JANUARY 23, 2007
CaII to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, January 23, 2007. Chairperson Messner called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with
Commissioners Schwartz, Palda, Schultz and Howell present. Also in attendance were Community
Development Director Lindquist, Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, Project Engineer
Dawley and Recording Secretary Hanson. The Pledge of Allegiance was read.
Additions to Agenda: None.
Audience Input: None.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of the December 26, 2006 Regular Meeting minutes.
MOTION by Schultz to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearings:
5.a. 06- 61 -IUP Linder's Greenhouses Interim Use Permit. Senior Planner Zweber presented
this item. Linder's Greenhouse has requested an Interim Use Permit to continue the operation of
their flower mart at the Rosemount Market Square for the 2007 through 2009 seasons. They
anticipate being open from approximately April 15 through July 15. The greenhouse and display
area would be in the same location as previously approved. In 2004, the flower mart had received
approval through a Conditional Use Permit. Since 2004, the City has revised its Zoning Ordinance
to include temporary sales operation like these as a Transient Merchant Sales Lot Interim Use
Permit. This change in the ordinance should not have an impact on how Linder's operates or on
the City approval process. Mr. Lindahl stated that staff recommends approval of the Interim Use
Permit with the same conditions as they have been operating previously.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 6:35p.m. There were no public comments.
MOTION by Schwartz to close the Public Hearing. Second by Howell.
Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Public hearing was closed at 6:36p.m.
Chairperson Messner stated the term of the permit, years 2007 -2009, should be added to the end of
to Condition No. 1.
There were no further questions or comments by the Commission.
MOTION by Commissioner Schwartz to recommend that the City Council approve the Interim
Use Permit for Linder's Flower Mart, subject to the following conditions:
1. Linder's Flower Mart may occupy the space provided within the site plan only during the
period each year from April 1 to July 31, 2007 through 2009.
2. Within 24 hours of the removal of the structure the parking lot shall be cleaned and
restored to the use as a parking lot.
3. No use may be made of the structure other than the storage and sale of nursery plants.
4. Unless specifically authorized by a separate Interim Use Permit, the authority to operate the
JANUARY 23, 2007
plant sale business shall terminate automatically upon 1) any change in footprint of any
building within the Rosemount Market Square property, or 2) any change in use or in
structure which results in a greater total number of parking spaces being required within the
Rosemount Market Square property, or 3) any change in the parking requirements of the
City Code which would require a greater total number of parking spaces being required
within the Rosemount Market Square property.
5. No signs or signage may be permitted for the plant sales business excepts as follows: 1) one
sign per side of the structure no larger than 32 square feet each, with two of the signs
allowed on the roof of the structure, and 2) two flags no greater than 18 '/z feet in height
6. No plants or other material shall be stored, displayed or sold outside of the area enclosed by
the fence shown on the site plan.
7. The size of the temporary structure shall not exceed 84 feet by 21 feet by 12 feet high; and
the entire enclosed area by the fence shall not exceed 144 feet by 36 feet.
Linder's Flower Mart shall apply for and receive approval of a temporary structure permit
from the City Building Official. Linder's shall secure and provide written permission for its
patrons and employees to use rest rooms in one of more of the Rosemount Market Square
or neighboring businesses.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 5.
Nays: 0.
Mr. Zweber stated this item is scheduled for City Council on February 20, 2007. Linder's
Greenhouses will open for business around April 15, 2007.
5.b. 06 -62 -ME Vesterra, LLC Stonex, LLC Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal. Planner
Lindahl presented this item. The applicant, Jonathan Wilmshurst of Vesterra LLC /Stonex LLC,
requests renewal of the Vesterra and Stonex mineral extraction permits for 2007. The sites consist
of two neighboring properties, each approximately 80 acres in size, located south of 135` street, 1 /4
mile west of Blaine Ave. (County Road 71). The properties are owned by Flint Hills Resources
which leases them back to the applicant to permit mineral extraction. The responsibility for
securities and compliance with the conditions remains with Vesterra and Stonex as the property
Chairperson Messner asked about the access on 135 and whether or not the company will keep
the access there or move it to County Road 71. Mr. Lindahl replied that the applicant mentioned
their access currently comes from County Road 38. In the future they anticipate the resident to the
east to be moving which would allow them to utilize an existing access giving them direct access to
the site. In any event, the applicant would come back to the City for approval for any necessary
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 6:40p.m. There were no public comments.
MOTION by Howell to close the Public Hearing. Second by Palda.
Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 6:41p.m.
There was no discussion among the commissioners.
MOTION by Chairperson Messner to recommend the City Council approve renewal
JANUARY 23, 2007
of the mineral extraction permit for Vesterra and Stonex, subject to the following
1. Conformance with the attached 2007 Conditions for Mineral Extraction, including:
a. Submission of an updated Surety Bond in the amount outlined in the attached 2007
Conditions for Mineral Extraction.
b. Submission of an updated Certificate of Comprehensive General Liability Insurance
as outlined in the 2007 attached Conditions for Mineral Extraction.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 5.
Nays: 0.
Mr. Lindahl stated this item will go to City Council on February 20, 2007.
5.c. 06 -63 -ME Solberg (Ped /Kuznia) Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal. Planner Lindahl
presented this item. The applicant, Solberg Aggregate Company, requests renewal of the mineral
extraction permit for the Otto Ped and Grace Kuznia properties located 4992 145t Street East.
Solberg Aggregate Company took over operation of the pit in 2005 from Ames Construction and
continues to operate the mine on a day -to -day basis. This application represents the routine annual
permit renewal as required by ordinance; however, the applicant also requests to expand the mining
permit into the adjacent 80 acre property owned by Grace Kuznia. This expansion is consistent with
the performance standards for mineral extraction outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. This request is
subject to the conditions outlined in the permit as well as the mineral extraction permits standards
outlined in Section 12.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Lindahl stated that staff recommends renewal
of the Solberg Aggregate Company (Ped Kuznia) Mineral Extraction Permit for 2007, subject to
Chairperson Messner asked where the haul road led from. Mr. Lindahl replied that the access road
runs between the Ped property and Danner property and is shared by the Danner pit. Chairperson
Messner asked about the recommendation to do reclamation on Phase 1 before going to Phase 3.
Mr. Lindahl confirmed that is the current plan.
Lauren Howard, Solberg Aggregate Company, 3615 145 Street, Rosemount, approached the
Commission and stated he was available for any questions.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 6:46p.m. There were no public comments.
MOTION by Schultz to close the Public Hearing. Second by Palda.
Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 6:47p.m.
Mr. Lindahl mentioned the letter from John Reese, 504 Broadway, Goodhue, who owns the
property west of the Danner site. Mr. Reese has questions with respect to the standards of mineral
extraction permits. For purposes of explanation, Mr. Lindahl stated that mineral extraction is
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allowed as a conditional use in the agriculture district with two standards: 1. Occurs on any property
zoned agricultural, and 2. the property is located east of Hwy. 52 and within 1/2 mile of County
Road 42. Any mineral extraction permit application is subject to approval. Mr. Lindahl stated that
staff will follow up with Mr. Reese.
MOTION by Commissioner Howell to recommend the City Council renew the
Solberg Aggregate Company (Ped- Kuznia) Mineral Extraction Permit for 2007.
1. Conformance with the attached 2007 Conditions for Mineral Extraction, including:
a. Submission of an updated Surety Bond in the amount outlined in the attached 2007
Conditions for Mineral Extraction.
b. Submission of an updated Certificate of Comprehensive General Liability Insurance
as outlined in the 2007 attached Conditions for Mineral Extraction.
c. The applicant shall submit a Reclamation Plan to the City for review and approval.
Said plan shall be coordinated with the any abutting Mineral Extraction site to
insure matching conditions and final grades along any adjoining property line(s). In
addition, the Solberg plans shall illustrate no greater than an eight (8) percent slope
from the eastern property line of the Kuznia property to the existing grade of the
site to insure proper conditions for any future roads (see modified Condition V in
the attached permit).
Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 5.
Nays: 0.
For follow up, Mr. Lindahl stated this item will go to City Council on February 20, 2007.
5.d 06- 64 -AMD Innisfree Homeowners Association Planned Unit Development Major
Amendment. Senior Planner Zweber presented this item. In 1999, the City approved the
preliminary plat and planned unit development (PUD) of Evermoor, which included the Innisfree
neighborhood of 18 duplex condominiums (total of 36 units). Two of the duplexes (four units)
were shown on the north side of Evermoor Parkway. On July 20, 2004, the City approved the final
plat of the portion north of Evermoor Parkway for Wensmann Homes to construct three detached
townhouses and a fourth parcel, Outlot A, which is currently vacant. The City did not place any
restrictions on the future development of Outlot A and currently Dakota County taxes Outlot A as
a buildable parcel. The Innisfree Homeowners Association (HOA) would like the City to place a
restriction on Outlot A to declare it unbuildable so the County would tax it at a lower rate.
The Innisfree HOA, with the technical assistance of Wensmann Homes staff, is requesting that the
City place a restriction on the Oudot A to prevent the future development of Outlot A. This
restriction would allow the oudot to continue to be used privately by the Innisfree homeowners but
be taxed as un- developable property.
Mr. Zweber reviewed the options the Commission have to address on this issue. He stated that if
the Planning Commission chooses to declare Outlot A non developable, then staff would
recommend the option to request the Innisfree Homeowners prepare and record a conservation
411 JANUARY 23, 2007
easement over Outlot A in the name of the City and modify the Evermoor PUD Agreement
Applicant, Steve Hegge, President of the Innisfree HOA, and owner of one of the lots that adjoins
the area, approached the Commission for any questions. Chairperson Messner asked if the
Association had a preferred option. Mr. Hegge stated that the Association did discuss Option No.
1 consisting of deeding the property to the City for park purposes. However, they are concerned
with the steep incline on the open lot leading down into Lot 3 and the owner there would not want
kids sledding down the steep hill into their yard. The Association proposes to keep control of the
area as greenspace, get a lower tax on it, but still be in control of the property if the community has
problems with it. The Association agrees to Option No. 3. Mr. Hegge also mentioned the request
in the reduction of the application fee. Chairperson Messner stated he sympathizes with the issue
but the Commission deals with land uses. It will be up to the City Council to approve the fee
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 7:01p.m. There were no public comments.
MOTION by Commissioner Palda to close the Public Hearing. Second by Schultz.
Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Public hearing was closed at 7:02p.m.
There was no discussion.
MOTION by Commissioner Schultz to recommend that the City Council address Outlot
A of Evermoor Innisfree 2n Addition by requiring that the Innisfree Homeowners prepare
and record a conservation easement over Outlot A in the name of the City and recommend
approval of a Major Amendment to the Evermoor PUD Agreement.
Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 5.
Nays: 0.
As follow up, Mr. Zweber reported this item will go to City Council on February 20, 2007.
5.e. 06- 65 -SP, 06 -66 -CUP Flint Hills Resources Site Plan Review and Conditional Use
Permit. Planner Lindahl presented this item. The applicant, Flint Hills Resources, requests site plan
and conditional use permit approvals to allow the construction of a 135,400 square foot maintenance,
warehouse, and office facility. The building will be used to house approximately 200 existing Pine
Bend Refinery employees with capacity to accommodate an additional 70 future employees for a total
future population of 270 employees. The proposed building will be located on a newly created parcel
south of the Clark Road access onto Highway 52, north of Union Pacific's track facilities, and west of
Highway 52. Staff recommends the Commission approve the request subject to the ten (10)
conditions. Mr. Lindahl reviewed the conditions and waivers requested by the applicant. Mr.
Lindahl also reviewed the elevation diagrams of the exterior of the building.
Commissioner Schultz asked for clarification of the conditions with the provided staff report and the
revised report. Chairperson Messner asked about the amount of acres for development. Project
Engineer Dawley responded that 10 acres was supplied on the site plan for proposed improvements
only. The 10 acres were calculated by looking at the impervious surface added to the site. 44.7 acres
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applies to the area being approved.
Applicant, Don Kern, Flint Hills Resources, approached the Commission. Also present were Mark
Murphy, Project Manager of Flint Hills, and Peter Brozek, from TKDA, the engineering company.
Mr. Kern noted the reason for deviation on the curb and gutter is to get different ideas for water
retention from the County. They are looking for more innovative ways to deal with water
retention. Mr. Murphy showed the Commission detailed elevations of the exterior of the building.
They plan to add a canopy to hide the overhead doors. The exterior material will be colored
concrete, not plain grey. In discussions with the County to find the best way to manage stormwater
runoff, they will place curb and gutter around the perimeter of the parking lot. One idea is to
possibly slope the elevation to the east and put in curb cuts to allow the water to drain into a large
storm basin. Mr. Murphy also showed a third diagram of the road leading north to Clark Road and
showed the amount of curbing being put by the road.
Chairperson Messner asked how high the berm would be east of the property. Mr. Murphy showed
a diagram of the berm in relation to the building height and level of Highway 52. They stated the
loading dock should not be visible from Hwy. 52.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 7:28p.m. There were no public comments.
MOTION by Commissioner Howell to close the Public Hearing. Second by Palda.
Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Public hearing was closed at 7:29p.m.
There was no discussion among the Commissioners.
MOTION by Commissioner Schultz to recommend the City Council approve a site plan
and conditional use permit for Flint Hills Resources to allow construction of a 135,400
square foot maintenance, warehouse, and office facility, subject to the following conditions:
1. Recording of the proposed subdivision and lot combination to create the subject
property prior to issuance of a building permit.
2. Submission of an easement insuring permanent access to the maintenance building
site from the existing access point to the Clark Road right -of -way for review and approval
by the City Attorney. The approved easement shall be recorded with Dakota County, prior
to issuance of a building permit.
3. The City Council waives the pedestrian circulation and parking lot green space
standards of Section 11- 4- 16 -2.G (Site and Building Standards). Should the applicant
improve the proof of parking area, the applicant shall bring the entire parking area into
compliance with the internal green space standards as well as replace all associated berming
and landscaping.
4. Issuance of a building permit.
5. Redesign of the site to include continuous concrete curb and cutter around all
parking and maneuvering areas, prior to action on this item by the City Council. 410
JANUARY 23, 2007
6. Redesign of the east elevation of the building to eliminate the all loading docks
facing a public right -of -way, prior to action on this item by the City Council.
7. Submit plans to ensure the guard house and storage building conform with the
ordinance exterior building material standards and are compatible with the proposed
warehouse structure, prior to action on this item by the City Council.
8. Submission of a landscape security equal to one hundred and twenty five percent
(125 of the cost of the plantings illustrated on the approved landscape plan.
9. No light surface shall be visible from the adjacent Highway 52 right -of -way.
10. Conformance with all conditions of the City Engineer as outlined in this report
prior to issuance of a building permit, including but not limited to the following:
a. Building permit issuance shall be conditional upon award of contract by Council to
extend sewer and water from existing City infrastructure to the maintenance shop
and warehouse facility.
b. Certificate of Occupancy issuance shall be conditional upon completion, testing,
and acceptance of sewer and water utilities extended to the maintenance shop and
warehouse site by the City Engineer.
Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 5.
Nays: 0.
Mr. Lindahl reported these items will go to City Council on February 20, 2007.
5.f. 06- 67 -SP, 06- 68 -LC, 06 -69 -CON Rosemount Business Center, LLC Site Plan Review,
Lot Combination Application and PUD Concept Plan and Final Development Plan. Senior
Planner Zweber presented this item. Rosemount Business Center, LLC has proposed to construct
an approximate 28,000 square foot building on two lots at the corner of Chippendale Avenue and
Carrousel Way. The building is proposed to be divided into as many as eleven distinct businesses,
each of which will own their condominium unit. The request includes a combination of the two
existing lots into one lot and a building that will be split through a Common Interest Community
(CIC) plat into the condominiums. The proposed uses within the up to eleven units will be
office /warehouse uses similar to those in the northeast, along Carrousel Way. Consistent with the
zoning on the site, the building will meet the architectural standards of the recently revised C -4
district, similar to the other commercial office buildings along Chippendale Avenue.
Mr. Zweber stated that staff recommends approval of the Lot Combination, Site Plan, Planned
Unit Development Concept Plan and Final Development Plan, subject to conditions. Mr. Zweber
reviewed those conditions and requirements thereof and showed colored renderings of the building
elevations. Mr. Zweber also mentioned Condition No. 6 requiring a sidewalk connection from
Carrousel way to the joint movie theater. The second part of that Condition No. 6 should be
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deleted as the City Engineer does not recommend a sidewalk connection mid- block.
Mr. Zweber also reviewed the details of the proposed Planned Unit Development agreement and the
deviations from current Ordinance.
Chairperson Messner asked if there is a difference between office parking standards and retail
parking standards. Mr. Zweber discussed the differences between office and retail standards.
Commissioner Schultz asked if there was a reason why the applicant proposed the driveway on
Carrousel more west than the movie theater driveway. Mr. Zweber did not know for sure but
suggested it could be to center with the lot. Chairperson Messner asked if the perimeter drainage
utilities are part of the PUD recombination. Mr. Zweber stated there will be a drainage and utility
easement over the entire Lot 2, not only the perimeter. Chairperson Messner asked how one would
get to the warehouse in Bay 2 and Mr. Zweber replied that the only access is through the front
The applicant, Dan Huntington, approached the Commission. He stated that there is no problem
to move the driveway access to be across from the movie theater driveway. The layout of Bay 1, 2
and 3 is preliminary and can change in any number of ways. Because of the office warehouse
application, some of the owners may produce more garbage than another tenants which is why we
proposed for each tenant to take care of their own garbage. Mr. Huntington stated that they can do
a common garbage. Chairperson Messner stated he would like to see a common garbage. With
respect to the tree replacement requirement, Mr. Huntington mentioned the addition of 14 more
trees would be difficult to fulfill due to the lack of space. He would like the consideration to use
evergreens, or bigger trees, and eliminate adding more trees. Chairperson Messner concurred, but
stated he thought the berm is a necessity. A discussion continued with respect to other properties
on the block or nearby that are or are not bermed. It was decided the berm requirement would
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 8:05p.m. There were no public comments.
MOTION by Schultz to close the Public Hearing. Second by Howell.
Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 8:06p.m.
Chairperson Howell suggested putting in the larger type trees to make up for not placing the
additional 14 trees. Mr. Zweber stated what was required by the ordinance and that staff could
work with the applicant on reasonable larger trees. This would be a modification of Condition No.
MOTION by Chairperson Messner to recommend approval of the Site Plan, Lot
Combination, Planned Unit Development Concept Plan and Final Development Plan, subject
to the following conditions:
1. Execution of the PUD Agreement.
2. Payment of all applicable City development fees.
3. The colors of the exterior materials must be integral to the material. Painting of the
exteriors materials will not be permitted.
4. Office or Retail Uses are limited to total of no more than 14,800 square feet.
5. The westerly access on Carrousel Way shall be moved east to align with the movie
theater /Carrousel Office joint entry.
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6. A sidewalk connection shall be made from the building to the existing city sidewalk on
Chippendale Avenue.
7. In lieu of the tree replacement requirement, the application shall work with staff to reach a
reasonable alternative that is equal in compensation to the tree replacement requirement.
The revised landscape plan will be provided before City Council approval.
8. Provision of a common trash enclosure to serve the entire building.
9. All mechanical equipment shall be screened from Chippendale Avenue and Carrousel Way
in accordance with the City Ordinance.
10. Signs for individual businesses are permitted only in the 3 foot by 12 foot 4 inch sign
banner above each store front.
11. A common grading and storm water infrastructure plan for the joint access drive with
Chroust Dentistry will need to be submitted and approved by the City Engineer.
12. The creation of a berm two feet higher than the parking lot to meet the Ordinance
requirement for parking lot screening.
13. Submission of a landscape security equal to one hundred and twenty five percent (125 of
the cost of the plantings.
14. Conformance with all conditions of the Fire Department Memorandum dated January 11,
2007, City Engineer Memorandum dated January 12, 2007, and the Parks Department
Memorandum dated January 16, 2007 prior to issuance of a building permit.
Second by Howell.
Ayes: 5.
Nays: 0.
Mr. Zweber stated this item will go to City Council on February 20, 2007.
5.g. 06 -42 -SP Dakota County Library Preliminary Plat. Community Development Director
presented this item. The City is requesting approval of a preliminary and final plat for the library site.
The 4.32 acre site is currently comprised of eight lots. The plat creates two lots; one of which will be
deeded to the County for construction of the library and one will be retained by the City. The City
acquired the St. Joseph's church property in 2004 to provide land for a new Dakota County Library.
The County requires the City to dedicate the land and the County pays for construction of the facility.
Design for the Library is underway with a scheduled public meeting to unveil the library concept on
January 29, 2007. The 4.32 acre plat is located within the Downtown area and is zoned a
combination of PI and R -1A. Ms. Lindquist also showed an elevation of the proposed library.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 8:10p.m.
Debra Zippel, 14300 Cameo Avenue, Rosemount, who lives directly behind the South end of the
library lot approached the Commission. She has an issue with the easterly six feet of their lot. Ms.
Lindquist stated that Mr. Baxter, as a church member, had that property deeded properly to the
church. Ms. Zippel stated she did not receive notice and that the county showed no record when
she last checked. Her concern was whether or not the 6 feet parcel would hold up a sale of their
property. Ms. Lindquist stated she will have to have Mr. Baxter check the records and contact Mrs.
JANUARY 23, 2007
There were no further public comments.
MOTION by Schwartz to close the Public Hearing. Second by Palda.
Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 8:14p.m.
There was no further discussion among the Commissioners.
MOTION by Commissioner Howell to recommend approval of the Kilcumreragh
Addition Preliminary and Final Plat.
Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 5.
Nays: 0.
Ms. Lindquist stated this item will go to City Council on February 6, 2007.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Reports: Ms. Lindquist stated there is a meeting on the 30 and 31st of January, Dakota County
Planning Process. She gave a small update on downtown development and the continued work
with Stonebridge group.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Chairperson
Messner made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Schultz seconded. Upon unanimous decision,
the meeting was adjourned at 8:16p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary
FEBRUARY 13, 2007
Cali to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, February 13, 2007. Chairperson Messner called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with
Commissioners Schwartz, Schultz and Howell present. Commissioner Palda was absent. Also in
attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, and Recording Secretary Hanson. The
Pledge of Allegiance was read.
Additions to Agenda: None.
Audience Input: None.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of the January 23, 2007 Regular Meeting minutes.
MOTION by Schwartz to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Howell.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearings:
5.a. 06- 67 -SP, 06- 68 -LC, 06 -69 -CON Rosemount Business Center, LLC PUD Master
Development Plan and Rezoning. Senior Planner Zweber presented this item. Rosemount
Business Center, LLC has proposed to construct an approximate 28,000 square foot building on
two lots at the corner of Chippendale Avenue and Carrousel Way. The building is proposed to be
divided into as many as eleven distinct businesses, each of which will own their condominium unit.
The request includes a combination of the two existing lots into one lot and a building that will be
split through a Common Interest Community (CIC) plat into the condominiums. The proposed
uses within the up to eleven units will be office /warehouse uses similar to those in the northeast,
along Carrousel Way. Consistent with the zoning on the site, the building will meet the architectural
standards of the recently revised C -4 General Commercial zoning district, similar to the other
commercial office buildings along Chippendale Avenue. At the January 23, 2007 meeting, the
Planning Commission had recommended approval of the Planned Unit Development Final
Development Plan and Lot Combination, subject to conditions. Staff is requesting approval of the
Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan and Rezoning. Mr. Zweber gave an
explanation of the current plans and the changes since the meeting on January 23, 2007.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 6:35p.m. There were no public comments.
MOTION by Schwartz to close the Public Hearing. Second by Howell.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 6:36p.m.
There was no discussion among the Commissioners.
MOTION by Commissioner Schultz to recommend approval of the Planned Unit
Development Master Development Plan and Rezoning, subject to the following conditions:
1. Execution of the PUD Agreement
2. The development is allowed to deviate from the C4 General Commercial zoning
district to permit mixed office /warehouse or retail /warehouse uses; eliminate the
parking setback from the joint access drive; and to permit a maximum of 81%
impervious surface. No other deviations or variance from the C4- General
FEBRUARY 13, 2007
Commercial zoning district are allowed.
3. Approval of the Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan and Lot
Combination by the City Council.
Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 4.
Nays: 0.
Mr. Zweber stated this item will go to City Council on February 20, 2007.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
7.a. 2008 -2030 Comprehensive Plan Goals Senior Planner Zweber presented this item. By
2008, the City of Rosemount (along with all other local government units within the seven county
metropolitan area) needs to submit a comprehensive plan to the Metropolitan Council to address
the future growth of the City through the year 2030. Staff is proposing that the process for
development of the 2008 -2030 Comprehensive Plan begin by reviewing the goals of the existing
2020 Comprehensive Plan and determining the seven to ten overriding goals of the City. After
these overriding goals are determined, a public open house will be conducted for the residents of
Rosemount. Preliminarily, it is expected that this open house will occur during the April Planning
Commission work session.
After April open house, the Planning Commission will work on 5 items: Community background,
community facilities, the housing element, the transportation element, and then environmental
element. The Utility Commission will work on utilities. Economic Development will be part of the
Port Authority.
Mr. Zweber discussed the proposed goals for the Commission's discussion.
1. Maintain a manageable and reasonable growth rate that does not adversely impact the
delivery of services but allows the community to grow and become more diverse from now
until 2030.
2. Preserve the existing rural residential areas designated in the Comprehensive Plan and
increase rcnta °n affor housing opportunities in the community to attain a balance of
life cycle housing options.
It was decided to delete the phrase "rental and affordable" from No. 2.
3. Promote commercial renewal and rehabilitation in the rcdcvclopcd, historic Downtown and
along Hwy 42 while accommodating new commercial development along appropriate
transportation corridors such as Akron Avenue and Cty Hwy 42; Cty Hwy 46 and MN Hwy
3; and Cty Hwy 42 and US Hwy 52.
It was decided to remove the word "redeveloped."
FEBRUARY 13, 2007
4. Encourage additional high quality and tax base generating industrial development in the
northeast portion of the community and within the current Business Park.
It was decided to add the word "current" before "Business Park."
5. Preserve natural resources and open space within the community and ensure development
does not adversely impact on -going agricultural uses until urban services are available.
6. Promote use of renewable resources by creating sustainable development and building
7. Collaborate and provide connections between the City and surrounding Cities, Townships,
Dakota County and public and private schools in the area.
8. Work with the University of MN to create a neighborhood that can successfully integrate
into the community while achieving goals of health, energy, and education.
9. Collaborate and provide services (such as libraries, community center, senior center, etc.) to
all groups of residents.
Mr. Zweber stated the plan for the March meeting is to talk about the open house and create a
schedule for meetings.
Reports: Mr. Zweber stated that at the meeting on February 27, the Commission will see the
concept plan of Arcon Development. The AUAR was approved and the first development is
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Chairperson
Messner made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Schultz seconded. Upon unanimous decision,
the meeting was adjourned at 8:09p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary
FEBRUARY 27, 2007
CaII to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, February 27, 2007. Chairperson Messner called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with
Commissioners Schwartz and Howell present. Commissioners Palda and Schultz were absent.
Also in attendance were Community Development Director Lindquist, Senior Planner Zweber,
Planner Lindahl, Project Engineer Dawley and Recording Secretary Hanson. The Pledge of
Allegiance was read.
Additions to Agenda:
Addition of 7.a. to New Business, Case 06- 10 -SP, Harmony Clubhouse Site Plan Review Extension
Contractor Property Developers Company.
Audience Input: None.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of the February 13, 2007 Regular Meeting minutes.
MOTION by Howell to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearings:
5.a. Case 07- 07 -TF, 07 -08 -CUP Northern Natural Gas Transmission Facility and Conditional
Use Permit. Senior Planner Zweber presented this item. Northern Natural Gas Company (NNG)
is conducting upgrades to a number of pipelines and pipeline facilities throughout Minnesota and
other Midwest states. This type of construction activity requires a conditional use permit (CUP) and
a transmission facility permit. Prep work is expected to begin in March with pipeline construction
occurring from May through October. Northern Natural Gas Company (NNG) is conducting
upgrades to a number of pipelines and pipeline facilities throughout Minnesota and other Midwest
states. In Rosemount, this includes the installation of a 24" natural gas pipeline adjacent to the
existing 18" pipeline running from roughly Cty Rd 46 and Mn Hwy 3 to the comer of Bacardi Ave
and 135` Street. This construction will occur through a predominately light industrial and agricultural
area between Cty Rd 46 and Cty Rd 42 and through a developed residential area between Cty Rd 42
and 135 Street. NNG will also be conducting a number of other smaller equipment replacements
within Rosemount, include replacing service equipment on 130 Street just north of Keegan Lake,
and replacement of approximately 1000 feet of 16" gas pipeline on the south side of 120 Street
about 1 /2 mile west of Dodd Blvd. Mr. Zweber explained to the public that the City has no ability to
regulate the route of the pipeline, prevent the installation of the pipeline, or the construction methods
used in its installation. The federal Pipeline Safety Act (PSA) regulates the construction and safety of
pipelines and preempts local ordinances. Mr. Zweber explained the different sites affected by the
construction and site locations and the conditions required respectively.
The applicant was present but offered no comment at this time.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 6:54p.m.
John Hewitt, representing Noah and Kristin Brand, 14405 Blumberry Court. Mr. Hewitt stated that
two days after the Brands took possession of their new home, Northern Natural Gas knocked on
their door and asked to use their property as a staging area. He stated that land rights and the quiet
FEBRUARY 27, 2007
enjoyment of the property are important to an owner and these rights will be disrupted with the
pipeline construction. The owner should be compensated.
Catherine Wise, 14008 Belmont Trail, approached the Commission. NNG also asked to use her
yard as additional storage south of the staging area. She asked if they would need more space
outside of the easement area and why they need additional space to the extra lot. Mr. Zweber
clarified that the staging areas are not under the City's control; they are regulated as part of the
federal permit. The City does not have the authority to tell the pipeline company they do not need
to use the easement areas.
Gregory Cade, Senior Right of Way Agent for Northern Natural Gas, Omaha, Nebraska,
approached the Commission. He stated the residents who spoke live on the lots with the treelined
backyards. NNG need the exta space in order to complete a bore in the area. They will try to
compensate homeowners fairly and will try to complete the work as quickly as possible. They do
not intend to cut down any major trees if possible. Chairperson Messner mentioned why NNG
did not want to unload trucks using Connemara rather than the staging area. Mr. Cade responded
that the NNG contractor felt nervous shutting off Connemara directly across the fire station. They
felt it would be safer to do it in another location. Unloading in the street would take longer than at
the staging area due to less public involvement.
Robert Osborn, Vice President of Pipeline Operation for Michels Pipeline Construction, added
that Connemara slopes way down which is a hazard. Also, in using the extra lot, it will assist in less
use of the parking lot of the fire station.
There were no further public comments.
MOTION by Schwartz to close the Public Hearing. Second by Howell.
Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:06p.m.
Chairperson Messner clarified for the public that the City's role in this matter is not to approve or
disapprove of the construction of the pipeline. The City is trying to eliminate as much concern as
possible regarding construction activities and the potential impact on the residents.
Regarding the off loading onto Connemara, Commissioner Schwartz stated it does not seem logical
to have the unloading occur across from the fire station and agrees the extra staging area should be
used, subject to the conditions. Commissioner Howell agreed as long as the activity takes place
during the specified time periods.
MOTION by Commissioner Schwartz to recommend that the City Council approve the
Transmission Facility Permit and Conditional Use Permit for Northern Natural Gas, subject to the
following conditions:
1. Submittal and approval of a City Utility Permit from the City Engineer.
2. Conformance with all conditions of the Park and Recreation director's Memorandum dated
February 20, 2007 and the City Engineer's Memorandum dated February 22, 2007.
3. Work performed within the "temporary work space" and the "staging area" shall confirm
with the usage detail provided within the Northern Natural Gas Company memorandum
dated January 30, 2007.
4. All construction and restoration activities shall conform to the City of Rosemount General
Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction.
FEBRUARY 27, 2007
5. All infrastructure and landscaping removed from City property shall be restored and
replaced upon completion of the pipeline project, including a one year warranty period. A
letter of credit for 110% of the value of the infrastructure and landscaping shall be
submitted to the City before work commences and shall be effective until the expiration of
the one year warranty period.
6. The establishment and usage of the temporary storage area for AA Auto Parts and U Pull R
Parts shall conform to the following conditions:
a. The temporary storage area is limited to the 200 foot by 500 foot shown on the site
b. A screening fence similar in height, color, material, and opacity is installed before any
cars are placed in the temporary storage area.
c. Access to the temporary storage area is provided only through the U Pull R Parts site.
d. The temporary storage area is only allowed between March 1, 2007 and August 15,
2007. The temporary storage area shall be restored to the condition previous to its
installation by August 16, 2007
e. The temporary storage area shall be inspected by staff from the Dakota County
Environmental Management department upon restoration by the applicant. Any work
required by Dakota County will be the sole responsibility of the applicant and must be
completed by December 31, 2007.
7. Work performed within the residential lot at 13960 Belmont Trl (Lot 17, Block 1 of
Biscayne Point 4t Addition) shall conform with the usage detail provided within the
Northern Natural Gas Company memorandum dated January 30, 2007.
8. Installation of a 6 foot high wood privacy fence along the north and south property lines of
13690 Belmont Trl. The fence shall begin 10 feet east of the front property line and end 10
feet west of the 60 foot wide pipeline work space easement.
9. Upon completion of the project, 13690 shall be re- graded to the condition within the
Biscayne Point 4t Addition grading plan and sold or transferred as a residential lot.
10. The Michels contractor's yard and offices are subject to the following conditions:
a. The contractor's yard and offices may only be used from March 21, 2007 to October
31, 2007.
b. No pipe sections may be stored on the ground at the contractor's yard.
c. Overnight truck parking is limited to three trucks. No truck parking is permitted
from 7 pm on Saturday until Noon on Sunday.
d. Semi- trucks or other construction vehicle may not enter or exit the site between the
hours of 8 pm and 6 am.
e. These conditions do not apply to the areas identified as temporary workspace during
the construction of the pipeline and launcher /receiver site.
11. The pipeline junction site on Bacardi Ave is subject to the following standards:
a. Northern Natural Gas Company shall submit a site plan for approval by the
Community Development Director.
b. The site shall be buffered by a two foot high berm with landscaping installed to
provide 50% opacity.
c. The access drive and parking area for service vehicle shall be paved in accordance
with the Parking and Loading Area Standards.
IP Second by Howell.
Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0.
FEBRUARY 27, 2007
As followup, Mr. Zweber stated this item will go to City Council on March 20, 2007. The
applicant will be giving the City more information regarding a projected timeline for construction.
5.b. Case 07 -09 -CON A rcon Development Concept Plan for the McNamara Property. Senior
Planner Zweber stated that Arcon Development has submitted a Concept Plan for approximately 290
acres north of Cty Rd 42, 210 of which are west of Akron Ave and 80 of which are east of Akron
Ave. The development will include approximately 230 acres of residential development, 50 acres for
commercial, and 10 acres for a school for the ISD 917. The residential component will include
homes constructed by Centex (about 150 acres), Lennar (about 60 acres), and the Dakota County
Community Development Agency (about 20 acres). The applicant is asking for feedback from the
City regarding the general layout, housing mix, density and site design before developing a more
detailed final plan and master development plan. The property northwest of the intersection is
bounded by the Union Pacific rail line to the north, the Bloomfield neighborhood to the west, Cty Rd
42 to the south, and Akron Ave (Cty Rd 73) to the east. There are five exception properties within
the northwest area, one farmstead property along Cty Rd 42 and four single family homes along
Akron Avenue. The property northeast of the intersection is an 80 acre parcel bounded by
agricultural property to the north and east, Akron Avenue to the west, and Cty Rd 42 to the south.
Mr. Zweber reviewed the concept plan describing the developers and types of development, street
arrangements public and private, different types of buildings proposed, and accesses onto County
Roads 42 and Akron.
Chairperson Messner asked about the extra handout given regarding the exception property. Mr.
Zweber explained that the exception properties are not undevelopable. If the owners decide to
sell, the developer has plans for the exception properties, as shown by the handout and on the
concept plan. Chairperson Messner also asked whether or not the crossings of the pipeline as
shown on the concept plan were already completed by the pipeline company. Mr. Zweber stated
the permits will need to be acquired in the future.
The applicant, Rick Packer, Arcon Development, approached the Commission. Also present for
questions were representatives from Centex Homes, Lennar Homes, Dakota County CDA and
District 917. Mr. Packer stated he appreciated Mr. Zweber's work on the project and stated that
this is a tough piece of property with an unusual amount of mixed use involved. The County Roads
involve access difficulties. The pipelines have their own unique requirements, as does the school
property. Mr. Packer stated that Arcon would like clarification on three different issues: 1. the
acceptability of private roads since public roads have setbacks to deal with; 2. The setbacks to the
70 foot wide lots, proposing 5 and 10, rather than 10 and 10; and 3. Access issues onto Akron
Avenue. Arcon would like the opportunity for their engineers to meet with City engineers
regarding the accesses before the Plat Commission reviews the plan.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 7:37p.m.
Dave Durigan, 14160 Atwood Court, approached the Commission. His property backs up to the
proposed Centex development. He has three concerns: 1. The commercial area will be needed
with the amount of extra people in the neighborhood; 2. He would like to see a wider setback so
the houses will not be so close together; 3. Questioned the phrase "park dedication will be paid in
cash in lieu of land" and whether or not this means there will be no parks.
FEBRUARY 27, 2007
Mr. Zweber responded that the fee -in -lieu of land is a common approach when space for parks is
neither available or needed. He pointed out there is a park near the school that the City can use
during non school hours.
Elaine Loesch, 14155 Autumnwood, approached the Commission. She stated that the extra traffic
is a big concern and wondered why two lanes were needed on Akron. She asked how far north the
two lanes will stretch and whether or not there be stoplights on County Road 42.
City Engineer Andrew Brotzler approached the Commission to address Ms. Loesch's questions
about Akron Avenue. He stated the City is currently working with the County to upgrade Akron
from County Road 42 to 135` It will probably be 2008 before any construction begins on Akron
Avenue. Future plans for Akron is to have it continue from 135t to the northern city limits.
Funding for the project is contributed 55% by the County. It is intended to have Akron be a
divided roadway with channelized intersections at County Road 42 to 135` for protected turnlanes.
The railroad crossing at 135t will be set up to meet quiet zones at a minimal cost today rather than
completing it in the future.
Zack Little, 14262 Atwood Circle, approached the Commission. His home is on the west border of
the proposed Centex development. He is concerned with the elevation difference from the berm in
his backyard to the new development. He also asked whether or not the current easement in the
Bloomfield development will be affected by the construction for the new development.
Mr. Brotzler approached again to respond to the easement question. He said the easement Mr.
Little was referring to was probably a drainage and utility easement. Typical of these developments,
at the time the Bloomfield development was being constructed, the developer did not have access
to the adjoining property. In order for them to do the work on the property they controlled, they
needed easements in order to complete the work. With respect to the berm, the question is difficult
to answer since this is only a concept plan and grading is not involved.
MOTION by Howell to close the Public Hearing. Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:50p.m.
A discussion took place among the Commissioner regarding the 70 foot lots and the setbacks
proposed within the Centex development. Steve Ach from Centex approached the Commission.
He stated the homes will be similar to the homes in the Bloomfield development. The 70 foot wide
lots are a little narrower than Bloomfield. The reduced setback will still allow for three stall garages.
Centex is looking for more density yet still include single family homes.
Chairperson Messner stated that it is for the council to decide whether the roads should be public
or private. Mr. Messner asked Mr. Zweber if reduced setbacks and 70 foot wide lots have been
allowed in other developments. Mr. Zweber responded yes in other places in the City but not in
the majority. Mr. Zweber suggested other things the Commission could require having garage to
garage, or house to garage to alleviate the closeness of the houses. The Commission did not
oppose the setback reduction.
With respect to the access issues, Chairperson Messner stated the issues are best handled by
engineers and agreed that both parties should meet to discuss the alternatives.
FEBRUARY 27, 2007
Commissioner Howell expressed her desire to see more of a neighborhood feel to the development
with more park areas to balance out the high density. Mr. Packer shared colored renderings of the
concept plan with the Commission that showed what it is intended for park areas. Mr. Zweber also
added that there will be series of meetings coming in the future to talk more about these issues
including a rezoning and comprehensive application, master development plan and preliminary plat
which will require a public hearing where everyone will get noticed. There will be meeting to
discuss the final plat before any construction will happen. More specific details will be addressed at
future meetings.
MOTION by Chairperson Messner to recommend that the City Council approve the
Concept Plan, provided the following changes are made:
1. The comments within the City Engineer's memorandum dated February 16, 2007 or other
modifications that will bring the site into compliance with city standards.
2. The plan adequately address comments received from the Dakota County Plat Commission.
3. The Park Commission will determine the credit for the parkland dedicated within this plat
and the amount to be paid as fee in lieu of parkland dedication.
4. The eastern most access onto Cry Rd 42 will need to be constructed fully on the Arcon
property or the developer would need to acquire the rights to build it on the neighboring
property. The access will need to be designed to go around the existing City pressure release
valve structure.
5. The alignment of the second local street from the west property line and its intersection with
Connemara Trl will be revised to meet sightline and tangent standards.
6. A second access to a public road will need to be constructed from the Lennar townhouse
development east of Akron.
7. The public minor collector street north of the school needs to be built before the school
can be occupied.
8. Access to both the Centex and the Lennar townhouse neighborhoods on the west side of
Akron are too close to Connemara Trl. Revisions will need to be made to move these
accesses to at least 150 feet from Connemara Trl.
9. The Lennar townhouses in the southwest corner of the development will need garages that
are accessed from the shared private driveways. Direct access from the individual units to
the public street will not be allowed.
10. The island at the end of the minor collector within the Centex single family will need to be
11. Connemara Trail will need a minimum of 85 feet of right -of -way with 7.5 feet wide
landscape easement on each side or the developer will need to dedicate 100 feet of right -of-
way per the City specifications of a major collector. Either method, the house setback from
Connemara Trl will be measured as if there is 100 feet of right -of -way on Connemara Trail.
12. Private streets will need to be 28 feet wide. Further determination by City will be needed to
assess where private versus public streets will be allowed.
13. Additional ROW width for Connemara Trl will be required at the sections of raised
medians and turn lanes for the first access west of Akron through to the first access east of
Connemara Trl.
14. Direct access from the garages of the townhouses onto public streets will not be permitted.
Townhouses shall access the public street via private joint driveways.
15. Additional ponding areas are expected within the development area.
16. The design of the rear yard swales shall be submitted for City review to ensure that they
meet the City infiltration design requirements.
FEBRUARY 27, 2007
17. The City park shall be designed to allow for active recreation without interference from the
Metropolitan Council sanitary sewer line.
18. Additional information will need to be provided regarding the sidewalks, trails, and private
Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0.
As follow -up, Mr. Zweber stated this item will go to City Council on March 20, 2007. Staff would
like the plat commission to review the plan before going to Council so they can share with the
Council the County's opinion of the concept plan.
5.b. Case 07 -06 -CON Rosewood Commons Concept Planned Unit Development (PUD)
Progress Land Company. Planner Lindahl stated that the applicant, Progress Land Company,
requests Concept Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval of a mixed -use residential and
commercial development consisting of up to six 40 -unit residential buildings containing
approximately 240 apartment units and up to two (2) commercial buildings. The subject property is
located south of 145 Street, north of the railroad spur, east of the railroad line and west of the
Greif Brothers Packaging and the Rosewood Village neighborhood.
Mr. Lindahl reviewed the background of the property, the process of the concept plan and PUD
development plan, and specific details of the four different concept plans proposed by the
developer. Mr. Lindahl stated that staff recommends Design Four focusing on the internal
greenspace and the clusters of the buildings, the roundabouts added to the site and the commercial
Chairperson Messner asked about the absence of underground parking for Apartment 2 on Design
Four. Mr. Lindahl stated that the absence was an oversight and there will be underground parking
similar to the other apartment buildings. Commissioner Schwartz questioned why the plan does
not quite meet the ordinance requirement of two parking stalls per unit. Mr. Lindahl responded
that that item had not been addressed at the concept plan level but that staff will need to work with
the developer to meet those requirements.
The applicant, John Stainbrook, Progress Land Company was present and approached the
Commission. He gave a brief history of the property and intentions of the new development. He
stated he prefers Design 3 or 4 with the buffering around the perimeters. Progress Land Company
is hoping to meet with Greif Brothers regarding the open space next to their building for possibly a
landscaping buffer. There is a five year timeline in completing the development. They plan on
working with the City to get the park dedication fees reduced.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 8:34p.m.
Joseph Brady, 14710 Boysenberry Court, approached the Commission. He and his neighbors are
concerned about the access between Rosewood Village and the proposed Rosewood Commons.
He asked if there will be a barrier or fence stopping traffic down Boysenberry Court. Mr. Lindahl
responded that under the current proposal, the main access would come from 145 There will be
FEBRUARY 27, 2007
one emergency access from Boxwood path with some sort of divider that would provide access to
only emergency vehicles.
Jason Devries, 14719 Boysenberry Court, stated his concerns: 1. Continuity of the surrounding
community. 2. Pending fire marshall approval of such a high density with only one main access. 3.
Confusion with the buffer schematics. 4. Loud noise from the railroad for the units backed to the
railroad. 5. Whether or not there are an appropriate number of parking spaces. Mr. Stainbrook
responded to his concerns. There will be a landscaping buffer on the new side of the tracks, similar
to single family side where Mr. Devries lives; it will remain that way as part of a public open space.
The wall of pine trees will remain on the west side of the property and will act as a buffer to the
railroad tracks. Chairperson Messner asked whether or not the homes next to the railroad will be
built with thicker windows or insulation to mitigate the noise impact. Mr. Stainbrook responded he
will have the builder available to answer more specific questions at a later meeting.
Jeff Mademann, 14722 Boysenberry Court, stated his major concern with the development is the
high density. The area is not equipped or designed to handle the extra traffic. He is concerned that
if the barrier on Boxwood Path is not approved, Rosewood Village will have a huge increase in
traffic. He mentioned that in previous meetings it was stated that the properties close to the
railroad would be more suitable for commercial than residential. He feels the developer is looking
to put as many buildings as possible on a small chunk of land to make more money than with single
family units. Mr. Stainbrook responded that Rosewood Village was platted with a buffer for
medium density housing. The land south of Outlot C is also zoned commercial so there is a
transitional buffer. There is a market for apartments for people who cannot afford a single family
home. Progress Land will work with the City on the traffic concerns.
Tom Kenninger, 2734 148 Street West, lives on the backside of the spur. He stated about a year
and half ago, Progress Land planned a townhome development on the property to the west. The
mayor at that time said the property needed to be commercial because it was too close to the
railroad tracks and no one would want to live there. The property now up for development is
closer to the railroad tracks than the past parcel. Mr. Stainbrook responded that Outlot C will be a
pond area and they do have a commercial buyer looking at the southern parcel west of where Mr.
Kenninger lives. Mr. Kenninger asked who determines the highest and best use of the property and
Mr. Stainbrook replied that Progress Land makes the determination, not an appraiser.
Jeff Mademann, 14722 Boysenberry Court, approached the Commission again and stated it is clear
that people do not want this type of development in this area. It is not suitable to make the area a
high density area in a low density neighborhood. He is concerned this result in more crime in the
There were no further public comments.
MOTION by Messner to close the Public Hearing. Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 8:57p.m.
Chairperson Messner stated he preferred Design 3 over Design 4 because the units are not back to
back. He liked the location of Apartment Building 6 on Design 4 better than on Design 3. He
liked the commercial building on Design 3 rather than two separate buildings. He feels the market
rate apartment site is a good use but the overall number of units may be a little above what can be
accomplished. Chairperson Messner also stated that the access on 145 and the emergency route
FEBRUARY 27, 2007
will need to be worked out between the fire marshall and traffic engineers. Community
Development Director stated that the 145` access has been approved by the City engineers. The
City's concern is not to block a public road and that traffic is contained within the development.
Commissioner Schwartz stated she liked the placement of Apartment Building 6 on Design 4 but
wondered if the commercial building by 145 can be revised to put the parking behind the building
as on Design 3.
MOTION by Commissioner Schwartz to recommend the City Council approve a Concept
Planned Unit Development (PUD) for Rosewood Commons endorsing Design Three
(except placement of Building 6 on Design Four) containing a mixed -use residential and
commercial development consisting of up to six 40 -unit residential buildings containing
approximately 240 apartment units and up to two (2) commercial buildings, subject to the
following conditions:
1. In exchange for the PUD, the developer shall create a universal "Historical Railroad Depot"
architectural theme for this neighborhood. This theme shall carry over into the buildings,
amenities, lighting, pedestrian facilities and signs for the development. In addition, the
developer shall provide underground parking in each residential building, extensive berming
and landscaping, and private on -site recreational facilities.
2. The applicant shall work with Greif Brothers to eliminate glare from their existing lighting.
3. The applicant shall work with Greif Brothers to secure a landscape easement over the Greif
Brothers land adjacent to the Rosewood Commons site to provide additional area for
landscaping and open space.
4. Conformance with all comments in the City Engineer's memo dated February 22, 2007.
5. Conformance with all comments in the Park and Recreations Director's memo dated
February 20, 2007.
Second by Howell.
Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0.
As follow -up, Mr. Lindahl stated this item will go to City Council on March 20, 2007.
5.b. Case 07 -04 -TA Official Map Ordinance. Senior Planner Zweber presented this item. Over
time, a growing community needs to expand their street and other public facilities to accommodate
new growth. Often, communities know what improvements need to be made years before the
improvements are actually constructed. With this advanced knowledge, communities can design the
needed improvements when the land required for these improvements is either undeveloped or
sparsely developed. Often times there is a concern that currently undeveloped land will be developed
before the public improvements are made. This concern can be eliminated by mapping what land
will need to be preserved for the improvement and adopt it as an Official Map. The ordinance will
enable the City to adopt Official Maps and will be located within the zoning ordinance section of the
City Code. Therefore, it is subject to Planning Commission review and recommendation.
FEBRUARY 27, 2007
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 9:11p.m.
There were no public comments.
MOTION by Schwartz to close the Public Hearing. Second by Howell.
Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at9:12p.m.
There were no questions or comments from the Commission.
MOTION by Commissioner Howell to recommend that the City Council approve the
Official Map Ordinance.
Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0.
As follow -up, Mr. Zweber stated this item will go to City Council on March 20, 2007. The
Planning Commission will see an Official Map in the future.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
7.a. Case 06- 10 -SP, Harmony Clubhouse Site Plan Review Extension Contractor 4111
Property Developers Company. Planner Lindahl stated the applicant, Contractor Properties
Development Company (CPDC), requests a one year extension to the site plan approval for the
Harmony Clubhouse to February 28, 2008. On February 28, 2006, the Planning Commission held
a public hearing to review a site plan application from Contractor Property Development Company
to allow the construction of a 3,125 square foot clubhouse for the Harmony development. After
some discussion regarding minor changes to the original concept plan, the Commission voted to
approve the site Plan request. According to Section 11- 10 -3.K that site plan authorization is valid
for one (1) year from the original date of approval. However, it should be noted that the ordinance
does allow for the Planning Commission to grant an extension of this approval. To date, the
applicant has yet to begin construction of the clubhouse and is therefore seeking a one year
extension on the original site plan approval. They cite the slower than expected housing market
over the last year as the main reason why they need the one year extension. Staff recommends
approval of a one year extension of the site plan approval for the Harmony clubhouse to February
28, 2008. All conditions of the original approval shall carry over to this extension. Should the
applicant wish to alter the original approval, they will need to seek the appropriate type of
amendment to the original approval.
MOTION by Commissioner Messner to approve a one year extension of the Site Plan
approval for the Harmony Clubhouse to February 28, 2008, subject to the following
condition: All conditions of the original approval shall carry over to this one year extension.
Should the applicant wish to alter the original approval, they will need to seek the appropriate
type of amendment to the original approval.
Second by Howell.
FEBRUARY 27, 2007
Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0.
Mr. Lindahl stated this item does not need to be approved by the City Council.
Reports: Chairperson Messner asked Community Development Director Lindquist why
Rosemount Business Center was continued at the February 20, 2007, City Council meeting. Ms.
Lindquist responded that the adjoining property owner has some concerns about the garage doors
facing the dentist office and asked that the doors be removed. The item is expected to go before
the City Council again on March 6, 2007.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner
Schwartz made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Howell seconded. Upon unanimous
decision, the meeting was adjourned at 9:16p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary
MARCH 13, 2007
CaII to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Work Session of the Planning Commission was held on
Tuesday, March 13, 2007. Vice Chairperson Schultz called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with
Commissioners Schwartz and Palda present. Chairperson Messner and Commissioner Howell were
absent. Also in attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, and Planner Lindahl.
a. 07 -14 -TA Iberg Request for Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (4393 Upper 135 St).
Planner Lindahl presented this item. Mr. Clair Iburg of 4393 Upper 135 Street West, requests the
Planning Commission's feedback on his request to amend the RR Rural Residential District
development standards to allow the expansion of his existing non conforming detached accessory
building. Mr. Iburg has an existing garage that he would like to replace with a larger garage, but this
replacement cannot occur without a variance because of the various setbacks from property lines,
septic systems and the well. Mr. Lindahl presented four options to address Mr. Iburg's request:
maintain and enforce the current standards of the rural residential district; rezone these properties
when public utilities become available; amend the rural residential district; or create a new zoning
Mr. Lindahl went on to say that while there are sections of the Rural Residential District with
substandard lots that may face many of the same development limitations that affect Mr. Iburg's
property, staff does not recommend amending the Rural Residential District. Without more
research it is unclear whether the other issues limiting development on Mr. Iburg's property
(existing development pattern, topographic conditions, required setbacks, and on -site septic and
well facilities) also affect other properties throughout the district. In addition, the Comprehensive
Plan endorses the preservation of the existing Rural Residential District and standards. Therefore,
resolution of this issue may be a more appropriate question for the upcoming Comprehensive Plan
update. Mr. Lindahl concluded by asking the Commission for feedback regarding Mr. Iburg's
request and the four options proposed by staff.
Commissioner Schultz asked Mr. Iburg if he had any comments or questions for the Commission.
Mr. Iburg stated that he made the request to amend the Rural Residential district because he saw it
a quick -fix to his issues and the issues of several of his neighbors who would also like to expand
their accessory buildings. However, after reading the staff report and hearing from staff during this
meeting, he understands how his request may not be the correct way to address this issue for the
City as a whole.
The Commission discussed the request and the information provided by staff. The Commission
agreed that while there may be issues with the standards for the Rural Residential district, given the
direction of the Comprehensive Plan, neither rezoning nor amending the setback standards for the
Rural Residential district are appropriate at this time. Therefore, the Commission recommended
that Mr. Iburg pursue a variance instead. However, the Commission cautioned Mr. Iburg that no
approval is guaranteed and each variance request is reviewed by the Commission on its own merit.
b. 07 -13 -TA Temporary Sign Zoning Text Amendment. Planner Lindahl presented this item.
He explained recent turnover in the Community Development Department personnel lead staff to
reexamine the City's process for administering temporary signs permits (banners, pennants,
portable reader boards, and the like). Last December, the Community Development Department
MARCH 13, 2007
began by taking inventory of the existing temporary signs within the community and asking for
feedback from the Rosemount business community regarding their temporary sign needs. That
inventory found a total of 18 businesses did not comply with the current temporary sign standards.
Since that time, staff worked with each of these businesses to bring them into compliance. To date,
all but one (Rick's Auto) is in compliance. Staff continues to work with the Northern Dakota
County Chamber of Commerce, Discover Rosemount, and any interested business owners to assess
the temporary sign needs of the community.
In addition to this examination, staff compared the City's temporary sign standards to those of
several surrounding communities and compiled a list of recommended changes to the Rosemount's
temporary sign standards. Staff asked the Commission to review this information and provide
direction regarding updates or changes to the City's temporary sign standards.
Mr. Lindahl went on to explain the City's current Temporary Sign Standards and Compliance
Process. Temporary /portable signs, beacons and the like are allowed in any public, commercial or
industrial district. Permits may be obtained from the Community Development Department and
must be submitted three (3) days prior to installation of the sign. The permit shall contain the
following information: sign dimensions, height, color, material of construction, method of
anchoring, content and location. The fee is $10 per permit if a business obtains the permit prior to
placing the sign. However, the fee is $50 if a business places a temporary sign without a permit.
Permits for temporary/portable signs shall be issued a maximum of six (6) times per year for a
maximum of ten (10) days per permit. The length of the permit for revolving beacons or similar
devices shall not exceed three (3) days and shall be issued a maximum of three times per year.
Temporary signs shall conform to the setback of any existing freestanding sign on the property or
the required setback for the zoning district in which it is located (usually ten feet), whichever is
greater. In addition, temporary/portable signs may not be located within any corner sight triangle,
public right -of -way or easement, or within one hundred fifty (150) feet of any other freestanding
sign. Finally, the placement of temporary/portable signs may not otherwise interfere with safe
pedestrian or vehicle movements.
Mr. Lindahl went on to compare Rosemount's temporary sign standards with those of the
surrounding communities. Mr. Lindahl directed the Commission to the table in the staff report that
compared Rosemount's temporary sign standards with those of Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan,
Hastings, and Inver Grove Heights. While the temporary sign standards vary from community to
community there were some universal standards. Each community limits temporary signs to certain
zoning districts. Some allow them in all commercial, industrial, or institutional districts while others
limit them to only commercial districts. The number of temporary sign permits allowed per year
varies from as few as 2 to as many as an individual business may want. The length of an individual
permit is typically 10 days with two communities (Apple Valley and Hastings) allowing 15 days.
Similarly, the total number of days allowed under all permits in one year is typically 60 days with
Apple Valley limiting it to 30 days per year. Fees range from as little as no charge to as much as
$61.50. Size standards range from no limit to as small as 18 square feet. And, typically most
communities limit businesses to one temporary sign at any given time with only Apple Valley
allowing multiple temporary signs at any given time.
The setback and positioning standards are also fairly uniform. Typically the setback standards range
from 10 feet to 13 feet. In addition, all of the communities surveyed prohibit temporary signs from
MARCH 13, 2007
corner sight triangles, public rights -of -way, and any easement. Rosemount also requires temporary
signs to be set back a minimum of 150 feet from any existing permanent ground sign.
The types of temporary signs differ in each of the six communities. In general, all communities
allow banners while most also allow portable reader boards, pennants, and sandwich board signs.
All but one prohibits rooftop signs and all either ban electronic /flashing signs or (in the case of
Eagan and Lakeville) have moratoriums in place while they examine their standards.
Planner Lindahl went on to explain that last December's temporary sign inventory asked for
feedback from the Rosemount business community regarding their temporary sign needs. Since
that time, staff continues to talk with the Northern Dakota County Chamber of Commerce,
Discover Rosemount, and any interested business owners regarding the community's temporary
sign needs. To date, staff has received comments from 8 businesses and 2 churches. Their
comments are summarized below.
1. Reduce the fee.
2. Increase the number of permits allowed per year.
3. Increase the duration of each permit to at least 14 days to allow "advertising impact" and to
correspond with the typical temporary sign rental period. Some businesses asked for an
increase to 30 days per permit.
4. Allow sidewalk signs without a permit in all commercial districts, not just the downtown.
5. Allow electronic reader board temporary signs.
Mr. Lindahl stated staff acknowledges some changes to the temporary sign standards may be
appropriate to update /modernize the City's standards. To that end staff made the following
recommendations. First, staff recommended increasing the duration of each temporary sign permit
from 10 to 14 days. Mr. Lindahl noted this would necessitate an increase in the total number of
days a business may have a temporary sign from 60 to 84 days (or nearly 1 /4 of the year) annually.
Second, staff recommended allowing sidewalk signs in all commercial districts, not just the
downtown, without a permit. These sidewalk signs would be subject to all the current size,
location, and display time standards in place for the Downtown district. Third, staff recommended
reducing the size of temporary signs from 100 square feet to 32 square feet. Mr. Lindahl concluded
by explaining staff plans to take the Commission's recommendation to the Discover Rosemount
and /or the Northern Dakota County Chamber of Commerce in the coming months and report
back in the near future.
The Commission discussed the City's temporary sign standards and those of the surrounding
communities. As feedback, the Commission generally was supportive of staff recommend changes
with a few acceptations. First, the Commission stated that temporary portable reader boards were
better suited for the C -3, Highway Commercial and C -4, General Commercial district because of
their auto oriented design and should not be allowed in the C -1, Convenience Commercial or the
C -2, Downtown Commercial districts because of the neighborhood, pedestrian, and traditional
design of these districts. For these same reasons, the Commission stated sidewalk signs should
continue to be prohibited in the C -3 and C -4 Districts and allowed in the downtown district.
Second, Commissioner Schwartz expressed concern with the sign ordinance as a whole and
MARCH 13, 2007
recommended staff consider updating the entire sign ordinance not just temporary signs.
Commissioner Schwartz went on to add that she would like staff to specifically focus on the
standards and enforcement of temporary real estate signs especially those for new developments,
special events like the Parade of Homes, and open houses.
Staff noted the recommendations of the Commission and stated that the next step will be to get
input from the Chamber of Commerce and the Discover Rosemount group as well as bring specific
text changes back to the Planning Commission for review and comment.
c. 07 -05 -TA Tree Preservation Text Amendment. Senior Planner Zweber presented this item.
Mr. Zweber stated that there has been interest from both the Planning Commission and the City
Council in updating the Tree Preservation Ordinance to focus on preservation over replacement.
Mr. Zweber reviewed the existing ordinance and summarized eight other ordinances from the
metropolitan area. Mr. Zweber recommended that Rosemount revise the ordinance to include
hardwood trees 6 inches and larger, softwood trees 12 inches and larger, and conifers 12 feet and
taller; include a heritage tree category for hardwoods 27 inches or larger and conifers 50 feet and
taller; allow 20% tree removal for single family developments, 30% for multi- family, and 40% for
commercial and industrial; replacement of 0.5 inches for each inch removed; replacement tree of
2.5 inches; and provisions for a payment of a fee -in -lieu of tree replacement.
Commissioner Schultz asked how the removal of dead trees would be addressed in the ordinance.
Mr. Zweber stated that commonly significant trees are defined as trees that are in good or better
condition meaning that dead trees or trees in poor condition can be removed without replacement.
Commissioner Schwartz stated that a one year warranty period on replacement trees does not
guarantee that trees will survive the transplanting. Mr. Zweber stated that the Planning
Commission can recommend extending the warranty period, but that if the period is extended
beyond two years then it would be difficult to determine if a tree died due to transplanting or some
other cause that occurred after transplantation.
Commissioner Palda inquired how a security for tree replacement is refunded. Mr. Zweber stated
that it has been staff's policy to refund 75% of the security after the replacement trees have been
planted and the remaining 25% is refunded after the warranty period has expired and any trees that
have died are replaced.
Mr. Zweber stated that a public hearing for this ordinance will be scheduled for April 24.
d. 2008 -2030 Comprehensive Plan. Senior Planner Zweber presented this item. Mr. Zweber
stated that this item is an extension of the Comprehensive Plan discussion from the March
Planning Commission Workshop and will focus on the housing goals. Mr. Zweber reviewed the
existing goals from the 2020 Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Zweber discussed the proposed goals for the Commission's discussion.
High Density Residential
1. Provide rental opportunities for young adults and recent college graduates returning to
2. Provide an opportunity for student housing near Dakota County Technical College.
MARCH 13, 2007
3. Provide ownership opportunities for seniors with access to transit and public /institutional
4. Work with the Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) and other state
and federal agencies to provide affordable housing opportunities.
5. Locate high density residential with access to the collector and arterial street network.
6. Locate high density residential in conjunction with downtown and the commercial areas
along Cry Rd 42 to create mixed use neighborhoods and transit oriented districts.
7. Disperse high density residential in appropriate areas throughout the community to avoid
entire neighborhoods of high density residential.
8. Implement a rental inspection program to ensure that rental properties are maintained.
Medium Density Residential
1. Encourage the development of owner occupied medium density housing.
2. Disperse medium density residential throughout the community to avoid entire
neighborhoods of medium density residential.
3. Design medium density housing with private amenities and open space for the residents of
the medium density housing.
4. Provide pedestrian and recreational trail connections with the adjacent land uses.
5. Work with the Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) and other state
and federal agencies to provide affordable housing opportunities.
6. Implement a rental inspection program to ensure that rental properties are maintained.
Urban Residential
1. Facilitate neighborhood planning for improvements which create to reinforce
neighborhood unity, safety, and identity.
2. Encourage the use of planned unit developments to protect and enhance natural features,
open space, and to provide appropriate neighborhood transitions.
3. Incorporate pedestrian friendly neighborhoods with sidewalks and trails as important design
4. Encourage the construction of a variety of single family home sizes and styles to increase
home ownership opportunities.
5. Maintain the city's partnership with the Dakota County cluster for the Metropolitan Livable
Communities Act (LCA).
6. Initiate or cooperate with housing improvement programs that encourage reinvestment in
older homes.
7. Work with the Habitat for Humanity and other similar organizations, along with Dakota
County Community Development Agency (CDA) and other state and federal agencies, to
provide affordable housing opportunities and to redevelop and rehabilitate older homes in
the City.
Transitional Residential
1. Streets shall be designed to follow the natural contour of the property and shall provide
4111/ necessary vehicle connections throughout the geographic area.
2. Trails shall be planned to connect public areas and create pedestrian pathways within
natural corridors.
MARCH 13, 2007
3. All wetlands and woodlands shall be preserved /protected and incorporated into the natural
landscape design of each development.
4. Natural corridors or buffer yards shall be utilized along boundaries of dissimilar housing
types and densities by maximizing the use of existing landforms, open space, and vegetation
to enhance neighborhood identity and integrity.
5. Steep slopes shall be protected from development.
6. All transitional residential areas shall provide a unique urban /rural character with a mixture
of housing types, but with a relatively low average net density of 2.0 dwelling units per acre,
with a lower density along areas guided for rural residential use.
7. Clustering of housing units shall be designed to conserve the land's natural resources.
Rural Residential
1. Discourage the placement of structures on top of exposed ridge lines.
2. Allow clustering where natural areas and active agriculture can be retained.
3. Maximize the retention of vegetation, maintain natural landforms, and minimize lawn areas.
4. Define, during the platting process, building envelopes that avoid the location of structures
in areas needing to be preserved.
5. Protect open space or conservation areas with conservation easements. These tools are
intended to be used for environmental and scenic resource protection, not public access.
Land Use Category Housing Types Density
HDR High Density Residential Apartments 12.0 Units per Acre
MDR Medium Density Residential Multiple Unit Townhouses 7.0 Units per Acre
Single Family Homes
UR Urban Residential One to Four Unit Townhomes 2.5 Units per Acre
Manufactured Housing
TR Transitional Residential Single Family Homes 2.0 Units per Acre
One to Three Unit Townhomes
RR Rural Residential Single Family Homes 0.2 Units per Acre
Commissioner Schwartz stated that the concept of mixed use neighborhoods should be added, as
well as an emphasis on connectivity between the neighborhoods.
Mr. Zweber stated that staff will work on the combining some of the similar ideas throughout the
various types of housing and structure the ideas into overall goals and objectives to obtain the goals.
Updates: Senior Planner Zweber stated that the Planning Commission will be hosting a public
open house for the Comprehensive Plan on Tuesday, April 10 at 6:30 p.m.. The event will be held
at the Community Center and will include information regarding transit, parks, housing, and the
City's overarching goals.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
MARCH 13, 2007
Eric Zweber, Senior Planner
Jason Lindahl, Planner
S APRIL 24, 2007
CaII to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, April 24, 2007. Chairperson Messner called the meeting to order at 6:33p.m. with
Commissioners Howell and Palda present. Commissioners Schwartz and Schultz were absent.
Also in attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, and Recording Secretary Hanson.
The Pledge of Allegiance was read.
Additions to Agenda: None.
Audience Input: None.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of the February 27, 2007 Regular Meeting minutes.
b. Approval of the March 13, 2007 Work Session Meeting minutes.
Commissioner Howell stated the minutes of the March 13, 2007 work session meeting state she was
present and she was not. In addition, on Page 4 and Page 6 of the minutes, it states that statements
were made by Commissioner Howell, when in fact she was absent and unable to make any
statements. Chairperson Messner noted the corrections.
MOTION by Palda to approve the Consent Agenda subject to the noted changes to the
March 13, 2007 Work Session Meeting minutes. Second by Howell.
Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearings:
5.a. Case 07 -12 -TA Danner Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal. Senior Planner, Eric
Zweber, presented this item. The applicant, Marlon Danner of Danner, Inc. requests renewal of
the mineral extraction permit for the property located at 4594 145 Street East. This request is
based upon the routine annual review and renewal of the current permit. This pit is currently in the
2000 phase. In 2006, approximately 70,000 tons of aggregate material was extracted from the 2000
Phase of the site. The applicant plans to extract 70,000 tons of material from the 1999 and 2000
Phases of the site during 2006. The request is subject to the conditions outlined in the permit. In
addition to these specific conditions, all mineral extraction permits are subject to the general
performance standards outlined in Section 12.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Upon review of these
standards, police records, and the information submitted by the applicant, staff recommends
approval of the Danner Mineral Extraction Permit 2006.
Applicant was present but declined comment.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 6:37p.m.
There were no public comments.
MOTION by Messner to close the Public Hearing. Second by Howell.
Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 6:38p.m.
There was no discussion among the Commissioners.
APRIL 24, 2007
MOTION by Commissioner Howell to recommend that the City Council renew the Danner
Mineral Extraction Permit for 2007, subject to the standards outlined in Section 12.4 of the
Zoning Ordinance and the 2007 Conditions for Mineral Extraction.
Second by Palda.
Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0.
As followup, Mr. Zweber stated the item will go to City Council on May 1, 2007.
5.b Case 07 -05 -TA Tree Preservation Ordinance. Senior Planner, Eric Zweber, presented this
item. In the past year, a number of Planning Commissioners and City Councilmembers have
expressed frustration with our Tree Preservation Ordinance. One specific comment has been that
the ordinance encourages tree replacement over the preservation of existing trees. Staff has
evaluated a number of other cities' tree preservation ordinances and has proposed an ordinance that
focuses on preserving truly exceptional trees while allowing trees to be removed during
development provided replacement trees are planted. Mr. Zweber summarized the proposed
ordinance changes which included the definition of significant trees, whether or not there are
exceptional trees, when and how much replacement is required, the size and species of replacement
trees, credits and incentives, fees -in -lieu of trees, security bonds, and requirements of different
construction circumstances. Mr. Zweber then provided an example of how the new ordinance
would work using Rosemount Hills 5` Addition scenario.
Chairperson Messner stated that after Rosemount Hills 5t Addition, he felt the 300 tree
replacement requirement was excessive. He likes the idea of heritage tree replacement.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 6:56p.m.
There were no public comments.
MOTION by Howell to close the Public Hearing. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 6:57p.m.
There was no discussion or questions among the Commission.
MOTION by Commissioner Howell to recommend to the City Council the approval of the
Tree Preservation Ordinance.
Second by Palda.
Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0.
As followup, Mr. Zweber stated the item will first go to a City Council work session in June before
going before the Council at a regular meeting later in June.
APRIL 24, 2007
Old Business:
6.a. 07 -13 -TA Temporary Sign Zoning Text Amendment City of Rosemount. Planner Jason
Lindahl presented this item. During the March 13, 2007 work session, staff reviewed the City's
temporary sign standards, compared them with those of several surrounding Dakota County
communities, and suggested minor changes to those standards. The changes proposed by staff
during that meeting included increasing the duration of each temporary sign permit from 10 days to
14 days and establishing a size standard for temporary signs as 32 square feet. Two additional
changes proposed were to add a new standard limiting portable reader boards to the C -1,
Convenience Commercial, C -3, Highway Commercial and C -4, General Commercial Districts and
to retain the existing standard limiting Sidewalk Signs to the C -2, Community Commercial
(Downtown) District. The Commission based this direction on the findings that portable reader
boards are larger than sidewalk signs and more suited for sites with front yard setbacks and off
street parking areas. By comparison sidewalk signs are, by definition, designed for buildings or
businesses adjacent to the right -of -way with no front yard and to be placed on a sidewalk within a
public right -of -way. Mr. Lindahl summarized the proposed changes to the ordinance. Mr. Lindahl
also reviewed the issue of First Amendment claims with respect to signs and stated that Staff is
working with the City Attorney and League of MN Cities on this issue. Staff requested further
direction on the proposed changes.
Chairperson Messner asked where in the ordinance it allows portable reader boards in C1,C3 C4,
districts. Mr. Linclahl pointed out the location and explained the exceptions. He explained the
ordinance still allows for banners and sidewalk signs. He explained that reader boards are not being
allowed in the downtown area because there isn't sufficient space for signs of that size.
Commissioner Howell stated she felt that reader boards tend to be distracting.
Chairperson Messner asked if churches or schools having a special event need to have a permit to
place advertisement signs. Mr. Lindahl stated the only signs that do not need a permit are real
estate signs, yard signs and campaign signs. He stated staff needs to look at this issue because there
is the potential for someone to interpret that as favoritism over another business. Staff is having
the City Attorney review this issue to make sure the City is being fair. Chairperson Messner asked
where that type of sign is supposed to be located. Mr. Lindahl stated that real estate signs,
campaign signs and garage sale signs are supposed to be placed on the property that the person
owns or on which the activity is taking place. Staff has periodically removed signs for open houses
and parade of homes that were located in the wrong area and then contacted the person to inform
them they cannot have signs in the public right -of -way or off premise.
Mr. Lindahl stated the purpose of the item at tonight's meeting was for the Commission to take a
formal look at the draft ordinance with respect to the language that would be changed before staff
presents the draft ordinance to the business community for comment. The Commissioners all gave
their endorsement for the proposed draft.
New Business: None.
Reports: Senior Planner Zweber highlighted that Rosemount Business Center have canceled their
purchase agreement and the owner of the property now has a new buyer. The matter is continued
until we receive an official application. Mr. Zweber stated there will be a Planning Commission
work session scheduled for May 8, 2007, to discuss the community facility goals and objectives and
APRIL 24, 2007
discuss the meeting schedule for the rest of the year. Commissioners should plan to meet on the
second Tuesday of every month for the rest of the year except for possibly one off during the
summer and holidays.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner
Messner made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Palda seconded. Upon unanimous decision,
the meeting was adjourned at 7:18p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary
MAY 8, 2007
CaII to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Work Session of the Planning Commission was held on
Tuesday, May 8, 2007. Chairperson Messner called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with
Commissioners Howell, Schultz and Schwartz present. Commissioner Palda was absent. Also in
attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, and Planner Lindahl.
a. Community Facilities Goals and Objectives. Senior Planner Zweber presented this item.
Mr. Zweber presented following goals and objectives:
1. Provide community facilities for all age groups.
A. Work with ISD #196, the Boys and Girls Club, the YMCA and other interested agencies to
evaluate the feasibility of a teen center.
B. Annually review the services provided for seniors and explore partnership opportunities
with other agencies.
C. Encourage indoor recreation by private providers or public /private partnerships.
D. Periodically review the community interest of an aquatic center.
E. Periodically review the community interest of a multi- purpose arena with the capability for
additional sheet(s) of ice.
F. Work with Dakota County to construct the Robert Trail Library and License Center.
G. Explore possible developers of or partnership for a conference center.
H. Work with Dakota County, churches, and civic organizations to provide services for
residents in need.
I. Locate community facilities near their target population.
2. Encourage the reuse or redevelopment of historic or culturally significant buildings.
A. Evaluate the reuse or redevelopment of the St. Joseph's Complex on South Robert Trail for
public benefit.
B. Work with the Rosemount Historical Society to record and document historic and culturally
significant buildings and artifacts.
3. Provide municipal services that meet the needs of our growing population.
A. Evaluate expanding or relocating City Hall when service demands warrant.
B. Locate fire and emergency services to provide responsive service to urban residents.
C. Evaluate the police facilities needed to meet the demands of the community.
D. Determine the appropriate location for a centralized public works garage and storage yard.
4. Encourage the establishment of citywide coverage of private utilities.
A. Encourage the installation of state of the art telecommunication infrastructure into business
parks and commercial areas to facilitate high technology businesses to locate within
B. Encourage the establishment of private utilities that allow residents to work from home,
telecommute, or otherwise reduce the need to commute to work.
5. Locate private utilities where they have the least impacts.
A. Install new utilities underground and bury existing utilities where possible when land is
B. Encourage future utility transmission facilities or expansions to co- locate within existing
utility corridors to limit encumbrances on property owners and future development.
C. Encourage private utilities to co- locate or joint trench to limit the need for utility easements
and maximize the use of private property.
MAY 8, 2007
Mr. Zweber stated that many of the goals and objectives were created from the 2004 Community
Facilities Task Force Facility Needs Assessment Report.
Chairperson Messner asked if any feasibility studies have been conducted for the senior center,
aquatic facility, or multi- purpose arena since the 2004 report. Mr. Zweber stated that no formal
feasibility study has been conducted but that interest in these facilities has been surveyed as a part
of the 2005 and 2007 resident surveys.
Commissioner Schwartz stated that indoor recreation should be provided by private companies
whenever it is possible. Ms. Schwartz requested that the objective to encourage indoor recreation
by private developers should be strengthened and moved to first objective.
Commissioner Schultz asked if the City has heard of any interested in an aquatic facility. Mr.
Zweber stated that he heard two comments at the April 10 Open House regarding interest in an
aquatic facility, one requesting the City to construct one, and one requesting that a private party
construct one. Commissioner Howell stated that she has heard some interest in an aquatic facility,
but she has heard more support for additional ice sheets for open skating, not just hockey. Ms.
Howell clarified that the request for the open skating ice would not necessarily need to be indoors
and could be located outside in the neighborhood parks.
b. Housing Element. Senior Planner Zweber presented this item. Mr. Zweber reviewed the eight
subjects within the housing element: housing characteristics; type of housing; tenure; condition of
the existing housing stock; housing on individual septic systems; senior housing; affordable housing;
and projected housing growth.
Commissioner Schultz questioned if the City would really be 45,000 people by 2030. Mr. Zweber
stated that the Met Council has projected that the City will be 38,400 people in 2020 with 13,700
housing units. Staff has projected that Rosemount will construct another 3,150 housing units from
2020 to 2030, resulting in the 45,000 people in 2030.
Commissioner Schwartz questioned if Rosemount would construct more multiple housing units
than single family units over the next 25 years. Mr. Zweber stated that 45% of the housing units
constructed from 2000 to 2006 were multiple family and cities tend to develop denser as they
The Planning Commission had some general discussions about the current slow down in the
housing market.
Chairperson Messner asked if the term "Transitional" is still needed in the Comprehensive Plan
after Evermoor has developed. Mr. Zweber explained that there is some single family housing on
the east side of South Robert Trail that has lots that are too small to contain a backup septic system
and will likely need municipal sanitary sewer service within 25 years. Mr. Zweber explained that it is
these small lot areas, and the land that the sanitary sewer would be provided past, that would carry
the name transitional.
c. Future Work Session Schedule. Senior Planner Zweber presented this item. Mr. Zweber
explained the Comprehensive Plan schedule that will create a draft plan for public comments in
March 2008 and a plan to be submitted to the Metropolitan Council in August of 2008.
MAY 8, 2007
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, the meeting was
adjourned at 7:32 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Eric Zweber, Senior Planner
MAY 22, 2007
CaII to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, May 22, 2007. Chairperson Messner called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with
Commissioners Howell, Schwartz and Palda present. Commissioner Schultz was absent. Also in
attendance were Community Development Director Lindquist, Senior Planner Zweber, Planner
Lindahl, Project Engineer Dawley, Planning Intern Morton and Recording Secretary Hanson. The
Pledge of Allegiance was read.
Additions to Agenda: Chairperson Messner stated that Centex Homes has pulled the variance
item and it will no longer be on the agenda.
Audience Input: None.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of the April 24, 2007 Regular Meeting minutes.
b. Approval of the May 8, 2007 Work Session Meeting minutes.
MOTION by Palda to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Howell.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearings:
5.a. Case 07-1 5-AMD Rosemount Crossing Major PUD Amendment. Planner, Jason Lindahl,
presented this item. The applicant, Rosemount Crossing, LLC, requests their application for a
Major Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment to place an automatic teller machine (ATM)
be tabled to the June 26, 2007 regular Planning Commission meeting. The applicant makes this
request to allow more time to prepare their plans. The Commission should open the public hearing
during tonight's meeting and allow anyone present to comment with the understanding that no
plans will be presented and no action will be taken until the June 26` meeting.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 6:33p.m.
There were no public comments.
MOTION by Schwartz to continue the Public Hearing for Rosemount Crossing, LLC to
allow the placement of an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) to the June 26, 2007 Regular
Planning Commission Meeting.
Second by Palda.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
5.b Case 07-1 6-SP Dakota County Library Site Plan Review. Senior Planner, Eric Zweber,
presented this item. The City of Rosemount and Dakota County are working jointly to design and
construct the Robert Trail Library. In January, the Planning Commission reviewed and
recommended approval of the plat to create the separate lot for the library. In April, the City
Council approved the Kilcumreragh Addition which created the lot for the County to construct
the library. This request is to review the site plan of the library and recommend approval of the
MAY 22, 2007
rezoning of the entire parcel to PI: Public /Institutional zoning. This site plan and rezoning
review will be the final Planning Commission review before the construction of the library
begins. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the site plan for the Robert Trail
Library with conditions and recommends approval of the rezoning from R -1A: Low Density
Residential to PI: Public /Institutional. Mr. Zweber showed the site plan and went through the
details including the site layout, the building design and materials, the landscaping and tree
preservation, access and parking, pedestrian circulation, mechanical equipment and trash enclosure,
the signs, lighting and utilities. Mr. Zweber noted that the site plan is short of the number of trees
required in the tree preservation ordinance with respect to a certain size but exceeds the number
required overall. Also, the lighting exceeds the number of lumens required. Mr. Zweber explained
the need for two parcels to be rezoned from R -1A to PI.
The Applicant, Steve Saienga, Dakota County, approached the Commission and stated Mr. Zweber
explained the plan adequately and the County is anxious to move forward. Bids are anticipated in
July and construction should start in the Fall, 2007. Anticipated opening in January, 2009.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 6:48p.m.
There were no public comments.
MOTION by Howell to close the Public Hearing. Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 6:49p.m.
Chairperson Messner stated he felt the library fits well on the site and works with the accesses. 110
MOTION by Commissioner Schwartz to approve the Site Plan for the Robert Trail Library,
subject to the following conditions:
1. Issuance of a building permit.
2. Conformance with all conditions of the City Engineer's Memorandum prior to issuance of a
building permit.
3. Site lighting shall be revised to allow no more than 1.0 lumen at the southern property line.
4. Submission of a separate administrative sign permit application.
Second by Howell.
Ayes: 4.
Nays: 0.
MOTION by Commissioner Howell to recommend approval of the rezoning from R -IA:
Low Density Residential to PI: Public /Institutional.
Second by Palda.
Ayes: 4.
Nays: 0.
As followup, Mr. Zweber stated the site plan approval does not need to go before the City Council.
The rezoning item will go before the City Council for approval at the June 19, 2007, meeting.
MAY 22, 2007
5.c. Case 07- 17 -LC, 07 -18 -PUD Celadon Properties (EFH Co. Lot Combination and
Planned Unit Development Plan. Planner, Jason Lindahl, presented this item. The applicant,
EFH Company, requests lot consolidation, planned unit development (PUD) master development
plan with rezoning and PUD final site and building plan approvals to allow the construction of a
10,450 square foot office, light manufacturing testing, researching, and laboratory facility with
associated site improvements. The building will be used to house the corporate headquarters for
Celadon Systems, Inc. Celadon Systems is a custom engineering firm specializing in the
manufacturing and testing of equipment for the Semiconductor industry. Staff recommends
approval of the lot consolidation, planned unit development (PUD) master development plan with
rezoning and the PUD final site and building plan applications to allow the construction of a 10,450
square foot office /light manufacturing, and testing, research and laboratory facility and associated
site improvements, subject to conditions Mr. Lindahl outlined for the Commission.
Chairperson Messner asked where the mechanical equipment was being located. Mr. Lindahl
showed the landscaping plan explaining where the equipment would be located. Chairperson
Messner asked about the area shown for future building. Mr. Lindahl stated the area will be seeded
with a grass turf and the applicant hopes to build the second building within the next 4 years.
Chairperson Messner asked about the sidewalk connection from Chippendale Avenue to the
parking area. Mr. Lindahl stated that the applicant has revised the plan subsequent to the plan
submission. They have added a sidewalk connection from the vestibule to Carrousel Way and then
over to Chippendale Avenue, and therefore the current condition regarding sidewalks is not needed
at this time.
Applicant, Mike Whalen, EFH Company, Burnsville, Minnesota, approached the Commission and
stated a representative from Celadon Systems was also present. Mr. Whalen stated this particular
site was chosen because the company desired to be in Rosemount and also the business needs to
have very minimal vibration. The business park area is too close to the railroad. Mr. Whalen stated
with respect to the loading dock that it consists of a drive -in door for Federal Express and UPS
deliveries during the night hours. Chairperson Messner asked the applicant if there are any
problems with the other conditions and Mr. Whalen replied that there are none.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 7:07p.m.
Kurt Chroust, owner of the property north of the Celadon Systems development, approached the
Commision. He asked what the berming requirements are in this development along Chippendale
Avenue and Carrousel Way. Mr. Lindahl stated the berming requirements in the C4 district. Mr.
Chroust asked Mr. Zweber if these requirements were identical to what was required of his business
and Mr. Zweber replied that an acceptable measure for meeting the 50% opacity is a two foot
earthern berm which is what Dr. Chroust has now and what EFH Company has proposed.
There were no further public comments.
MOTION by Schwartz to close the Public Hearing. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:09p.m.
There was no discussion or questions among the Commission.
MAY 22, 2007
MOTION by Commissioner Howell to recommend the City Council approve a lot consolidation,
planned unit development (PUD) master development plan with rezoning and PUD final site and
building plan applications for EFH Company to allow construction of a 10,450 square foot office,
light manufacturing, testing, researching, and laboratory facility and associated site improvements,
subject to the following conditions:
1. Recording of the lot consolidation prior to issuance of a building permit. Prior to approval
of the lot consolidation, the drainage and utility easements over the existing lots shall be
2. Approval of a revised landscape plan illustrating one (1) boulevard shade tree every fifty
(50) linear feet along both Chippendale Avenue and Carrousel Way. The revised plan must
also reposition evergreen plantings to more effectively screen parking and loading areas.
Evergreen plantings shall be placed in a staggered double row pattern close enough to meet
the screening requirements but with adequate area to allow the plantings to grow to
3. The applicant shall revise the location for the mechanical equipment subject to staff review
and approval.
4. Submission of a landscape security equal to one hundred and twenty five percent (125 of
the cost of the plantings illustrated on the approved landscape plan.
5. Approval of a detailed lighting and photometric plan along with detailed Cut Sheet for each
light fixture consistent with the City's light requirements prior to action on this item by the
City Council.
6. Conformance with all conditions of the City Engineer as outlined in this report prior to
issuance of a building permit.
7. The applicant shall pay a park dedication fee of $19,620 prior to issuance of a building
8. The applicant shall install a sidewalk to connect the existing sidewalk along Chippendale
Avenue and the sidewalk around the proposed building.
9. All signs require approval of a separate sign permit prior to placement of the sign. The
freestanding sign must meet the 10' setback requirement.
10. The additional uses approved through the PUD include light manufacturing and testing,
research and laboratory uses. Similar uses may be allowed in the future subject to City staff
approval. There is no outside storage allowed as part of any land use on the site.
11. The Floor Plan, Site Plan, and parking calculations shall be revised to reflect the actual
percent of these uses prior to action on this item by the City Council.
Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 4.
Nays: 0.
MAY 22, 2007
As followup, Mr. Lindahl stated this item will move to the June 19, 2007, City Council meeting. In
addition, there will be an application to vacate the easements of the adjoining parcels.
Chairperson Messner stated there will be no recession or adjournment for the Board of Appeals to
convene because Centex has withdrawn their variance. However, Chairperson Messner stated the
Commission should discuss the variance request in the event a similar request is submitted in the
future. He asked the Commissioners their opinions on whether or not such roofing materials
should be allowed. Commissioner Schwartz stated she would not be in favor of including the
material. Commissioner Howell stated she drove by the house and did not see the benefit of
having a metal roof. She would be concerned about hailstorms and raising insurance rates of
homes with metal roofs. Commissioner Palda stated he would be in favor of allowing the new
material. He stated more developments have begun using metals roofs and he believes it a material
for the future. Chairperson Messner stated he has seen it used up north more than around
Rosemount. He stated he is not sure the type of metal in question is of the quality that should be
required. Chairperson Messner stated the Commission needs to know what types of materials are
available and not only the types allowed because it will be an issue at some point in the future.
However, he stated that it should be dealt with when someone proposes to use it in the future,
rather than now as ordinance change. Commissioner Palda agreed that it should be brought up
again with other roofing possibilities. Mr. Zweber agreed and stated he will be sending out a letter
to Centex instructing them that they either need to submit a change to the ordinance or remove the
411 roof and put an acceptable material on the front porch.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Reports: Community Development Director Lindquist introduced a new planning intern, Tom
Morton. He will be primarily working on the comprehensive plan and may do a staff report in the
future. Also, Ms. Lindquist reminded the Commission of the public meeting on June 18` for the
Rural Residential area as part of the comp plan update. There will be three focus group meetings:
rural residential, UMore, and land use on the far east side. The rural residential notices will go out
on Tuesday. Ms. Lindquist provided an update on the Port Authority public hearing on eminent
domain. Also, the Port Authority will be presenting RFQs for the Genz Ryan block in the near
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner
Messner made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Howell seconded. Upon unanimous decision,
the meeting was adjourned at 7:22p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary
JUNE 12, 2007
CaII to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Work Session of the Planning Commission was held on
Tuesday, June 12, 2007. The meeting was called to order at 6:31p.m. with Commissioners Howell,
Schwartz and Palda present. Commissioner Schultz arrived at 6:44p.m. Chairperson Messner was
absent. Also in attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, Planning Intern Morton
and Recording Secretary Hanson.
Senior Planner Zweber stated that the July work session will be canceled and there will not be a
work session in August, so the next work session meeting will be in September. Mr. Zweber also
gave reminders of other calendar items: June 18 Comp Plan Open House, July 23 Comp Plan
Open House. Mr. Zweber switched the order of the agenda items due to his need to leave the
meeting early.
b. 2008 -2030 Comprehensive Plan Community Facilities Element
Senior Planner Zweber asked the Commission if they had any questions or comments regarding the
draft goals and objectives of the community facilities element.
Commissioner Schwartz questioned whether or not the objectives with respect to the St. Joseph's
church parcel will be included in the comp plan even if the work is not completed until December.
Mr. Zweber stated that the comp plan may need material may need to be inserted at the last minute
upon completion.
Commissioner Schwartz asked about a timeline on the UMore project. Mr. Zweber that the next
step is in their court and then reviewed what UMore has recently been working on: environmental
assessment, ordnance facility cleanup, costs and responsibilities. Mr. Zweber stated the comp plan
will be amended with UMore information becomes available.
a.2008 20 30 Comprehensive Plan Update: Environment and Natural Resources Goals
Planner Lindahl stated the Commission needs to review and discuss the Environment and Natural
Resources goals. Mr. Lindahl handed out another map of Rosemount's current natural areas which
did not make the packet and then reviewed the Met Council's goals for natural resources and the
City's nine goals for the comp plan.
City of Rosemount's Environment and Natural Resource Goals
1. Preserve and protect the natural environment with emphasis on the conservation of needed
and useful natural resources for the present and future benefit of the community.
2. Utilize natural resource areas to provide an overall open space system that satisfies the
physiological and psychological needs of both individuals and the community.
3. Connect existing natural resources areas through a continuous greenway network creating a
more ecological system of open space.
JUNE 12, 2007
4. Promote sustainable environmental practices that preserve, protect and restore the natural
environment while maintaining or enhancing economic opportunity and community well-
Schwartz asked if we knew how many jobs exist in reserving natural resources as part of economic
opportunity. Mr. Lindahl stated he did not have figures available but could do some research on
the matter if requested by the Commission.
5. Create a livable community where future development respects and integrates the natural,
cultural, and historic resources of the community.
6. Cooperate with federal, state, regional, and local governments as well as with residents'
groups and nonprofit organizations to protect natural resources both within and around the
City of Rosemount.
7. Promote environmentally friendly design standards such as Energy- Efficient Development,
Green Infrastructure, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), and the
8. Encourage activities that reduce the consumption of finite resources and ensure there are
opportunities to re -use or recycle natural resources.
9. Support and encourage community efforts in environmental awareness, education and
Commissioner Schwartz asked if an item regarding reducing the City's dependence on fossil fuels
would be appropriate. Mr. Lindahl stated such an item could be an objective under Goal #8.
Commissioner Schwartz asked whether or not there are federal regulations to deal with with respect
to the Mississippi since it's a federal waterway. Mr. Lindahl replied no, not from a planning
perspective, but that the DNR and Forestry Department are the reviewers of the MNRRA plans
submitted as part of the comp plan.
Commissioner Schultz asked if these goals are similar to other area cities such as Eagan or Inver
Grove Heights. Mr. Lindahl stated he had yet to review other cities' goals but planned to do so.
He stated it would make sense to review other cities for similarities.
Commissioner Schultz asked if the City would come up with the community efforts referred to in
Goal #9? Mr. Lindahl stated the Commission should come up with objectives to go under Goal
#9 such as providing what programs can be offered on a local level to the community to promote
environmental awareness.
Commissioner Schwartz asked how much active ag land there currently is in Rosemount and Mr.
Lindahl replied that he could have actual numbers for the Commission at a future meeting.
Commissioner Schwartz asked if active living items would be added as objectives under Goal #5.
Mr. Lindahl stated they will try to incorporate active living items when they are completed by the
JUNE 12, 2007
Commissioner Schwartz asked if there will be any objectives with respect to the interpretive
corridor. Mr. Lindahl replied that the Planning Department may possibly coordinate with the Parks
Recreation department to complete those objectives. He stated the City Council would like to
expedite the trail that will go to the new athletic complex.
Mr. Lindahl stated that more detailed text will be provided to the Commission within the next
Other Discussion /Reports:
Planner Lindahl gave an update on the active living project. He reviewed the phone survey given to
cities on active living and Rosemount seemed to have the most positive responses on active living.
He stated that Blue Cross Blue Shield will be meeting with the City's active living committee
sometime in the future.
Mr. Lindahl shared an article from the Star Tribune with the Commission titled "Burbs to be hit by
Senior Boom" regarding a study completed by the Brookings Institution on how the Baby Boom
will affect suburbs. Commissioner Schwartz added she saw an article in the National Realtors
Association newsletter that spoke about how senior living will increase in the area in the future.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, the meeting was
adjourned at 7:46p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary
JUNE 26, 2007
Call to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, June 26, 2007. Chairperson Messner called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with
Commissioners Howell, Schwartz, Schultz and Palda present. Also in attendance were Community
Development Director Lindquist, Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, Project Engineer
Dawley, Planning Intern Morton and Recording Secretary Hanson. The Pledge of Allegiance was
Additions to Agenda:
Audience Input: None.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of the May 22, 2007 Regular Meeting minutes.
b. Approval of the June 12, 2007 Work Session Meeting minutes.
MOTION by Schwartz to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearings:
5.a. Case 07 -21 -SP and 07 -22 -CUP Intermediate School District #917 Site Plan and
Conditional Use Permit. Senior Planner, Eric Zweber, presented this item. Intermediate School
District (ISD) #917 is requesting site plan review and a conditional use permit to construct a 40,000
square foot school designed for approximately 100 students and offices for about 20 teachers with
special skills such as Braille and sign language. The proposed location is at the former Dakota
County public works facility on Biscayne Avenue between Beech St. W. and the railroad tracks. Mr.
Zweber reviewed the site plan, and further discussed building massing and materials showing the
Commission samples of the building materials, requirements of approving a conditional use permit,
site access, parking and traffic flow, sanitary sewer and water service, stormwater management tree
replacement and landscaping, lighting, and the Biscayne Avenue right -of -way.
Chairperson Messner asked why it was suggested that the fencing on the east and south sides of the
property be removed. Mr. Zweber responded that staff felt if there was a fence around the ponding
area, people could get in the area, but may not be able to get out. If the fence was removed, then it
wouldn't be an issue. The City generally discourages fencing around ponds and most projects do
not contain fencing around them.
Commissioner Schultz asked if some of the trees could be salvaged. Mr. Zweber responded that
some could be but the landscape architect had identified some of the trees as ill or dying.
The Applicant, John Christenson, Superintendent of District 917, approached the Commission and
gave a brief synopsis of school operations including the number of students, transportation details
and school hours. He stated there are between 60 -100 students who will get to the school around
8:30 and leave around 2:30 -3:00, by bus transportation. There would not be any after school or
evening activities. There is a short summer school program. Faculty will arrive around 7:00
7:15a.m. and leave around 4:00- 5:OOp.m.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 6:43p.m.
JUNE 26, 2007
Maynard Ohm, 2412 Beech Street, asked who will own the property. Mr. Zweber responded that
Dakota County CDA will purchase the property on behalf of District 917. Mr. Ohm then stated he
wondered the feasibility of completely clearing the site and stated he thought it would pretty
expensive to get the property ready for construction of the school. He wondered if it would be
more economical to begin with an empty field. He also asked if there could be a fence along Beech
Street. He also voiced his concern with the railroad tracks north of the property being very noisy
for a school environment. Mr. Zweber said it would be up to the Commission to approve a fence
along Beech Street.
Cindi Potaracke, 2354 Belfast Street, lives on other side of the railroad tracks. She stated her
concern with the safety for children attending school with the railroad being so busy. She stated
residents in the neighborhood put up fences to keep their children safe from the railroad track and
suggested there should be a fence or more of a buffer blocking the school children from the tracks.
MOTION by Schwartz to close the Public Hearing. Second by Howell.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 6:49p.m.
Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Christenson to come forward again and asked him why a fence
along the east and south sides of the property was in the original design. Mr. Christenson stated
they had felt it was in the interest of the neighbors to have a fence and District #917 had no
problem with it. Mr. Christenson stated however that the City had stated a fence around the area
was not consistent with the other schools in the community. It was the school's intention to use
fencing more for a benefit to the neighborhood, but also to define where the children need to stay.
Chairperson Messner asked what was envisioned for the north side of property with respect to the
railroad tracks. Mr. Christenson stated there will be a berm completely along the north side of
property, with a great amount of trees and shrubs and a fence along the inside of the berm. He also
stated it was designed to have the playground area between the tracks and the building to help
reduce the noise. It is also planned that noise resistant materials will be used in the building.
With respect to the demolition concerns, Mr. Christenson stated that the school district was able to
work with the County to complete the demolition at a very reasonable price. The blacktop is in
poor condition and the buildings are basically block and concrete slab. The County has been
through the pollution control agency for any issues. The demo process will try to salvage some of
the items. Mr. Christenson stated that cost effective wise, going to a greenfield site with the cost of
roads and utilities would easily outweigh the cost of demolishing the proposed site.
Mark Lenz Lenz Architecture, approached the Commission to add a few details on the
landscaping and berm. Commissioner Howell expressed her concern with the safety of the children
and asked how much supervision they would have during play times. Mr. Christenson responded
that the children will be supervised in small groups when outside so the opportunity to wander
away is very limited. However, having fencing around the play area will help define the area so the
students know the limitations.
Commissioner Palda stated that since this school is so close to railroad tracks, it should be looked at
differently than other schools in the city. He expressed his desire to have fencing on the north side
to define the boundaries, but would exclude fencing on the south side. It was agreed upon by the
Commission that there should be fencing to define the playground areas, but not around the entire
site. Mr. Zweber stated Condition #7 should be modified.
JUNE 26, 2007
MOTION by Howell to approve the Site Plan for a 40,000 square foot school for ISD #917,
subject to the following conditions:
1. Compliance with the conditions within the Fire Marshall's Memorandum dated June 4,
2007, the Park and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated June 18, 2007 and the
Engineering Department's Memorandum dated June 19, 2007.
2. Payment of the appropriate City Fees at the time of the issuance of building permit. The
City Engineer has estimated the following fees based on the site plan submittal:
Sewer Connection Fees SAC units are calculated by MCES
Trunk Area Assessment 8.0 acres $1,075 /acre $8,600
MCES SAC Fee $1,675 /SAC unit
City SAC Fee $1,200 /SAC unit
Water Connection Fees
Trunk Area Assessment 8.0 acres $4,860 /acre $38,880
City WAC Fee, 8" Meter $33,175
Storm Connection Fees
Trunk Area Assessment 7.4 acres $6,665 /acre $49,321
City STAG Fee 7.4 acres $2,200 /acre $16,280
3. Confirm the existence of 50 feet of half right -of -way on Biscayne Avenue as indicated on
the Survey Plan Sheet.
4. Any signage will require a separate administrative approval.
5. All roof top mechanical structures will require screening in accordance with the City Code.
6. The trash enclosure will need to be constructed with material similar to the building in
accordance with City Code.
7. Removal of the chain link fence on the south and east side of the property except for the
play areas. The chain link fence may remain on the north property line to provide
separation from the rail line but shall be constructed of black vinyl coated chain links, posts
and hardware.
8. Submission of a landscape security equal to one hundred and twenty five percent (125 of
the cost of the plantings illustrated on the approved landscape plan prior to issuance of the
building permit.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved.
JUNE 26, 2007
MOTION by Palda to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit of a 40,000 square foot
school for ISD #917, subject to the following conditions:
1. Construction of trail with a minimum of 8 foot width within the Biscayne Avenue Right -of-
Way in accordance with the City of Rosemount Trail and Sidewalk Plan.
2. Removal of the two existing driveway entrances and replacing them with new driveways
that meet City standards.
3. Revision of the landscape plan to supplement the existing landscaping to the south and the
4. Revision of the lighting plan to meet the lighting requirements of the C4 General
Commercial zoning district.
Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved.
As follow -up, Mr. Zweber stated the conditional use permit will go before the City Council for
approval on July 17th
5.b. Case 07 -24 -OM Official Map of the 42/52 Area. Planning Intern Morton presented this item.
The current intersection of County Highway 42 /US Highway 52 is deficient to handle current traffic
levels, and will become more dangerous as future traffic grows. Dakota County, the Minnesota
Department of Transportation, and the City of Rosemount have come up with a joint solution to
construct a more efficient intersection that can carry higher volumes of traffic. The purpose of this
public hearing is to discuss the proposed Official Map to allow for improvements to the 52/42/55
interchange. Adopting the Official Map will prevent development from occurring in the area
designated for future right -of -way needed for the new interchange during the time of Official Map
approval and actual construction of the 52/42/55 interchange. Mr. Morton presented a map
showing areas that will be needed for the right -of -way construction. Mr. Morton stated that John
Sass from Dakota County is also present to answer any questions.
Chairperson Messner asked for a timeline of events leading up to this point. Ms. Lindquist
provided an overview of work on the plan since 2003. She stated that it is important to get the
official map adopted to define right -of -way areas and create the ability to access funds.
Mr. John Sass, Dakota County, approached the Commission. He stated there has been an EAW
completed on the site and there are no significant impacts on the site. The County has been
working on the layout in more detail to create the least right -of -way impact possible. The official
map was prepared by MnDOT by a hired consultant. The County has federal money to use for
friendly acquisitions, beginning with appraisals and meetings with residents. Adoption of the
official map will give the opportunity to use RALF money, which is provided on a first come first
some basis.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 7:12p.m.
JUNE 26, 2007
Mr. Rahn, owner of the Rich Valley Golf Course, at 3855 145 St E., stated that he will go out of
business if the easements go where they are proposing. He would have to move approximately 7
greens, 5 tees, the driving range, and will lose 40 -60 spots in the parking lot. He is requesting that
the frontage road access move approximately 1 /2 mile farther east rather than circle it right into his
#1 fairway and driving range. If the frontage road access is placed to the east of the golf course
and a road is place over to 145`'' which comes into Connelly, then the golf course customers would
have to come up Connelly and then come back again. All that would be needed for the golf course
would be a driveway coming from the west side. Mr. Rahn stated if the plan stays as it is, it would
cost between 1.3 and 1.5 million to change the golf course. He is requesting that this new plan be
considered, however, if they want to keep the right to put a frontage road across his property in the
future, he would agree to that.
Marlin Rechtzigel, 3330 145` Street East, stated that in the original intersection plans, service roads
were not included. The residents were just informed of the service roads and the increased area of
the right -of -way in the last week or 10 days. He stated he has talked to the city planner about what
would be the increased acreage and the planner said it wouldn't change. He stated the right -of -way
on his parcel had clearly increased so the acreage would change as well. He has talked to the DOT
engineer who said this intersection would be sufficient for the next 10 years barring any
Frank Knoll, 4322 145 Street East, asked if whether or not they are taking more land on his side of
the road than the other and whether or not it is the end of the construction at that point. Ms.
Lindquist replied that it is not the end of construction, just the end of the map. Mr. Knoll then
asked when it is planned to put in the other streets running up to 138` running behind his property.
Ms. Lindquist stated that there are two processes going on at the current moment: 1 official
mapping based on the MnDOT approved layout; and 2 The County is working on a new layout
with the intention to decide what the appropriate frontage roads and accesses to the parcels will be
once the interchange is put in. The roads on the proposed map are options they will explore for
access to other parcels.
Randy Napper, 3381 145` speaking for Myron Napper asked about the reference in the staff report
about land not acquired by the City within six months. Mr. Zweber clarified the six month timeline
with respect to submitted permits and the appeal process. Ms. Lindquist further clarified that if the
City cannot come up with the money to purchase the property within the six month time period,
then the permit will be approved, if all other ordinance and building code regulations are met.
Chairperson Messner clarified that at this point no one is talking about actively condemning
property for the right -of -way purposes.
Wes Knodt, 15102 Clayton Avenue East, asked about the driveways that appear on the map over
his property and expressed his concern with the access from his property to Highway 52. Ms.
Lindquist stated there have been discussions on the issue of the access being blocked. There will be
public meetings in the future associated with accesses during this planning process. Mr. Knodt
asked when the actual surveying will be completed. Ms. Lindquist replied that the surveying was
actually done several years ago.
JUNE 26, 2007
Mr. Myron Napper, 3381 145t Street East, approached the Commission and expressed his
disappointment on how long this process has gone on. He asked what he can do when his property
is deteriorating but the County won't buy it because they have no money. He stated he wants to be
treated fairly in this process and not end up in Dr. Kurt Hansen's current position.
Marlin Rechtzigel, 14727 Clayton Avenue, stated he owns three parcels involved in this process.
He saw an article in the paper stating that one of the commissioners requested making this a 4 leaf
clover instead of 3 leaves. He wondered if that proposal was still alive. Ms. Lindquist replied that
this official map is based on the 2003 drawing and that the commission hasn't taken any action at
this point; they are still working on the layout. Mr. Rechtzigel wanted to know where the accesses
would be placed since he has 60 acres of property that may be affected. Ms. Lindquist stated that
access issues are being reviewed right now and the City and County will be working in more detail
with individual properties. Mr. Rechtzigel stated that this meeting was a waste of time and the
public should be invited when there are more answers.
MOTION by Schwartz to close the Public Hearing. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:34p.m.
Mr. Sass stated there are two separate issues. The official mapping is a state statute rule that
provides a tool the City and County can use and it does not take any rights from the property
owners. The second issue is background issues based on the map. When the County did the
environmental work, they set out one frontage road through the golf course connecting to Connelly
Road. They didn't do any other frontage accesses because there was zoning issues and land use
issues. The designers did not want to spend to much time and dollars on land that would change
before building commenced. Mr. Sass stated his job is to work out access issues looking at the
ultimate vision and come to a balance. The frontage roads included on the map are just a concept.
Chairperson Messner stated individual property particulars are not before the Commission tonight,
but just the official map. By approving the official map, Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Sass if that
then allow the process to facilitate early acquisitions. Mr. Sass replied that, yes, the money cannot
be used unless you have an adopted official map. Mr. Sass also stated that once the map is adopted,
he can then call the Met Council to have money available and then he can approach property
Commissioner Schultz stated she needed a good understanding on what she would be agreeing to at
tonight's meeting. She stated she enjoys the golf course and wanted to make sure that what she
agreed tonight would not jeopardize the golf course in the future. Mr. Sass responded that the
right -of -way shown on the official map does go through the golf course parking lot and the driving
range, but has no affect on the golf course access. Whether or not the Commission approves the
official map does not mean the right -of -ways will stay that way. Mr. Sass stated alternatives will be
evaluated and that the official map is just a footprint of the right -of -way and is more of a permitting
Commisioner Schwartz questioned the process and whether or not the Commission loses all
control over the access issues once the official map is approved. Mr. Sass replied that the City has
most control of the process on the official layout through the municipal consent process. There
will be several open houses coming in the future.
JUNE 26, 2007
Commissioner Palda asked about development of properties in the right -of -way. Ms. Lindquist
confirmed that in adopting the official map, it is insuring there is not additional capital investment
within the right -of -way area.
Mr. Napper, 3381 145t Street East, approached the Commission again. He stated he had been at a
meeting about a month ago pertaining to light rail and the speaker said it would be between 7 -14
years and there will be light rail in the 42/52 area. He stated he belongs to the Sierra Club and has
heard that they would like to make his property a park -n -ride location.
There was no further discussion.
MOTION by Messner to recommend that the City Council approve the County Road
42 /US Highway 52 Official Map.
Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved.
As follow -up, Mr. Morton stated this item will go before the City Council for approval on July 17`
5.c. Case 07 -25 -LS Abrahamsen Lot Split. Planner Lindahl presented this item. The
applicants, Hans J. and Phyllis M. Abrahamsen, request lot split approval to allow the creation of a
5.22 acre parcel from their existing 75.14 acre parcel. The site is currently used as farm land and
contains several agricultural and storage buildings. Should the City approve the split and associated
minor subdivision and declaration, the applicants intend to sell the new 5.22 acre property,
including the agricultural and storage buildings, to another party for use as their homestead. The
Abrahamsens will retain the 69.92 acre Parcel C with the understanding that it may not be used for
another residential dwelling unit. Mr. Lindahl further reviewed the subdivision request including
the land use and zoning issues, setbacks, streets and access, sidewalks, trails and pathway, utilities
and easements, and parks and open spaces.
The applicant was present but had no comments.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 8:OOp.m.
Ken Schindeldecker, 4485 160t Street East, stated he has no problem with the proposed split. He
lives on parcel A and has no problem with the setbacks of the buildings.
There were no further public comments.
MOTION by Howell to close the Public Hearing. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 8:01 p.m.
Chairperson Messner asked the purpose of the Minor Subdivision Agreement and Declaration
referred to in the second motion. Mr. Lindahl replied that the Agreement sets forth the conditions
of approval of the lot split is in a form that is recordable against the property for future reference.
JUNE 26, 2007
MOTION by Schwartz to recommend that the City Council approve a Lot Split to allow for
the creation of a 5.22 acre parcel to be known as Parcel B from the existing 75.14 acre with a
Parcel Identification Number of 34- 03100 010 -01 to be known as Parcel C, subject to the
following conditions:
1. Execution and recording of the Minor Subdivision Agreement and Declaration
prior to issuance of a building permit for Parcel B.
2. Dedication of an access easement of sufficient width to accommodate the
necessary driveway from parcels A, B, and C to the right -of -way for 160 Street,
prior to issuance of a building permit for Parcel B.
3. Conformance with all septic and well standards including, but not limited to,
designation of both a primary and secondary drain field on site, prior to issuance
of a building permit for Parcel B.
4. Payment of all applicable development fees including a $300 Geographic
Information (GIS) fee and 1 unit of Park Dedication equal to $3,400, prior to
issuance of a building permit for Parcel B.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved.
MOTION by Schultz to recommend that the City Council execute a Minor Subdivision and
Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved.
As follow -up, Mr. Lindahl stated the item will go before the City Council for approval on July 17
5.d. Case 07 -22 -PP Ryan Companies Preliminary Plat. Planner Zweber presented this item.
Ryan Companies has submitted a preliminary plat to develop a business park with approximately
560,000 square feet of office /warehouse buildings. The site is approximately 55 acres in size, 42
acres of which would be developed as the business park and 13 acres would be maintained by the
city for an existing well house and future water treatment plant. Ryan Companies currently does
not have any companies that are interested in locating within the business park, but the preliminary
plat approval will allow Ryan to market the business park and request future final plats and site plan
reviews when they locate interested companies. Mr. Zweber further reviewed the proposed land
uses, site access, parking and traffic flow issues, landscaping, sanitary sewer and water service, and
stormwater management.
Chairperson Messner asked about part of the plat in the northeast corner along Boulder Trail and
whether or not it is Pahl property or a City right -of -way. Mr. Zweber pointed out the actual edge
of the right -of -way on the map and described rights associated with that.
JUNE 26, 2007
Applicant, Joe Samuels, RLK Engineers working with Ryan Companies, approached the
Commission. He stated they are in concurrence with the conditions set forth by the City. With
respect to Item 15 in the engineering memorandum on stormwater issues with the JJT Property, he
stated that they need to do more research on how the stormwater runoff from the JJT property will
affect the stormwater pond on the Ryan parcel. Project Engineer Dawley provided further detail
on the stormwater issue and what was intended by the memorandum.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 8:13p.m.
There were no public comments.
MOTION by Howell to close the Public Hearing. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 8:14p.m.
There was further discussion among the Commissioners.
MOTION by Messner to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat of the Rosemount
Business Park Third Addition for Ryan Companies, subject to the following conditions:
1. Compliance with the conditions within the Park and Recreation Director's Memorandum
dated June 18, 2007 and the Engineering Department's Memorandum dated June 20, 2007.
2. Utilities, sidewalk, and street lights will need to be constructed with the future extension of
Boulder Avenue.
3. The water main will need to be upsized from Outlot C (future water treatment plant) to the
existing 12 inch main in Boulder Trail.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Mr. Zweber stated this item will go before the City Council for approval on July 17`
5.e. Case 07 -20 -SP CHS Transportation Site Plan Review. Planner Lindahl presented this item.
The applicant, Cenex Harvest State (CHS) Transportation, requests site plan approval to allow
construction of 7,810 square feet of additional office space, 2,995 square feet of additional truck bay
space and 16,250 square feet of additional outdoor truck storage. This is the first project to request
planning approval under the new GI General Industrial District standards adopted in 2006. As
such, some of the existing conditions on site do not conform to the new standards and are
considered a legal nonconformity. Under state law, existing legal nonconformities are allowed to
continue in their present form; however, any new development or expansion is required to meet the
new standards. In this case, the applicant has met many of the new standards while in other instances
staff and the applicant have worked together to bring the site closer to conformance with the new
standards. Mr. Lindahl further reviewed the land use and zoning issues of the site, lot and building
standards, building appearance and materials, parking issues, access issues, outdoor storage,
Landscaping and berming, exterior lighting, trash enclosure, and signage.
JUNE 26, 2007
Chairperson Messner asked if the light poles were lowered and the landscaping increased, would
that address the outdoor lighting issues. Mr. Lindahl stated there are a number of options that
could be looked at: reducing the height of the poles; adding shielding to the lighting; and reducing
the intensity of the bulbs.
Chairperson Messner asked whether or not the existing stormwater ponding is sufficient to
accommodate the runoff from the additional impervious surface. Mr. Dawley responded that the
stormwater ponding was previously approved with anticipation of the site expansion and it was
sized sufficiently.
Applicant, Mike Nolan, Division Operational Manager of CHS, 3290 140 Street East, stated his
only request at this point is to be allowed to stay with the current landscaping, 6 foot evergreens
that will eventually grow to the 10 foot requirement to avoid the additional cost of new trees. With
regard to the screening for the employee parking, Mr. Nolan stated he has added quite a bit of
landscaping on the front portion of the existing employee parking that they could move to the new
parking lot. He stated a representative from their technical firm was present if the Commission had
any questions about the building design or materials used.
Chairperson Messner stated the proposed building looked nice.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 8:32p.m.
There were no public comments.
MOTION by Palda to close the Public Hearing. Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 8:33p.m.
Chairperson Messner asked if the 114 plantings suffice to satisfy one of the landscaping conditions.
Mr. Lindahl further explained the landscaping requirements of the site and stated the applicant can
use those plantings where they will be most effective. There are perimeter requirements in addition
to the screening requirements.
It was an agreement among the Commissioners to keep the 8 foot requirement and allow the
relocating of the front landscaping.
MOTION by Howell to approve the site plan for CHS Transportation allowing the construction
of 7,810 square feet of additional office space, 2,995 square feet of additional truck bay space and
16,250 square feet of additional outdoor truck storage, subject to conditions:
1. Approval of a revised Site Plan illustrating both the existing and additional outdoor truck
storage areas. The square footage and percent of site for both the existing and additional
areas and the total area shall be included in the Site Plan legend.
2. Approval of a revised landscape plan illustrating sufficient screening of the outdoor storage
area and new parking area. The outdoor storage area shall be screened by a double row of
at least eight (8) foot evergreen trees extending at least 430 feet along the eastern property
line. The new parking area shall be screened by evergreen trees and /or shrubs to provide a
minimum fifty (50) percent opacity screen to a height of at least four (4). The parking area
screen shall extend from the western access to 140` Street East to the western edge of the
JUNE 26, 2007
parking area. The landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by staff prior to
issuance of a building permit.
3. Submission of a landscape security equal to one hundred and twenty five percent (125 of
the cost of the plantings illustrated on the approved landscape plan prior to issuance of the
building permit.
4. Approval of a revised Lighting and Photometric plan with no light reading in excess of 1.0
Lumen at any property line and no new lights in excess of 30 feet in height.
5. Conformance with all conditions of the City Engineer as outlined in this report prior
to issuance of a building permit.
Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved.
As follow -up, Mr. Lindahl stated that site plans do not go forward to the City Council. The
Applicant will need to resubmit revised plans based on the required conditions and then move
forward with the building permit.
5.f. Case 07- 15 -AMD Rosemount Crossing Major PUD Amendment. Planner, Jason Lindahl,
presented this item. The applicant, Rosemount Crossing, LLC, requests their application for a
Major Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment to place an automatic teller machine (ATM)
be tabled again to the July 24, 2007 regular Planning Commission meeting. The applicant makes
this request to allow more time to prepare their plans.
It was agreed to allow the extension to the July 24, 2007 regular Planning Commission meeting, but
that this should be the last extension allowed. If the applicant is not ready to present their item at
the July 24`'' meeting, they should withdraw their application and submit a new application when
they are ready to proceed.
MOTION by Messner to continue the Public Hearing for Rosemount Crossing, LLC to
allow the placement of an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) to the July 24, 2007 Regular
Planning Commission Meeting.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
7.a. 07 -23 -CON Anderson Concept Plan (Highway 3 County Road 46). Senior Planner
Zweber presented this item. Jerry Anderson has provided a commercial and business park concept
plan for the Planning Commission's review. The concept plan proposes 119,100 square feet of
retail commercial and 62,500 square feet of office /warehouse uses. Mr. Anderson also owns the
JUNE 26, 2007
businesses directly east of this site, AAA Auto Parts and U Pull R Parts. Mr. Anderson does not
have any tenants identified for this development but is looking for input or any concerns that the
City has about the concept plan before he begins marketing the property. Mr. Zweber further
reviewed the proposed land use, site access, parking and traffic flow issues, and utilities.
Chairperson Messner asked if the commercial zoning allowed auto service type uses. Mr. Zweber
replied that those uses are not allowed in C4, but there are other commercial designations such as
C3 that do allow it. The commercial comp plan usage is fairly liberal as to which commercial
zoning designation can be used. Chairperson Messner agreed with the buffer idea and suggested a
showroom type space as an alternative to the typical office warehouse space. He invited the
applicant to come forward.
Applicant, Jerry Anderson, approached the Commission and stated his partner, Jim Anderson, was
also present. He stated his intent in presenting this to the Commission was for a marketing tool in
representing this property to the market. He stated this will be helpful to have a proposed site plan
to represent to a realtor.
Commissioner Howell expressed her opinion that the buffer of a warehouse between the AAA and
retail development is a good idea. She feels it would be a good spot for retail. Chairperson
Messner again stated he wouldn't necessarily oppose office warehouse, but thinks some type of
showroom type space might fit as well.
Reports: Community Development Director Lindquist reported that representatives from UMore
are prepared to make a presentation at the July 11 City Council work session and the Planning
Commission is invited to attend. Ms. Lindquist gave a brief summary of current work on the
UMore plan.
Ms. Lindquist also reported that the Port Authority public hearing on eminent domain was
continued to July 16 at 6:OOp.m. in the Dakota Room at DCTC due to the size of attendance of
the last meeting. This next meeting will not be televised. A decision on the eminent domain issue
is tentatively scheduled for August 6th.
Mr. Zweber reported that the next comp plan open house will be on Monday, July 23" d on the
parks and recreation plan, community facilities, and natural resources.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner
Schwartz made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Howell seconded. Upon unanimous decision,
the meeting was adjourned at 9:02p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary
JULY 24, 2007
Call to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, July 24, 2007. Chairperson Messner called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with
Commissioners Howell, Schultz and Palda present. Commissioner Schwartz was absent. Also in
attendance were Community Development Director Lindquist, Senior Planner Zweber, Planner
Lindahl, Project Engineer Dawley, Planning Intern Morton, City Engineer Brotzler, and Recording
Secretary Hanson. The Pledge of Allegiance was read.
Additions to Agenda: None.
Audience Input:
Charlie Koehnen, 12255 Rich Valley Blvd., Rosemount, came to the meeting to make note that
Shafer Construction is hauling dirt back from a non -MnDot job which is in violation of the permit
issued to them last fall. According to Mr. Koehnen, Shafer's response was due to the fact that the
State gave them assistance, that assistance made it a MnDot job. Mr. Koehnen asked Project
Engineer Dawley if the same would be the case on a project the City was working on, and Mr.
Dawley replied that no, it would not qualify it as a MnDot job. Chairperson Messner stated a copy
of the permit will be reviewed and he will then consult with staff and legal counsel regarding the
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of the June 26, 2007 Regular Meeting minutes.
MOTION by Palda to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Howell.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearings:
5.a. 07 -31 -CUP Rosemount High School Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit.
Senior Planner Zweber presented this item. Rosemount High School has a gas meter and
associated piping that is located on the outside of the building that vandals have used to access the
roof of the school. The school is requesting a conditional use permit to allow construction of a ten
(10) foot tall security fence around the gas meter to prevent further access to the roof from this
Applicant, Mike Schwanke, Facilities Coordinator for District #196, approached the Commission
and thanked Mr. Zweber for the work completed on the staff report.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 6:36p.m.
MOTION by Howell to close the Public Hearing. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 6:37p.m.
MOTION by Schultz to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the
Rosemount High School to construct a ten (10) foot tail security fence around a gas meter
and associated piping.
411 Second by Howell.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
JULY 24, 2007
As follow -up, Mr. Zweber stated this item will need to go before the City Council on August 21,
5.b. 07 -30 -CUP South Robert Square Daycare Center Site Plan Review and Conditional
Use Permit. Applicant, Jayme Macchitelli requested a conditional use permit to allow a daycare
facility in the existing building located at 2975 145 Street West. The site is commonly known as
South Robert Square and until recently housed the Loch pharmacy. Planner Lindahl reviewed the site
plan and the eight findings the Planning Commission must find in order to approve the conditional
use permit. Also, Mr. Lindahl reviewed the standards required for daycare facilities.
Chairperson Messner asked about the difference between the two easements required as conditions.
Mr. Lindahl explained that the ingress and egress easement between the two properties is to insure
both properties maintain access to 145` Street. The parking easement has to do with shared
parking between the two properties. Chairperson Messner asked if the proposed outdoor play area
left enough parking to accommodate the use. Mr. Lindahl replied that the City's parking
requirements are based on the use of the building but the Downtown zoning district does not have
parking requirements. Commissioner Schultz asked about the location of the drop off area and the
flow of traffic. Mr. Lindahl pointed out on an aerial map where the applicant proposes putting a
drop off and pick up area.
Commissioner Palda asked if the number of children using the daycare was known. Mr. Lindahl
replied that the applicant would be able to answer that question. State license mandates the number
of children per square footage of area.
Applicant, Jayme Macchitelli, 13586 Dellwood Way, was present and approached the Commission.
She stated she felt having the play area in the back would be more convenient since no one usually
parks in that area. Commissioner Howell asked how it is proposed to get the children to the play
area from the daycare center. Ms. Macchitelli responded that the children will be supervised as they
walk across the parking lot. Chairperson Messner asked the applicant how she proposes to
configure the parking lot around the play area. Ms. Macchitelli stated they would block off parking
spaces next to the play area, and the play area will be fenced with a gate. Mr. Lindahl further
clarified that the play area would be designated with signs and it would be clear to the public that
the spaces closest to the play area were not for parking. Chairperson Mesnner asked the applicant
if she's had discussions with the other property owner. She stated she has not spoken with the
other property owner; she was just recently made known of the parking easement issue.
Chairperson Messner asked where the proposed drop off area would be. Ms. Macchitelli indicated
on the aerial map 4 -5 parking spots marked off for drop off and pick up areas. She stated she is
expecting 60 -70 total maximum children as allowed by the square footage of the building.
Chairperson Messner asked if that requirement applied to the play area also and Ms. Macchitelli
responded that no, not all of the children will be on the play area at the same time. Only about 15-
20 kids will be on the play area at one time.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 6:56p.m.
Dr. Kurt Hansen, owner of the property approached the Commission and expressed his concerns
with placing the play area next to the building affecting the traffic flow around the building. He
stated that is why the applicant chose the back corner for the play area, not knowing about the
parking easement with the bank. Dr. Hansen stated he has met with the bank and they may also
express their concerns at tonight's meeting. He stated his opinion that placing the play area in the
corner would have the least impact on traffic flow in the parking lot and it is a more shaded area for
JULY 24, 2007
playing. It will close a connection from one parking lot to another which will cause drivers to back
out of the lot, but it should not create any problems. Another concern of Dr. Hansen's is the
fencing requirement of a 6 foot black vinyl chainlink fence. Dr. Hansen stated that State law
requires only a 5 foot fence for daycare centers. He requests the Commission to allow the applicant
to be able to choose between the 6 foot black vinyl fence or just a 5 foot regular chainlink without
any vinyl. With respect to the parking easement, Dr. Hansen agreed there needs to be an
agreement but doesn't understand why the City has to be a party to or even aware of such
agreement and it shouldn't need to be a condition of approval. The play area will take five parking
spaces away but then the bank will gain three parking spaces on the south side due to closing off
the parking area. Dr. Hansen further stated that the drop off area next to the building will be active
on two different occasions: drop off between 6:00a.m. 9:00a.m. and pick up between 4:00
6:OOp.m. The last item Dr. Hansen pointed out is that the applicant will not have the daycare
license in place until the site is finished when the appropriate authorities can view the premises.
Chairperson Messner asked Dr. Hansen if he has spoken with the bank with respect to the potential
shifting of parking spaces back by the proposed play area. Dr. Hansen replied that yes, he has
discussed it with the bank. Chairperson Messner then asked how the applicant proposes the
parking spots by the play area will be used. Dr. Hansen replied that drivers will have to back out to
the west using an area marked off for that purpose. With respect to the easement agreement
between property owners, Chairperson Messner stated he did not see how the City could approve
the conditional use permit without first knowing whether or not there was an agreement. Dr.
Hansen said he had no objection to the requirement. Chairperson Messner asked Planner Lindahl
where the actual property lines were located with respect to the aerial map and site plan. It was
unclear as to the actual location of the property line but it appeared the play area proposed by the
City would be located directly on the property line. Dr. Hansen also pointed out another option for
a drop off /pick up area could be on the west side of the building. Mr. Lindahl responded by
pointing out several difficulties with having a drop off area in that space. Dr. Hansen then noted
that the applicant does not have a problem with the drop area that the City has suggested.
Mark Toombs of First State Bank of Rosemount approached the Commission. He stated he has
had discussions with Dr. Hansen. He stated he was at first apprehensive about the play area going
in the corner and cutting off the parking lot access. However, the property line will go through the
play area if it is placed next to the building. If the City requires planters to be placed along the
property line, the Bank would ask that the planters not be placed on Bank property. As a result, the
play area would have to be pushed to the east closer to the building. Mr. Toombs stated this would
be disruptive to the parking area of the other building tenants. He also expressed his concern with
the one drop off option in the area on the west side of the building due to bank customers backing
out of the spaces just west of the driveway. Mr. Toombs stated he has spoken with Schwanz
Surveyors who completed the survey for the Bank and they are trying to locate their copy of the
survey. In the meantime, Mr. Toombs stated the blue line on the aerial map is a good
representation of what he feels is the property line.
Commissioner Schultz asked Mr. Toombs what the current snow removal consisted of. Mr.
Toombs pointed out an area on the aerial map where the snow is usually piled, just south of the
proposed play area. Commissioner Schultz then asked how Mr. Toombs felt the drop off /pick up
area would affect the flow of traffic with the added difficulty of snow. Mr. Toombs replied that the
recent amount of traffic in the parking lot has decreased and snow is usually removed in the off
hours of the day and so he doesn't expect it to be a problem. Commissioner Schultz questioned
the height of the snow pile and whether or not there could be a problem with kids climbing onto
JULY 24, 2007
the snow pile from the play area. Mr. Toombs responded saying they would move the snow pile a
few feet from the play area fence thus making it difficult for children to play on the pile unless they
left their supervisors and the play area. He stated that overall, he favors having the play area in the
back corner, but that there would have to be a parking agreement between the owners.
There was no further public comment.
MOTION by Schultz to close the Public Hearing. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:25p.m.
Commissioner Schultz stated she was now more comfortable with where the applicant wanted the
play area. However, she stated she would like to see additional signage or striping so motorists can
see there is a definite walking path. Mr. Lindahl stated the Commission has the ability to add
conditions if they so desire. Community Development Director Lindquist added that the point
Commissioner Schultz is making about the extra safety measures simply reiterates the reason why
staff suggested the play area be placed next to the building. Staff has talked to the City Attorney
and with the conditional use permit, the Commission has some latitude with determining the
conditions, but not so much with the site plan review. Staff drew the drop off area and the play
area on the site plan, the applicant did not supply these details. Ms. Lindquist stated that the use
has to accommodate the site and the site has to accommodate the use. She also stated that the City
does not support the proposed drop off area in the west corner of the site.
Chairperson Messner stated he would like to see a survey so the exact property lines can be
determined. He also stated he does not like the play area next to the building for reasons stated by
the applicant, as well as it being right on the property line. However, he stated he does not like the
play area situated in the back (west) corner of the site because the children then need to walk across
the driveway and parking lot to get there.
Commissioner Howell stated her first opinion of the application was the site is not the right place
for a daycare. She stated it would be nice to come up with another option for the play area but was
unsure of what other options are available.
Ms. Lindquist asked Mr. Toombs when he thinks Schwanz would have a survey available. Mr.
Toombs stated he talked to Schwanz on Monday, July 23` and they said they would look for it.
Chairperson Messner stated before he would be ready to make a decision on this application, he
wants to see a survey, there needs to be an access agreement and he would like to see how the play
area would look and how the children will get to it.
Commissioner Schultz stated that with 60 -70 kids being dropped off and picked up, she would like
to see some type of stated traffic flow telling motorists which way to come and go so there's one
direction of flow. With respect to the play area, Commissioner Schultz stated the issue with the
back area is the public safety with children walking across the parking area. She stated she would
like to see extra striping and signage.
Chairperson Messner recommended this item be tabled so the applicant can come back with
modifications and more detail.
There was no further discussion.
JULY 24, 2007
MOTION by Chairperson Messner to table the Conditional Use Permit application
submitted by Jayme Macchitelli until the applicant can come back with more detailed plans
and a survey.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
5.c. 07- 26 -PP, 07- 27 -ZA, 07- 28 -PUD Prestwick Place Preliminary Plat. Arcon Development,
Inc. has submitted applications for approval of a Preliminary Plat, Rezoning and Planned Unit
Development Master Development Plan for approximately 285 acres north of County Road 42, 205
of which are west of Akron Ave and 80 of which are east of Akron Ave. The development will
include approximately 235 acres of residential development and 50 acres of commercial development.
Senior Planner Zweber explained that the purpose of this public hearing is to provide a general
overview of the project to the Planning Commissioners and the public, but staff is recommending
continuance of the applications until additional details can be addressed by the applicant. The plans
that the developer has submitted to the City need revisions before a formal recommendation can
occur, but staff has elected to bring this draft proposal before the Planning Commission and the
public to discuss a number of big picture issues so that appropriate plan changes can be made to
reflect the Commission's direction.
Based on the Planning Commission discussion, the developer will need to revise the plans before the
August 28 meeting in anticipation of a formal recommendation of the Planning Commission.
Prestwick Place will only be put on the August 28 meeting if they have satisfactorily addressed the
issues raised at tonight's meeting and within staff memorandums. Mr. Zweber reviewed the
recommended revisions that the developer should make before the August 28 meeting.
Mr. Zweber reviewed the site plan, the proposed zoning, and the proposed housing styles.
He presented five questions that need to be answered:
1. Should the size of the single family lots next to Bloomfield be expanded to 80 foot wide
2. Should the City allow the use of sheet metal roofing for residential uses?
3. Is the park too small for the amenities included?
4. Should additional private amenities be included comparable to other Planned Unit
Developments such as Evermoor, Harmony and the CDA site?
5. Should higher levels of architecture be expected from houses and townhouses visible from
major public streets such as Connemara Trail and Akron Avenue?
Applicant, Rick Packer, Arcon Development, approached the Commission. Also present wereKari
Gill from Dakota County CDA, Jay Liberacki from Lennar, and Steve Ach from Centex Homes.
Mr. Packer stated that Arcon Development's only outstanding issue is the rezoning of the
commercial area. He stated they are currently working on the parks with the Parks Commission.
Steve Ach, Centex Homes, approached the Commission. He stated Centex Homes has about six
issues they would like to discuss. First issue is the lot sizes and setbacks along the Bloomfield
development. The largest houseprint is 56 feet wide. They would need a 5 foot setback in order to
allow the homes they would like. Mr. Ach stated they tried to provide some mitigation of having
JULY 24, 2007
landscaping along the rear yards to compliment the residents along the west side. He stated with
72 foot size lots, they are not going to build less of a home and they can still build 3 car garages.
Chairperson Messner asked if the 56 foot wide houseprint includes a 3 car garage. Mr. Ach stated
that it does. Chairperson Messner then asked how the elevation of the new lots compared with the
existing lots in the Bloomfield development. Mr. Ach replied that he believed the new lots were a
little higher in elevation and that Centex Homes plans on trying to match the grade and possibly
place a berm between the lots. Mr. Ach stated their second issue was the use of metal for roofing.
He passed out an additional elevation for the Commission to view and stated that Centex can
provide more information on the metal roofing if requested. Mr. Ach stated their third item to
point out to the Commission was with respect to the area planned for the 55+ age group. Centex
Homes changed the plan from an attached 3 unit building to small lots with detached homes. Mr.
Ach stated they have explored the market and found a stronger preference for detached homes.
The building change will be brought to the August meeting, together with a more detailed plan on
the amenities provided in that area consisting of a social gathering area with a trail, fireplace and
grilling facilities. The fourth item Mr. Ach wanted to see discussed was the pedestrian systems
throughout the development to Connemara and out to Akron. The fifth issue was the setback
requirement of 7.5 feet in the development with 56 and 51 foot wide lots. Mr. Ach stated that the
homes in those areas will not have any opportunity for expansion. The 7.5 setback will ensure 15
feet between buildings as opposed to the 5 -10 setbacks. The final issue Mr. Ach spoke of pertains
to the rezoning in the active adult area. With the change from the attached 3 unit buildings to the
single detached buildings, the zoning designation should be R -2 rather than R -3 as originally
Jay Liberacki, representing Lennar approached the Commission. He stated Lennar has two issues
they would like to discuss: amenities and architecture. Mr. Liberacki stated when they build
amenities with developments, they have two primary needs: tot areas and dog exercise areas. He
stated they did have a trail planned within the greenbelt in the west side development which was
taken out due to stormwater issues. Those issues have been resolved. Several of the asphalt areas
will be replaced with green space. Mr. Liberacki pointed out some architectural details on some
elevations. Mr. Zweber shared his concern with the ends of the back -to -back buildings facing the
public streets.
Rick Packer of Arcon Development spoke again and stated his appreciation to the Commission for
allowing this item to be presented in pieces while some of the details are worked out.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 8:31p.m.
Dave Durigan,14160 Atwood Court, owns property on the eastern edge of the Bloomfield
development. He stated his concerns about the proposed 72 foot lots and whether or not the
elevation difference between the lots will cause drainage into his lot. He stated he would like to see
the same association standards as in the Bloomfield development so there is a smooth transition
between neighborhoods.
Jeff Geske -Peer, 14148 Atwood Court, approached the Commission. He encourages 80 foot lots
because otherwise the plan looks crowded. He would like to see a neighborhood out his backyard
that is similar to his, keeping in mind the future marketability of his home. Mr. Geske -Peer stated
he is aware of elevation differences and he is concerned there will be drainage into his yard. He
suggested a berm between the developments. Mr. Geske -Peer also mentioned the grove of trees on
the eastern side of the development and that he's heard those trees will not be kept. He would like
those trees to remain if possible because they block the lights of the refinery.
JULY 24, 2007
There were no further public comments.
MOTION by Schultz to continue the Public Hearing to the August 28, 2007, meeting.
Second by Howell.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was continued.
Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Zweber where the grove of trees were located the resident was
referring to. Mr. Zweber pointed out where the trees are located and stated that none of the trees
are specified as heritage trees and actually are inferior types of trees.
Chairperson Messner then began discussions on each issue that needed to be addressed before the
next meeting on August 28, 2007.
With respect to whether or not the size of the single family lots next to Bloomfield be expanded to
80 foot wide lots, Commissioner Schultz asked if there has been similar requests from other
neighborhoods. Mr. Zweber replied that there has been a couple but with unique circumstances
such as the amount of trees on the lots. Mr. Zweber clarified that it is not the entire area of 72 foot
lots to consider making 80 foot lots, but only the homes next to the Bloomfield development.
Commissioner Howell stated she would like to see the 80 foot lots on the western line.
Chairperson Messner agreed that 80 foot lots would provide a smoother transition between the
developments. Mr. Ach provided that 72 foot lots with 10 foot setback would not allow 2 car
41) garages, but 80 foot lots can retain 10 foot setbacks.
On the matter of metal roofing, Chairperson Messner reiterated from previous meetings on the
subject of metal roofing that the Commission had preferred that metal only be used for accents.
Commissioner Howell stated her main concern with large amounts of flat surface that were metal
would cause insurance rates to rise if there was damage from a hail storm. Chairperson Messner
stated he was open to the idea but the Commission would need to see more information before
amending the City Code on allowed roofing materials.
Chairperson Messner stated his agreement in allowing setbacks of 7.5 feet on each side in the 56
and 51 foot lots. The other Commissioners agreed.
With respect to parks and other amenities, Chairperson Messner stated he would like to see more
detail on the reserved Outlot. He is pleased with the trails, dog areas and tot areas. He stated he
would like to see a central park area on the western side.
Regarding the architectural areas that are open to public view, Chairperson Messner stated he
would like see the end elevations of those buildings at the next meeting.
With respect to the zoning designation of the commercial area, Rick Packer of Arcon Development
stated that they are not requesting the PUD part of the zoning of the commercial area. They are
requesting the C -4 zoning so they can give the prospective commercial entities an idea of what will
be allowed there. Mr. Zweber stated that in order to grant zoning, the City needs to see a proposed
concept. Ms. Lindquist further clarified that the whole project came in as a PUD, so staff expected
the commercial area to be presented as a PUD. Mr. Packer again stated he would like just the C -4
zoning first and then come back with a PUD when there is a plan.
There was no further discussion on the issues.
JULY 24, 2007
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Reports: Community Development Lindquist gave an update on the Port Authority's process
on the possible use of eminent domain. The next meeting will be Monday, August 6, 2007.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner
Messner made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Howell seconded. Upon unanimous decision,
the meeting was adjourned at 9:05p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary
AUGUST 28, 2007
CaII to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, August 28, 2007. Chairperson Messner called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with
Commissioners Howell, Schultz, and Schwartz present. Commissioner Palda was absent. Also in
attendance were Community Development Director Lindquist, Senior Planner Zweber, Planner
Lindahl, and Recording Secretary Hanson. The Pledge of Allegiance was read.
Additions to Agenda: None.
Audience Input:
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of the July 24, 2007 Regular Meeting minutes.
MOTION by Schwartz to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Howell.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearings:
5.a. 07- 26 -PP, 07- 27 -ZA, 07- 28 -PUD Prestwick Place Preliminary Plat. Arcon Development
has submitted applications for approval of a Preliminary Plat, Rezoning and Planned Unit
Development Master Development Plan for approximately 285 acres north of County Road 42. The
Planning Commission discussed with Arcon a number of issues that would need to be revised within
the plan. Arcon was not able to make these revisions in time for staff to review the plans before
tonight's Planning Commission meeting. Staff has recently received the revisions and will be
prepared to discuss the plan visions at the September 11 Planning Commission meeting. Staff
recommends that the Planning Commission continue public hearing on the Prestwick Place
development until the September 11, 2007 Planning Commission meeting.
MOTION by Howell to continue the Public Hearing to the September 11, 2007, meeting.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was continued.
5.b. 07 -13 -TA Sign Ordinance Text Amendment. Planner Lindahl presented this item.
Recently, staff noticed that the City's existing sign ordinance needed updating in three areas: general
purpose and permitting procedures, free speech, and temporary sign standards. At meetings on
March 13` and April 24 of this year, the Planning Commission reviewed proposed changes to the
temporary sign performance standards and briefly discussed the purpose and permitting procedure
as well as the free speech issues. Since the last meeting, staff has been working with the City
Attorney and relying on the League of Minnesota Cities to update the City's Sign Ordinance as it
relates to theses three issues. In addition, staff presented the temporary sign permit standards and
discussed the proposed permitting and free speech changes to the Northern Dakota County
Chamber of Commerce during their June 12 meeting. It was noted that Discover Rosemount
declined an offer to make the same presentation. The amended ordinance contains changes related
to these issues. Staff intends to continue working on the sign ordinance and reevaluate the various
zoning districts sign regulations. However, it was felt that issues relating to temporary signs and free
speech signs warranted the current amendments. Mr. Lindahl further reviewed the changes
affecting the following sections: Findings, Purposes and Effect; Severability; Definitions;
Administration and Enforcement; General Regulations; Prohibited Signs; District Regulations; and
AUGUST 28, 2007
Commissioner Schultz asked about the type of sign that was placed in front of Celt's downtown
and how that type of sign is affected by the ordinance amendments. Mr. Lindahl replied that
temporary changeable copy signs with lights or letters are deemed more appropriate for the non
downtown commercial areas. The ordinance was amended to prohibit those types of signs in the
downtown area. Mr. Lindahl further explained the proposed standards for temporary signs in the
downtown area and other commercial areas, not downtown.
Chairperson Messner inquired about free standing sidewalk signs and Mr. Lindahl explained the
standards regarding size and the time limitations for temporary signs.
Commissioner Schwartz asked about how the ordinance relates to real estate signs specifically signs
placed away from the subject property. Mr. Lindahl stated the ordinance prohibits signs hung in
trees or placed in the right of way. However, he stated that staff realizes there is a need within the
real estate community to place the sign to advertise homes. He invited comments or suggestions
from the Commission on how aggressive the City should be in the enforcement of real estate signs.
Commissioner Schwartz stated she felt that real estate signs placed within the right of way or in an
area other than the property should be prohibited completely or restricted to a time limit.
Chairperson Messner suggested treating them as sidewalk signs that are required to be taken down
at the end of each day. Community Development Director Lindquist stated that it would be easier
for the City to completely prohibit real estate signs rather than place a daily time limitation on them.
The prohibition would allow staff to administer and enforce the ordinance easier and also there is a
question about favoring one type of advertising sign over another. Commissioner Schwartz said this
should also apply to builder /developer signs which can be up for years.
Chairperson Messner asked about the requirements of a for -sale sign placed an industrial building
someone is trying to sell and whether or not they would need a permit for such a sign. Mr. Lindahl
pointed out which section in the ordinance would apply to that type of sign.
Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 7:02p.m. There were no public comments.
Mr. Lindahl further explained staff's desire to continue the item and the public hearing to give the
public an additional chance to speak at the next meeting.
MOTION by Schwartz to continue the Sign Ordinance Text Amendment and the Public
Hearing to the September 25, 2007, meeting. Second by Howell.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was continued.
Old Business:
6.a. 07 -30 -CUP South Robert Square Daycare Center Site Plan Review and Conditional
Use Permit. The applicant, Jayme Macchitelli, requests a conditional use permit to allow a daycare
facility without an on -site outdoor play area in the existing building located at 2975 145th Street
West. The site is commonly known as South Robert Square. This item was last before the
Commission on July 24`". At that meeting, the Commission held a public hearing and then tabled
the item to allow the applicant more time to consider the location of the outdoor play area and
provide more detailed plans. Since then, the applicant has revised their application by removing the
outdoor play area. As a result, staff has re- evaluated the application without this item and is
prepared to recommend approval subject to conditions. Mr. Lindahl reviewed the conditions
required for approval.
AUGUST 28, 2007
Commissioner Schultz asked about the access to Central Park with children crossing Highway 3 and
whether or not extra signage or striping could be placed at the intersection making drivers more
aware of children crossing. Mr. Lindahl provided an aerial of the area, noting that there is an
existing stoplight and the crosswalks are already striped. Mr. Lindahl indicated that the City
generally does not install those types of signs and it is unclear if a sign would even be permitted
since Hwy 3 is a State controlled road.
Commission Schultz asked the applicant at what point in Highway 3 would the children be crossing
to get to Central Park. John Wuchko, 20046 Hoya Court, Lakeville, and Jayme Macchitelli, 13586
Dellwood Way, Rosemount approached the Commission. Ms. Macchitelli responded that they
would cross at the stoplight at the intersection of Highway 3 and 145t Street. Mr. Wuchko, the
applicant's father, responded that they would cross the street with all of the children holding a rope
with an adult on both ends. In some circumstances, the daycare may also bus the children to parks
and other activities.
Commissioner Howell stated she felt better now about the children crossing Highway 3 because of
the stoplight and the crosswalk, rather than the children crossing a busy parking lot as previously
proposed. Chairperson Messner pointed out that Central Park is only one of three options for
available parks. Commissioner Schultz stated she is concerned that the people in Rosemount are
not used to seeing children crossing that intersection.
MOTION by Schultz to recommend the City Council approve a conditional use permit allowing a
daycare facility without an on -site outdoor play area at the property located at 2975 145th Street
West, subject to the following conditions:
1. Issuance of a building permit.
2. The existing trash enclosure shall be brought into and maintained in compliance with
ordinance standards prior to issuance of a building permit.
3. Four (4) drop- off /pick -up parking stalls shall be installed as illustrated on the attached site
map. These four drop- off /pick -up stalls shall have signage designating them as "Drop
off /Pick -up Only" stalls for the hours of 6 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
4. The Employee Parking stalls shall be installed as illustrated on the attached site map and
have signage designating them as "Employee Parking."
5. The applicant shall submit copies all applicable state, county, and city licenses to the
Planning Department for inclusion in the application file prior to issuance of a Certificate of
6. This application does not include an on -site outdoor play area. Should the applicant wish to
add an on -site outdoor play area to this permit, they will be required to follow the
conditional use permit amendment process as outlined in the City Code and pay all
411 associated fees.
Second by Schwartz.
AUGUST 28, 2007
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Mr. Lindahl stated this item would normally go to the September 18 City Council meeting but that
the applicant has requested and the City has agreed to expedite the matter and move it to the
September 4`'' City Council meeting.
New Business:
5.a. 07- 26 -PP, 07- 27 -ZA, 07- 28 -PUD Prestwick Place Commercial Area Zoning. Senior
Planner Zweber presented this item. Arcon Development has submitted applications for approval
of a Preliminary Plat, Rezoning and Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan for
approximately 285 acres north of County Road 42. At their July 24 meeting, the Planning
Commission discussed with Arcon a number of issues that would need to be revised within the plan
including the additional information needed to approve a rezoning of the commercial area. Staff
requests direction from the Planning Commission regarding the potential commercial area
regulations for Prestwick Place. Mr. Zweber further explained what commercial businesses the City
would allow in that area and what uses could go on either outlot within the commercial area. Mr.
Zweber stated a couple of changes Arcon has requested.
Commissioner Schwartz asked how much square footage a Super Target has and Mr. Zweber
replied about 90,000 square feet and could be accomodated on the east side commercial area.
Chairperson Messner inquired how much square footage in a Kohls department store and Mr.
Zweber stated the Kohls store in Apple Valley is approximately 48,000 square feet.
Chairperson Messner stated he approves the reduction of the east side minimum square footage
requirement to 60,000 square feet and also approves the request to be able to switch the standards
from one side of the area to the other. The other Commission members were in agreement.
With respect to the outside storage area, Chairperson Messner stated that most materials involved
with stores like Home Depot and Lowes are contained inside the building. He stated his
preference, given the residential density of the area, is to leave the limitation to 20,000 square feet as
initially proposed. Chairperson Messner stated he would need to see the proposed project before
allowing more than 20,000 square feet. The other Commission members were in agreement.
The Applicant, Rick Packer of Arcon Development, approached the Commission. Mr. Packer
stated he would like to have as much flexibility with the 45,000 square feet as possible. He would
like to look at uses that are oriented to the neighborhood or surrounding development. He stated
he does not see commercial development occurring on this site for quite some time. Mr. Packer
pointed out that the most important thing that a big box business will be dependent on is at least a
three quarter access on Akron and the County has yet to agree to it. If the access is not approved,
development may be further delayed. However, Mr. Packer stated that going forward with the
commercial rezoning will help in marketing the property.
Chairperson Messner stated he would like to see some flexibility within the 45,000 square feet
requirement but agrees there should be some type of major anchor within that area. He stated that
whatever the combination of square footage, there needs to be a minimum threshold to have an
anchor in that space. Chairperson Messner suggested a hotel could be added to the acceptable uses.
AUGUST 28, 2007
Reports: Community Development Lindquist reported the City is moving ahead with the
downtown project. At the Port Authority meeting on August 21", architecture and design of the
Stonebridge project was discussed. Staff is hoping to have a Development Agreement approved by
late September or early October. At the September 18 meeting, the Port Authority is interviewing
the one firm who submitted a proposal on the Genz Ryan property.
Mr. Zweber gave an update on the comprehensive plan process and stated that due to current
schedule of the Port Authority, the economic development section will be delayed. On October 9,
2007, there will be an open house held for the east side industrial area.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner
Messner made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Howell seconded. Upon unanimous decision,
the meeting was adjourned at 7:45p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary
SEPTEMBER 11, 2007
Call to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, September 11, 2007. Chairperson Messner called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m.
with Commissioners Howell, Schwartz and Palda present. Commissioner Schultz was absent. Also
in attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, Project Engineer Dawley, and Recording Secretary
Hanson. The Pledge of Allegiance was read.
Additions to Agenda: None.
Audience Input: None.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of the August 28, 2007 Regular Meeting minutes.
MOTION by Howell to approve the. Consent Agenda. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearings:
5.a. 07- 26 -PP, 07- 27 -ZA, 07- 28 -PUD Prestwick Place Preliminary Plat. Arcon Development
has submitted applications for approval of a Preliminary Plat, Rezoning and Planned Unit
Development Master Development Plan for approximately 285 acres north of County Road 42. The
Planning Commission discussed with Arcon a number of issues that would need to be revised within
the plan. Arcon was not able to make these revisions in time for staff to review the plans before
tonight's Planning Commission meeting. This is a continuation of the public hearing opened at the
meeting on July 24, 2007, and further continued on August 28, 2007.
Mr. Zweber highlighted the changes to the plan since the meeting on July 24, 2007. One item to
discuss is the requested rezoning of the various areas. Mr. Zweber went through each area and details
that need to be discussed. The areas include the Dakota County CDA townhomes and apartments,
the Arcon commercial property, Arcon single family residential, and Lennar townhouses.
Commissioner Howell asked if there was any type of buffering between the single family and multi-
family housing. Mr. Zweber replied the applicant does provide additional landscaping beyond the
trees on the street, but the majority of the buffering is provided through the landscaping around the
actual units. He also stated that not a lot of focus was put on the landscaping in that area since it is
assumed that people who buy the single family homes there should realize there are multi- family
homes across the street.
Commissioner Schwartz asked whether or not the townhouses have two car garages. Mr. Zweber
replied yes, with the exception of the Dakota County CDA townhomes.
Applicant, Rick Packer, Arcon Development, approached the Commission and stated his
appreciation of the extra time allowed to present their item. With respect to the architectural control
of the single family homes, Mr. Packer stated Arcon did not think of the architectural guidelines that
he submitted as the City Code. He further stated that Arcon would agree with using half brick on the
front of homes and a 7:12 roof pitch, with the exception of houses with porches. In that event,
Arcon would install brick on the front of the garage rather than placing half brick behind a porch
where it would not be seen. Mr. Packer wanted to clarify what was meant by Arcon being required
SEPTEMBER 11, 2007
to maintain the stormwater basins. If the City was requiring Arcon to maintain the landscaping, that
would be acceptable. But Arcon would resist maintaining the actual stormwater infrastructure once
the landscaping is established.
Chairperon Messner also asked for clarification on the stormwater maintenance. Project Engineer
Dawley responded that within the subdivision agreement, the City's role would be set forth in
maintaining the stormwater structures. However, the City should not have to replace each tree that
may die or pick up garbage every spring. Mr. Dawley stated it will be set forth in the subdivision
agreement that the City will be responsible for maintaining the stormwater infrastructure, but any
other aesthetics of the property will be the responsibility of the homeowner's association.
Jay Liberacki, with Lennar Corporation, approached the Commission to discuss three issues pointed
out by staff. The first issue was with Condition #7 regarding additional landscaping.
Mr. Liberacki agreed with the adding more landscaping along County Road 42 where homes abut the
highway. However, he stated he does not agree with more landscaping in the outlot away from the
units where the focus should be on foundation plantings rather than trees in the outlot. With respect
to additional landscaping between the townhomes and parks, Mr. Liberacki stated that Lennar is
contributing significantly to upgrade those parks so those areas will be attractive viewing areas. He
stated he does not agree with additional screening to prevent residents to be able to view those areas.
Mr. Liberacki added that the last area, Outlot F, will have attractive architecture that should not be
screened from public view.
The second issue was with respect to Condition #9, the treatment of guest parking at the end of the
private driveways. Mr. Liberacki stated that this practice has been successful in other communities.
Mr. Liberacki stated Lennar had previously connected the driveways with guess parking but
redesigned that feature while working with the fire department. It would be possible to go back to
that design if the City so required. With respect to the tot lot requirement in Condition #12, Lennar
would agree with including a tot lot on the west side in the outlot with a connecting trail but would
then expect a tot lot in the park Lennar is contributing to with park dedication fees. Mr. Liberacki
stated that gazebos are not very often used although they are attractive structures. Lennar would
prefer to use a larger play area than a gazebo. With respect to the trail system request on the east
side, Mr. Liberacki stated that Lennar did not intend that trail to be an integral part of the city's trail
system, but rather an inner private trail for residents. Mr. Liberacki stated there should be a sidewalk
on the side of Street 17 to satisfy the City's need to connect the trailways.
Mr. Liberacki further stated that with respect to Condition #13 requiring Lennar to submit a
playground structure plan to staff is acceptable to Lennar, but the part that states the City would
review and approve the structure for age appropriateness does not seem fair. Mr. Liberacki stated
that Lennar works with a vendor who specializes in playground structures and are the best judge of
age appropriate structures. Mr. Liberacki stated that he does not feel it appropriate for staff to have
the power to veto the designed submitted by Lennar's vendor without understanding the buyer's
profile as the vendor does. In closing, Mr. Liberacki stated that Lennar looks forward to building in
the neighborhood and believes they will become an asset to the City of Rosemount.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2007
Chairperson Messner asked to view the end unit profile of the single townhomes. A discussion took
place as to the architectural details on the end of the units and the discrepancies between the
photographs and the watercolors. Chairperson Messner stated he would prefer to see some
architectural features that break up a plain wall on the end of the unit. Chairperson Messner stated he
agrees to some level that there doesn't necessarily need to be full screening at the end of the units
from the parks, just mainly along the roadways.
Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Liberacki about the type of parking where 65% cannot back up and
whether or not this type has been successful in other communities. Mr. Liberack replied yes, and that
guests should be able to back into and out of the residents' driveway. Chairperson Messner asked
whether or not residents would be able to back out of their driveways if guests are parked at the end.
Mr. Liberacki replied yes and that the only complaints Lennar has received on this issue is when
residents park their own cars at the end for long period of times. He further stated that the driveways
could be designed a couple of feet wider to allow for back up space or the spaces could be placed off
to the side rather than at the end which would make it a higher percentage. He stated this has
worked in other communities. Mr. Zweber informed the Commission it would not be acceptable if
additional parking reduced the amount of open space. Chairperson Messner agreed that Lennar
would need to meet the 20% open space requirement.
Chairperson Messner stated that he does not have a problem with some of the parking as designed by
Lennar but would prefer to see a greater percentage of it, not necessarily just at the end but more
allowance for residents to back out of the driveways if there are cars parked at the end.
Commissioner Schwartz asked Mr. Liberacki what demographics Lennar is looking for stating her
concern with the high number of inside units. Mr. Liberacki replied that the demographics is
changing where typically these homes 3 -4 years ago were purchased by first time home buyers with
small children. Now, he stated, that with the cost of new housing and current foreclosure rates,
residents are beginning to stay longer and now single parents are included in the buyers.
Commissioner Schwartz stated that if buyers are evolving to an older family entity with older
children, there should also be basketball courts and additional parking for teenagers with cars. Mr.
Liberacki replied he did not feel basketball courts would be a welcome amenity adjacent to the home
units, but rather in a park further away where older kids can ride bikes to or walk to without
accompaniment of an adult. Commissioner Schwartz then asked if the center units are equally as
popular as the end units. Mr. Liberacki replied that no, the center units are not as popular and they
will be priced accordingly.
With the continuation of the public hearing, Chairperson Messner invited the public to come forward
with comments. There were no public comments.
MOTION by Palda to close the public hearing. Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:40p.m.
With respect to Condition #12 and the private amenities on the west side, Mr. Zweber stated that the
common lot may be a more appropriate option for additional amenities although there is a gas line
and retaining wall in the area. Also, the trail could occur in a wider arc than suggested by the
applicant. Mr. Zweber stated both issues are legitimate to explore further.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2007
With respect to the Condition #9 off street requirement, Mr. Zweber stated that if there is parking at
the end, it should be sufficiently far enough away from the residents' driveways and in some
instances, there is a back -up area provided. Mr. Zweber further stated he would be reluctant to let
the percentage go lower than 25 Chairperson Messner stated he is uncomfortable with the
wording of Condition #9 and wondered if it required the elimination of stalls that do not allow
vehicles to backup. Mr. Zweber replied that yes, that was the intent of the condition. Commissioner
Schwartz stated she was concerned about the precedent set and wondered where else in Rosemount
this type of parking is used. Mr. Zweber replied that it used on a very limited basis in Harmony,
possibly 12 stalls for the 300 townhouse units. Commissioner Schwartz stated her concern with the
quality of life for residents to live there with it being such a crowded and congested area. She
recommended staying with the low numbers as in the Harmony area. Commissioner Howell agreed
that it would be very difficult to back out in the crowded areas as proposed. Commissioner Schwartz
recommended the 10% usage equal to Harmony and Chairperson Messner agreed to modify
Condition #9 to allow for no more than 10
Chairperson Messner stated Condition #13 should be modified to delete the words "age appropriate"
with respect to the City review and approval of playground structures.
Chairperson Messner then addressed Condition #7 with respect to additional landscaping. He stated
he agreed with requirement for additional landscaping on top of the berm all along County Road 42
to where it meets Street 14. Along Street 14 to Street 9, Chairperson Messner agreed to with
additional landscaping to Street 9. Chairperson Messner agreed to strike the requirement along the
common lot 29 boundary with the City Park. With respect to the south side of the berm on
common lot 107 along the Connemara Trail frontage, Mr. Zweber suggested 2 -4 feet of additional
landscaping to fill in the gap along Connemara. The Commission was in agreement.
Before the motion was made by the Commission, Mr. Zweber pointed out that if written approval
of the 3 /4 access on Akron is not received, the C4 rezoning of the commercial area will be
MOTION by Howell to recommend approval of the Planned Unit Development Master
Development Plan of Prestwick Place and the Rezoning of the Arcon single family residential from
AG Agricultural to R1 PUD Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development; the Lennar
and Dakota County Community Development Agency townhouses from AG Agricultural to R3
PUD Medium Density Residential Planned Unit Development; the Dakota County Community
Development Agency apartments from AG Agricultural to R4 PUD High Density Residential
Planned Unit Development; and the Arcon commercial area from AG Agricultural to C4 PUD
General Commercial Planned Unit Development, subject to the following conditions:
1. R1 PUD lots have a minimum lot width of 72 feet, a front yard setback of 25 feet, a 5 foot
garage side yard setback, a house side yard setback of 10 feet, a rear yard setback of 30 feet,
and minimum lot size of 9,500 square feet, except that the lots of Block 1 and 2 are required
to have a minimum lot width of 80 feet and both side yard setbacks are 10 feet.
2. R3 PUD neighborhoods have a setback from the public street of 25 feet, a setback from
property lines of 30 feet, a minimum building separation of 20 feet, and a minimum parking
setback of 20 feet.
3. The Dakota County Community Development Agency townhomes are permitted to have a
single car garage.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2007
4. R3 PUD buildings have a maximum of 12 units per building.
5. Garages on single family houses on corner lots shall be located on the opposite side of the
house from the public street.
6. Setbacks from the Connemara trail section that has only 85 feet of right -of -way will be
measured as if the right -of -way is 100 feet wide. Fences or other residential accessory
structures will not be allowed in this setback area.
7. Additional landscaping is provided on the south side of common lot 53 along County Road
42 and Street 14 frontages, along the common lot 29 boundary with the City Park, and on
the south side of the berm on common lot 107 along the Connemara Trail frontage.
8. Final landscape plans will need to be submitted with the final plat and construction plans.
Modifications to the final landscaping plans may be required by the City Planner or City
Engineer if any landscaping would interfere with street signage, infrastructure or other
design issues.
9. The required 1 /2 stall per unit off street parking requirement for the townhornes needs to be
fulfilled with parking stalls that allow the vehicle to turn around when backing out of the
stall not to exceed more than 10
10. The applicant receive final site plan and master development plan approval for the Dakota
County Community Development Agency portion of the plat. Additional information
regarding landscaping, stormwater management, pedestrian access and architecture and
other ordinance requirements must be submitted for City review and approval. The unit
counts for the proposed Dakota County CDA development assumes that there is sufficient
space to install the needed infrastructure while meeting all ordinance requirement not
expressly waived within this approval. Failure to meet ordinance requirements may result in
a reduction in the total number of units permitted to be constructed.
11. The applicant receive final site plan and master development plan approval for the Arcon
commercial area (outlots G and J). Additional information regarding landscaping,
stormwater management, pedestrian access and architecture and other ordinance
requirements must be submitted for City review and approval. The development of the
commercial areas is subject to conditions stated within Prestwick Place Commercial Area
Guidelines dated September 7, 2007.
12. A private amenity feature, such as a tot lot or gazebo /picnic area, needs to be added to the
western Lennar townhouse neighborhood.
13. The final construction plans for the eastern Lennar townhouse playground and picnic area
need to be reviewed and approved by City staff to ensure that the structures and equipment
installed are age appropriate, meet industry standards, and is adequately sized for the
amount of residents in the neighborhood.
Second by Palda.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Chairperson Messner asked what the proposal is for trails on the east side. Mr. Zweber pointed out
the public right of way line along the street, the proposed trail, sidewalk on the north side and west
of development. Staff is requesting the trail through the development be connected to the other
city trails. Chairperson Messner stated he sees the trail within the development as an internal
sidewalk and that a connection to the trail should be along the street not through the development.
Commissioner Palda agreed with that statement. Chairperson Messner further stated he preferred
to see the trail along one side of the street and leave the trail through the development as a private
SEPTEMBER 11, 2007
trail. Therefore, Change #3 as part of Condition #3 to approval of the preliminary plat needs to
read "trail needs to be added to the west side of street 17 from Connemara Trail to street 16"
instead of a "sidewalk Condition #3 needs to read "five" changes instead of "six" changes
deleting Change #5.
Motion by Schwartz to approve the Preliminary Plat of Prestwick Place, subject to the following
1. Compliance with the City Engineer's memorandum dated September 7, 2007, the Parks and
Recreation Director's memorandum dated September 5, 2007, and the Fire Marshal's
memorandums dated August 1, 2007.
2. Recording Planned Unit Development Agreement at the time of Final Plat recording.
3. Provide the five eix changes to the trail and sidewalk network identified within this
executive summary.
4. Installation of "No Parking Fire lane" signs on both sides of all of the private drives.
5. The development of the residential land east of Akron Avenue is limited to 200 units until a
second full access to the area is constructed.
6. Private Drive 42 needs to be revised to address and accommodate the Fire Marshal's limit
of 200 feet in length.
Second by Palda.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
As follow -up for this item, Mr. Zweber stated this item will go before the City Council on October
2, 2007. This will allow the applicant three weeks to revise their plans and staff to provide new
recommendations to the Council.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Reports: Mr. Zweber provided a handout to the Commissioner with information on the
listening sessions offered by UMore Park.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner
Schwartz made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Howell seconded. Upon unanimous decision,
the meeting was adjourned at 8:12p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary
SEPTEMBER 25, 2007
CaII to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, September 25, 2007. Chairperson Messner called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m.
with Commissioners Schwartz, Schultz and Palda present. Commissioner Howell was absent. Also
in attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, Project Engineer Dawley, and
Recording Secretary Hanson. The Pledge of Allegiance was read.
Additions to Agenda: None.
Audience Input: None.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of the September 11, 2007 Regular Meeting minutes.
MOTION by Schwartz to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearings:
5.a. Total Construction Equipment, Inc. and Furlong Mineral Extraction Permit (07-33
ME). Planner Lindahl presented this item. The applicant, Total Construction and Equipment, Inc.
requests renewal of the mineral extraction permit for property owned by Tom Furlong located on
the west side of Fischer Avenue, 1 /4 mile south of Highway 55. This request is based upon the
routine annual review and renewal of the current permit. Mr. Furlong contracts with Total
Construction and Equipment, Inc. to operate the mine. According to Willie Krech, General
Foreman for Total Construction, the pit is still operating within Phase I as illustrated on their
Phasing Plan. They intend to continue to operate within Phase I for 2008 and extract between
10,000 and 100,000 yards of sand. This request is subject to the conditions outlined in the permit.
In addition to these specific conditions, all mineral extraction permits are subject to the general
performance standards outlined in Section 12.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Upon review of these
standards, police records, a site inspection and the information submitted by the applicant, staff
recommends renewal of the permit for 2008, subject to the above mentioned standards and
Applicant, Tom Furlong, approached the Commission. He stated the need for his gravel pit began
when Hwy 55 was being blacktopped. Mr. Furlong further stated that they developed the golf
course and the pit was perfect for providing sand for the sand traps. Mr. Furlong stated they have
completed quite a bit of work cleaning up the area as Mr. Lindahl requested. Mr. Furlong's son, Tom
Furlong, approached the Commission and assisted in showing the Commission photographs of the
The Commission did not have any questions for the Applicant.
The public hearing was opened at 6:37p.m. There were no public comments.
MOTION by Schwartz to close the public hearing. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 6:37p.m.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2007
Commissioner Schultz asked Mr. Lindahl if he was satisfied with the progress the applicant had
made in cleaning up the area. Mr. Lindahl replied that he is satisfied with the progress and stated
that Mr. Furlong has been very proactive in completing the clean up. He further stated he is
confident the requested clean up will be complete before the item goes to the City Council.
MOTION by Schultz to recommend renewal of the Furlong Mineral Extraction Permit for
2008, subject to the standards outlined in Section 12.4 of the Zoning Ordinance and the
2008 Conditions for Mineral Extraction. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of
the 2008 permit prior to action on this item by the City Council.
Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
As follow -up for this item, Mr. Lindahl stated this item will go before the City Council on October
16, 2007. Staff will continue to work with Mr. Furlong to make sure the site is cleaned up on
5.b. Glendalough 8 Addition Final Plat and Club House and Pool Site Plan Review (07-
34-FP, 07- 35 -SP). Planner Lindahl presented this item. The applicant, U.S. Homes, requests final
plat and site plan approvals to allow construction of a private neighborhood pool and bath house.
Staff recommends approval of both the final plat and site plan for Glendalough 8 Addition. By
ordinance, the Planning Commission approves the site plan while the City Council approves the
final plat. Staff's recommendation for approval is based on the materials submitted by the applicant
and the findings made in the staff report which Mr. Lindahl reviewed. The recommendation for
approval is subject to the conditions listed in the report.
Commissioner Palda asked how many people lived in the neighborhood. Mr. Lindahl replied he did
not know how many people but that there are 252 lots. Commissioner Palda expressed his concern
with the lack of parking for the pool house. Mr. Lindahl replied that there is no parking
requirement in the City code for this type of use. He further stated that considering this will be a
private neighborhood facility, it is assumed the distance people will travel is limited. The
engineering and public safety departments have reviewed this and have determined there is enough
room for short term parking and drop off areas. Mr. Lindahl stated that the Commission could
certainly make a recommendation for more parking areas if they feel it's necessary. Project
Engineer Dawley added that there is off street parking on the surrounding frontage areas in
addition to the lots adjacent to the site.
Applicant, Jay Liberacki, from Lennar Corporation, the builder in Glendalough, approached the
Commission. Mr. Liberacki stated this project has been a learning process. He stated Lennar should
have platted this area several years ago when additional easements for the underground utility pipes
could have been taken care of. He stated they are having the engineer put the easements on the plan.
Mr. Liberacki shared Lennar's comments on the required conditions contained in the staff report.
With respect to Condition #4, Mr. Liberacki stated Lennar does not typically cut or remove
sidewalks; they push their utilities under them. With respect to Condition #5, Mr. Liberacki stated
the draintiles will be removed rather than include cleanouts. With respect to Condition #9, Mr.
Liberacki stated that if a photometric plan is required to show the lighting, Lennar will simply
eliminate all exterior lighting. He further commented that the "Preliminary Plat" title in the staff
report is inappropriate because he feels it is a "final" plat. Continuing with the required conditions,
SEPTEMBER 25, 2007
Mr. Liberacki stated with respect to proposed double row of trees to be used for screening, due to the
emergency overflow requirements, Lennar will reduce it to a single row of trees. Mr. Liberacki stated
that none of their neighborhood pool facilities have trash enclosures. They use trash receptacles that
are emptied on a timely basis and Mr. Liberacki stated that Lennar will not be installing trash
enclosures at this site. With respect to not being allowed any signage on the site, Mr. Liberacki stated
Lennar would like at least four signs that say it is a community park for Glendalough residents to
keep out outside public attendance. In response to the requirement that landscape areas are to be
irrigated, Mr. Liberacki questioned if this meant staff would need to review the irrigation plans and
wondered if City staff has more expertise than Lennar's irrigation contractor. In conclusion, Mr.
Liberacki stated that if the sidewalks and play areas could be designed and constructed without the
whole site plan process, it would be appreciated.
Chairperson Messner suggested going through Mr. Liberacki's items of concern individually.
Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Liberacki to explain the issue with Condition #4 regarding the
draintile system. Mr. Liberacki replied that the draintile system goes around the edges of the flower
beds so plants are not sitting in water. He stated that the City Engineer proposed the draintile go
under the sidewalk but if it requires Lennar to remove sidewalks, they will simply remove the draintile
completely. Project Engineer Dawley clarified that Lennar's plans did not note whether or not the
sidewalks were going to be removed or if the plan was to go underneath the sidewalks. The City
would definitely allow Lennar to go under the sidewalk if they are able to; staff simply wanted a
notation of it on the plan.
Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Dawley to clarify Condition #5 regarding the cleanouts. Mr. Dawley
responded this is a recommended action because it is a privately maintained draintile system, but it is
mainly a suggestion.
Commissioner Schultz asked Mr. Liberacki how eliminating the lighting would be wise from a safety
standpoint. Mr. Liberacki stated the residents could decide at a later date if they would like lighting.
Mr. Lindahl added there is no minimum requirement for lighting but that it's for the safety and
protection of the residents more than anything else. Downcast lighting and a photometric plan are
standard requirements for any site plan that has lighting. Mr. Liberacki stated the lighting would be
eliminated by Friday.
Mr. Liberacki stated that with respect to Condition #11, Lennar's irrigation plans will not be
complete until next spring so if this condition is a requirement of the site plan being approved, then it
will not be approved until next spring. Mr. Lindahl clarified that the general standard for landscaping
is that it is irrigated so it will survive and strive. Staff did not see any notation on the landscaping
plans with respect to irrigation. Mr. Liberacki stated that all sod and plants will be irrigated.
With respect to the double row of trees between the poolhouse and the adjoining homes, Mr.
Liberacki stated it will probably be reduced to one row of trees due to the underground piping. He
stated though that Lennar may talk to the abutting homeowners to offer putting some of the trees on
their property to provide additional screening. However, Mr. Liberacki added that he feels parks
should be inviting to homeowners rather than screened from view. Mr. Lindahl stated his concerns
with the landscaping being reduced and that staff would like to work with Lennar to maintain a
screen of some kind rather than have it eliminated or reduced. Chairperson Messner stated he would
prefer to review the landscaping if there will be a huge reduction.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2007
Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Liberacki what Lennar's other pool sites currently have with respect
to trash enclosures. Mr. Liberacki responded they have decorative garbage cans with iron closures on
the top; there are no trash enclosures or dumpsters. Mr. Lindahl stated that staff is requesting more
information from the applicant as to where trash will be stored in between the time it is in the
containers to when it is hauled. Mr. Liberacki stated they use a maintenance company that comes to
each site to test the water and remove the trash; the trash is not stored anywhere on site. Chairperson
Messner stated that some note to that affect on the plan would suffice.
With respect to signage, Mr. Liberacki stated that Lennar doesn't want any signs with the name of the
park on it, but signs that say the park is for residents of Glendalough only. The sign does not need to
be big and will not be gaudy.
Mr. Liberacki stated that this is a walking neighborhood with sidewalks on both sides of the streets.
He further stated that Lennar would not want to require parking at the neighborhood facility.
The public hearing was opened at 7:17p.m.
Mike Leppones, 13321 Carrach Avenue, approached the Commission and asked if there were any
plans for a play area for children on the site and questioned the starting time for construction. Mr.
Lindahl showed on the site plan where the proposed tot lot would be located. Mr. Liberacki could
not give a date certain for construction and stated he would discuss this later with the resident. Mr.
Leppones also commented that he has lived in the area for six months and he doesn't feel there is a
need for additional parking at the new facility.
There were no further public comments.
MOTION by Palda to close the public hearing. Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:20p.m.
Chairperson Messner stated he was in favor of leaving Condition #5 regarding the draintile system
Chairperson Messner suggested amending the photometric plan requirement to say a plan is
required "if lighting is included Mr. Lindahl stated that if the applicant chooses to withdraw the
lighting, the condition would not be applicable anyway.
Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Liberacki if there is currently signage at the other pool sites. Mr.
Liberack replied there is. Mr. Lindahl stated that if the applicant feels it is important to have
reasonable signage to insure the patrons of this site are residents of Glendalough, staff can probably
accommodate this request. This type of use is not as detailed or complicated as a commercial site
as far as signage requirements are concerned.
Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Lindahl of his opinion on the trash enclosure item. Mr. Lindahl
replied that staff would be satisfied with something in writing from the applicant explaining how
the trash will be maintained. Staff's concern is to prevent the trash from lying around or not being
SEPTEMBER 25, 2007
MOTION by Schwartz to recommend the City Council approve the Final Plat for
Glendalough 8 to allow the creation of Lot 1, Block 1, Harmony 8`" Addition, subject to
the following conditions:
Conformance with the conditions outlined in the City Engineer's memo, dated
September 19, 2007.
Payment of all applicable fees.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
MOTION by Palda to approve the site plan for the Glendalough 8 Addition private
pool and bath house with associated landscaping, paths, and open space, subject to the
following conditions, as amended:
Approval of the Final Plat for Glendalough 8`'' Addition and conformance with all
conditions of approval.
Issuance of a building permit.
Submittal of a lighting and photometric plan in conformance with all lighting
standards, prior action on the final plat by the City Council.
Demonstrated conformance with the requirements for a trash enclosure prior to
action on the final plat by the City Council.
Demonstration that all landscape areas will be irrigated and applicant will work
with staff in amending the landscape plan to provide for some level of screening
along the northwest side of the site.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
As follow -up for this item, Mr. Lindahl stated the final plat will continue for City Council approval
on October 16, 2007. The site plan is approved by the Commission and does not go to the
5.c. Sign Ordinance Text Amendment (07- 13 -TA). Planner Lindahl presented this item. This
is a continuation of the public hearing opened at the regular Planning Commission meeting on
August 28, 2007. Staff recommends the Planning Commission resume the public hearing on this
item and take any public comment before recommending approve of this item by the City Council.
This public hearing is a continuation from the meeting on August 28, 2007.
Commissioner Schultz questioned the difference between the recommended action and the
conclusion and recommendation in the staff report. Mr. Lindahl clarified that the Commission needs
to resume the public hearing, take any comment, and make a recommendation for approval to the
City Council.
The public hearing was resumed at 7:37p.m.
Tim Judy, 15621 Cornell Trail, approached the Commission and stated he has been following the sign
ordinance issue. He stated he feels the ordinance is unfair to small businesses that use banners and
temporary signs as their only way to advertise their products. He stated that products and sales
SEPTEMBER 25, 2007
change quite frequently and limiting businesses to permits only three times a year is unfair to them.
Mr. Judy further stated he would like to see more originality in the way the city does things. He
stated the League of Minnesota Cities has a handbook that every city follows, but maybe the City of
Rosemount could be a little looser in their practices.
Kathy Klonecky, 15621 Cornell Trail, stated she saw the notice about this meeting in the Town Pages
but she had to search for it and she did not see any article in the This Week newspaper. She stated
there used to be banners on the walls of buildings so people could see what specials businesses had
and all of a sudden the businesses were told they couldn't hang banners anymore. She stated this is a
time- saving way for residents to be able to see the banners. Ms. Klonecky stated she has talked to
businesses who say they are losing money because people are not stopping in as they used to when
banners were allowed. Ms. Klonecky stated she has checked other city ordinances such as Apple
Valley and they require permits but do not require fees. She feels it is unfair for Rosemount to
require fees if Apple Valley doesn't. She stated that no one complained about the signs before this
ordinance was resurrected this year. She quoted an article from the League of Minnesota Cities that
stated their biggest concern with signage is with billboards. Ms. Klonecky stated the city ordinance
should state that no billboards are allowed, no ripped or tattered signs, and the advertising should be
placed on the business only, except for realtors who have to advertise open houses. She stated there
should not be any fees or permits required. In talking with area businesses, she found that the
businesses paid the fees and completed a form, but they did not receive a permit. There shouldn't be
any favoritism between businesses and there shouldn't be time limits since busy people are not going
to remember the time periods. In conclusion, Ms. Klonecky stated that small businesses should not
be losing money due to an old law that doesn't work.
Scott Askew, 13602 Dellwood Way, one of the owners of Rosemount Storage, east of City Hall
approached the Commission. He stated one of the problems he has with the ordinance is the way it's
written in that only changeable letter reader boards are allowed which are pretty much outdated. He
stated Rosemount Storage installed an electronic reader board and within 12 -16 hours of having it in
operation, they received four calls as a result. Mr. Askew stated there are other businesses in
Rosemount that have electronic reader boards, including the City. He is requesting the City not ban
the electronic reader board altogether, but govern the way it's used. He stated the electronic reader
board was a big investment for his business and will work to increase revenue if he's allowed to use it.
Jim Hamilton, 15085 Derby Circle, sells electronic message centers and works with Scott Askew. He
had recently gathered some information with Discover Rosemount regarding somebody who had a
business in Rosemount and went out of business. That business owner wanted one of the signs Mr.
Hamilton sells but couldn't because of the sign ordinance. Mr. Hamilton stated he has a lot of
different styles of LED signs. He stated that Rosemount National has an electronic reader board
and requests that other businesses in Rosemount have the same opportunity as the bank to advertise.
He understands there needs to be some restrictions on outside signs and temporary signs, but he feels
the ordinance should govern them, not prohibit them. He has more information if the Commission
would be interested in seeing different types of signs. He provided the same information to the City
of Cambridge on how to govern signs. He stated the city needs to be in the 21" century with the type
of signs they are allowing businesses to have.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2007
Tom Piekarski, 14800 Dodd Blvd., approached the Commission. He explained his current situation
with the City and the court action. He showed the Commission photographs of realtor and builder
signs compared to his vegetable signs and stated the realtor and builder signs did not have permits
issued. He requested the City to quit picking on the small businesses and start treating businesses
Jim Hamilton, 15085 Derby Circle, approached the Commission again and asked about the
grandfathering of the bank's reader board and when the current sign ordinance was adopted. Mr.
Lindahl stated that he believed the ordinance was last modified in 1997. Mr. Hamilton stated he
seriously doubted the bank's reader board pre -dated 1997 and that allowing them to have the sign but
not other businesses is unfair treatment.
Ron Carlson, from Inver Grove Heights, and business owner in the City of Rosemount approached
the Commission. He stated as part owner of Rosemount Market Square, he does not have a reader
board but would like to have one. He feels they are a modern and effective tool for advertising.
There were no further public comments.
MOTION by Palda to close the public hearing. Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 8:03p.m.
Commissioner Schultz asked Mr. Lindahl if it was known when Mr. Askew was issued the permit
what type of sign he was proposing and that it would not be allowed at a later date. Mr. Lindahl
explained the process when Mr. Askew came in for a permit and stated he did not ask Mr. Askew if
it was an electronic reader board and Mr. Askew did not say if it was or not. He further stated that
the current process allows three days for staff to review the sign but he issued the permit at the
counter that date to expedite things for Mr. Askew. Mr. Askew's sign vendor has spoken with staff
on two different occasions and was aware of the city standards at the time the permit was issued.
When staff realized the sign was an electronic reader board, staff tried to fix the problem.
Chairperson Messner asked for clarification on the type of sign being discussed and where in the
ordinance they are included. Mr. Lindahl pointed out the particular section and stated that the
current ordinance prohibits this type of sign but that staff is attempting to clarify the types of signs
in this text amendment. The text amendment is mainly adding specific, more modern terms to
describe the types of signs that were already prohibited. The new ordinance allows a limited size in
displaying prices of gasoline and allows an electronic reader board at the community center because
it advertises community events, the time and the temperature.
Commissioner Schultz commented that the reader board at the Community Center is great to have
but also agreed with the audience that the City should try to help Rosemount grow with their local
businesses. She suggested that the Commission research this issue more from a business person's
viewpoint to hopefully come up with an alternative that is allowed by the ordinance or possibly
relax the restrictions.
Commissioner Palda agreed with Commissioner Schultz and stated that the City needs to be with
the times with electronic reader boards, but they need to be governed. He stated that the City of
Rosemount is going to continue to grow and the City needs to try to keep businesses here. He
stated the signs should be allowed, but governed.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2007
Chairperson Messner asked about the standards of illumination. Mr. Lindahl stated there are
standards for illumination. He stated that with the policy in place and the feedback staff has
received from the Commission is to continue limiting electronic reader boards as in the current
ordinance. Therefore, staff hasn't completed any research on size and illumination standards of
electronic reader boards.
Commissioner Schwartz suggested that perhaps Mr. Hamilton could provide more information to
the Commission as in a demonstration of different types available. She stated she is not in favor of
making Rosemount look like Las Vegas but understands that the Commission lacks information on
which to base a decision. There was agreement among the Commissioners to obtain more
information about electronic reader boards before making a decision. Mr. Lindahl suggested setting
up a worksession schedule to discuss this item further.
Chairperson Messner asked about the temporary sign usage and the current fees and requirements.
Mr. Lindahl reviewed the process and stated the current fee is $10.00 which is to cover the
minimum amount of staff time to issue the permit. The time period was increased from 10 to 14
Before a motion was made, Mr. Lindahl suggested the Commission table the item to the October
meeting and then possibly table it again at that meeting, or schedule a worksession meeting.
MOTION by Messner to table the sign ordinance amendment item to the October 23,
2007, meeting.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
5.d. Rezoning of South Rose Park 3rd Addition Property (Celadon Property) (07 -18 -PUD).
Senior Planner Zweber presented this item. On June 19, 2007, the City Council approved a lot
combination, planned unit development (PUD) and rezoning of two lots within the South Rose Park
3` Addition from C4- General Commercial to C4- PUD- General Commercial Planned Unit
Development for Celadon Systems, Inc. to construct an office research building. Since that time,
Celadon has chosen not to construct the building. The PUD and rezoning is site and building
specific to the Celadon's operation. Ron Carlson, the land owner, would like the property rezoned
back to C4- General Commercial, which removes the PUD status and allows him to market the
property to any user that would be permitted with the C4 regulations. Staff recommends approval of
the rezoning of the former Celadon project from C4 -PUD- General Commercial Planned Unit
Development to C4- General Commercial.
Public hearing was opened at 8:33p.m. There was no public comment.
MOTION by Schwartz to close the public hearing. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 8:33p.m.
There was no discussion among the Commissioners.
MOTION by Messner to recommend the City Council approve a rezoning of former
SEPTEMBER 25, 2007
Celadon Project (Lot 1 Block 1 South Rose Park 3` Addition except the North 140 feet and
Lot 3 Block 1 South Rose Park 3"' Addition) from C4 -PUD- General Commercial
Planned Unit Development to C4- General Commercial.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
As follow -up for this item, Mr. Zweber stated this item will go before City Council for approval at
the October 16`'' meeting.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Reports: Mr. Zweber reminded the Commission of the upcoming open house on October 9`'' at
the Community Center to discuss the eastern half industrial areas with respect to the comp plan.
Mr. Lindahl provided an update on the real estate signs located in the public right of way stating
that correspondence was sent two weeks ago to all area builders reminding them of them they
cannot have signs in the right of way or in the sight triangle. Staff has been working to remove the
signs in violation of the standards. Chairperson Messner asked about the other signage of the
vegetable signs by a Rosemount resident. Mr. Zweber stated that the vegetable signs are a violation
because signs are not allowed for a home based business.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner
Messner made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Palda seconded. Upon unanimous decision,
the meeting was adjourned at 8:38p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary
OCTOBER 23, 2007
CaII to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, October 23, 2007. Chairperson Messner called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with
Commissioners Howell, Schultz, and Palda present. Commissioner Schwartz was absent. Also in
attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, Project Engineer Dawley, and Recording
Secretary Hanson. The Pledge of Allegiance was read.
Additions to Agenda: None.
Audience Input: None.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of the September 25, 2007 Regular Meeting minutes.
MOTION by Schultz to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearings:
Chairperson Messner recessed the regular Planning Commission meeting at 6:31p.m. and opened
the Board of Appeals and Adjustments.
5.a. Rosemount 2006 Limited Partnership Variance Request (07- 37 -V). Senior Planner
Zweber presented this item. The Twin Cities Housing Development Corporation, a non -profit
workforce housing provider, has purchased the Rosemount Greens rental townhouses in 2006 under
the name of the Rosemount 2006 Limited Partnership (LP). Rosemount 2006 LP is currently
rehabilitating the 28 units including expanded entrances, new kitchens, new siding and windows, a
new parking area and other needed repairs. As a part of the improvements, Rosemount 2006 LP is
proposing to install a bus shelter for children to wait for the school bus. The proposed location for
the bus shelter is located between the building and the street, which is within the required front yard
Ken Isaacson, of Twin Cities Housing Development Corporation representing Rosemount 2006
Limited Partnership, approached the Commission and stated he was available to answer any
The public hearing was opened at 6:37p.m.
Jay Roverud, 14595 Cobalt Avenue, asked what materials the shelter will be made of glass or plexi-
glass, and stated his concern with the shelter being damaged easily.
Robert Oberle, 3872 144t Street, approached the Commission with several questions including who
would be responsible for paying for the shelter, would the shelter currently be the only one in
Rosemount, and who would be responsible for maintaining the shelter in the event of graffiti. Mr.
Zweber stated that the applicant will pay for the construction of the shelter and further replied that
this shelter will currently be the only one in Rosemount. If Rosemount gets more public
transportation, more shelters will probably be constructed. Mr. Zweber stated that if there are graffiti
problems or other maintenance problems, it can be reported to the City as a Code violation.
OCTOBER 23, 2007
James Bonkoski, 3853 144 Street, asked what effect the shelter will have on the traffic on 145
Street and would there be additional signage installed. He also asked if the shelter would be heated or
lighted and how close the shelter will be located to the bike path. Mr. Bonkoski's final question was
whether or not there are any ordinances currently in place that governs these shelters.
Mr. Isaacson of Twin Cities Housing Development Corporation approached the Commission to
answer the questions from residents. He stated the shelter will be made of a plexiglass material made
by a company in Connecticut which is the same company that provided shelters at I -35E and Pilot
Knob and is heavy duty plexiglass shelter. He further stated that Twin Cities Housing Development
Corporation will be responsible for replacing the plexiglass if it gets damaged and to maintain the
shelter. Mr. Isaacson stated the shelter will not be heated or lighted; there will not be any power
inside. The shelter will simply provide a place for children to stand instead of on the street or in the
driveway. Mr. Isaacson stated that buses currently stop there already so there will not be any increase
in travel capacity. Mr. Zweber stated the shelter will be approximately 20 feet away from the bike
path. Mr. Isaacson further stated that he will give his business card to residents and will provide
information on other properties the company owns so residents can see how they are maintained.
Jay Roverud, 14595 Cobalt Avenue, approached the Commission again and asked if the shelter is
going to be big enough to house all of the kids so there won't be fights. Mr. Isaacson stated it should
be big enough.
There were no further public comments.
MOTION by Messner to close the public hearing. Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 6:46p.m.
There was no discussion or questions among the Commission.
MOTION by Schultz of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments to approve the Variance
to allow a 20 foot front yard setback to construct a bus shelter at Rosemount Greens.
Second by Palda.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Mr. Zweber added an answer to one of the resident's questions regarding whether or not there is an
ordinance that governs this type of shelter. Mr. Zweber stated that the City's zoning ordinance
does not currently allow this type of structure which is why a variance is being requested. However,
he stated, this matter is on the staff's list of things to look at in the future, particularly if the City
receives more similar requests in the future. As follow -up to the variance approval, Mr. Zweber
stated this is the final action on this item unless someone chooses to appeal the matter within 10
days. If no one appeals the variance approval, the City can issue a building permit.
Chairperson Messner adjourned the Board of Appeals and Adjustments meeting at 6:48p.m. and
recessed the regular Planning Commission meeting.
5.b. Evermoor Crosscroft 3rd Addition Major PUD Amendment (07- 38 -AMD). Planner Lindahl
presented this item. The applicant, D.R. Horton, Inc, requests approval of a major Planned Unit
Development (PUD) Amendment to allow an increase in the impervious (hard) surface coverage for
OCTOBER 23, 2007
all lots in the Evermoor Crosscroft 3r Addition (Westport) from thirty (30) to thirty -five (35) percent.
As a PUD, this neighborhood has required home plans. Since platting this neighborhood in 2006,
the applicant discovered that the thirty (30) percent lot coverage standard limits the number of
approved home plans that will fit on several lots. According to the applicant, the limited options
available are not selling well. As a result, the applicant now requests an increase in the lot coverage
standard to allow more home options for their customers. In this case, a major PUD amendment is
necessary because the applicant's request deviates from the underlying R -1, Low Density impervious
surface coverage standard. Mr. Lindahl stated that staff is recommending approval of the increase to
only a few of the lots, being Lots 15, 16 and 18, Block 2 and Lots 2 and 3, Block 4 of Evermoor
Crosscroft 3 Addition.
Applicant, Mike Suel, from D.R. Horton, Inc., approached the Commission. Mr. Suel stated that
when this development began, D.R. Horton had three homes that would fit on these lots, but today's
building code changes with respect to stairs required the company to make the foyers larger. This
change took the Colonial plan from the choices available, which Left only two plans. Mr. Suel stated
that one of the two plans will not sell which only leaves one plan and having the same plan for every
home doesn't seem like the type of neighborhood the City is looking for. Mr. Suel stated D.R.
Horton is requesting a variance or amendment and will accept only the five lots recommended by
staff but thought it would be easier to maintain the whole neighborhood.
Chairperson Messner asked how many different variations D.R. Horton could offer with the 35%
coverage ratio. Mr. Suel replied they could get nine different plans to fit.
Commissioner Palda asked when the mentioned building code change took place. Mr. Zweber
responded that the change took place at the first of the year in 2007.
Commissioner Howell stated she realizes the market is difficult but feels that D.R. Horton could try
to be creative and offer incentives with the plans they currently have available. She asked Mr. Suel if
D.R. Horton has tried to make upgrades, or redesign plans, or consider changing them without
changing the amount of impervious space. Mr. Suel replied they have finished reproducing house
plans and floor plans in anticipation of what the buyer wants but they are also restricted by a PUD
agreement. They have added landscaping, upgraded cabinets and upgraded the carpet.
The public hearing was opened at 7:07p.m.
Ryan Kroells, 3750 Crosscliffe Path, stated he was the first homeowner in the neighborhood. He
feels that if the Commission allows D.R. Horton the amendment on these five lots, they'll just come
later and ask for variances on the remaining lots. He asked how close will the houses be to each
other. Mr. Kroells stated he feels this is just another oversight by D.R. Horton and should have been
addressed in the very beginning.
Craig Cool, 13770 Shannon Parkway, stated his house backs up to the lots in question. He stated the
backs of the houses look like apartment buildilngs. He has a great concern with water runoff due to a
ditch that was put in behind the houses. He requested the Commission not approve the amendment
because of the runoff issue. He stated that if more hard surface area is allowed, there is not going to
be enough opportunity for water to drain where it's supposed to go and it will go into his backyard.
Also, Mr. Cool stated that the builder was going to improve the screening between the houses but
have not done anything worth the money they've spent.
OCTOBER 23, 2007
Brent Preator, 3759 Crosscliffe Path, approached the Commission and also commented on the water
flow issue. He stated he feels the developer needs to take greater care with the water flow issues.
There were no further public comments.
MOTION by Messner to close the public hearing. Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:12p.m.
Chairperson Messner asked how the requested increase in impervious surface would affect the
setbacks of the homes. Mr. Lindahl stated that the PUD dictates the setbacks are five (5) feet on
the garage side and ten (10) on the house side and that the requested amendment would not affect
the setbacks.
Chairperson Messner feels there should be a condition recommending additional landscaping on
the west border of the development before the item goes to council.
Chairperson Messner stated the biggest issue or concern has to do with the runoff issue that already
exists. Project Engineer Dawley stated that previous improvements were made in this addition
consisting of a pipe on the west corner which borders the edge of Mr. Cool's property. Mr. Dawley
stated that Mr. Cool's property did have flooding problems prior to the installation of the piping
and ponding completed last year. Mr. Dawley stated the Engineering Department does not believe
the increase in impervious surface would impact Mr. Cool's property with respect to stormwater
Commissioner Howell stated her opinion that although only a slight increase is requested, she feels
the market is what it is and a seller needs to be creative to sell its product, not rely on the City to
change the standards to accommodate for the fill of more homes.
Chairperson Messner asked if there are specific elevations approved as part of the PUD agreement.
Mr. Lindahl replied that elevations approved in the PUD agreement were part of the packet for the
Commissioners' reference. These homes approved for this development consisted of twelve
homes, three of which currently fit the five lots in question, and two of those three are most viable.
Mr. Suel approached the Commission and stated that with the change in the building code, the
floor plan got bigger and limited the homes available. Chairperson Messner mentioned then that
another option would be to amend the PUD with new elevations. Chairperson Messner then stated
that it would be his position to be in favor of increasing the impervious surface on the five lots with
the condition on the revised landscape plan to improve the screening and stormwater control.
MOTION by Messner to recommend the City Council approve an impervious surface
coverage increase from thirty (30) to thirty-five (35) percent for Lots 15, 16 and 18, Block 2
and Lots 2 and 3, Block 4 of Evermoor Crosscroft 3 Addition, subject to the following
1. The applicant shall install additional landscaping to provide a more effective screen
along the western property line. A revised landscape plan detailing this additional
landscaping shall be approved by staff prior to action on this item by the City
Council, with addition changes in the screening.
Second by Schultz.
OCTOBER 23, 2007
Ayes: 2. Nays: 2. (Howell, Palda) Motion was not approved.
Chairperson Messner stated the Commission could extend the discussion to see if there was a way
to get a vote at tonight's meeting, could table the item with the hope of having a full Commission at
the next meeting, or could move the item to the Council with a deadlocked recommendation which
is not usually the preference. He further stated he had no additional comments on the issue.
Commissioner Howell stated she felt that if this request is approved for D.R. Horton, then other
builders will come to the City with changes to make it easier to sell their homes and it shouldn't be
up to the City to make changes to assist them.
Mr. Suel approached the Commission and stated he would prefer the Commission table the item to
give D.R. Horton a chance to review the landscaping and drainage issues.
MOTION by Messner to table this item to the November 27, 2007, Planning
Commission meeting.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None.
As follow -up for this item, Mr. Lindahl stated staff will discuss with the applicant the items raised at
this meeting and will bring the item back to the November meeting.
5.c. Rosemount VFW Post 9433 Site P Ian Review and Rezoning Request (07- 39 -SP, 07-40
ZA). Senior Planner Zweber presented this item. The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) has applied
for site plan review of a patio and accessory storage building. The patio will provide an area for
patrons and members to smoke outdoors with their alcoholic beverages now that it is illegal to smoke
indoors. The VFW property is currently zoned AG Agriculture which does not allow eating and
drinking establishments or membership organizations, making the VFW a legal non conforming use.
To remove the non- conforming status, the VFW has applied for a rezoning from AG Agriculture
to RR PUD Rural Residential Planned Unit Development. Mr. Zweber reviewed the site plan and
elevations of the proposed patio and accessory storage building, including the landscaping
requirements of the additions. Another requirement Mr. Zweber mentioned is the accessory building
needs to be of the exterior materials and the principal building. Mr. Zweber reviewed the zoning
request and stated that staff does not support rezoning to a commercial designation because then the
site is opened to any commercial business if the VFW ever sells the property. Staff is recommending
a RR PUD Rural Residential Planned Unit Development zoning designation because RR is what the
comp plan designation is. Mr. Zweber further reviewed the conditions to the rezoning request.
Applicant, Mark Monson, VFW Commander, stated Charles Novak, the architect, was also present to
answer any questions. Chairperson Messner asked if they considered any alternatives to concrete
block and wainscoating. Mr. Monson replied that they did but thought the wainscoating would be
more pleasing to the public. Chairperson asked about the location of the landscaping and Mr.
Monson replied that it seemed like the logical place for the patio on the side and then use it during
the VFW's special functions. He further stated the Ladies Auxillary volunteered to put a three row
tier of blocks with flowers in front of the building.
Commissioner Schultz asked if the motivation for the new patio was the change in the smoking law.
Mr. Monson replied they had always planned on constructing a patio, but that the change in the
smoking law accelerated their planning.
OCTOBER 23, 2007
The public hearing was opened at 7:50p.m.
There were no further public comments.
MOTION by Palda to close the public hearing. Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:50p.m
Commissioner Schultz asked for an explanation for the rezoning part of the item. Mr. Zweber
replied that the applicant would not be able to expand the use without the rezoning. He further
stated the VFW essentially owns one parcel and the City wants them to be able to use their site as if
it was one parcel. He stated that owning an almost five acre parcel and being able to use only one
acre of the lot didn't seem fair. Commissioner Schultz asked if the building itself is privately
owned. Mr. Monson replied that the VFW owns the building and it is a privately owned business
but that the national VFW organization would take over if the local business could not pay the bills.
Chairperson Messner stated with respect to the accessory building materials, he liked the look of
what was being proposed but that he would prefer more of a cement board siding as opposed to
vinyl siding and asked if this could be included in Condition #5. Mr. Zweber responded that
Condition #5 can be expanded to state the type of material. Chairperson Messner also stated he
liked how the landscaping was depicted.
MOTION by Palda to approve of the Site Plan for a 544 square foot patio, a 240 square
foot covered patio and a 480 square foot accessory storage building, subject to the following
1. Revision of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Liquor License to permit alcoholic
beverage consumption on the patio.
2. Issuance of a building permit.
3. City Council approval of the rezoning of the property to RR PUD Rural
Residential Planned Unit Development.
4. Issuance of the property approvals from the City of Eagan to construct the
accessory storage building.
5. The colors of the exterior of the accessory storage building must be complementary
to the existing building. Cement board lap siding shall be installed on the accessory
storage building in place of the metal or vinyl lap siding shown on the plans.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
MOTION by Messner to recommend approval of the Rezoning of the property from AG-
Agriculture to RR PUD Rural Residential Planned Unit Development, subject to the
following conditions:
1. Recording of a Planned Unit Development agreement.
2. No setback is required on the north property line provided that the parcel to the
north within the City of Eagan is maintained in common ownership with the VFW
parcel within the City of Rosemount.
3. 20 foot setback from the 120t Street West for the existing building. Any additions
to the existing building or any new buildings constructed on the site will need to
meet the required 40 foot setback of the RR- Rural Residential zoning district.
S OCTOBER 23, 2007
4. The minimum lot size of 0.85 acres is allowed provided that the parcel to the north
within the City of Eagan is maintained in common ownership with the VFW parcel
within the City of Rosemount.
5. The use of a membership organization in conjunction with an eating and drinking
establishment and outdoor seating is a permitted use.
Second by Howell.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
As follow -up, Mr. Zweber stated the rezoning item will go the City Council at the regular meeting
on November 20, 2007.
5.d. Surface Water Management Plan Review. Project Engineer Dawley presented this item. As
a member of the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO), the City of
Rosemount is required to maintain a Surface Water Management Plan in conformance with the
VRWJPO plan. At the August 23, 2007 VRWJPO board meeting, the City's Surface Water
Management Plan was approved by the VRWJPO. With this approval, the City is required to adopt
the final SWMP within 120 days. As the SWMP is a component of the City's Comprehensive Guide
Plan, a public hearing for the plan is required prior to City Council adoption of the Plan.
Philip Belfiori gave a presentation on the SWMP explaining what the plan consists of and its purpose.
It also included the current plan development process and what has been accomplished to date. Mr.
Belfiori reviewed the different sections of the plan and what each consists of. Mr. Belfiori stated he
expected the City Council to receive the Plan for approval at the meeting on November 20, 2007.
There were no questions or discussion among the Commissioners.
Public hearing was opened at 8:08p.m. There was no public comment.
MOTION by Schultz to close the public hearing. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 8:08p.m.
There was no discussion among the Commissioners.
MOTION by Schultz to recommend the City Council approve the Surface Water
Management Plan for adoption.
Second by Palda.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Old Business:
6.a. Sign Ordinance Text Amendment (07- 13 -TA). Planner Lindahl presented this item. This
is a continuation of the discussion from the September 25, 2007 Planning Commission meeting.
Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend approval of this item by the City Council.
If the Commission is concerned about the language relating to electronic signs as proposed, it is
recommended the draft ordinance be stripped of those changes to allow the other text amendments
to proceed. Staff would add electronic signage to the list of ordinance amendments that are to be
OCTOBER 23, 2007
explored by staff and the Commission as time permits. Mr. Lindahl showed the Commission
photographs of examples of electronic reader boards currently in the City and other examples of
signs in different parts of the country showing the technology.
Commissioner Schultz stated she recently went to Rosemount Storage to see a demonstration of
their electronic reader board sign by Mr. Jim Hamilton. She stated now seeing an example of the
sign at the Dakota County Technical College, she asked how that sign differs from the sign
Rosemount Storage is prohibited from using. She further stated that she thinks the Commission
should look at signs that could help the local businesses and she feels she cannot approve the
amendment as it is.
Chairperson Messner stated the way the ordinance was worded in the past allowed electronic reader
signs in public and institutional districts. He stated his concern with allowing that type of signs in
other locations as in across from residences. Chairperson Messner further stated that if these types
of signs are allowed, the Commission will need to look at where the signs will be allowed in
addition to the type, size, color, etc. and he stated his concern with delaying the entire ordinance
because of this one issue. He stated his preference to move on with the ordinance amendment at
this time but then Commission Schultz could recommend a time frame to readdress the issue of
electronic reader boards.
Commissioner Schultz stated she could possibly agree with approving the item at this time but that
she would want the issue revisited sooner rather than later to discuss electronic reader boards in
more detail.
Mr. Lindahl stated the original intent of this item was to rearrange the ordinance and clarify its
purpose and that we may be doing the public a disservice of not informing them of how much
discussion is taking place on electronic reader boards. However, if the Commission would like to
make the electronic reader board issue a priority, staff would begin to work on it. Senior Planner
Zweber shared his concern that the comprehensive plan process needs to be completed with the
next couple of months and while he appreciates Commissioner Schultz's to handle all of the details
at once, it may not be an option due to time constraints on the Commission's schedule. He further
stated that the ordinance changes with respect to temporary signs have been promised to business
owners and should be completed now.
Commissioner Schultz stated that the electronic reader board signs are prohibited in the ordinance
on Page 14 and she stated she does not feel that it's right to say they are prohibited. Mr. Lindahl
responded that the content of the standards in the current ordinance does not address any new
Chairperson Messner asked about how the ordinance addresses the definitions of sign reader
boards and video reader boards. Mr. Lindahl stated that in the beginning of the ordinance, it states
that anything that is not specifically allowed is then prohibited. The existing ordinance addresses
electronic reader signs in several sections so staff attempted to relocate the language in one section
so it would be easier to understand. Mr. Lindahl stated that staff kept the original intent of the
ordinance and listed what was originally prohibited.
Chairperson Messner invited the public to speak restricting comments on the two major issues
currently being discussed: electronic reader signs or temporary signs.
OCTOBER 23, 2007
Kathy Klonecky, 15621 Cornell Trail, approached the Commission. She stated she called the City
of Apple Valley regarding their policy on temporary signs and was informed that they require a
permit but do not charge any fees for temporary signs. She stated that Rosemount businesses are
smaller than Apple Valley businesses and they cannot afford to pay for sign permits. She stated she
felt that Rosemount businesses should not have to pay for signs if Apple Valley businesses do not
have to. Ms. Klonecky further stated she had hoped the Commission would change their minds
after she testified at last month's meeting. She stated she has talked to some Rosemount businesses
and was informed that some businesses took down their signs because they did not want to pay to
have them up. Ms. Klonecky stated that according to First Amendment rights, if you have private
property, you should have the right to put up a temporary banner without having to pay for it.
Chairperson Messner clarified to Ms. Klonecky that the Planning Commission is not allowed to
make recommendations on permit fees or fee structure and stated that is only within the City
Council's jurisdiction. Ms. Klonecky then replied she felt the Commission should vote no against
the ordinance. Aside from the fee, Ms. Klonecky stated that businesses should be able to put up
signs as they wish like they did before when the ordinance wasn't enforced. She further stated that
when the law was relaxed and no one was enforcing it, businesses were fine and no one did
anything wrong. She stated she feels Rosemount business owners are smart and conservative and
will not put up any electronic reader boards that are big like billboards and that the Commission
should talk to business owners to see what they want.
Mr. Scott Askew, owner of Rosemount Storage, approached the Commission and thanked them for
the opportunity to speak even after the public hearing was closed. He directed the Commissioner's
attention to the City's "Spirt of Pride and Progress" motto and stated that "progress" is the key
word. He stated that electronic reader boards have several advantages including unlimited number
of messages, computer control, display of business communications along with public service
information, and is the most cost effective form of advertising other than word of mouth. Mr.
Askew read several online testimonials of businesses that use electronic reader boards for
advertising. Mr. Askew further stated that Rosemount Storage can survive for another 15 months
on their current capital if their business does not grow and that they would need to grow 3 -5% a
month to make it. He thanked Commissioner Schultz for coming to his business to see the sign
they would like to use and invited the other commissioners to come see it as well. Mr. Askew asked
the Commission not to ban electronic reader boards, but to govern them. He stated his fear that if
the Commission passed the ordinance amendment, the issue will not be revisited and requested the
Commission table the item to allow the presentation of more information or at a minimum, allow
electronic reader signs under the temporary sign section.
Mr. Tim Judy, 15621 Cornell Trail, approached the Commission and stated he spoke at the last
meeting and would like to reiterate that signs are very important to small businesses and restricting
them does them no service. He stated the City can govern the size and color, but to completely
restrict the signs does the local businesses no service.
Mr. Jim Hamilton, 15085 Derby Circle, approached the Commission and stated that one thing that
concerned him was that businesses such as Rosemount Storage do not have time to wait until the
Commission's schedule allows more discussion on the issue. He stated that if the City loses
businesses out of the community, the City loses jobs. Mr. Hamilton further stated that if the
Commission does not have time to discuss this item at a worksession to get more educated on the
matter, it would be a mistake.
Chairperson Messner invited discussion or questions from the Commissioners.
OCTOBER 23, 2007
Commissioner Howell asked Mr. Lindahl where the section on ribbons and banners on Page 12 of
the original ordinance get moved to in the amendment and Mr. Lindahl explained they were moved
to the temporary sign standards on Page 14 and are also contained in the definitions of temporary
Mr. Lindahl clarified for the Commission that since this item has been on the agenda since March,
there have been both comments that the item was moving too quickly and not fast enough. He
explained that staff has tried to focus on the non controversial items that needed to be addressed
from a caselaw standpoint. However, he stated, the City is feeling the budget crunch as everyone
else is and the changes to the temporary sign standards have made things easier and have allowed
greater time periods for business owners. He stated that the Council reduced the fee and further
explained that the reason for the fee is there has been a public policy of the Council that permit fees
should be the responsibility of the owner, not the general taxpayers. Mr. Lindahl further stated that
he agrees new issues may need to be addressed by the ordinance, but that staff's role is to address
what it is currently in place.
Commissioner Palda stated his agreement with Commissioner Schultz that is not comfortable with
approving the ordinance amendment at this time. He stated he feels with the changing economy,
the Commission should discuss things with business owners.
Chairperson Messner stated he realizes that the signs with new technology are coming but that the
Commission needs to look at the size, color and technology of the signs. He further stated his
concern that if Commission acts on the item now, the issue regarding electronic reader boards may
not be immediately addressed. He suggested the possibility of scheduling a worksession but noted
that proper notices have not been given to the public and public involvement and feedback will be
needed on this issue. Chairperson Messner stated he would like to be able to come up with a
solution as in allowing an electronic reader board as a temporary sign.
Mr. Hamilton stated that if the ordinance states that if a sign is not listed, then it's illegal, then that
would mean the sign at the Bank should be illegal. He stated he feels the Commission needs to
take the time to work this issue out.
Mr. Lindahl stated he did not currently have a building permit or the existing regulations at the time
the Bank sign was construction, but explained that was not the issue in front of the Commission at
this time. He stated the time issue has been raised and the matter presents a more complicated
issue than just the present businesses. He stated his concern that the City is doing a misjustice to
the community to go forward with the reader board issue at this time.
Commissioner Schultz asked Mr. Lindahl if there was some process Rosemount Storage could go
through or some type of criteria developed, such as the variance approval process, to have a reader
board approved against the current requirements. Mr. Lindahl stated that the quick answer in
staff's opinion would be no and further explained the difference with a variance approval process.
Commissioner Schultz then asked if there was a way that the language on Page 14 regarding
prohibited signs could be changed to delete electronic signage. Mr. Lindahl explained that there is a
prohibited sign section in the ordinance that should stay but that the content of that section is at
the prerogative of the Commission. He explained that the underlined sections in the amendment
are new and if the Commission agrees to move on without the reader board language, then that
language can be stricken from the amendment, but the reader boards would still be prohibited. Mr.
OCTOBER 23, 2007
Lindahl stated however that a business owner can come in to the City and file a text amendment to
amend the ordinance.
Chairperson Messner stated his recommendation for business owners to file a text amendment
which would allow the temporary sign language to be more specific to the individual need and it
would be addressed on a more timely basis than in a worksession, public hearing and then approval.
He further stated his preference to address the item currently before the Commission that doesn't
change what is currently allowed, but encouraged Mr. Askew to purse the text amendment option
available, Mr. Askew asked how timely a text amendment application is addressed and Mr. Lindahl
explained the 60 and 120 day time rules.
Chairperson Messner agreed that the Planning Commission and the City need to come up to speed
on electronic reader board technology, but also stated that tonight's item needs to be acted on.
MOTION by Messner to recommend the City Council approve the attached sign
ordinance amendment and direct staff regarding future sign ordinance amendments with
the addition that standards having to do with electronic signs need to be addressed in the
The Motion was not seconded. Motion was not approved.
Commissioner Schultz stated she would like to re- address this motion but add some type of timing
to it regarding the future sign ordinance amendments.
Commissioner Howell asked Mr. Zweber about the comprehensive plan timeline. Mr. Zweber
stated that the Commission can choose a time frame for the motion and then it will go to the
Council to approve. He further explained that the comprehensive plan timeline includes discussion
in January, revisions in February, public hearing in March, and distribution for comments in April
which leaves May as the next available month.
Commissioner Palda asked if a provision could be added to the ordinance to allow reader boards on
a case by case basis so they can be governed. Mr. Lindahl expressed his unease at putting the
decision or governing in the hands of the current staff or Commissioners on staff at that time.
There was further discussion and explanation from Mr. Lindahl on the text amendment application
process that Mr. Askew could follow and the timeline involved.
MOTION by Schultz to recommend the City Council approve the attached sign
ordinance amendment and direct staff regarding future sign ordinance amendments
regarding temporary signs and reader boards on or before the first regular scheduled
Planning Commission meeting in April, 2008.
Second by Howell.
Ayes: 2. Nays: 2 Messner, Palda.
Motion was not approved.
Commissioner Palda stated his objection was because of the businesses in Rosemount and he feels
there should be something that should be addressed or allowed now with respect to the reader
boards. Chairperson Messner stated the Commission has the option to push the item to the City
Council on a 2 -2 vote and asked Commissioner Palda if a shorter timeline would get his approval.
OCTOBER 23, 2007
Commissioner Palda stated this is a bigger issue than just the business owners present at tonight's
meeting. Mr. Lindahl clarified that any business owner can come in tomorrow and file an
application to move this issue to the front. Chairperson Messner stated that if any timeline is
placed in the motion, he will not approve it.
MOTION by Schultz to table the item until the next Planning Commission meeting on
November 27, 2008.
Second by Palda.
Ayes: 2. Nays: 2 Messner, Howell.
Motion was not approved.
Chairperson Messner then asked Commissioner Palda what kind of timeline he would like to see in
the motion and Commissioner Palda responded with sooner than April.
MOTION by Palda to recommend the City Council approve the attached sign ordinance
amendment and direct staff regarding future sign ordinance amendments regarding
temporary signs and reader boards on or before the first regular scheduled Planning
Commission meeting in January, 2008.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 3. Nays: 1 Messner. Motion was approved.
As follow -up for this item, Mr. Lindahl stated this item will go before City Council for approval at
the November 20, 2008, meeting.
New Business:
7.a. Prestwick Place Final Plat (07- 13 -TA). Senior Planner Zweber presented this item. Arcon
Development has submitted applications for approval of a Final Plat for approximately 285 acres
north of County Road 42, 205 of which are west of Akron Ave and 80 of which are east of Akron
Ave. On October 2, 2007, the City Council approved the Preliminary Plat, Master Development
Plan, and Rezoning for Prestwick Place, with conditions. The ultimate development will include
approximately 235 acres of residential development and 50 acres of commercial development, but the
final plat on this meeting's agenda creates the individual ownership of all outlots and no buildable
There were no questions or discussion among the Commissioners.
MOTION by Messner to recommend the City Council approve the Final Plat, subject to
the following conditions:
1. Recording of the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan Agreement
onto Outlots B through M and Outlot P.
2. Compliance with the requirements of the Dakota County Plat Commission.
3. This Final Plat creates no buildable lots and will result in no construction activity. A
future Final Plat and Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan approval
will be required to create buildable lots before any construction could take place.
All conditions within the Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development Master
OCTOBER 23, 2007
1110 PAGE 13
Development Plan approvals carry forward onto any future Final Plats involving
Outlots B through M and /or Outlot P.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
As follow -up for this item, Mr. Zweber stated this item will go before City Council for approval at
the November 7 meeting.
Reports: None
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner
Messner made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Palda seconded. Upon unanimous decision,
the meeting was adjourned at 10:08p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary
NOVEMBER 27, 2007
410 PAGE 1
CaII to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, November 27, 2007. Chairperson Messner called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m.
with Commissioners Howell, Schultz, Schwartz and Palda present. Also in attendance were Senior
Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, Project Engineer Dawley, and Recording Secretary Hanson. The
Pledge of Allegiance was read.
Additions to Agenda: None.
Audience Input: None.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of the October 23, 2007 Regular Meeting minutes.
MOTION by Howell to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearings:
5.a. Shafer Contracting, Inc. Mineral Permit Renewal (07- 42 -ME). Senior Planner Zweber
presented this item. Scott Spisak of Shafer Contracting has applied for the annual renewal of the
mineral extraction permit for their property located one mile north of 135t Street East and 1 /4 mile
west of Rich Valley Blvd. (County Road 71). Mr. Zweber reviewed any issues over the past year
and improvements Shafer has made to the surrounding area.
Applicant, Scott Spisak of Shafer Contracting, was present and provided no comment.
The public hearing was opened at 6:36p.m.
Gary Ista, 12131 Rich Valley Blvd., approached the Commission and stated he wanted his well water
tested and questioned if the haulback brought onto the Shafer site was tested. He also wanted to
know if Shafer is required to report any spills and what type of reclamation plan is in place. Mr. Ista
further inquired whether or not there has been testing done on the dust emissions and noise levels
and how the noise level is regulated. Mr. Zweber responded to the request for water testing by saying
the City hasn't ever received a request in the past but that he would talk to Shafer about conducting a
test. Mr. Zweber further stated that the haulback material has been tested and Mr. Ista is free to
examine the testing file at the City if he so desires. In the event of a spill, Chairperson Messner stated
that Shafer would have to report the spill to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). Mr.
Zweber stated that he does not know of any testing on dust emissions or noise levels. If there are
complaints made on the noise levels, the City would investigate as a code enforcement procedure but
not until a complaint is made.
Charlie Koehnen, 12255 Rich Valley Blvd., approached the Commission and stated his biggest
concern is with the drivers. He stated one driver went down in the ditch and took the railroad sign
out while talking on his cellphone. He's complained to Shafer about the drivers and does not believe
the police reports are accurate in reporting the incidents. Mr. Koehnen stated the problems with the
drivers at the railroad crossing are so often, Stan Kodesk, a railroad representative stated to Mr.
Koehnen that they would remove the crossing sign if one more problem took place. Mr. Koehnen
NOVEMBER 27, 2007
stated that the dust is also a problem because there isn't any vegetation on top of the berms. He also
expressed his belief that some of the haulback material was contaminated material obtained from
work being completed on Shepherd Road.
There were no further public comments.
MOTION by Schwartz to close the public hearing. Second by Palda.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 6:46p.m.
Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Zweber to explain the final reclamation plan and the requirements
thereof. Mr. Zweber showed a diagram of the final reclamation plan and explained that once
Shafer is done working in an area, they must reclamate that area. Shafer is currently not finished
with any area other than Phase 1. They are working in Phases 2, 3, and 4 and moving towards the
Mr. Scott Spisak approached the Commission to address the concerns raised by the residents.
Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Spisak about Shafer's current phasing plan and the vegetation
issues. Mr. Spisak gave a brief description of the current stage of phasing and stated that perhaps
Shafer could install some interim seeding for areas that are either finished or are not going to be
finished in the actual operation area. Mr. Spisak stated he will talk directly to Mr. Ista about testing
his well water. He further stated that Shafer is operating well above the water table and should not
be affecting anyone's well water. With respect to spill cleanup, Mr. Spisak confirmed that Shafer is
required to report any spills to the MPCA and cleanup would then be handled according to state
law. Mr. Spisak stated he is not aware of any dust or noise testing, nor is he aware of any
complaints on the noise levels. With respect to Mr. Koehnen's concerns about the drivers, Mr.
Spisak stated that his safety department has investigated a couple of instances, including one at the
railroad tracks which has since been resolved. With respect to the dust problems and lack of
vegetation, Mr. Spisak stated Shafer will look into interim seeding. Mr. Spisak further stated that
the haulback material Mr. Koehnen mentioned was taken from a Mendota Heights area site and
consisted of rock with clay mixed into it and Shafer has no intentions of burying it. He stated the
trucks were being watered down because of the dry conditions and as an interim measure before
they could install roll tarps on the trucks.
Chairperson Messner stated he would like to see some of condition requiring interim seeding or
other way to reduce the dust, particularly on the north end of the property next to the residents in
that area.
MOTION by Messner to recommend approval of the mineral extraction permit for Shafer
Contracting subject to the conditions for 2008, with the added condition of interim seeding
to control dust.
Second by Schultz.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved.
As follow -up, Mr. Zweber stated this item is tentatively scheduled for the December 18 City
Council meeting depending on the meetings with Shafer about the new interim seeding condition.
NOVEMBER 27, 2007
5.b. Vesterra, LLC Stonex, LLC Mineral Permit Renewal (07- 43 -ME). Planner Lindahl
presented this item. The applicant, Jonathan Wilmshurst of Vesterra LLC /Stonex LLC, requests
renewal of the Vesterra and Stonex mineral extraction permits for 2008. The subject properties are
located south of 135`" street, 1 /4 mile west of Blaine Ave. (County Road 71). The properties are
owned by Flint Hills Resources which leases them back to the applicant for mineral extraction.
While Flint Hills and Vesterra, LLC /Stonex, LLC are parties to the permit, the responsibility for
securities and compliance with the conditions remains with Vesterra and Stonex as the property
Applicant was present but provided no comment.
The public hearing was opened at 7:02p.m.
There were no public comments.
MOTION by Schwartz to close the public hearing. Second by Howell.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:03p.m.
There was no discussion or questions among the Commission.
MOTION by Schultz to recommend the City Council approve renewal of the mineral
410 extraction permit for Vesterra and Stonex, subject to the following conditions:
1. Conformance with the attached 2008 Conditions for Mineral Extraction, including:
a. Submission of an updated Surety Bond in the amount outlined in the attached 2008
Conditions for Mineral Extraction.
b. Submission of an updated Certificate of Comprehensive General Liability Insurance
as outlined in the attached 2008 Conditions for Mineral Extraction.
Second by Howell.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved.
As follow -up, Mr. Lindahl stated the item will go before the City Council at the meeting on
December 18, 2007.
Old Business:
5.b. Evermoor Crosscroft 3rd Addition Major PUD Amendment (07- 38 -AMD). Planner Lindahl
presented this item. The applicant, D.R. Horton, Inc, requests approval of a major Planned Unit
Development (PUD) Amendment to allow an increase in the impervious (hard) surface coverage
from thirty (30) to thirty -five (35) percent for four (4) lots in the Evermoor Crosscroft 3r Addition
(Westport). This item was last before the Planning Commission during the October 23, 2007
meeting. With only four members present, the Commission voted two (2) to (2) two for staff's
recommendation, therefore the motion was not approved. At the applicant's request, the
Commission then voted to table this item until the November 27' meeting in hope of having the full
Commission present to act on this item and to allow the applicant more time to work with
neighboring property owners to address their concerns. Mr. Lindahl reviewed the changes to the
NOVEMBER 27, 2007
application and how the concerned residents now feel about the matter.
Commissioner Schultz asked Mr. Lindahl if he had spoken to any of the residents. Mr. Lindahl
replied that he spoke with one resident, Larry Baker, who was more neutral on the matter in the
beginning but now is more satisfied with the project.
Commissioner Howell asked if the application was not approved, whether or not the additional
landscaping would get completed. Mr. Lindahl stated that the existing landscaping that is damaged
will get replaced because the City has a landscaping security to replace them. However, he stated, the
additional landscaping is something the applicant is offering as part of the application.
Applicant, Ron Mullenbach, D.R. Horton, approached the Commission and stated that in having
conversations with City staff, he understands there is some precedence in this type of application in
the Evermoor Glendalough area. Mr. Mullenbach stated that he believes the major concern of the
residents is the sightlines and landscaping. He stated D.R. Horton will try to enhance the screening
above the existing low lying plants.
Commissioner Howell stated while she has nothing against the applicant and what they are trying to
accomplish, she believes that regardless of the market conditions, sellers need to be creative and
come up with incentives to sell their products rather than have the City make changes to the plans to
make it easier. She further stated that there are several builders in Rosemount who are having a
tough time due to the current market, and if everyone tries to have the plans adjusted to help sell
their product, then the plan will no longer exist. Commissioner Howell stated she could not support
the application.
Mr. Mullenbach responded that the applicant's request is not solely about market conditions although
it is a factor. He gave an explanation of how D.R. Horton began with three floor plans for the
neighborhood and ended with only one due to the change in the building code eliminating one floor
plan and one other simply not selling. He further stated that they do not want four homes in one
area having the same floor plan, which is why they are requesting an increase in the impervious
surface to allow for a variety of available floor plans. Mr. Mullenbach stated the development did not
create drainage problems on the property; the drainage problems were pre existing which the City has
appropriate addressed. He further explained that there is an open outlot that D.R. Horton plans on
deeding to the association of the neighborhood to the north. The association plans on using the
outlot for community gardens. Mr. Mullenbach stated that D.R. Horton has already planted an
additional 46 trees that were not on the original landscape plan.
Commissioner Howell asked about the waterflow concerns one resident had at the last meeting. Mr.
Mullenbach replied that the outlot next to the catchbasins needs to be regraded. He stated that it was
graded in early October with the intentions of seeding the area and then with the additional rainfall in
October, they were unable to complete the work before having a problem with the waterflow from
the exposed area.
Commissioner Palda asked Mr. Mullenbach that if this application is not really a financial issue, then
why in a letter from Mr. Mullenbach did it state "in a good market, we could sell these homes Mr.
Mullenbach replied that he was referring to the one home that isn't selling for whatever reason and it
has to do with the market condition with respect to that floor plan, but not otherwise.
S NOVEMBER 27, 2007
Chairperson Messner stated his opinion is that given the PUD process and the change in the building
code that eliminated one of the floor plans, he agrees that it is better to have variety in the
neighborhood rather than have all homes have the same floor plan. Also, he stated the drainage issue
has been taken care of and the additional screening would be beneficial so he supports the
recommended action.
MOTION by Messner to recommend the City Council approve an impervious surface
coverage increase from thirty (30) to thirty -five (35) percent for Lots 16 and 18, Block 2 and
Lots 2 and 3, Block 4 of Evermoor Crosscroft 3"' Addition, subject to the conditions listed
below. In exchange for this concession in the PUD, the applicant offers to plant six (6)
new maple trees to enhance screening along the western property line.
1. Installation of two trees (one (1) maple and one (1) spruce) to replace these trees that were
lost as a result of installing the new drainage way.
2. Submission of a landscape security equal to one hundred and twenty five (125) percent of
the value for the six (6) new trees to insure they survive at least one growing season as
required by ordinance.
Second by Schwartz.
Ayes: 3.
Nays: 2 (flowell,Palda). Motion was approved.
As follow -up for this item, Mr. Lindahl stated this item will go before the City Council on
December 18, 2007.
New Business: None.
Reports: None.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner
Messner made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Schultz seconded. Upon unanimous decision,
the meeting was adjourned at 7:29p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary
NOVEMBER 27, 2007
Cali to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Work Session Meeting of the Planning Commission
was held on Tuesday, November 27, 2007. Chairperson Messner called the meeting to order at
6:30p.m. with Commissioners Howell, Schultz, Schwartz and Palda present. Also in attendance
were Mayor Droste, Councilmember Shoe- Corrigan, Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl,
Project Engineer Dawley, and Recording Secretary Hanson.
2.a. Planning Commissioner Training. Time to time, the City provides training and educational
opportunities for the various advisory committees and commissions, such as the Planning
Commission. Sarah Sonsalla, an attorney at Kennedy and Graven, Rosemount's Legal Council, was
present with a presentation on the role and responsibilities that the Planning Commission has in
city governance. Mayor Droste and City Councilmember Shoe Corrigan also were present to
discuss the role and relationship of the Planning Commission with the City Council.
The powerpoint presentation Sarah Sonsalla provided included the following slides:
Sources of the City's Zoning Powers
Duties of the Planning Commission
Information to be Relied Upon
The Comprehensive Plan
Court Review of Land Use Decisions
Conditional Use Permits v. Interim Use Permits
Public Hearings and Decision Making.
Chairperson Messner asked about the time allowed for people to speak. Ms. Sonsalla replied
that people need to be allowed to say what they need to say but at the same time, the
Chairperson needs to keep things moving. Mayor Droste asked whether or not a time limit can
be set for testimony. Ms. Sonsalla replied that you can set a limit but you need to be aware the
public has the right to speak regardless of how much time is remaining.)
60 -Day Rule
Open Meeting Law
Commissioner Schultz questioned variances and whether or not the hardship could be only
economic in nature. Ms. Sonsalla replied that an economic issue can be one of the reasons for a
variance but not the only reason.
Mayor Droste pointed out that the public thinks the decisions are already made because there is
minimum decision making and little discussion. Therefore, he stated Commissioners should give a
full discussion of the decision even on the simplest matters. Also, Mayor Droste stated the public
thinks the decision should be made based on the opinions raised at the public hearings. He went
on to mention the current downtown redevelopment issue that will come before the Planning
Commission in the future. It may be possible that the Port Authority and Planning Commission
will hold a joint meeting to discuss the complexities of the steps in going forward on this issue.
NOVEMBER 27, 2007
Councilmember Shoe Corrigan suggested the Commissioners read the Downtown Development
Councilmember Shoe Corrigan stated that even though Commissioners have to deal with difficult
situations at times, the Commission has very clear boundaries and must adher to the codes and
standards in place. She stated it is important to always justify the votes with comments and
instructed the Commissioners to always vote their conscious.
It was asked by the Commission whether or not a Commissioner could speak at a Port Authority or
City Council meeting as a resident while serving as a Planning Commissioner. Ms. Sonsalla replied
that it is important to share opinions as a resident, but make it clear that you are speaking as a
resident and not as a Commissioner.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner
Messner made a motion to adjourn. Upon unanimous decision, the meeting was adjourned at
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary