HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100525 PCP RM Minutes PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 25, 2010 PAGE1 Call to Order: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, May 25, 2010. Chairperson Ege called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with Commissioners Irving, Kolodziejski, Demuth, and Powell present. Also in attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, Project Engineer Olson and Recording Secretary Hanson. The Pledge of Allegiance was read. Additions to Agenda: None. Audience Input: None. Consent Agenda: a. Approval of the April 27, 2010, Regular Meeting Minutes b. Approval of the April 27, 2010, Work Session Minutes c. Request by U.S. Home Corporation to Approve the Glendalough 3` Addition Final Plat (10- 12 -FP) MOTION by Powell to table the Consent Agenda. Second by Kolodziejski. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion carried. Public Hearings: 5.a. Request by D.R. Horton for the approval of the Prestwick Place 2 Addition Preliminary Plat, Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan, Rezoning, and Comprehensive Plan Amendment (10- 14 -PP, 10- 15 -PUD, 10- 16 -RZ, 10- 17 -CP). Senior Planner Zweber reviewed the staff report. D.R. Horton has submitted applications for the approval of the preliminary plat, planned unit development master development plan, rezoning and comprehensive plan amendment for Prestwick Place 2" d Addition to allow for the development of 142 single family homes with a minimum of 56 foot wide lots on 44.38 acres. Chairperson Ege asked if there has been any interest in the commercial area south of the excepted area. Mr. Zweber stated he would leave that question for the developer to answer. Chairperson Ege asked if staff expected there to be any conflict among homeowners with shared driveways when it came to planting trees next to the driveway. Mr. Zweber stated that it could be an issue if the trees were to be planted in the boulevard but since they will be planted on individual lots and there is quite an expansive area to choose where to locate the tree, staff did not expect any issues. He further stated that Condition #9 specifically states that trees shall be installed in locations that do not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer and water connections which will assist homeowners in choosing appropriate locations for their trees. Chairperson Ege asked about language in the staff report that stated future homeowners along the extension of Connemara Trail will be assessed to pay for the cost of the road extension. Mr. Zweber replied that assessments need to be paid at the time of the sale of the home. The developer rolls the cost of the street construction into the cost of the lot. He further explained that the costs of the street extension as mentioned in #2 and #3 of the Engineer's Memo will be divided by the number of lots available to be sold and that fraction of the cost will be added to the cost of the PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 25, 2010 PAGE 1 CaII to Order: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, May 25, 2010. Chairperson Ege called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with Commissioners Irving, Kolodziejski, Demuth, and Powell present. Also in attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, Project Engineer Olson and Recording Secretary Hanson. The Pledge of Allegiance was read. Additions to Agenda: None. Audience Input: None. Consent Agenda: a. Approval of the April 27, 2010, Regular Meeting Minutes b. Approval of the April 27, 2010, Work Session Minutes c. Request by U.S. Horne Corporation to Approve the Glendalough 3` Addition Final Plat (10- 12 -FP) MOTION by Powell to table the Consent Agenda. Second by Kolodziejski. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion carried. Public Hearings: 5.a. Request by D.R. Horton for the approval of the Prestwick Place 2 Addition Preliminary Plat, Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan, Rezoning, and Comprehensive Plan Amendment (10- 14 -PP, 10- 15 -PUD, 10- 16 -RZ, 10- 17 -CP). Senior Planner Zweber reviewed the staff report. D.R. Horton has submitted applications for the approval of the preliminary plat, planned unit development master development plan, rezoning and comprehensive plan amendment for Prestwick Place 2" Addition to allow for the development of 142 single family homes with a minimum of 56 foot wide lots on 44.38 acres. Chairperson Ege asked if there has been any interest in the commercial area south of the excepted area. Mr. Zweber stated he would leave that question for the developer to answer. Chairperson Ege asked if staff expected there to be any conflict among homeowners with shared driveways when it came to planting trees next to the driveway. Mr. Zweber stated that it could be an issue if the trees were to be planted in the boulevard but since they will be planted on individual lots and there is quite an expansive area to choose where to locate the tree, staff did not expect any issues. He further stated that Condition #9 specifically states that trees shall be installed in locations that do not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer and water connections which will assist homeowners in choosing appropriate locations for their trees. Chairperson Ege asked about language in the staff report that stated future homeowners along the extension of Connemara Trail will be assessed to pay for the cost of the road extension. Mr. Zweber replied that assessments need to be paid at the time of the sale of the home. The developer rolls the cost of the street construction into the cost of the lot. He further explained that the costs 41) of the street extension as mentioned in #2 and #3 of the Engineer's Memo will be divided by the number of lots available to be sold and that fraction of the cost will be added to the cost of the PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 25, 2010 PAGE 2 individual lot. Commissioner Powell asked about the size and type of pipeline that runs through the site and whether or not there will be any disclosure to homeowners. Mr. Zweber replied that it is a Northern Natural Gas 4 inch pipeline and that other than showing the easement on the plat, the City does not usually do any additional disclosure. The easement is recorded on the properties and is shown on the title commitment at the time of the home purchase. Commissioner Powell responded that rarely homeowners know what property easements are on their property and he stated his opinion that the disclosure should be stressed separately from the title commitment. Commissioner Powell asked about the future storm sewer outfall referenced in the utility plans and whether or not the outfall was currently in place as part of the Akron Avenue improvements. Project Engineer Olson stated that the outfall is part of the Prestwick Place pond and it will be constructed in Phase 1. Commissioner Powell then asked if the pond would serve both Connemara Trail and the subdivision and Mr. Olson replied that it would. Commissioner Powell asked if the existing water service is adequate to serve the additional development or if it was dependent on the development of the well site. Mr. Zweber stated that an analysis was completed in 2007 and it was determined at that time that an additional 1800 units could be constructed before having a water issue. Mr. Zweber stated that up to this point, only 400 units have been constructed. Commissioner Powell pointed out a few additional items he was concerned with. He stated his concern with the design of the home in that it is very garage oriented and the front door is hard to see from the street. Commissioner Powell also questioned whether or not the infrastructure in Phase 1 met fire code requirements with respect to water main looping and road connections. Mr. Zweber responded that the Fire Marshal has stated that Phase 1 meets the fire code because any dead end street that is longer than 150 feet requires a temporary cul -de -sac and none of the dead end roads on the plan exceed that amount. Mr. Olson responded in saying that if it is determined that water main looping is needed, it would be done during the final plat designing stage, but in the initial review, it appears it may not be needed. Commissioner Powell mentioned his concern with the large infiltration area and whether or not the soils have been tested for adequacy of an area that large. Also, he asked whether or not steps will be taken to avoid backyard stormwater blocked by fences, sandboxes, and gardens by homeowners. Commissioner Powell questioned who would be responsible for maintaining the trees along Connemara Boulevard and also the language on page 7 of the staff report where it states that property owners will be responsible for any trespassing or refuse on the property with respect to the stormwater pond. He asked if Street D would continue on past Connemara Trail or not. Additionally, Commissioner Powell stated that he felt it excessive for the Engineer's Memo to contain 49 comments on the project that the Planning Commission needs to be aware of. He feels the project should be close to completion by the time it is reviewed by the Planning Commission. Commissioner Powell's final question was whether or not there will be a park located nearby the development. Applicant, Scott Johnson, of Arcon Development, the developer on the project approached the Commission. He stated that the construction of Akron Avenue has made this project possible and he's excited to get the project started. He addressed Commissioner Powell's concern with the 49 comments on the Engineer's Memo saying that most of the 49 comments are technical items which are typical of a preliminary plat. Mr. Johnson pointed out on the approved concept plan the area of PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 25, 2010 PAGE 3 the new development and stated that the type of single family home chosen works well in the current market. Mr. Johnson brought up some issues that the developer is concerned with. First, he stated they are requesting the 35% lot coverage requirement stated in Condition #1 be revised to 40% in order to allow homeowners the flexibility of installing three season porches, sheds or additions to their homes in the future. With the smaller lots, Mr. Johnson stated that with the foundation, garage and driveway, the lot coverage almost reaches 35 Mr. Johnson stated they will move the wellsite further to the north closer to the railroad tracks and will work to get that revision completed before the City Council meeting. With respect to Condition #4, Mr. Johnson stated the builder has expressed concern with the specific architectural requirement of brick or stone wainscoting and would like to discuss with staff the possibility of changing it to a more generalized quality of architecture with a combination of materials and details that could be used. The developer and builder would like the homeowner to have more control over what materials they would like used in the elevation of the architecture. With respect to Condition #5, Mr. Johnson sees a potential conflict with owners having to share driveways. He realizes the recommendation is because staff would like at least 50% of the curb area not to be driveway. He requested staff to consider allowing tapering the driveways at the curb to try to achieve that 50% rather than have homeowners share driveways. Mr. Johnson mentioned that the Parks and Recreation memorandum is requiring sidewalks on both sides of Street F. Mr. Johnson stated he spoke with Parks and Recreation Director Schultz to request this requirement be removed. Mr. Johnson stated Street F is only a residential street within the neighborhood and there are trails behind the homes on this street backing up to Akron Avenue so there isn't a need for an additional sidewalk. In addition, with only one sidewalk, people would likely be more encouraged to walk along Akron Avenue rather than the inside neighborhood Street F. Chairperson Ege asked the Commissioners for questions for the Applicant. Commissioner Powell asked the applicant the intended price for the homes. Mr. Johnson replied that the base price will be at $225,000 and could increase from there depending on the additional options chosen by the buyer. Chairperson Ege asked the applicant if he is requesting 40% impervious surface coverage for all of the lots in the development. Mr. Johnson replied there are larger lots that would probably not come close to the 35 but they are requesting the flexibility for the homeowner. Chairperson Ege asked the applicant if there has been any interest in the commercial area. Mr. Johnson replied that there has not been any interest, but once the neighborhoods get developed, the commercial sector will take more of an interest in the area. Commissioner Powell asked for a timeline of the construction of phases in the development. Mr. Johnson responded that they hope to complete one phase a year. 411/ Commissioner Demuth asked where the park in the neighborhood will be located. Mr. Zweber showed on the concept plan an area south of Prestwick Place 2" Addition in about 7 acres in size PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 25, 2010 PAGE 4 that will include a parking lot, park shelter, and playground. Mr. Zweber stated when the park will be constructed depends upon the developments surrounding the park area to the west and south which is when the park land would be dedicated. Also, Mr. Zweber stated that the park land is not currently graded and the scope of the grading will depend on the stormwater pond on the parcel and the grading of the development to the south of the park. Mr. Johnson added that expansion of Connemara Trail through the new development will help accelerate the construction of the other developments. Commissioner Kolodziejski asked Mr. Zweber if the tapered driveways are typical in any other Rosemount neighborhood. Mr. Zweber replied the closest type of driveway would be in Crosscliffe 3` Addition but they are still not constructed the same. Mr. Zweber further stated that the staff would approve the proposal of having a maximum of 17 feet wide driveways at both the curb line and property line which would help achieve the goal of not having more than 50% driveway in the cul -de -sac. Chairperson Ege mentioned a variance the Planning Commission denied last year by a resident requesting an increase to the lot coverage restriction in order to install a three- season porch. She expressed her concern with approving the increase for Prestwick Place when they recently denied a similar request. Mr. Zweber gave a brief background on coverage requirements and ordinance language and explained that there have been several PUD amendments as to impervious surface coverages that have been approved for increases as long as the stormwater drainage is adequate and aesthetics of the neighborhood are kept in mind. Commissioner Powell asked if staff would support a reduction in the roadway width to make up for the impervious surface increase. Mr. Zweber stated that staff would allow a 28 foot street design but that a requirement to allow for that width would be that sidewalks are installed on both sides of the street. Commissioner Powell stated that with the sidewalks added, it doesn't provide a solution to the surface coverage issue. Fran Hagen with Westwood Professional Services, the engineer on the project, approached the Commission. He stated he is confident there is sufficient ponding to support an increase of 5% in impervious surface so aesthetics would be more of a concern which is handled by the depth of the lots. With respect to the 49 comments in the Engineer's report, Mr. Hagen stated that most of the comments are final design comments and only about 5 or 6 comments would apply to the preliminary plat design stage. With respect to the concern about fences, landscaping, and other items within the drainage and utility easements in the backyards, Mr. Hagen replied that the easement covers 10 feet in the backyards and by law, a homeowner cannot build within an easement. Finally, Mr. Hagen answered the infiltration concern by stating that the City is only allowing 3 inches per hour which will be no problem in this neighborhood. Mr. Zweber stated that with respect to drainage in the backyards, the City provides some flexibility with fences since they cannot impede drainage. Mr. Zweber further stated that in addition to the drainage and utility easements on the property, the City also places conservation easements over the area. Usually, the homeowners' association owns the easements and is responsible for the maintenance. In this case, they are choosing not to have a homeowners' association. The City will be responsible for the maintenance of the boulevard in Connemara Trail. Trees usually placed along the boulevard will be located on private property and therefore, will be the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain, in addition to the portion of the stormwater pond on the homeowner's property which is where the trespassing issue is relevant. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 25, 2010 PAGE5 10 With respect to the Commissioner Powell's concern with the number of comments on the Engineer's Memo, Mr. Zweber stated that the City attorney has advised staff that if an item is not introduced in a preliminary plat proceeding, it cannot be later introduced as a new issue in the final plat proceedings. This is why there are so many comments as to cover all of the possible issues that may arise throughout the platting process. Mr. Zweber clarified staff's position on the front architecture of the homes and the reason for Condition #4. He stated that usually the City places a large amount of requirements on the architecture of single family homes. In this development, Mr. Zweber stated that staff is very conscious of the smaller lots and limitations and the only detail they are requiring is the 3.5 feet of brick or stone wainscoting. Mr. Zweber stated staff would be supportive of the tapered driveways and the removal of the second sidewalk requirement along Street F. Chairperson Ege stated she agreed with the 17 foot driveways. Commissioner Powell stated he would feel more comfortable with additional disclosure language regarding the gas pipeline. Mr. Zweber replied staff will discuss internally what language would be acceptable and a new Condition #16 could be added to require the disclosure. Commissioner Demuth asked if only the smaller lots could have the increase in lot coverage. Mr. Zweber stated the Commission could decide to allow the increase for only smaller lots, although it would be more difficult to implement on an administrative level. The public hearing was opened at 8:28p.m. There were no public comments. MOTION by Ege to close the public hearing. Second by Powell. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. The public hearing was closed at 8:29p.m. It was decided to revise Condition #1 to state that lots over 9,000 square feet would have a 35% lot coverage requirement while lots 9,000 square feet and under would be allowed up to 40% lot coverage. It was decided to revise Condition #12 to remove the requirement of a second sidewalk on the east side of Street F due to trails on both sides of Akron Avenue directly behind the homes along Street F and Commissioner Powell also mentioned his concern with the number of driveways along that sidewalk would create a lot of pedestrian- vehicle interaction. Commissioner Kolodziejski stated his agreement with the 17 foot driveway width in Condition #5, but asked Mr. Zweber if it should read a "maximum" of 17 feet. Mr. Zweber replied that it should read maximum of 17 feet because the homeowner could choose to go less than that but could not have more than 17 feet. Commissioner Powell asked the applicant if he understood the revisions made to the conditions, and Mr. Johnson replied that he understood and agreed with the revisions. MOTION by Commissioner Kolodziejski to recommend that the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat, Planned Unit Development Master Development Agreement, Rezoning from AG: Agriculture to R -1 PUD: Low Density Residential Planned Unit PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 25, 2010 PAGE 6 Development, and the Comprehensive Plan Amendment to re -guide the property from MDR: Medium Density Residential and HDR: High Density Residential to LDR Low Density Residential, subject to the following conditions: 1. Deviations from the R -1 zoning district are granted to allow a 56 foot minimum lot width, 25 foot front yard setbacks, 7.5 foot side yard setbacks, a 7,400 square foot minimum lot size, 35% lot coverage for lots over 9,000 square feet, and 40% lot coverage for lots 9,000 square feet and under. 2. D.R. Horton will provide a well site within the exception parcels located on the east side of Street F or Arcon Development will to agree to provide a well site in a future development phase, preferably to the north. The well site will need to be a minimum of 0.25 acres with a minimum dimension of 105 feet by 105 feet and have a permanent access onto a local public street. 3. The design for phases 2 and 3 require the construction of Connemara Trail from at least the intersection of street D to Akron Avenue. 4. The alternative front elevation design including approximately three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting is required. 5. Driveway widths for Lots 33 through39, Block 5 shall be limited to a maximum width of 17 feet at the property line and curb line. 6. The building pad and garage elevations on Lot 1, Block 6 be recalculated to match the contours shown on the grading plan. 7. Detailed landscape plans shall be provided during the final plat submittal. 8. Put a star, asterisk, or other symbol on each lot on the landscape plan and in the planting notes stating "see standard lot planting detail for individual lot trees 9. Trees installed on individual lots shall be planted in a location that does not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. 10. Fences on lots adjacent to Akron Avenue or Connemara Trail shall be constructed so that landscaping is outside the fence and between the fence and Akron Avenue or Connemara Trail right -of -way. 11. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the City Engineer's Memorandum dated May 19, 2010. 12. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Park and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated May 19, 2010, except to remove the recommendation to install a second sidewalk along the east side of Street F. 13. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Fire Marshall's Memorandum dated May 20, 2010 14. Approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment by the Metropolitan Council. Compliance with the conditions of Dakota County Plat Commission Approval. 15. The grading and landscape plans will need to be revised accordingly before City Council approval. 16. An additional disclosure shall be given to potential homeowners regarding the Northern Natural Gas high pressure gas pipeline easement. Second by Powell. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. Mr. Zweber stated this item will go before the City Council at the meeting on June 15, 2010, on the condition the applicant provides revised plans to staff by 9:00a.m. on June 2, 2010. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 25, 2010 PAGE 7 b. Text Amendment to Amend the Zoning Ordinance to match the State Statute regarding Voting Requirement for Zoning Ordinance Amendments (10- 18 -TA). Senior Planner Zweber stated the City of Rosemount needs to amend the Zoning Ordinance Section Section 11- 10 -11, B.5, Council Action of the Ordinance to comply with State Statute 462.357, 2(b), stating that the adoption or amendment of any portion of a zoning ordinance require a majority vote of all members of the governing body. Commissioner Irving asked if there was language included on what a legal quorum should be. Mr. Zweber stated that in this case, the statute does state that a majority vote of all members is required so if only three members were present, they would still need three positive votes. The public hearing was opened at 8:46p.m. There were no public comments. MOTION by Powell to close the public hearing. Second by Ege. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. The public hearing was closed at 8:47p.m. There was no further discussion among the Commissioners. MOTION by Ege to recommend that the City Council approve the Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to match the State Statute regarding voting for Zoning Ordinance Amendments. Second by Irving. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. Mr. Zweber stated this item will go before the City Council for approval at the meeting on June 15, 2010. Old Business: None. New Business: None. Reports: Mr. Zweber stated the Planning Commission will have a work session meeting on Tuesday, June 8 to continue discussion of the Downtown zoning ordinance and architecture and the regular meeting will be on Tuesday, June 22n Planner Lindahl stated that the City will be holding a second open house associated with bike and pedestrian plan on Wednesday, June 2, 2010, from 5:30p.m. to 7:30p.m. at City Hall. The focus will be to give the public an opportunity to view the draft plan. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner Kolodziejski made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ege. Upon unanimous decision, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary