JANUARY 25, 2011
Call to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, January 25, 2011. Chairperson Ege called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with
Commissioners Irving, Kolodziejski, Demuth, and Powell present. Also in attendance were Senior
Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, Project Engineer Olson and Recording Secretary Hanson.
The Pledge of Allegiance was read.
Additions to Agenda: None.
Audience Input: None.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of the November 23, 2010, Board of Appeals and Adjustment Meeting
b. Approval of the November 23, 2010, Regular Meeting Minutes
c. Approval of the December 28, 2010, Work Session Minutes
MOTION by Kolodziejski to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Ege.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearings:
a. Danner, Inc. Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal for 2011 (10- 30 -ME). Senior Planner Zweber
stated that the applicant, Danner, owns a 75 acre property located directly south of County Road 42
and approximately one half mile east of US Highway 52. The gravel mine is operated on the
southern half of the property with the north half of the property being farmed. In 2010, Danner
had a modification to the mining plan approved that allows mining to the 840 foot elevation,
approximately 30 feet below the final reclamation elevation. The mining plan modification also
allows Danner to haul clean material back to the site from public projects to return the site to that
final reclamation elevation. Mr. Zweber further stated that Danner operated within Phase 2 during
2010 and has removed approximately 50,000 cubic yards of material. Danner's mine is accessed by
a gravel road along the eastern edge of the property. Danner plans to mine the eastern half of
Phase 2 and work towards the east into Phase 1. Danner is moving back into Phase 1 to remove
the aggregate to the 840 foot elevation that was approved in 2010.
The applicant was not present.
The public hearing was opened at 6:37p.m.
There were no public comments.
MOTION by Powell to close the public hearing. Second by Kolodziejski.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. The public hearing was closed at 6:37p.m.
Commissioner Demuth asked about the Exhibit C referenced in the permit and Mr. Zweber
responded that it should state Exhibit A.
JANUARY 25, 2011
MOTION by Chairperson Ege to recommend the City Council renew the Danner Mineral
Extraction Permit for 2011, subject to the standards outlined in Section 12.4 of the Zoning
Ordinance and the 2011 Conditions for Mineral Extraction, including:
1. Provision of a surety bond as required under item N of the 2011 Conditions for
Mineral Extraction.
2. Provision of a certificate of comprehensive general liability insurance as required
under item 0 of the 2011 Conditions for Mineral Extraction.
Second by Powell.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Mr. Zweber stated that this item will go before the City Council at the February 15, 2011, regular
council meeting.
b. Pine Bend Development Co. Lot Split (10- 31 -LS). Planner Lindahl stated that the applicant, Pine
Bend Development Company, requests lot split approval to allow the subdivision of two existing
parcels. Tract 1 (PID 34- 02800 011 -25) is approximately 35.69 acres and the applicant intends to
subdivide it into Parcel A (29.80 acres) and Parcel B (5.89 acres). Tract 2 (PID 34- 02800 011 -30) is
approximately 65.89 acres and the applicant intends to subdivide it into Parcel C (51.64 acres) and
Parcel D (26.55 acres). Mr. Lindahl stated that should the City approve the lot splits, the applicant
intends to dissolve the Pine Bend Development Company partnership and convey the parcels to
the individual partners.
The applicant, Tom Gallagher, representing Pine Bend Development Co., approached the
Commission and stated the conditions are acceptable and he is available to answer any questions.
There were no questions for the applicant.
The public hearing was opened at 6:44p.m.
There were no public comments.
MOTION by Powell to close the public hearing. Second by Kolodziejski.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. The public hearing was closed at 6:44p.m.
Commissioner Powell asked for an explanation of the condition requiring an additional roadway
easement to be provided along 142nd Street East. Project Engineer Olson stated that the excess of
the existing easement is due to 142n Street being a collector roadway and is to prepare for future
improvements to that road. Mr. Zweber added that the property is not being platted; the existing
easement will simply be replaced with the new easement.
MOTION by Commissioner Irving to recommend the City Council approve the Lot Split
request from Pine Bend Development Company subdividing parcels 34- 02800 011 -30 and
34- 02800 011 -25 into four total parcels as illustrated on the attached certificate of survey,
subject to the following conditions:
A. Execution and recording of the Minor Subdivision Agreement and Declaration stating
that no additional units will be allowed on Parcels B or D until such time as they are
rezoned to a classification that permits additional units. Parcels A and C are each
JANUARY 25, 2011
allowed one dwelling unit in conformance with the standards of the AG, Agriculture
B. Dedication of a road easement equal to 100 feet along 142n Street East (50 feet either
side of the center line).
C. Payment of all applicable development fees including a $300 Geographic
Information (GIS) fee and 2 units of Park Dedication equal to $6,800.
D. Parcel B shall be combined with the 80 acre parcel to the south for a combined
Second by Powell.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Mr. Lindahl stated this item is scheduled to go to the City Council for approval at the February 15,
2011, meeting.
c. Sign Ordinance Text Amendment (10- 32 -TA). Planner Lindahl summarized the staff report stating
that this item was initiated by staff in response to minor ordinance administration issues with the
current sign regulations. After administering the current sign ordinance for the last eighteen months,
staff has identified seven minor changes that would improve the overall performance of these
regulations. Mr. Lindahl reviewed the proposed changes with the Commissioners.
The public hearing was opened at 6:56p.m.
There were no public comments.
MOTION by Powell to close the public hearing. Second by Kolodziejski.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. The public hearing was closed at 6:57p.m.
MOTION by Commissioner Powell to recommend the City Council approve an
Ordinance Amending the City of Rosemount Ordinance B Relating to Signs.
Second by Demuth.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Mr. Lindahl stated this item is scheduled to go to the City Council for approval at the February 15,
2011, meeting.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Reports: Planner Lindahl stated the finished Pedestrian and Bike Plan was distributed to each
Commissioner to use as a reference on future pedestrian and bike projects. Mr. Lindahl further
reviewed the mission statement and goals of the Plan.
JANUARY 25, 2011
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner
Irving made a motion to adjourn. Upon unanimous decision, the meeting was adjourned at
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary