has no interest in constructing a public street in that area. The Council is expected to vacate the street as requested. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING May 6, 1986 Page Two The Rosemount National Bank has requested a curb cut for direct access onto Chippendale Avenue, directly across from the Holiday store access, for more convenient entrance to their parking lot. The Commission recognized that presently there were no major traffic issues; however, there was unanimous agreement that ultimate development south of CSAH 42 would cause congestion on Chippendale Avenue, particularly between 151st Street and CSAH 42. Northbound exits from the bank onto Chippendale would be hazardous without a traffic signal. MOTION by Smith recommending that access onto Chippendale Avenue as requested by Rosemount National Bank be restricted to right -in /right -out. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. MOTION by Smith to adjourn. Second by Toombs. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -7 for May 6, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintu Recording Secretary C ity 1367 145TH ST. E P. 0 BOX 455 oservto �ini PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612-423 44 1 1 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 20, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on May 20, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington, Toombs and Cunningham present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director, and Joe Walsh, Councilmember. MOTION by Toombs to approve the May 6, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Huntington. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Johnson distributed drawings illustrating the proposed revision of the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) as submitted to Met Council. There is little deviation from the original that was submitted in February, 1986. Met Council has approved the addition of the Gergen and Kane farms; however, there has been no action to date on the overall proposal which provides an inventory of approximately 550 acres to be added to the MUSA in the future. Also distributed to the Commissioners was a copy of the EAW as prepared by the City and signed by the PCA. The EAW is mandatory because of the trunk sewer system now proposed to serve Section 31. The review period for the EAW will conclude on June 18, 1986 and the bid for the installation of utilities in the West Ridge Addition could be awarded by July 1, 1986. Gas Supply, Inc., property owners of the former Northern Natural Gas Co. and Hydrocarbon Transportation, Inc. properties, has requested two driveway cuts on 160th Street. The property, located northeast of the intersection of 160th Street and TH3, totals approximately 57 acres; however, the request is for the east half of a 10.8 -acre parcel and would permit the construction of a service road. The proposed use is for outside storage of small commercial propane tanks. Johnson advised that this parcel, presently zoned General Industry, permits outside storage provided proper screening is implemented. The Commission had no objection to the requested street cuts and were in agreement that further review of the berming and screening should be addressed as future development of the property occurs. Lloyd Erickson, RCM, and Bill Laubner and Bill Pritchard, Thompson Land Development, were present to discuss the planned unit development for Highpointe Addition. The representatives presented a request for consideration to allow variations in lot widths with an overall average width of 75 feet and a density of three (3) units per acre. Compliance with 5 and 10 feet sideyard setbacks and lot area minimums as required by the zoning ordinance would be adhered to. The proposal for street and lot layout is to make use of the existing contours of the property, therefore, steep grades, building elevations and building design will vary creating visual spaciousness and give character to the subdivision. Chairman Smith recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the scheduled meeting 11/ of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments at 6:00 p.m. to conduct two p u b l i c hearings. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING May 20, 1986 Page Two Johnson had in his possession Affidavits of Publication and Mailed Hearing Notice for the Steve and Jane Hachfeld request for a variance to construct a garage on a legal non conforming parcel. Mr. Mrs. Hachfeld, 14690 South Robert Trail, were present to request a variance to allow a second garage on their property for the purpose of storing street rods. The present zoning of the parcel is C -2 Commercial. Johnson advised that, because this property is located in the tax increment and redevelopment district, the Rosemount HRA discussed the Hachfeld's proposal at their May 6th meeting and expressed no objections. There were no other persons present for comment. Chairman Smith closed the public hearing for Steve and Jane Hachfeld at 6:05 p.m. MOTION by Smith to approve the variance as requested by Steve and Jane Hachfeld. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Chairman Smith opened the public hearing for the Gilbert Lunning request for variance to rear yard setback at 6:10 p.m. Johnson had in his possession Affidavits of Publication and Mailed Hearing Notice. Gilbert Lunning was present to request approval for moving a 32'x 80' home ID onto Lot 1, School Addition, a corner lot at the southeast intersection of Cameo Avenue and 143rd Street. The lot in question is a legal non- conforming parcel with a lot width of only 73 feet, therefore, the structure must be oriented toward 143rd Street in order to retain 30' front and side yard setbacks as required by ordinance for corner lots. Johnson noted that average existing setbacks in the School Addition would allow a home to be set back 28 feet from Cameo Avenue; however, because of the orientation of the house to the north, neither the southern nor eastern setbacks could meet ordinance requirements and existing conditions. Johnson also noted the 80 feet width of this home would not fit on a standard City lot. He suggested that this home simply was not designed for this lot nor did it fit the character of the neighborhood. Dan Strese, 14320 Cameo Avenue West, and Marie Jensen, 14325 Cameo Avenue West, were also present. Both residents raised questions about the style of the home and the visibility at the intersection of Cameo and 143rd Street. Mrs. Jensen suggested Mr. Lunning look at a home in Burnsville that could be moved, that may be more compatible with the lot and neighborhood. Chairman Smith closed the public hearing for Gilbert Lunning at 6:25 p.m. MOTION by Smith to deny the variance to rear yard setback as requested by Gilbert Lunning. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Chairman Smith closed the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reopened the Regular Planning Commission Meeting at 6:30 p.m. Commissioner Toombs excused himself from his chair at 6:35 p.m. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING May 20, 1986 Page Three Discussion resumed on the Highpointe PUD. Commission members were in general agreement with the concept, but expressed concern over the possibility of having smaller lots in the early phases and no real commitment to balance out the development with later phases. Johnson suggested that the concept for the PUD be honored in each phase, excepting the first plat. Johnson also recommended that the final development plan be revised to actually show the concept as described. No formal action was taken. MOTION by Smith to adjourn. Second by Huntington. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -8 for May 20, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, 4 Li 0 (9i4c.= Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 1111 (4?9 UJ 367 -145TH ST 5 P O BOX 455 osern -oun� ROSEMOUNT 7iNNFSOTA 55068 1 612-423 -441 1 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 3, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on June 3, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington and Cunningham present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Cunningham to approve the May 20, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Johnson informed the Commission of two public hearings scheduled for June 17, 1986 to consider variance to minimum lot size for keeping of horses and variance to minimum lot frontage for a division in the Agriculture District. The hearings will begin at 6 :00 p.m. Gilbert Lunning, whose request for variance to rear yard setback on Lot 1, School Addition was denied at the last meeting, has submitted a request for permission to place another home on that same lot. The site plan submitted illustrates frontage on Cameo Avenue and 28 feet setbacks from both Cameo Avenue and 143rd Street. Johnson noted that the proposed setback matches the average existing setback on Cameo Avenue. After further investigation and discussion it was determined by the Commission that this setback could be extended to include the setback line on 143rd Street and, therefore, a variance was not required. The Commission further agreed that this home was compatible with the neighborhood. MOTION by Cunningham to approve the permit request of Gilbert Lunning to locate a 40'x 38' structure on Lot 1, School Addition with 28 feet corner lot setbacks. Second by Huntington. Ayes 3, Nays 0. The Highpointe Addition PUD Amendment has been revised to address basic changes in lot standards which applies to all phases of the development with the exception of Phase 1, which was formally approved in 1984. Both Planning Commission and City Council, in previous discussions with the developer, generally agreed to a minimum lot width of 65 feet; average lot width not less than 75 feet; minimum lot area to meet ordinance requirements; and, interior sideyard setbacks of five feet "garage side" and ten feet "living side." These standards have been included in the PUD amendment. Johnson noted that review of each phase will be required for final approval to assure that these standards are met. A revised Final Development Plan, a trails plan and preliminary utility plan, prepared by the developer, and a preliminary park development plan, prepared by City staff, will be attached to the Highpointe PUD Amendment. MOTION by Cunningham recommending approval of the Highpointe PUD Amendment, subject to the revised exhibits and executed PUD Agreement. Second by Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES June 3, 1986 Page Two MOTION by Smith recommending approval of Highpointe First Addition final plat subject to the following: 1. Approval of the amended PUD and executed PUD agreement 2. Final plans and specifications for Highpointe First Addition 3. Highpointe First Addition Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan 4. Executed development agreement for Highpointe First Addition Second by Huntington. Ayes 3, Nays 0. The final plat for O'Leary's Hills Second Addition has been submitted for approval. An overall grading plan for the entire O'Leary farm, as previously required as a condition for preliminary plat approval, has been submitted. Johnson advised the Commission that plans and specifications for O'Leary's Hills and the second phase of Wind's Crossing have been finalized, and the two developments will be bid as one construction project. MOTION by Smith to approve the rezoning of O'Leary's Hills Second Addition and recommending to City Council that a public hearing be scheduled for the rezoning of O'Leary's Hills Second Addition from AG Agriculture to R -1 Single Family Residential; and, further, recommending approval of O'Leary's Hills Second Addition final plat subject to an executed subdivision development agreement. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 3, Nays 0. MOTION by Cunningham to adjourn. Second by Huntington. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -9 for June 3, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintu Recording Secretary 4111 el q of 1367-145TH ST E 0 BOX 455 osernoun� ROSE MOUNT MINNESOTA 55068 612-423 441 1 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 17, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on June 17, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington, Toombs and Cunningham present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. MOTION by Cunningham to approve the June 3, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Johnson presented a brief summary on the status of the Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendments regarding the removal and addition of properties in the Metro Urban Service Area, all of which have now been approved. Johnson informed the Commission of a Dakota County proposal to erect a Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) facility in the City of Rosemount on a 50 -60 acre site southeast of the Koch Refining Sulfuric Acid Plant on Highway 55. RDF is an alternative to landfilling, wherein aluminum, glass and ferrous metals are separated and recycled. All other waste materials are shredded and burned. A facility such as this could possibly reduce materials for landfills by 90% and should also diminish the burial of toxic and hazardous materials. Further study of this type of facility will be conducted through the County, possibly by visiting a similar facility now located and in operation in Sweden. Johnson noted that a major project such as this will require an EIS as well as other reviews. Chairman Smith recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the scheduled meeting of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments at 6 :00 p.m. to conduct two public hearings. Johnson had in his possession Affidavits of Publication and Mailed Hearing Notice for the variance request of Shelby Penrod to keep horses on a lot less than five (5) acres. Mr. Mrs. Shelby Penrod were present to request a variance to keep horses on Lot 1, Block 1, Stonebridge Addition containing 4.5 acres. Johnson noted that at the time of final plat approval for Stonebridge Addition this lot had been cut back from five acres originally on the preliminary plat because of the County's request for additional right -of -way on Akron Avenue. The layout of the street in the preliminary plat was conducive to the natural topography of the land and to change the alignment of the street did not seem practical at that time. Mr. Penrod informed the Board that he has purchased this lot contingent upon approval of the variance from the City. Upon further discussion, the Board agreed that this request represents a minor exception being only ten percent less than what is permitted. Also, adjacent properties have the option to keep horses and all properties contiguous to this plat are zoned Agriculture where livestock is kept. There were no other persons present for comment. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES June 17, 1986 Page Two Chairman Smith closed the public hearing at 6 :15 p.m. MOTION by Huntington to approve the variance as requested by Shelby Penrod. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Chairman Smith opened the public hearing for the Clay Adams request for variance to minimum lot frontage for a metes and bounds division of property at 6:18 p.m. Johnson had in his possession Affidavits of Publication and Mailed Hearing Notice. Mr. Earl Adams and Mrs. Clay Adams were present to request approval for a division of a 20.15 -acre parcel in the Agriculture District located in Section 18, north of County Road 38. The division would create a 5 -acre and 15.15 -acre parcel. Although both parcels meet minimum dimensional requirements neither has the required 300 feet of frontage on a public road due to a remnant of Mickelson's First Addition, identified as Outlot A, which blocks access to the Adams property except at two points. Johnson informed the Board that present access to the Earl Adams property is located on the east 33 feet of the property, but with the reconstruction of County Road 38, the County will provide another access to his property on the westerly line. The existing access would then serve the proposed 5- acre parcel. Johnson informed the Board that the division would not require a rezoning. 1 Sharon Mickelson, owner of Outlot A in Mickelson's First Addition, was present and questioned how this variance would effect her property. Johnson informed her the variance would have no impact on this lot since it is a remnant of Mickelson's First Addition and is an unbuildable lot until the ordinance standards are reduced. She stated she had no objection to the request. There were no other persons present for comment. Chairman Smith closed the public hearing at 6:30 p.m. MOTION by Toombs to approve the variance as requested by Clay Adams. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Chairman Smith closed the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reopened the Regular Planning Commission Meeting at 6:35 p.m. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Cunningham. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6 :35 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -10 for June 17, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully su mitted, ildltkAceLJ Donna Quintus Recording Secretary �Z` O 367 -145TH ST E P. O- BOX 455 osernoun� PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 55068 612-423 441 1 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 1, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on July 1, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington, Toombs and Cunningham present. Also present were Dean Johnson, Planning Director, and Joe Walsh, Councilmember. MOTION by Toombs to approve the June 17, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Johnson updated the Commission on several pending projects. He noted that bids had been received June 25 on the West Ridge utility improvements. He also indicated the findings of fact on the EAW had not been completed by the MnPCA, which could delay the bid award. The bids for the Wind's Crossing /O'Leary's Hills utility project are due July 8. Johnson also noted the rezoning hearing for O'Leary's Hills would be held at 8:00 p.m. this evening. Bill Jacobson, architect and owner of William Jacobson Associates, presented a concept for a townhouse development on Lot 4, Block 3, South Rose Park Addition Replat. Discussion centered on recommendations for details on a final site plan, parking and the incomplete storm sewer system from Carousel Way. Johnson indicated there was no responsibility by Mr. Jacobson for the drainage work, but that the approval of the project should be subject to completion of the work. MOTION by Smith to approve the William Jacobson Associates townhouse concept plan subject to final detailed plans, parking revisions and the completion of the storm sewer system required in the Carousel Way street and utility project. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. The commissioners reviewed the request from Lee Moeller for operating the Adventure Zone survival game in the City. Johnson indicated there were no land use regulations applicable to the request. No actions or recommendations were made. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Huntington. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dean Johnson Planning Director 111116 ely o 1367 -145TH ST E- P O BOX 455 4ose rn ount ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 6 1 2- 423 -441 1 P LANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 11, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was cancelled due to lack of Business items. 11111 ra eily O 1 3i'7 4.7, H S7 E P O 50>s fi t2- 423 -4=:i I PLANNING COMMISSION TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: DICK SMITH, CHAIRMAN DATE: JULY 11, 1986 SUBJ: MEETING CANCELLATION I have been informed by City Staff that there are no old or new business matters to come before the commission. I hereby give notice that the July 15, 1986 Regular Planning Commission Meeting is cancelled. Ili L 1 367 1 45TH ST. E.- P. O. BOX 455 rni OSeOUn ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 II L VL 612-423-4411 PLANNING COMMISSION R EGULAR MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 5, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on August 5, 1986 at 5 :00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington, Toombs and Cunningham present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. Item added to the Agenda: 5b. Request for Portable Building Rosemount Senior High. MOTION by Cunningham to approve the July 1, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Johnson presented O'Leary's Hills 2nd Addition final plat hardshells to the Commission for signatures. Bob Westin, Rosemount Legion Club Building Chairman, and Martin Lucking, Post Commander, were in attendance to answer questions regarding their request for an addition to the American Legion Club. Chuck Novak, architect, was also present to discuss the 37'x 94' addition to the east end of the existing structure. Johnson noted that the present proposal has been down scaled considerably from the original request presented in April, 1984. He also noted that two variances that were considered at that time are still necessary for approval of the present request: building setback on the east and off street parking. The original approval of the setback variance has expired. Discussion was held regarding parking and property acquired for additional parking, building uses, setbacks and aesthetic improvements to the existing building and proposed addition. Johnson informed the Commission of the potential for involvement by the Rosemount HRA to participate in the improvements of curbing and sidewalks in conjunction with the efforts in the overall improvement of the downtown area. A public hearing for variance to setback and parking is scheduled for August 19, 1986. Johnson informed the Commission of a request from ISD No. 196 for a 35'x 70' portable building to be located at the Rosemount Senior High site. Although considered portable, this building, to be used as an exercise /weight room, will be on concrete footings with an upgraded heating, air conditioning and ventilation system as required by City staff. There are no zoning issues or ordinance concerns. MOTION by Toombs to approve the 35'x 70' portable weight room facility at Rosemount Senior High as requested by Independent School District 196. Second by Cunningham. Ayes 4, Nays 0. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Smith. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. 4I/1 See Planner's File 1986 -11 for August 5, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Res ectfully s mitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 4 eily of 1367 -145TH ST. E P O- BOX 455 osernount PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 55068 612-423 441 1 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 19, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on August 19, 1986 at 5 :20 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington and Toombs present. Item added to the Agenda: 5b. Appointment(s) to Planning Commission. MOTION by Toombs to approve the August 5, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0. William Jacobson, developer, was present to request approval of a concept townhouse subdivision to be located at the southeast corner of 145th Street West and the proposed Shannon Parkway. Mr. Jacobson also has submitted a site plan for phase 1 of this development which he would like to begin immediately. This includes 16 units on lot 1 of the proposed 4 -lot, 64- unit subdivision. Mr. Jacobson answered questions regarding setbacks, berming and drainage. It was noted that the site is designated as high density residential in the comp plan and is also in the Urban Service Area. MOTION by Smith to approve the concept for townhouses as requested by Wm. Jacobson Associates subject to rezoning and platting, and further recommend to City Council a hearing date be set for the rezoning of this site from Agriculture to RM Multiple Residential. Second by Huntington. Ayes 3, Nays 0. The Evenson First Addition final plat was presented to the Commission for final approval and signatures on the hardshells. A drainage easement is required before recording with Dakota County. MOTION by Smith to approve Evenson First Addition final plat contingent upon receipt of a drainage easement across the southern 240 feet of Lot 3. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Jay and Therese Krech presented a proposal for Planning Commission interpretation wherein they propose to operate a family landscape /lawn care business on agricultural property located at 12050 Dodd Boulevard. They indicated the primary use of the property would be residential, there being a single family dwelling and a 40'x 60' pole building presently existing on the 7.5 -acre agriculture zoned parcel. The Rosemount site would supplement their present West St. Paul business for equipment storage, periodic maintenance and storage of sod and plant materials. Mr. and Mrs. Krech stressed that retail sales would not be conducted from the property and also expressed their willingness to provide screening for any future outside storage. Staff acknowledged that a similar request two years earlier had been interpreted as a permitted use in the Agriculture District. MOTION by Smith to approve the landscape business as a use at 12050 Dodd Boulevard as requested by Jay and Therese Krech prohibiting any retail sales from this property; and, further, to require appropriate screening for any outside storage in the future. Second by Huntington. Ayes 3, Nays 0. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING August 19, 1986 Page Two Chairman Smith informed the Commission of the possibility of the resignation of a Commission member for reasons of health. He also cited the continuous absence of another Commission member and recommended that the status of that member be determined according to Planning Commission Bylaws. With the potential for problems for future attendance due to illness and vacations he recommended new appointments to the Planning Commission should be considered. MOTION by Smith recommending that Council consider appointing a new member, and possibly two after status of member absenteeism is established, to the Planning Commission. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Chairman Smith recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the scheduled meeting of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of conducting a public hearing for the Rosemount Legion Post 65. The recording secretary had in her possession Affidavits of Publication and Mailed Hearing Notice. Chairman Smith explained to those in attendance that this public hearing was to consider a variance to structural setback and minimum parking which must be considered as a result of the Legion's request for a 37'x 95' addition to their existing building. It was also noted that similar variances had been requested approximately two years ago wherein the setback variance was approved and the parking variance had been denied. The present request is for a smaller addition which requires less parking spaces and circumstances surrounding the parking problem has changed because of the Legion's acquisition of land for additional parking. The setback variance must be considered again because of expiration of the original variance approval. Bob Westin, Legion Building Chairman, and Martin Lucking, Post Commander, presented testimony that the present proposal provides 74 off street parking spaces with the potential for 26 parking spaces added in the future with the acquisition of more property within the same block. City staff has determined that, based on the use of the existing building and future addition, a total of 108 off street parking spaces are required. If on- street parking were to be considered, because of the possibility of sole ownership of the entire block by the Legion, another 18 -23 parking spaces could be considered. The proposed setback on Burnley Avenue is inconsistent with the average existing 20 -foot setbacks on that block, but consistent with the setback requirements of the C -2 District. A review of the site plan centered mainly on aesthetic appearance of the existing building in relationship to the new addition. The Board expressed the City's commitment to improve the downtown area. With the participation of the City in the cost of upgrading the curbing and sidewalks around the block, rather than requiring the Legion to bear the full cost of these improvements, the Board felt that requiring fascia improvements on all sides of the completed building was appropriate. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING August 19, 1986 Page Three Mike Smolak, 14600 Burnley Avenue, and Susan Tix, 14590 Burnley Avenue, were both in agreement that if a parking variance were granted, existing problems of parking in front of driveways, traffic congestion, littering and noise, caused by Legion customers, would be enhanced. Chairman Smith also referenced written objection to the variance by Mary Hickey, 14635 Burma Avenue. Ed McMenomy, owner of property at 2810 145th Street West and legal counsel to the Legion Club, advocated approval of the expansion plans and variances and expressed the wishes of the Legion to cooperate with the neighbors in alleviating the existing problems. When asked if there was a firm commitment for the acquisition of the McDonald property for additional off street parking, Mr. McMenomy stated he had only verbal reassurance from the property owner and could not legally commit to the City the acquiring of this property. There were no further comments from the audience. Chairman Smith closed the public hearing. MOTION by Smith to approve the American Legion Club site plan and request for variance to building setback subject to the following requirements: 1) City /HRA commitment to ROW improvement (design and timetable to be determined by City Council. 2) Completion of fascia improvements to the Legion on all sides of the building. 3) Roof -top enclosures for the existing and proposed mechanical systems, the design of which to be approved by City staff. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. MOTION by Toombs to approve the American Legion Club variance to minimum parking. Second by Huntington. Ayes: Toombs, Huntington. Nays: Smith. Chairman Smith closed the meeting of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reopened the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission. MOTION by Smith to adjourn. Second by Huntington. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6 :30 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -12 for August 19, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully s omitted, a&t,, /!!t Donna Quintus Recording Secretary C ity 1367 145TH ST_ E P 0 BOX 455 0 �J�I�I ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423 -441 1 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 The September 2, 1986 Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled to begin at 5 :00 p.m. was cancelled due to lack of a quorum. Respectfully submitted, 6114(11-1 Donna Quintu Recording Secretary O 367 45TH ST E P O. BOX 455 OSeYYIC�LtYt� ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 5 4411 Vl L 612-423 X 41 1 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 16, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on September 16, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington and Toombs present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director, and Joe Walsh, Councilmember. Item added to the Agenda: 5(c). Election of Planning Commission Secretary. MOTION by Huntington to approve the August 19, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Smith. Ayes 3, Nays 0. A moment of silence was observed in memory of former Commissioner Charles Cunningham. Johnson introduced Dennis Wippermann, newly appointed Commissioner, and administered the oath of office. Chairman Smith requested that discussion items be delayed until other business items were completed. The Commission reviewed the revised final plat for Country Hills First Addition. Johnson noted that the revisions included an increase in the right of -way on Connemara Trail from 80 feet to 100 feet at the entrance to the development and replatting of Outlot A to 11 single family lots. Lot dimensions are consistent with the PUD Agreement. A rezoning of Outlot A from Public to R -1 Single Family Residential is needed. Johnson advised the Commission that he was in possession of executed copies of the PUD Agreement and development contracts for the first addition. MOTION by Smith to approve the Country Hills First Addition final plat and rezoning of Outlot A to R -1 Single Family Residential. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Bill Jacobson, developer, presented a site plan for Shannon Park Addition to be located south of 145th Street West and east of the proposed Shannon Parkway. Mr. Jacobson is proposing a total of 64 rental townhouse units on four lots and requested site plan approval for phase one which consists of six 8 -unit buildings on Lots 1, 2 and 3. Utility and drainage, landscaping, building details and parking requirements were discussed. Johnson noted that the entire parcel will require a rezoning from Agriculture to Multiple Residential which is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan. MOTION by Smith to approve the site plan for Shannon Park Phase One and authorize building permit issuance subject to final utility detail, fire and building department approvals and that occupancy be subject to final platting and rezoning. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. MOTION by Smith recommending to Council rezoning of Shannon Park Addition from Agriculture to Multiple Residential. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES September 16, 1986 Page Two Steve Pfiefer, Richard Fuchs Architects, was in attendance representing Tom Thumb Markets, Inc. in their request to redevelop the existing Don's Food Gas site. Their proposal consisted of the removal of the existing store and pump islands and replacement with a new 3,940 square feet grocery and four pumps using existing underground fuel storage. To accommodate the larger building, setbacks and essential parking, a 50'x 150' lot division /combination to the east is being proposed. Johnson noted that there is an existing metal building on the lot to the east that may not meet minimum setbacks should this lot division be executed. Removal of a portion of that building or a variance to setbacks were offered as possible solutions, if a problem were identified. Further discussion included setbacks, shortage in the proposed landscaping, elimination of the northernmost access and architectural details. It was noted that required parking is met if parking provided at the pump islands are counted as legitimate parking spaces. MOTION by Toombs to approve the site plan as presented by Tom Thumb Markets, Inc. subject to the landscape revision, lot division /combination approval by City Council. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Andrew Andreas, 3080 131st Street West, was present to request a building permit for a 64'x 40' pole barn for the purpose of storing his personal classic cars. Staff previously denied this request on the basis of size, lack of screening and architectural design. It was Mr. Andreas' wish to get Planning Commission interpretation and direction. In reviewing the application with Mr. Andreas it was generally agreed by Commission members that Mr. Andreas resubmit his application suggesting he down -size the structure, provide for screening and berming and that the architectural design of the accessory structure be more compatible to the residential use of the property. Commissioner Huntington excused himself from his chair at 6:20 p.m. Chairman Smith informed the Commission that its Bylaws require an immediate election for the office of Secretary which had been vacated by the death of Charles Cunningham. MOTION by Smith to nominate Toombs to the unexpired term of Planning Commission Secretary. Second by Wippermann. Ayes 3, Nays 0. MOTION by Smith calling for unanimous ballot. Second by Wippermann. Ayes 3, Nays 0. The Commission was informed of an MWCC public meeting at 7 :00 p.m., Thursday, September 25, 1986 in the Rosemount Council Chambers to discuss preferred alternatives for the replacement of the present treatment facility at the Rosemount Plant. Johnson briefly described his trip to Sweden where he toured several RDF facilities similar to the one proposed to be located in the City of Rosemount. A Special Council Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 23, 1986 at 7 :00 in the Rosemount Council Chambers when an in -depth description of the facilities will be given along with slides and a video. i REGULAR MEETING MINUTES September 16, 1986 Page Three Johnson updated the Commission on the status of West Ridge Addition, Country Hills, the new city hall, plaza buildings and improvements on the Legion Club. Johnson informed the Commission that the City of Rosemount has been added to the search area for the new site for the County government offices. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Smith. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7 :00 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -13 for September 16, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully s bmitted, A/LK&J Donna Quintus Recording Secretary i 4110 4 �Z i 3O O 1367-145TH ST E P. O_ BOX 455 ose o��ni PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 5 441 1 612-423 -441 1 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on October 7, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington, Toombs and Wippermann present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director, and Joe Walsh, Councilmember. Item added to the Agenda: 3(c). Search For Planning Commission Member. MOTION by Smith to approve the September 16, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Huntington. Ayes 4, Nays 0. MWCC has contacted all cities in the metro area with a proposal to refund all SAC (Sewer Availability Charge) fees collected from homeowners since 1973 who have not hooked up to the system because it is not yet available to them. Johnson reported that the proposed refund would be reimbursed to the properties rather than individuals at the rate collected with no interest. The SAC fee would then be recollected at the time sewer hook -ups are available to the property at whatever the rate may be at that time. Johnson indicated that Staff has reviewed this proposal and will recommend to Council that these SAC fees be reimbursed. Johnson informed the Commission of a public hearing for County Road 42 east reconstruction to be held Thursday, October 23, 1986 at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemount City Hall Council Chambers. Johnson has received notice that two individuals have contacted the mayor regarding their interest in filling the vacancy on the Planning Commission. This will be on the Council agenda for their next regular meeting. MOTION by Smith to recommend to City Council that a date be set for the Shannon Park Addition preliminary plat public hearing. Second by Wippermann. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Andrew Andreas resubmitted his request for a building permit for a pole barn to be located on his property at 3080 131st Street West. His revised proposal showed a down -sized structure from the original request of 2,560 square feet to 1,792 square feet with added exterior treatment to the building and proposed screening. Upon review of the revised plan the Commission concluded that the gray metal building trimmed in white with cedar wainscoating on the front (north) side of the structure represented minimum treatment of the structure and, therefore, by their interpretation did not meet the standards for compatibility with the main structure and use of the property. Also, due to the lack of natural screening (hills and trees), the proposed landscaping which was limited to a row of lilac bushes along the east side of the structure did not effectively screen the oversized structure. The Commission informed Mr. Andreas they were grateful for his efforts to comply with their suggestions, however, the extraordinary requirements that they have requested for this oversized accessory structure was due to their responsibility as a Planning Commission and review board to protect the primary use of this property and surrounding properties as residential. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 7, 1986 Page Two MOTION by Toombs requesting Council to set a date for a public hearing to consider the rezoning of an 18 -acre parcel from RM Multiple Residential to RR Rural Residential as requested by Larry Wenzel. Second by Wippermann. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Johnson informed the Commission that two variance hearings have been set for requests by Walbon Trucking for a division of property and Thomas Burkard for variance to front yard setback on October 21, 1986 to begin at 6:00 p.m. The Planner informed the Commission that the City Council will be discussing budgets at their meeting tonight. Chairman Smith encouraged the Commissioners to attend if their schedules permitted. It was noted that a public hearing will be held by Dakota County on the merits of relocating the county government buildings from Hastings to a more centralized site on Monday, November 24, 1986 at the Dakota County Vo -Tech. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Smith. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -14 for October 7, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully bmitted, Donna Quint Recording Secretary oi 1367 -145TH ST E 6 0 BOX 455 O��4ynouni ROSEMOUNT. MINNF_SOTA 55068 612-423 -441 1 PLANNING COMMlSSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 21, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on October 21, 1986 at 5 :00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Toombs and Wippermann present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. Item added to the Agenda: 3(c). Setback Issue Interpretation. MOTION by Smith to approve the October 7, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Wippermann. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Johnson reminded the Commission of the public hearing for County Road 42 east reconstruction to be held Thursday, October 23, 1986 at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemount City Hall Council Chambers. Johnson discussed the Annual Planning Institute sponsored by the Government Training Service which will be held at the Earle Brown Center in St. Paul on Friday, December 12, 1986 and Wednesday, January 21, 1987. It was suggested that the Commissioners who wish to attend send in their own registration and Johnson will request authorization from Council for reimbursement of the fees. 1111 permit requested the Commission interpret a request for a building permit from Charles Todd, 3405 143rd Street West to construct a 3- season porch addition to his existing home. There are three structural setback exceptions along Chili Avenue, where the addition would extend; however, the exceptions are accessory structures. None of the existing homes extend into the setback, as would occur in this case. The Planning Commission suggested that this be reviewed as a variance request rather than under the average existing setback provision. Shannon Park Addition was presented for preliminary plat approval. Discussion centered on utility design and drainage details. MOTION by Smith to approve the preliminary plat for Shannon Park 1st Addition. Second by Wippermann. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Andrew Andreas was present to submit a revised proposal for his request for a building permit to erect a pole barn on his property located at 3080 131st Street West. Revisions included a down sizing of the building from 1,792 square feet to 1,536 square feet with a 4:12 shingled roof. He has added cedar trimmed windows to each side of the structure and 2- foot skylights on each side. Cedar wainscoating on the street side of the building and landscaping remained the same as previous proposed. Commissioner Wippermann indicated that he would prefer the oversized building be a conventional structure to match the residence and suggested possibly wainscoating be added to the entire perimeter of the building. Chairman Smith stated he was satisfied that Mr. Andreas had attempted to meet the requirements as suggested by the Commission and has now submitted an acceptable plan REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 21, 1986 Page Two MOTION by Toombs to approve the issuance of a building permit as requested by Andrew Andreas for an oversized structure to include a minimum of three (3) and not more than five (5) cedar trimmed windows on each side, cedar wainscoating on the north side, shingled roof and landscaping. Second by Smith. Ayes: Toombs, Smith. Nays: Wippermann. Johnson informed the Commission that Outlot A of Country Hills First Addition will require a rezoning from Public to Single Family Residential due to the platting of the outlot to include a cul -de -sac and eight single family lots. Commissioner Wippermann stated his views on the platting of Country Hills First Addition with 65' lot widths rather than the 85' width as required by ordinance. He stated his concern about concessions made to developers when the comp plan clearly states as its objective to provide large lots and low density living for residential land use. MOTION by Smith to approve the rezoning of Outlot A of Country Hills First Addition from PUB Public to R -1 Single Family Residential. Second by Toombs. Ayes: Smith, Toombs. Nays: Wippermann. Larry Wenzel, property owner, has requested rezoning of a 19 -acre site located north of 132nd Street between Dodd Boulevard and Th 3 from RM Multiple Residential to RR Rural Residential. Mr. Wenzel wishes to split this parcel into three 5 -acre lots. An existing apartment building located on this parcel is non conforming because there are no utilities available to the site. Johnson informed the Commission that the rezoning is consistent with the comp plan. MOTION by Smith to approve the rezoning as requested by Larry Wenzel from RM Multiple Residential to RR Rural Residential. Second by Wippermann. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Commission members acknowledged receipt of the application for mining permit renewal from Bituminous Roadways, Inc. and accepted it for formal review. Johnson stated that Staff will review the conditions for the permit renewal and make site inspections before formal recommendation in November. Chairman Smith recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the scheduled meeting of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments at 6:00 p.m. to conduct two public hearings. Johnson had in his possession Affidavits of Publication and Mailed hearing Notice for the request of Thomas Burkard for variance to front yard setback. Thomas Burkard, 3090 145th Street West, has requested a building permit to construct a 13'x 26' porch on the front of his home. The average existing setback on the block is 40.31 feet. The closest structure is set back 33 feet from the street. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 21, 1986 Page Three Lawrence and Helen Stoffel, 14575 Cameo Avenue, Don and Betty Tousignant, 14585 Cameo Avenue and Joan Erickson, 3100 145th Street were present to express concern about survey stakes on the Burkard property that suggested possible changes in area lot lines. Johnson informed the audience that the purpose of the hearing was to evaluate the front yard setback of a proposed addition. He also noted that the Planning Commission had no authority over survey disputes and this proposal had no bearing on the rear yard property line location. Those present had no objections to the porch addition, provided it caused no site problems at the intersection. Chairman Smith closed the public hearing for Thomas Burkard at 6 :25 p.m. MOTION by Smith to approve a 30 feet setback for the property located at 3090 145th Street West. Second by Toombs. Ayes 3, Nays 0. Chairman Smith opened the public hearing for the Walbon Trucking request for variance to minimum area requirements for lot division. Johnson had in his possession Affidavits of Publication and Mailed Hearing Notice. Darrel Walbon, Walbon Trucking, presented his request for a division of property by metes and bounds for a parcel less than five acres and 300 feet of frontage. Mr. Walbon noted that the one acre parcel would "square off" the two existing, odd shaped parcels Walbon Trucking is located on. Johnson noted that a formal agreement to combine all three parcels had been signed by Walbons, however, there were some permit and landscaping issues yet unresolved. He suggested the hearing be closed and action tabled. Chairman Smith closed the public hearing for Walbon Trucking at 6:40 p.m. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Smith. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -15 for October 21, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary •41111 oi 1367 -145TH ST. E.- P 0 BOX 455 g?osem' n i ROSEMOUNT, MIN ESOTA 55068 612 423 -441 1 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 4, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on November 4, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington, Toombs and Wippermann present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. Johnson introduced Al Meyer, newly appointed Commissioner, and administered the oath of office. MOTION by Toombs to approve the October 21, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Wippermann. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Johnson reminded the Commission of the public hearing for the request of Charles Todd for variance to front yard setback to be held Tuesday, November 18, 1986 at 6:00 p.m. A brief update was given on the status of the Shannon Park Townhouses, Country Hills, O'Leary's Hills 2nd Addition and West Ridge Addition developments. Johnson also reported on the progress of the new city hall and new Rosemount post office. Johnson presented exhibits of the mining area of the Lance Johnson property indicating that staff will review the phasing of the project and permit 410 conditions before making recommendations for final mining permit approval at the next Regular Meeting. Don Ratzlaff, property owner, and Dick Smith, Apple Valley used car dealer, have requested a split use of commercial property located at 14630 South Robert Trail. The proposal is to permit the use of the Phillips 66 station as a used car sales lot. Johnson noted that the zoning ordinance does not prohibit the split use of property; however, requirements regarding parking must be met. A sketch was submitted displaying nine parking spaces with "space 9" located close to the intersection of South Robert Trail and 146th Street West. MOTION by Huntington to approve the split use of the Phillips 66 site as a used car parking lot allowing nine parking spaces subject to the relocation of "space 9" away from the intersection and aligning this parking space with the other proposed spaces. Second by Meyer. Ayes 5, Nays 0. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Smith. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -16 for November 4, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully s 'mitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary C if of ST 6 P 0 BOX 455 410+ oserno ni PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 55068 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on November 18, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Toombs, Wippermann and Meyer present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director. Item added to the Agenda: 3(b). Update on Existing City Hall. MOTION by Toombs to approve the November 4, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second by Wippermann. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Johnson informed the Commission of a public hearing scheduled for Monday, November 24, 1986 at 7 :00 p.m. at the Vo -Tech. The County is holding this hearing to receive public input as to the interest in relocating certain county government offices to a more centralized location. Rosemount, Eagan and Apple Valley are included in the search area for the new 30,000 square feet facility. A brief update was presented by Johnson regarding the sale of the existing City Hall building. There is interest by an investment group to lease the building with an option to buy for the purpose of providing a day care facility for the staff and students of the Vo -Tech; however, due to unresolved land use issues, the proposed lease agreement has not been executed. Lance Johnson, landowner, and Palmer Peterson, president of Bituminous Roadways, were present to request approval of the mining permit renewal for the mining pit property located on Rich Valley Boulevard. Dean Johnson pointed out that the staging of the mining activity will remain identical to the original mining conditions set forth two years ago; however, the new agreement is tailored to permit mining of phases 2 and 3 simultaneously. Johnson also indicated that, upon inspection by staff, Phase 1 has been regraded to the satisfaction of the City. Spring seeding remains to be completed. MOTION by Smith to recommend to Council approval of the mining permit renewal as requested by Lance Johnson /Bituminous Roadways subject to the mining permit conditions and agreement per staff recommendation. Second by Toombs. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Chairman Smith recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the scheduled meeting of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments at 6:00 p.m. Johnson had in his possession Affidavits of Publication and Mailed Hearing Notice for the request of Charles Todd for variance to front yard setback. Mr. Todd, 3405 143rd Street West, was present to discuss and answer questions of the Board concerning his request for a building permit to construct a 12 feet, 3- season porch addition to his residence. The resulting setback would be 19 feet on Chili Avenue. Johnson pointed out that Mr. Todd's property is a corner lot wherein the variance regards setbacks along Chili Avenue as front yards. Staff has determined there are no site distance problems at this intersection and noted numerous setback exceptions to the 30 feet setback restrictions along Chili Avenue. There were no other persons present for comment. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES November 18, 1986 Page Two IIIP Chairman Smith closed the public hearing for Charles Todd at 6:08 p.m. MOTION by Toombs to approve the variance request of Charles Todd based on the setback exceptions that exist in that area. Second by Meyer. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Chairman Smith closed the meeting of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reopened the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Smith. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -17 for November 18, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Res.ectfully bmitted, 4. Donna Quint Recording Secretary 4111 4 i ty O 1367-145TH ST. E P O. BOX 455 osernoltint PLANNING COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 2, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was cancelled due to lack of Business items. j 11 O 1367 -145TH ST E.- P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 4ose mount 612-423-4411 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 16, 1986 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on December 16, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Smith called the meeting to order with members Huntington, Toombs and Wippermann present. Also present was Dean Johnson, Planning Director, and Joe Walsh and Vern Napper, Councilmembers. Items added to the agenda: 3(a) New City Hall Update; 3(b) January 6, 1987 Regular Meeting Discussion. MOTION by Smith to approve the November 18, 1986 Regular Meeting Minutes as printed. Second Ly Wippermann. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Johnson informed the Commission of the possibility of occupancy of the new city hall January 12, 1987. Bids are now being received by staff for the moving of office furniture. Johnson noted that because of holiday /vacation schedules and the lack of any present business items there is a possibility that the first Regular Meeting in January may be cancelled. Notices will be sent to the Commissioners if this should occur. The Commission reviewed a survey of the lot division /combination as proposed by Tom Thumb Food Markets, Inc. on the Don's Food Gas site on Canada Avenue. An indenture to permanently combine the present lot with a 50'x 150' parcel acquired from the Carlson property to the east has been received by staff. Minimum setback requirements for buildings on the Carlson Tractor property have been met as shown by the survey. MOTION by Toombs recommending approval of the lot division /combination as requested by Tom Thumb Foods, Inc. Second by Smith. Ayes 4, Nays 0. Commissioner Meyer took his chair at 5:05 p.m. Larry Wenzel, property owner, has submitted a survey of three metes and bounds property divisions he is proposing, located north of 132nd Street between Dodd Boulevard and Highway 3. Johnson noted that agreement has been reached with the property owner for an additional 17 feet of right -of- way easement on the west and south side of the property which would total 50' road easements and a 200'x 145' private easement on Parcel C for septic system expansion and improvement in the interest of the existing apartment building. Johnson also noted that the three 5 -acre parcels meet requirements for metes and bounds division. Rezoning from Agriculture to Rural Residential had been approved in October, 1986. MOTION by Smith to approve the division of property by metes and bounds description as requested by Larry Wenzel subject to the receipt of street and private septic easements. Second by Wippermann. Ayes 5, Nays 0. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES December 16, 1986 Page Two Richard Cliff, property owner, has submitted a preliminary plat for Stonebridge 2nd Addition consisting of eight lots located south of Stonebridge 1st Addition. MOTION by Smith to accept the preliminary plat for Stonebridge 2nd Addition for review. Second by Toombs. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Dick Sjodahl, representing Rich Valley R.C., was not present to discuss a request to locate a model airplane airport on a 20 -acre parcel one- quarter mile south of Highway 55 on Fisher Avenue. Upon review of the request, the Commission agreed that this issue is not expressly permitted by ordinance in the agriculture district and is subject to interpretation. Johnson was directed to contact Mr. Sjodahl to attend the January 20, 1987 Regular Meeting and present more details about the airport for Commission review. Because of the potential for this use to be a nuisance the Commission also directed Johnson to notify property owners in the vicinity of the model airport proposed site in order that they may have the opportunity to comment on the proposed use. Discussion was held regarding the approvals by PCA and Dakota County for a sludge ash transfer facility to be located at the Continental Nitrogen Resources plant ire Pine Bend issued to Consolidated Management Corporation of Reno, Nevada. Johnson noted that this is a transfer operation wherein ash is trucked to CNR and loaded onto trains for shipment to a processing facility in South Dakota. No permits or formal approval is required by the City; however, City recognition of the proposal may be appropriate. MOTION by Huntington to approve the sludge ash transfer facility proposal at Continental Nitrogen Resources subject to county and state permits and licenses. Second by Meyer. Ayes 5, Nays 0. MOTION by Toombs to adjourn. Second by Smith. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. See Planner's File 1986 -18 for December 16, 1986 Regular Meeting Reviews. Respectfully 1 itted, Donna Quintus Recording ecretary APRIL 21. 1987 Building Inspector Ass't. Planner Position Recommendations Open House for New City Hall May 3, 1987 West Ridge 2nd Addition Final Plat Approval West Ridge Additions Rezoning PUD Recommend Public Hearing Date be Set S Country Hills 2nd Addition Final Plat Approval South Robert Square Preliminary Plat Accepted for Formal Review Distribution Rosemount Plaza Condominiums Site Plan Approval Wensmann Homes Inc Accept Preliminary Plat /Concept PUD for Review Public Hearing Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment Add 90 Acres in Sec. 31 to Sewered District Koch Refining Rezoning Form AG to IG Public Hearing Recommendations O'Leary's Hills 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat /PUD Accept for Review 411- III Mike Wozniak, Plaining Assistant Introduction West Ridge Additions Final PUD Approval O'Leary's Hills DUD (Revised), Concept Plan Preliminary Plat Approval with conditions. Wensmann Additions PUD Concept Plan Preliminary Plat Approval with conditions. Koch Refining Rezoning Request Discussion Approval PUBLIC HEARING Mr. Mark Heuer Private Septic System Variance Approval. South Robert Square Preliminary Plat Approval Subject to Conditions. J 87 REGULAR -MEETING Jack Herrley, PlLmbing Inspector Introduction Citywide Park Improvement/Spring Clean-up Reminder June 6th Wensmann Additiors EAW Recommendation for Distribution O'Leary's Hills Additions EAW Recommendation for Distribution Parranto/Solberg Aggregate Mining Permit Renewal Request PUBLIC HEARING Burgess Co Private Septic System Variance Approval. JUNE_16, 1987. l REGULAR MEETING O'Leary's Hills Addition Council Public Hearing Reminder June 16th. Shannon Parkway Update Proposed Zoning Ordinance Review Schedule ��N� Metro Council Approval of MUSA (to include Wensmann O'Leary's Hills). O'Leary's Hills Additions Negative Declaration Recommendation Wensmann Addition Negative Declaration Recommendation Lot Combination Approval Randy Schwartzhoff (3650 125th St W) O'Leary's Hills 3rd Addition PUD Rezoning Public Hearing Recommendation. JULY 7,.., 1987 REGULAR MEETING South Rose Park Zoning Change Di`icussion Proposed Zoning Ordinance Discussion Sections 4 5 Parranto/Bitumirous Roadways Mining Permit Renewal Update Simple Lot Division Approval South Rose Park Addition Replat JULY 21. 1 MEETING Proposed Zoning Ordinance Discussion Section 6 Bituminous Roadways, Inc. Mining Permit Approval Recommendation O'Leary's Hills Final PUD Approval O'Leary's Hills Third Addition Approval O'Leary's Hills Third Addition Rezoning Approval AUGUST 4^_1987.- REGULAR MEETING RE District AddLtion to Proposed Zoning Ordinance Discussion Wensmann Addition PUD Concept Plan Preliminary Plat Approval with conditions, Addition (First Phase) Final Plat Approval with conditions. Sunrise builder SJpply, Inc. Building No. 1 Approval with conditions. PUBLIC HEARING Exchange, Minimum Height Variance. Koch Refining Office Equipment Monitoring Building Permit Approval. Metes Bounds Property Division Approval Edmund Elizabeth Dunn. AUGUST 16, 1987 REGULAR MEETING Golf Course Site Plan Approval Excavation Permit Approval Ray Rahn. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Discussion RE District SEPTEMBER 1„ 1987 REGULAR MEETING Proposed Zoning Ordinance Discussion Sign Provisions Wensmann Addition PUD/First Phase Final Plat O'Leary's Hills Third Addition Final Plat Preliminary Plat Carrollton Second Addition PUBLIC HEARING Variance Spear Rear Yard Setback 4331 15 SEPTEMBER 15 _1967 REGULAR MEETING Proposed Zoning Crdinance Sign Provisions Zoning Interpretation Residence Above Clubhouse Ray Rahn Carrollton Seconc Addition Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment Wenzel Lot Division Dodd Blvd. PUBLIC HEARING Variance to Side Yar'd Gerald Burg r em John Carol Beckman. 19 REGULAR Zoning Interpretation Jim Bongers Proposed Zoning Regulations Shoreland Overlay Carrollton Second Addition Preliminary Plat Carrollton Second Addition EAW Distribution Building Permit ''Coast to Coast Jim Oberg on Welvaert Lot Combination -Karnick PUBLIC HEARING Variance Gene Stiles Variance Michael Berg E 19f MEETING Proposed Zoning Ordinance Section 9, 13 and 14 Building Permit For Ron Welvaert Accessory Building Solberg Aggregat.? Building Permit for Storage Building Metes Bounds Lat Division Les Drentlaw Building Permit For Spectro-Alloys Office Addition Dale Agre Pole BAilding Permit Request Ordinance Interpretation REGULAR MEETING S Proposed Zoning Ordinance District Development Regulations Dale Agre Accessory Building Building Permit for Jay Wicker Accessory Building Development IdentLfication Signs NOVEMBER 17, 1987_7 REGULAR MEETING Proposed Zoning O-dinance Accessory Buildings Carrollton 2nd AdJition PUD/Final Development Plan Plat Carrollton 2nd Addition PUD Rezoning Carrollton 2nd Addition PUD EAW findings of Fact Building Permit for Rosemount Diecasting Dale Agre Pole Building Permit Requet DECEMBER 1, J Proposed Zoning Ordinance Sections 15 20 Park Dedication Fevision of Fee Schedule Downtown Rosemount Retail Development DECEMBER 15" 198 REGULAR MEETING Proposed Zoning Ordinance Park Dedication Formula PUBLIC HEARING Variance Ron Welvaert JANUARY-. REGULAR MEETING Annual Planning Thstitute February 19, 1988 date set Carrollton 2nd Addition PUD Final Development Plan Carrollton 2nd Addition Rezoning Carrollton 2nd Addition Final Plat (Phase 1) Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment No. 10 Petition for Imp^ovements Phase 3 Winds Crossing JANUARY 19„.,19 REGULAR MEETING Election of Interim Planning Comm. Secretary Proposed Zoning Ordinance Final Draft Sect. 1-6 Announcement of Annual Meeting to be held on February 2, 1988/Nomination of Officers. FEBRUARY 2, 1988 MEETING Introduction Nein Planning Commission Annual Meeting/Election of Officers Proposed Zoning Ordinance Proposed Rental Housing Bill Jacobson Concept Review FEBRUARY `8 REGULAR MEETING Proposed Zoning Ordinance Sect. 13 19 Citizen Participation Process Comprehensive Guide Plan Housing Stock Armory Update Wensmann Addition Replatting Pa Estates Concept Review Shannon Oaks Revised Preliminary Plat MARCH 15" 19 Community Development Department Presentation Revised Preliminary Plat Shannon Oaks APRIL 5, 1988 REGULAR MEETING Shannon Oaks Preliminary Plat Seversen Building Permit Grading Permit Wisniewski Pine Bend Development Co. Rosemount Redevelopment Plan Modification IV Shannon Hill Subdivision Sketch Plan Review APRI REGULAR MEETING Proposed Zoning [rdinance Progress Report O'Leary's Hills 4th Addition Wensmann Second P.ddition Shannon Hills Preliminary Plat/Concept PUD Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment No. 11 Michael Lois Dcll Lot Combination MAY MEETING Set Variance hearing for Shannon Oaks Site Plan Review Rosehaven Shopping Center MAY 17" 1988-REGULAR Enebak Construct:-on Tentative Subdivision Proposal Wensmann Second Addition Final Plat South Robert Square Final Plat Site Plan Review Rose Park Mechanical Building Rollie Sachs Pole Barn PUBLIC HEARING Shannon Oaks Variance Status of Propos?d Zoning Ordinance Review Airport Issue Waste Water Treatment Plant Facility JUNE 7, 1988 REGULAR MEETING Site Plan Review for Walbon Co. Proposed Addition Grading Plan Review for Sunrise Building Supply Metes Bounds Lot Division for Bill Mauer Dick Winkler Site Plan Review for Greif Bros. Corp. Proposed Addition Preliminary Plat/PUD Rosehaven Shopping Center Dale Helwig Lot Division Rosemount Waste Water Treatment Plant Land Use Planning Airport Discussion PUBLIC HEARING Greif Bros. Corp.. Variance Reg JUNE 2i, 19f� REGULAR MEETING 410 Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Plant Airport Land Use Discussion Site Plan Review ``or Walbon Co. Proposed Addition Preliminary Plat/Concept PUD for Rosehaven Shopping Center Dale Helwio Lot Dzvision Site Plan Review .=or Greif Bros. Proposed Addition Dixie Chemical In=ormational Pre-ientation JOLY Conditional Use Permits George Novarek Land Use Policy Sand Gravel Mining Conditional Use Permits George Novacek Development Status Report Dale Royer Car Wash Site Plan Review PUBLIC HEARING JamesMersch Variance Petition AUGUST 2, 1988 REGULAR MEETING Sand Gravel Mining Otto Ped Interpretation Proposed Zoning [rdinance Building Aesthetics McCoy/Leidner Lot Division/Combination William Jacobson Assoc. Rental Housing Concept Plan AUGUST 16, 1988 REGULAR MEETING American Planning Association Regional Conference Greif Bros. Corp. Site Plan Review Rosehaven Mall Revised Preliminary Plat/Concept PUD Shannon Oaks Rezoning/Final Plat Recommendations William Jacobson Assoc. Rental Housing Proposal Rosemount United Methodist Church Site Plan Review SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 REGULAR MEETING William Jacobson Association Rental Housing Proposal Update Zoning Subdivision Ordinance Amendments Safety of Pathwa/s Trails for Rosemount Pedestrians Bikers Orrin Thompson Development Outlot Status SEPTEMBER 20. 88 REGULAR MEETING Zoning Ordinance Amendment Convenience Store/Self Service Gas Station, M.G. Asteford Mining Permit Renewal Request Swanson Metes Bounds Parcel Division O'Leary's Hills Fourth Addition Plat/Rezoning Limerick Way Preliminary Plat/Rezoning Rosegarden Apartments Site Plan Review OCTOBER 4 Oxbow Power Corp. Presentation Wensmann Additicn Guide Plan Amendment Request Pine Bend Devel Co. Grading Permit Extension Request Bituminous Materials Inc. EAW Dixie Chemical Site Plan Review OCT REGULAR MEETINGCONT,D Thorson/Lund Comm. Development Proposal Sketch Plan University of Minnesota Property Management OCTOBER 16. 1988 REGULAR MEETING Limerick Way Townhouses Site Plan Review/Final Plat Pine Bend Developnent Co. Grading Permit Renewal Shamrock Animal Hospital Proposed Addition Site Plan Review Craig Julie Sieners Accessory Building Site Plan Review Armory Site Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan Compatibility University of Minnesota Property Management NOVEMBER 1,1988 REGULAR MEETING Thorson/Lund Deve:Aopment Proposal Update Country Hills Third Addition Final Plat Rosemount Center Sketch Plan Dale Helwig Zonin[} Interpretation Set Hearing Date Orrin Thompson Variance Request Set Hearing Date Shamrock Animal C:A.nic Building Permit Request NOVEMBER 15 1 988 REGULAR MEETING Sachs Kassube Addition Preliminary Plat Rosegarden Apartments Sketch Plan Review PUBLIC HEARING Dale Helwiq_Zon: Orrin Thompson Variance Petition DECEMBER 6, 1988' REGULAR MEETING ��N� Craig Julie Sieners Accessory Building Site Plan Review Set Public Hearing for Lane Derby Variance Petition Rosemount Center Preliminary Plat/Concept PUD DECEMBER 2O,1988- REGULAR MEETING Bituminous Materials, Inc. EAW Pat Finnegan Lot Division Bituminous Roadwa±' Mining Permit Renewal PUBLIC HEARING Lane DerbyPetition Zoning Text Amendnent Ilk