HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 r x�, CITY OF ROSEM0UNT 2875 "fee West P.O. Box 510 e� Everything's Coming Rosemount!! Rosemount, 55068 -5 0 MN er y s C 9 U p R 55068 -0510 t Planning Commission Phone: 612-423-4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 11, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, January 11, 1994 at 5:00 p.m. Chair Busho called the meting to order with members Droste, Busho, Baago, and Ingram present. Commissioner DeBettignies took his chair at 5:23 p.m. Staff present included Assistant Planner Rick Pearson and City Attorney Mike Miles. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. MOTION by Busho to approve items 3.a., 3.b., and 3.d., Planning Commission minutes. Second by Droste. Ayes: Droste, Busho, Baago, Ingram. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Pearson briefly reviewed council action items. Pearson advised that even though the City Council concurred that evidence of property hardship existed on the James Atwood variance petition, they tabled action for additional site inspection opportunities and agreed to take formal action at the January 18, 1994 meeting. Pearson also advised that city council had approved a resolution in support of a grant application by MVTA for a "high speed bus" project. Also discussed was the idea of changing the Planning Commission meeting time from 5:00 to a more convenient time for city residents to attend planning meetings. Planning Commissioners agreed it would be proper to allow new planning commission members to comment on a modified planning commission meeting time. Assistant Planner Pearson reviewed staff correspondence regarding the Dave Lawson rezoning petition for Dave's Auto Body at 14785 South Robert Trail. The primary reason for the request is to change Dave's Auto Body to a conforming status so that Mr. Lawson can obtain building permits to improve his property. Discussion ensued regarding zoning ordinance enforcement issues. MOTION by Ingram to recommend approval to the City Council for the rezoning from C -2 Community Commercial to C -4 General Commercial property located at 14785 South Robert Trail and legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Evenson Addition. Second by Droste. Commissioner DeBettignies took his chair at 5:23 p.m. Commissioners debated whether auto related businesses belong in the downtown area. Chair Busho called for a poll of the motion. Ayes: Busho, Ingram, Droste. Nays: Baago. Present: DeBettignies. Assistant Planner Pearson provided an overview of the Carlson Properties, Inc., Commercial Planned Unit Development Concept. Pearson explained that the Carlson's proposed "Rosemount Village Square" shopping center will require a planned unit development (PUD) review because it involves multiple uses, multiple structures and multiple parcels. Pearson further explained that the shopping center will be anchored by two major tenants on either end of the structure connected by small shops in the center. Discussion regarding traffic patterns, minimum parking space requirements, landscaping, and lighting ensued. Ron Carlson was allowed to speak and introduced Gary Vogel, the architect for the project. Carlson and Vogel provided more details of the project and answered Commissioners' questions. Mr. Vogel also provided a drawing of a proposed clock tower that could be implemented into the project. Printed on recycled paper S80 containing 30% post<onsomer materials. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 11, 1994 Page Two MOTION by Baago to approve the concept review for the Rosemount Village Square commercial Planned Unit Development subject to the following considerations by the Planning Commission: 1) that the proposed building expansion be modified to eliminate the encroachment into the existing utility easement; 2) that the service area of the primary building fronting along 151st Street be further screened with landscape intensification and fencing with materials consistent with the building; 3) the building elevations adjacent to the ponding areas receive further enhancement with landscaping or building aesthetics; 4) that the proposed center pylon sign be modified to conform with sign ordinance standards, or that a significant aesthetic device such as a clock tower be added to the site design to provide a focal point for the "village square" as well as the CSAH 42 general commercial district of which the sign may be a part; 5) that implementation of the above mentioned recommendations, as well as attention to issues identified by the Planning Commission will allow the commercial PUD to be developed with variance to lot coverage standards as specified in the Zoning Ordinance; and 6) that the site will be platted in conformance with the City of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance, as well as all construction conforming with applicable building and fire codes. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Baago, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Busho. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Pearson reviewed staff correspondence regarding Wensmann Homes, Inc.'s proposed 27.3 acre residential development called Wensmann Sixth Addition. The development will include three different housing types, developed on multiple parcels and therefore will require a Planned Unit Development review. Pearson explained that the proposed density meets the guidelines of the Comprehensive Guide Plan and works out to less than six dwellings per acre. Pearson further explained that the proposed street system provides for efficient dispersal of traffic with little or no impact on the existing street system to the south. Discussion regarding the location, size, and maintenance of the mini -park, proposed by the Parks and Recreation Committee, ensued. Commissioners concurred that there was concern about the location and size of the park. Representatives from Wensmann Homes were in attendance and provided answers to Commissioner questioning. Commissioners directed staff to request that the Parks and Recreation Committee review the concept of the proposed mini -park at their next meeting and provide a recommendation to the Planning Commission, acquire the development's association documents to review, and prove that the residential lots on Danville Avenue work without variances. MOTION by Ingram to approve the Concept PUD for the Wensmann Sixth Addition for a Residential Planned Unit Development subject to the following consideration by the Planning Commission: 1) that the proposed density for the townhouse clusters be maintained in return for increased site amenities as requested by the Parks and Recreation Committee and director; 2) that the City Engineer approve the concept utility and grading plans indicating that existing infrastructure is capable of serving the PUD; 3) that implementation of the abovementioned recommendations, as well as attention to issues identified by the Planning Commission, will allow the residential PUD to be developed with variance to lot width standards as specified in the Zoning Ordinance; 4) the site will be platted in conformance with the City of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance, as well as all construction conforming with applicable building and fire codes; 5) review and recommendation by the Park Board and Director of the proposed mini -park; and 6) an opportunity for the area residents to review and make comments on the proposal. Second by Busho. Ayes: Ingram, DeBettignies, Droste, Busho, Baago. Nays: 0. MOTION by Busho to adjourn. Second by Baago. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Re pectfully ub&tt e,or. it trom Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOU NT 2875 C 1 45 t h i SSteetWest gl P.0. Box 510 5 Everything's Comin U Rosemount!! Rosemount, 55068 -5 p1: Coming Up 55068 -0510 0 Planning Commission Phone: 612 423 -4411 Fax; 612-423-5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 1994 Interim Administrator Ron Wasmund administered the Oaths of Office to newly appointed Planning Commissioners Patrick McDermott and Jay Tentinger. Mr. McDermott and Mr. Tentinger will both serve three -year terms ending in January 1997. The Planning Commissioners and Planning staff introduced themselves and extended a welcome to the new commissioners. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, February 8, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Because there were no elected officers at this time, Interim Administrator Ron Wasmund called the meeting to order with members DeBettignies, Tentinger, Ingram, and McDermott present. Also present was Assistant Planner Rick Pearson and City Attorney Mike Miles. The floor was opened for nominations for Planning Commission Chair and Vice Chair. MOTION by DeBettignies to nominate Bill Droste as Planning Commission Chair. Second by Tentinger. MOTION by Ingram to nominate Patrick McDermott as Planning Commission Chair. Second by DeBettignies. MOTION by DeBettignies to close the nominations for Planning Commission Chair. Second by Ingram. A Vote on the first MOTION to elect Bill Droste as Planning Commission Chair was called. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: McDermott; Ingram. Motion fails. Commissioner Bill Droste took his position on the dais at 5:20 p.m. A Vote on the second MOTION to elect Patrick McDermott as Planning Commission Chair was called. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: DeBettignies, Tentinger. Motion passes. Newly elected Planning Commission Chair took over the Planning Commission Meeting at this time and opened the floor for nominations for Planning Commission Vice- Chair. MOTION by Ingram to nomination Bill Droste as Planning Commission Vice Chair. Second by DeBettignies. MOTION by DeBettignies to close the nominations for Vice -Chair and to cast a white ballot to elect Bill Droste as Planning Commission Chair. Second by McDermott. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Congratulations were extended to Planning Commission Chair Patrick McDermott and Vice -Chair Bill Droste. Printed on recycled paper 30 containing 30% post consumer materials. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 8, 1994 Page Two Commissioner DeBettignies added Item 8(d) USPCI Site Visitation under New Business to the February 8, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Agenda. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve the December 14, 1993 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as submitted. Second by Tentinger. Discussion ensued regarding the Planning Commissioner's ability to approve meeting minutes when the newly appointed commissioners were not in attendance at those meetings. Commissioner DeBettignies withdrew his original motion. MOTION by DeBettignies to accept the December 14, 1993 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Droste. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. MOTION by Ingram to accept the January 11, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Droste. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that City Council has formally acted on the following: (1) adoption of a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment regarding Business Parks with some modifications; (2) appointment of Cathy Busho as representative of the City to the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority (MVTA); set a Public Hearing for February 15, 1994 at 8:00 p.m. to hear public testimony on Dave Lawson's request for rezoning of his commercial property from C -2 Community Commercial to C -4 General Commercial; and (4) Council overturned the Board of Appeals and Adjustments' denial for a variance to Mr. James Atwood, 3190 145th Street West. The variance granted represents a compromise to the original request. City Attorney Mike Miles gave a verbal presentation regarding the basic powers of the Planning Commission and its role and responsibilities within the structure of City government. Mr. Miles also provided a hand -out summarizing Planning Commission authority, functions, conflicts of interest, code of ethics, and open meeting policies. Planning staff presented the Commission with an opportunity to attend a Land Use Planning Workshop. The Government Training Service (GTS) is offering a workshop designed specifically for planning commissioners, boards of adjustments /appeals, and other members of municipal advisory committees. The workshops will build on the information provided by City Attorney Miles. The Minnesota Valley Authority (MVTA) is also participating in a seminar with the University of Minnesota Center for Transportation Studies. The Commission was also encouraged to attend this seminar which will discuss and demonstrate methods for coordinating transportation and land development issues. The Commissioners were advised to let Planning staff know if they would be attending either of these workshops. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that the City has received three Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal applications. The applicants are as follows: (1) Otto Ped, property owner, and Bituminous Roadways, pit operator, for property located on the Otto Ped farm located 1.5 miles east of TH 52, south of CSAH 42; (2) Lance Johnson, property owner, and Friedges, Landscaping, Inc., pit operator, for property located approximately 3/8 mile east of CSAH 71 (Rich Valley Blvd.) and 1.5 miles north of CSAH 38; and (3) Koch Refining Company, property owner, and Solberg Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 8, 1994 Page Three Aggregate, Inc., pit operator, for property near the flare towers south of the refinery on the west side of STH 52. Representatives for each of the applicants were in attendance at this meeting to answer questions from the Commission. Planning Commission discussion included phasing of mining activities, specifications for the restoration of properties upon completion of projects, on -site materials stockpiling, truck hauling routes, on -site crushing operations, and permitted operation hours. The Commission made some suggestions for modifications to the individual "agreements". MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval for renewal of the 1994 Mineral Extraction Permits as submitted by: 1) Friedges Landscaping, Inc., operators of the Lance Johnson pit; 2) Bituminous Roadways, Inc., operators of the Otto Ped pit; and 3) Solberg Aggregate, Inc., operators of the Koch Refining Company pit, subject to excavation of a 1994 Mineral Extraction Permit Conditions for Renewal for each mineral extraction operation. Second by Droste. Ayes: Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. MOTION by Ingram to recommend that the City Council schedule a public hearing to hear testimony regarding the renewals of the 1994 Mineral Extraction Permit Applications as submitted. Second by Droste. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Mr. Herb Wensmann, Wensmann Homes, Inc., has submitted an application for approval of the Wensmann Sixth Addition Final Planned Unit Development (PUD). Mr. Wensmann is also 411 requesting preliminary plat approval and a rezoning recommendation on this development. Current zoning of the property is AG Agriculture. In order for this property to be developed as proposed a rezoning to a combination of R -1 Single Family Residential and R -2 Single Family Residential Attached is necessary. The residential PUD consists of single family housing and two types of townhouses. The PUD and preliminary plat has been modified as a result of issues previously identified by City staff and the Planning Commission. All minimum subdivision ordinances have been met in this proposal. Mr. Terry Wensmann and Ms. Kelly Murray were in attendance and answered several questions from the Commission. MOTION by Ingram recommending to City Council approval of the Wensmann Sixth Addition Planned Unit Development, preliminary plat, and rezoning from AG Agriculture to R -1 Single Family Residential /R -2 Single Family Residential Attached subject to the execution of a development agreement and compliance with all other applicable building and fire code requirements. Second by Droste. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. MOTION by Ingram to recommend that City Council schedule a public hearing to hear testimony regarding the proposed Wensmann Sixth Addition Residential Planned Unit Development, Preliminary Plat, and Rezoning. Second by Droste. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. Interim Administrator Ron Wasmund discussed the proposed Model Storm Water Management Ordinance that requires adoption by the City as part of the implementation program of the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Mr. Wasmund advised that the Utilities Commission is charged with review and funding of storm water projects. At their regular meeting on February 7, 1994 the Utility Commission discussed the "model" ordinance and expressed their opinion that the Utilities Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 8, 1994 Page Four Commission should be responsible for storm water ponds and utility construction, maintenance, and operation, and therefore, should act as the advisory board to City Council. The Utilities Commission tabled action and schedule a special workshop for in -depth discussion of the "model" ordinance and the role of the Utilities Commission in the process for review and enforcement of a storm water ordinance. MOTION by Ingram to table discussion and action on the proposed storm water management ordinance and to direct staff to re- evaluate the "model" ordinance and identify excessive specifications that would require additional enforcement staff and, further, to identify redundancy of ordinances /city requirements already in -place and to bring back to the Commission all comments and recommendations from the Utilities Commission. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. Mr. Don Chapdelaine, USPCI Community Relations Director, was in attendance and extended an invitation to the Planning Commissioners to tour the USPCI facilities. Commissioners Tentinger and DeBettignies will attend on Saturday, February 19th at 10:00 p.m. Mr. Chapdelaine offered the other Commissioners the opportunity to contact him personally for a private tour. MOTION by DeBettignies to adjourn. Second by Droste. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Re ctfully submi e1/411_44.4--; c t �c GCS iJ Donna Quintus Recording Secretary an CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C 1 45 t h i Street West O VAN r A PO. Box 510 ver thin Coming Rosemount!! Rosemount, 5 E 5 Y g� s C g U p 55068.0510 0 Planning Commission Phone: 612- 423- 4411 Fax: 612 -423 -5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 22, 1994 Former Planning Commissioners Cathy Busho and Jay Baago were in attendance for a brief ceremony to receive formal recognition for their years of service on the Planning Commission. Interim Administrator Ron Wasmund presented each with a plaque and thanked them for their time and contribution as Planning Commissioners for the City of Rosemount. Several City staff members were also in attendance to extend their appreciation. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, Februaryt, 1994 at 5:30 p.m. Chairperson McDermott called the meeting to order with members DeBettignies, Tentinger, Ingram, and Droste present. Also in attendance were Interim Administrator Ron Wasmund and Assistant Planner Rick Pearson. Commissioner Tentinger requested the addition of Item 5(a) Planning Commission Meeting Times Discussion to the February 22, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Agenda. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve the February 8, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson discussed the Rosemount Village Square Planned Unit Development (PUD) and preliminary plat. The Carlson Properties of Rosemount, developer of the proposed commercial PUD for the Rosemount Village Square Shopping Mall, has responded to Planning staff and Planning Commission concerns in revisions to the mall's service entry area that eliminates traffic flow conflicts, structure enhancement of the rear of the mall building, and intensification of landscaping and screening of the dumpster area. Gary Vogel, project architect, discussed the details of the modifications. After further discussion regarding easements on the northeast portion of the site, Mr. Vogel stated the developer's willingness to modify the northeasterly corner of the building to ensure future building expansion will not encroach into the utilities easement. Considerable discussion ensued regarding access to the site from CSAH 42. Tom Heiberg, project manager, stated that it is not the developer's intent to jeopardize the current Canada Avenue access to County Road 42. Nor is it their objective to create a negative impact to property owners whose access is off Chippendale Avenue. Mr. Heiberg also expressed the developer's willingness to work with City staff /consultant for resolution of access issues that will be in the best interest for all concerned. Assistant Planner Pearson advised that Planning staff is of the opinion that the review process can proceed to a public hearing with the City Council for final approval of the Rosemount Village Square PUD and preliminary plat. Resolution of any outstanding off -site access issues can be addressed along with public improvements and other issues, including park dedication, in the Planned Unit Development Agreement. The C -4 zoning of the property is appropriate for the proposed use and the proposed land use is consistent with the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan: Update 2000. .I Printed on recycled paper 30 containing 30% post consumer materials. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 22, 1994 Page Two 1110 MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of the Rosemount Village Square Commercial Planned Unit Development and preliminary plat subject to: 1) execution of a Planned Unit Development Agreement; 2) approval of a final plat for Rosemount Village Square, in conformance with the City of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance; 3) conformance with applicable building and fire codes; and 4) site access be resolved to the satisfaction of the city engineer. Second by Droste. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend that City Council schedule a public hearing to hear public testimony relative to the Rosemount Village Square Commercial Planned Unit Development and preliminary plat. Second by Ingram. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson presented the application from Ground Development Corp., developer, for the final plat for the Shannon Hills Sixth Addition. The 30 single family lots represents the final phase of the residential Planned Unit Development and will be developed on the north and south of Cobbler Avenue and connect with Shannon Parkway north of Cranberry Way. The R -1 Single Family Residential zoning is appropriate for the residential use and the final plat is consistent with the preliminary plat and PUD approved in 1989. Staff recommends approval of the Shannon Hills Sixth Addition final plat. MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council the approval of the Shannon Hills Sixth Addition final plat subject to: 1) approval of the grading and utilities plans by the city engineer; 2) Park Dedication combination of Outlot B and a cash contribution of $15,761.60, as required by the Parks and Recreation Director; 3) execution of a development agreement to secure the construction of public infrastructure; 4) construction of a temporary cul -de -sac at the terminus of Clover Lane; and 5) provision of sidewalks along the north side of Cobbler Avenue and the east side of Clover Lane. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. Mr. Tim Broback, Rosemount Development Co., has requested final plat approval for the last 45 single family lots in the West Ridge Planned Unit Development. The site is currently zoned AG Agriculture and a public hearing is required for the rezoning to R -1 Single Family Residential to occur. The residential land use is consistent with the comp plan's land use designation of Urban Residential. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that utilities installation for the West Ridge Fifth Addition will be a City project and will be combined with the Shannon Pond Third Addition improvement project. MOTION by Droste to recommend to City Council approval of the rezoning of West Ridge Fifth Addition from AG Agriculture to R -1 Single Family Detached Residential subject to the approval and recording of the final plat. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. MOTION by Droste to recommend to City Council that a public hearing be scheduled to hear testimony relative to the rezoning of the West Ridge Fifth Addition from AG Agriculture to R -1 Single Family Residential. Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. MOTION by Tentinger to recommend to City Council approval of the West Ridge Addition final plat subject to: 1) approval of the grading and utilities plans by the city engineer; 2) rezoning the plat from AG Agriculture to R -1 Single Family Residential; 3) provision of sidewalks along the Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 22, 1994 Page Three south side of 156th Street West and the west side of Danville Avenue; and 4) execution of a development agreement to secure the construction of public improvements. Second by Droste. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. Planning staff has been advised the City Council has discussed the benefit of having Planning Commission meetings scheduled to begin later in the evening. Council has indicated that a later time may be more favorable for Rosemount citizen attendance at the meetings. The Commission discussed other alternatives, including 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. MOTION by Tentinger to change the Planning Commission Meeting time from 5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Second by Droste. Ayes: Droste, Tentinger. Nays: McDermott, Ingram, DeBettignies. Motion fails. Discussion ensued. The general consensus was that developers and consultants are the primary attendees of Planning Commission Meetings since most public hearings are conducted by City Council. Variance public hearings are conducted by the Planning Commission acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and those hearings could be set later on in the agenda, as necessary. MOTION by Ingram to convene Regular Planning Commission Meetings at 5:15 p.m. Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, McDermott. Nays: Tentinger. Motion passes. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that the City Council has denied the Rezoning Petition submitted by Mr. David Lawson to rezone his property located at 14785 South Robert Trail from C- 2 Community Commercial to C 4 General Commercial. On March 2, 1994 at 8:00 p.m. the City Council will hold public hearings regarding the mining permit renewals submitted by Otto Ped /Bituminous Roadways, Lance Johnson /Friedges Landscaping, and Koch Refining /Solberg Aggregate. MOTION by McDermott to adjourn. Second by Tentinger. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Re- tfully sub ed, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary ITY LL CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C 145th HA Street West P.0. Box 510 Rosemount, MN infr Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068 -0510 Planning Commission Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612 -423 -5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 8, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, March 8, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Chairperson McDermott called the meeting to order with members DeBettignies, Tentinger, Ingram, and Droste present. Also in attendance were Interim Administrator Ron Wasmund and Assistant Planner Rick Pearson. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve the February 22, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Ingram. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that at their meeting on March 2, 1994 the City Council approved the Wensmann Sixth Addition Planned Unit Development (PUD) and preliminary plat with action on the rezoning of the property tabled until the final plat is approved. Other action taken by Council included: (1) approval of the three Mineral Extraction Permit Renewals; (2) set a public hearing for the Rosemount Village Square PUD (3/15/94); and (3) set a public hearing for the West Ridge Fifth Addition rezoning (3/15/94). Assistant Planner Pearson discussed the request from John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator and representative for the City of Rosemount Port Authority, for final plat approval of the Rosemount Business Park subdivision. In addition, the Port Authority is requesting a rezoning of a 9.87 -acre parcel proposed as Lot 1, Block 1, Rosemount Business Park. The subject lot, located south of County Road 42 and west of the proposed entrance drive, is intended for development by Muller Family Theater, Inc. The appropriate zoning for this use is Business Park with a BP -2 overlay designation. The remaining 80 acres will be platted as an outlot upon which ponding easements will be identified. This final plat and the rezoning of the lot will enable the development of the theater and considered Phase I of the Rosemount Business Park. MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of the Rosemount Business Park final plat to permit the Phase I development of the Rosemount Business Park subject to execution of a development agreement with the Port Authority to secure the installation of public infrastructure and park dedication. Second by Droste. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of the rezoning of Lot 1, Block 1, Rosemount Business Park from AG Agriculture to BP -2 Business Park. Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. MOTION by Ingram to recommend that City Council set a date for a public hearing to hear testimony regarding the rezoning of Lot 1, Block 1, Rosemount Business Park as requested by the City of Rosemount Port Authority. Second by Droste. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. .S Printed on recycled paper IF 304 onraining 30% post consumer materials. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 8, 1994 Page Two Mr. Herb Wensmann, Wensmann Realty, Inc., has requested final plat approval for the Wensmann Sixth Addition. The plat consists of 19 single family lots and two sublots. Sublot 1 (Block 3) will consist of 40 residential townhome lots and three common area lots. Sublot 2 (Block 4) will consist of 47 residential townhome lots and three common area lots. The townhouse sublots will have blanket easements for appropriate City personnel rights for maintenance and repair of public infrastructure. The streets within the townhouse blocks will be private and maintained by the developer /association. Outlot A will be dedicated to the City for park development together with an additional cash contribution of $47,693.00. The Wensmann Sixth Addition final plat is consistent with the approved planned unit development and preliminary plat which was approved by Council on March 2, 1994. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend to City Council approval of the Wensmann Sixth Addition final plat subject to: 1) approval of grading, utilities, and construction specifications by the city engineer; 2) approval of blanket easement language by the city attorney for Blocks 3 and 4, Wensmann Sixth Addition; 3) a combination of land dedication of Outlot A and a cash contribution of $47,693 for fulfillment of the park dedication requirements; and 4) execution of a planned unit development and subdivision development agreement. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. Mr. Tim Broback, Parkview, Inc., is requesting final plat approval and rezoning for O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition and O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition. These additions represent the final additions in the O'Leary's Hills Planned Unit Development (PUD). The residential 411 developments consists of 32 single family lots and 33 single family lots, respectively. The sites are currently zoned AG Agriculture and will require a rezoning to R -1 Single Family Residential. The final plat is consistent with the O'Leary's Hills PUD and the proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan's Land Use Designation. MOTION by Droste to recommend to City Council approval of the O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition final plat subject to: 1) rezoning to R -1 Single Family Residential; 2) approval of construction specifications, grading and utility plans, and utility easements by the city engineer; 3) Park Dedication cash contribution in the amount of $17,920; and 4) execution of a development agreement to secure the installation of public infrastructure. Second by Ingram. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. MOTION by Droste to recommend to City Council the rezoning of the O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition from AG Agriculture to R -1 Single Family Residential. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. MOTION by Droste to recommend that the City Council schedule a public hearing to hear testimony regarding the rezoning petition for O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. MOTION by Droste to recommend to City Council approval of the O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition final plat subject to: 1) rezoning to R -1 Single Family Residential; 2) approval of construction specifications, grading and utility plans, and utility easements by the city engineer; 3) Park Dedication cash contribution in the amount of $18,480; and 4) execution of a development agreement to secure the installation of public infrastructure. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 8, 1994 Page Three IP MOTION by Droste to recommend that the City Council schedule a public hearing to hear testimony regarding the rezoning petition for O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. MOTION by Droste to recommend that the City Council schedule a public hearing to hear testimony regarding the rezoning petition for O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition. Second by Ingram. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Interim Administrator Ron Wasmund advised that USPCI, Inc. has petitioned the City for a text amendment to the Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. Specifically, the amendment requested would remove the definition of "non- hazardous industrial waste" from the Zoning Ordinance and incorporate into the Facility Interim Use Permit the following: Non Hazardous Industrial Waste: Solid waste generated from an industrial or manufacturing process. Non hazardous waste shall not include: liquid wastes not processed at the facility; PCBs; infectious waste; non hazardous industrial waste that is economically feasible to recycle; and radioactive or nuclear waste. Basically, this request represents the applicant's desire to accept ash in all forms, including coal ash. Mr. Wasmund stated that staff has met with both Don Chapdelaine, USPCI, Inc. Public Relations, and Rex Kraft, USPCI, Inc. Manager, to identify the technical issues related to acceptance of ash and to become familiar with the standards set forth by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and Dakota County regarding ash management and disposal. Both Mr. Chapdelaine and Mr. Kraft, as well as Ken Jackson, USPCI Senior Vice President of Development, were in attendance to answer questions from the Commission. Considerable discussion ensued relative to the text amendment request of 1993 to accept coal ash and the Planning Commission's comfort level specifically with the acceptance of coal ash. A suggestion was made to modify the requested text amendment to allow coal ash acceptance only. MOTION by McDermott to table action regarding the request from USPCI, Inc. to amend the text of the zoning ordinance to accept ash into their facility and direct staff to continue investigation of the technical aspects regarding the acceptability of ash and design standards and provide the Commission with further information regarding the differences between all forms of ash from combustion processes. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. MOTION by DeBettignies to adjourn. Second by Ingram. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Re ctfully subm d, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary tar CITY OF ROSEMOU NT 2875- ;45 t "Aee tWest P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Up R osemount" Rosemount, 55068 -5 9 P 55068 0510 0 Planning Commission Phone: 612-423-4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 22, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, March 22, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Chairperson McDermott called the meeting to order with members Tentinger, Ingram, and Droste present. Also in attendance were Public Works Director /Building Official Ron Wasmund and Assistant Planner Rick Pearson. At the request of Chairperson McDermott Old Business items on the agenda were rearranged to expedite those items that take minimum discussion and to accommodate those present in the audience with interest in said agenda items. MOTION by McDermott to approve the March 8, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that City Council set public hearings for the rezonings of O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition, O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition, and the Rosemount Business Park. The public hearings are scheduled for April 5, 1994 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. At their March 8, 1994 regular meeting the City Council held two public hearing regarding the rezoning of West Ridge Fifth Addition rezoning from Agriculture to Single Family Residential resulting in approvals of the rezoning request and favorable action on the West Ridge Fifth Addition final plat. Also, the public hearing for the Rosemount Village Square Commercial Planned Unit Development (PUD) and preliminary plat was held of which both were approved. The Rosemount Village Square final PUD was approved despite modifications to the plan subsequent to Planning Commission review and recommendation. Concerns about access issues were expressed, as well, as staff's opinion that the proposed plan revisions warrant further review by the relevant review and recommendation commissions. However, Council concurred that outstanding issues can be resolved via the Rosemount Village Square PUD Agreement and final plat recommendation by the reviewing agencies. It is anticipated that the agreement and final plat will be on the April 12, 1994 Planning Commission Agenda. Mr. James Allen and Mr. Gary Bergquist, Hampton Development, Inc., have requested final plat approval for the Shannon Pond Second Addition. The development consists of 29 single family lots located along the west side of Shannon Parkway. Current zoning of the property is R -1 Single Family Residential. The final plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan: Update 2000 land use designation and the previously approved Shannon Pond Planned Unit Development. MOTION by Tentinger to recommend to City Council approval of the Shannon Pond Second Addition final plat subject to: 1) Park Dedication of $16,240 cash dedication in lieu of land; 2) modification of Lots 7 and 8, Block 1 to achieve minimum lot width standards; 3) sidewalk along the south side of Crystal Path; 4) approval of the grading and utilities plans by the city engineer; and 5) execution of the Shannon Pond Second Addition Development Agreement. Second by Ingram. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, Tentinger. Nays: 0. iPli Printed on recycled paper ie containing 30% post consumer materials. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 22, 1994 Page Two II/ Mr. Allen and Mr. Bergquest, Hampton Development, Inc., have also requested final plat approval of the Shannon Pond Third Addition which represents the final phase of the Shannon Pond Residential PUD. This project, consisting of 18 single family lots, is zoned R -1 Single Family Residential and meets or exceeds the minimum subdivision ordinance standards and is consistent with the previously approved Shannon Pond PUD and the Comprehensive Guide Plan: Update 2000 land use designation. MOTION by Tentinger recommending to City Council approval of the Shannon Pond Third Addition final plat subject to: 1) Park Dedication of $10,080 cash dedication in lieu of land; 2) sidewalk installation along Danbury and Danville Avenues, 156th Street West, and the south side of Crystal Path; 3) approval of the grading and utilities plan by the city engineer; and 4) execution of the Shannon Pond Third Addition Development Agreement. Second by Droste. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. Ms. Lisa Hinzman has requested approval of an Administrative Plat to subdivide a 6.52 -acre parcel into two (2) RR Rural Residential lots. The property, located north of 130th Street West between Biscayne and Bengal Avenues, is in the RR District and both meet or exceed the minimum lot size requirements for the RR District. Percolation data has been submitted to the Building Department staff and an acceptable location, as well as an alternate site has been identified. The proposed plat is consistent with subdivision ordinance standards. Commissioner Tentinger stated for the record that Ms. Hinzman is a fellow employee of his and they work in the same office; however, he stated no conflict of interest and felt his vote on this issue would not be in conflict with the City of Rosemount Code of Ethics nor state statute. MOTION by Droste recommending to City Council approval of the Hinzman Preliminary Plat subject to: 1) provision of easements for drainage as required by the city engineer; 2) platting to be in conformance with minimum subdivision ordinance standards; and 3) Park Dedication of $560.00, equal to one unit of Park Dedication Fee, in lieu of land. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Public Works Director /Building Official Ron Wasmund discussed USPCI, Inc.'s request for the City to consider their Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Petition which would permit them to accept incinerator and /or combustible ash into their facility located at 13425 Courthouse Boulevard. Mr. Wasmund distributed draft language for an ordinance text amendment as well as proposed language for an amendment to the USPCI, Inc. Interim Use Permit (IUP). Also included in the Planning Commission packets were copies of correspondence received from former Council Member Harry Willcox relating several statements and questions regarding the request. City staff referred Mr. Willcox's letter to USPCI, Inc. representatives and they provided written responses to the issues noted in Mr. Willcox's letter as well as response to a request submitted by Clean Water Action on USPCI, Inc. compliance history. Mr. Wasmund had provided the Commissioners with a memo that recapped the USPCI, Inc. discussions held at the March 8, 1994 meeting. The memo further expanded on technical information that had 4111 since been provided to the City. USPCI, Inc. representatives Mr. Ken Jackson, Mr. Don Chapdelaine, and Mr. Rex Kraft were in attendance at this meeting and answered several questions from the Commissioners. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 22, 1994 Page Three Chairperson McDermott suspended the March 22, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting and opened the Board of Appeals and Adjustments at 6:00 p.m. to conduct two scheduled public hearings. The Recording Secretary had in her possessions Affidavits of Mailed and Posted Public Notice and Publication for consideration of a Variance Petition submitted by Rosemount resident Mr. Paul Wrolstad. Mr. Wrolstad, 14545 Biscayne Way, is requesting consideration by the Board to allow him to locate a single car garage five feet from his rear property line. The rear yard setbacks for accessory structures over 150 square feet is thirty (30) feet. The 12' x 20' (240 sq.ft.) structure was formerly attached to his residence. Planning staff has determined that placement of the accessory building can be located within the ordinance required setbacks and recommends denial of the petition supported on that basis. Mr. Wrolstad addressed the Board and discussed the purpose of the structure is for personal storage of lawn and seasonal equipment. He also noted his preference for the proposed location because it represents the least visibility impact on an abutting neighbor's living room window. There were no other persons present for public comment. Chairperson McDermott closed the Board of Appeals and Adjustments. Discussion by the Board proceeded with general consensus as to concern for setting a precedent when all of the required five findings can not be established. Also, the opportunity is there to locate the structure and meet minimum ordinance requirements. MOTION by Ingram to deny the variance to rear yard setback as requested by Mr. Paul Wrolstad, 14545 Biscayne Way, because it does not meet the required findings of Section 15.2.G. of Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. Second by Droste. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, Tentinger. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Pearson advised the petitioner that he has an option to appeal the decision of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments to the City Council as provided for in the zoning ordinance. Chairperson McDermott opened a second scheduled Public Hearing at 6:12 p.m. for consideration of the Variance Petition submitted by Walbon Partnership, 4230 Pine Bend Trail. The Recording Secretary had in her possession Affidavits of Posting, Mailing, and Publication of the Public Notice. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that Mr. Darby Walbon, Walbon Partnership, is requesting several variances that would enable them to construct a building addition and make paving improvements that encroach into front yard setback areas. In 1985 Walbon Partnership occupied the building which was originally constructed in 1973. The site is in the IG General Industrial zoning district. Due to a lack of specified setback standards for parking and drives in the Zoning Ordinance in 1973, several nonconforming standards currently exist. The proposed improvements would further impact those setback encroachments. Ron and Richard Walbon, Walbon Partnership, and their site plan engineer were present to further discuss the requested Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 22, 1994 Page Four variances and the complexity of the request due to the uniqueness of the nonconforming irregular- shaped lot. There were no other persons in the audience for public comment, therefore, Chairperson McDermott closed the Public Hearing. MOTION by Ingram to grant a variance to building and parking lot front yard setbacks as specified in Section 7.1 and 7.2 of Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance because it is consistent with required findings 1 through 5 in Section 15.2.G. Second by Droste. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, McDermott. Nays: Tentinger. Motion passes. Chairperson McDermott closed the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reconvened the March 22, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting at 6:35 p.m. Discussion ensued regarding the details of the site plan for the Walbon Partnership including building aesthetic treatment, building addition use, parking lot design and space requirements, proposed landscaping, and access to public roads. MOTION by Ingram to approve the Walbon Partnership site plan for a 7,660 square -foot building addition and supplementary parking area subject to: 1) elimination of encroachments onto neighboring properties or acquisition of easements for use of those affected properties; 2) acquisition of easements for ponding on the parcel southeast of the site and removal of the rock piles and other debris originating from Walbon Partnership; 3) removal of trailers and junk adjacent to the railroad right -of -way for conformance with Section 4.9.D. (Outdoor Storage) of Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance; 4) posting of a security in the form of a letter of credit, performance bond, or cash escrow in an amount recommended by City staff to assure required landscaping; 5) conformance with applicable building and fire codes; and 6) realignment of the southerly driveway as recommended by the city engineer. Second by Droste. Ayes: Droste, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: Tentinger. Motion passes. Mr. Harry Willcox, Rosemount resident and former City Council Member, and Mr. Frank Hornstein and Mr. Dave Evans, Clean Water Action Alliance (CWAA), addressed the Planning Commission stating their opposition to the request for a zoning ordinance text amendment that would permit USPCI, Inc. to accept ash for disposal at their facility in eastern Rosemount. Lengthy discussion ensued with representatives from USPCI, Inc. responding to several questions from the commission. MOTION by Tentinger to recommend that the City Council schedule a public hearing for consideration of a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment and Interim Use Permit amendment with regard to acceptance of nonhazardous ash as requested by USPCI, Inc. Second by Droste. Ayes: Tentinger, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Abstain: McDermott. Motion passes. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson discussed the two requested Interim Use Permits (IUP) for commercial outdoor recreation as requested by The Adventure Zone and Splat Ball, Inc. In 1993 a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment was adopted to create a process for interim commercial outdoor uses in the Agriculture and General Industrial Districts. Discussion was held regarding the IUP Agreement and the specifics of the conditions of the permit. The permits will require renewal with an opportunity for further City review for compliance with the requirements of the IUPs. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 22, 1994 Page Five MOTION by Droste to recommend that the City Council approve the individual Interim Use Permits for both The Adventure Zone and Splatball, Inc. subject to: 1) conformance with setback and dimensional standards with variance to front yard setbacks granted only for the purpose of preserving existing vegetation; 2) parking lots and entry drives must be approved by the City Engineer; 3) all permits required by other applicable agencies must be obtained by the operators of the IUPs with relevant documentation provided to the City; 4) all structures must conform with the Uniform Building Code and City Zoning Standards for materials and aesthetics; 5) complete conformance with the City of Rosemount Sign Ordinance; and 6) execution of the individual IUP Agreements specifying the conditions of the permits. Second by Ingram. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, Tentinger. Nays: 0. MOTION by Droste to recommend that the City Council set a date for public hearings to hear testimony regarding the Interim Use Permits for commercial outdoor recreation as requested by The Adventure Zone and Splatball, Inc. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. MOTION by Tentinger to adjourn. Second by Droste. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. R pectfully su itted, 4.44..4- Donna Quintus Recording Secretary CITY OF RO S E M 0 U N T 2875 C145 Street West �e E P.0. Box 510 Rosemount, MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068 -0510 Phone: 612 -423 -4411 Planning Commission Fax: 612-423-5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES APRIL 12, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, April 12, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Vice Chairperson Droste called the meeting to order with members DeBettignies and Tentinger present. Also in attendance was Assistant Planner Rick Pearson. New City Administrator Tom Burt introduced himself to the Planning Commissioners. Mr. Burt began his position as City Administrator for the City of Rosemount on April 4, 1994. He advised the Commission that he is currently reviewing department and staff responsibilities and will be effecting a reorganization of the City's departmental structure. Mr. Burt advised that he anticipates a formal reorganization plan for presentation to City Council within the month. The Commissioners welcomed Mr. Burt and expressed their best wishes for success in his employ with the City. Commissioner Ingram arrived and took her seat on the dais at 5:20 p.m. MOTION by Tentinger to approve the March 22, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting 110 Minutes as presented. Second by Droste. Ayes: Tentinger, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that City Council set public hearings for the USPCI, Inc. request for a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment, for the 1994 Interim Use Permits requested from The Adventure Zone and Splatball, Inc., and for the preliminary plat for the Hinzman Addition. These hearings will be held on April 19, 1994 at 8:00 p.m. Public Hearings were conducted by the City Council on April 5, 1994 and favorable action was taken for the rezonings of Lot 1, Block 1, Rosemount Business Park, O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition, and O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition. Also, on April 5, 1994 final plat approvals were given for Shannon Pond Second and Third Additions, O'Leary's Hills Seventh and Eighth Additions, and the Rosemount Business Park. Carlson Properties of Rosemount is requesting final plat approval of Rosemount Village Square. The final plat provides for separate parcels for the Chippendale Center, an auto service use, a fast food use, and the shopping center. Planner Pearson advised that this plat represents a modification of the plat originally reviewed and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. Execution of a Rosemount Village Square Subdivision and Planned Unit Development Agreement is a condition of the final plat approval. A draft agreement is currently being reviewed by the city attorney's office. Mr. Pearson encouraged the Commissioners to provide review and comment on the Rosemount Village Square final plat noting that any concerns may be able to be addressed in the agreement. Discussion ensued regarding the details of the final plat relating to lot coverage, parking lot setbacks, ingress /egress issues, and replatting specifics. .S Printed on recycled paper S 30% containing 30% post- consumermaterals. Regular Meeting Minutes April 12, 1994 Page Two Commissioner DeBettignies questioned the developer as to their method of attaining approval of the modified planned unit development without benefit of Planning Commission review. He expressed disappointment that the process had not been followed and was not in conformance with City procedures, noting his concern that a precedent is being set. Vice Chairperson Droste suspended the April 12, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting and opened the Board of Appeals and Adjustments at 6:00 p.m. to conduct a scheduled public hearing. The Recording Secretary had in her possessions Affidavits of Mailed and Posted Public Notice and Publication for consideration of a Variance Petition submitted by Mr. Leroy Mullikin. Mr. Mullikin, 4060 145th Street West, is requesting approval of a subdivision of his property which is located on the southwest corner of Shannon Parkway and 145th Street West. Although he should plat the subdivision, he is requesting a variance to the City of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance so that he can essentially get approval of a simple lot split. The simple lot division will create a new lot for single family use. Assistant Planner Pearson reviewed the history of the request which included special circumstances with regard to complications involving a vacated right -of -way along Mr. Mullikin's easterly lot line. The incentive to the City of having the vacated parcel combined with Mr. Mullikin's property is to eliminate a parcel that is unbuildable by itself and is located on the corner of two collector streets. The combined parcel can be subdivided to create a new corner lot that meets all standards in terms of size, width, and setbacks. Therefore, Planning staff believes that findings can be made to grant the variance to the Subdivision Ordinance to allow the lot combination /split procedure. There were no other persons present for public comment. Vice Chairperson Droste closed the Board of Appeals and Adjustments. MOTION by Ingram to grant approval of the Variance Petition as requested by Mr. Leroy Mullikin to permit combination of the vacated right -of -way with Lot 1, Block 1, Evergreen Acres and the subdivision of the combined parcel without platting. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Tentinger, Droste, Ingram, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. Vice Chairperson Droste closed the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reconvened the April 12, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting at 6:15 p.m. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend to City Council approval of the Mullikin subdivision subject to: 1) one driveway access to the newly created lot will be allowed and that it shall be as far from the intersection as practical; and 2) payment of Park Dedication in the amount of $560.00 equivalent to one residential unit. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. Discussion ensued regarding the final plat for Rosemount Village Square. The Commissioners concurred that the redesign of the plat and site plan provided an opportunity for improved vehicular movement for increased safety. Regular Meeting Minutes April 12, 1994 Page Three MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of the Rosemount Village Square final plat subject to execution of the Rosemount Village Square Subdivision and Planned Unit Development Agreement subject to submittal of a sign band plan for staff review for compliance with the sign ordinance and inclusion in the final development agreement; and, further, addition of reference to parking lot setbacks for Lots 1 and 4, Block 1, from the Chippendale Center. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, Ingram. Nays: 0. Commissioner Tentinger announced that he had attended the Government Training Service sponsored training seminar, The Basics, and found it to be very educational and valuable insight is provided regarding the role and responsibility of a Planning Commission member, as well as other public officials and staff. MOTION by Droste to adjourn. Second by Ingram. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Res ectfully submitted, 410 Donna Quintus Recording Secretary CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C 1 45 t h i SSt Street West ..6, P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068 -0510 Planning Commission Phone: 6 5203 1 g sion Fax: 612- 423 -5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES APRIL 26, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, April 26, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Chairperson McDermott called the meeting to order with members DeBettignies, Tentinger, Ingram, and Droste present. Also in attendance was Assistant Planner Rick Pearson and City Engineer Bud Osmundson. Chairperson McDermott requested Item 4. b. Open House: Regional Blueprint be moved to New Business, Item 6.e. Consensus agreed. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve the April 12, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Droste. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: None. Assistant Planner Pearson gave a brief summary of the City Council's actions last week. No discussion was generated. Assistant Planner Pearson advised that the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority has requested an expansion of their Rosemount building at 2496 145th Street West. Mr. John Natwick of CNH Architects, Inc. is requesting site plan review approval for a 5000 square foot addition. It will be added to the south elevation of the building and will consist of general office space and three garage stalls. Pearson reviewed the access and parking, the building accents and landscaping. Discussion ensued. MOTION by Droste to approve the site plan as presented by the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority subject to conformance with applicable building and fire codes. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: None. Assistant Planner Pearson presented the preliminary plat for "Eastbridge a Residential Planned Unit Development by CMC Heartland Partners, Inc. The project is planned to be done in four phases with 192 single family lots in 115 acres. It is located west of Biscayne, south of 145th Street West, north of CR 42, and east of the railroad tracks, next to Greif Brothers, Inc. The first phases will start nearest to CR 42 and will probably be ready in the spring of 1995. Dakota County road engineers noted that CR 42 is to become a Principle Arterial Roadway and that any access onto it is not encouraged. City Engineer Osmundson noted that a 75 ft. water main easement will be needed with a grading plan and an emergency overland spillway. Tentinger questioned the length of the cul -de -sac street. Pearson noted that ordinance necessitates the street be less than 700 feet. Osmundson said the street is 580 feet long, within standards. Tentinger asked about the lane alignment on CR 42. Pearson said that if a center island is used there would be a one way turn in; it could be a 3/4 intersection. Tentinger requested that the park be built with the first phase of development. Ingram asked about the opening dates. Wayne Delfino said a model home would likely be open February, 1995. Lot sizes and double front lots were discussed. .S Printed on recycled paper .30 °11 containing 30% post consumer materials. Regular Meeting Minutes April 26, 1994 Page Two Droste inquired if Biscayne Avenue would be paved. Osmundson replied that no request has been made at this time, a petition from the developer is needed. At this time truck traffic is not permitted on Biscayne Avenue. Droste asked if there will be sidewalks? Pearson replied that only some streets will have sidewalks. McDermott asked about the MUSA designation and zoning. The development is in the MUSA area and the zoning is now Industrial Business Park, which will be rezoned to Urban Residential/Commercial. DeBettignies asked about the railroad turnabout spur which is now owned by the University of Minnesota. The contract with the University is in its final stages. The waterline that runs through the property will have to be relocated. SEH Engineering has done a study on the drainage. McDermott noted that the proposed 20 -foot and 5 -foot street side and garage side setbacks will limit the size of housing on some lots. Pearson said, however, it does met our zoning code standards. Droste was concerned with the lot alignment by Lot 1 and Lot 5. It is similar to the Shannon Hills issues. Also, some corner lot side -yards do not set out what direction the houses will face. Droste would like to inform the residents of Biscayne Way and 145th St. W. near the development of the progress being made. Ingram noted that the curved roads and cul -de -sacs are what home buyers like to see. This means less and slower traffic, hence a safer environment to raise families. Ingram would like to see bigger lots. Osmundson discussed access to the business area. If the entrances on CR 42 are limited, then the traffic to the convenience stores will have to go through the development. This usually means additional maintenance and upkeep by the City. City Engineer Osmundson questioned CMC Heartland as to the maintenance of the strip of land next to Greif Brothers, Inc. CMC noted that is a major access into Eastbridge from 145th Street West and they assured the City they wanted it to look pleasing. MOTION by Tentinger to recommend to City Council approval of the concept review for the Residential Planned Unit Development "Eastbridge" subject to the resolution of the rezoning from Business Park to R -1 Single Family Residential (Detached) and two additional parcels which will have to be rezoned to C -1 Convenience Commercial and R -2 Single Family (Attached) for the final development plan. Second by Droste. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: Tentinger. Assistant Planner Pearson reviewed the request from Mr. Richard Cliff and his daughter, Nancy, for an Agricultural Lot Split to create a 2.5 acre single family lot in the Agriculture District approximately one mile north of County Road 38 on the west side of Akron Avenue. The Subdivision Ordinance provides for an exception to platting requirements for lot splits in the Agriculture District when created for residential use. The housing density there allows one unit per ten acres and this is well below that density. 2 Regular Meeting Minutes April 26, 1994 Page Three MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend to City Council approval of the Agricultural Lot Split for Mr. Richard Cliff and his daughter Nancy, subject to: 1) payment of one residential unit of park dedication in the amount of $560; 2) percolation tests indicating the parcel's ability to accommodate a private on -site septic system with an alternative location; and 3) approval from the Dakota County Platting Commission be given in conformance with the Dakota County Contiguous Platting Ordinance (since Akron is a County Road). Second by Ingram. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: None. Assistant Planner Pearson noted that the Metropolitan Council is having a public hearing for the draft document of the Regional Blueprint for the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. The meeting date is May 19, 1994, at 7 p.m. at the Metropolitan Council Chambers in Mears Park Centre. Some sections of the document do directly apply to development rights in Rosemount. Policy issues could curtail the expansion of MUSA. Commissioners are encourage to participate in this hearing by attending, commenting, or writing. Pearson also noted a public scoping meeting regarding the Metropolitan Airports Commission New Airport Comprehensive Plan Alternative Environmental Document (AED). The meeting will be May 12, 1994, 7:00 p.m. at the Hastings Middle School, 9th Street and Vermillion Street. This is still considered the dual track method: moving ahead with plans to build a new airport, while considering improvements to the old airport. This process wouldn't be complete until the year 2010. The issue of land development in the near future may be slowed due to restrictions for the new airport. Attendance at this public scoping by Commissioners is encouraged. The Commissioners thanked staff and Commissioner Droste noted that Mark DeBettignies was nominated for the Citizen of the Year Award at the Rosemount Shamrock Dinner. Congratulations to Commissioner DeBettignies for the honor of being nominated. MOTION by McDermott to adjourn. Second by DeBettignies. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary 3 CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 CITY Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN e Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068 -0510 Planning Commission Phone: 612-423-4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 10, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, May 10, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Chairperson McDermott called the meeting to order with members DeBettignies, Tentinger, Ingram, and Droste present. Also in attendance was Assistant Planner Rick Pearson. At the request of the petitioner item 5(b) Islamic Community Rezoning Petition was withdrawn from the May 10, 1994 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda. Commissioner Tentinger requested Planning staff include additional review of the April 26, 1994 Planning Commission discussion regarding the Rezoning Petition from CMC to rezone their property to permit single family residential use of their 115 -acre parcel located south of County Road 42, north of 145th Street, and west of Biscayne Avenue. Commissioner Tentinger had voted to recommend denial of the rezoning request and expressed his desire to clarify his position stating that his belief that the subject parcel is better suited for a business park use rather than a residential use as a basis for his negative recommendation. Ill MOTION by DeBettignies to table action on the April 26, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes to allow staff to expand on the narrative held regarding the proposed Eastbridge subdivision on the CMC property. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that at their regular meeting on May 3, 1994 City Council approved the Leroy Mullikin Subdivision /Lot Combination. Approval was also given for the agricultural lot split request from Richard and Nancy Cliff. Commissioner Droste advised that he had attended a Metropolitan Council public information open house regarding the Council's proposed regional strategies for a healthy and vital economy. Those strategies are included in a draft Regional Blueprint, the Council's key policy document for guiding growth and development in the region. Commissioner Droste advised that the presentation by Met Council was very informative and encouraged attendance by City Council members, Planning Commissioners, and other city committees and staff at the May 19, 1994 public hearing regarding the Regional Blueprint to provide input into the plan and to represent key issues relative to and affecting the interests of the City of Rosemount. Assistant Planner Pearson briefly reviewed previous discussions regarding an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance that would permit cemeteries in the Public /Quasi Public (PB) District by planned unit development (PUD) and conformance with proposed performance standards. Staff has elected to proceed with a text amendment although a decision by the Islamic community to develop specific property for a cemetery have been suspended for outside reasons. Discussion included general development criteria for cemeteries. Discussion was deferred until later in this meeting to allow Planning staff to provide additional ordinance information regarding current information on Public /Quasi -Public District regulations. V 1 Printed on recycled paper it 0 ronfaining 30% post consumer materials. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes May 10, 1994 Page Two Mr. Ronald Enright, 12305 Chinchilla Court, owns several parcels of land in the RR Rural Residential District north of County Road 38. Mr. Enright is requesting a relocation of a common boundary line between two adjacent parcels one of which is the location of his residence. A "pan handle", attached to the three -acre parcel would be combined with the two -acre parcel an adjustment to the common property line. The resulting 2.5 -acre lots rectifies a lot area deficiency. No new parcels are being created and there is an exception to subdivision platting requirements because the request is limited to the relocation of a common boundary. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend to City Council approval of the relocated boundary line as requested by Ronald Enright subject to the re- combination of the .5 -acre parcel with the 2 -acre parcel. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. Mr. Brett Twining, A -1 Concrete Unit Step Co., Inc., has applied for a building permit to construct a 4,800 square foot storage building on his property located at 5480 142nd Street East. A site plan has been submitted for Planning Commission review and approval. The property is zoned IG General Industrial and the proposed structure meets minimum setback as well as all other requirements for the district with the exception of aesthetic treatment for the northerly portion of the building. Mr. Twining as submitted a Variance Petition requesting an exception to required aesthetic treatment to the northerly portion of the proposed storage building. Chairperson McDermott suspended the April 26, 1994 Regular Meeting and opened the Board of Appeals and Adjustments at 6:00 p.m. to conduct a scheduled public hearing. The Recording Secretary had in her possessions Affidavits of Mailed and Posted Public Notice and Publication for consideration of a variance to minimum aesthetic standards in the IG General Industrial District. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that the General Industrial District standards require brick, wood, or concrete alternatives to metal on 50 of all wall surfaces abutting public right -of -way and public or residential uses or districts. Mr. Twining is requesting the proposed building be constructed with 75 metal and 25 textured concrete along all four walls. With the exception of the wall facing County Road 38, the elevations of the remaining three walls are consistent with ordinance standards. Mr. Twining stated that storage of precast concrete products on the concrete apron along the building facing County Road 38 to the north would completely obscure any additional treatment to the face of the structure. There were no other persons present for public comment. Chairperson McDermott closed the Board of Appeals and Adjustments. MOTION by Ingram to grant approval of the Variance Petition for a proposed accessory structure for A -1 Concrete, Inc. as requested by Mr. Brett Twining, owner, for a reduction of architectural aesthetic material standards subject to provision of additional landscaping in the front yard of the outdoor storage area as reviewed and approved by Planning staff for the purpose of enhanced screening. Second by Droste. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes May 10, 1994 Page Three Chairperson McDermott closed the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reconvened the May 10, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting at 6:20 p. MOTION by Droste to approve the A -1 Concrete, Inc. site plan to permit the construction of a 4,800 square foot accessory structure subject to: 1) the conditions established in the approval of the requested variance to architectural standards; 2) posting of a security in the amount of $1,600 for required landscaping in the form of a letter of credit, bond, or cash escrow; and 3) conformance with all applicable building and fire codes. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. Discussed resumed regarding the proposed zoning ordinance text amendment with regard to establishing cemeteries as a permitted use in the Public /Quasi -Public District. Several issues were identified regarding legal procedures for the assessing of improvements and appropriateness for collection of hook -up fees. MOTION by DeBettignies to table action on the proposed zoning ordinance text amendment for the establishment and permitting of cemeteries within the City of Rosemount to allow staff to further investigate legal issues in relationship to public utilities and assessments and clarification as to who is responsible for payment for these services; and, further, to research what the current practices are for churches and cemeteries as accessory uses. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. Mr. Robert Guetschoff, GTI Theaters, Inc., was present in the audience to submit his request for a zoning ordinance text amendment that would allow the new theater in Carousel Plaza South to have chasing and running lights on the sign marque or reader boards and the tower that extends above the roof of the theater. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson provided an overview of the request and discussed a draft ordinance that had been prepared by Planning staff for Commissioner review. In their review the Planning Commissioner raised several questions and requested further definition and specificity be included in the draft ordinance encompassing additional verbiage and technical standards. The Commission expressed further definition of "tower" which would identify criteria for determining whether an appurtenance is "architectural" or a "sign." MOTION by Ingram to defer action regarding a proposed zoning ordinance text amendment to allow chasing and running lights on movie theater marque signs until further review and clarification can be researched by staff regarding technical data with reference to said proposal. Second by Droste. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. MOTION by DeBettignies to adjourn. Second by Droste. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Re tfully subm',�,,�- APT cr a2r Donna Quintus Recording Secretary a e ,ir CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C 1 45 t H Street West t P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068.0510 Planning Commission Phone: 612. 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 24, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, May 24, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Acting Chairperson Ingram called the meeting to order with members DeBettignies and Tentinger, present. Also in attendance was Council Member Joan Anderson and Assistant Planner Rick Pearson. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve the April 26, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as amended. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Tentinger, Ingram, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve the May 10, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting minutes as presented. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Ingram, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. CMC Heartland Partners has submitted a final planned unit development proposal and is requesting approval for the final PUD, preliminary plat, and rezoning for the residential Eastbridge subdivision. The Eastbridge development project is proposed to be located north of County Road 42, east of State Highway 3, south of 145th Street and west of Biscayne Avenue. The total site area of Eastbridge consists of approximately 115.87 acres and includes 192 single family lots (average lot size of 12,000 square feet); a 2 -acre public neighborhood park; and parcels B, C, D, and E identified for ponding and future commercial and cluster housing (consisting of 31.3 acres). The outlots are generally situated at the southeasterly intersection of County Road 42 and Highway 3. Current zoning of the property is IP Industrial Park; however, the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan designates this property for urban residential land use. Mr. Glen Sexton, Director of Construction for CMC Heartland Partners, presented an overview of the development and described the proposed phasing, landscaping, sidewalk/trail, and street layout plans and identified modifications to the concept plan as a result of previous discussion and city recommendations. Assistant Planner Pearson discussed details of the proposed plat and related some issues identified by staff including: 1) park development relative to the development phasing plan; 2) street and lot design; 3) proposed accesses to County Road 42 and Biscayne Avenue; 4) railroad spur relocation timing; and 5) proposed landscaping and screening from major arterials and the railroad. Mr. Wayne Delfino, Vice President of Development for CMC Heartland Partners, and Mr. Reid Hansen, local legal counsel, responded to Planning Commissioner questions with regard to the timetable for the public park development and the relocation of the railroad spur. Concern was expressed by CMC Heartland representatives regarding City staff's recommendation for an upgraded east -west street to act as a residential subcollector designed to carry higher traffic volumes. CMC Heartland representatives further advised that seeding and grading of the park prior to completion of phase 3 of the development would result in a disturbance of any ground work that had been accomplished up to that point. !s Panted on recycled paper Y g roun een accom P P P 8 U containing 30% post consumer materials. Regular Planning Commission Meeting May 24, 1994 Page Two The Commissioners concurred with the Parks and Recreation Committee recommendation to complete the park as soon as possible so that a recreational amenity will be provided to the residents in phases 1 and 2 of the development. Commissioner Tentinger reiterated his position that the proposed residential use of this property is inappropriate and indicated that the current Industrial Park zoning of this property is more conducive because of the site's access to the existing rail and location to major arterials. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend to City Council approval of the Eastbridge residential Planned Unit Development with lot width variances, preliminary plat, and rezoning subject to: 1) modification of the phasing plan to include direct access to Biscayne Avenue or 145th Street West in the first phase; 2) provision of sidewalks and trails as specified by the Parks and Recreation Committee with grading and seeding of the park at the time of initiation of the third phase with park dedication fees to be paid for each phase at the time of fmal plat approval; 3) evidence of Developer ownership of the land included in the preliminary plat; 4) execution of an agreement with CP Rail (Soo Line) providing for the relocation of the railroad spur; 5) screening of all residential areas from highways and railroad lines subject to City staff approval of planting strips that effectively screen view and reduce noise levels; 6) provision of an east -west through street access connecting Biscayne Avenue to commercial and cluster housing land uses; 7) proposed densities for the cluster housing and conceptual street accesses; 8) grading and utility plans and specifications approved by the city engineer; and 9) execution of a planned unit development and master subdivision agreement. Second by Ingram. Ayes: DeBettignies, Ingram. Nays: Tentinger. Motion passes. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend that City Council schedule a public hearing to hear testimony regarding the Eastbridge Planned Unit Development, preliminary plat, and rezoning. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Ingram, DeBettignies. Nays: Tentinger. Motion passes. Mr. Scott Teigen and Curt Mills were in attendance to request approval of a planned unit development, preliminary plat and fmal plat to allow for the construction of a Kwik Trip gas station/convenience store to be located on the former Strese Oil site at 14810 South Robert Trail. The developer is proposing to combine property acquired from the railroad with the "Strese Oil" site that will enlarge the parcel and permit development of the Kwik Trip. Because multiple parcels are involved, as well as the combined convenience store /self -serve gas uses, the planned unit development (PUD) process is required. The Commissioners were provided details regarding the proposed lot combination, access and circulation design, building elevations, and landscaping. Assistant Planner Pearson advised that this development proposal is a permitted use of the existing C -3 Highway Service Commercial zoning of the site. The property is currently fully developed and is nonconforming with several ordinance standards. No natural features are left that can be preserved. Planning staff recommends approval of the Kwik Trip proposed commercial concept planned unit development with variance to rear yard setback standards because it is consistent with the intent of the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan, development Regular Planning Commission Meeting May 24, 1994 Page Three will not be detrimental to surrounding properties, and the plan is more creative and will provide a better living, working, and shopping environment that is possible under strict ordinance requirements. MOTION by Tentinger to approve the concept plan for the Commercial Planned Unit Development for the proposed development of a Kwik Trip convenience store and self service gas station on the property currently addressed as 14810 South Robert Trail. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Ingram, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. Mr. Kevin Sullivan and Mr. Shmulik Etziony, Wold Architects and representatives for Independent School District 196, were in attendance to request site plan approval of a 650 seat auditorium addition to the Rosemount High School located at 3335 142nd Street West. The 17,500 square foot addition will be attached to the north and east wings of the building near the pond. A 20 -foot wide bituminous driveway will connect the auditorium to 142nd Street between the school and baseball diamond. The proposal is consistent with permitted land uses in the existing Public /Quasi Public zoning district of the site. No additional parking is required and the proposal meets minimum ordinance standards. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve the site plan for the Rosemount High School auditorium addition subject to conformance with applicable building and fire codes. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, Ingram. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that Mr. Jeff Hawkins, Vermillion State Bank, has submitted a site plan for an 1,800 square foot structure proposed to be located on a .7 -acre lot in South Rose Park Addition Replat situated on the southwest corner of 151st Street West and Carrousel Way and is zoned C -4 General Commercial. Two accesses are proposed with one on 151st Street and one on Carrousel Way. In their review staff has raised a safety issue regarding the proposed access onto Carrousel Way due to the proximity to the intersection. Staff has stated a preference for both ingress /egress to occur on 151st Street west to protect the integrity of the Carrousel Way /151st Street intersection. Mr. Hawkins was in attendance and addressed the Commission with his concern for staff recommendation regarding access. He stated his believe that two driveways onto 151st Street would increase traffic congestion due to proposed access points to the future retail center to be constructed directly to the north of this site. Discussion of alternative ingress /egress designs ensued with a conceived modification agreed upon by both staff and the petitioner providing for ingress /egress on 151st Street only. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve the site plan for the Vermillion State Bank without access to Carrousel Way subject to: 1) approval of a drainage plan with a catch basin by the City Engineer; 2) modification of the landscaping plan to be reviewed and approved by City planning staff; 3) posting of a security for the landscaping in the amount of $2,400 in the form of a letter of credit, performance bond, or cash escrow; 4) approval of access revisions by the city engineer; 5) conformance with applicable building and fire codes; and 6) resubmittal to the Planning Commission for further site plan review if consensus and staff approval cannot be reached regarding reconfiguration of the access to and from the site. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Tentinger, Ingram, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. Regular Planning Commission Meeting May 24, 1994 II Page Four The City of Rosemount Port Authority has endorsed a staff initiative to proceed with a fmal plat and rezoning of Lot 1, Block 2, Rosemount Business Park due to several businesses indicating an interest in developing the 9.56 -acre parcel. In conjunction with the fmal plat discussion, the Port Authority has also endorsed a staff initiative to proceed with the rezoning of this parcel from AG Agriculture to BP -2 Business Park. The proximity of the parcel to CSAH 42 and visibility to the public support the request for BP -2 zoning classification and is consistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan Land Use Designation. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend to City Council approval of the fmal plat of Lot 1, Block 2, Rosemount Business Park subject to easement identification for ponding and trail development. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, Ingram. Nays: 0. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend to City Council a rezoning of Lot 1, Block 2, Rosemount Business Park from AG Agriculture to BP -2 Business Park. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Tentinger, Ingram, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend that City Council schedule a public hearing to hear testimony regarding a rezoning of Lot 1, Block 2, Rosemount Business Park. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Ingram, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. MOTION by DeBettignies to adjourn. Second by Ingram. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Re ectfully subm'- I 4 0 /4.* Donna Quintus Recording Secretary C 1 TY OF RO S E M 0 U N T 2875 C145 t h SSt Street West "pa t P.O. Box 510 Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount, 55068-0510 Everything's 5 g p 55068 -0510 0 Planning Commission Phone: 612-423-4411 Fax: 612 -423 -5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 14, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, June 14, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Chairperson McDermott called the meeting to order with members Tentinger, Ingram, and Droste present. Also in attendance was Council Member Cathy Busho, Assistant Planner Rick Pearson, and Public Works Director /Building Official Ron Wasmund. MOTION by Ingram to accept the May 24, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by McDermott. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Commissioner DeBettignies arrived and took his seat on the dais at 5:20 p.m. Assistant Planner Pearson reviewed the proposed zoning ordinance text amendment that would permit alternating /rhythmic lighting on movie theater marquees. The criteria for the defining of differences between towers and roof -top signs was also discussed with staff's recommendation that the distinction between towers and roof -top signs be addressed in the ordinance. Staff has reviewed the construction plans and has determined that the proposed "tower" on the GTI theater qualifies as a structure because it meets the definition and criteria for spires, belfries, bell towers, cupolas, domes, monuments, and flagpoles as permitted in Section 7.2B Supplementary Height Regulations. The draft ordinance states that running and chasing lights shall not extend above roof lines. Mr. Bob Guetschoff was present in the audience and introduced the master electrician (Michael) who provided detailed technical information and described the properties associated with the proposed "intermittent" lighting on the theater marquee. Discussion by the Commission resumed regarding what the minimum criteria for "running and chasing" lights should be and whether or not further clarification is needed in the proposed ordinance regarding the definition of "roof line" and further distinction between "running chasing" and "sequential" lighting. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend to City Council approval of a zoning ordinance text amendment to allow chasing and running lights on movie theater marquee signs. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: McDermott, Tentinger. Motion passes. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend that the City Council schedule a public hearing to hear testimony regarding a zoning ordinance text amendment to Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance Section 10 SIGNS. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, McDermott. Nays: Tentinger. Motion passes. Assistant Planner Pearson presented a draft zoning ordinance text amendment which permits cemeteries in the Public and Institutional District. Although an earlier request from the Islamic Community of Minnesota which prompted the proposed ordinance has been fs Print�onr 3040' containing 30% post- consumermaterials. Regular Planning Commission Meeting June 14, 1994 Page Two withdrawn Planning staff has elected to continue the process to amend the text of the ordinance so that the City is in a position to address future requests regarding the locating of cemeteries in the City of Rosemount. As the result of an earlier request from the Planning Commission, the city attorney has provided a written response to questions regarding the relationship of public utilities and services and assessments. MOTION by Droste to recommend that City Council set a date for a public hearing to receive testimony regarding a zoning ordinance text amendment to permit cemeteries in the City of Rosemount. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. MOTION by Droste to recommend to City Council approval of a zoning ordinance text amendment to permit cemeteries in the Public /Quasi -Public District through the planned unit development (PUD) procedure subject to performance standards specific to cemeteries. Second by Ingram. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Mr. Scott Teigen, Director of Real Estate for CSi, has submitted a final commercial planned unit development (PUD) and preliminary plat for the construction of a Kwik Trip convenience store /self service gasoline sales development on the former Strese Oil site at 14810 South Robert Trail. The PUD process is required because multiple parcels are involved, as well as the combined uses of retail and self service gas. The majority of the property is in the C-3 Highway Service Commercial District. However, a rezoning to C -3 of contiguous railroad right -of -way property which is to be combined with the original parcel will be a condition for final plat approval. Discussion continued regarding aesthetics of the 3,024 square foot building, minimum code requirements for underground and aboveground fuel storage tanks, landscaping and grading /drainage plans, access to South Robert Trail and internal circulation design. MOTION by Tentinger to recommend to City Council approval of the Kwik Trip Commercial Planned Unit Development, Preliminary Plat, and Rezoning subject to: 1) the combination of parcels for Kwik Trip be platted as one; 2) any remnant parcels shall be recombined to existing contiguous parcels; 3) drainage easements, as specified and approved by the city engineer, shall be described on the former railroad right -of -way; 4) approval of a grading plan by the city engineer; 5) payment of $1,145.00, in lieu of land, for Park Dedication; 6) provision of a landscape security in the amount of $2,600.00 in the form approved by staff; and 7) conformance with all applicable building and fire codes. Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. MOTION by Tentinger to recommend that City Council schedule a public hearing for the Kwik Trip Commercial Planned Unit Development, Preliminary Plat, and Rezoning. Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson discussed a request from the Rosemount Port Authority for approval of a final plat and rezoning from AG Agriculture to BP -2 Business Park for Lot 1, 1110 Block 2, Rosemount Business Park. This item has been resubmitted to the Planning Commission at this time because the lot differs somewhat from original discussions in terms of size and location. A specific site plan for Lemna Corporation drives the lot reconfiguration. City Council has scheduled a public hearing for June 21, 1994 for discussion of the rezoning. Regular Planning Commission Meeting June 14, 1994 Page Three MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of the revised fmal plat for Lot 1, Block 2, Rosemount Business Park. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of a resolution providing for the rezoning of Lot 1, Block 2, Rosemount Business Park from AG Agriculture to BP -2 Business Park. Second by McDermott. Ayes; Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. Mr. Greg A. du'Monceaux, architect with Caliber Development Corporation, was present in the audience and submitted a site plan for review and approval for an office /warehouse proposed for construction on Lot 1, Block 2, Rosemount Business Park. Lemna Corporation wishes to construct and locate in one -half of a proposed 50,000 square foot building on the 8.1 -acre lot. The remaining half of the building will be leased out to other tenants and provide expansion opportunities for Lemna Corp. A second phase may accommodate an additional 20,000 square foot building also intended for office /warehouse use. Review and discussion included proposed phasing, internal traffic circulation and design, ponding, landscaping plan, and aesthetic treatment of the buildings. Mr. du'Monceaux advised that the applicant would be willing to provide additional landscaping screening as requested by the Commission. MOTION by Droste to approve the site plan as submitted by Lemna Corporation for an office /warehouse use subject to: 1) recording of an approved fmal plat with Dakota County in accordance with the City of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance; 2) rezoning of the platted lot to BP -2 Business Park; 3) any future requests for building permits for future phases are subject to site plan review and approval from the planning Commission; 4) a security in the amount of $24,400.00 in the form of a letter of credit, performance bond, or cash escrow to secure the landscaping improvements; 5) conformance with applicable building and fire codes; 6) modification of the landscaping plan to provide additional landscaping and screening to the site; and 7) Port Authority consideration for the installation of a trail/park along the ponding area. Second by Ingram. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Commissioner Tentinger expressed his concern regarding Metropolitan Council recommendations to the legislature without benefit of City of Rosemount comment and input regarding issues relevant to the future of Rosemount. Mr. Tentinger encouraged the Commission, as well as the City Council to become more involved in the Metropolitan Council process. It was suggested that Rosemount issue a formal statement in the form of a resolution establishing for the record the interests of the City of Rosemount. Hopefully, this could be added to a future agenda for formal recommendation and approval. Commissioner DeBettignies also stated his request to initiate an amendment to the Planning Commission Bylaws to establishing a procedure or hierarchy for the conducting of a Planning Commission Meetings in the absence of both the Chair and Vice Chair at a meeting. MOTION by McDermott to adjourn. Second by Droste. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C 1 45 t h i Street West 0,1; t 14E P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068 -0510 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612 -423 -5203 Planning Commission REGULAR MEETING JULY 12, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission for July 12, 1994 was cancelled due to lack of business items. le Re ectfully su ed, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary .S Printed on recycled paper 30',' containing 30% post consumer materials. CITY OF ROSEMOU NT 2875 C 1 45 t h i Street West P.O.Box510 O Everything's Comin U Rosemount" Rosemount, 0 MN Coming Up 55068 -0510 Planning Commission Phone: 612-423-4411 ev 8 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 28, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, June 18, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Chairperson McDermott called the meeting to order with members DeBettignies, Ingram, and Droste present. Also in attendance was Council Member Cathy Busho, Parks and Recreation Director Jim Topitzhofer, Assistant Planner Rick Pearson, and Community Development Director Ron Wasmund. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve the June 14, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Droste. Ayes: DeBettignies, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Commissioner Tentinger arrived and took his seat on the dais at 5:18 p.m. Assistant Planner Pearson advised that the CMC proposed residential planned unit development and preliminary plat was approved by City Council, with modifications, including the removal of blanket structure setback variances and elimination of the east -west through street. Public Hearings were scheduled for July 5, 1994 for Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments regarding cemeteries and intermittent lighting for signs and for the Kwik Trip commercial PUD, III preliminary plat, and rezoning. At their June 21, 1994 meeting City Council tabled action on the final plat for Lot 1, Block 2, Rosemount Business Park. On June 14, 1994 the Planning Commission approved a site plan for Lemna Corporation and recommended approval of the fmal plat that would accommodate the Lemna Corporation proposal. Since that action was taken Lemna withdrew their proposal for development in the Rosemount Business Park. Recent discussions by both the City Council and Port Authority have resulted in their direction to staff to proceed with the final plat and rezoning for the subject lot as a means of streamlining the process for future development requests. Staff is recommending that one large 15 -acre lot, extending from CSAH 42 to the southerly property line between the entry road and ponding area, be platted and rezoned to BP -2 Business Park. This will enable a developer to acquire building permits by means of site plan approval. Should a proposed development use require less than the 15 acres, a replat could be pursued during or after construction as desired by the developer or the City. MOTION by Tentinger to recommend to City Council approval of the "large lot" final plat and rezoning to BP -2 Business Park for Lot 1, Block 2, Rosemount Business Park. Second by Droste. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson introduced members of the Erickson Community Square Subcommittee, Parks and Recreation Committee Members, and Jim Topitzhofer, Director of Parks and Recreation. Planner Pearson provided overheads in addition to presentations from III Mr. Topitzhofer, Mr. John Loch, and Charles Novak, architect, describing the various elements h Printed on recycled paper 30 containing 30% post consumer materials. Regular Planning Commission Meeting June 28, 1994 Page Two of a concept plan for proposed improvements to Erickson Park situated contiguous to and north/northwest of City Hall. The project will consist of approximately three phases with the focus of the first phase on a 3,350 square foot park pavilion and two roofed patio sections connecting to paved exterior patio areas. The first phase also includes an amphitheater with room for up to 400 spectators. Discussion included proposed landscaping, availability of utilities, building details, grading, vehicular and pedestrian access, and parking layout. MOTION by Droste to recommend to City Council approval of the Erickson Community Square Concept Plan as presented. Second by Ingram. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. Dr. Kurt Walter -Hansen is working with the City of Rosemount Port Authority for development of the former Repairs, Inc. site, 14440 South Robert Trail. Dr. Hansen is requesting approval of a site plan for the construction of an 8,320 square foot building for use as an animal clinic on this site. The Port Authority owns the property and intends to give it to Dr. Hansen provided he constructs an appropriate building. Because of the desired size of the proposed building the site cannot accommodate minimum required parking. As a result, the Port Authority has requested that the developer provide for the installation of additional parking on City -owned land adjacent to the site. These parking stalls will in turn be available for use by the public for City and Erickson Park events. Further discussion included access, parking design, building design and location, aesthetics, landscaping, and site grading. The Port Authority has identified a preferred building location which differs from the developer's choice. Commissioner Droste stated his preference for placement of the structure consistent with the majority of the buildings in the CBD (Central Business District) to provide for continuity of building setbacks along South Robert Trail. Mr. Droste then excused himself from his chair at 6:35 p.m. Discussion continued. MOTION by Ingram to approve the site plan for the Rosemount Professional Building proposed to be located at 14440 South Robert Trail subject to: 1) revision of the landscape plan to include a minimum of seven trees and thirty -one shrubs or equivalent; 2) conformance with applicable building and fire codes; 3) placement of the building consistent with City of Rosemount Port Authority direction for location of the building setback in relation to South Robert Trail; and 4) city engineer approval of a grading plan. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Ingram, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. Mr. Bob Solberg, Solberg Aggregate Co., Inc., has submitted a request for approval of a 1994 Mineral Extraction permit to mine approximately 20,000 cubic yards of granular material from their ten -acre site located on the northeast corner of CSAH 42 and STH 52. The property is in the IG General Industrial District and mineral extraction is a permitted use, with a permit and after a public hearing is conducted by City Council. Mr. Loren Howard, representative for Solberg Aggregate Co., Inc., was present in the audience and answered questions from the Commission. The material mined is intended for the 145th Regular Planning Commission Meeting June 28, 1994 Page Three Street Improvement Project scheduled for this year. As a result, the conditions of the permit reflect completion of extraction processes and restoration to occur this year. Discussion ensued regarding a staff recommendation for additional landscaping to provide for natural screening and as a buffer to Highway 52. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend to City Council approval of a 1994 Mineral Extraction Permit with the following added conditions: 1) conformance to minimum 30 -foot and 25 -foot grading setbacks to adjacent properties and public right -of -way; 2) enhanced and additional landscape treatment for buffering along the westerly border of the property; and 3) completion and restoration of the site in 1994. Second by Ingram. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, mcDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend that City Council schedule a public hearing to hear testimony regarding the request from Solberg Aggregate Co., Inc. for a 1994 Mineral Extraction Permit. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. Community Development Director Ron Wasmund advised the Commission that as a result of the reorganization of the City staff a significant change affecting the Planning Commission is the formation of a new Community Development Department. This department includes Planning, Building, and Economic Development. It is anticipated that the reorganization will provide for a "one -stop shop" concept with hopes in providing for more consistency and informed decisions on development issues. The department is headed by Mr. Wasmund as the Community Development Director and new positions are currently being pursued for a Planner and a Code Enforcement Officer. Further expansion of the department is planned but is not foreseen within the near future. MOTION by Ingram to adjourn. Second by McDermott. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 40_ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount 55068 0510 Phone: 612-423-4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 Planning Commission REGULAR MEETING JULY 12, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission for July 12, 1994 was cancelled due to lack of business items. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary Printed on reryded paper contarnine ap post- consunir ni.ih,,. CITY OF ROSEMOU NT 2875 110., P.0. Box 510 Everything's Comin U Rosemount!! Rosemount, MN Coming Up 55068 -0510 Planning Commission Phone. 612-423-4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 26, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, July 26, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Co -chair Droste called the meeting to order with members Tentinger and Ingram present. Also in attendance was Council Member Cathy Busho, and Assistant Planner Rick Pearson. MOTION by Ingram to approve the June 28, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Tentinger, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson noted that at their July 5, 1994 regular meeting City Council approved zoning ordinance text amendments regarding cemeteries and intermittent lighting and the final plat and rezoning for Lot 1, Block 2, Rosemount Business Park. At their July 19th regular meeting Council conducted a public hearing and approved the Solberg Aggregate Mineral Extraction Permit request. Assistant Planner Pearson further advised that Charlie LaFevere of Holmes and Graven Charter has been hired as the new legal counsel for the City. Commissioner Debettignies arrived and took his seat on the dais at 5:25 p.m. Harold Hawks, Department of Military Affairs for the Minnesota Army National Guard, and Tom Hunt, Studio Five Architects, were present in the audience to request approval of a site plan for construction of a 27,680 square foot building on a 24.4 acre site to be used for vehicle maintenance and storage. The property is currently zoned IP Planned Industrial and the proposed use is permitted in the IP, BP -1, and BP -2 Districts. The property is located west along Biscayne Avenue, just north of Knutsen Services, Inc. and the Chicago Northwestern Railroad right -of -way. Discussion included proposed building aesthetics, ingress /egress, ponding /grading, lot coverage, fencing /security measures, and landscaping. MOTION by Ingram to approve the site plan for the National Guard OMS #1 and OMS #3 buildings subject to: 1) landscaping enhancements as reviewed and approved by Planning staff with additional landscaping along Biscayne Avenue and along railroad right -of -way; 2) security fencing to be administered through the variance procedure; 3) grading plan approval by the city engineer; and 4) conformance with applicable building and fire codes. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. Mr. Badger Basen, 12250 Cobblestone Lane, has applied for a building permit to construct a 1,500 square foot accessory structure on his 4 -acre Rural Residential zoned lot to be used for personal and recreational vehicle storage. The maximum square footage allowed by ordinance for an accessory structure in this area is 1,200 square feet. In considering this request Planning staff conducted a survey of criteria used by surrounding and similar communities in permitting .S Printed on recycled paper 30 °%4 containing 30% post ronsun,er materials. Regular Planning Commission Meeting July 26, 1994 Page Two accessory structures in large lot rural residential settings. As a result of that study and staff review, Planning staff has determined that a zoning ordinance text amendment would be an appropriate procedure to allow for increased maximum area standards, based upon specific criteria, for accessory structures in Rural Residential Districts Lengthy discussion ensued with Commissioners reviewing the existing and proposed ordinance. The commission expressed concern that the current ordinance is ambiguous in its reference to required windows on accessory structures. MOTION by Ingram to table action on the proposed zoning ordinance text amendment regarding accessory structures in Rural Residential Districts to allow Planning staff to draft a modified ordinance that provides additional clarification regarding required window treatment and that the proposed ordinance be reviewed by legal counsel for legality of proposed criteria. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, Ingram. Nays: 0. Commissioner DeBettignies reminded the commissioners of the 1994 Rosemount Leprechaun Days events scheduled to begin on Wednesday, July 27th through Sunday, July 31st and urged all to become involved in some of the events in support of this celebration. City Council Member Cathy Busho issued a challenge to the Planning Commission and Planning staff to form a team and compete in the Bathtub Race. Ms. Busho advised that she had also invited the Port Authority to compete in this race. 411 MOTION by DeBettignies to adjourn. Second by Tentinger. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOU NT 2875- 1fi t "�ee tWest P.O. Box 510 ,4V Rosemount, MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068 -0510 Planning Commission Phone: 612-423-4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 9, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, August 9, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Chairperson McDermott called the meeting to order with members Ingram and Droste present. Also in attendance was Community Development Director Ron Wasmund and Assistant Planner Rick Pearson. At the request of Planner Pearson the August 9, 1994 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda was amended to include item 8(a) State Primary Election/Planning Commission Meeting Conflicts. MOTION by Droste to approve the July 26, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Ingram. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Pearson discussed the most recent actions regarding the CMC Heartland Partners development proposal. At the public hearing held by Council on August 9, 1994 Grief Bros. representatives formally registered their opposition to development of single family homes on the CMC site which is contiguous to their property. They stated that the industrial and residential uses are in conflict and the potential for complaints from future residents regarding the industrial uses and associated noise. Further, CMC has been unable to secure an agreement for the relocation of the Soo Line Road spur. This project is on hold until these issues can be resolved. Commissioner Tentinger took is seat on the dais at 5:18 p.m. Mr. Tentinger reiterated his earlier concern for the proposed residential use of the CMC Heartland property. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson discussed the previously discussed zoning ordinance text amendment for increasing the permitted size of accessory structures in the Rural Residential and Agriculture Districts west of Akron Avenue. The Planning Commission expressed concern over the ambiguity of existing language for the requirement of windows on accessory structures. City Attorney Charlie LeFevere has recommended against changing the ordinance as it applies to window requirements based on several considerations. MOTION by Tentinger to recommend to City Council that they schedule a public hearing for September 6, 1994 to hear testimony regarding a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment regarding accessory structures. Second by Droste. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. MOTION by Tentinger to recommend to City Council a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment allowing an increase in the maximum area standard for accessory structures in the Rural Residential and Agriculture Districts based upon the following criteria: 1) accessory buildings over 150 square feet in size shall have a minimum 3:12 roof pitch; 2) roofs shall be shingled with asphalt, wood, or tile to match the home; 3) adequate number of windows shall be provided to break up the solid plane of exterior walls to simulate the character of the home; 4) siding which is identical or closely Printed on recvc!ed Paper 30 °ro� containing 30% post consumer materials. Regular Planning Commission Meeting August 9, 1994 Page Two matches the home shall be incorporated in the design of the accessory building; 5) the maximum aggregate area for accessory structures shall not exceed fifty percent (50 of the ground floor area of the principal structure, including attached garage or 1,200 square feet, whichever is larger; 6) the minimum setback standards for accessory structures exceeding 150 square feet shall be the same as principal structures; and 7) maximum lot coverage shall not exceed ten percent (10 Second by Droste. Ayes: Droste, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Pearson introduced Jack Gassner, International Development II, and Alan Kretman, landscape architect and planner for RLK Associates, LTD., who were in attendance to request concept review and approval for a 30 -lot single family residential subdivision proposed to be located between 145th Street West and the Country Hills subdivision and west of Shannon Parkway. The approximate 13 acres will require a rezoning from Agriculture to R -1 Single Family Residential. This is consistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan's land use designation as urban residential for this property. As this is in reality an infill project, several site constraints have been identified by the developer and staff for optimum development. The Commission discussed at length the several variances that will be necessary in approving this plat, most of which tend to be minor. Community Development staff have made recommendations to the developer and each has been considered with some concessions by both parties. Generally, staff believes that the concept plat represents an efficient street and lot design for "infill" parcels that are dictated by intersection location requirements and topography. Several suggestions were offered for minor adjustments to lot lines and a shortening of the northerly cul -de -sac that could mitigate or even eliminate some variances. MOTION by McDermott to recommend approval of the Shannon Meadows Concept Residential Planned Unit Development and approval of the Shannon Meadows Preliminary Plat subject to the following modifications: 1) the granting of double frontage lot variances by the Planning Commission; 2) combination of Lots 9 and 10, Block 2 to eliminate lot width deficiencies; 3) shortening of the cul -de -sac in Block 2 and further realignment of lot lines for Lots 8 and 9, Block 2 to eliminate lot width and depth variances; and 4) Park and Recreation Committee affirming the Park Dedication in the form of cash contribution and the installation of a sidewalk along the south side of the proposed 143rd Street West. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Chairperson McDermott recessed the Regular Planning Commission Meeting at 6:10 p.m. and opened the Board of Appeals and Adjustments to hear public testimony for a Public Hearing scheduled for this time. The recording secretary had in her possession affidavits of Publication, and Posted and Mailed Hearing Notice. Mr. John Kosmas, Architect for Valvoline/Rapid Oil Change, has requested two variances for a site peripheral to the Rosemount Market Square Shopping Center. The variances requested are a five foot side yard setback (interior) for an accessory structure, a dumpster enclosure, and a five -foot side yard setback for a driveway. The standard for both is ten feet. Planning staff and the petitioner provided an overview of the project including discussion of ingress /egress, parking, architectural and aesthetic treatment, landscaping plan, and signage plan. Discussion ensued with Mr. Kosmas answering several questions addressed to him by the Board. Regular Planning Commission Meeting August 9, 1994 Page Three There were no further comments from the audience. Chairperson McDermott closed the public hearing. Planning staff has determined that the proposed building design combined with visibility issues surrounding the double fronted lot are significant enough to warrant support of the variances. MOTION by Droste to grant the five -foot side yard variance for an accessory structure and a five foot variance for a driveway for Lot 2, Block 1, Rosemount Market Square because it meets the ordinance findings necessary for granting of a variance as stated in Section 15.2 (G) of the City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, Tentinger. Nays: 0. Chairperson McDermott closed the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reconvened the August 9, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting at 6:32 p.m. MOTION by Droste to approve the site plan for a Valvoline/Rapid Oil Change building as proposed to be located on Lot 2, Block 1, Rosemount Market Square subject to: 1) approval of the grading and utilities by the city engineer; 2) granting of two variances for accessory structure and driveway side yard setbacks; and 3) conformance with applicable building and fire codes. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. 111 Mr. Charles Stauffer, 3190 Lower 147th Street West, has submitted an application for a common lot boundary relocation. Mr. Stauffer and his neighbor, 3170 Lower 147th Street West, have agreed to Mr. Stauffer's acquisition of ten feet of the abutting property. No new lots will be created, however, the proposed lot line realignment will provide Mr. Stauffer with improved access into his rear yard around his detached garage. Both lots are 150 feet deep and the relocation will not create any nonconforming issues. The remnant lot to the east will still be 100 feet wide with no hardship created as a result. MOTION by Ingram to recommend to the City Council approval of the common boundary lot line relocation as requested for Mr. Charles Stauffer subject to the recombination of the ten -foot by 150 foot parcel with his lot. Second by Droste. Ayes: Droste, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson announced that a conflict has been identified for the Regular Planning Commission Meetings scheduled for September 13, 1994 and November 8, 1994. The Primary Elections will be held on September 13th and the State General Elections will be held on November 8th. State statute prohibits public meetings from being held between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. during these election days. The Planning Commission may choose to either reschedule or cancel these meetings. MOTION by McDermott to cancel the September 13, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting due to that being the Primary Election date. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. The Commissioners were encouraged to bring their calendars with them to the next meeting for discussion of either rescheduling or cancelling the November 8th meeting. Regular Planning Commission Meeting August 9, 1994 Page Four Assistant Planner Rick Pearson briefly updated the Commission on the Metropolitan Council Regional Blueprint revisions that had been included in the Commission packets. Mr. Pearson requested any questions or comments regarding this document be directed to him and he will pass their interests along to Met Council. Community Development Director Ron Wasmund provided a brief overview of the current status of the Rosemount Waste Water Treatment Plant and the projected plans for the possibility for construction of a regional treatment plant in Cottage Grove. If this were to become a reality there may be a re- evaluation in the distribution of hook -up availability which may preclude local Rosemount Treatment Plant expansion. Community Development Director Wasmund further discussed the status of the efforts of the City of Farmington in annexing portions of Empire Township. He noted that as of this date Rosemount has not been invited by Empire Township to become involved with the City of Farmington in the annexation process. MOTION by McDermott to adjourn. Second by Tentinger. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 1111 C ITY OF RO S E M 0 U N T 2875 C 1 45 th i Street West W t °;1 P.O. Box 510 Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount, 55068 Everything's 5 g p 55068 -0510 0 Phone: 612 -423 -4411 Planning Commission Fax 612-423-5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 23, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, August 23, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Chairperson McDermott called the meeting to order with members Tentinger, Ingram, and Droste present. Also in attendance was Assistant Planner Rick Pearson. At the request of Planner Pearson the August 23, 1994 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda was amended to include item 6(c) Kwik Trip Plat One: Final Plat. MOTION by Droste to approve the August 9, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Pearson briefly discussed the outcome of the one -year study regarding a parking ban on South Robert Trail (STH 3) in the downtown Rosemount area. The City Council upheld the parking restrictions based on the study which included an evaluation of existing parking and an accident profile for the 145th Street /South Robert Trail intersection. Assistant Planner Pearson advised that the Port Authority, in cooperation with the Dakota County HRA, has scheduled a tour of two Dakota County HRA senior housing sites. One in Hastings and one in West St. Paul. The Planning Commission has been invited to participate in the tour which will be held on Wednesday, September 7th at 5:15 p.m. Property owners along Cameo Avenue and abutting streets are also being invited to provide them with an opportunity to view an existing highrise structure in a neighborhood setting similar to the one that is being proposed by the Dakota County HRA for the old Baptist Church site on Cameo Avenue. After discussion of whether to hold the regularly scheduled Planning Commission on November 8, 1994 the Commissioners agreed to conduct the meeting as planned. However, agenda items for this meeting should be minimized in consideration of State Statute regulations prohibiting public meetings to be held between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on General Election dates. Mr. Lee Johnson, U.S. Homes, Inc., was present in the audience to request final plat approval for Country Hills Eighth Addition. This plat, consisting of three single family lots, is the final phase of the Country Hills Planned Unit Development. The proposed final plat is consistent with the revised concept PUD and preliminary plat and meets or exceeds minimum ordinance standards. MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of the Country Hills Eighth Addition final plat subject to: 1) approval of the grading and utility plan by the city engineer; and 2) execution of the Country Hills Eighth Addition Subdivision Development Agreement. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, Tentinger. Nays: 0. Printed on rec Ied paper 30% conrainine 30 Posbcnmur.. Regular Planning Commission Meeting August 231994 Page Two Assistant Planner Pearson introduced Mr. Paul Ganst, Mr. Bill Beard, and Mr. Brian Christopher, representatives for Hardee's Restaurant, who were in the audience to request site plan review and approval for a 4,210 square foot fast food restaurant with a drive- through on a 9.92 -acre lot adjacent to the Rosemount Market Square shopping mall. The subject lot is zoned C -4 General Commercial and the proposed use is permitted in this zoning district. Staff has determined that according to ordinance standards adequate parking is provided for the use and the proposed landscaping plan is also in excess of minimum ordinance requirements. Discussion continued regarding site circulation and building aesthetics. Community Development staff have identified that two variances will be required. One five -foot side yard setback variance for the drive through on the west side and one to allow a pylon sign to be situated twelve feet closer to an adjacent pylon sign (88 -foot separation instead of the required minimum 100 -foot separation). MOTION by Tentinger to approve the site plan for the Hardee's Restaurant subject to: 10 the granting of variances for the five -foot driveway setback along the west property line and pylon sign spacing criteria; 2) approval of the grading and utilities by the city engineer; and 3) conformance with applicable building and fire codes. Second by Droste. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. Chairperson McDermott recessed the Regular Planning Commission Meeting at 6:04 p.m. and opened the Board of Appeals and Adjustments to hear public testimony for a Public Hearing scheduled for this time. The recording secretary had in her possession affidavits of Publication, and Posted and Mailed Hearing Notice. The representatives for Hardee's Restaurant has requested two variances for a site peripheral to the Rosemount Market Square Shopping Center. The variances requested are a five -foot side yard setback for the drive- through and for sign separation criteria. Planning staff and the petitioners provided an overview of the project including discussion of ingress/egress, parking, architectural and aesthetic treatment, landscaping plan, and signage plan. Discussion ensued with Hardee's Restaurant representatives answering several questions addressed to them by the Board. There were no further comments from the audience. Chairperson McDermott closed the public hearing. Planning staff have determined that the proposed building design combined with visibility issues surrounding this lot, as well as the consistency with the findings made for the adjacent Valvoline/Rapid Oil Change site are significant enough to warrant support of the variances. MOTION by Tentinger to grant the five -foot side yard driveway setback for the Hardee's Restaurant. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Droste, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. MOTION by Tentinger to grant the variance for a twelve -foot ground sign separation between Hardee's Restaurant and Valvoline/Rapid Oil Change (3460 and 3480 150th Street West, respectively). Second by Ingram. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Regular Planning Commission Meeting August 23, 1994 Page Three Chairperson McDermott closed the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reconvened the August 23, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting at 6:10 p.m. Assistant Planner Pearson advised that the Kwik Trip Plat One final plat has been added to this agenda due to the cancellation of the September 13, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting. In order to meet the developer's timetable for fall construction staff has agreed provide Planning Commission final plat review at this meeting. Mr. Scott Teigen, Director of Real Estate for Kwik Trip, Inc, is requesting final plat approval to combine approximately 5,300 square feet of former railroad property with the former Strese Oil site. The combined parcel will be developed with a convenience store building. Final plat approval will initiate the process for rezoning of the former railroad parcel to C -3 Highway Service Commercial necessary for the proposed use. The submitted Kwik Trip Plat One final plat is consistent with the Trip Commercial Planned Unit Development and, upon rezoning to C -3, the site meets the requirements as set by the City. MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of the final plat for Kwik Trip Plat One, with no conditions. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, Tentinger. Nays: 0. MOTION by Tentinger to adjourn. Second by Droste. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary Planning Commission REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 23, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, August 23, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Chairperson McDermott called the meeting to order with members Tentinger, Ingram, and Droste present. Also in attendance was Assistant Planner Rick Pearson. At the request of Planner Pearson the August 23, 1994 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda was amended to include item 6(c) Kwik Trip Plat One: Final Plat. MOTION by Droste to approve the August 9, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Pearson briefly discussed the outcome of the one -year study regarding a parking ban on South Robert Trail (STH 3) in the downtown Rosemount area. The City Council upheld the parking restrictions based on the study which included an evaluation of existing parking and an accident profile for the 145th Street/South Robert Trail intersection. Assistant Planner Pearson advised that the Port Authority, in cooperation with the Dakota County HRA, has scheduled a tour of two Dakota County HRA senior housing sites. One in Hastings and one in West St. Paul. The Planning Commission has been invited to participate in the tour which will be held on Wednesday, September 7th at 5:15 p.m. Property owners along Cameo Avenue and abutting streets are also being invited to provide them with an opportunity to view an existing highrise structure in a neighborhood setting similar to the one that is being proposed by the Dakota County HRA for the old Baptist Church site on Cameo Avenue. After discussion of whether to hold the regularly scheduled Planning Commission on November 8, 1994 the Commissioners agreed to conduct the meeting as planned. However, agenda items for this meeting should be minimized in consideration of State Statute regulations prohibiting public meetings to be held between the hours of 6 :00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on General Election dates. Mr. Lee Johnson, U.S. Homes, Inc., was present in the audience to request final plat approval for Country Hills Eighth Addition. This plat, consisting of three single family lots, is the final phase of the Country Hills Planned Unit Development. The proposed final plat is consistent with the revised concept PUD and preliminary plat and meets or exceeds minimum ordinance standards. MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of the Country Hills Eighth Addition final plat subject to: 1) approval of the grading and utility plan by the city engineer; and 2) execution of the Country Hills Eighth Addition Subdivision Development Agreement. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, Tentinger. Nays: 0. Regular Planning Commission Meeting August 231994 Page Two Assistant Planner Pearson introduced Mr. Paul Ganst, Mr. Bill Beard, and Mr. Brian Christopher, representatives for Hardee's Restaurant, who were in the audience to request site plan review and approval for a 4,210 square foot fast food restaurant with a drive- through on a 9.92 -acre lot adjacent to the Rosemount Market Square shopping mall. The subject lot is zoned C -4 General Commercial and the proposed use is permitted in this zoning district. Staff has determined that according to ordinance standards adequate parking is provided for the use and the proposed landscaping plan is also in excess of minimum ordinance requirements. Discussion continued regarding site circulation and building aesthetics. Community Development staff have identified that two variances will be required. One five -foot side yard setback variance for the drive through on the west side and one to allow a pylon sign to be situated twelve feet closer to an adjacent pylon sign (88 -foot separation instead of the required minimum 100 -foot separation). MOTION by Tentinger to approve the site plan for the Hardee's Restaurant subject to: 10 the granting of variances for the five -foot driveway setback along the west property line and pylon sign spacing criteria; 2) approval of the grading and utilities by the city engineer; and 3) conformance with applicable building and fire codes. Second by Droste. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. Chairperson McDermott recessed the Regular Planning Cornrnission Meeting at 6:04 p.m. and opened the Board of Appeals and Adjustments to hear public testimony for a Public Hearing scheduled for this time. The recording secretary had in her possession affidavits of Publication, and Posted and Mailed Hearing Notice. The representatives for Hardee's Restaurant has requested two variances for a site peripheral to the Rosemount Market Square Shopping Center. The variances requested are a five -foot side yard setback for the drive- through and for sign separation criteria. Planning staff and the petitioners provided an overview of the project including discussion of ingress/egress, parking, architectural and aesthetic treatment, landscaping plan, and signage plan. Discussion ensued with Hardee's Restaurant representatives answering several questions addressed to them by the Board. There were no further comments from the audience. Chairperson McDermott closed the public hearing. Planning staff have determined that the proposed building design combined with visibility issues surrounding this lot, as well as the consistency with the findings made for the adjacent Valvoline/Rapid Oil Change site are significant enough to warrant support of the variances. MOTION by Tentinger to grant the five -foot side yard driveway setback for the Hardee's Restaurant. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Droste, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. MOTION by Tentinger to grant the variance for a twelve -foot ground sign separation between Hardee's Restaurant and Valvoline/Rapid Oil Change (3460 and 3480 150th Street West, respectively). Second by Ingram. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Regular Planning Commission Meeting August 23, 1994 Page Three Chairperson McDermott closed the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reconvened the August 23, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting at 6:10 p.m. Assistant Planner Pearson advised that the Kwik Trip Plat One final plat has been added to this agenda due to the cancellation of the September 13, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting. In order to meet the developer's timetable for fall construction staff has agreed provide Planning Commission final plat review at this meeting. Mr. Scott Teigen, Director of Real Estate for Kwik Trip, Inc, is requesting final plat approval to combine approximately 5,300 square feet of former railroad property with the former Strese Oil site. The combined parcel will be developed with a convenience store building. Final plat approval will initiate the process for rezoning of the former railroad parcel to C -3 Highway Service Commercial necessary for the proposed use. The submitted Kwik Trip Plat One final plat is consistent with the Trip Commercial Planned Unit Development and, upon rezoning to C -3, the site meets the requirements as set by the City. MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of the final plat for Kwik Trip Plat One, with no conditions. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, Tentinger. Nays: 0. MOTION by Tentinger to adjourn. Second by Droste. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 411 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 HALL Street West P.O. Box 510 thin Rosemount!! Rosemount, 55068- Everything's g� s Comin g U p 55068 -0510 0 Phone: 612 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 Planning Commission REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 13, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission for September 13, 1994 was cancelled due to State Primary Elections held on this date. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary its Pr,nted on recycled paper mntr ej,,e 70? post- consumrrvnaiaa- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 HALL Street West P.0. Box 510 Everything's Comn U Rosemount!! Rosemount, 55068 -5 Coming Up 55068-0510 Planning Commission Phone: 612. 423 -4411 Fax 612- 423 -5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 27, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, September 27, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Chairperson McDermott called the meeting to order with members DeBettignies, Tentinger, Ingram, and Droste present. Also in attendance was Assistant Planner Rick Pearson. MOTION by McDermott to approve the August 23, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Present: DeBettignies. Assistant Planner Pearson discussed the Walter- Hansen Addition preliminary and final plat to combine land acquired from the Port Authority with the former Repairs Inc. site. The final plat, consisting of one large lot, will be bordered along the northerly edge by an 8 -foot wide developer installed park access trail from STH 3 to the proposed Erickson Park amphitheater area. The original Repairs, Inc. site is zoned C -2 Community Commercial. The additional land acquired from the City is zoned Public/Quasi- public. The combined parcels will require a rezoning to C -2 Community Commercial for consistency in the zoning of the entire plat. Further discussion included parking lot configuration, a shared park and business parking agreement, and park dedication requirements. The Planning Commission has previously reviewed and approved the site plan for the development and construction of an animal clinic on the proposed final lot. MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of the Walter- Hansen Addition preliminary plat. Second by McDermott. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of the Walter Hansen Addition final plat. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. MOTION by Ingram to recommend that City Council set a date for a public hearing to hear public testimony for the Walter- Hansen preliminary plat. Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of a rezoning of former city -owned property when combined into one lot and known as the Walter- Hansen Addition to C -2 Community Commercial. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. MOTION by Ingram to recommend that City Council set a date for a public hearing to hear public testimony regarding the rezoning request relating to the Walter- Hansen Addition. Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDennott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Hampton Development Corporation has submitted a request for concept approval of a proposed 72- lot single family residential planned unit development (PUD) proposed to be identified as Shannon Pond Fourth Addition. The 37.6 -acre parcel is located west of Shannon Parkway and north along •S' Printed on recycled paper •Jo %4 containin,¢30 Post- consuny na",.. Regular Planning Commission Meeting September 27, 1994 Page Two 160th Street West and is currently zoned Agriculture. However, the property is designated as Urban Residential in the City c f Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. Assistant Planner Pearson discussed the proposed vehicular access and interior circulation. Staff has suggested a modification to the proposed access as submitted. Discussion also included ponding, sidewalk/trail connection to City parks, lot layout and design. Planner Pearson also noted several minor lot variances that can be attributed to the existing ponding easements and prevailing development. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve the concept for Shannon Pond Fourth Addition Residential Planned Unit Development subject to the following: 1) elimination of the southerly street connection to Shannon Parkway; 2) approval by the city engineer of a grading and utilities plans and "swapping" of existing drainage easements; 3) modification of the final development plan to reduce the number of variances where practical solutions exist; and 4) acceptance by the Planning Commission of the remaining variances for preparation of the final development plan for recommendation to City Council. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. Commissioner DeBettignies and Commissioner Tentinger withdrew their motion and second regarding the Shannon Pond Fourth Addition PUD. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve the concept for Shannon Pond Fourth Addition Residential Planned Unit Development subject to the following: 1) approval by the city engineer of a grading and utilities plans and "swapping" of existing drainage easements; 2) modification of the final development plan to reduce the number of variances where practical solutions exist; and 3) acceptance by the Planning Commission of the remaining variances for preparation of the final development plan for recommendation to City Council. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0 Herb Wensmann, Wensmann Realty, Inc., has requested Concept Planned Unit Development approval of a residential project consisting of a combination of single story townhouses and single family detached houses. The 30.3 -acre parcel is currently zoned AG Agriculture and will be located immediately to the west of the Wensmann Sixth Addition. Due to existing CSAH 42 right -of -way, easements for the future southerly extension of Diamond Path, and a 50 -foot easement for Northern States Power Company the developable area for this project is reduced to 23.3 acres. This project, to be identified as the Wensmann Seventh Addition, will provide 75 townhouse units and 19 single family detached houses. Discussion continued regarding access and interior vehicular circulation, proposed internal private parking area for the townhouse units, and recommendations regarding "open space" placement from the Parks and Recreation Committee. MOTION by Ingram recommending approval of the Wensmann Seventh Addition Concept Residential Planned Unit Development subject to the following: 1) proposed density for the townhouse clusters are offset by the open space contiguous to the Wensmann Sixth Addition and the revised open space location as submitted by the developer in response to Park and Recreation Committee concerns; 2) approval of the utility and grading plans by the city engineer and a determination that existing infrastructure is capable of serving the development; 3) implementation of Planning Commission and Planning staff recommendations for development of the residential PUD with limited variance to lot dimensional standards; and 4) final development plan modification to reduce the number of variances where practical solutions exist. Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. Regular Planning Commission Meeting September 27, 1994 Page Three Carlson Properties, Inc. has petitioned for a rezoning of Outlot A, Carrousel Plaza South from R -3 Multiple Family Residential to BP -2 Business Park. The 8.3 -acre lot is located next to the GTI movie theater and has a land use designation of business park in the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. The Planning Commission discussed the petition noting that the requested BP -2 Business Park designation has the longest list of permitted uses with standards similar to those of the General Commercial District. Further discussion consisted of the merits of redesignating this property to BP -3 with a more limited list of uses, especially due to the frontage along Chippendale Avenue and facing a single family residential district to the west. Mr. Rich Carlson, Carlson Properties, Inc., was in attendance and answered several questions from the Planning Commission. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend to City Council approval of a rezoning of Outlot A, Carrousel Plaza South from R -3 Multiple Family Residential to BP Business Park with an overlay of BP -3. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend that City Council set a public hearing to hear public testimony regarding the rezoning of Outlot A, Carrousel Plaza South. Second by Ingram. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that Planning staff has initiated a zoning ordinance text amendment as part of the implementation program identified in the Comprehensive Guide Plan. The strategy defined in the comp plan is to lower the maximum density to twelve (12) dwelling units per acre, but to provide a density bonus strategy wherein a developer may achieve up to eighteen (18) dwelling units per acre if higher performance standards, higher quality development, or the establishment of intensified services are provided in the development over and above minimum development standards. Extensive discussion ensued with the Commission deliberating on what should and should not be considered in a formula for granting of density bonus points and the mechanism for awarding a developer with more density intense development. MOTION by DeBettignies recommending Planning staff to proceed with the implementation of a zoning ordinance text amendment to limit maximum density in the R -3 Multiple Family District from eighteen dwelling units per acre to twelve dwelling units per acre as directed in Update 2000: City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan and, further, that Planning staff develop a process /mechanism for reviewing R -3 Multiple Family developments and to devise a formula for allowing density bonuses for intensified density up to eighteen dwelling units per acre and to bring back a draft ordinance for Planning Commission review and formal recommendation. Second by Droste. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend that City Council schedule a public hearing to hear testimony for a zoning ordinance text amendment to limit density in the R -3 Multiple Family Residential District. Second by Droste. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. MOTION by McDermott to adjourn. Second by Tentinger. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary 1,0 CITY OF ROSEMOU N T 28 to. P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount Planning Commission Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax 612- 423 -5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, October 11, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Chairperson McDermott called the meeting to order with members Tentinger, Ingram, and Droste present. Also in attendance was Community Development Director Ron Wasmund, Assistant Planner Rick Pearson, and City Engineer Bud Osmundson. MOTION by McDermott to approve the September 27, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Droste. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Commissioner DeBettignies took his chair on the dais at 5:25 p.m. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson stated that the Planning Department has received several informal requests for rural residential uses in Agriculture District. In discussing these proposals, issues were identified that caused the Community Development Department staff to recommend that a moratorium may be one course of action that will allow the City to make adjustments and modifications to the zoning ordinance regarding these subdivision requests. Various components that need to be addressed are: 1) establishment of setbacks from wetlands; 2) minimum lot sizes; 3) storm water issues; 4) septic system maintenance ordinance; storm water management ordinance; and other performance standards. A moratorium on lot divisions for residential uses in Rural Residential and Agriculture Districts will provide an opportunity for the City to formally review and make recommendations on these elements. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend to City Council that a moratorium be established to enable a study to be conducted and the establishment of minimum standards for subdivision requests in the Rural Residential and Agriculture Districts and that said moratorium not exceed twelve months; and, further, that a draft of the moratorium language be resubmitted to the Planning Commission for review; and, further, that the proposed text amendment that provides for minimum performance standards be returned to the Planning Commission for formal review and recommendation. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. City Engineer Bud Osmundson introduced Doug Litterer who was recently hired by the City as a Civil Engineer. Mr. Litterer will assist the city engineer in performing several duties, including the review and recommendation on projects proposed to be located within the City. City Engineer Osmundson advised that Mr. Litterer will attend Planning Commission meetings as a representative of the engineering department to provide comment and recommendations regarding proposed projects within the City. Community Development Director Ron Wasmund introduced David McKnight and advised that Mr. McKnight has joined City staff to serve as a Code Enforcement Officer. Mr. McKnight has a degree in Law Enforcement and a masters in Urban Studies. Director Wasmund also noted that Mr. McKnight has already developed a housing maintenance ordinance which will be addressed by City Council at their next regular meeting. In addition to his enforcement activities, Mr. McKnight will be 4 11 fr Pointed on recycled paper 11 containing 70 post- consurn'rin.!lr.:- Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes October 11, 1994 Page Two instrumental in formulating dditional codes as identified and directed by the City. Y The Planning Commission welcomed Mr. McKnight and Mr. Litterer to the City of Rosemount and extended their best wishes for a rewarding and satisfying employment with the City. Assistant Planner Pearson provided a follow -up to the Planning Commission's previous September 27th discussion regarding lowering allowable density in the R -3 Multiple Family Residential District, City Attorney Charlie LeFevere was consulted and he supports the Planning Commission's recommendation to lower the maximum density in the R -3 District from eighteen (18) dwelling units per acre to twelve (12) dwelling units per acre at this time. However, he has suggested that further investigation into the density bonus component is needed and be addressed as an amendment to the zoning ordinance at a later date. Discussion was led by Assistant Planner Pearson who reviewed the benefits and disadvantages of each of the specific criteria currently proposed by staff. Staff will continue to work on the standards for increasing density and resubmit to the Planning Commission for review and formal recommendation to the City Council. Chairperson McDermott stepped down from the dais at this time due to a potential for conflict of interest regarding action on the proposed Betty Jo Schmitt plat and turned the meeting over to Vice Chairperson Droste. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that the City has received a Preliminary /Final Plat (Administrative Plat) application from Ms. Betty Jo and Mr. Steve Schmitt to combine three 55 -foot wide vacant lots for the purpose of constructing a dance studio. The subject property, currently owned by the Rosemount Port Authority, is located on the west side of Burma Avenue just north of 147th Street West. The three lots are zoned C -2 Community Commercial and the proposed use is permitted in this district. The proposed site design for the dance studio shows existing lot lines would be traversed by the parking lot and structure which initiates the replatting process. Discussion of site plan details for the dance studio included: 1) review of aesthetic treatment of the structure; 2) landscaping plan; 3) parking lot design; 4) drainage; 5) site lighting and 6) access on -site vehicular maneuverability. Mr. Lambert, architect for the Schmitts, discussed the reasons for situating the structure on the site as proposed is in response to the Port Authority's concerns regarding potential development of the entire block. The proposed final site design addresses the Port Authority's concerns and is considered the best solution for providing more development opportunities for larger scale development in the future. MOTION by Ingram to approve the site plan for the dance center as proposed by Betty Jo and Steve Schmitt subject to: 1) the replatting of lots 11, 12, and 13, Rosemount Village into one lot; 2) posting of a $1,200.00 landscape security in the form of a letter of credit, performance bond, or cash escrow; 3) approval of a final grading and utilities plan by the city engineer; and 4) conformance with applicable building and fire codes. Second by Droste. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, Ingram. Nays: 0. MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of the Betty Jo Schmitt preliminary and final plat for the replatting of the three lots into one and paying one commercial unit of Park Dedication. Second by Droste. Ayes: Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, Ingram. Nays: 0. At this time Vice Chairperson Droste returned control of the meeting back over to Chairperson McDermott. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes October 11, 1994 Page Three Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that Mr. Arlyn Cope has requested approval of a commercial planned unit development to permit his automobile repair business to be conducted in a building in the C -2 Community Commercial District. In an effort to legitimize the auto repair business Mr. Cope previously requested a rezoning of this property to C -4 General Commercial. City Council previously denied the rezoning request, but directed staff to work with Mr. Cope in assembling a planned unit development (PUD) to address the multiple uses in the current building. In addition, Mr. Cope is acquiring former railroad property from CMC Heartland Partners that will give him control of land immediately behind his building, thus guaranteeing access to the east side of the building. The plat will attach former railroad property to the lot occupied by the building. Discussion ensued regarding access to the site, existing and proposed shared parking alignment, the opportunity to provide green space and landscaping amenities to the site; the need for a concept sign plan to be incorporated in the final planned unit development plan, and drainage and ponding issues identified by the city engineer. City Engineer Bud Osmundson addressed questions from the Commission regarding future frontage roads along South Robert Trail and contiguous to the Arlyn Cope property, drainage/ponding design, pedestrian trail locations, access to the site, and proposals for curb installation. MOTION by Droste to recommend that City Council schedule public hearings to hear public testimony regarding the proposed Arlyn Cope Preliminary Plat and Commercial Planned Unit Development. Second by McDermott. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. MOTION by Droste to recommend to City Council approval of the Arlyn Cope Concept Planned Unit Development for Arlyn Cope's building located at 14760 South Robert Trail subject to plan modifications and refinements as specified by the city engineer and entering into a development agreement for securing of site improvements. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. MOTION by Droste to recommend to City Council approval of the Arlyn Cope plat for 14760 South Robert Trail as a condition of the Planned Unit Development. Second by Ingram. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. The Greif Bros. Corp., 2750 145th Street West, has invited City officials and staff on a tour of their facilities. The existing plant is located adjacent and contiguous to the proposed Eastbridge subdivision, a residential development of property as requested by the property owner, CMC Heartland Co. At this time, Chairperson McDermott recessed the October 11, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting to allow for the tour of the Grief Bros. Co. to be conducted by plant personnel. Chairperson McDermott reconvened the October I I, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting at 8:05 p.m. Marlin and JoAnn Rechtzigel, 14727 Clayton Avenue East, own sixty acres of land located on the south side of County Road 42, approximately 3,000 feet east of State Trunk Highway 52. Mr. and Mrs. Rechtzigel have submitted an application for approval of Rex's Rich Valley Estates preliminary plat which consists of five 2.5 -acre single family lots and one lot encompassing the remaining agriculture property. The five 2.5 -acre lots will have access to a single cul -de -sac connecting to County Road 42. The Rechtzigels have indicated their desire to sell one lot at this time and provide a Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes October 11, 1994 Page Four private rural road to that lot. Final platting would occur on a lot -by -lot basis as they are sold off. Planning staff is recommending a development agreement to secure public improvements are completed prior to the issuance of a second building permit for the proposed plat. Rex's Rich Valley Estates preliminary plat meets minimum ordinance standards for the Agriculture District. It was noted that this plat is subject to review by the Dakota County Plat Commission because of its access to a county road. MOTION by Droste to recommend to City Council approval of the Rex's Rich Valley Estates preliminary plat subject to: 1) approval by the Dakota County Plats Commission for access to CSAH 42; 2) execution of a development agreement to secure the public improvements; 3) Park Dedication in the form of $2,800 cash contribution in lieu of land; 4) city engineer approval of the final grading and utilities plan; 5) percolation tests for private septic systems, including a secondary location for each lot; and 6) an executed agreement providing for temporary improvements to be brought into compliance with city standards upon sale of the second lot. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: McDermott. Motion passed. MOTION by Droste to recommend that City Council schedule a public hearing to hear public testimony regarding Rex's Rich Valley Estates preliminary plat. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. An application for an agricultural metes and bounds lot division has been submitted by Grace Kuznia acting as administratrix for the Adolph Bertha Peed Estate. Ms. Kuznia is proposing to split the approximate 161 -acre estate equally between herself and her brother Mr. Otto Ped. Planning staff has advised the applicant that the proposed division line causes encroachment of certain existing structures within the required 30 -foot setback line. It is the recommendation of Planning staff to either adjust the proposed division line to eliminate any setback encroachment or to relocate encroaching structures. The Planning Commission discussed the request and concurred that in the absence of the petitioner at the meeting to answer their concerns regarding what method they will agree to use in addressing the issues identified by staff. It was also discussed that further clarification be submitted and evidence of agreement to resolution of the issues be submitted in the form of a legal document signed by both interested parties and witnessed by legal counsel before formal recommendation is provided by the Commission. MOTION by DeBettignies to table action on the request for an agricultural metes and bounds lot division for the Adolph Bertha Peed Estate until further clarification and resolution to the issues identified by Planning staff. Second by McDermott. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: Droste. Motion passed. MOTION by McDermott to adjourn. Second by DeBettignies. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Res ctfully ed, sub Donna Quintus Recording Secretary CITY OF RO S E M 0 U N T 2875 C 1 45 t h i S t Street West Ilk to P.O. Box 510 Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount, 55068-0510 Everything's 5 9 p 55068 -0510 0 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 Planning Commission REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 25, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, October 25, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Vice Chairperson Droste called the meeting to order with members DeBettignies, Tentinger, and Ingram present. Also in attendance was Community Development Director Ron Wasmund, Assistant Planner Rick Pearson, and Assistant City Engineer Doug Litterer. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve the October 11, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Ingram. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Assistant. Planner Rick Pearson provided a brief overview of the tour of the Greif Bros. facility that City personnel, the Planning Commission, and other City Officials had taken on Tuesday, October 1 lth. Greif Bros. Corp. has reaffirmed their position that the CMC Heartland proposal for residential use of property contiguous to the Greif Bros. operation is an inappropriate use of the property. At this time, the City has not been apprised of any meetings between the two property owners for discussion of the proposed use and issues of incompatibility of the two uses. Planning staff have been directed to prepare an ordinance text amendment that will create setbacks for dog kennels and dog runs. The current ordinance addresses separation criteria for farm animals in buildings, pens, or feed lots from neighboring residential structures. However, consideration of standards for residential dog kennels are not addressed. Planning staff will continue to review other cities and their treatment of residential dog kennels and provide a draft ordinance to create a definition for kennel and dog run enclosures and set up criteria for standards and enforcement of such situations that will not preclude a homeowner's right to erect fences. Staff will bring this back to the Planning Commission at the next regular meeting for fonnal review and recommendation. Mr. James Ertl has submitted an application for subdivision of his 7.85 -acre parcel into two lots. The property is situated on the west side of Bacardi Avenue and is zoned Agriculture. The proposed configuration of the subdivision consists of one 2.5 -acre lot with 300 feet of frontage on Bacardi Avenue. This 2.5 -acre lot would be vacant and available for marketing as a homestead. The remaining 5.35 -acre parcel accommodates the Ertls' existing residence. The 2.5 -acre parcel meets minimum lot standards for residential uses in the Agriculture District. However, Planning staff has concerns regarding an existing ponding area on the vacant parcel which encompasses one -third of the total lot area. Issues to be addressed include: 1) location of the 100 year flood line and the required structure setbacks for that flood line; 2) existence of a pond outlet (confirmation of whether or not a culvert is in- place); and 3) submittal of percolation test data to determine whether this parcel can accommodate an on -site septic system, including an alternate septic system location and a well. Once these issues have been addressed it can than be determined whether there is a site adequate for construction of a residence. in Printed on recycled paper it 30111 containing 30% Mir post consumer materials. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes October 25, 1994 Page Two MOTION by DeBettignies to table action on the James Ertl request for subdivision of property in the 4 Y Agriculture District until further evidence is provided that will establish the ability of this lot to be buildable for residential use. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Tentinger, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. Commissioner Ingram advised that a public meeting is being held in Richfield on Wednesday evening, October 26, 1994, to discuss construction and plans for expansion of an existing runway. Ms. Ingram advised that it would be appropriate for representatives from the City of Rosemount attend this meeting to monitor the discussion. Community Development Director Ron Wasmund advised that SOAR typically represents Rosemount residents at airport public meetings; however, he encouraged the Commission and any interested resident to attend the meeting. MOTION by Droste to adjourn. Second by DeBettignies. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Relectfully sub 'tted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 28 Street West P.O. Box 510 Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount, 55068-0510 Everything's 5 g p 55068 -0510 0 Planning Commission Phone: 612-423-4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 8, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, November 8, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Chairperson McDermott called the meeting to order with members DeBettignies, Tentinger, Ingram, and Droste present. Also in attendance was Community Development Director Ron Wasmund, Senior Planner Andrew Mack, Assistant Planner Rick Pearson, and Civil Engineer Doug Litterer. Chairperson McDermott reminded the Commissioners that this meeting will either have to be completed at 6:00 p.m. or recessed and reconvened after 8:00 p.m. this evening due to state statutes restricting public meetings between specific hours on general election days. MOTION by Droste to approve the October 25, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Ingram. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. A recent newspaper article stated that USPCI, Inc. is marketing their facility by filing a "Letter of Intent to Sell The City's legal counsel is currently investigating this report to determine its accuracy. Staff and legal counsel are also researching the original conditions of the Interim Use Permit (IUP) issued to and agreed upon by USPCI, Inc. in development of their nonhazardous waste containment facility. Planning staff will keep the Commission apprised of the details as they become available. Community Development Director Ron Wasmund introduced Andrew Mack who was recently hired by the City as its Senior Planner. Mr. Mack's undergraduate studies were completed at St. Cloud, MN and he obtained a masters degree at the University of Texas, Arlington, Texas. Mr. Mack will direct the Planning Division of the Community Development Department. In addition to his planning duties, Senior Planner Mack will also serve as staff facilitator for the downtown planning effort and principal contact for comments and information regarding the downtown development process. Mr. Mack expressed his pleasure in becoming a part of the Rosemount community and invited the Commissioners to share any comments or concerns with him, welcoming the opportunity to meet with each individually. The Planning Commission welcomed Mr. Mack to the City of Rosemount and extended their hope for a rewarding and satisfying employment with the City. Assistant. Planner Rick Pearson reviewed a draft zoning ordinance text amendment proposed by Planning staff regarding the establishment of standards for domestic animal enclosures. The Planning Commission expressed a desire to minimize confusion in the treatment of dog kennels and dog runs and concurred with staff recommendation to treat pens and enclosures for containment of domestic animals the same as for accessory structures. The Commission also agreed that a modification to the proposed verbiage by adding "yard setback standards" to further clarify the proposed amendment. MOTION by Ingram to recommend that City Council schedule a public hearing to hear public testimony regarding a Zoning Ordinance Text. Amendment for regulation of kennels and dog runs. Second by Droste. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0 Printed on recycled paper 0 d' containing 30% IN or post consumer materials. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes November 8, 1994 Page Two MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment for the regulation of domestic animal pens and enclosures the same as residential accessory structures. Second by Droste. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. The Comprehensive Guide Plan Implementation Plan includes several ordinance revisions. One of those ordinance amendments refers to the creation of a Planned Residential District (PD -R). The intent of the PD -R District is to preserve unique natural features of property as it is developed by attempting to conserve and balance rural qualities with urban development. Features characterized as unique may include wetlands, ponds, significant stands of trees, and rolling hills, among others. One area that would be directly affected by the creation of the PD -R District that fits the description as having unique natural features encompasses approximately 540 acres. This property is situated north of the Country Hills Additions, south of Shannon Oaks Addition, and along either side of Shannon Parkway (Kelly Truste) and is guided as PD -R Land Use Designation in the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Planner Pearson noted that approximately half of this property is within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA). Current zoning of this property is divided between R -1 Single Family Residential (permitted 3 units per acre) and AG Agriculture (permitted one unit per 10 acres). With the new PD -R District achievement of a maximum of number of units per acre would be directly related to the property's natural features. Assistant Planner Pearson advised that the PD -R District creates the ability to transfer density, thereby providing a mechanism for development at an urban level density that could be feasibly served by municipal sewer and water and yet preserve natural land amenities. Planning staff requested comment from the Commission as to whether the concept for overall development with greater densities in open areas (up to five or six dwelling units per acre) and lesser densities in wooded and sloping as a means for natural feature preservation is a philosophy they would support. The Planning Commission directed Planning staff to continue to develop standards for a Planned Residential District for inclusion in the zoning ordinance. However, the Commission advised staff to research and study further whether or not to include wetlands in calculating densities. The Commission further directed additional evaluation of storm water issues already existing on the Kelly Trust property and the need for more attached housing within the City. Staff advised that storm water concerns may directly affect density recommendations for this property and these issues could be addressed when a request for rezoning is submitted to the City. However, a text amendment at this time that creates the PD -R District could provide a valuable mechanism for development of other similar properties within the City. MOTION by DeBettignies to adjourn. Second by Droste. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6 :00 p.m. Re ctfully sub ted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL 2875 145th Street West III__ .10 P.O. Box 510 Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount, 55068-0510 Everything's 5 g p 55068 -0510 0 Planning Commission Phone 612-423-4411 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 1994 Fax 612 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, November 22, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Chairperson McDermott called the meeting to order with members DeBettignies and Droste present. Also in attendance was Senior Planner Andrew Mack, Assistant Planner Rick Pearson, and Civil Engineer Doug Litterer. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve the November 8, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Droste. Ayes: DeBettignies, McDermott, Droste. Nays: 0. ADVENTURE ZONE INTERIM USE PERMIT (IUP) UPDATE Planning staff have inspected the Adventure Zone site for compliance with their 1994 IUP and found several items that have not been addressed. Legal counsel has been contacted for an opinion as to appropriate procedures for staff's initiating a termination of the IUP for the Adventure Zone. Staff will compile the findings and present the Commission with a recommendation at the next regular meeting. Commissioner Ingram took her chair on the dais at 5:20 p.m. REX'S RICH VALLEY ESTATES: FINAL PLAT RECOMMENDATION Marlin and JoAnn Rechtzigel have submitted an application for final plat approval of a five -lot agricultural subdivision located approximately 3,000 feet east of STH 52 on the south side of CR 42. The plat consists of five approximate 2.5 -acre lots with a sixth lot comprising of 47.5 acres which is representative of the remainder of the property. The Dakota County Plat Commission has reviewed and approved the plat with access to CR 42 as proposed. The proposed Rex's Rich Valley Estates subdivision meets minimum ordinance standards for the Agriculture District and is consistent with the preliminary plat (approved by City Council on November 15, 1994) with minor modifications as recommended by the Planning Commission and City Council. Commissioner Tentinger arrived and took his chair on the dais at 5:26 p.m. MOTION by Droste to approve the final plat for Rex's Rich Valley Estates subject to: 1) extension of the street right -of -way to the southerly boundary of proposed Lot 3, Block 1, and Lot 2, Block 2; 2) a restrictive covenant recorded against the remnant 47.5 -acre lot restricting future subdivision under present zoning; 3) execution of a development agreement to secure public improvements and park dedication; and 4) platting the remnant 47.5 -acre parcel as an outlot. Second by McDennott. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. Abstain: Tentinger (due to his absence during discussion of this project). Motion Passes. SHANNON MEADOWS ADDITION: REVISED RESIDENTIAL CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Assistant. Planner Rick Pearson introduced Mr. Alan Kretman, consultant, and Mr. Jack Gassner, International Development II, who were present in the audience to provide information and discuss a new concept for residential development of the Burkhalter /Strese property. This project would consist of 43 single family lots with one side wall built along a lot line with no side yard. .I Printed on recycled paper Vol" containing 30% -OF post consumer materials. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes November 22, 1994 Page Two The "zero lot line" structures would be constructed on privately owned lots of a variety of housing types with a common theme (similar materials and colors). Open space would be maintained by an association as would building exteriors. Density of this proposed development is 3.35 dwelling units per acre. The current zoning ordinance does not provide minimum standards for this type of development. Planning staff recommends that this density concept would be most closely related to the R -1 Single Family Residential District and suggests that a review of the proposal be achieved under planned unit development procedures with appropriate "findings" being made for the several variances that this type of development would embody. Discussion of this concept development plan with regard to findings necessary for approving a planned unit development included: 1) lack of sufficient useable open space with no evidence of preservation of natural features; 2) no proposed property enhancements; 3) consistency versus inconsistency with surrounding neighborhood development; 4) compliance with the intent of the Comprehensive Guide Plan; and 5) whether improved living and working environment is achieved than would be possible under strict ordinance requirements. Mr. Gassner advised that should this proposal be denied, his corporation would withdraw their plat application and suspend development on this property at this time. The Commission concurred that while this housing type may be marketable as suggested by the developer, their concern was whether approving increased density for this property would set a precedent for requests for development of contiguous properties also requesting increased density. Concern was also expressed by the Commission that this proposal increases density with no increase in open space or any other amenities. Planning staff is recommending a public informational hearing be held with the Planning Commission. This will provide the applicant an opportunity to enhance their presentation marketing their proposal to convince and demonstrate to the Commission and the public the uniqueness of this property establishing justification for increasing density. ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT: PD -R PLANNED RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT Senior Planner Andrew Mack advised that Planning staff have drafted language for a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment that will provide for a PD -R Planned Residential Zoning District and have presented this amendment for further discussion from the Commission. Planner Mack recommended that discussion be focused specifically upon the amendment as opposed to its relationship to individual properties. Planner Mack advised that the current ordinance provides for the RL Low Density Single Family Residential Zoning District with a minimum lot area of 20,000 square feet. However, this zoning designation is not presently assigned to any properties within the City. Mr. Mack asked the Commission to discuss whether a 20,000 square foot minimum lot size achieve the goal of the City and whether a new district should create a mechanism with a flexible technique for dispersement of density and to provide greater opportunity to preserve natural amenities. He also stated that Planning staff is in the process of discussing other possible refinements to the proposed regulations and would appreciate the input of the Planning Commission before proceeding further. Assistant Planner Pearson stated that the overall concept for this district is to maintain a maximum density of two dwelling units per acre. Commissioners expressed their apprehension in a "blanket" zoning approach with no designation as to where properties lend themselves more readily to higher density development. Suggestions from the Commission included: 1) a formula providing for maximum overall percentage of high density Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes November 22, 1994 Page Three development of land, excluding easements, ponding, wetlands, natural amenities, etc.; 2) dropping the maximum density from six to five dwelling units per acre; and 3) if the property exhibits natural features that bear consideration for preservation, then a criteria could be established for earning increased density through the provision of things like enhanced building materials and site amenities, etc., thus providing a unique quality of development. Planning staff was directed to continue to develop revisions to standards for the proposed amendment and bring it back to the Commission for further review. MOTION by McDermott to adjourn. Second by Droste. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Res ctfully submi ed, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Planning Commission Resolution 1994 -1 A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THE MODIFICATIONS TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN FOR THE EXISTING ROSEMOUNT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT CREATING A NEW TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT No. 1 -2 ARE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE ROSEMOUNT COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount, Minnesota has prepared modifications to the Redevelopment Project Plan for the existing Rosemount Redevelopment Project by the proposed creation of a new Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -2 (collectively, the "modifications and WHEREAS, the modifications are required to be submitted to the Planning Commission for written comment pursuant to Minnesota Statues, §469.028 and §469.126; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the modifications to determine conformity of the Rosemount Redevelopment Project, as proposed to be changed by the modifications, to the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is in agreement with the modifications as they relate to current and long range land use planning considerations. Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Planning Commission finds that the Redevelopment Project Plan for the existing Rosemount Redevelopment Project, as modified by the proposed creation of a new Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -2 and Tax Increment Financing Plan, are in conformance with the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, the Planning Commission forwards the modifications to the City Council of the City of Rosemount for their approval. ADOPTED this 13th day of December, 1994. Alk William Droste, Acting Planning Commission Chair A FIEST: Donna Quintus, Recoc (ing Secretary Motion by: DROSTE Seconded by: TENT1NGER Voted in favor: INGRAM, DROSTE, TENTINGER Voted against: NONE TIF /Amendment 1 2/1 3/94 (P.C C ITY O F RO S E M O U N T 287 CI45 t h i SSt Street West .9 P.O. Box 510 Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount, 55068-0510 Everything's 5 g p 55068 -0510 0 Planning Commission Phone 612-423-4411 Fax 612-423-5203 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 13, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, December 13, 1994 at 5:15 p.m. Vice- Chairperson Droste called the meeting to order with members Tentinger and Ingram present. Also in attendance was Senior Planner Andrew Mack, Assistant Planner Rick Pearson, Civil Engineer Doug Litterer, and City Council Member Busho. MOTION by Droste to approve the November 22, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Tentinger, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. CANCELLATION OF DECEMBER 27, 1994 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Assistant Planner Pearson advised that as of this date no action items are anticipated for the December 27, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting. Because of the timing of this meeting between two holidays, Planning staff recommends cancellation of this meeting. However, should any urgent matters be presented to the department requiring Planning Commission review or direction Planning staff will notify Commissioners for possible rescheduling of the meeting. MOTION by Ingram to cancel the December 27, 1994 Regular Planning Commission Meeting. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, Tentinger. Nays: 0. KUZNIA /PEED AGRICULTURAL SUBDIVISION The Planning Commission previously tabled action on the Kuznia /Peed Agricultural subdivision request pending clarification and resolution to the setback encroachments by existing accessory structures. The City has received a revised survey from the petitioners indicating a new proposed division line which eliminates all setback issues. Planning staff recommends approval of the revised lot split request with conditions. MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of the Agricultural subdivision as requested from Ms. Grace Kuznia and Mr. Otto Ped subject to: 1) proposed division line for property presently identified with PID No. 34- 02900 010 -50 (4992 145th Street East) as described in the 12/9/94 survey separating parcels A and B; 2) approval of the agricultural division proposal by the Dakota County Platting Commission; and 3) modification of the existing mineral extraction permit for restriction of mining operations to Parcel A and, further, that any related mining activities occurring on Parcel B will require separate City Council approval with easements, as needed. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Droste, Tentinger, Ingram. Nays: 0. MOTION by Ingram recommending City Council schedule a public hearing to hear testimony regarding the proposed Kuznia /Peed Agricultural Subdivision. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Tentinger, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. ARLYN COPE: REPAIRS, INC. COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT /FINAL PLAT Assistant Planner Pearson discussed refinements that have been added to the proposed Allyn Cope PU and final plat located at 14760 South Robert Trail. Discussion included: 1) review of a modified parking and circulation design that allows for one -way traffic between the Novak/Schwanz building with angled parking on both sides; 2) enhanced landscaping plan; 3) preservation of pedestrian trail along front of property; 3) railroad loading dock status; 4) wall signage design and freestanding pylon sign plan; 5) on -site ponding and future storm sewer plans; and 6) a proposed project phasing plan. .M Punted on recycled paper 3 containing 30% Mil post consumer mater Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 13, 1994 Page Two Mr. Arlyn Cope, property owner, and Mr. Gene Peterson, consultant, were present in the audience and answered several questions from the Commission. Assistant Planner Pearson advised that findings can be made in support of the Cope Planned Unit Development to legitimize the auto related non- conforming use of the property and that these findings be forwarded to City Council for approval of the final PUD. MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of the Commercial Planned Unit Development for 14760 South Robert Trail with the following conditions: 1) outdoor storage of parts, debris, trash and junk, or inoperable vehicles shall be prohibited in accordance with Section 4.9 of the Zoning Ordinance. An opaque fenced enclosure shall be located in the southeast corner of the building for dumpster container storage and construction of materials compatible with the principal building; 2) executed Easement Agreements between all parties sharing access, circulation, and parking, in addition to drainage and utility easements that shall be recorded along with property title documents at the Dakota County Recorder's Office; 3) access, circulation, grading, and utility plans and easements approved and accepted by the city engineer; 4) the pedestrian door located on the southern building elevation must be protected by curbing from vehicular traffic; 5) posting of a security in a form acceptable to the City Administrator for site improvements, including on -site curb and gutter, landscaping, paving, and striping; 6) the property shall be replatted and recorded with Dakota County which includes property acquired from the railroad in the Cope Commercial Planned Unit Development which guarantees access to the rear of the principal building; 7) Park Dedication will be required unless waived by City Council; 8) the sign plan, as presented, establishing the design and location for all wall signs that will henceforth be permitted for the building with an adjustment to the pylon or ground sign to maintain a minimum of three (3) feet of clearance from any curb that is otherwise in conformance with Section 10 of the Zoning Ordinance; and 9) all improvements shall conform with applicable building and fire codes. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, Tentinger. Nays: 0. ADVENTURE ZONE INTERIM USE PERMIT (IUP) TERMINATION On April 19, 1994 the City Council granted Interim Use Permits to two paintball commercial recreation uses, with conditions. The Adventure Zone has failed to comply with the conditions of the IUP. Assistant Planner Pearson reviewed the chronology of events that have occurred in the City's efforts to work with The Adventure Zone personnel in an attempt to bring them into compliance with their IUP with the first attempts by staff being made in August 1994. As of this date there as been no action or response on the part of the owners even to minor issues. Charlie LeFevere, legal counsel for the City, has reviewed all the information pertinent to this permit and has recommended that City staff initiate a revocation process. The IUP section of the Zoning Ordinance refers to termination of the IUP upon violation of the conditions under which the permit was issued. Planning staff has heard from the owners of The Adventure Zone who have indicated that they were not property informed of the proposal for termination of their permit and has asked that the Planning Commission continue review of this issue at a future meeting to allow the owners the opportunity to defend their position. Planning staff feels that "due process' has been served to the owners and they have had ample opportunity to comply or respond to staffs revocation proposal. It was noted that the owners will be provided the opportunity to respond to the proposal at a public hearing required to be held by City Council. MOTION by Tentinger to recommend to City Council termination of The Adventure Zone Interim Use Permit (IUP) due to noncompliance with the 1994 IUP Conditions. Second by Droste. Ayes: Droste, Tentinger, Ingram. Nays: 0. MOTION by Tentinger to recommend that City Council schedule a public hearing to hear public testimony regarding the termination of The Adventure Zone Interim Use Permit. Second by Droste. Ayes: Tentinger, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 13, 1994 Page Three 1994 TAX INCREMENT (TIF) PLAN: CARLSON PROPERTY REDEVELOPMENT Senior Planner Andrew Mack discussed the Rosemount Port Authority's authorization to prepare a Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Plan for the Carlson Tractor property located at the southwest corner of STH 3 and CR 42. Funds would be used to facilitate relocation and redevelopment of the Carlson Tractor business and property. Minnesota State Statutes charges the Planning Commission to provide recommendation to City council, by resolution, findings that the proposed new TIF District and the anticipated land uses are consistent with the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan. The draft TIF Plan for the Carlson project identifies a hotel, restaurant, fast food restaurant, automotive /service center, and day care as anticipated land uses in the new district. This site is designated as Commercial in the Land Use Element of the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan. Current zoning of the property is C -4 General Commercial. Therefore, the present zoning of the property and anticipated commercial land use is consistent with the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. The proposed uses identified are all permitted in the C -4 District and are, therefore, found to be in conformance with the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. Approval of a resolution by the Planning Commission does not provide approval for any specific projects that are being considered within the district. Any specific development /use proposal will require intensive evaluation and analysis for ordinance compliance prior to recommendation and approval by the Planning Commission upon application for site plan review. Approval of the resolution by the Planning Commission is recommended so as to continue facilitating the creation of a TIF Plan for the redevelopment of this property. A brief discussion ensued amongst the Commission and Planning staff as to the justification for TIF at this site; and the possible land use impacts of a grade separated crossing at CR 42 and the railroad. MOTION by Droste to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 1994 -1 A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TIF (REDEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT No. 1 -2 ARE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, Tentinger. Nays: 0. MOTION by Droste to adjourn. Second by Tentinger. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary