HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120313 PCM RM PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 13, 2012 PAGE 1 Call to Order: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, March 13, 2012. Chairperson Powell called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with Commissioners Demuth, Weber, Irving, Miller, DiNella, and Ege present. Also in attendance were Senior Planner Zweber and Recording Secretary Hanson. The Pledge of Allegiance was read. Additions to Agenda:None. Audience Input: None. Consent Agenda:None. Public Hearings: Senior Planner Zweber 5.a. Site Plan Review for Rosemount Depot Park and Ride (12-03-SP). explained that the City is working with MVTA to construct a 102 parking stall park and ride on th about 55,000 square feet of land located on the southeast corner of 145 Street and Burnley Avenue (directly south of City Hall). The land is owned by the Rosemount Port Authority and funding for construction of the park and ride is through a 2013 CMAQ grant and a $250,000 grant from the Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) grant for design enhancements. The 20% local match will be through the Regional Transit dollars allocated by the Metropolitan Council. While the project received funding for fiscal year 2013, it appears likely that the project will be constructed in 2012. The other components of the CMAQ grant will be financed in 2013; purchase of new buses servicing the park and ride and three years of operating expenses associated with the park and ride operation. Commissioner Ege asked who would be responsible for snow plowing the lot and whether or not there is potential for the park and ride to expand as Rosemount grows. Mr. Zweber stated that MVTA may be able to answer the snow maintenance question. With respect to expansion, Mr. Zweber stated that it is not the intent to expand this park and ride location and as Rosemount grows towards the east, the City would look at either a replacement of this site or an additional site to accommodate that need. Commissioner Miller asked about the type of lighting fixture that is proposed and expressed his concern with the safety issues of having a singular bathroom that locks. Mr. Zweber stated that the proposed lighting is a decorative acron style of fixture consistent with other downtown locations. With respect to the bathroom, Mr. Zweber stated that even with the funding provided by CDA grant, there were only enough funds for one unisex bathroom. Commissioner DiNella asked if the handicapped parking spots and other details of facility will meet ADA requirements. Mr. Zweber confirmed that the number of spaces meets the ADA standards and that staff will work with MVTA to insure all features meet the ADA requirements. Commissioner Weber asked how many people currently use the parking lot at the Community Center and Mr. Zweber replied that he didn’t have an exact number available but that the number of people using the space has grown over the few years it has been open. Commissioner Weber also asked if there are any concerns with the lot being so close to the railroad tracks and whether or not two way traffic will be able to continue when drop offs are occurring. Mr. Zweber stated staff hasn’t experienced any safety concerns with other businesses in Rosemount close to the railroads and there PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 13, 2012 PAGE 2 will be a retaining wall not taller than four feet between the edge of the lot and the tracks. Mr. Zweber stated that this transit use would be better located adjacent to railroad than a residential use such as Waterford Commons. Mr. Zweber stated that the bump outs provided to accommodate the drop offs by bus or car will actually be expanding the width of the road, so two-way through traffic should be able to continue at all times. Commissioner Ege asked about the opportunity for a coffee shop to come to the premises in the future. Mr. Zweber stated that it may not be possible to have commercial activity right onsite, but staff has discussed the possibility of adding commercial features in the future within walking distance, such as that shown within the Central Park planning study area completed a number of years ago. Commissioner Powell asked if the trees being placed in the middle of the lot are shorter trees to avoid blocking the lighting. Mr. Zweber responded that the light poles are a shorter type and the trees will compliment that such as trees that have a cone shaped canopy rather than an overflowing shape. Pat McGraw from Stantec, consultant for MVTA, approached the Commission to answer the question about snow removal. Mr. McGraw stated that it is generally assumed that MVTA will maintain the facility with some City assistance in maintaining the sidewalk area. Mr. Zweber added that City staff would help to remove any snow that is plowed from the lot into the boulevard area. The public hearing was opened at 6:54p.m. There were no public comments. MOTION by Ege to close the public hearing. Second by Weber. Ayes: 7. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 6:55p.m. Commissioner Ege if the City would ever consider assessing non-residents with an additional parking fee if it ever became an issue as it did in the past in Apple Valley with Lakeville residents using the Apple Valley park and ride. Mr. Zweber stated he did not believe it would become an issue in Rosemount as in the Apple Valley situation, the people from Lakeville were riding the bus in Apple Valley and were not paying the transit tax as Apple Valley residents were. He stated the additional assessment was never enforced and has become less of an issue with more cities becoming part of the transit system. Commissioner Miller, with respect to the conditions of approval, expressed his concern with the safety of having the parking lot dark at night as in Condition #1. He stated the parking stalls are of adequate size and do not need to be increased as requested in Condition #2 and that the four additional trees as requested in Condition #3 are unnecessary. Commissioner Miller stated the only condition he would support would be Condition #4 to comply with the City Engineer’s Memorandum. In response, Mr. Zweber stated that Condition #1 for reduction of lighting can certainly be in the discretion of the Commissioners, but that the parking and landscaping requirements are per City Code and the only way to eliminate those conditions would be through a PUD or variance, neither of which is being requested by the applicant. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 13, 2012 PAGE 3 Commissioner Ege agreed with Commissioner Miller’s concern about safety and suggested that police routinely patrol the area. Mr. Zweber stated that the condition #1 does not require a reduction of the lighting during the operation of the park and ride, only after the last scheduled bus has come and gone. He stated it becomes cost efficient for the City to have the lighting reduced when they are not being used for the park and ride. Commissioner Powell stated his approval for all of the recommended conditions. MOTION by Powell to approve the Site Plan for the Rosemount Depot Park and Ride subject to the following conditions: 1.The applicant should work with staff to provide the appropriate lighting for the site. At a minimum the lighting shall be installed on two circuits so that the lighting needed for street lighting can remain on all night and the light for the park and ride can be turned off not later than 30 minutes after the last scheduled bus in the evening and not turned on sooner than 45 minutes before the first scheduled bus in the morning. 2.The center parking stalls do not meet the minimum depth. These stalls need to be increased in depth or the western seventeen stalls need to be reduced to compact car stalls and signed as such. 3.Four additional trees to need to be installed to provide a minimum of eighteen (18) trees. Some of the additional trees should be installed into the parking lot islands to provide shading of the parking lot. 4.Compliance with the City Engineer’s Memorandum dated March 8, 2012. Second by Ege. Commissioner Demuth asked if the lighting could be increased in the future if the City saw an increase in crime in the area. Mr. Zweber stated the issue could certainly be revisited if the timing of the lights is not set up right. Commissioner Weber asked if the building would be locked after hours and Mr. Zweber confirmed that it would be locked and staff is working with MVTA to determine which entity will be in charge of locking and unlocking the facility. Ayes: 7. Nays: None. Motion approved. Mr. Zweber clarified that the Planning Commission is the final approving body for site plan reviews. However, since this property is owned by the Port Authority and the project is advance funded by the City Council, both groups will be reviewing the item at their meetings on March 20, 2012. Old Business None. : New Business None. : Reports : 8.a. 2012 Land Use Planning Workshops Senior Planner Zweber informed the Commissioners of recommended training options for them having to do with planning and zoning regulations. Commissioners are to notify staff if they are interested in attending. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 13, 2012 PAGE 4 Adjournment There being no further business to come before this Commission, Chairperson : Powell adjourned the meeting at 7:08p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary