HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100824 PCP WKS Minutes PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION MINUTES AUGUST 24, 2010 PAGE 1 CaII to Order: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Work Session of the Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, August 24, 2010. The meeting was called to order at 8:40p.m. with Commissioners Ege, Irving, Demuth, Kolodziejski and Powell attending. Also in attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl and Recording Secretary Hanson. Discussion: a. Downtown Zoning Districts. Senior Planner Zweber reviewed the staff report and stated the biggest changes from the last meeting are in Section F Minimum Lot Requirements and outdoor sales. The width, size, and setbacks standards were added to clarify that it is a zero setback district. A lot coverage maximum was added at 90 which while it is large would require at least a minimum area for landscaping or infiltration -type stormwater management. The maximum building height was lowered from 75 feet to 45 feet which would allow for a four story residential building or a three story commercial building. Mr. Zweber further reviewed the draft ordinance stating outdoor sales are proposed to be limited to an area equal to 40% of the principal structure. This standard would allow Ace Hardware to continue outdoor sales as they normally occur but would not allow outdoor sales to the magnitude of Fluegel's. As a reminder, Fluegel's is already a non conforming site. He stated that staff is also considering a provision to allow a greater amount of outdoor sales for limited time periods (i.e. one weekend month or special occasions such as Leprechaun Days or a Downtown -wide event). On August 11, staff presented the draft Ordinance to the Downtown Business Council. Commissioner Irving attended the meeting and gave the Commission a brief overview of how the Ordinance was generally well received by the Business Council. Mr. Zweber stated that questions from the Downtown Business Council related to drive thrus, outdoor sales, auto orientated sales, and utilities. Commissioner Powell and Ege both agreed to allow outdoor sales on a limited basis for special occasions. A discussion took place on how Fluegel's is a non conforming use and how they are different than a business like Ace Hardware and what Fluegel's can actually do to their property being a non- conforming use. Mr. Zweber informed the Commission that the City will host an open house on September 14, 2010, inviting downtown businesses and owners of downtown property to review the draft ordinance. Tentative Ordinance Schedule August 11: Meeting with the Downtown Business Council September 14: Open House with Invitations Mailed to Downtown Businesses and Owners Later: Public Hearing Ultimately: CC Adoption PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION MINUTES AUGUST 24, 2010 PAGE 2 b. Public and Institutional Districts. Planner Lindahl stated that the City's recently adopted 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan reguided some parcels that are currently zoned P/I Public and Institutional from that land use category to another land use designation based on, but not limited to, ownership. Primarily the Plan reguided any property not owned by a civic, religious, or educational organization into other land use categories. Most notably, all parks were designated POS Parks/Open Space while the Rich Valley Golf Course was designated RC Regional Commercial, LI Light Industrial and BP Business Park. Mr. Lindahl went on to explain how ownership of land guided or zoned for some type of public activity has been an issue in neighboring communities. While no similar cases are present in Rosemount, Mr. Lindahl stated that staff believes it is prudent to review the P/I district to ensure it meets both the goals of the comprehensive plan as well as limits the City's potential exposure to litigation. Based on additional research, staff is now recommending to modify the P/I Public and Institutional district to focus on major public institutional uses while reinforcing the current practice of allowing other minor public institutional uses in residential districts. The amended P/I district would specifically address larger uses with more intense activities such as Community Parks and large education campuses. Other minor uses such as neighborhood parks, elementary or middle schools, churches, fire stations and the like with periodic and overall less intensive activity would be allowed in residential districts through detailed conditional use permit standards. Mr. Lindahl requested comments and direction from the Commission and stated he will use the feedback to produce a detailed zoning text amendment for further review by the Commission. The Commission were all in favor of the current strategy for the Public and Institutional district and had no additional comments. Updates: Senior Planner Zweber stated that Planner Lindahl will be out of the office during the months of September and October and therefore, the Public and Institutional item may not return to the Commission until November. He further stated that staff is beginning conversations with the University of Minnesota regarding an AUAR and comp plan maps developed by UMore that the Planning Commission will need to address. Finally, Mr. Zweber stated that staff will be working on a green tech ordinance addressing windmills, solar power, geothermal hearing and the like which will come to the Commission for review. Commissioner Powell asked when the Capital Improvement Plan will come before the Commission and Mr. Zweber replied that will occur sometime towards the end of the year, after the preliminary levy is set in September and before approval in December. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:16p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary