HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100427 PCP WKS Minutes PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION MINUTES APRIL 27, 2010 PAGE 1 Call to Order: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Work Session of the Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, April 27, 2010. The meeting was called to order at 5:OOp.m. with Commissioners Demuth and Powell attending. Commissioners Ege, Kolodziejski, and Irving arrived later. Also in attendance were Mayor Droste, City Attorney Corrine Heine, Law Student Jeanna Sather, Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl and Recording Secretary Hanson. Mayor Droste performed the swearing in of new Commissioner John Powell. Commissioner Kolodziejski was not yet present. Commissioner Training: The City has appointed two new Planning Commissioners, John Powell and Richard Kolodziejski. Corrine Heine, City Attorney from Kennedy and Graven, gave a presentation on zoning and planning regulations including duties of the position, the comprehensive plan process, different types of permits and variances, commonly heard arguments, the 60 -day law, and PUD agreements. The work session meeting was recessed at 6:20p.m. to proceed to the Regular Planning Commission Meeting beginning at 6:30p.m. The work session meeting re- convened at 6:52p.m. Mayor Droste performed the swearing in of new Commissioner Richard Kolodziejski. Discussion: a. Public and Institutional Districts. Planner Lindahl stated that this item was initiated by staff as one in a series of zoning ordinance changes to implement the adopted 2030 Comprehensive Plan. To that end, staff plans to examine the P/I Public and Institutional zoning district. Mr. Lindahl provided background information regarding the need for this examination as well as the primary questions that will need to be considered during the ordinance review. Commissioner Irving asked about the UMore wind turbine and whether or not they have to go by City standards on such projects. Mr. Zweber stated that the University can do certain project without City approval if the project is within the educational mission of the University. Commissioner Demuth asked where parks would be designated if the P/I district would be eliminated. Mr. Zweber stated that parks could be placed in the residential district but this question is one that the Commission will need to decide on and whether or not additional restrictions need to be placed on parks or if they should have their own zoning district. Commissioner Powell stated he didn't feel the need for a separate P/I district which contains so many uses that cross different districts. He stated that public and institutional uses should be included as a use in other districts. 1 Planner Lindahl stated that staff will return at a future meeting with a draft ordinance for the Commission's review. PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION MINUTES APRIL 27, 2010 PAGE2 b. Downtown Zoning Districts. Senior Planner Zweber reviewed the staff report and stated the goal of the zoning review is to create one zoning district that would replace the C -2 Community Commercial and Downtown Overlay districts while allowing for commercial, multi- residential, and civic uses. Mr. Zweber reviewed the background of the Downtown Development Framework and reviewed the comparisons of downtown zoning districts of Lakeville, Excelsior, Hastings, Hopkins, and Stillwater. He further stated the Excelsior and Hastings have the downtown and zoning standards most comparable to Rosemount. Mr. Zweber stated the first step in the zoning review is to look at the comparable cities to see how they allow their zoning and then discuss building form and material standards the Commission would like to see in the ordinance and the different types of uses that should be allowed. Once a draft of the zoning ordinance is prepared, it is required to hold an open house, then the public hearing at the Planning Commission level and then submittal to the City Council. Commissioner Powell asked whether or not stormwater requirements will need to be included in the ordinance. Mr. Zweber responded that the downtown has sufficient stormwater ponding locations so new ponding would not be an issue, but that control rates would be discussed with the developer in the planning stages of new development. A discussion took place on current and future open sites in downtown. Updates: None. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:32p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary 410