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AUGUST 28, 2012
Call to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, August 28, 2012. Chairperson Powell called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with
Commissioners Husain, DiNella, Demuth and Weber present. Commissioner Miller was absent.
Also in attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, Project Engineer Olson and Recording Secretary
The Pledge of Allegiance was read.
Election of Vice-Chair.
Chairperson Powell stated that with the resignation of Commissioner Irving, a new vice-chair needs
to be elected. He also announced the resignation of Commissioner Ege effective August 28, 2012,
and expressed thanks for her years of service. Chairperson Powell asked for nominations of the
new vice-chair.
Commissioner Demuth nominated Commissioner Miller. There were no other nominations.
MOTION by Powell to elect Commissioner Miller for Vice-Chair by unanimous consent.
Second by DiNella.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. Commissioner Miller was elected as Vice-Chair.
Additions to Agenda:Senior Planner Zweber mentioned the letter provided to the
Commissioners from the Metropolitan Council regarding the next level of comprehensive planning
and stated he will discuss it later in the meeting under reports.
Audience Input: None.
Consent Agenda:
Approval of the July 24, 2012, Regular Meeting Minutes
Approval of the July 24, 2012, Work Session Meeting Minutes
MOTION by Weber to approve the Consent Agenda.
Second by Demuth.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved.
Public Hearing
6.a. Request by Dakota Aggregates for a Large Scale Mineral Extraction Permit, Annual Operating
Permit for Dry/Wet Mining Sub-Phase 1A; and an Interim Use Permit for Aggregate Processing
Senior Planner Zweber reviewed the staff report and stated the
(12-17-ME, 12-18-ME, 12-19-IUP).
objective of the Planning Commission meeting is to have the staff review the mining proposal;
open the Public Hearing and receive public comment; have the Planning Commissioners provide
their questions and comments regarding the proposal; and continue the public hearing to the
September 25 regular Planning Commission meeting. He further stated that the Planning
Commission will conduct a work session on September 11 to review the public and Planning
Commissioner’s comments and discuss possible permit conditions to address the comments. It is
anticipated that Staff will prepare a formal recommendation and permit conditions for the
September 25 regular Planning Commission meeting, depending upon the outcome of tonight’s
meeting and the meeting on the 11th.
AUGUST 28, 2012
Applicant, Shawn Dahl, of Dakota Aggregates and Ames Construction stated that Dakota Aggregates
was created by Cemstone and Ames Construction and has been involved with the UMore property
for the past four years. Mr. Dahl further stated they have held public meetings for the Bloomfield
and Enclave neighborhoods and the most common question asked would be why this particular area
was chosen for mining. Mr. Dahl stated that the area is very unique in the quantity as well as quality
of aggregates.
Commissioner Demuth asked Mr. Dahl why Dakota Aggregates wouldn’t mine the whole dry area
before continuing to the wet phase below the water table. Mr. Zweber responded saying the
direction came from City staff to mine only 80 dry acres at a time to limit the amounts of dust from
such a large area being mined.
Commissioner DiNella asked Mr. Dahl if Dakota Aggregates has leased or purchased the land and
who receives the profits from the operation. Mr. Dahl stated that they have a lease with the
University and they pay them a market rate for the aggregate on a per ton removed basis.
Chairperson Powell confirmed with staff that the property will become taxable property once the
mining begins and that also the City would hopefully have a nearby source for aggregate when
bidding projects that would be beneficial to the City.
Commissioner Husain stated he had three concerns: water contamination; dust and environmental
pollution; and noise. With respect to the noise concerns, Mr. Dahl stated that the work will take
place 70 feet below the level of County Road 42 and the entire site will be bermed. He stated Dakota
Aggregates is required to operate within MPCA noise standards. With respect to dust control, Mr.
Dahl stated they are only allowed to have 80 acres open at one time and processing is dust free
because they wash 90% of the products produced. He stated the greatest generator of dust is
stockpiles and with only 80 acres open, they will not have enough space to stockpile. Mr. Dahl also
stated they will always have a water truck on site for dust control while mining the 80 acre area.
Chairperson Powell confirmed the condition that if the wind level is too high constituting a wind
advisory day, the Community Development Director has the ability to cease operations until the wind
has decreased.
Commissioner Demuth stated the property has been used for agricultural research and citizens have
expressed their concerns. She asked Mr. Dahl where the public could go to find out which pesticides
have been used in that area. Mr. Dahl stated that the University has performed research and reports
on those concerns that can be made public. Mr. Zweber stated that staff has not seen any records of
pesticides being used but can consult with the University. Jim Aiken, with Barr Engineering,
approached the Commission and stated that during the Phase I and II investigations, it was found
that the University used standard pesticides in accordance with their labeled use and there was no
record of any other experimental use. He stated he can provide more specific information on that
part of the investigation before next month’s meeting.
Chairperson Powell stated key issues include protection of the ground water and geology of the lake
and requested a brief presentation from staff on those issues. Mr. Zweber stated that Barr
Engineering is currently improving their groundwater monitoring plan and staff will have that ready
for the September 11 work session meeting.
Commissioner Demuth stated that it states in the packet the Department of Health has concerns if
the surface water impacted the municipal wells, it could be an added expense to our community and
she asked if there was a way to identify the contaminants to look for to possibly prevent an impact.
AUGUST 28, 2012
Mr. Zweber responded that staff has met with LBG and the Department of Health to review the
definitions of groundwater under the influence of surface water and what chemistry parameters we
should look for in the monitoring wells before doing a test well. He stated this is currently a topic
being reviewed and staff will continue to meet with the Department of Health staff to insure the
correct chemistry is being tested for. He stated that the three proposed City drinking water wells
have not been installed and there are other options if it is determined that installing the wells would
be detrimental affected by the groundwater feed lake.
Commissioner Demuth then asked if the intention for the lake is for it to be an amenity to the public
such as a park or public access lake. Mr. Zweber stated that it is intended for the lake to have public
access similar to Cobblestone Lake in Apple Valley.
Chairperson Powell asked for identification of where the Met Council interceptors are running
through the site. Mr. Zweber showed on the aerial diagram where the former interceptor and current
Empire interceptor is located and stated that the mining will take place outside of the easement
containing the Empire interceptor but that Dakota Aggregates would need to abandon the former
interceptor before they would be able to mine in that area.
The public hearing was opened at 7:32p.m.
Myron Napper, 3381 145 Street East, stated he thought all of the questions the Commissioners
were asking could be answered in a 380 page document he received from the County. He asked
staff how far Phase 2 is from the four ordnance stacks and stated that area is contaminated with
chloroform that will deposit into the lake. Mr. Zweber responded that the Phase 2 area is about a
miles from the stacks and that the ground water flows northeast away from the lake, not west. Mr.
Zweber further stated his assumption that the 380 page document from the County is actually his
371 page staff report for this meeting.
Richard Cook, 14665 Biscayne Way, stated he has two concerns: the additional traffic and who
would pay for the installation of reinforced roads at the access points; and who would be in charge
of maintaining the lake once the mining in that phase is complete.
Frank Knoll, 4322 145 Street East, asked how the lake will be filled once mining is complete and
stated the areas north of County Road 42 do not have any water in them. Mr. Zweber replied that
those are stormwater ponds that are fed by whatever precipitation is received. The lake created by
the mining process will be fed by groundwater.
Myron Napper, 3381 145 Street East, expressed his frustration with the inadequacy of the
infrastructure at County Road 42 and 46 intersections with Highway 52 and stated there will be a
need for signals with the additional truck traffic.
Chairperson Powell asked staff to clarify the agency responsibility of maintaining certain roads. Mr.
Zweber stated that Dakota Aggregates will pave into their accesses 150 feet from the right of way.
Akron Avenue south of County Road 42 is a University owned road so there will not be any cost to
the City to maintain that road. He stated that Biscayne Avenue already has a 10 ton standard due to
being an access road for the business park and the City would maintain that road. The cost of a
future street light at Biscayne Avenue and County Road 42 will be shared as well as future
improvement of Biscayne. Mr. Zweber further stated that the lake will be University property until
it’s developed and then would be a City park when development occurs.
AUGUST 28, 2012
Lawrence Kane, 2387 145 Street West, asked if the tree line will be used for a trucking road and
expressed his frustration with the current increase in truck traffic along 145 Street in front of his
home due to the inability for trucks to be able to take a right hand turn onto Highway 3 from
County Road 42. Mr. Zweber stated the former railroad bed along the tree line will be used as a
haul route. As for the truck traffic along 145 Street, Mr. Zweber stated the City wouldn’t be able
to ban truck traffic due to Greif Bros. being located there, but agreed with Chairperson Powell who
stated that enforcement can be brought to police attention. Chairperson Powell also suggested
conducting a traffic count to measure before and after the mining operation begins.
Carl Johnson, 14918 Bittersweet Court, stated that in the area where he lives, he has seen at least
two major accidents occurring around the corner and he expressed his concern with having
additional truck traffic going around that corner to the Biscayne Avenue access point.
MOTION by Powell to continue the public hearing to the September 25, 2012, Planning
Commission meeting.
Second by Demuth.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was continued at 8:03p.m.
Mr. Zweber stated he will compile the information from this meeting for the work session on
September 11, 2012, for further discussion.
New Business
Senior Planner Zweber reviewed the staff
8.a. Prestwick Place 5 Addition Final Plat(12-24-FP).
report and stated that on August 7, 2012, the City Council approved D.R. Horton’s request for
Prestwick Place 4 Addition Final Plat and Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site and Building
Plan for 28 lots. Following the subdivision approval D.R. Horton determined that an addition six (6)
lots can be developed with the construction of approximately 100 feet of road. As a result, D.R.
Horton has requested the approval of the six (6) lot Prestwick Place 5 Addition subdivision.
Commissioner Weber asked the purpose of the additional 100 feet of road. Mr. Zweber replied
that the road was originally designed with a hammerhead for emergency vehicles to be able turn
around. In order to get two extra lots, Mr. Zweber explained that the street needs to be extended
on both sides to the lot property lines so that those properties will not be affected by the next phase
of development.
Chairperson Powell confirmed with staff that the applicant is familiar with and agree with the
conditions of approval.
MOTION by DiNella recommend that the City Council approve the Prestwick Place 5
Addition Final Plat, subject to the following conditions:
1.Subject to the Approval Conditions of Prestwick Place 4 Addition Final Plat and
Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan.
2.Subject to the Prestwick Place 4 Addition Subdivision Agreement.
3.The City Council approve a Minor Planned Unit Development Agreement Amendment
to the Prestwick Place 4 to change the name of the Agreement to “Prestwick Place 4 and
5 Addition” and include the Prestwick Place 5 Lots into the Legal Description.
Second by Weber.
Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved.
AUGUST 28, 2012
Reports Senior Planner Zweber explained the letter from the Metropolitan Council that the
Mayor requested the Commission receive a copy of.
Adjournment There being no further business to come before this Commission, the meeting was
unanimously adjourned at 8:17p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary