HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110823 PCM RM Minutes
AUGUST 23, 2011
Call to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, August 23, 2011. Chairperson Powell called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with
Commissioners Demuth, Irving, and Weber present. Commissioners Ege and Dinella were absent.
Commissioner Miller arrived at 6:41p.m. Also in attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, Project
Engineer Olson and Recording Secretary Hanson.
The Pledge of Allegiance was read.
Oath of Office for New Commissioner:
Recording Secretary Hanson administered the Oath of Office to new Planning Commissioner Mike
Additions to Agenda:Senior Planner Zweber stated that due to the resignation of Commissioner
Kolodziejski, there needs to be an election of a new Vice-Chair.
Chairperson Powell asked the Commissioners for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair.
Commissioner Demuth nominated Commissioner Irving for the position of Vice-Chair.
There were no further nominations.
MOTION by Weber to close the nominations.
Second by Demuth.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
MOTION by Powell to elect Commissioner Irving by unanimous consent to the position
of Vice-Chairperson.
Second by Irving.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Audience Input: None.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of June 28, 2011, Regular Meeting Minutes
b. Approval of July 26, 2011, Regular Meeting Minutes
MOTION by Irving to approve the Consent Agenda.
Second by Demuth.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Public Hearings:
a. Feed Products Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan and Lot Split (11-28-
Senior Planner Zweber stated that Feed Products North, Inc., located at 13095 Courthouse
Blvd, is proposing to construct an 88 foot radius concrete dome to store fertilizer. Feed Products is
requesting a planned unit development (PUD) to deviate from the 300 foot setback standards to
locate the dome a minimum of 75 feet from the south and east property lines. The plans that Feed
Products have submitted are incomplete and staff is recommending a continuation of the public
hearing to the next Planning Commission meeting to allow Feed Products to resubmit complete
AUGUST 23, 2011
Mr. Zweber stated that staff recommends that the Planning Commission open the public hearing to
allow any audience members to address the application, but following that testimony, that the
Planning Commission continue the public hearing to the September 27 Planning Commission
The public hearing was opened at 6:36p.m.
There were no public comments.
MOTION by Irving to continue the public hearing to the September 27, 2011, Planning
Commission meeting.
Second by Weber.
Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Mr. Zweber stated this item will come back before the Planning Commission at the September 27,
2011, meeting.
b. Hawkins, Inc. Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan (11-27-FDP).
Planner Zweber stated Hawkins, Inc. is purchasing approximately 25 acres of the former
Continental Nitrogen Resources (CNR) property located on the southeast corner of US Highway
52 and MN Highway 55. Mr. Zweber further reviewed the staff report. Mr. Zweber stated that
Condition #6 in the staff report was an error and should be removed.
Chairperson Powell asked staff about the interim surface treatment where the building will be located,
the monument sign at the entrance, the access drive and maintenance of the ponds. Mr. Zweber
responded that the surface treatment will be a type of native vegetation that requires low
maintenance. He further stated the monument signs at the entrance will need separate staff approval
and the access drive is required to provide access to Feed Products. Project Engineer Olson
responded that the ponds are private ponds and will be maintained by the owner, not the City.
Commissioner Miller asked staff if there were certain requirements as to how the masonry is applied
in Condition #4. Mr. Zweber replied that there is some latitude in the condition as to how the
applicant applies the masonry. The intent of the requirement is mainly for long term maintenance and
aesthetics. Commissioner Miller then asked the purpose of the bollards requirement of Condition #7
and the proof of parking requirement in Condition #8. Mr. Zweber replied that the bollards will help
prevent road surface erosion and provides a safety measure to keep the trucks on the road. He
further stated that Hawkins may not currently need additional parking but the code requires them to
be able to show that space is available for additional parking should it ever be needed in the future.
Commissioner Miller asked staff if there is any requirement for the applicant to provide proof of
maintenance of the stormwater ponds. Mr. Olson responded that there are no specific forms or
checks in place to assure that the applicant maintains their ponds, however, staff would respond to
any complaints issued regarding insufficient upkeep with an inspection at that time.
Chairperson Powell asked if the City could deem the applicant noncompliant if they do not maintain
the stormwater ponds. Mr. Olson responded that if the applicant does not maintain the ponds
correctly in accordance with code and their grading plans, then it would be out of compliance with
City ordinance and enforcement measures would need to be taken.
AUGUST 23, 2011
The Applicant was present but did not have comment.
The public hearing was opened at 7:07p.m.
There were no public comments.
MOTION by Irving to close the public hearing. Second by Demuth.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. The public hearing was closed at 7:07p.m.
Commissioner Miller asked Mr. Zweber if there was alternative language to use in Condition #7 so
as not to restrict the applicant to bollards only. Mr. Zweber stated that the phrase “or other
acceptable truck barriers” could be added to Condition #7.
MOTION by Irving recommend that the City Council approve the Planned Unit Development
Final Site & Building Plan, subject to the following conditions which includes the removal of
Condition #6 and the addition to Condition #7:
1.The setback to the south property line and the east property line for structures less than 250
feet tall shall be 75 feet.
2.Submission of a revised Landscape Plan that fulfills the requirements of the equivalent of
338 caliper inches of trees. Trees should be concentrated along the north and west street
frontages at a minimum spacing of one tree per 50 feet and as landscaping within the
infiltration basins.
3.The north elevation of the building shall be revised to include a minimum of four (4)
exposed aggregate concrete panels to create a column effect every 90 feet. The exposed
aggregate panels shall be a dark earth tone and the finished concrete panels shall be a light
earth tone. The concrete panel of the truck loading bays shall have a horizontal colored
band in the same color pattern as the north elevation.
4.The rail service shed (garage) shall have at least 40% masonry per the HI-Heavy Industrial
building standards.
5.The roof top cooling tower shall be of a color compatible with the north elevation color
pattern. The roof top scrubber unit shall be located south of (behind) the cooling tower.
6.Removal of the wall sign on the south façade facing the residents south of 151 Street West.
7.Bollards, or other acceptable truck barriers, shall be installed at any access drive radius
greater than 45 degrees, at the intersection of the loading dock and the access drive, and at
intersection of the rail service shed and the access drive.
8.Submission of the parking lot layout of the parking lot west of the existing office to ensure
that there is parking and proof of parking for 130 parking stalls. Additional proof of
parking stalls shall be designed if the total is less than 130 parking stalls.
9.The sanitary sewer line shall be designed to serve Feed Products to the east and a drainage
and utility easement in the interest of the City shall be recorded over the sewer line.
10.The stormwater plan shall be revised to ensure that the pond designs and site stormwater
system meet the City requirements.
Second by Miller.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion carried.
As follow-up, Mr. Zweber stated this item will go before the City Council at their regular meeting
on September 20, 2011, provided the applicant submits revised plans to staff by September 6, 2011.
AUGUST 23, 2011
Old Business None.
New Business None.
Reports None.
Adjournment There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner
Irving made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Weber. Upon unanimous decision,
the meeting was adjourned at 7:10p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary