MAY 24, 2011
Call to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, May 24, 2011. Chairperson Powell called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with
Commissioners Kolodziejski, Demuth, Irving, Miller and DiNella present. Commissioner Ege was
absent. Also in attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, Project Engineer Olson
and Recording Secretary Hanson.
The Pledge of Allegiance was read.
Additions to Agenda: None.
Audience Input: None.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of the April 26, 2011, Regular Meeting Minutes.
MOTION by Irving to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by DiNella.
Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Public Hearings:
Request by U.S. Home Corporation for a Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, and Major Amendment to
Planned Unit Development Agreement Prestwick Place 3' Addition (11 12 PP, 11 13 FP, 11
AMD). Planner Lindahl stated that U.S. Home Corporation (Lennar) requests approval of a major
PUD amendment, preliminary plat and final plat for Prestwick Place 3rd Addition to allow
development of Prestwick Place 3r Addition consisting of 63 total lots. The applicant's final plat for
Phase I of this development includes 27 of the total 63 lots. The major PUD amendment is
necessary to rezone the property from R -3, Medium Density Residential PUD to R -1, Low Density
Residential PUD and establish appropriate lot and setback standards. The preliminary and final plats
are necessary to facilitate subdivision of the subject property into individual residential lots, outlots
and public streets. While this project mostly conforms to the City's development standards and staff
is recommending approval, Mr. Lindahl pointed out several issues for the Commissioner's review.
Commissioner Irving asked why Street #3 on the plat does not line up with the exception parcel
ghost plat. Mr. Lindahl explained the situation with Street #3 and stated that is one of the items
staff would like the Commission's input on how it should be designed. Mr. Lindahl gave the
Commission several alternatives on how that area could be constructed and explained the
difficulties with the size of the lots on the north size of the connecting street in the exception
Commissioner Kolodziejski asked if the streets in the excepted parcel could be designed as a cul -de-
sac. Mr. Lindahl showed the Commission another example of a ghost plat showing the possibility
of cul -de -sacs in the exception parcel. Senior Planner Zweber stated that cul -de -sacs are not a
preferable option and should be used on a limited basis where there are topography restrictions
because it creates limited pedestrian access to and from a development.
MAY 24, 2011
Chairperson Powell asked if the Lennar lots on the north side of the excepted parcel are currently at
the minimum depth or if they could be reduced in size to accommodate the street connection. Mr.
Zweber stated that the developers /owners of the two plats would have to work together at
different phases of development and would be difficult to accomplish.
Commissioner Miller asked for the owner name of the excepted property and whether or not the
owner would have any input on how the land would be developed. Mr. Zweber stated that the
owner of excepted parcel was invited in the original discussions with the developer for the
Prestwick Place concept plan, but he declined the invitation.
Commissioner Miller asked about the gas pipeline running through the south area of the plat and
the requirements of maintenance. Project Engineer Olson stated that it is an Enterprise pipeline
and staff's experience in working with them, Mr. Olson stated that grading is kept to a minimum to
maintain cover over the pipe at an adequate depth, and if a crossing of the pipeline would need to
occur that the developer would be required to enter into an agreement as well as the City in the
event stormwater or drainage crossings would occur.
Commissioner Miller asked how much cost and impact would be caused in moving all of the
stormwater drainage and infiltration to one pond on the north side of the development rather than
the two separate ponds on the south side along County Road 42 as shown on the Concept Plan.
Mr. Olson replied that the redesign of the stormwater pond to the north will adequately cover the
drainage and infiltration plus also eliminate some of the backyards being restricted by stormwater
management. Mr. Zweber gave a background on the original concept plan with respect to the
redesign of the stormwater ponds. Commissioner Miller then asked what the requirement for the
development was for maximum retention of stormwater. Mr. Olson stated the development is
required to hold the quantity of a 100 year storm event and be able to infiltrate that same storm
event. He further stated that adjacent to this project, the City has been constructing an outlet for
an event larger than a 100 year storm event. Therefore, Mr. Olson stated that the stormwater
system being proposed is enough to handle the 100 year storm event for flood protection.
Amounts larger than that will be handled by trunk storm system being created with a potential
outlet to a larger infiltration basin or the Mississippi River shown as a connection off the back of
the pond into the storm trunk sewer system. Commissioner Miller then asked what the cost to the
City is for the stormwater infrastructure. Mr. Olson stated that cost has not been directly calculated
since it is a long -term maintenance cost, but the construction cost would be entirely developer
funded with the exception of the trunk storm sewer system which is funded through core funds.
Commissioner DiNella asked to see the design of the proposed houses. Mr. Lindahl replied the
applicant may have brought elevations with him. Mr. Zweber further clarified that there are broad
standards in the zoning ordinance but the planned unit development agreement does not dictate
specific home designs. He stated that PUD had included elevations in the past but then every
elevation change needed to be approved with a minor PUD amendment.
Commissioner DiNella asked about what type of protection there will be for homeowners from the
noise on County Road 42. Mr. Lindahl stated that Condition C. of the preliminary plat motion
requires the developer to intensify the screening along County Road 42 with either a fence or a
double row of evergreens. He stated the final determination of screening type is made during the
final plat stage of that phase.
MAY 24, 2011
Commissioner Irving asked about the drainage pond that appears on the plat east of Street 14. Mr.
Olson replied that the concept pond for the common area east of Street 14 will be constructed
during construction of Street 14 and will be temporary until the commercial area is fully developed
and may be moved to a different location at that time.
Commissioner Demuth asked who would be in charge of snow removal of the sidewalks within the
development and whether or not Condition E. under the preliminary plat motion is a
recommendation or a requirement to install additional sidewalks. Mr. Lindahl stated that if the
sidewalk is actually a trail as part of the City trail plan, it would be plowed in accordance with the
City's plowing plan. A regular concrete sidewalk would be the responsibility of adjoining
homeowner to remove the snow. He further stated that the condition is a recommendation at this
stage but if it is approved by the City Council, it will be a requirement.
Commissioner Irving inquired about Condition F. of the preliminary plat motion stating it seemed
vague in its recommendation to "investigate" the addition of a bituminous trail. Mr. Lindahl stated
staff was concerned about the feasibility of a trail in that location and still meet the ADA
requirements of a 5% slope for the grade of the trail and he stated that condition F. was created
before the developer and staff agreed that it could be done. Mr. Zweber added that the trail in that
location is not going to be constructed in the first phase and often, conditions in the preliminary
plat stage are ambiguous because the Commission will have another chance to review and approve
these conditions when the final plat comes in for that stage. He further stated that if the
Commission feels it is important to incorporate the trail, then it would be appropriate to add a
specific condition requiring the trail.
Chairperson Powell stated that if the Commission feels it important to incorporate the trail within
the preliminary plat conditions, the Commission should do so now rather than wait until the final
plat stage.
Commissioner Demuth asked about the sidewalk /trail being added to the south side of Street 8 and
stated her concern of the snow removal responsibility of the homeowner in the corner lot with
sidewalks on two sides of the lot. Mr. Lindahl stated the additional sidewalk /trail is being requested
by staff pursuant to the Bike and Pedestrian Plan that was recently adopted by the City to provide a
trail along a neighborhood collector street which connects Connemara Trail and the commercial
area. Commissioner Demuth stated she would like to see the additional sidewalk to the south of
Street 8 eliminated from the plat requirements.
Chairperson Powell asked if the Park and Recreation Commission, who met the night before, found
any inconsistencies with the proposed plat. Mr. Lindahl replied that nothing was changed from the
findings in the memo prepared by the Park and Recreation Director.
Chairperson Powell asked about the discrepancy in that the plat shows a setback in excess of 60' on
the lots along County Road 42 but the developer's standards state they want a 50' setback. Mr.
Lindahl stated he would allow the developer to address that issue.
Chairperson Powell asked how the restriction to build accessory structures in the backyard within
an easement is governed. Mr. Lindahl replied that it is required by ordinance that accessory
structures are prohibited within easements. Current city policy does allow residents to put fences
within easements but also that the owner of the easement is allowed to do work in that area when
needed regardless of any structures.
MAY 24, 2011
Chairperson Powell then asked if the only conservation easement, pursuant to the engineering
memo, would be located over the large pond and infiltration basin. Mr. Olson responded that it
would be located over the large infiltration basin and ponding area with exception of the park.
Chairperson Powell asked Mr. Olson to point out the sanitary sewer line that goes through the park
and whether or not there has been any discussion with the developer to realign that sewer line. Mr.
Olson showed where the sewer line is currently proposed and stated the City is in discussion with
the Met Council to add a manhole at the end of Street 9 to better serve the commercial outlot as
well as the lot in the southwest corner of the future development.
The applicant, Joe Jablonski, with Lennar, approached the Commission and responded to the
concerns of the Commissioners. With respect to the additional sidewalks /trails that staff is
requesting, Mr. Jablonski requested that the south side of Street 9 be a trail that will dead end into
the park while the other side of the street remain a concrete sidewalk. In response to
Commissioner Demuth's concern about snow removal, Mr. Jablonski stated they would not require
the homeowner's association to maintain the additional sidewalks; it would be the homeowner's
responsibility. With respect to the rear yard storm sewer drainage, Mr. Jablonski states they are
willing to make a significant investment up front to alleviate problems with drainage in the future to
help lawns drain properly and avoid lot to lot drainage situations. With respect to screening along
County Road 42, Mr. Jablonski stated that Lennar understands that is a heavily traveled road and
they will continue to work with staff on acceptable buffering with a combination of berming,
landscaping and fencing.
Commissioner Irving asked Mr. Jablonski what Lennar wants to see happen with the excepted
parcel connected to Street 3. Mr. Jablonski replied that he would prefer to see a double cul -de -sac
or if it needs to be an L street, possibly have 2 larger lots on the north side of the excepted parcel
instead of 4 small sized lots.
Commissioner Miller asked the applicant what impact it would have if Street 3 could be curved
down to the south to meet up with the connecting street on the ghost plat. Mr. Jablonski replied
that Lots 1 and 2 would be reduced in length and may affect the buffering from County Road 42.
Mr. Lindahl stated that Lots 1 and 2 are both 200' in depth and the minimum depth required is
155', so the street could go to the south a short distance and still maintain the minimum lot depth
for those lots affected.
Commissioner Miller asked about the possibility of maintaining a stormwater pond on the
southeast corner of the development on Lots 7, 8 and 9 beyond the easement. Mr. Jablonski
replied that they already have adequate ponding with the stormwater pond on the north side of the
development. Project Engineer Olson added that there are grading restrictions involved with the
pipeline and that area is also a good area for berming and screening from County Road 42.
Commissioner Miller asked what the depth restriction for the pipeline was and Mr. Olson replied it
was likely 3 -5 feet.
Chairperson Powell asked the size of the pipeline and whether the stormwater crossings would go
underneath the pipeline because of the depth restrictions. Mr. Olson replied that the pipeline is 8
inches and confirmed the stormwater crossings would be constructed underneath the pipeline.
MAY 24, 2011
Commissioner Miller asked if the lots located directly on the easement still would have the same
setback requirements. Mr. Jablonski replied that there would be a 20 foot setback from the
easement line but those lots are wider than the others due to the pipeline so the house will have the
same width as the other lots.
Chairperson Powell asked the applicant if he had elevations of the home styles. Mr. Jablonski
stated he did not bring any elevations with him to show the Commission but that the home styles
would be similar to those Lennar has done in other developments, such as Glendalough.
Chairperson Powell then asked if the homes would be walkout styles to facilitate the rear yard
storm sewer systems and Mr. Jablonski stated that was correct.
Commissioner Miller asked if there was any other technology that could be used instead of the
backyard stormwater catch basins that was proposed since he has the same Lennar constructed
system in his backyard and he does not favor it. Mr. Jablonski stated there are other options for
stormwater management but that they all require some level of maintenance and the proposed
system is the most cost effective for the City to maintain that does not require constant attention
especially in situations where several residents could be involved in the maintenance of the system.
Commissioner Miller asked if there would be a homeowner's association involved in this
development. Mr. Jablonski stated it would be a very minimal homeowner's association because of
the size of development and the lack of specific features that would be private in nature, probably
only maintaining buffer fencing and architectural restrictions.
There were no further questions for the applicant from the Commissioners.
The public hearing was opened at 8:23p.m.
There were no public comments.
MOTION by Kolodziejski to close the public hearing. Second by Irving.
Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion approved. The public hearing was closed at 8:24p.m.
Chairperson Powell asked if any Commissioner had recommendations on the three questions given
by staff. Commissioner Irving stated he would like to see the item tabled until the next meeting in
order for staff to be able to provide more information on the different options for Street 3, the
alternatives in stormwater management and see updated plans.
Chairperson Powell stated he opposes the idea of cul -de -sacs in the excepted parcel and stated his
preference to have Street 3 shifted south to align the street in the ghost plat. He further stated he
supports the additional sidewalks along Streets 8 and 9 to support pedestrians. With respect to
stormwater management alternatives, Chairperson Powell stated that splitting the ponding areas
into multiple basins creates more that needs to be maintained or swales in the backyards leaves
more to the homeowner responsibility and the possibility of them not being maintained.
Commissioner Miller stated he would like to see staff do an analysis of stormwater management
along County Road 42 at the intersection of Street 14 as a possible mitigation measure not only as a
stormwater feature but also as a buffer to give distance between the homes and County Road 42.
He also stated he is not comfortable with the proposed protection from a 100 year flood event and
would like more information on how it will be insured the development will not get flooded.
MAY 24, 2011
Commissioner Demuth asked if the additional sidewalks would be bituminous and what the width
would be. Mr. Lindahl stated that the width of a sidewalk would be 5 feet and the width of a
bituminous trail would be 8 feet; however it is undecided as to which one would be installed at
those locations. Commissioner Demuth stated she opposes the additional sidewalk /trail along
Street 8 due to the unreasonable responsibility of snow removal on the part of the homeowner(s).
Mr. Zweber stated that the unresolved issues several of the Commissioners have are issues that are
not part of the first phase of the final plat being proposed and will be looked at in more detail at a
later meeting. He further stated that the issues can be listed as conditions of the preliminary plat
and the final decision can be made in the final plat process later on. He stressed the fact that the
building season is underway and time is short to have this development take place this year. Mr.
Zweber went on to address Commissioner Miller's concern with the pond not taking care of the
100 year flood by explaining the pipe designed to handle the overflow and how the pond is
designed. He further stated that other options for stormwater management have been evaluated
but the applicant has not been able to assure maintenance by a homeowner's association or
individual homeowners.
MOTION by Irving to table the item until the June 28, 2011, Planning Commission
meeting to allow staff to provide the requested information to the Commission.
Commissioner Miller stated he would like to see the item come back earlier than the June 28
meeting. Mr. Zweber stated the Commission could meet on the second Tuesday of the month but
that would not give the applicant adequate time to redraft and submit new plans and for staff to
review those plans, and therefore, the June 28 meeting would be the soonest the item could be
Second by Miller.
Mr. Jablonski approached the Commission and requested a decision on the items at this meeting to
avoid a delay of the project to possibly next year.
Mr. Zweber reiterated the fact that the issues that are being questioned will come back in the future
phases of the final plat development. Commissioner DiNella asked if the Commission could at
least vote on the other motions if there were no questions involved with them. Chairperson Powell
stated there was a motion currently on the floor to table the item which needed to be acted upon.
Commissioner Irving agreed to withdraw his motion of tabling the item. Motion was withdrawn.
MOTION by DiNella to recommend the City Council approve a Planned Unit
Development (PUD) Amendment rezoning Outlot G, Prestwick Place from R -3 Medium
Density Residential PUD to R -1, Low Density Residential PUD and designating lot size and
setback standards, subject to conditions:
a. Approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment by the Metropolitan Council.
b. Conformance to the 60' rear yard setback standard for lots abutting a Principal
Arterial street in the R -1, Low Density Residential district.
Second by Kolodziejski.
Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion carried.
MAY 24, 2011
It was decided to add three additional conditions to the preliminary plat motion to (1) redesign
Street 3 further to the south, so the south edge of its right -of -way is 155' north of the southern
property line of Outlot G where it connects to the exception parcels to the west; (2) perform a
stormwater analysis of stormwater management along County Road 42 considering different
available alternatives; and (3) provide information on the impact to homeowners of an additional
sidewalk on Street 8 with respect to snow removal. Also, it was decided to change the wording in
Condition f. to read "Add a bituminous trail," instead of "Investigate the addition of".
MOTION by Miller to recommend the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat for
Prestwick Place 3` Addition, subject to conditions:
a. Approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment by the Metropolitan Council.
b. Approval of a Major Planned Unit Development rezoning the subject property and
designating lot size and setback standards.
c. Intensify screening of the lots along County Road 42 through either fencing or a
continuous double row of evergreen trees placed 15' on center. The final design of
the screening will determined at the time of final plat for Phases II and III.
d. Revise the landscape plan to relocate the proposed overstory trees along Street 14 to
the adjacent boulevard. These trees shall be maintained by the adjoining
homeowners' association per the Prestwick Place PUD.
e. Add trail /sidewalk on the west side of Street 9 and sidewalk along the south side of
Street 8.
f. Invcatigatc the addition of Add a bituminous trail between Lots 9 and 10, Block 3
connecting Street 3 and Street 14 to facilitate pedestrian and bicycle access to the
future commercial development to the east.
g. Conformance with all requirement of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached
memo dated May 16, 2011.
h. Conformance with all requirement of the Parks and Recreation Department as
detailed in the attached memo dated May 18, 2011.
i. Shift Street 3 south so the south edge of its right -of -way is 155' north of the
southern property line of Outlot G where it connects to the exception parcels to the
j. Perform a stormwater analysis of stormwater management along County Road 42
considering different available alternatives.
k. Provide information on the impact to homeowners of an additional sidewalk on
Street 8 with respect to snow removal.
Second by Irving.
Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion carried.
MOTION by Powell to recommend the City Council approve the Final Plat for Prestwick
Place 3r Addition, subject to conditions:
a. Conformance with all requirements of the Prestwick Place 3` Addition Preliminary
b. Execution of the subdivision development agreement for Prestwick Place 3`
Second by Kolodziejski.
MAY 24, 2011
Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Planner Lindahl stated this item will go before the City Council on June 21, 2011.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Reports: None.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Chairperson
Powell made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Irving. Upon unanimous decision,
the meeting was adjourned at 9:05p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary