HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Claret Park - Pickle Ball �rRos�MouNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting: October 26, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Claret Park — Pickle Ball AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. Director 6 b. ATTACHMENTS: Top Ten Reasons for Pickle Ball Courts, Proposed Diagram and Flint Hills APPROVED BY: � Com lex Conce t Plan RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. ISSUE The topic of creatu�g permanent pickle ball courts at Claret Paxk was discuss at the Septembex 2015 Paxks and Recreation Commission meeting. Staff has looked further into the costs to conveYt the courts and will have the cost estimates for pYoperly convert the courts on Monday at the meeting. The conversion would include xemoving the existing tennis equipment, color coating the couYts, painting new lines, adding net posts and nets,installing a six foot tall fence to divide the courts,insta]ling additional fence posts for supporting the windscreens and adding a nine foot tall windscxeen around the courts. Staff supports the City adding permanent pickle ball couxts to the City's park system but has several concerns with converting the tennis courts at Claret PaYk into permanent pickle ball courts. Staff feels that the tennis courts do get regular use and that we would displace tennis playeYs who use the facility. The tenrus courts at Claret Park are the only courts in that area of town. The nearest option would be at Rosemount Highs School or Charlie's Park. Claret Park was not designed to be a location that would host tournaments and otheY activiries that draw large crowds. Theze are very limited areas for parking and assuming that people would park at local businesses and walk to the courts is not acceptable. Staff feels that the City has otheY locations in our park system that would be better suited foY a community asset such as a pickle ball court complex. We do have a possible space at the Flint Hills Athletic Complex (see attached plan) for pickle ball courts. This site would have ample parking and a possibility of adding lights to the courts, Staff feels that we should fuxther investigate the possibility of building permenant pickle ball courts at the Flint Hills Athletic Complex. BACKGROUND Pickle ball was invented in 1965 on Bainbridge Island, outside Seatde,WA. The goal of pickle ball then and now was to create a game that is fun for every member of the family. Pickle ball is a sport in which two, tl�ee, oY four players use solid paddles made of wood or composite mateYials to hit a perforated polymer ball, similar to a whiffle ball, over a net. The sport shaxes features of other Yacquet sports, the dimensions and layout of a badininton court, and a net and rules sirnilar to tennis,with a few modifications. Staff recently met with thYee local pickle ball players who would like to see the City of Rosemount create permanent pickle ball coutts. Two of the players that we met with have been very acrive in past discussions with staff xegarding the need for pickle ball facilities. In 2012, the City painted pickle ball court lines on the existing tennis couYts at Claret Park. A stoYage box was placed at the park and the pickle ball nets were stoYed at the paYk. The City also agxeed to set aside the following times for pickle ball: Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat from 9 am—Noon;and Tues/Thurs from 6—8 pm. The courts were initially used on a regular basis but have recendy not seen a lot of use. SUMMARY Staff requests that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the information related to the request for permanent pickle ball courts and further discuss this item. Staff feels a xecommendarion should not be made regarding this ptoject until we have a chance to Yeview our Capital Impxovement Plan (CIP) and discuss how this pxoject will fit in with all of the other pxojects we axe trying to get built. Top Ten Reasons To Convert Claret Sprin�s Tennis Court to Pickleball Court (*The time is now.) 10. The balls currently roll under fencing on west and north side. , 9. The uneven, re-surfaced cracks perpetuate ball skids and are safety hazards. 8. It is an underutilized tennis court. 7. Conversions are happening across Minnesota and the U.S. with great success. 6. The court is located where the sound of game does not interfere with neighbors. (Paddle manufacturers are making much quieter paddles now.) 5. Permanent nets will not deter first-time players from trying the sport based on fear or frustration associated with having to learn how to set up a net. 4. The new courts will entice more of the Boomer population to exercise and have fun. 3. The new courts will incite people, (stimulate possible tournaments), and therefore generate income for local merchants. 2. Permanent pickleball courts will allow the City to properly promote and maintain a pickleball program. 1. There are no dedicated pickleball courts in the City of Rosemount. Estimated Costs to Convert Claret Park Tennis Court to Pickleball Court 1. resurface and paint court lin�s, approximately $8400 - $1200Q 2. net posts and nets (6 courts), approximately $36Q0 � 3. six foot high, 8Q foot chain link fence with end posts / court divider, $350 4. nine foot high windscreen, appraximately $18Q0 � �C� � • c.;+�T--T----'��'�---�a���� -� , . , . ,�_ �_. _ _ ___.__ _ _ _ — — - - - .. - —— —_ __' _ _ � . , ` i . � �� � Futiure Regional �.� �, Trai l � `. �, � � ``-- � 1—'0�`--� ; � f � �I j � � �� � � ' i o' � , , , �' ` , �2d0' �c 3�A' a� Z4D :3G� 2 '1�TiD i �lhletic 6rce� i QI � Aihletic Gree■ � Gree �' , � I ) � � f ( � �� i ; '. ;� � ' � \.:� " ! i � � � � � � , Pla� C Iaincr fut�ure ------��, � � COMCE3SID(iS ''� �� '` 1 It��aing ; � . .. ,�, � I � _ { , , � � ���- � � Rarkl�A lot � � � . � � � '� 244" � �JBO 24a' K 36�` ,� �135 5t�lls� I � Aihleile GneAn � Athlebc Grienn I , �;� � , � � ' =`'''��� '� � _:; ' I � r � .� � Itt�il[tr,�lio� � � t +� `'-r '� ��,�� '_�.� s�si. tt�P� �� � ` '+ , � - - ;". ; � + p ''� ^ r! ,► y y� � � � 4� �'- i �� ,� ` `` � t �. �..�.w.� � '� � ;r �! �� � � I ����•.�,� ...J�`,�..�,...,1�`..»i...: �� ° .. � �� � ' � < � i ��� ���� ' .w..�_.��..�.... + $ � �� .. a.. ,�a�� "' � I � ' � ' � ^ �F x..X�.:��`,�' � . 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